
Do You Know?

What do you see when the wind blows?  Do we see the first snowflake billowing through the mountaintops?  Where did the water come from?  Where did the land emerge from?  Who told man how to start the first fire to warm himself?  Who was it that put the fragrance in each flower?  Who told each flower to perfume a different fragrance?  Who told the streams and rivers to go to the direction they were to go?  Who started the first onion?  Or carrot?  Who made the manatee ? Who made the pelican?   Why such a long nose? Why does he dive instead of swimming to catch his fish?

Who is the First?  Who is the Beginning?  Who is the Last?  Who started the colors?  How is it that we do not have a green sky and blue grass?  Who started this world?  Man?  I do not think so- we are intelligent but not that intelligent…..  Frankly, I am very glad that there are cake boxes with instructions on it to make a cake………!!  Who started this great world in which we live?…… Not to mention, look at the night sky…… Do you know every star by name?   Do you know why each of the stars exist?   Do you know why a leopard has his spots?  Why goats horns go up and rams horns bow to the ground?  Do you know?

Why does a rooster crow and a dog bark and a cat purr?  Do you know?  Why do horses neigh? Do you know?

I may not know all the answers to the whys but I am so grateful I know the Maker….. I am grateful He knows me.

Our God, our Creator of this vast universe that keeps growing and multiplying, reveals Himself to us daily….. He reveals Himself through mankind.

As it is written in Genesis, They said to make man in Our image….. Even, the child in the womb is created in the image of God…He is being fearfully and wonderfully made.  He called each child in the womb to be created for this day and time….. He called every child in the womb before the foundation of the world….. They are precious in His sight and should  be in our eyes. Jut thinking out loud.

Do you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made?  Do you know you are spoken about in the Bible?  Do you know He knew you before the foundation of this magnificent world was created- Romans 8?  Do you know how He had planned all your days and not of your hairs are not known by Him?  Do you know how special you are to Him?

Do you know His great love for you?

Check out the first couple of chapters of Genesis…… See how He created this universe and you!!

Check out Psalm 139…… See how fearfully and wonderfully you are made in His image….. See how all your days are planned.  He has supplied every breath that you breathe in and out for every day and night you live….. He is so awesome….. He even knows all the thoughts that are going on in us and every word we have and will spoken.


Who shed the first tear? Whose heart was broken first?  Who gave us the knowledge and a heart to have compassion?   Who gave us an understanding of mercy so we then show mercy?

Who, please, tell me- who?

Who told the bunny to burrow and ants to make hills?  Who told the bird to fly and the horse to run?  Who told the animals to shed their coats every spring.? Who told the animals to migrate? Why did it not rain on the earth until the flood?  Who told the doors of heaven to open up to rain?  Why? Do you know?

Do you know?

Who sent the God-Man on this earth to be a living sacrifice for man’s ignorance of God’s design?

Who gave man dominion over the creation He created?  Why?

Do you know the seven things God hates? Proverbs 6….. Just thought you might want to check it out.

Do you know when you  awaken through the night, it could be the Almighty wanting to chat with you?

Please get up and open His Story, the Bible…. Start reading Genesis 1 and Psalm `139….. then turn into a wonderful story written for you – the Book of John.


I will check back tomorrow and we will continue to study and learn the never ending God who is unsearchable as is in His riches towards us found in His Son, Jesus Christ. You may not want His stuff, but He took yours so you and Him could be together forever in heaven. By the way, heaven starts for His believers the day they say yes, I believe in You, Lord Jesus, You are My God and Savior and King…. He loves you.  Please allow Him to show you how much He loves you.

Have a blessed time in Him searching Him out.





It Is Written In Proverbs……

It is written in Proverbs 10:21, The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom.   It is also written in Proverbs 29:18,  Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law…..

I have learned when I read the Book of Proverbs, I am to interchange the word Wisdom for Jesus Christ because as written in 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification  and redemption- that, as it is written- He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Check out Proverbs 9 with that revelation!!!! WOW!

In many countries, the ten commandments are outlawed from public view or not even acknowledged…… In America, we have the freedom of speech.  So in prayer, hearing that many people are perishing. The people do not know the ten commandments that our country’s foundation is built on. Our forefathers built these foundations with the pillars of Wisdom, His name is Jesus Christ, the Word of God……

Would lawlessness halt it’s rapid assault on the land if the players knew the ten commandments? God’s commands lead to their fulfillment in a perfect man.  However, man never met His standard…. But,  His requirements were met in and by our Savior and Lord and King, Jesus Christ.  He kept all the commands and loved His God with all His heart, mind and soul and all His strength. Just thinkin’ out loud.

No man but the King of kings, Jesus Christ, fulfilled those commands…. No man kept those or will keep these commands but Jesus Christ. There is a penalty for the breaking of them…….But our Hero, Jesus Christ, took our punishment….. Yes, all of our evil was laid on His back. Want to know how God loves you and Me?  THAT MUCH WHICH IS SEEN IN AND BY OUR GOD< JESUS CHRIST.  If we believe in Him and turn from our wicked ways, we will not experience eternal death…….

If we do not know or realize there is a Creator, who is going to hold every soul born of a woman, accountable for his or her actions, would we stop and halt our assault on our neighbors?  Just thinkin’ out loud. What if we knew that all the words spoken will be before our Lord on His day…….He has spoken those- our words- will judge us on His Day.

If we knew this God-Man, named Jesus Christ, who took all the world’s sin on Him, so we could be in a close relationship with the Father of the universe, would we awake at night, to hear His secrets?…. Hey, the Maker of every star, of every flower and it’s petals….. of all the smells…… wants to be with us in fellowship…… Would we stop, take a breath and look up……? Think a thought, who are You?   Who are You that You want me to sit with You and talk? Would we?

He says, I AM has loved you before the foundation of the world ?…. Come to Me, and know that I AM that I AM and have loved you with an everlasting love….. Come to Me. Come to Me, while it is day and My grace is handed to you.  Come to Me.

Are we coming to Him and to never turn back to our old folly…. Life from Him is a resurrected life that transforms us into His new creation found in and by Christ Jesus…… If you do not believe me, check out Romans….. Don’t stop there. Read the Gospels and the New Testament, too. It is sooo good and is better than any earthly meal we will ever eat!

Hey, when I knew there was going to be a test in school…… I opened the book…. I read to pass the test……I did that to escape my parents’ fury…… Let’s see…. do we stand out in the thunder?  He who makes the thunder is the same who wrote the Word for every person to know and understand Him and sent His Spirit to fill these earthen vessels…… So we may love Him and turn to Him with all our hearts.  Let us take time to study His Word.

In Deuteronomy 10:12-21, And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good? Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with all that is in it.

The Lord delighted only in your fathers, to love them; and He chose their descendants after them, you above all the peoples, as it is this day. 

Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart and be stiff-necked no longer.  For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe.  He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. 

Therefore love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.  You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall  hold fast, and take oaths in His name.  He is your praise, and His your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen…

He also speaks from His heart’s desire in greater measure to His people in the following scriptures…… His people…. We must hear and obey to be His people…… We cannot measure ourselves and hearts by our standards……. His standards- He is the Maker and He set the rules and He lives by them. He expects us to live by His standard, by His Spirit within us, we can…. as written in 1 John……..

In Deuteronomy30-10-20 :If you obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the Lord God with all your heart and with all your  soul. 

For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. 

It is not in heaven, that you should say, Who shall ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?  Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it? 

But the word is very near you,  in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. 

See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you to day to love the Lord  your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess.  

But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish; you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess.

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants shall live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and length of days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to yours fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.

So we read from the Old Testament the instructions God has set up for His people…….They did not make it- A lot of them perished in the wilderness. You can read the Book of Numbers and also the New Testament refers to the exhortation of the lessons of the wilderness, so we do not repeat them and fall away from the Living God.

Here are the Ten Commandments as written in Exodus 20:1-17, And God spoke all these words, saying:  I Am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image- any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall bow down to them no serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.  

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.   

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work; you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hollowed it. 

Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord Gpod is giving you.  

You shall not murder.   

You shall not commit adultery. 

You shall not steal. 

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor is male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Okay, so here are the ten commandments…. This is the Lord’s. His moral code is for all creation that walk on two legs and have a soul…… We are made in His image as written in Genesis 1:26- check the verse out yourself….

Jesus came because no man from the beginning of time ever kept these commandments even until this day- but Him. Jesus Christ was the spotless Lamb of God who was made the sacrifice for us all.

Now, as we believe in Him, He takes all our unrighteousness which is like filthy rags with Him in His death as He also takes us in Him to death……For we all have not kept the ten commandments. Then as written in Romans, we rise in Him – We live and celebrate the newness of life that we live in Him. Praise Him forever…..

When we die and arise in Him, we are made brand new and our sins are forgotten as the east is to the west—– Unless the religious crowd is around, then all they do is point to the place- which cannot be found, speaking as if  believers sins  have not been washed away by the precious blood of the Lamb. What God has called clean is clean as written in ACTS.

So you ask, what about the Ten Commandments now?   What about them…. They are a culture standard of living in a civilized society…. They are our standard and basis of laws of the land….. But Jesus came and spoke a higher standard- to look into our heart and to take His Words a step deeper into our hearts….. We are to give in silence. Not covet or be envious in our heart, for there shows a lack of our faith in His blessing us.  Please read the beattitudes in Matthew….. I call it my “be attitude” to My God. He sees all and knows all….even in our hearts…. So we bow before Him and ask for a pure heart so we may see Him and how He sees….

A place for our King to come and be crowned first and always first in our heart and our mind and all our body……and then we will have the love and respect for others as we are given that great love of His in our hearts.  We love and see His love for others and raise up to pour Him out around us…….  There is a higher code or standard for us…… His love and fragrance to all around…..The fragrance of Christ brings a reminder of death to some and life to others.

May the lawless see His Words and turn to see the love of God shed abroad in their hearts if they turn and receive the King of all.

All will be judged. Some will be judged by their deeds and others will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…….. Please come and be written in the Lamb’s Book.

Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts- Choose life before you! Come to the cross where He bared His strong holy arm for each of us. The nails in His hands and feet shed blood for you and me.  The crown of thorns took our pride against God to death. The slash of the spear in His side bore a place for His bride to be…… Beloved, this place is for you and me…. Please come and see…. He is waiting for your presence for over two thousand years…. Please, you will make His Day because you turn His way and embrace what He has died to give you….. Come and make His day, Beloved.  There is no sin that has escaped His sight that He did not say, yes to the suffering, for you are worth My everlasting love.  Come to Me.

