
Second Death Will Not Harm You……. Huh?

And to the angel of Smyrna write, These things says the First and the Last, who was dead and came to life: I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich);  and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.

Jesus answered and said to them, The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are counted worthy to attain to that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.

But even Moses showed in the burning bush passage that the dead are raised, when he called the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him,         ( Luke 20:34-3).

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been  cast down.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Therefore, rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.

Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he had persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished  for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.

So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.

But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, ( Revelation 12:9-17).

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then, I, John saw the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with men, and they shall be His people, God Himself will be them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said to me, Write, for these are true and faithful.

And He said to me, It is done! I AM  the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death,  (Revelation 21: 1-8).

Jesus said to her, I  AM the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?, ( John 11:25-26).

Do we believe this, beloved? There are so many scriptures that prove Jesus Christ arose that new day that we stand on as our hope and anchor…… Do we also believe we have escaped the second death….. into the lake of fire?

We worship the One who has fire in His eyes. We allow His Spirit to dwell within us and work His work in us as we abide in Him- the Word of God changing and sifting all things. He gently shows us the wrong strongholds we have incorrectly placed our faith and trust in that shall fail us and which also pulls us away from Him…… Then we turn anew again to learn and lean on the One who never and will never fails us….. for love never fails. God is love.

In whose eyes we are transformed into His image from glory to glory… as scripture states in 2 Corinthians 3:16-18. Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

When we go to work, we may do the things that are required because we have to.  There may be no affection or great amount of glee in our duty but as there may be for our fellow workers…….But our walk with our King is all about love, love and more love.

He has captured us by His love and with His love. We can only turn to Him because He has first called us by His love…… Our walk with Him is stemmed from the knowledge of His love for us. His love for us will keep us through all that we must walk and sometimes tread on this earth till we arise in His likeness as stated in the Psalms.

So love is our motivator to come and sit at His feet and sit with Him in His throne…. to be a part of Him now…… We desire to know Him because He is beyond amazing….. This is not ritual or a demand but a drawing close to the One who has broken and touched our hearts so deeply that He deserves our all  and all our attention- even when we are busy with stuff, even His stuff.

He is not like we are when we send our kids off to school…. We bless, pray and hope they will be okay and do all they are called to do…… Our God is with us when we go off to school, work, jobs, hobbies.  Thank God He does go with our kids too!..… He is there and wants us to take Him with us in all we do and say.

He is there, but He wants to be invited and acknowledged He is with us. He wants us to realize we are abiding in Him as we go and as we sleep, eat, all we do……. Just say Hi- Lord, I love You….. or thank You for this or that….. Thanks for being with the kids…. Etc.  He is our Divine Romancer….. He likes to be honored in love as well as obedience….. We are far more likely to obey His words by love which is so powerful, then duty.

Yes, through the raising of kids, through the marriage and old age…….His drawing us to draw to Him. So we may be  grounded and rooted in His love and that we cannot get enough of Him….. It is like eating a peanut…….or a potato chip, we cannot have just one!  One special moment with the King is worth a thousand moments on this earth which will pass away…… His moments are eternal value and worth which will pass on to others by us that will  also be of eternal value…..

This abiding is held  so valuable to our King for He requested this as His prayer to the Father , right before entering in His suffering night and day,in John 17. And who are we to be too busy to sit with the King?    He doesn’t want our duty or our guilt to come to Him….. He wants us to draw near to Him because we want to……. because we love Him and we need Him. He is worth it all…. and He is worth our all…. but because we love Him.  Oh yes, we respect and have a healthy fear of the Lord….. but we yearn to please Him because we love Him.

Our God wants to be our God in every way and in every thing we say and do and want to be.

Our Great Creator is beyond any wisdom of man, our Ancient of Days knows how to mix the persecution and trials and blessings to our eternal value…. He has a great goal beyond us just skipping out on hell…..He has great plans for each one of His children…. We must give Him our time to till our heart for His will and purpose which is beyond what we can fathom or realize….. He is great and so are His plans for us…..Let us turn to Him and away from the distractions which may be really important today but in the essence of eternity- ahhh- not so much.

So also is the resurrection from the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There us a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam became a living being. The last Adam became a life giving spirit.

However, the spiritual is not  first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those what are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those that are heavenly.

As we have borne the image of the man of dust; we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. Now I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.

Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruptible, and this mortality must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put corruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. Death where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?, ( 1 Corinthians 15:42-55).

Also the scripture from Galatians 6:7-8 comes to fruition: Do not be deceived for God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit will reap everlasting life.

We want the change from corruption to incorruption to be met with celebration as the image of the Lord is brilliant within shining out as well as our body changed to immortality too.

We are grateful that what He started He will complete!!! Yeah!  He started in us as the Incorruptible Seed in our spirit man….. His Spirit is here within each of us, cleaning the soul of man preparing us to glory and glory into the image of the Son of God….. and He will complete the our mortal bodies into the immortality beings as the sons of God.

This, beloved, is the freedom of fear and torment of the second death….The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, ( 1 Corinthians 15:57).

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God, ( Philippians 1:3-6).

Remember, we are always drawn to people who want to be around us and enjoy us…… As so does our Lord, for we are made into our God’s image….. If people look at us coming to them with a frown and down, we will probably not return.   But thank God for our King, He keeps knocking on the door of our busy lives hoping we will open….. Beloved, He wants to sit and sup with us…… Thus great King of glory wants you and me and to be with us for all eternity. Eternity is today and forever in Him.

Let us turn today and put all distractions away, including, we are not important to Him. That is a lie from Satan…… You and I are the most precious prize to our King of glory…… We may not see what He sees, but we must believe……. The purpose of His company is so we may learn to see as He sees and lose our sightlessness and gain His!!

Some of our brothers and sisters hold our King so precious that they lost their natural life because they have no choice but choosing Him…… but beloved, they have gained Christ.  They hold so much value in Him that they have been martyred for Him and His name……. They now celebrate death has lost its sting.   I ask the Lord daily You be my vision so come what may, I will remain Yours through the fire and the lions and the water and the gators and snakes….. May I hold your ground- especially through the snakes and gators!  May I stand singing I am Yours knowing Your Light will be brightest through the  darkness night.

Body of Christ in the western hemisphere, will we stand as our brothers and sisters have in other countries for their faith no matter what the cost? May we learn to strengthen ourselves in the Spirit of God this day….. for we do not know what may come our way! If our path is smooth to walk then we have the strength to carry the burden of our family in other nations in prayer to our God….. Pray we must for may it not be this day for us, but who knows what the morrow will bring forth.  This nation has blood crying out from the innocent…… Our God is merciful and just……Be in prayer for we must be in His court to the bring His justice forth.



My Children,

Draw nigh to Me as then I will draw nigh to you.  I AM the best meal you will ever have.  Do not be concerned when trouble arises for My name sake, all My friends are called trouble makers…. Will you go and awaken the dead and rise the standard of Me in the world? I AM the Hammer that breaks the chains of death and complacency. These are My vessels that point My way is the only highway to walk for the other way is wide and many walk it and do not return to life…..

Let this be the walk of My beloved…. Walk the narrow and be the Light for Me unto this lost world.

Ahh, those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Those who are wise in their own eyes and good in their own sight…. Those of men mighty at drinking wine and mixing intoxicating drink….. Those of men who justify a bribe and take away justice from a man!   Ahhh, those men call out My little ones as…troublers! You awake me out of my slumber….

My vessels are the  troublers of  the principalities and powers disrupting their appointed place. They have been sent by Me…..

As My friend, Elijah, was called troubler of Israel so My vessels this day are known as Mine as My Light bearers on the lost.  So shall they be as they trouble and stir up and destroy the hornet’s nest which is settled down as they hold many captive in their sleep. If they do not arise their sleep will be the sleep of death eternal…..

So rejoice and be glad. Spin around for I AM has called you forth to shine the Son…… There is no place I AM does not shine- Prepare the way of Your Lord.

When the slander and vile comes, do you listen and take in to the heart or do you know the sign of the times has come that My son, Paul, spoke about?  Do your ears listen and question or do you stand and say I know the Light is in them for I have seen the King in their eyes…. Choose this day….. the accuser of the brethren or the one who links arms with their brother and sister through it all……  For in My house, I AM will know who you are…….

Shall you stand your ground in Me and put off the false words towards the brethren? Did you forget they spoke the same against Me?  Did you forget the warning I AM has given thee?  If they have falsely accused I AM and you are Mine, shall they not do the same if you are the carrier of My Spirit….. Woe to those who have been spoken well by all, they have not been a threat to My enemies and they shall fall.

Woe to those who believe the worst and do not help the least. Woe to those who believe a lie and never believe in Me.  If I AM has been spoken against and lied against, what about those who are mine?  Is not what I AM speaks over you and has called you to shall be? Is not I AM greater and My Word over thee greater then evil?  Who shall My children believe them or Me?

Do you forget that those who persecute and say all matter of lies over Mine are doing the slander to I AM? Shall they come to contend with Me?  Oh yes, they shall meet Me.  See the opportunity you have given ME?  Evil forgets that all he does I AM turns for good……

Choose the highway and believe the best for in this I AM. Is this not the flood flowing out of the dragon’s mouth causing many to fall into the waters of deceit?   If they call on the name of I AM and say I AM Lord- they cannot be against I AM …… Why are My children believing lies about their own family?  This should not be unless the accuser of the brethren is apart of you…..My Spirit should be dwelling within you.

