Have we asked the Lord this day, what is His purpose as His presence increases in the hearts of the people? I believe in doing this, we may then release our preconceived ideas and formulas and rituals…. My we empty ourselves on our wants and hopes and desires….
Let us hear His heart now.
I was invited to a prayer vigil this Saturday……Instructions were to bring up to God our personal sin and the nations’….. Haven’t we sort of done this before…? Can we start to look up to Jesus Christ and open the eyes of our hearts to heaven and off of us. Holy Spirit knows how to take care of our sin….. Can we let God be God and just love Him? I believe Holy Spirit has clearer eyes and many of them for that matter! He is the One who has been commissioned to bring us into the conformity of the Son of God.
May we know His ways so we may help those to know what is coming on them in the days ahead. But may we keep our hands off the work of the Holy Spirit. And a big AND may we call things clean as He does!!
Then fulfill His purpose as written in Ephesians 3:9-11,and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ: to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now here is our Creator- the Uncreated One…. – In Him the galaxies are being increased as I breath in and out. There is no limit to Him…. Why do we put limits on Him? I do not think the 120 in the upper room were sitting there contemplating their sin and watching their belly button….. I mean studying themeselves…. We know ourselves…. I think they were in prayer for not knowing what God was going to bring ….or how to bring….. or Who was the Promise!
They were quiet long enough to drop all their agendas and desires….. They were in awe and astounded…… I may be wrong, but I think there was a huge sense of wonder in that room as the Holy Spirit was brooding over thier chaos bringing it into Light.
As Jesus was being received into heaven in Acts 1, His crew still were saying to Him…..Is this when the kingdom is being restored to Israel?…… I think they may have thought…. Uh, You are leaving? The kingdom is still under Roman rule…. Are You not forgetting something? This is our hope, Lord, are You not going to do something?
He told them they would be baptized with Holy Spirit in days from now…… They were saying okay, but what about our agenda?????
Holy Spirit is fire in our hearts and eyes that burns away all that is not pure, so we may remain in love for and with our God. Read Acts, check out how the flame of God rested in the apostles. Then study how they were totally sold out for the cause of Christ- after the baptism of the Father’s Promise….. There was no other purpose under heaven but magnify Jesus Christ in them and through them by the power and workings of Holy Spirit.
The same purpose that was for them is for us, beloved……
The apostles lost all their agendas and bowed to the King of kings and obeyed the Father’s purpose for them through the power and revelation given to them by Holy Spirit.
Are you ready for His Fire, Beloved?
I did not know there was a Holy Spirit to be given to me. I was set apart at the time for a season asking Jesus Christ some questions. Sir,this life walking and following You is not cutting it….. HELP ME>>>>By the way, how come riding my horse is not the same anymore?
Then some one at a service asked me, do you have the Spirit of God, His Holy Spirit?…. I said, I don’t think so…Then they asked me, what do you want us to pray over you? I thought and said, what He wants, I want. I pointed to heaven.
They prayed in tongues over me, I did not know what that was either… But I trusted Him and I saw Him in their eyes. I was being loved in His presence and just received Him…..BOOM!
He gave me Psalm 45 regarding riding my horses. I totally understand all hearts agendas as well as my own my agenda…. He told me I would ride on His majesty prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; and His right hand shall teach me awesome things.
I still asked okay, cool, but what about riding?…….Well, my riding slowly was set aside for my unsatiable quest of seeking Him out. Holy Spirit was taking me for many rides, even flying.
My life changed. The scriptures opened up to Me. He was alive to me in the Bible…. I could understand. I could pray and I could hear Him clear as myself speaking. He taught me and showed me how to hit home runs in prayer and to live to be an overcomer in all things through Him. The shedding of the worldly ways just dropped off me as I was smelling the life of His fragrance around me.
I could pray for the sick animals we had, They were healed.
God’s kingdom opened up to me. Most of all my heart sang in tune with His heart. My hands tingled with His love. My lips spoke His language in secret.
One day my husband tripped on the last step and fell into one of our dogs’ dug out hole at the bottom of the steps. His ankle was not okay. We both prayed over his ankle using the name of Jesus Christ. He got up and walked away fine! Praise God!
We were like kids as we followed our older Brother teaching us all things that are possible in Christ Jesus.
His Spirit in me totally turned my taste buds for only Him. He had given me so many riches in Christ Jesus that I could never go back…. Go back to where and what? I learned how I was His beloved daughter and fully pleasing Him by faith as I lived out in Him.
Maybe, I was naive, but being totally engulfed in God was better than any high I had ever had and better than any meal I had ever eaten. I wanted to know and learn from Him about Him. I had never experienced this love before and no one will ever drag me from His presence.
I now ride on His Spirit and He is the best ride I ever had. He trains me and I do not have to train a horse anymore to get a good ride. Holy Spirit takes me flying and shows me things I can only believe because I trust in God alone.
The adventures of God should be another name for the Bible. He is so exciting and He is worth laying down all to gain Him. There is a cost, anyone who follows the King will be persecuted. You can count on it. You are valuable to the King, you are important to the evil one. But no worries, He strengthens us in the battle and we become His overcomers. We are lifted up above our enemies and He always sets a table before us in the presence of our enemies.
My journey in Christ Jesus is over thirty years old, but my walk In His Spirit is 23 years old. Learning of My King and My heavenly Father has been the greatest life I could ever have wanted or asked for.
The days of Enoch are here and have been for any who desire to be in Him and lose all to gain Christ. I died to the world and live for His voice. I need to see how He sees things. I need to know how He wants things. The days of Elijah are here because the Spirit of Christ Jesus is here reconciling the world back to Himself..and Father God.