Come to Him. He is waiting and willing to ripe away all our sins, if we repent and turn our eyes on Him…… He is the desire of all nations.




You are My fire witnesses this day.  The road is made for you to take. I AM has paved the path from long ago for you to cross this day.   Do take My highway. Do not turn to the right or the left….. I AM is with and in you directing the steps of ascending.  The stones will lead you to the mosaic I AM building.  Breath in My faith so the mountains shall fall away and the valley rises up to the Way spoken so long ago. I AM hears the singing of the redeemed ones speaking what I AM has declared….. Speak loud and do not cease the praying in and as My Spirit arises in you to sing….. My beloved sings her song to My delight and the Words of her choosing are born in her for might.  Though the walls may be tall and the sea stopping her travel…. Her words to My ear never stop short. My arm is never shortened when I AM is revealing My salvation to all who love Me.

Sing your song, My beloved. Sing your song for I AM is listening.    Your King is rejoicing over His bride.  Fly high and stay inside of Me for this is where you are kept. Fragrant yellow and orange flowers are pleasing to Me.  Dying deeper and rising higher in Me for this is the place I AM has called you to be as you abide in Me.   Do you not see, the resurrection power is what rises in you, My witnesses, for all to see….. I AM dwells in His people…. I AM here.   As you are here with Me where I AM rules and reigns…… Death, you have lost your sting.

This is not a mystery to those who live as I AM shows….. Come to know the depth, length, height and width of My love. I AM will never be away from you in the fire and in the water.  I was with Meshach and Daniel and Paul and Peter and  I Am with you!

See the temple of the Lord…. Do you see My temple? Pray for I AM to lay my salve on your eyes so you may see as I AM.  Alas, not only seek Me, but know Me as your hearts greatest desire and you shall see what is to be! Do you not know yet, to live is to die and to die is to live for you have gained Me. The resurrection Christ is the fullness of God poured forth into My own.  You are complete in Me. Live this truth and more will be added to you knowing by your faith in our walk higher.   The load is lighter as you set your sails for the sky.  Listen and then see with your heart all things are possible with Me. Watch for Me, I AM is showing Myself all around….. Watch and see all that are coming to Me.  Thank you for hearing Me.

Come to Me, who are doubting in their heart….. I see and know your thoughts. Set them aside and come to Me. I AM will never leave you or forsake you. I AM knows you and has written your name in the palm of My hand.  My blood that poured forth is for you this day. You are cleansed and made new if you turn to Me and do things My way.  This is the highway of the King……. It has the gate opened for you today if you come to Me and repent…. The fire in My eyes will warm even the coldest of hearts.  It is cold and cruel out there in the world. Come to Me, you will be warm by My fire of love for you. Come sit by My fire and know of Me…… Come now where grace is poured forth upon your heart and mind to turn……. Do not wait until the morrow, it may not come.  But I AM always.  Choose life. Choose Me and be warmed in My presence forever more.



Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen!!  ( Hebrews 13:20-21).



Did You Ever Wonder About……….?

As I read the 22nd  chapter of Matthew the first time , I wondered:….. What is this new garment that You expect us to change into……?  You have to tell me –  You said ask and I will receive and seek and I shall find and knock and the door will open in Matthew 7:7….. So, please let me know…..What and how is this new garment to be on me?

Most evangelism is now spoken to others to receive Jesus and you shall not go to hell…… Well, that is true but from our Heavenly Father’s perspective – there is a lot more He has in store for us…… As written in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him…… But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

So the reality of God is His love which then pulls us above the earthly realm into His heart when we turn our heart and eyes to Jesus and surrender our rebellion to His sacrifice………We start to enter into the vision that our Lord died to give us. So since we are redeemed, our life is not our own anymore….. Right?-RIGHT!

The parable that Jesus speaks to us in Matthew 22…. is quite shocking….. Hey, here we are inside to celebrate the wedding.    Everyone else was too busy with this and that to stop and turn to the feast…….Hey, we got in- right?  We are okay….. Right?    We are called worthy because we turned and said yes….. but there is a wedding garment……. How do we get this wedding garment?  Do we even know there is a wedding garment?

Well, Jesus is making us aware and responsible.  There is a wedding garment for us to be in as we are presented to Him. When?  Not sure, but I do know He is God and knows all and sees all and is aware of our all…. every millisecond that passes.

So let us search this out……

He never gives us a responsibility without giving us the empowerment to overcome. So we may be what He has called us to be,  before He made the foundation of the world as written in Romans.

Chapter 19 of the book of Numbers shows us a red heifer that is to be sacrificed and burnt…..outside the camp…. Jesus Christ was crucified outside the camp as written in Hebrews 13:12.  This chapter reflects the purification process of the Old Testament from the red heifer. But now, we speak in the strength of the blood of our King, the Lamb of God, cleansing us from an evil conscience as written in Hebrews  9:14.

But there is more….

The 20th verse of chapter 19 of Numbers speaks: But the man who is unclean and does not purify himself, that person shall be cut off from the assembly, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the Lord. The water of purifiation has not been sprinkled on him; he is unclean…..

Okay, so you might say, well, that is the Old Testament without grace….. Well, may I submit to you, that the Old Testament is a type and shadow of what good things the Lord prepared for us this day and forever….

As written in 2 Corinthians 6:15- 7:1: And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of  the living God.

As God has said: I will dwell with them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

Therefore, Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Almighty God.

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

And also written in Hebrews 10:22, Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.


Yes, beloved, this is the New Testament!!

We want to live from the fullness of God, right?  We want His holy presence not be grieved- right?   We do protect our eyes and ears from what does not promote the Spirit of Christ in us, right?   We are ruthless on any idols that may try to steal His preeminence, right?

Hello?……… Hello?    You still there?

Not changing our garment, as written in the parable of Matthew 22, is quite a stunner, if you ask me…… I do not want to think I am in the wedding feast and all is okay. When in actuality, there is a garment that Holy Spirit has fitted me for and  I never allowed Him to fit me in it….Why?. Because I am too busy with earthly things that fade away and have not got my eyes on the Prize, His reality….The Kingdom of God has a Star- King of all kings, the Lord Jesus Christ..  The result of not allowing Holy Spirit to purify and sanctify our thoughts, patterns and actions to His mind which has been given to us as written in 1 Corinthians 2:15, is not sitting in a punishment room or detention for a while now and in the next age.

Nope….Let’s read on…..

Verses 11-14, But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.

So he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and nashing of teeth.

For many are called, but few are chosen..

Beloved, eternity is a long time for us to take for granted and to be in error to think that God is a man and is like us as we exist in time. Let us awaken to  the One who was and is and is to come.   He is holy and calls us to be the same. Separate from the world….. If we are busy with the passing age, hopefully and prayfully, we keep our eyes on Him. May we be found  gazing and thinking of Him as worthy of all our praise….. We may be at a job, but a quick thought to Him- I love You Lord….. Or a quick thank You for all You are and do for us.  Or even a giant silent yell to Him,  Lord, I need Your help……  He is with us and ever ready to assist us in the living the life He has called us up to….. in His realm; the heavenly place.

Remember, we are a sign and a wonder as written in Isaiah and Hebrews……. We are the signs and wonders, as well as the skies and stars and all of His creation to point to His glory and greatness. But we, beloved, are bringing the Lord Jesus Christ’s presence to others sight.

Read these verses in Hebrews 10:14- For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us, for after He had said before, this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them, then He adds, their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.

So as written in 2 Peter 1;2-12; Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertains to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,

by which have been given to us exceedingly  great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence , add to your faith, virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge

self control, to self control perseverance, perseverance godliness, to godliness to brotherly kindness and love.

For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.

Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. 

So again, our gracious God never ever calls us to do anything that He does not abundantly supply the power by Holy Spirit to overcome and be victorious.  We overcome the world by the faith in our Lord and His blood and by His power to keep us. Keep us separate from the world and be a living sacrifice unto Him as written in Romans 12:1-2… He is faithful !!! We will never know how faithful until we start walking in Him and by Him and for Him…. completely.

The Lord cleansed us by His blood and is cleansing us by the regeneration of His Spirit within us……. SO………. we are a new creation and are learning to  walk by His fullness as we are living and established in His Word, the Truth.

As we are sternly warned in 2 Timothy 2:19-21: Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are His, and, let everyone who names the name of the Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.

The holiness of our God is His virtue which is above all ………. So, we must remember, this warning-in Hebrews 10:26-31: For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.

Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled, the Son of God, underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?

For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge His people.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

As it is written in Proverbs 1:7, The fear of the Lord is beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction……..

We are not going to be fools, right?  We are learning wisdom which is the fear of the Lord….Right?

I will finish with this: Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is prudent? Let him know them. For the ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the transgressors stumble in them, ( Hosea 14:9).

As we pray Ephesians 2:14-21: For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints  what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations , forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You alone are worthy of all our praise and love.  May we submit to Your handiwork and allow You to fashion Your garments on us today. We repent of not knowing Your great plan for Your sons and daughters.  Please forgive us and we draw near to You knowing You will draw near to us. Thank You for Holy Spirit in us and guiding us into Your complete and perfect plan for each of us….. We are sorry we have lessened our value by not seeing us as You see us and others and those in the womb.  Thank You that Your mercy is new every morning…. May we not forsake our mercy from you as we hold onto our idols.  Thank You for the awakening us  to Your great Love and Your greatness. We love You and thank You that You are our God.  Holy Spirit we are listening as You teach us all things that our King has spoken and things to come. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen!




Do not fear I AM with you.  As you turn to Me, stay tuned in and on and do not turn back to the plow again….. Draw near to Me with a pure heart and our walk together will be strong as the sun rising in the dawn.  The dirt of the world fills the cup of your heart that I AM has cleansed. Turn away and turn to Me.  What you see, I watch you. What you hear, I AM is listening too.  What you contemplate on, I AM is watching those wistful thoughts…… But what do they avail?  Light or darkness.  Joy or weight.  Life or death?    My arms are not shortened to help you, but do you have faith?  Faith is diminished with the earth view.  Your faith will ring out loud in heaven, as You know I AM is hearing your words….. I AM waiting for your sound to ring out above the sound of heaven.   You  are My precious jewels and reward…. Do not turn to the world for you have and know Me.   Why do you not give me your trust? Will I AM be silent because you have leaned on the world for your needs?    Patience is having her perfect work.   Be with Me and you will learn My steps and My climbs to the hills.   You cannot lean on Me and mammon…… You cannot lean on Me and the wisdom of the world….. My way leads to My highways, though the weight is less the higher you fly…. You cannot fly with the cares of the world. You cannot sit in peace on My rock if you are part of the storm of the seas.   You cannot sleep as a child, if you are solving your own dilemmas. Come to Me – I  AM knows you.