Be Mine for all of time and through out the eternal…. Know I AM and you will know My own. Be wise for serpent loves to lie…. Be humble for the serpent loves to impress. Be still and know I AM and I AM yours. Know I AM and I AM will reveal the truth from the lie!    I AM the giver of dreams that will come to pass one day….. I AM is the Discerner of this day, why hold onto your own reasoning- how far has it proved you unto this day?

The Spirit has come to rest in My own….. When the fire is burning there is no room for the cold to get in for I AM there.   Only those who do not have the Fire of God within allow the cold through their open door….. But the Seal of My Spirit closes the door. We then walk together and learn of I AM……..The Seal has cemented this one is Mine and this creation is new and will be completed at the end of time…..Make sure this is said of you. Is My hand on your heart?  Is My voice what you dream ?   Is My purpose what makes you awake?

I AM has given you My all…… I AM will be all and in all.











Allegory Time Which Points Us To The Son………The Eternal One and His Body-US!

The Book of Esther is a very rich book that can give us strength through the Spirit……given any challenge we are experiencing  throughout time.

First let us look at this Psalm 90:13-17: Return, O Lord! How long? And have compassion on Your servants, Oh satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil.

Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.

I know this Psalm is not one of the popular Psalms that we rejoice over,..….however, this shows that through trials and tribulations we triumph with in His glory for our children and their children—– if we stay the course of His highway unto all righteousness……. We must stay the course and be the authority on this earth as our Leader, the Son of God, has bestowed on us…..

Now back to the book of Esther……..The first chapter starts as King Ahasuerus, who wanted to celebrate his third year reign over 127 provinces. He threw  a big feast and before seven principalities…..During the festivities, on the seventh day, the King requested his Queen Vashti  to come  before the crowd wearing her crown……

Now I have heard many different interpretations regarding what this meant, but I believe the Holy Spirit put emphasis on wanting to show her beauty or her shining presence wearing her crown or the authority that was given her by the King Ahasuerus, for a reason for us to get understanding.

This day, the Holy Spirit is awakening us  to the glory within of the Risen One that has been bestowed upon us and within us….. The King’s bride is wearing His crown….. Yes, it is hers but it was given to the bride of Christ by the King.

When Queen Vashti, ( Vashti means beautiful),  refused to show off her royalty before the King’s  seven principalities, she was removed from her place. The King found another that was willing to go through the boot camp of beauty treatments to shine the love of the King  all around his domain.

Do you know our God loves us to be audacious with our faith in Him?  We grab Him with all gusto for everything and do not shy back….. If He, the Lord of the Universe, says come to Me….Who am I to argue with Him?   So I come…… and come and come and come…. I remind Him, Lord, You said I could come to you for anything and everything so here I am with the Great I AM….and……..

You said You will teach the sinner in Your Way.  You said You are Wisdom unto me,….. so Lord, thank You, Lord,  fill me up  with Your Wisdom…. Don’t hold back…. You said You would fill my cup to overflowing…. So overflow me with You and You alone. Now You must show me how to use this heavenly Wisdom for Your glory.

We do not want to be like Vashti…. I want to be pleasing in Your sight knowing what You said I am and have by You is the truth…. Give me courage and strength to continue in the fullness of You for all my days for You are my everything.. Thank You for Your great overflowing mercy and grace to call me Your beloved and bride and army and friend…… Fill me with You so I am all You have spoken I am found in You.

This we say to our Beloved King……knowing He hears and this is His delight.

You said – Lord- You said.

We do not want  to be like Queen Vashti who did a no show off the beauty of her King’s crown….. The authority that was given to her which made her beautiful…..

The beauty that was bestowed on her by her Beloved King…… His beauty became her beauty as His authority became her authority in His name.  We are moving from them to us now… our Beloved King Jesus Christ.

Who do you think you are?, says the Pharisees and Saduccees….I am the bride of Christ….. Can’t you see His beauty in me?  Oh no, it is not my own but my Beloved’s that is shining out.

Can’t you see His name is written all over me for all to see that He has great love for you and for me…..Come to King and know His greatness and come to the Lamb and know His love.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together in Christ ( by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might the show the exceeding riches of  His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus,( Ephesians 2:4-7).

And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places,  according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence in faith in Him.

Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father  of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted  and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.  (Ephesians 3:9-21).

May we see how a treasure you are to our King- the King of all….. You are His special prize. He has beautified us with His blood, His Spirit—— HIS LOVE. We are His body on this earth which He is exalted as we  parade in front all principalities and powers of the age to show how great the Great I AM is…… Look at us,—– see His mercy…….. Look at us shine His greatness and wisdom and understanding—— See His love.  See His strength in our lives- see His faithfulness.

Now remember, every principality and power will argue against who we represent…So what, he is a liar….. We keep arising in His glory of love and shine….. We will give hope to the hopeless. We will give sight to the blind. We will give weak knees strength in His name…..This all accomplished in the authority He has given us…… We will parade the crown of our King amongst the principalities and powers rescuing those that they hold captive.

The countries that Israel were to dispossess were also witnesses to the display of this country that carried their God in a golden tabernacle.  Our God displays Himself through His people as He will be known as the only true God.

Beloved, let us not be like Queen Vashti in the Book of Esther…… Let us sing loudly- this little light of mine, I will let it shine. We sing and praise as we look for divine appointments of His choosing.

Amen and Amen!

God willing, we will get back to the second death soon….. Shine our Beloved’s light everywhere we go.  Let all know that we are His beloved and He is ours!!  Behold, the beauty of the King. Behold, the beauty of His bride. Behold the love of God for His own and His own that are to be as He has called them His before the foundation of the world too!


My Beloved,

Rise and shine for My glory has risen upon you.  Upon My mountain I AM has called you. Now  go and make disciples among all nations.  My kingdom shall know no end. Rejoice!  Your light has come.  I AM with you and within you for all time and forever.

Be bold and courageous for I AM has placed My print in every place your shoe shall step. My hand has touched the one appointed to turn to Me today….. All is in My plan and you are blessed as My vessel….. You speak as I AM is speaking through you.  You are healing as I AM through your hands to the hurting.  Watch and see, you may never leave your room as you pray for My business.

People of old came to the temple for the healing waters and offerings to be made well…… Beloved, I AM everyone’s Healer. I AM within you as the resurrected Firstborn from the dead and to all that seek Me shall always find Me. The waters of the river of life shall continue just as fire ignites from one to another and shall intensify in the greatness of My purpose.

My eternal life is flowing through you and out to the world…… before all My enemies.  Gather the ripened harvest for the time is set.  It is the set time of I AM, the Lord….. Gather My saints unto me who delight in the sacrifice for their King.  Gather My hungry ones so they may know I AM their full and their Bread which will never run out.  Gather My little ones for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   Gather My weeping friends for they will learn they are My delight and pleasure.   Gather the down cast and out cast for they shall know their place at My table.

Gather the lonely and hopeless and let them know how I AM with them forever as their Hope shall never be run dry nor shall they be disappointed or ashamed.   Let the hopeless know, I AM has not given up hope for them. Let them come to Me, for I AM are their Healer.

I AM the Prize for all who seek I AM…. I AM their Answer and I AM delight’s to be their all for I AM will be all and in all…… I AM does what the Father does and so I AM’s body does what the Father has spoken and established from the beginning of the foundation of the world through My name for I AM.

Do not be concerned, I AM  gives the Words of healing and comfort and truth to the ones before you….. They will penetrate the hearts of the chosen before your very eyes and then you shall know I AM with you as I AM has spoken….

Be attentive to My highlighted ones that need to hear from I AM this day…… Language is no barrier if the language is from I AM to one another.  Watch and see what I AM does in you this day.  Sit at My feet and receive all I AM has for you….. Then as you have asked the overflow will ignite the dead to life again.

Be still and allow I AM to bring you to the heights and the depths of knowing I AM in all I AM has for you… Trust Me. I AM has made the way where you thought the way was an enclosed barrier….. As you have reminded Me of My words, all things are possible to those who believe in I AM today……. Look at all I AM has brought you through and there, My child, is still more….. Follow My fragrance and all will know the King has brought you to their town.

My delight is in My children this day, so bring more to Me and make My day.

Know My love surrounds you as the air you breathe. Know the angels sing in delight of the trust and belief you show yourself in Me.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Me.

Spin around and sing for all My delight is found in My children. Speak to Me for I AM waiting to hear the special and unique sound of your voice to I AM.

The feast is soon to be. Bring all you can to Me. This call is from above, the time is short and see all as for Me.

Hear Me this day. Pray for those that are coming My way that they may hear My Word.

Hear Me, My beloved.  The feast is being prepared this day so bring as many as will come My way. Hear Me. Thank you for answering My call. I AM brings you close so you may know Me.  There is great room for all that are chosen…. Yay, pray they choose Me.

Thank you for answering My call.



What Is This Reborn Stuff And Second Death Mean? Lord???

Then He spoke a parable to them: No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old.

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined.

But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

And no one, having drunk old wine; immediately desires new; for he says, The old is better, ( Luke 5:36-39).

Jesus answered and said to him, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother’s worm and be born?

Jesus answered, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God,

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again.

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit, ( John 3:3-8).

It is imperative we are born again, not just head ascent in the belief  to the King and Savior….. We must have an experience with the King…… We must lean into Him and allow Him to manifest Himself to us personally…… He wants to meet with you! He wants to meet with all His kids.