I did not know of the gifts of the Spirit of God. But He did. I just lived my life in Him. The life we now live is in Christ Jesus by faith and it is a supernatural life. This is how and to what He is restoring us—into Him again. It does not matter what gifts we live in Him by; it matters how we see as He sees and then believe to live on that truth.
Please come and join the King of all. Please allow His love to carry you where your imagination never could comprehend what is yours in Christ Jesus.
Twenty three years ago on Pentecost, His Spirit was poured into me. I really did not know what the word Pentecost meant. Had no clue, but He knew what He wanted in Me and for me so I would live for Him. I always think back in gratitude and joy over all the adventures. He has brought me into and through.
My prayer for His body, His beloved, is we learn to live for our King alone. All the other things will be added in the measure He sees fit for our journey. I have learned to live abased and how to abound because He has strengthened me to do all things in Christ.
Lived to die to the world and only to Him. My greatest joy is to see My King laughing and slapping his hands onto His legs in utter delight. My greatest unrest is to hear His sigh. His plans and His purposes are my desire and my quest.
My prayer is that we all take the next step into His plans which are higher and better than we can ever imagine or preconceive. We must be ready to be taken to the next plateau with Him. We must be ready to prepare our breath and get rid of our luggage, yes, luggage. We got rid of our baggage years ago, but now we must let go of the good so He may give us His best and better.
Prepare our hearts to live before the audience of One, beloved. Well, there is actually Three in One…… Get to know Him by His Spirit, beloved. Let go and let God be God. Trust Him.
Are You ready?
Just show up…. He will take you from where you are to where He is. Trust Him. He is gentle. He is more than we can ever think or imagine. His love is greater than any other and His power is more force than we will ever realize…. Think of how the power of His Word is keeping this universe going right now from when it was created and this Holy Spirit resides on the inside of us!!!
Come on, let’s jump into Him and start to fly!!!
Let us take a deep breath as He blows His Spirit in the face of our hearts.
Let us look deep into the eyes of fire that burns with such great depths of love for each of us.
Let us lean back into His shoulder as we rest on Him.
This journey is more that we can bear without His grace in which we share.
Let us live in the liberty that He has given to each.
Let us receive His Spirit humbly and hungrily.
Let us dive into His known and our unknown,
We calmy see we are engulfed by His everlasting mercy.
Look here, there is plenty for all.
His Spirit is not divided as men are.
But unity in Him is where we sit and breath so freely.
We learn to ride the waves in His righteousness and His truth.
We are as lilies shining brightly in humility,
As we crown our King with all honor and glory.
We gather at His feet as saints should be,
We hear Your voice , oh, our King of majesty.
We quiet our hearts and listen as He is speaking,
to all who bend their knee to this beautiful King.
Gather around Me and hear My voice! Your voice is so sweet and My delight. You whisper My name through the night to see if I AM is here as you would reach to touch a loved one near you in your room. How this holds My heart to your voice. Know My everlasting love for you, My beloved. Know My breath that stills the chaos and brings Me into your sight.
Kings rule by Me. Justice is served by My Hands. Fire burns the lies away by My eyes. Love is captured for Me at My feet. Death is fleeing by My blood. The heavens and the earth are held by the word of My power. Everlasting life is given to all by My breath. Faith to those who believe receive from My Spirit. My heart lives as the righteousness to God in you.
I AM is your righteousness. I AM is your wisdom. I AM is your sanctification. I AM is your all. Gain I AM and gain all you need. You are known as My overcomer of the world. Gain the world and you have gained death.
I AM is turning many sons into My glory for My glory and renown.
I AM is the Incorruptible Seed. The Seed of I AM is planted in all who are reborn in I AM. I AM all that I AM and more..
Come to Me and see I AM is strong to keep you all from corruption of the world…. Come and taste and then see how I AM mighty to save and keep all who bow to My name from the evil one. These little ones who have come to Me, are kept in My hand.
Faith is My way to and in I AM.
Children, do you yet not see how special you are to Me?
Why do you judge others by your own eye?
Do you not see the plank blocking your knowledge?
Come and see if you are living in Me?
Come to Me and see all that can be when you come and see the hope found in Me.
Come and see all that there is in Me for you to eat and then believe.
Do not climb to the mountain for the heights.
But, by My Spirit, I AM is there and you will be where I AM.
By My Spirit, the grace shall put your feet in the set place I AM has called forth.
You may have the mind of Christ so you may see all around you as I AM beholds the sons of men.
Come to Me and then you will see as I AM sees and not judge by Your eyes, but the hearts of men will be revealed unto thee.
Come and see, you still will not partake and believe in Me?
Come to Me and take My hand. I AM is gentle towards your heart.
I will displace it and restore you to Me. My heart in you shall free you of all your iniquity….
For in Me, you are clean and will be there for all to see what I AM has done in thee.
For in Me, there is liberty. Come and see all that I AM has created in and for thee. Come to Me and believe for I AM shall set your free.
By My Spiirt, you shall live and know all things I AM has prepared for thee. Come to Me and believe. Be set free from your unbelief.
I AM is waiting for your heart to be given to Me. I will open up the Door for your entrance in to Me.
Then My Kingdom is yours , but you must come and believe in Me.
Then all that I AM has called in for you is revealed as you may remain in Me for all eternity.
Come to Me and know I AM all this world needs….. I AM here and waiting.
Turn to Me as the day is drawing to a close. I AM marks the time and then My Father calls it home.
Many think they see but all do not partake to believe.
Pride goes strong before a fall. They are strong in their stance but I AM is not too far to hear…
Will you then cry to Me so I AM may set you free?
The humble are lifted up to see My face. Those that are needy are full in Me.
Those that are full remain in need.
Which of those shall you be known by Me?