Come to Me and learn of Me….. My burden is light….. My arms are wide open. See My wounds of shedding blood for you. I AM waiting. I love you, My child. Let go of the world and grab on to Me….. I AM is strong and will carry you through…. Know Me and know My love and ever loving kindness.

Come to Me.  I AM all that I AM and more than you will ever search Me out for.  Come to Me, My child. I AM waiting.

Hear My Call from those who I AM has sent. If you receive those who speaks for I AM, then you have received I AM and the One who sent Me to you this day….. Know all that was,is now, and will not be, but My Word.





May We See As You, Father, Give us 2020 Vision, We Pray!!

And they sang a new song, SAYING You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals;

For you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,

 and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth, ( Revelation 5:9-10).


The Trinity of God is union and unity 24/7…… And as the body of Christ, we are in sync with our King as the head, right?

For it is written in Colossians 2:6-9: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,

so walk in Him. rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught,

abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,

according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ, for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;

and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.


So according to God, as we abide in Christ we are found complete. This is the Truth. It does not matter on our feelings or people’s opinions…… God reigns and our unbelief vanishes of the Truth made manifest, right?….. Amen and Amen!!!

So in God there are three Godheads; the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. They are always complete, yet each Person  in the Godhead are known Individually over the span of time. Nonetheless, They are  always the Holy One..

Now all believers in Christ Jesus, for it is written,  as we believe abide in Christ and His Spirit abides in us for if Holy Spirit does not abide in us, we are not His……. As 2 Corinthians 13 says – to check out if the Spirit dwells in us so that we are not disqualified- ( my paraphrase).  I am not mentioning those who are leaving the Word of God for their own opinions which are contrary to Scripture because of the pressure of the world view.

The body is going to be filled with individual members but always one in Christ Jesus.     We must look with the vision of our Father at the body of Christ as One in Christ Jesus as He, our King, who is the Head over all of His body….. There is no division for we have been created as one new man in Christ Jesus.  We are not divided because one is the foot and another an arm or a hand…We must leave all our personal thoughts outside Christ but He Himself and His Word is where we stand and live from…… We have died to the old man as He died on the cross, we did too- spiritually….. We are born again in Him as His body…. All different parts but one body…..found complete in Him by our Father.

We must leave our – OUR- differences and prejudices.  Our functions and duties are different, we are one because of our God and His Son…..

I do not beat up my foot because it is different than my hand or eye…. I take care of my body and cherish the body that He has given me as a steward.

I have been married almost thirty years and yet, my husband and I are still very different though we are one….. His functions and mine are so different but we are complete in the marriage covenant.  His thoughts and mine can also collide, but we are aligned together in God with His covenant……There is no division because the Word has been spoken- they will be one flesh.  Heaven rules!!!!!

The body of Christ is as He has called us—– United in Christ Jesus as a new man created by Him who has called us before the foundation of the world.

As things that are being shaken that can be shaken so what remains is eternal as written in Hebrews, we must not look at what divides us but WHO HAS CALLED US AS ONE. Keep our eyes on Him who we all bow who sits on the throne above all authority and rule….


Can treason be found in us if we speak against another believer because he or she is the heart and we are the ear or kidney!!!!  Please we must see His body as He sees.  Please know He does not have a body acting different than the Head….. My body does what my head speaks to it to do….. For it is written,  Jesus spoke in John 5, I only do what My Father does and tells Me to do……. Do we not also do only what the Lord says by His Spirit?

The answer is yes…… I pray it is YES!!!

As we stand around the throne, all differences are forgotten because OUR KING IS IN FULL VIEW…… His name and glory are all that is going to be known……For it is written in Colossians 3: He will be all and in all. Check it out!!!!

So what is and will be is now, this today, for in Him there is only eternity…… May we look up to see our Beloved King and worship in ONE VOICE and sing in ONE VOICE and bow in ONE NEW MAN as stated in scripture….

There is no division of His body in heaven.  The only division are  those who chose not to believe in the Salvation of God given through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ.


I said all that so we may bow to His view and be at peace for our different functions as His body in obedience to our King, the Head.

For there is a greater picture He has planned for us and for such a time as this.

As written in Ephesians 4:1-7 ; I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit  in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

Continuing on in verse 10, though the whole chapter is worthy to read and get wisdom and understanding unsearchable…… He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.  And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets. some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…..

This is His purpose in His gifts……. But why?

It is written in  Ephesians 3:9-12, and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the CHURCH to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.

So I pray along with the saints that we may know our calling and purpose in this day and do not despise our place in the body…… You, beloved brother and sister, are very important to stand strong in the power of  His might to accomplish to what He has called you.

The unity of the full measure of the stature of Christ….. The fullness of Him in us puts peace within and peace without……. May we pursue the truth in our vision and our hearts be established….For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and amen, ( Ephesians 3:14-21).

I pray  each one who looks to our King, may know the love in His eyes as He is looking over you as a Father does over His precious child,……. Beloved, know you are a such a treasured child in His eyes…… This is the truth!  He never changes so come close and draw near !

There are many plans in the heart of our King to pull down and plant to grow His foundations all over the world.  May we continue to stand on our knees and have our arms wide open to receive His wind of change blow over the earth……There is much incense arising  and the furnace is burning in praises for our King of Glory to open the gates that appear to be closed and close the gates in opposition to Love.  He chooses not one single soul perish.

May His blessing of His Spirit be strong on us and within us to extend His kingdom full circle so all may arise in full measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ !!



Now for those who think they are on the outside looking in….. No, you aren’t.   The King of heaven sees you inside with His arms holding you strong for He never lets go…..Come on in and share in the bounty of our Lord.  Be covered by His blood and receive His broken body as He was broken for you to be with Him forever…… Come in and sup and eat the Salvation of our God. He is waiting and full of love and forgiveness for you but – you need to receive Him. Today, you are called, please, repent and enter in…… Today is given to you to repent of the sins and be brought into the kingdom of God…… Do you know if tomorrow will be here if you to chose to wait? Come on in!!!! He wants you to be His!!


I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from whence come my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber or sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore, ( Psalm 121)….….

Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming….. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into……Therefore you also be ready, for the on of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect, ( Matthew 25:42-44). 









It Was The Night Before Christmas And…..

May I submit to you a different view :

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through His house not a creature was moving

For the King of all kings was flying in on His Mount,

His Power greater than any rushing Wind as He came through the skies.

A flame was before Him and a tail of lightning followed His train.

All creatures great and small were astounded

At His countenance as the sound of many waters filled the air.

All stood and heard the angelic host proclaim:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty……For He was and is…

And forevermore He reigns.

All who kept His watch and the patience of His army were

Changed and seen as bright as a twinkling of a star.

Not as a thief did He come to those whose eyes were aflame, but

To those who eyes were not on Him-

T’was the night the thief came and stole their life away.


His arms are wide open to embrace us all this day…… before the reckoning of His Day……

Come and know the great King for He has left His tiny manger and He let it grow into a cross.

He hung His head for you and me as the Savior King was crucified.

What a Day we have heard.

The sin of the world was laid on Him……

Those receive Him then become the sons of God…..

The greatness that has been planned for you and me takes us into His cross and into His throne……

We abide in Him and there we stay, beholding His cross and  His throne.

The secret place is where we live in Him, our Heavenly Father’s heart.

There is much more to our God than any eye can see…… Will you come and believe? Repent and turn…

Run into His arms and be restored to Him……It is worth our all to be His all and in all.

We do not understand all but we believe in His call and cling to Him through it all.

Giving Him the glory restoring us from man’s fall.

Bid His call to come on up here where He is and enter in  His Door.

The throne of the Holy One is where He brought you in as you see the Lamb slain but alive!


This kind King whose eyes poured forth the love of the Heavenly Father towards mankind showed us His way.

He is still speaking to us this day through His Spirit and Truth of His Word.

We may still learn to worship Him and give Him the preeminence He is worth.

How may we capture Him our hearts this Christmas Day?   May He be more than memory or a story from old.

King Jesus is alive and because He is —– We live!!!….. Death- O Death, you have lost your sting.

For our King has risen and is alive…… All those who have called on Him as Savior and King are watching.


A silent prayer is arising as smoke from a furnace, whether it is from a jail cell, a hut or a house throughout the world this night.

Holy,  holy, holy is our Lord God Almighty,

For He was and is and is to come……

His name is the name all heaven and earth bows…..

And He is a coming!!!

The Spirit and the bride say, Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come!




Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year 2020 be upon everyone!  Everyone , we have passed through a good dark night!

May our 2020 be full sight of His flame of love in each of us and towards each one!

Behold, Salvation and Deliverance of our God as He is bearing His arm is in full sight…..

Justice is written in the holes in  His hand and His feet.  The side where the blood and water poured forth, where His bride is made complete.


Keep our eyes on Him, abiding in His Word- storing His Treasure in our hearts.  Making the way wide for His place in our lives.

So it may be said on 2021, there will be no should have and could haves and did nots,

because  we heeded His call to sit and hear…… His vision is given to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

The shepherds are not the only ones who hear of His presence…….He is everywhere presenting His case and testimony to all.

Can we take a time to be quiet before His presence today!  Hear what the King is speaking to your heart today!


May you all be blessed in knowing how great His love is for you!!







God Is Faithful And Yet We Are Never Surprised But Always Amazed! WHY?

This past year,  a lot of shaking and baking are going on……. Refinement of the chosen and exposing the wicked, so all may know and have the fear of the Lord.  We all fear fire or else we wouldn’t have fire alarms in our homes….. Fire alarms saves lives…… Fear of the Lord is His fire alarm to us….. We must heed His Word and obey His commands……. We must remember the road to hell is wide……. Narrow is the road to freedom in eternal life.

This year of all years and days, the Lord is among us and He is inspecting His world.  Hmmmm…..Just sayin- A healthy spiritual life is understanding the fear of the Lord……. Just as it knowledge of the time we are in…… Make sure we redeem the time we are in….. Our heart should be steady turned to hear His voice, sigh, laugh and even grunt…… He is speaking and calling His to be close to know where we should put our next footsteps.

Has the Lord gone fishing? There are  those who need to know Him from every nation, tribe and tongue…… He is gathering His catch.

Do you see His presence in the nations?  Yes, and this is exciting to be a part of the net of prayer to catch those who have been called before the foundation of the world – just as you and I have been caught by His beautiful and austere gaze…… So our family is growing and we should prepare every heart with salt of prayer for them to know  their set time with Him….. Yes and amen!