As we are reborn into His kingdom by Holy Spirit, we are as a newborn baby ready to be filled with the new wine…….We have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer we who live but Christ lives in us; and the life we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us, ( Galatians 2:20).

Just as any parent wants to spend time with the family…..So does our Godhead…… All the Trinity wants your heart to be Theirs as They have commanded this the first commandment.

In the last book of the Bible, Revelation of Jesus Christ, is written so we know the end of the history of this age…… The Author of His creation has every right to end and start His creation the way He wants to……God is Great and worthy to be praised because He has called all things unto all righteousness.  He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. And yes, even over us, here in America.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is says to the churches, He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death, ( Revelation 2:11).

Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of  Life was cast into the lake of fire, ( Revelation 20:14-15).

And He said to me, It is done! I  Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,  which is the second death.

So let’s think on His plan…… According to the Lord, we are to be born again in His Spirit by His Spirit. Also, residing in us is the incorruptible Seed of Jesus Christ…….. If we do not heed to the Spirit calling us to return to our God and Lord Jesus Christ and refuse to be reborn into Christ Jesus,….. we will suffer the second death.  Huh?

How do we die twice?  Well, according to our Heavenly Father, we have died spiritually already once by being born into this world under the lineage of Adam.

When Adam sinned, we all sinned as written in Romans 5:12-18: Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus spread to all men, because all sinned- (for until the law sin was in the world, but sin was not imputed to when there was no law.

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who was a type of Him who was to come.

But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by  the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.

And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification.

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

This is the bottom line-in verses 19-21, same chapter 5- For as one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Yahoo and alleluia to our King and Savior, Jesus Christ….. Our Victor…. He is the only Way into Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father….. He is the only Way……

Our deeds and niceties and even our sorrow over our failures and sin will not get us into heaven, the kingdom of God,  – but by the blood of our Lord and our action to back up our belief in Him is the only Way. Praise Him for ever!!! Amen and amen!!

So we agree that we are spiritually dead before our faith reached out and grabbed God’s Gift, His Son, to our hearts….. But if there is a feeling there is more behind the Door of entry into the realm of our God….. Your right!!!!

I thank God -that He means what He says and says what He means……

John 14:6, Jesus said to him, I Am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Verse 11, Believe Me that I AM in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.

Verse 16-18, And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- the  Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him. for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Verses 20-21, At that day you will know that I AM in My Father, and you in Me and I AM in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I AM will love him and manifest Myself to him.

So what a great Gift our God made Himself to be and He is sooooo available to us…… He covered all the bases and did not leave one thing left for chance…The one thing that is left for grabs is if we turn from such a great salvation and remain in the death culture that we inherited from Adam…

That is our choice and God will do everything He can to convince us and show up into our dreams, our thoughts, send others- trying to have us turn to Him and receive and partake of the Finest Wheat we will ever eat and the Finest Wine that we will ever be covered in…..

Our choice to turn away….

His choice to give us His all so we may be with Him where He is today and always.

Our choice to remain in death. Not His.

His choice to give us eternal life which is always abundant and beyond our greatest thoughts and stamps out every fear known to mankind…….. Death has lost its sting for those who have believed in the Lord Jesus.  We will rise in Him  in His Day as we have already risen spiritually….

No wonder why He dances and sings over us as scripture says……. We should also be dancing and singing our love to Him in our joyful hearts and mouths!

He is alive and so are we, beloved. So are we.

The King has come and quickened us into His Kingdom. Behold, the King!  Behold, the Lamb!

He is with us this day and always….. Behold, He is closer to you than your breath. Behold, and be still He is here.  Let us quiet ourselves and await His sweet Words that always awaken and quicken our hearts in greater measure in Him.

Remember, as scripture stated written above-  He is in the Father and the Father is in Him and He is in us and we are in Him…… We abide in the King of eternal life and He, the King of all, abides in each one of His kids. We are His kids because we partake of His death and resurrection in  and by the Spirit of God. We celebrate this communion of God with man by taking His blood as wine and His body as His Bread of Life……..We confirm our faith in Him…. The One who is. The One who was. The One who is to come…..

The resurrected life of Christ Jesus abides within the believer because the Resurrected Lord Jesus is in us now.  As Roman states He quickens our mortal body.

Thank God,  He is so methodical to complete our need for eternal life in Him and also illuminate the scriptures for us by His Spirit so we may know Him and understand Him– Not completely for He is always revealing something new about Him to each of us…… He is never ending and never stopping…. He is so exciting and yet, so dependable and faithful.

Apostle Paul, who never knew Jesus Christ in the flesh, knew Him because He manifested Himself to Paul…… In the Book of Galatians, Paul, spoke through the grace of God, He had revealed the Son of God within him…… Wow……

Paul was used by God to implement the truth as an example of making known God’s desire in having sons and daughters in the Beloved. Christ in us the hope of glory as written in Colossians.

The Lord is the head over His body….. He is not without a body as He is – so are we in the world.

I ask you now, beloved, to give Him the time He deserves…… Check out how many times- in Christ is written in the New Testament…… We are born again into Christ Jesus, the Beloved, and now we are also the beloved of God…..Check it out.   This is important to Him.

If we do not give Him our time which He will turn into  eternity  within our lives, we are so missing out on so many exciting truths that He has bestowed upon us.

Would we not shake our head in despair if we knew of one who was living on the streets, yet he had the keys to a great home where he is loved and favored?  Are we not doing that by loving the world and the things in it and forsaking our heavenly Father and His kingdom…..?

He made it clear, we cannot serve two masters, ( Matthew- look it up)….. One will be favored and the other despised.

He searches our hearts for our love towards Him and our faith…… His eyes of fire burn with passion for our Heavenly Father and us. Has not Holy Spirit ignited within us a fiery love for our God and King?

I have seen many wait in lines for the doors to open for sales in the stores.  Beloved, what He has given us is free….. There is no line!!!   Our King paid the cost…… Yes, there will be persecution, but it does not out weigh the love we will find in Him towards us…There is no competition to any store or event that can match the knowing of His great love towards His beloved, us.

Come on in…… Make the sacrifice and turn the world off. Keep time in eternity with our King.

Hear Him call- COME UP HERE!  Your seat is waiting. Give Me your ear!

We will go further on to understand the second death in the forth coming days….

God willing, we will study again in His eternal life and love.

Seek Him now while He is near!


Who has overcome the World?  If we are in Christ, we are dead to the world and the world is dead to us?  Is that how we are living?  Do we want to spend time with the One we love? Do we get agitated when it gets interrupted?


My Children,

My fire eyes burn to pierce to and fro throughout the world to see who I AM may show Himself strong on their behalf for they are searching for I AM.  I AM will answer.  I AM sees and knows all men and women and little ones thoughts and actions toward  I AM or away from I AM.

They seek I AM from a distance because they do not know I AM. They believe the lies of the enemy of their hearts..….Do you not know I AM is with you until the end of this age?  Do you not know that I AM closer to you than your breath?

Do you say you draw near to Me to others but are far from I AM in your heart? My Spirit has given all who believe and love Me the understanding to know I AM.  I AM has bestowed upon those precious hearts that seek I AM an ear to hear My whisper……

If you are far….. do not hesitate, spin around. Draw near and you will find I AM…. All who ask for I AM, will be found….. All who seek for I AM will know and see I AM manifested before them….. I AM not a man that I AM should lie…… Knock and keep on knocking, you shall be welcomed and be abundantly satisfied…… with and in I AM as I AM within you.

Those who draw near and wait on their King, discern My moves and actions.  They are there with Me as I AM stands in prayer for I AM hears the fall of the saints’ tears.  Though the tugs of your heart may be many only One shall satisfy. Only One shall equip you for the day that lies ahead.  There is only One who will keep destruction for overcoming My beloved.

Know the Great I AM today while it is called today.  You shall seek and find My everlasting smile and hand beckoning for you to draw near.  I AM sees your cautious peeking through the Way.  Come and sit with I AM for I AM waiting on your drawing near.

Yet, beckon My heart gladness and come and sit with Me during your short time on this earth.  You want I AM and you want to also partake of the earth…… As a child, many play games with both, but, alas, listen to Holy Spirit. His wind bellows through the land….. What is the world saying now for the mixture that has been played in My beloved….…

Many gathered the woman caught in adultery and threw her at My feet in disgust.  Yet, they did not see their own hearts playing the harlot with the Word of God that had been given them as a standard.

Has playing games in both kingdoms changed the world or is the world hardening your heart to stone again? I AM the Standard of your Life Eternal…… I AM has spoken not to do as the leaders do but obey their words.  Remember I AM with you always……. I AM sees all and knows all, beloved……

Yah, I AM says, do as I AM does and I AM says for I AM has given you Holy Spirit to live a set apart and godly life of righteousness towards I AM this day.  Has this not been completed before your own eyes?  AM I not within you this day and hour? Christ in you is not hiding, only to the world.  I AM, Christ in you, for your glory to be seen in I AM, in this age and the age to come.  You are dead to the world but remember, alive unto I AM.

The child plays the games. But as growth comes along, the games get put aside for the knowledge  and wisdom of the time is short. Understanding beckons in the hearing ear there is much work to be gained in My kingdom this day. Come to I AM this day to know your specific way.

Arise o sleeper. The prince of the air has lullabied you into a slumber.  Awaken for the time is short. You may find yourself surrounded in the days of comfort but what about your brother.

Did I AM not instruct My children you are your brother’s keeper?  Ask often is this a distract or an instruct from My Great Friend…. Does this draw me to Your feet? Does this draw me into the den of thieves?  Is this for instruction and peace or is this for distraction from the purpose You have given Me?

One quick turn again, and you shall know My presence is surrounding you as hear My heartbeat.  Draw near My child. I AM loves you and will always love you.

Come to I AM. Meet Me in the silence found in your heart as I AM sits and waits for you.

Come up here to the seat I AM has prepared for you in this age…. Come now, My beloved. Allow My image to blaze through you……. You are My body and in I AM you are complete. Sit and behold and you shall become.   I AM the Divine Romancer…… I AM your Divine Romancer.

Come to Me.








Didn’t He Say He Will Shake All That Can Be Shaken?

When the wind blows during the winnowing the good grain falls to the ground but the chaff just blows away…… The grain has the weight to hold on to its place during the blowing.

All that is not of the truth just blows away….. This is the way of our Lover of our souls…… This our Divine Romancer. He loves us so much, He will shake all that is not Him so we may know Him greater.

Why does He shake all that can be shaken? So what is of Him, eternal, remains as written in the Book of Hebrews.

See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice shook the earth; 

whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates a removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

For our God is a consuming fire, ( Hebrews 12:25-28).

The Godhead have their valuable end in Their sight…They are already there and here and back there! The honor and vengeance of the Firstborn and the reborn family through the Firstborn….. He will be all and in all- then God will be all and in all as written in Colossians and Corinthians.

This was their goal from the Beginning…. A huge family from Their Seed. As Their intent in Genesis 1:26, as written—–Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness.  

As we know the eagle shakes their kids nest to make them get out to fly.  In their comfort zone of their nest,….. they would never experience the heights of their intent soaring over mountains and covering the territory that was planned for the eagle to carry on it’s heritage.

So every groom loves to see his sparkling bride come to him….. Her joy makes her shine and then her joy makes him smile and be in awe of her beauty.

As we see an eagle soar in the sky, we marvel at it’s beauty of doing what God intended it to do.

God delights in His people and loves to see us do what we were designed to do. He called each one of us to be and do what He designed by His Spirit.

Wouldn’t it be heart breaking to see an eagle never soar. It would appear the eagle is under the deceitfulness that it was not made to  fly.  We would want to go and help it reach its fullness of an eagle….

Well, Holy Spirit knows God’s mind and only knows how to teach us to fly or dance in His Spirit. By His Spirit in us we are known as the sons and daughters of God.

We must walk and live by the Spirit of God if we are calling the Lord Jesus our Savior and King……His life within is more than head ascent. His life is move and breath through us to the world.

If I were to show up somewhere, my talents or characteristics don’t show up separate.  If I show up- you get all of me- like it or not.

Holy Spirit within us is all of Him and His characteristics as well as gifts….. All of Him. He is the third Person of the Godhead. We cannot separate His gifts and Him…… He fits the body of Christ with the supernatural gifting and works of God as He sees fit but we cannot operate His gifts away from His Person….. The gifts are His and He works through us, the vessel, His gifts for the body edification and evangelism for the glory to God and exaltation of Jesus Christ….


I have a habit of asking my husband often- what? What are you thinking?  After a long time of marriage, a lot of times, the questions goes unnoticed or unanswered…… My habit has developed by asking God- What?  My King, what are You seeing?  Holy Spirit, what’s up?   You said You would show me great and mighty things, if I ask….. So I am asking….

My questions to the King, gets answered…..  All things that are shown to us are breathtaking and awesome…… Our God sometimes makes our heart skip a beat….. but He is the Giver of our breath and life….. So what is taken is always restored to a higher degree in Him.

But we must leave our nest of what is seen and known by our natural senses.  A walk of faith is not by sight. This is called living an abiding life in Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me, ( Galatians 2:20).

Beloved, I think the Laodicean church loved its nest and having all the comforts.  But they had grown so big on the outside, the flesh, they forgot the importance of living by the Spirit and in communion with our Lord.

Outside delights are designed to appeal to the senses and leave us cold on the inside in our spirit man to our Lord. We forget the pleasures of the Spirit and His awesome nearness to help us and guide us and teach us in every minute of the day.

The world betrays us, beloved.  They promise fulfillment but leave all of us empty and still seeking.  The voices of the world romance us but after the first date—– the voices fall flat. Also saying,..… hey, you need to try this or that if this didn’t work…….  What a work mentality of never getting satisfied and always wanting or needing more stuff….. Or more fame, or more fortune……

But beloved, when all our days are fulfilled….. We also take with us the emptiness of not knowing our Creator and Friend.  We still have that huge hole in us that we are trying to fill and refill. It is a never ending cycle……Anger soon develops and cynicism from the broken promises…..But wait…..

Can you hear Him, your Divine Romancer, calling you?  He is knocking and whispering to you in the still of the silence when the burnout of your seeking and never getting satisfied comes to a valley low…..

Shhhhhh……. Can you not wait and shhhhhh……. Listen…….. He is there with you and I right now.  Wait….. He has been loving us with an everlasting love. You do know what everlasting means right?    FOREVER AND EVER!

Since the minute you were a thought in the Divine Mind….. He has waited to be gracious to you….. He has desired you to be His and His alone for not this day but all days and into all of eternity.

Shhhhhh……!!!! Listen. Turn off the world and tune into the stillness of the quiet. You will hear Him……. Do not be concerned that you do not know Him….. He knows all things and your things…….This does not stop His love for you in the least..… Be silent…. Listen.

Love yourself enough to turn to Him and wait ten to twenty minutes.  Allow Him to show Himself to you….. May be tell Him, God, I do not know you or know You to love You……. Shhhhhh….. Listen, you will hear Him say I AM has loved you with an everlasting love….. You are precious to Me. Come know My Son.

Start here in the greatest love story of your and my life…. He is the Divine Romancer…..He wants us to seek Him because He has been seeking us forever since the start of time…..

HE WANTS YOU….. He will never deceive you. He will stretch your comfort zone until there is none. He wants us all because He gave us all of Him so we can be with Him where He is……

We will never be forsaken or forgotten. There will not be another one made better than you….. In His eyes, we are all perfected in Him. The King of all kings and Lord of all lords, is desiring you to be with Him this day.

We are dazzling clothed in and by His Spirit. We are His shining city put up on His hill….. We have been covered by something so precious to the King.

His blood.

We have been washed whiter than snow and brought into the family of God.  Do not hesitate to enter into His sacrifice for you and for me.

Heaven was brought to earth to bring us to heaven by our Divine Romancer.

Learn how He sees you…… When you see the King’s eyes…… How does He see you?  What are you doing? Where are you in His eyes?

Ponder these questions and the answers…… Live them out for He is with you and me…… This is faith, beloved….. We go where He says and speak what He says…

Beloved, we dance with the King. We live by faith and His Spirit guides our steps. Yes, there will be breathtaking opportunities,  but He is closer than our breath….. as written in Romans. Check it out.

We may stay in the nest and fear our leap and never dare to get closer to the Uncreated One or we may just flap our weak wings and try to touch the Son.

He will meet the effort.  He respects and enjoys our faith leaps and even baby leaps….. He does not care….. He desires our faith in all He died and rose to give us that we take from Him in gusto.

He is a great generous King who wants all to enjoy His riches.  Beloved, we pray for all to receive His Spirit for our Father is not holding  Him back from any seeking heart.  Unbelief is the block as is our wanting to see versus acting in faith.

If He says we can do His works and in greater measure…. We can…..

Remember our God asked- who told you -you were naked? Adam saw with his eyes and not what was told him by God.

Satan wants to say you do not have all we have been given by God….. It is up to us to say- I walk by faith and not by sight….. I am what I AM says I am.

I am clothed in and by His Spirit. I abide in the King, the Word of God and He, the Word of God, abides in me.  I am diligent to show myself approved by spending time with Him, in the Word of God.  I hold the Word of God as my life and breath….. I am easily stirred by the Spirit of God to pray for His urgings and the body of Christ….. I suffer with the prisoners of Christ and hold them in my heart for strength and courage and healing…..I am moved by His bride universally not just locally.

I will fast and pray to strengthen myself in the Spirit and quiet my flesh. I am not moved by what is seen and heard but I am only moved by the Spirit who lives within me…… My God is my glory and strength and joy… I delight in Him and He is my all.

As we speak these truths out, beloved, as the shaking occurs whether personally, locally, or universally. We will not be moved but will be all He plans for us to be to others…… We cannot be His body for His newbody’s if we are falling apart because we have been taken unawares of the timing of the age.

If we give Him His preeminence in our lives, nothing will take us be surprise but Him!   If we allow the chaff to fall away and come to the belief we are who He says we are and we placed and given all we need in Him by His Spirit….. Exploits and wonders will be accomplished in His name and for His glory……

We get to show all who and how great our Heavenly Father is….. How majestic is His Son and the delight of power in Holy Spirit, we live by.

We show the world, how faithful our God is…….

He never leaves us alone- thank God.

He never gives us false promises- He is always our Provider.

He always gives us His life- He never withholds….. We must take His life with gusto and never turn back…. We must apprehend Him as if we are the little eaglets being moved from their nest with nothing but Him.