We send our prayers into the prisons of  oppression overseas. We send the hope of Jesus and His resurrection to them to know and learn in the bibles we send incognito. We clothe and feed the refugees and those estranged of their families because of their faith in our King.

Yes, instead of the cares of the world – we have learned of the care of our brothers and sisters….. We cry for them and we remind the Lord of their need…… You see them, Lord, right?   You hear them, Lord, right?  You hold them, Lord, right?  You are awaking us in this great country of their need, right, Lord?   You are changing the hearts of spending lots on the fading pastimes  to direct their funds to the family of God in other countries that are suffering, right, Lord?

The hearts of Your people in this country are looking towards the change that You are directing us to, right Lord? The shaking and baking of the Lord is happening to the hearts in this country, right, Lord? They are turning away from timewasters and cares of the world to You, right, Lord?

As written in Ephesians 5-1-21, Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love,  as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma.

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not be even named among you, as is fitting for the saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving thanks.

For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetousness man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of God.

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon on the sons of disobedience.

Therefore do not partake with them.

For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light, ( for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

But it is shameful even to speak of things which are done by them in secret.

But all things are exposed  are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore He says: Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit., speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.

So I am very grateful that all that is being done in the dark in the form of deceit will be made manifest and is now before our eyes. God is God and man can run but he cannot hide from God.  He loves us too much to leave all in the dark and hands of evil…. but He will bring justice to the hands that commit evil….. Forgiveness is always there but there are consequences of actions which will paid.

Corruption in and out of the church will be brought to Light as He is the Light….. We are as He is in this world as written in 1 John….. People of salt and truth are not accepted in this day in this country…… As what was- will be and will be again until He is known and revealed to all.

He shows what He is to do as written in the prophets.  Fear of the Lord is a gift from Holy Spirit.   I pray for this missing knowledge to be sprinkled on the hearts of who speak as belonging to Him.

We are His light in this world…….. and our life in Holy Spirit found in Christ goes contrary to and is enmity to the world and the spirit of the world.

God does not change and we are to change to align ourselves with Him as written above—– so we may live in obedience to His will  that He has planned for each of us.

We are so special and a treasure  to Him- each one of us……. However, does He see the same honor and love in return?  Yet, I see and know those who laid down their lives for His name sake……. Are we going to stand or are we not yet prepared to for the high calling?  Can we awake to times around us and know we better beef up our prayer time……

I am not stating to get a prayer list together and recite this daily…… That is good but not His best.  He wants to come and sup with us.  He wants us to spend time in Him, the Word, and know then what is in His heart to speak and stand for in Him……He wants us to grow so we may know we are seated with Him in His throne….. So we see what He sees….. We are given understanding to what He knows….. Can we handle the truth?  The truth of worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth…..

One day, it will be our last day…… Can we then see Him knowing we have fulfilled the call He has given us. We have no excuses because He has given us all the power to fulfill  His will? Are we willing to bear the cost of the cross?  Are we willing to let Him lead us through the fire and the water and come out filled in His resurrection power? Do we really trust Him?

Are we willing to let Him take us up to the mount to learn our nothing is His great power of Something Other?

The first believers carried and bear His reproach……. Are we ready?   Are we ready for the Lord and His leading this day?

Jesus Christ spoke often the time is coming and now is—— we worship the Father in Spirit and Truth- John 3.

Another time in John 5,  Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.

As written in John 8, there is another Truth shown to those who do not hear the voice of the Son of God……Huh?   We must not blow this off and think we are okay because we go to church and do many activites in the church….. So we are okay, right?   Do we know the Word and is our foundation lined up  with the Word of God ….. Do we really know His teachings?   Do we get His word of knowledge to discern the truth spoken from the pulpits on Sunday? Is it God or man?  Is it what I AM is saying to me to day?  Lord, what are you saying to me today?  I need to know and then please confirm Your Word by man, radio or whatever means….. Please allow the word of man to be a confirmation of what You have spoken to Me in secret.

Or are we more concerned with the games starting soon and who will win?    Are we really separated from the world? Really?  Many of you will think  I am too extreme or fanatical for Him…….. May I ask you- Has anyone else  been crucified in your place and took the your penalty?  Anyone?  Just thinking if He may want our lives to be crucified with Christ and the life we now live is by the faith in the Son of God……. Just thinking, out loud.  ( Galatians 2:20).

What if I told you some of the people of the church are the persecutors of His people?  What if He sees this in the hearts of His people and this should not be.  What if He sees the hearts are still wearing the old garment instead of His heart covering them?  What if His Words mean what they say? What if faith says we have died with Christ and have risen with Him and are a new creation?  ARE WE?

May we know Him so that He never says to us in John 8:49 , He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.

Are we aware of what waves are coming in to our homes and places we gather?   Do we  discern, really?  Worship in Spirit and Truth is His command for the Father…… What wave are we recieving?  Is the wave of God?  God’s voice we should hear, right?

It is time to discern and awake to righteousness……

It is time.

I am told I am on some hit list…… My question is I wonder who is on God’s hit list? The flood did happen.   Our God is love and He is just.  Let us open up our list of attributes of the God of the universe and get to know all He has said and is, after all He is  I AM that I AM.



The paint is peeling from the wood. The cover up that have been there is being stripped bare. I AM looks under the leaves to see My fruit. A contrite heart is My desire. A heart that looks to Me for help for  others to make sure they are in My hand. Make sure you speak not as the prophets as before who spoke peace, peace….. They never lifted the leaves for them to see their bugs and mildew so they may repent and turn to Me to recieve a cleansing rain.   Ears, I AM, has called you over and over and time and time for you to turn to hear.

Strip bare your heart and hear and know what this day holds and then you will be prepared for Me. Hear the ones who are sent before you to speak for My heart. Jonah spoke and they heard and repented….. Will you take heed to My word through My little stone? My words through her may be small but the ripples left from My words will never stop till they reach My destination of fulfillment. Speak when told by I AM, may all hear My Words of fire  spoken…… Be silent if you have not heard by Me. Do not allow all to think the words from the pulpits are from ME! Allow the one who hears to speak this day.  The day I AM entered men’s synagogue, they did not see or hear who I AM nor the Words I spoke……Change did not enter their heart for their position was at stake.  Is yours?   If I AM has given to all, then all can spread the I AM in them….. Open the Door while you still can for My body is coming through to get out. Can you stop or alter My will?

The veil has been torn but how many want that veil to remain so I AM is held far away.  I AM still knocks to their time, but they do not open up their time to I AM….. Soon time will be removed and where will those be then?

Works are good, but faith in I AM and My steps are greater importance…Faith proves the works done in My Spirit…. Children, it is easier to lie against the truth but harder to be in I AM and live in My truth……. You will reap eternal life sowing in to My Spirit. Knowledge and understanding and grace be multiplied unto those brave in heart to go where not many want to accompany I AM. They rest in I AM and are still. Trust in Me is the key to unlock all riches and mysteries and glory. Blessed is the one who sees Me as all they need. Their friendship with Me is their only sight of worth …..Their way is open as many before them…. Hidden in Me is their claim to fame.  They choose My smile and to hear My breath blowing here and there. They follow close to open the earth to receive the rainfall by their words of faith of love for Me. They dance My dance.

When time folds up it’s ends, prepare your way to Me now, so then eternity will be no surprise for you because you are already there.

Better for all, to fall now into the hands that are a consuming fire then not be in My hands as the fire will still arive.





Can We Ponder And Pray What He Says ……..?

What if one day you were told to go to Ninevah and you like Jonah said- No way Lord, I know of Your great mercy… They may repent and turn to You and be forgiven……But you do, hoping there is no big fish close by.

We all know that as Jonah walked the land and told them all  if they do not repent and believe in One True Living God…. They would be overthrown within 40 days.  They repented and fasted and believed God and were saved. Hmmmmm.

What if  like Jeremiah, the Lord  told you to speak to your own countrymen who know or at least heard  of God and His Son……. But they refused to adhere and repent even though the time to turn back to God was extended beyond the forty days given to Ninevah……. What if the time frame was shortened to within forty days? How can I bring You back into a nation’s heart?

What, Lord, do you want me to speak that has not been spoken…….? I do not wish any to perish, but they will not hear Me.  I AM knocking at the door of time here and the door is not opening.

What if  as it is happening in our nation the earthquakes,  locusts in large swarms, mass killings of  the innocent and their blood  crying out from the earth was sent to us as a wake up call to repent and turn back to God ?  God is sending His signs of warning to repent this day if we are aware and are getting the nudge of Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit tells us what is to come…… Are there ears to hear to warn as a watchman is to do?

You wonder why Ninevah repented and the countrymen  you speak to do not turn or show any kind of fear of the Lord?

What if you were given a second chair in a case on those who sell the Holy Spirit for their gain? As you hear our Lord knock the tables and clear out the merchandise and hear Him say again- for the third time- you have made My house of a house merchandise.  My house shall be a house of prayer.   But you have made it a den of thieves.    As it is written do not quench the Holy Spirit. The anger of the Lord makes the sound of the tornado as a light breeze brushing through the trees of the land.  You remember to breath after He shows you His stand on what He sees.

Is it not written judgment begins in the house of God in 1 Peter?……You ponder…..and breath in a huge breath…… Sometimes you forget to let out your breath because you are witnessing the fear of the Lord. Another gulp and eyes wide open.

Then you are on the hill which the men, Aaron and Hur, are holding up Moses arms during the battle of Israel against the Amalek, who is an enemy of God.   When the arms of Moses were lifted up Joshua was gaining territory and overcoming the enemy of God.   Hmmmmm.

Moses had the authority of God in his hand- the rod……. Our Lord is seated at the right hand of the Almighty and has been given all authority…… and has bestowed upon His believers His name to speak which is above all names in the heavens and on the earth and in the earth……

When we pray in His name, it is our faith  lifting His rod of authority so to speak over the  enemy. Do we not believe as written-For the Word of God is living and  powerfuland sharper than a two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints an marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart, (Hebrews 4:12). ?

Amalek and his people were slain by the edge of the sword by Joshua and the warriors of Israel as Moses arms or hands were lifted up….. Who has a double edge sword coming out of His mouth as written in Revelation ?  Our King of all kings and our Lord of all lords. The Word of God spoken today by who?  Us!!!!    Lift His Majesty and Strength out of our mouths,……that is His Word.  He knows what is, let us speak what He wants to be….. Faith calls that which is to be not, so what is not -is!..…. We are not sightseers…… We are watchman of the faithful…… Walk by faith and not sight.

The great and mighty King Jesus knows all and knows what is coming.    King Jesus lifted high will draw all men to Him……. Not Christianity but HIM. It is not about our rights as it is to establish His right as King over every single heart that breathes.

He is our Answer and He is our Truth and His is our only Way.

So what if people do not like the Bible…… We do and all need to hear His Word. The Word of God still convicts today…. The Word of God still instructs us today.  The wise always seek Him.  The Word of God is ALIVE!!

So what if people do not want us to pray in Jesus Christ’s name, we do. He is all we and the protestors  need……

So what if His Truth convicts sinners- is this not His Way?  Yes, we still point and speak of Him, the Word of God.

Jesus Christ is Love for He wishes not one to perish, but  for all  to be with Him in eternity…… But without Him, we will perish,….. if we do not believe in God’s Saving Grace found in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of our sins and turn to Him- THERE WILL BE DESTRUCTION!

Love is not  hallmark feel good movie- Love goes into the depths of hell and takes you and my punishment  for sin and death for us all….. Then Love rose up from the grave and took us with Him…… That is Love……But we must turn from our wicked ways and believe  so that we may be born again from God.

He is the Way and we must live His way….. If we are at a job and do not do our job according to our boss, we will be fired……What are the consequences of turning away from the commands of the God of the Universe…… He is the Uncreated One and we are His created ones.  Knowing our Lord is not about just obeying His Word…. We obey because we know Him and want to be and live as He calls us….. He is with us every step….. He wants to be in us so He is with us 24/7. Heaven on earth!

The Old Testament and the New Testament and now as  Holy Spirit’s point to One…… Jesus Christ…… The whole Word is the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the Word of God….. Holy Spirit will be quenched when His commands are being set aside. He is the One and the only One mankind can enter into His eternal Life…….He is the  exalted One, whether we exalt Him or not…… He is the exalted One and we are foolish not lifting our faith to the Great One…..

Morality and ethics are evident to  the purity in our hearts where He dwells. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, (1 Corinthians 1:30),. Holy Spirit will show us His Way.  He loves to be where we are because as we believe and live by His Word – We are where He is……as written in John.  AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THE WORLD, ( 1 JOHN). Look it up.

What if someone came knocking on your door today and said within forty days the days that we have known ends.   What will we do ?   So please turn to the Lord and repent and leave the wicked ways.   If we do not know the wicked ways,……. Google the ten commandments for a start—– Then google a download of the bible or get an app……of the bible.

Know the Lord today….. He is waiting and His arms are open wide for us to come into. Please embrace His salvation….. We do not know what tomorrow holds. Do we dare to turn away from a God that holds the universe in His hands?   Are we so prideful, we cannot say I am sorry to One who has poured forth His blood and life for us?

Jonah spoke  Truth as written  in his book- chapter 2, after being spewed from the great fish……Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy.

Is our position in our life on solid foundation?  Where is the source of foundation?  Can it hold up in crisis?  Are the sources of our foundation and beliefs found in truth or they found in the culture and the media?   The culture changes and wars come and go…….Will the foundation we stand bring us through every trial, tribulation, storm and sickness and death?

Only One can and has proven His strength and His faithfulness and integrity that will hold us through  all the world throws our way. He will never let go of us….. Can we say that of any other foundation that we stand on?

Just because every one jumps off a cliff to destruction, does not say we need to follow the crowd…… The road to destruction is wide and many walk on it and narrow is the way to salvation, difficult is the way which leads to life……The wide road leads to destruction. ( Matthew 5)- Check it out.

As Truth is known, the devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy….. He is only allowed in as we live and believe his lies…….  God is the Author of mankind and it is wise to listen and seek His counsel on all things that pertain to living this life that HE has given us……

What if within forty days we knew that destruction was on our doorsteps….. What we do today?   Our lives here are as a blink of an eye. Eternity away from our God is eternity in the lake of fire……  Which door do we want to choose today?  Do we know what tomorrow holds for us….. Can we stand certain of eternity?  Maybe you have heard there is no eternity or life after death…… Do you really want to base your eternity on what you heard without investigating this Jesus Christ?

Most of all, there has been only One who has shed His blood for all mankind for forgiveness of all sins. He seats as the only Righteous One that God has given all authority- which every knee will bow and every tongue confess……. That is a solid promise. Can I quote Forrest Gump here—– Stupid is as stupid does…… Who refuses to bow to such a great high King that we have.  We come with heavy heart and open lifted hands to King of glory and bow.

Turn off the media and tune into the Lord and His Word….. Or not, but as it is written- in Matthew 24-15; Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, ( whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.     Will we know when this occurs or possibly it has.

This meaning  is to take cover…… Who is our covering?   As it is also written in Matthew 24:37-38,  But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days  before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark.

God gives us signs and warnings, so we are not ignorant and not deceived.  We can hurry on and not take notice to live as a fool.   Even animals go into shelter when storms and thunder are on the horizon, but man in his arrogance thinks it will not affect him…… Though trials come to believers and non believers in Jesus Christ- those who are with the Lord are with Him forever……. Who are unbelievers of Jesus Christ going to be with?

I pray for Ninevah hearts, quick to repent and turn to the Lord today because Holy Spirit is speaking to each one of us 24-7!

Believers, this day, hear Holy Spirit speaking this day……He shows before us the great Lord, so we may stand.  Then, pray and lift the name of the Lord Jesus Christ high and exalt Him…… His reign is forever and ever. Remember His government is upon His shoulders and shall never fail.

Holy Spirit questions if we understand what makes Him grieve?   Turn our ears to hear and understand while it is day…….Money may make the world go round but is dross infront of our God….He is ready to give us the true riches but we are often distracted with the fading dainties of the  world.  Let us step up into the heavenly places and see the view from His eyes today…. We will soon then change our ways to His.  Remember the flesh profits nothing in His kingdom but His Words are life in Spirit.

If we have worldly riches and see our brothers and sisters in need in other countries and do not help,…….woe to us. Was that not why God has blessed us to be  a blessing to others?  Are we not His vessel to pour forth Him ?  As He is so are we in this world, right? Have ministries now become like businesses in America?  How is the narrow road working that out?   Does Holy Spirit see a lot of us carrying our crosses following our Lord?  Or is it big, bigger, biggest yet to come?

We forget that smallest was the greatest writer in the New Testament……. He was in prison, suffering like Jesus Christ….. Hey, that is not the American Gospel though?   Really, says who?  What Bible are we reading from or are we just picking the scriptures that are a feel good message……Jesus Christ did not set a buffet before us, but His precious blood………… Keep those tithes coming in, right?  But Holy Spirit, what does He say regarding the greedy ones gathering in the name of the Holy One?    Is it not easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, ( Matthew 19).

There is great joy and peace in obeying the Words and directions of God.   I pray our countrymen catch Him for He is not far from us. Repent of the wickedness and He promises us He will heal our land.  Our God holds all our days in His hands, we do not know when this day will be our last.

Where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there…….. HE IS HERE!  Let Him roar!  Apostles in Acts were completely His…..Everything was about this Great Resurrected King who is siting on the right side of the Almighty……… Let our faith prove His greatness and strength against His enemies. Only He has the authority to rules the nations…… We are His body and His voice.  Look from His view and His strength. Let us hold His arms up by our faith and Holy Spirit will show us what to say and do as the King desires…… for the nations are His inheritance as written!  The advance of the Kingdom take it by force- His Word and faith are the means to achieve His purpose.




As Elijah was taken up into heaven, Elisha was able to increase My miracles…….His mantle is now My Spirit upon and within you as written,   All authority in heaven resides in you.   These are the sons of God who do as I speak and lead.  I AM that I AM. What was is now and forever. I AM’s land is far and wide…. You are wise to seek after all I AM. Leave the world behind as it has left you behind, Death has lost it’s sting…..

The wheel spins and the smoke rises but when all is clear, you see the wheel has no eyes and the smoke was a lie. There is no fire where there is sleep or greed. Arise this day and show I AM you are a kindle wood to be fired in Life. The bigger you are is not My way. The smallest of hearts are the empty and most pleasing to fill…… They are anxious to be filled with I AM and leave all behind.  Their way is the holiest of highways, though the tiger and bear try to come to devour….. They turn aside  when they hear the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roaring. As they see over their should the extension of His paw upon those who are His.

The foolish think tomorrow will be as the same as yesterday. They do not know when their day will be taken away.  Petting a snake and does not make it okay. For in this treachery is found. How many are mistaken that the deception  is alright by Me.   Do you remember I prayed for My followers who would come to Me by the Word of My disciples….. I AM did not pray for the world that night……. Follow through on My lead……. Stand in the gap for the ones who yet to learn their strength is found in Me….…Discern to know they believe in Me.

The grace of My Dove falls heavy on those who are crying in the night to know if I AM that I AM…..Know this is the day I AM has set for them to believe…… Make their path straight to me. Know the times and know My hand….. If you rest in I AM, you will understand. Check and see the importance of My heart is the same as yours…. Do not bow to the world and then  bow to I AM, for you are greatly deceived in thinking that all is okay with you and Me.    There is one way to believe in Me.   I do not bow My ways for all to come to believe….. I AM that I AM and My Way is the ONLY WAY.

I AM sees them leave their wickedness behind as My Light shows on them faithfully…… I AM knows them  as they believe.  If they do not leave their wickedness behind, wonder if they are in My light at all, though they say they believe.  Why is My power upon My own not believed ? You mistake those who dwell in the darkness and say they are in the light and are not in My truth…. Why do My people  not perceive the Truth…. Whoever has born of God, cannot sin, for His seed remains in Him; and he cannot sin because he has been born of God.   Whoever abides in Me cannot sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Me nor does He know I AM.

I AM lifts the little one who believes what I AM says about My bride this day and is determined to live her life in My light all her days. She is aware of My plans for My bride on this land. She looks at her King for all to do and say.  She does not falter in the darkness of religion…. She keeps her eyes on the Words spoken by her Beloved .  He is all she needs to breath and love  and live to be free.  She is Mine for all of time and beyond….. Learn to see My bride this day and do not call her darkness because you do not see the Light before you this day.

My Spirit gathers you to see how I AM this day….. Not of what folklore has spoken nor how the religious has made Me far away….Come and see Me as I AM then you grow stronger. You will understand  the statutes of My righteousness that shall not be broken or changed by man today.  Do not go by the Goliaths shout and threats. See the Stone that was rejected and has grown into the Mount of God. You are with Me ….. Use the Witness of the Stone and watch the Goliath head turn to dirt and clay. His threats fall to the ground falling aa the idol they tried to create.