He has more for us- He is neverending….. so our walk of faith must not be…Remember- the cross brings us the resurrected life of our King and His resurrected life brings us to the cross….. Increase is His gig for He is neverending and His government that rests on His shoulders shall never cease.

The Laodicean church rested and gathered things unto themselves.  WE ARE TO REST IN HIM AND GATHER SOULS UNTO HIM……In the fight of faith, fire is alive within for then we are marked for Him and a threat to the evil…….

Resting in Him, knowing all is in His hand for His plan.  The knowledge of Him is peace and joy and fullness in the Holy Spirit.

If we are walking in His footsteps, then we shall be as He was treated in this world….. Woe to them and whohoo for us!  Great is our reward in heaven and in the earth because we delight Him….. We have friendship with Him. We hear Him. He is our God and is our Refuge…

Now for those who mistreat us.  Pray for them for their shaking will be starting because the Divine Romancer is seeking them for He loves them!


He is unlike any other God. There is no one like our Yahweh!  Praise Him forever!



Turn you ear to Me.  Turn off the world’s noise….. Your leaning ear to their noise will deafen the active word of Truth within you.  Protect the hearing ear I AM has died to give you.

My kingdom is from above- so seek the things above where you and I AM are seated….. Does a man who has received a promotion stay in the old job? Does he not seek the higher place of honor?   Yet, My children are settling for the vain which will pass away.

Is it not written by My friend, do not seek the house, Bethel…… But seek I AM.  The house that you live may be gone tomorrow but I AM is still with you.  Know I AM now and My faithfulness.

Count on My love to bring you into and out of all things. When the cliff ends, I AM is there.  When the waters rise, I AM is there.  Trust Me.

I AM will not allow you to be alone.   I AM was with the men on the boat. They thought I AM doesn’t answer……. The faith of all, if chosen, is stretched to the ultimate end….. I AM. You will know Me for this is eternal life.

Gather together for exalting I AM.  The testimony of I AM is the Spirit of prophecy. I AM jealous for My place in all hearts for this is their glory.

I AM God and I AM your God. I AM knocks down all idols.  Foe or friend is your decision. I AM has shed all My blood for you to bring you up and in My presence…..

Do not hesitate to knock…… the Door is opened to you.

Do not hesitate to ask……. You will receive.

Do not hesitate to seek for Me…… You will find I AM….. smiling!

We have a lot of walking together, My friend. Come to Me now. Hear and receive all I AM has for you. Do not be deceived…. I AM waiting for you to come to Me.

I AM calling My friends to come up……..You cannot have the world in your hands and have them open for Me to fill with My Spirit…..What you desire for that is what you will seek?  Your hands reveal your heart.  Your seeking reveals your heart pulse for I AM or something other.

Be assured for as My love never ceases for you, the coming wind will blow what is not to be to make room for who is to be.  I AM does not share My glory. Alas, is it not written- My Spirit within and abiding in you is your hope of glory?   A mystery is revealed unto you….. Hold it secret in your heart for the revealing of My love in greater measure or toss it as chaff to the wind….

In My Day, all will be weighed.  The wind has blown the chaff and the grain will be kept and treasured from the storms.  If you have an ear to hear, hear My Words. If you have an hearing ear, I AM beckons you now.

Who do you say I AM?

Live as to who I AM says you are for I AM has loved you with an everlasting love….. Be all I AM says you are to Me, My beloved and friend.

Belief is good, but even the devils believe.  A life I AM has called you to is by faith in My Spirit for these are the sons of God.  Living by every Word of the Mouth of God is My delight for you.

Know I AM……. Know My Living Word by My Spirit says the Lord. Then You shall know My love which is everlasting toward you.  Leave the nest. Know My strength of love for you.

Come to Me.
















There Is Much To Understand On The Mount Of Olives…..Ready to Step Up?

Remember when Moses went up to Mount Sinai with the Lord for forty days as written in Exodus? Exodus 25:40 states And see to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.

On the days of Jesus Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, He was shown different mounts which the devil tempted Him to submit to darkness’ authority.   Praise Him for He did not budge on His heart to please and obey Our Father or Him being the Living Word….. Proving He was the Word. Right? Right….. Pure Light and Truth is our King.

So there are two different mounts available to man… God’s and the what the world offers…… Each one is being made from a pattern.

Each one of us is being made according to a pattern also….. the world’s or God’s. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life, ( Galatians 6:7-8).

We were trapped in the mold of this world’s pattern until the Lord went up to the Mount of Olives.   He then crushed His will to His right and submitted to become the Father’s sacrifice. In doing this He broke open the trap of darkness for mankind. No longer were we trapped into the pattern that Satan had held us in bondage.

So much happened on that Mount with Moses with the Lord.  The standard of heaven was given to Moses which we could never meet. God knew this was a given as He also had His Great Surprise up His mystery sleeve… The Godhead had made a way to be revealed on His given day.  His way was not totally manifested yet…. The fulfillment of that Day would surely come.

Now when the Son arrived…..The Promise came…… Not to what every one had their mind set for though…….. But, He was not only born spotless, He also lived the standard of the Law given by God through Moses, by the power of the Holy Spirit..…. He fulfilled the plummet line  to the T and dotted i’s!  But not to everyone’s thinking did He fit the mold….. But He perfected God’s mold of mankind…. Beloved, that is all that counts.

Jesus Christ also gave us THE standard from His mount… He showed us the way of love is sacrifice.… He opened the Way for us to get out of darkness and death but, also, to walk into the pattern that was established in the mind of the Father before the foundation of the world. He showed the Father’s love in all He said and did….. The  pattern is set. The foundation laid.  The fulfillment of time had come……. Now the fulfillment of our time is set….. The path has been laid and the way has been manifested…. God’s way in the depths is the heights…..

He finished the job. He accomplished the task at hand for us to enter the Land of His in which there are wide and far distances to explore….. The heart of the Father is accomplished in the sacrifice on the mount of Olives and the Mount of Calvary……. by His Son, Jesus Christ… Of course, the Resurrected Life of the First and the Last… The new  Jerusalem is created from His Firstborn resurrected into eternal life………. Jesus Christ made the Way for us to be with the Father and Holy Spirit to be our Guide…….Not only did Jesus Christ open the way but  He is the Way.  He is the Truth and Life and Light of all men and for all of men.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up His cross, and follow Me. 

For whoever desires to save His life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

There is a saying: let go and let God….. Let God have His way…… This is the place where in a moment of every heart meets God in their own mount of olives….. Let God have His way….. Let His Son reign this day. So we may have the sight to see……and know the experience of  love without measure and understand the cost He paid or swallowed hard in obedience.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, ( Ephesians 1:17-18).

The decision is made as every heart comes to the Mount of Olives….. We decide to say yes……Not just once but again and again, all the way through our journey on this earth…… Then the experience of the cross is laid into our hearts as also is the rising of resurrection life within each one of us….. Thus, we are His sons and daughters taking after the Firstborn.

We leave the dead or death for the resurrected clothing of Holy Spirit living within forming His home.  We go from glory to glory or strength to strength as scripture states in Psalm 84 and  in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18:  Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed in the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord…..

Bonds are broken of death and destruction only by One…… Our Savior and King, His Spirit…. The Holy One and He is in our midst…… closer than our breath.

So what if you do not feel His presence…. God is not a liar…. He is with us and in us…… Listening to our faith or lack. He knows our thoughts and tears and laughter.  He is not far…. He answers our cries and holds us close….. Do not go by your feelings, beloved, they change like the wind….. Stay and live on what the Word of God says…… He is with us until the end of the age- Matthew 28….. Believe Him and live with Him as He is right here….. Talk to Him and wait for His answer…. He loves to talk- He is the Word!!

Now when we come to the Lord, we died with Him. There are so many layers of maturity in God. The mount gives us the room in Him to learn and live by His way …… Just as there is so much to know and learn of our God, so there is so much He wants to increase Himself in us…. So we must let go of us…… of the dead man thinking……

We must continually allow the little crises that comes up. The Lord is setting before us a choice…. Yes, we have His goodness now but we may have an opportunity to gain His goodness in a better measure……. and then He shakes us again for to turn to His best….His high calling….. The mount of olives will always be knocking on our door of our thinking to challenge us to keep exploring and not settling.

The Laodicean church settled….. They lost their sight and thought they had come……. to where I do not know….but they thought they were something…… Again, here is wisdom…… Man says, wow you have arrived……. God says-ahhh….. where have you lost your fire?   Jesus Christ arrived and man thought- He is not what we wanted…… He doesn’t fit the mold….. But He fit the mold perfectly in God….. Jesus Christ  fit His heart perfectly.

We must increase in the wisdom of God…. This is not written but familiarity breeds contempt….. Meaning when we are in sync with one another, we step back from speaking the truth until someone comes along who is the Truth made flesh….. May we know our true allegiance is not to man but to Jesus Christ and to speak His word in and out of season…….

And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God, ( Luke 16:15).

Yes, we can settle and really dress as the Laodicean church…… or we can continuously ask for His eye salve to awaken us again to His path and not our paths…. Or sometimes there is a fork in the road….. The path we are on is known, but He wants us to take His known and our unkown path into His greatness….The trust factor is the key.

When the season changes and it has become summer, are we  still wearing the wrong clothing for the season?….. Well, we are a little foolish, if we are…. We’ re obviously missing the signs of the times….. We must change our clothing and get the updated strength of our Lord for the approaching season…. We must be attentive to His nudging…. We must be ready to go to Gethsemane again and again and again.

Oh Lord, I want to be with you always even to the cross….. I just want to be with you always……Are we prepared to drink His cup? Are we preparing to drink His cup?  If we have never met Him in that garden, may we ask Holy Spirit to lead us there…… Yes, there may be trembling but we will see the love of the One who is like no other…….

Lord, I pray You give us courage and strength to know our Heavenly Father and You in greater measure which is eternal life.  Awaken us to Your life and show us our folly of holding on to things which are to be shaken so the eternal remains…… So we are found having no righteousness but Yours…. Thank You for answering the cry for we are hungry to know You in all ways….. Your ways…. Thank You.

There and the experience of the cross is His way into resurrected life- Christ in us- our hope of glory as stated in Colossians chapter one.  He expands His turf in us and we expand in the knowledge of His vastness of Him…… Sort of cannot tell where He is and we are not anymore……  As Enoch was there and he was not…..He walked with God and wasn’t….. The days of Enoch have been declared as written in Genesis….. See and know the season we are in ….. The times, they are a changin’.

So as a crises comes our way…. Do not throw the blame on the devil…….Stop, kneel at the garden…… Listen to how He turns what evil means for harm in to His good….. Relish and delight in His plan for His love is neverending. He will never fail us….. Just wait and listen….. He is with us through it all. Is not this the prayer we have been praying…….?  We want to know You?   This is the way, beloved…..

The place of crises in each life is to produce the new of God’s next phase of His delight of revealing and manifesting His Son to the world ….. through you and through me……I am not speaking of problems.  I am speaking of real life crises….. Where you speak- Lord if not You…… I am not.  He will shower us again and again with His vast fragrance of neverending love….. He will embrace us because we went to the Mount…. He knows and He sees everything.

Look at Him now this way.  See our old man died on the Mount…… Our thinking must be renewed to our God’s ways. The old covenant died.  The temple was going to be destroyed some 70 years later. The new one is being constructed and the foundation was laid at that mount….

The blue print was revealed on this earth through His sweat of blood and laying down His life….. The Cornerstone was erected that blessed and agonizing night…… Old was replaced with the Living Tabernacle of God that Day which He rose…… The new and Living Covenant was established. He has risen!!!!

We are blessed beyond measure to partake of the New and Living Covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ……The place of squeezing and pressing pouring forth the oil from our tears…… It is the standard of the way……to enter into this holy Friendship……. Then we  know Him at the cross – We lay our hearts in the fire. Then we meet Him.  The tomb is empty!!! His resurrecting  life  is our new life in Him……Our hearts are restored in His eternal life flowing through and spilling over…. Beloved, we have been chosen to manifest the King to this world which cannot see…… Please step up and believe….

Children need all parents to do things for them….. as we mature we do things with our parents.

He is the Cornerstone of His Temple. We are His temple beloved…… But we have a vast land to explore and it will be often in deeper, wider heights and lengths of measure as we grow into the complete pattern made before the foundation of the world.  Holy Spirit is making us into the new creation  pattern from above where Majesty sits on High.

How can heaven coming to earth through His Spirit  remain heaven changing earth?  Knowing He is in us. He is habitating.  He is not visiting…. Beloved, the King is among us and in us……… We cannot box and contain God or His pace….. If we do not meet in Him in the garden often, He will move His plan on and we will be left in deception as the Laodicean church is spoken of in Revelation  chapter three.  We must seek His snow patrol at all times….. Read my last blog, if you are thinking..  What is she talking about…..

How can the sight of Him in  our hearts be so enlightened that we allow God to have His full way through us….. How much do we let go at that mount in the Spirit of God to allow His love come and shake all the earth until there is all heaven….and the earth is under  heaven’s will be done.

Jesus Christ was untouchable by evil until the time was at hand but even then He was still untouchable…. Right?   He walked the complete path of His Father knowing what He could not see would be…..Can we drop all for His name today, beloved?  Can we let go all we cling to for Him?  It is by Him for Him and through Him all things exist……. ‘

Is there a stopping of His Spirit from working Heaven on this earth by our unbelief?   Will it  be said of us that we are a stiff necked and prohibited the Spirit from His job?  Can we see with His eyes- He is building in the Spirit the temple of God, which we are….. We are His body and He is through us working His plan out…… Yes, this is His way……..The garden, the cross, and resurrected life, eternal life flowing through His body on this earth….. Bringing life …. Offering His life.

Did we want the gifts but not the fire of the Giver?   We wanted the gifts but not the cleaning of the closet, ( out heart).  The Teacher longs to bring to our  mind all the things of the Lord’s will to be made manifest….. Big is just big……. Great is from heaven.     Laodecian church, that is not us?  Right?

There is a cost,… buy the salve…..But the love of our Savior, we don’t count the cost….. Or we do not let that stop us from getting His strength to move on for His footsteps have paved the way….. His way.

Let us pray we are not stuck in our ways and saying they are His….. He always confirms the words of His Servants…… Is there the confirmation of His fire burning our offerings?   Are we as written in Matthew 15:8, These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.

Oh beloved, let us not be blind that we do not see the tear of our King shed down on us this day….. He speaking out and saying- My voice is beckoning you today… Come to Me and let us meet at the mount. Let us discuss the pattern that has been shed there……. For those are the steps I AM will be with you as I AM and you will walk  My way…. Do not tarry for this is the salve that is needed for your sight to be as Mine this day…

Do you not see?- the pattern is Mine that is set for you to be totally free in all that hinders Me through you today…… What good is salt if it has lost its flavor…. Turn to Me this day. Let us sit at the mount and measure the pattern that  I AM as laid before you to be in My way.    The snow glistens for all to see but you must walk the path that I AM has called you to in Me…… The Spirit has etched out the whisper for He speaks to you very plain….. On the plain, you shall see all I AM has planned for you in Me…. But you must leave all you cling to and cling to Me – This is the way to make the blind to see.  As this must start with Us first ……. The cost to buy My salve is given today…. Are you willing to come and do things My way….. Come to the mount and lay down your plans for do you hold tomorrow in your hands?   What if the day hastens away?  Will you not regret that you did not meet  I AM at the mount this day?  What King lays down all to gather My beloved?  The ear to hear and a heart to receive is I AM giving to you. Please take My Spirit and see. I AM speaks because I AM has given you ears to hear…… I AM has laid My hand upon you to guide  you.

The night the olives glistened the blood of this King, listen to Holy Spirit speak of all that was laid  in heaven and  bound hell.  Listen and learn for in the quiet you will heed in the  blessing of the calling of the pattern for us this new day.  Let His Spirit imprint upon each heart the goodness He wants us to step up and into ….. Let us let go of all and beckon His call…… Leave all and follow Me for unto the Mount then you shall see.

The tear that was shed for you and me – allow it to water that incorruptible Seed to grow again abundantly….. Let go of your name and fame and fortune today….. Let it go in the wilderness……. Walk away and the power of the Holy One will be once again flowing through your veins.  See Him as your prize and His fame be your aim and His Treasure be your only game……..  Bow to Him this day.  Let’s meet Him on His mount. We will  learn to do things His way according to the pattern He left for us to obey in this day.

Let us hear Him and draw near to His call with a broken heart…… Please let us not draw near and our heart be far from Him today.  Allow the snow to fall and cleanse us through so we may fight the fight of faith til the end….. We may not be true in all we say and do for You, but You will make us that way- all brand new in You….. Let us be honest and throw the religion away….. Let us focus on Him this day for as we behold….. We shall then become His way…The image  of the Son. This has been the Father’s plan from long ago.  See how He is working in us now and forever for this is His way for this age.

Come to the Mount and increase your sight…. See, beloved, the vastness of the land He has called us up and into…. Do not delay, please come to the Mount so you may see things in a new way…… He is smiling beckoning you and I to come….. Come to the fires of His love.  His fires consume us but never burn us.

If we call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember He is the way and will always lead us into eternal life by revealing us our Heavenly Father, which is eternal life….. Come, beloved, meet Him. He is waiting for a watch that will never end.

Selah and Selah again!!



Snow Patrol

I am not very apt in programming my radio in my car, so as I drive, I reach over and spin the dial…..and what ever it lands on -I then try to tune in to  worship music somehow and somewhere…. Today, I spun away, and I looked on the screen and saw Snow Patrol….. I thought, wow….. that is a sign….. I know this is a rock group, but to me, in prayer, as I was driving, I saw a sign and Holy Spirit showed me the scripture of the sign.

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken, ( Isaiah 1:18-20).

The rest of the chapter is very apt for these days that we are witnessing, however, that is not what Holy Spirit showed me…… He is on patrol?  Yes, on patrol for the snow…… We have been washed with the blood of the Lamb….. The most powerful life flow in creation is the blood of our Savior King Jesus that was poured forth upon you and me…… He finished His job- He made us clean and a new creation….. Many ways of Holy Spirit governing job is to tune and turn us into the image of the Son of God……  We were corrupted, but by the blood of the Lamb…..He has washed us white as snow.