Faith in Your King will be made manifest for all to see. The exalted One is high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled the temple…… Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is filled with His glory!

My bride lifts up her holy hands and knows this weapon lays low the enemy.



The Lord reigns; Let the people tremble! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth be moved! The Lord is great in Zion, and He us high above all the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awesome name- He is holy. The King’s strength also loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool- He is holy. Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called on His name; They called upon the Lord and He answered them. He spoke to them in a cloudy pillar; They kept His testimonies and the ordinance He gave them.  You answered them, O Lord our God; You were to them God-Who-Forgives, though You took vengeance on their deeds.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His holy hill; For the Lord our God is holy.

 Psalm 99









Oh! Wonder And Wonder On This What If……..

First, here is a question- Were the acting rulers and leaders changing their ways when the Lord in the flesh walked around Israel?

Who was known as turning the world upside down after Pentecost?  Just asking…… And why?……Just thinking….A wonder makes a ponder and then can turn in to a place of thunder!

Check out Book of John chapter 5….please.

Everyone sitting around waiting for the angel to come and  move the water in the pool to heal those who may enter the water quickly.

Hope we also  are not doing the same waiting as those did in the temple as Jesus walked the earth.  He is walking this earth in us now , isn’t He?

It is what the Word says in Revelation chapter 2- Right? As well as we are seated in heavenly places in Him as written in Ephesians, right? As Jesus also states in verse 5: 19: Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner…….

What if you were directed  to go to a house. You climb up the front stairs and look in……. It seems this is a clinic…… There was not an empty seat to sit in….It was packed like sardines in a can.  A voice calls your name and you are told to sit at the desk of the doctor…… People are just staring at you like you are the doctor…… You just look at them and wonder……Why do I see no hope and why are their eyes glued to the television…..and on me? I am not the doctor but  the Healer is here  if they will believe. Why do not they come to You?  Your hand is not shortened……

As you study their eyes, they watch the screen of the television- waiting…. There is a boredom and dullness in their eyes……. You notice the nurse passing out little cups filled with  little white and blue pills like it was hors d’ oeurvres…….Wonder- why is she doing that? They are taking these pills like they are candy….. Sweet to the taste and there was no cost.  A quick fix to feel good, you wondered……..

Then you hear from the television a man’s voice bellowing out: We have lost the life we have now !   The whole set of humanity in this house stopped in their stupor to hear what was yelled from the television……….All ears perked up and eyes turned to the television………Was fear sent out in that statement ? Maybe that is a good thing.    You say- huh? Not that fear was sent out but  things were changing…..

Sometimes when we lose we gain as scripture states in Philippians 3:7-8 : But what things were gain to me,  these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ……

Oops, there is that word we do not want to be included in the Gospel of Jesus Christ—– sufferings…….Another is fasting….. But we won’t go there today!

Back to our scene……. Maybe the life that is exiting is to initiate  His life  into the fullness which is originally intended  by our Creator….. Just a thought……. We always want to upgrade—-Well, where did the original thought  of upgrade come from?  The Creator of all!   There is nothing new under the sun.

We always want to upgrade our things but change our lives?- Whoa horsey!  Things okay but to upgrade into the heights of the Holy One….. Hmmm….He is calling us up and by His Spirit….. Come on, horsey, move on….We are ascending in the Rock.

This  reminds us of chapter five in the Book of John…….. Waiting for the angel to give a miraculous healing…… and now from the human doctor. Is it not by faith  and by His Spirit? Just thinking as you look on ………

Now, you just shake your head and decide to go out to the side back yard. This yard is entered from the back door but it extends out to the road which is seen from the windows in the front of this house……..

It was very neglected. You are walking and wondering….. As you are walking towards the front, it turns into  an incline. You hear crunch as you slip here and there on empty boxes. There was discard of empty boxes and lumber…. You wonder still…… They didn’t fill these boxes, our hearts?  They were building once and quit? They have a full house though????  Why?

What am I walking on?…….. This incline leads you to a concrete wall that you will have to climb out.    You wonder again…… What is this wall and how did it get here and why?  How am I to climb over this misplaced wall?

You then see this black cover that was crumbled up under your feet……partially wet.  You lift it up and are trying to figure what this black like tarp represents…..

As you are wondering, guess who shows up to lend a hand ?   Jesus Christ…… Yup… The kind and gentle Man/God/King shows up as no big deal.

Astounded He was here with you and not inside. He knew your thought and answered, you are the one talking to Me.   You were also amazed He was aware of your investigating  this scene and showed up in Person!…..…..He reaches to also get the black tarp…. You say to Him it is filled with dirt and water. He takes it and tosses it to the side. Then He swoops you up in front of Him……He slowly and gently leads you with His hand on your shoulder through these evergreen bushes / trees.  The branches were soft as they brushed against your face and arms.

You get through the other side of the trees as He leads you through as your Rear Guard.  You then wonder why you can breath again. The air was cooler and fresh. Breathing was easy. Hmmmm…. You wonder what trees mean and why it was so easy to breath on the other side of them.

You wonder and wonder. He reveals to you the area that was filled with debris and black heavy tarp was an inground empty pool…… It was at one time a swimming pool, but no longer.  The black tarp covered it at one time and it was forgotten……The swimming pool represented baptism and being immersed in God and swimming symbolizes flowing in Holy Spirit or He flowing through us.

The worldly ways and unbelief will always stop the power of God through His Spirit…… As written do not quench the Spirit in Thessalonians.

Our God means what He says and says what He means…… Zechariah 4:6: So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.

Jesus Christ is here…… If you believe and I believe in Him……He is within us.  So all that He is- so are we in this world as written in 1 John. Check it out.

He said it – so this is  truth…… Television for our eyes will not be the vision of the Father, our Father……To behold our King is to become in the image of Him….This is His rule and His plan……Christ in us must be treasured and protected, ( Colossians 1)…… This is an outstanding Truth that the church seems to negate……. His plan is completed that He has given us all power to achieve a godly life as written in 2 Peter…….(my paraphrase)…. Check it our yourself-chapter one.

But by My Spirit says the Lord- not by fixing our humanity….. We have died and have risen in Him by the power of the Holy Spirit…..The life we now live is by faith in the Son of God who loved us and died for us………… How can we take the reigns and try to live with out His Spirit leading and guiding us….. How can we be led if we do not spend time in His presence and do not partake of the world?

If we are partaking of the world, will we value any  gift given to us by His Spirit?   Won’t we count it as worthless and let is pass through our heart? Where our treasure is – is where our heart will be – Check it out—– Chapters 5,6,7 of Matthew gives us a good heart check up….. Gets rid of the plaque!

Jesus spoke to Phillip in John 14:9-14, Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, so how can you say- Show us the Father-?  Do you not believe that I AM in the Father and the Father is in Me? The Words I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father.

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do  that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

May I submit to you, in our humanity,  as the world sees us they see our Boss, Chief,  Commander, King Jesus. If people reject who you are in Christ, do not worry, you are in good company…… The same rejection happened with our Lord—- Can any good come out of Nazareth?  I know His family….. and as it is written, the Lord could not do many works there for their unbelief…… Is the same happening to day?  You bet….. The narrow road is hard to walk on as the wide includes many.

People turned Jesus Christ away because they could not see the Invisible God in His humanity though He did many works. They just blamed his works on the devil…… as if the devil redeems and brings life to the dead…… Yes, they studied the scriptures but refused the One the Scriptures pointed towards.

Why Lord are there many waiting for the doctor as they were waiting for the angel when You walked the earth? Why was Your Spirit despised? The result of Your Spirit quenched closes their eyes to You in their presence?

Do they not know as written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18;  Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Jesus asked the man waiting to fall in the pool in the chapter…… Do you want to be made well?   In our waiting, we must discern if we are waiting for Him to come through the door or if we are waiting on something and we enjoy His presence because we know He is here and within us… He is working out the something.

Yes, sometimes we need to wait, but I have to say, sometimes my waiting times are the busiest with Him….. I am waiting in my actions but He is always busy with His kids…… He loves to talk and for us to learn Him….. In His presence is life and life abundant….. We have to learn in our waiting to  appropriate Him…… He always supplies a great Meal of Him in the presence of our enemies. He is all we need- so taste and see how good He is!

Our waiting is not without hope as were the hopelessness in the eyes we saw in the house…… There is a difference of knowing He is with us and in us now in our  waiting from waiting for Him to show up…… HE ALREADY HAS……Say thank You to Him for being so close and sorry, my unbelief has shut the window for us to fellowship for You are here and so is heaven within me.

How hungry are we for the impossible to be possible because of His love?   Reach out and take Him and His hand.

People may have let His Spirit leave and cover the Living Water in the pool, but He will come to us if we speak to Him and call His name……And make room for Him in us by dying to the world and allowing the world die to us. It is a matter of our will to turn to Him by faith. This is an everyday work of faith on our part.

He has brought heaven to our earth…… His heaven is within us…… We may not see it.  But have you ever seen heaven on earth?    Jesus Christ is our heaven on this earth and He lives within us today…. You and I are the heaven on this earth now…… Do not wait to see Him to believe….. Believe and then we will see as our belief removes the scales from our eyes.

Remember our God’s intent here for us….. Yes, salvation is God’s name for His plan….. But we are to grow into the sonship He has called us to for the benefit of the world….. Why go to the Empire State Building if you are not going to the top to look out? Can we see His vastness? His great plans?

Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of Almighty……It is written we are seated with Him in the heavenly places….. Do you not want to look out from His view?

As written in Ephesians 3:8–12: To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known BY THE CHURCH to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and ACCESS with confidence through faith in Him.

I pray as He returns He sees our great  abundant faith in Him. I pray when He searches this world…… He finds the faith and enjoy His fruit of His sufferings because we hang with Him 24/7.

It is hard to have faith in any one that you do not know.  As we know a person we have faith in their faithfulness or faithlessness……. Knowing God the Father, the Son and Spirit means there is fellowship with the Trinity then we are experiencing eternal life! We spend our time with God and our faith produces His  resurrected life in ours…….  When we eat food, the food becomes part of us….. Cannot be separated once digested as  in our faith in Jesus Christ is perfected through our life  and acted out as divine nature. He has become our history and we are His story……Walking by the Spirit are the sons of God…… Look it up.

We then are swimming or flying in His Spirit- Dive in to His great clear presence.   Do not put the tarp of the world to stop or quench His Spirit……and His ways……It is not by our might or our strength or our power that brings eternal fruit that our God desires, it is by His Spirit who works through and in us.