I have been bugging Him to let me know why 7 years David was in Hebron reigning and then 33 years over Israel, making a total of 40 years.  It is important because He mentions it often in the Old Testament,  So Hebron means fellowship. He was in fellowship with the Lord in training to reign……. One with the Lord- His ways made known to David….. His thoughts and His righteousness….. for the 33 years of reigning over His people……. As the number for the anti-Christ is 666….. Spirit, soul and body totally corrupt so is 33—- totally divine—- as 333…… Seven meaning complete or perfected…… David’s time of fellowship to reign over His people was completed as were the years of reigning…..The trial of reigning was completed in 40 years…..

Could it be a sign and a symbol that King David was to show us the Great King Jesus work was finished?  In fulfillment of time- our Savior came to bring us into fellowship with our God which was closed off…..Just a thought first is fellowship with the Spirit of God to know God again is open…. Thanks to our King Savior Jesus Christ.  It is finished…..But the doors are open for us….. Come on lets go in…..Can’t you hear Him calling? Get up here!!

God’s ways….. The spirit of the man is God’s turf and He desires it for His habitation….. As written Colossians 1:26—- Christ in us- our hope of glory.   We are one in fellowship with the Lord- Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us into the goodness and grace of God. Everyday the measure in us should increase as we increase in Him- in learning how He is and how He thinks and how He views things….. We know His word and then as we climb into His realm,- we learn the how and some answers to why and  know and discern righteousness and His hate for darkness.  We grow in His strength and His might…. We receive all He gives us to learn and we allow Him to mature us into His own- His own image….. He is purpose is completed – He’s got kids!!

So how snow white is the bride of Christ?  Pretty dazzling white full of the Son of Life and Truth, the Word of God….. So if there is any place where the Snow of grace has been  covered He blows the majestic breath of God .  He loves to shine the light in darkness….. He loves to manifest all things.   Truth does bring the Light of God into all areas of deception…….

If truth reigned, and Holy Spirit given full place in the hearts of men today…… Yes, things would be different…..We see Holy Spirit so in authority in Acts…… He was given His rightful place… He was treasured and honored…… Prayer was a needful thing as well as studying of the scriptures…..There were no agendas but the Lord’s….. Holy Spirit was pleased with the snow on His patrol.  People that dealt deceitfully fell fast in death……. People learned up close and personal that our God is a consuming fire….

Beloved, if there was the most wonderful and gigantic rose plant for all to see.  This rose has a petal as wide as your feet  to give you an idea how large and wonderful it is.  What would you do ?  Do you walk up to it to admire it?  Is it not for you and pass by?  Would you come to gaze on the magnificence of this giant flower ?   Beloved, Holy Spirit is the fragrance of our King. He is more powerful than a rose to help us know our King…… He teaches us to pray and to commune with our King…… and our Father….. The Door has been opened….. He has cleansed us….. Do we partake of the fragrance of God?   Are we living towards the righteousness of God or are we living in this world and are a part of it also?   The Holy Spirit does not agree to mixture….

Picture the day of snow blanketing the earth and the beauty of white glistening in the silence of the stillness of the sight.  What makes the tires of a car turn the beautiful white snow into yucky gray mush?   Man and Spirit collide….. Holy Spirit steps back and man makes heaven into earth instead of bringing heaven to earth and allowing Holy Spirit to maintain His work. Man thinks he must maintain the work of heaven.

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord, ( Zechariah 4:6).  

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment; of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged, ( John 16:7-11).

We should allow Holy Spirit to maintain and change or tweek His work as He sees fit…… This is His job…… not man’s. We are the vessel.  I do not know of any man who would go to Jesus and tell Him how to be Jesus and do the work He did….. Peter tried to change His direction……. It did not turn out to well for our friend Peter…… Why does man think He can stifle the Holy Spirit in any way and it work out for him…?  In the Psalms it was given to us to remind us not to limit the Holy One……. I believe there is great cost now for limiting Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of our King……

In reality, let’s go up to a lion and pull a couple of his whiskers or raise a fist to him. Or better yet, tell him to not have the territory that he has carved out ……..for his pride…… Let’s see how that works for anyone. Can anyone stop a tidal wave?   Can anyone stop a hurricane or a tornado?   Can anyone stop the purpose of God?  Dare anyone get in the way of His Spirit moving in the hearts of people and tell people that they have not been cleansed and touched by the very hand of God…… Dare we interfere with the Spirit of Grace?

Holy Spirit is ruthless in His pursuit to bring the best wine to the Master of the feast.  Our fruit when squeezed and pressed should ooze out oil of Holy Spirit.  May we allow Him to measure how we live as the snow white bride of His love.  He has washed white as snow…… Do we see His work as finished or can we really think that His blood is not strong enough to cleanse us?……. Nothing is stronger than the blood of the Lamb of God…. Nothing can stop His love towards us as He showered over us the day that the sun hid its face in shame.

So allow Holy Spirit to see the shining glistening truth of the Word living strong and mighty in you……. and in me.   Look on Him, beloved….. not you…..   If you want to sit in the dirty rags of humanity, go for it.  But when I learned that the Lord had given me a whole new armor and dress to put on…… I relished His gift.  I delighted in Him and His love….. I gladly threw my rags away and let Him cloth me in His love and majesty…..  He said to obey and believe  and I said – Yes, Sir.   Show me how to do this…. for I am simple but I have never seen so much love in any ones eyes as Yours…. I trust  You.

I will gladly run in joy and peace and patience. I will gladly climb the heights of hills in knowing how to live in love, His kindness. I will work and walk in the shoes of goodness and faithfulness.  I will relish in Your presence and have peace as my Instructor……  Please allow Holy Spirit to show you how white you are in Him….. How He has done it…… So we may keep climbing the hills of ascent to accomplish His will on this earth today..

Religion always keeps the focus on us instead of Him…… Sort of like a gerbil in a gerbil cage— around and around you go and guess what- you get nowhere….. in Him or His purpose for you in His plan…. Religion tells you are disqualified  from His plan,   I have to ask you – who told you -you were naked?   Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!. Arise beloved, you are His prize and treasure…. Now live that way.   When ever we do not know how- it is written;  Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you…..(Matthew 7:7).

Holy Spirit is on His snow patrol!   Ask Him how the King’s bride is doing?   You seem to shine bright to me, beloved, because He said you do and are His. So let us live as He says we are to Him…. If we value our King, we will value and honor His Word and allow His Word to work out Truth in us….. Christ in us is our hope of glory….. His love, beloved, needs to get into to us and then He will flow through as the spoken Word of God over His bride….. Arise and shine……!!!!!


My Beloved Children,

The earth is covered with the righteousness of My blood poured forth over all mankind…. I AM has called clean what I AM has cleansed…… Who are you to call My beloved not mine as a new creation?  That speech is not  unlike throwing mud on a beautiful field of fallen snow glistening from the sun.  Is that not what the evil one does?  My beloved, the evil one came to Eve with darkness in his heart intent to bring it into hers.  He told her she did not have what was part of her in I AM….. The evil one made her think and feel she was lacking in I AM.   She did not know  who she was in My plan and purpose. Nor did she believe all that was given to her was hers…..She agreed with the evil one and her unbelief made her fall from heaven to earth with Adam.  Then she did lack what she thought she was missing.

Block the words of lack and deceit. If you have received My love of My sacrifice to have you in My presence, stump on the snake that comes to you and says you are not in I AM white as snow.   For I AM and you are in Me.  My word has spoken in My servant, I AM of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness.   So may I AM sit and fellowship with one who is knowing of deceit towards I AM….. May I break the Words that last forever?    Remember, as I AM walked the earth, who had contentions with Me?  Was it not the Pharisees and Sadducees?  Those who were as white washed tombs…… They painted themselves as white as snow but inside were dark as night…… I AM came and washed you inside out and now I AM says My blood is  finished the cleansing of the earth.

When you gaze on a garden, do you see the dirt or do you see the blossom?   Look and understand, how your eye see?  Do you see  My beauty in My body?    Is it  that you do not see the beauty in you of I AM?  Where is the belief of My Word?   The heart will see what you  believe?  Do you  hear the birds sing of their new day?   The rejoicing heart will thrive on the creations thriving of I AM.

As you lead a horse the cart will follow as your heart leads the eyes to see the beauty of your King.   Those whose eyes have been opened because of their love of I AM see all as a gift from My hand….. The rain and the sun. They see the snow as wide vastness of My love….. The lightning flashes and the thunders boom  and My beloved  hears My voice and never fears for I AM here.  The waves rise up and My beloved sees My hand leading her into the mounts for safety.  My beloved sees the lions gathering and hears the songs of deliverance singing over her.  My beloved sees the doors closed and knows the will of I AM is in the place of confinement is a place of enlargement and she looks up to see and then hear My voice.  My beloved sees the open door and knows there will be many to interfere but alas she knows she has been given feet as a deer to leap to My purpose there for her..

Alas, you have eyes in your heart…. Set them right in the view of I AM…. Learn today as I AM has spoken, to see as I AM sees and be quick to turn here as I AM leads.  Go there as I AM has walked before you  to set the path clear. Not visible is the path laid but clear for your feet to move swiftly spread My Seed upon the earth.

Hear this day and see the beauty of Your King. Alas, that beauty will take root in all you say and do……. You are the healing leaves of the Tree of Life. I AM sees the beauty of My beloved.  Behold My righteousness has filled the earth. See My beauty has it has been poured forth and speak this for then you shall see.

Take heed to what you hear so then you believe and you see!  Do not be stubborn as a mule but be gentle as a dove.  Alas,  swift as eagles  and  strong as an ox for in these My Spirit pours forth the Word of God through the weakest of men…… for there I AM.