The praise is His and His glory……. AND we live in His glory!!!! Come on let us go into the everlasting love and walk only by His Spirit and not by our eyes of the flesh.  Ask the Lord to refill the pool of our heart with His Spirit so we may swim in His knowledge and dive in His greatness and rise in His love for this Salvation is by His Spirit through His Son, our High King Jesus Christ.

Divine Intelligence is leading us…. We must obey and turn to do things His way.

His hand is on our shoulder gently leading us into the high ground…… He has called us up here.

You coming too?  Yahoo!   Let’s really screw with the enemy’s mind!




I AM has called you My own. Why do you wait for what you already have?  Live out what I AM has made you to be….. I AM with you.  See what I AM sees and then do as I AM speaks to you.  Do not hesitate and though you may take a deep breath- you then breathe more of Me in and off you go. Heaven is with you and all see.

You are not alone, the King of Judah is closer than your breath…….The way is made before you and I AM behind you all the way……Where I AM the air to breathe has the fragrance of Me.

Do not be deceived, those who are of Me, follow Me and when you see them, you should see Me.

Take and eat what I AM has placed before you…..The path is revealed as you step to wonder and then believe all I AM for thee.

Just believe My everlasting love for you. Always and before and will be forever in My grasp.

I AM cherishes His own as a husband cherishes his bride……. Do you not yet see that I AM has called you always to be My side?

The Stone may have been tossed away but as It landed in the sea of humanity.

The waves are ruffled by the  weight of It’s presence as a  never ending tide arising toward the Rock.











Sign, Sign, Everywhere Is A Sign!

When I was on the young side of a teenager, there was a song by Five Man Electrical Band which is titled: Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign……. I state this because this song which I have not thought of in decades has been flying into my head as I started to write this blog.

Signs are everywhere. Most of the time, we  are dull to them because there are so many noises and distractions out there before us….. Signs to stop and signs to go.   Advertisements signs are everywhere.  Most important are the signs from our Creator…. He is always speaking through signs… We see His signs, right?

There is a saying known as the signs of the times……. I know you will agree with me there are a lot of signs, right? But how do we know which ones to put our attention to?  Which ones point us in the right direction and which ones point us to the edge of a cliff?   Which ones point of things to come?  Our help is in the Word of God…… He always confirms His Word by signs and wonders.  We have God and His Word, our King Jesus, telling us the Truth if we know Him. Study the Word of God.

We wonder at the antagonism towards the sign of the nativity at Christmas…. If you think of it, Christmas season is a sign in itself……A King born in a manger.  The cross is a huge sign which is being fought against being displayed in many places and countries ….. Why?

There is no hate towards the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause. You never see petitions or class action suits against them.  Why? No threat. They represent a  false ideology.

Bring God into His creation and His creation balks at His reminders. He is the reminder that He is and was and will always be AND man will be accountable of his actions at the end of his life.

Reminder : Alert!!! There is more than life here…… God desires to be known and glorified by His creation. All creation worships Him but some of mankind have a hard time worshiping the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Psalm 19:1-4, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night knowledge. There is no speech not language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

Things are not okay here and humanity always tries to improve our state…….This is okay, but we are best instructed  when we include and listen to our Creator….. He is the maker of all and wrote the plan for the best way to live this life on earth……Shouldn’t we listen?

He leaves us His signs so we may be sure that we stay in tune with the Truth and be reminded of the Truth. He is a good God and desires that no one will perish and turn to His Son…….He is the Answer. Obedience to Him is the key to all the problems that face us in this generation.

The answer is not found in this world. We can try to make adjustments here and change this or that, but the Answer to  government is Jesus Christ.  His governing will never end because He was and is and will always be…… He is the perfect authority over mankind……Listen to what He says…….Can we hear Him?

It is vain to ignore the God and King who reminds men in every generation that Heaven rules in the affairs of men….. No matter how much man thinks he is in total control, man will see His hand and bring man’s doing before his eyes.    A sign of His hand is always writing on the wall of our heart…… We may think we get away with unrighteousness but it is noted in His book and will be displayed before all…..When we act in His righteousness, there is peace in our hearts…. and also displayed before all. There is peace in the land.

Signs like the bible, the empty cross reminds the world- there is more than this day and near future….. There is a King and  He is returning and will hold everyone that is mankind accountable.

Surely men of low degree are a vapor, men of high degree are a lie; if they are weighed on the scales, they are altogether lighter than vapor. Do not trust in oppression, nor vainly in robbery, if riches increase, do not set your heart on them. God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that the power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; For you render to each one according to His work, ( Psalm 62:9-12).

Psalm 66:7, He rules by His power forever; His eyes observe the nations; do not let the rebellious exalt themselves.

The world shows the signs of the now. Evil loves to hide the future so we act only with now in view.  The lake of fire is a miserable place and misery loves company…. If we want to get so involved with the world, evil will be thrilled that we  missed   the signs and warnings  from heaven…..We must remember heaven rules in the matters of mankind. God knows all and God sees all.  He keeps His eye on His creation. Do we not also keep an eye on our children?

We see how the real sign of Christmas- the birth of the Savior of the world is now covered by commercialism and gifts- sort of setting aside the King who came to us…..The same is happening to Him as it was the night He was born. No room in the inn and no room for Him in our hearts or lives……. Why?  Wisdom speaks with the knowledge of the steps we take. Wisdom shows they lead ascending higher or descending to a lower destination…..

I was a stray puppy and He walked by and held me. He made me His so I couldn’t see anywhere else to go but be with Him. Then Holy Spirit revealed His Spirit within and to then dwell within Him……Heaven on this earth now? I’ll take it. Get instructed with all the decisions on this earth I have to make?  I’ll take You Lord anytime and all the time. I will listen  where you lead me.

I saw there were great strings attached to people who seemed to have the American dream…… They didn’t shine as the dream said they should be…… Why?  This world does not have the key to our peace and our eternity.

The King that shed His blood for you and me whose eyes of fire show us the truth and leads us in His strength into His love. His love and care is the total satisfaction for any soul through anything this world throws against us.

The sign of being totally loved and cared for by our God is the answer for every soul on this earth……. If we really believe Him- the anger, the chaos would have no place in us….. His love never fails us. I double dog dare you to try Him and see how trustworthy He is to you.

Yes, He is our sign of a future after this time in this earth expires.  The trump of God then sounds and all things will be known and revealed. Most of all, the King of all, the Lord Jesus will be seen by every eye ever born of man.

The Word of God is the Truth- As written in Galatians 6:7-8: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.  For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit reap everlasting life.

These God signs remind people of the truth- There is a hell and there is a heaven…… There is a final resting place for every person that walks on this earth…. Their actions are known and recorded.  Just as the sacrifice and the blood that flowed that Friday for all mankind’s sin.  That precious blood was spilt on all the earth from the beginning to the end of time….. The blood of Jesus Christ is a sign that heaven and His people hold precious because His blood speaks of a finality to time and what comes to man next……is death eternal unless you turn to the Lord. Take His cup of grace in salvation in Him from death eternal….. Live beloved, come and know Him and live.

He loves His creation and wants all men to be with Him. The open of heaven was made  by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ took all our sin. Our sins lead to the ultimate death of being away from Him from all eternity.  But God had a Sign, His Son to turn to then receive His Son’s sacrifice in our place…… The cross is a fantastic sign to those who believe. The cross is a sign for the world to know the mercy of God, their Creator.

Satan’s best tool is to remove all Christ’ signs or drown them out before the generation on the earth. Why?

The Word of God is the Truth and as it is written….. Many perish for lack of knowledge.. Satan is miserable and  misery loves company…… so many may join him in the lake of fire.  There are signs everywhere, but let us pray for eyes to  see and follow the Truth which His signs lead us!

The lake of fire is very real and the shed blood for all of mankind is very true….. This is the reality that is forever beyond the creation we now know.  Take heed to the Wisdom given by God through His voice on the earth….. Hear and believe though you may not see but as you believe you then will see all things from His sight.  Let us use our time to get the salve He offers.  Let us heed to the signs.

Every generation has signs given to them. The signs are shouting to repent and return to God. Your true purpose is found in Him.  There will be no utter complete satisfaction found in this world….. It will be fleeting…… There is a huge hole found in each person as we are built to be a temple of God….. When we try to fill this special place with anything but His Spirit, there will be emptiness. disappointment.

All of mankind’s problems could be solved in one name- Jesus Christ…… and His Spirit to fill us….. His love solves problems.  If we really knew His love within us- contentment would reign and then the  words and hands to lend help, heal and lift up will manifest.

We are consumed with the answer to our problem is more money…… Nope!!!!  Prayer and supplication to our God by His Spirit’s help will give us the Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification which Jesus Christ has been made to those who call on His name. He is a great Guide and Leader…. He is excellent in all His ways with His children for He cares for us….. Trust Him.

I heard a conversation of some clergy discussing they needed more money for their ministry…… One humble guy said, boy, what a simple time Peter and John had when all they needed to say was Jesus Christ’s name to minister the Truth.

The days of Elijah, the days of faith, are still the best pleasing way to our God…… No other name does every knee bow to….. but our King Jesus.

On the day of 9/11/01, America will not forget….. but, many of His people were led by signs and His voice not to go to work or take another way, etc.    His ways are  signposts before us.  His love is so great. He also wants to see if we are positioned to hear and watch at His gate posts daily for His wisdom as He leads us.  His ways are perfect.

Let us hear and watch for His signs and become dead to the signs that lead us to death, eternal death.


Ask Holy Spirit for a soft and easily taught heart- ask for humility.  We may think we are at the end of the caboose but find that Holy Spirit put us up in the engine leading the ways of His signs.

As written in Isaiah 8:16-18, Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples, and I will wait on the Lord, who hides His face from the house of Jacob; and I will hope in Him. 

Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given Me!   We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.

Now we are also a signpost for the generation we are before stating God is calling all to turn to Him and receive His Son- His Sign of forgiveness and freedom from death eternal……Remember judgment starts with the house of God…… If we are before Him daily, teaching will always be in our hearts so we may stay so close as to hear Him sigh or chuckle.

There is much more than just receiving our forgiveness of sins. We get to fellowship with God- the Father and the Son by His Spirit every day!  Even every moment….. This is where He speaks to us in His way of signs to lead us and guide us on our journey.  Now, we must be tuned into His speaking to us in the heavens and the earth and by His creation and His people…..Quick to obey when we hear.

We must watch and listen… Ask and seek every sign until you understand the meaning…… God never wastes His ways of getting our attention…..Talk to Him often—- That is prayer!  There is supplication and there is fellowship…… He will tell you what’s up with your spouse, kids, job…….The conversation with Holy Spirit never ends…… God is so wonderful!

What if you see a bluebird  stop before you or a blackbird or a magpie?  What about vulture or a eagle? What if you are in a hurry and you keep getting in your journey stop signs?  Maybe stop and slow down and hear His Word right now. Why? There might be an accident ahead….. or a drunk driver behind the wheel….. He cares for you and me.

What if you are going somewhere and there is a out of the blue a black cloud that just showed up?  What if every time you saw the time it was 333 or 730 or 111 or 911?  What if you keep running into people that are named Isaiah or Peter or Mary?

Yes, sign, sign, everywhere is sign….. There are signs everywhere and we must not be like an ostrich and hide our heads in the sand thinking that is just stupid……..or irrational……God is in enmity with our reasoning carnal mind- that mind kills faith and is disobedient to leading of the Spirit of God……

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God  dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His, ( Romans 8:5-9).

Holy Spirit confirms His Word by signs and wonders.   He confirmed His Spirit coming to take His position in our hearts by flames…… Then there were and still are signs of healing, miracles, words of knowledge, words of wisdom and speaking- praying in tongues and interpretations of tongues in the midst of His people, because He is with us and in us.  ( According to scripture in 1 Corinthians 12- John 14:17. John 15:4- check it out!).

So we are a sign of Jesus Christ coming into the world to save sinners- we raised our hands and said uh, yes, Sir, that is me….. Now we are a living testimony of His love and His Spirit is among us…… Calling all to turn to Him and know the time that we are now in….We are a signpost, too!

Do we know when the storm is coming or do we know it’s evidence is here?  When Jesus walked the earth prior to  His resurrection, He said, do you not know the signs?  The sign of weather we can prepare, but can we ever be prepared for His judgment? Yes, if we are found as His.  What about His return?…… It is written, His Day is awesome for those who know Him and terrible for those who do not know the King of all kings.

Being prepared is accepting Jesus Christ this day and to become His….This is not lip service to the One who knows all and sees all.  This is not a card you can show to get out of jail or hell…….. You must set your heart to know Him for in His knowledge is eternal life according to John 17.

Can we be prepared for earthquakes and tornadoes?  They come without warning and BAAM…… In the midst of chaos, we know Him and we call out His name……. Let us prepare today in calling on His name for in the day of trouble, He will then hear us and save us as scripture states in the Psalms.

Our souls are His treasure.  He wants us to be preserved in Him….. Let us see His smile as we bow and turn our souls and life into His hands for He cares for us.

Freedom of life in the Spirit is an adventure with the Uncreated One—– We learn who we are in Him and learn what it means  to be His forever.

Come on in and hook up with the One who has been tapping you out of your slumber!  His land is wide and deep and His love has never failed us….

Let’s pay attention to the signs before us….. Lord, please give us eyes to see and ears to hear You. Let’ s be alert and know the path You have prepared for those who love You.

Shine bright for He lives in you.  Oh holy temple of the living God, go deeper in His love.




The night comes quickly when one does not see their steps leads them into a deep chasm.  The sun is shining now for all to turn to the One who is calling their name.   I AM longs for them to call My name as I AM desiring them. I AM never ceases calling their name.

A child may shut the door in their room to keep their parents out but they do not know that room is their parents- Is not the creation Mine?  The open door is found in My Son to enter in to My Presence .  There is never anything hidden in My sight…. The lost have shut the door to Me as I AM sees  always but know them from afar.  My blood is watering their path to Me this one day. Do not block their way.

Do you not know what happened when the God of Jacob hid His face?     I AM sees yours.  May all return to Me. This is My hope stirring inside of Me……

Blessed are those who’s tears water the earth of the horrors that take place in the bright of day, praying for help that may come to the helpless’ way.  Lot seeing the horrors of his day and are here again. Does not time repeat time and again?  So if the hands of time are repeating the depravity of man’s will – Do you know I AM will be as then as I AM was and is  here again- for I AM does not change…..

My blood cleanses the earth and holds the martyrs in My hands but the rewards of all shall be given unto them….. As I AM was and is this day and will always be I AM that I AM.

Does man stand and think the cold north wind he will hold back by his hand?  Does man stand and say in his heart, there is no God and He does not see?   How is the man of the time so blind and not see I AM the One who made the eye. Does man not see the fire is set and is greedy for all….? If his greed leads him astray- fire is his match for fire’s greed never ceases and will not stray consuming the path he chose this day.

Let I AM’s fire in my heart burn away your chaff before the time has got you bound in a plot that you may never be found. The signs of the time are saying there is no rewards for any action taken against the love of your God and for your fellow man.  The bud has bloomed  in selfishness as  king that reigns this day. Corruption appears strongly before the path of death.

Will you lay all your eternal life on the wrong teaching of humanity? The road is wide for all who call on death as their friend.  Narrow is the path to eternal life….. Life with I AM is abundant indeed.   Do not fall prey to the schemes of the enemy…. He sets a web for you to believe and then casts the net so you may never get free.   In Me, you are free and free in faith to believe all I AM has for thee.

Watch the leaders and their friends calling honor to each other and not to Me. I AM has called My closest  holy because I AM in them and they in Me….. There is no place for deceit before men as you represent Me, I AM will allow them to find out.  Your ministry is not for Me but for all to see.  Do you not know how deception has round around thee?  Oh beloved, how much higher has I AM called you to be.   The honor from the One who has called you is what you should seek and not from your brethren. Do you not know this should not be……?

What shall I AM observe  now in their temple…….Wash and then be clean of your plans that are against Me.  The temple of God has no place with any vain plans of man. Turn and repent and hide with Me and leave all behind.   How do you forget you must carry your cross if you are My disciple?

As I AM has said  beware when all call you great and mighty. Their words  speak to raise you high for great is the fall of pride of life even among those who say they work for Me……For I AM has spoken what men call great, I AM speaks is an abomination in My sight.  None are exempt from My sight nor from carrying  their cross.

How hard it is for when the north cold wind blows at night.  Those who smile and delight in I AM when the wind blows and the sun shines. The fire and the water made them shine bright as the stars in the sky in the night. They allowed the working of My heart to  burn in them…. Yes. they are kept close in My sight for they are My delight.   The cross has never left their sight, yet you will find them resting with Me. Hidden in Me, but as an arrow, in My quiver, to penetrate the hearts of My enemy.

You want a sign, then listen, My Words  shall never pass but stand firm across this earth for the heaven rules in everyone  born of man.  The sign shall be you will all see a burning tree.  But then most you will not believe because you have not spent your time with Me.  In front of all is always where you want to be…..  I AM was not your desire but fame and fortune was your want for your hearts weren’t made clean and new in Me.

Born again is the narrow way to My kingdom…….. All other are of a different flight… Not of My Spirit do they soar but they take after the spirit of greed and wanting more and more.

I AM is more than you can imagine. My little ones who are as flowers but strong as lions; You shall find them staying on the lines of My testimony and point all the stars to My heart.    I AM has much to say to enrich their hearts and make them strong into My body they belong…..They sing My song…… Hear My heartbeat this day…. I AM has much to say but to keep your name in the lights you will stray and not again turn My way.

Is it not better to be My light then be in the limelight of men?  Who will carry you through the night?  The ones who want the show or the One who poured blood for you all?

Remember what men think is grand, God sees and smells as abominations…. Those who lie against the little ones who are blameless because ones who hearts are hard cannot believe there are some holy and pure because I AM has made them to be. I AM reigns in these.  If you speak for Me, then believe My Word and what I AM has come to be and make into Mine. In My new creation is where I AM, the resurrected life is Mine to give…. They bring much delight to Me.

These little ones are willing to go farther and deeper and go into unknown paths because they see My smile and pleasure. Do not step in their way and block their sight.

.… For then I AM in the fight.

I AM loves you with an everlasting love and desire you all sit at My feet and then the tide may be held back for your names have then the second spot…. Fasting and communion in Me, then  these come out.  Take My sign and turn yourself about and be before Me…… This is the One who needs to see you see Me……I AM that I AM.



Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord. and their works are in the dark, They say, who sees us? and Who knows us?

Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay; for shall the thing made say of him who made it, He did not make me? Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, He has no understanding?

Is it not yet a very little while till Lebanon shall be turned into fruitful field and the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest?

In that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness.

The humble also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

For the terrible one is brought to nothing, the scornful one is consumed, and all who watch for iniquity are cut off- who make a man an offender by a word, and lay a snare for him who reproves at the gate, and turn aside the just by empty words, ( Isaiah 29:15-21).












2019 Equals 12 Too!

The number 12 represents perfect government….. As written in Daniel 4:17, This decision is by the decree of the watchers, and the sentence by the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men.

This day is not news to our King.  He knows all the things under heaven that men and women are doing.  He is all knowing and all seeing.  Every generation has a chance to know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men.  Every generation……And here we are for such a time as this.

Let us remain in prayer. Be still and know He is God…….. He will be exalted among the nations. Do not fear but look expecting His glory and peace…… First His glory and peace must be resident in us…….and then we will see His perfect plan evolve before us. Expect in faith and keep looking.

Beloved, if we have eyes to see we will see His kingdom reigns through the sons of men. Do not worry or fret when the grass grows up very fast…….We then always get the mower out.

Stay tuned to the thunder of heaven and stay still in trust. His voice we hear as others think it was thunder. He is a mighty Warrior. Our Warrior has the government of the universe on His shoulders on which there will be no end…… His government also increases…… Rules and laws as written would be the agenda to change but His Word only remains and those who do the will of Him who was sent.

Remain in prayer….. Beloved, take heart the altar of the martyred  are in His presence where there is perfect peace. There is nothing broken or missing there………Take courage and stand in Him- our ground is secure. His life is our resurrection life…….

Lean into Him. Judgment starts at the house of God…… May His ground in us be full unto the capacity He calls us to be.  Be holy as He is holy for this is our command…… Remember this kind comes out by prayer and fasting.  Fasting from the world and feasting on and in Him as in union with our King…..Then you will see the plan that He has called to be from the Beginning.

Psalm 101:6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve Me. 

Psalm 99:1-5, The Lord reigns; Let the people tremble!! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth  be moved! The Lord is great in Zion, and He is high above all the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awesome name- He is holy.

The King’s strength also loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool- He is holy.



Be still and know I AM God…. Quiet your hearts in My everlasting Love.