Did Paul, The Apostle, Reign Through Life?

Would you think Paul reigned in life even in the midst of prison? Would you believe he did more so there than ever before?

What is the Great I AM’s view of reigning?  He sent His only Son!  Yet He reigns…….

Would it be the best seat at a feast?

Would it be as a famous one- known and thought highly from people?  Having great fortune in life  ranking above others?

Would it be a life of sacrifice for the betterment of all?

Would it be a life that is laid down  to help others raise up?

Would it be living a life that has been given to you by God when everyone around you thinks and says  you are totally missing the mark?  Would it be living out what God has spoken no matter the cost? If there is no cost, why is it worthy of our attention?

Paul said in his letters….. All abandoned him but couple of men.  Hmmm,  who is Paul’s life taken after or resembles? Does his life reflect his Boss?

This same Paul,who has given us such rich study  revealing the Lord, was thought to be austere and forgotten. At the end of it all, he is wearing a victor’s crown.

Let’s see if we know where the King of all kings is sitting now……But on this earth, our Mighty King looked as though he had lost. He was scourged and hung  with all the false accusations by the  crowd who turned against Him which He had healed and fed and taught……but that Resurrection Day, His friends got the real story!

If we think our lives will resemble any other path other than His way if we call ourselves after His name- Jesus follower, we are mistaken in our deception.  Jesus Christ came and was a threat to Satan……. If our lives are being lived in the presence of Him within us, we shall also be a threat to evil……If we are not a threat we are apart of Babylon…… Let us make sure we exist in the house of the Lord and not the house we think and made to be the Lord’s and is not……. What a day will be the Lord’s Day if we are mistaken….. Do we hear His voice?  Jesus states in John 10- His sheep hear His voice above all others.- We hear and listen.

We live from the inside out. We live by the Son of God, and as dead,  His rising us up in us.  We must not equate the way kings and businesses act today and assume that is the way of the kingdom.  That is the contrary thinking that led Israel to want a king instead of God Almighty. They wanted to be like the other nations. The other nations had a man leading them, instead of God Almighty.  Hmmm, what does this remind me of.???..… This same thinking  allowed most of Israel to ignore and miss their Messiah…… They were looking for a savior to reign as king……. not a Savior that would die to save them acting as their King.

They missed their visitation…..The Son of God walked in their midst reigning through the wilderness of their lives showing what is coming through God that day and now this day.  He was here to show the way….. to a better life or to show the way to eternal life and abiding in the Kingdom of God.  This is the way to know their God.

They missed their  visitation because their ideas and hopes were not lined up with the Word of God…Their thoughts and hopes were lined up to what they wanted. He is the Creator and He writes the rules……. Babylon has theirs too, contrary to God…… Which one shall we choose to follow today?  His or theirs…… What we hope for or what He has promised……. However, the way of His is a narrow path that leads to life. Remember, He said few would find it.

He is in our midst today…… The Holy Spirit is indwelt in each of His children who have received the Son of God by faith and have been reborn into His kingdom.

So let us not get bewildered when things seem contrary to the way of the world as we follow the Lord’s instructions. Do not be deceived by the tele vision either….

For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?

You are already full!  You are already rich! You reigned as kings without us- and indeed  I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you!

For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.

We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored!

To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten and homeless. And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we exhort. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. 

I do not write these things to shame you, but, as my beloved children, I warn you. For though you  might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

Therefore, I urge you, imitate me,( 1 Corinthians 4:7-16).

Remember, Jesus’ own crew thought Jesus missed the mark as He was arrested……Not to mention, all His teachings that did not make sense to the reasoning mind.  They were constantly in a state of shake- up.

The King was showing them His way which is sooooo contrary to our way, the world..…. We must have our mind renewed to His.

There is a saying – commands are for servants- and having the same mind is for sons.

Where are we today?   Do we do the needful thing today? Do we do what we want?  What  is the sifter of our thoughts and actions today…… Do we judge ourselves according to the word of God or according to what others are doing and saying?

Is this  not God’s way revealed  to us through His Son by His Spirit? A way that is not popular….. A way that takes the bold and courageous to new levels.  A way that takes Christ in us to make it through triumphantly.

Jesus Christ was baptized in the Spirit without measure and then led immediately into the wilderness to be proven just after  the Almighty spoke from heaven….. This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased as written in Matthew 4.  Check it out.

He is with us – in the Beginning. There you are with Him in your Beginning. An encounter which is etched ino each  heart forever, we meet the Savior….. Then the path gets narrow as what was spoken is tested to see if we allow the word to work us or allow the word to become a vain imagination. We have a choice. Stand and wait….. or blow His word off……. Do we do what we want or do we keep our hand on the wheel of our faith and remain steady.  Though the winds may blow  as the waves rise, we decide where we stand.  Even though everything is as opposite from what was presented to us in His Beginning of our apocalypse, we decide: do we stand or do we fold?

Know Him and His faithfulness, if I were to tell anyone what God wants from us today…… This would be it…… Know Him and His faithfulness.  We hear Him and wait. The doing is in the waiting. Circumstances change like the wind’s direction….We stand the best in the north wind. Yes, we are proven in our trust in Him…..and wait until what was spoken in the eternity of His is known in our reality…Our reality is where we stand and believe…This is the walk of faith by night…… It may be the evidence does not show He is with us, He is……  His Word is proven in us….The result for Him is  Christ is in us as our hope of glory. And He  comes shining through…

Here we learn to reign in patience. Here we learn to reign in trust.  Here we learn to reign as faithful. Here we learn discernment. Here we learn the deeper level of the Word of God, His heart.  Here we learn to wait and enjoy doing the rest in Him…… Here we learn true fellowship with our God. Here we learn the strength and mercy of God found in His grace. Here we learn to reign in Christ Jesus.

Paul was busy setting up churches going here and there and then….. Paul’s path got very narrow. He became still….. All looking on Paul’s life would have thought,- Oh my, he must of done something against God to be in prison-….. But, God had a different plan….. Paul was a man of action…. Paul needed to be in a place where heaven was allowed to be all consuming that the earth responsibilities were brought to nothing.  The one thing became writing what He saw in Christ Jesus to his family, us….. and also witness to authorities in Rome. He remained faithful and true to the Uncreated One.

Paul was urged to reveal all he had seen in the reality of the King to the future generations that were trotting on the King’s pathway in the days to come……

Joseph had a God dream and that dream was to be fulfilled.   God was with him in the beginning and through the middle in the dungeon and at his reigning.

King David was given the oil poured lavishly all on his head. David was anointed to be king. He was hand picked by God through His prophet, Samuel….. Then David went through the dungeon…… The proving of the Word of God was implemented as he was on the run for his life from King Saul…..He was running for his life as well as running into the fullness of God’s plan……. As he ran from Saul, he also was proving his kingship…. God works in David  were completed here. These are the steps of the King……. and His army…… His bride….. His own.

This saying popped into my head many years ago….. Every David has a Saul like every party has a pooper…… So David was proven and tested to then become the acting king of Israel.

We must see God uses everything to good for those who are called according to His purpose.  This means everything- evil and good that happens to us to prove the Word of God spoken over and in us….. so Christ may grow mightily in us….. our hope of glory…..Him

Kings slay dragons and giants…… If there were not any dragons and giants to prove his reign, how would he stand through the trials and temptations of king?….. What kind of king would reign in righteousness and wisdom?   How would his people know he is a worthy king?  God proves His own by His Word.

Everyone knows the ways of men…. When all fed and comfortable, we tend to descend to the sleep mode…..We get like a bear getting disturbed from our nap when awaken—– growl.

We must learn to reign when there is no alternative….. When there is no alternative but lean on the name of the King of all kings and Lord of all lords…. We see. We learn. We then have another strength hanging in our belt of faith. We grow in Him.

These strengths we can pull out on every battle that ensues us and watch.  His Word is faithful and true. Jesus Christ reigns on high.

As we stand before Him in prayer…… Can we see Him? Are there other things in His way….. or things in our way to Him?   How do they get removed?

Did you ever think of school as going to the wilderness everyday?  Some classes I certainly did……. Some classes were as climbing up a muddy hill…   Well,  Holy Spirit’s school is trying and full of discipline, but He is so fun.  Yes, I said He is fun.  He shows us things that only God could know about us and puts them in parables or enigmas so we can figure them out…… He loves to give us little quizzes. He also delight in us always!!!!

Holy Spirit is always measuring Christ in us.  Measuring our hearing and obeying, our patience through the tribulation, our endurance, our joy….. He measures the knowledge we have of God- for this is eternal life. We do believe even when it looks like God has forgotten what He said to us.  We rest in Him and wait. Knowing He did not forget……And the big temptation is to think and accept that He never spoke that word. Satan wins if we think we missed it and blow off the fellowship we had with the Lord and the words that were spoken.

The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven, His eyelids test the sons of men. The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates. Upon the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates. Upon the wicked He will rain coals; fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup. 

For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright, ( Psalm 11:4-7).

So all of this walk  is to prove sonship….. Our King went through the testing and silly us, if we think, we are not also going to be proven…… For what you ask?  I will gladly tell you….. The shining image of the Son to come to fullness in His body, bride, army, etc.  The King has been promised a reward, us……. in Him.

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,which none of the rulers of this age knew; for if they had known, they would not of crucified the Lord of glory.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the  heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man does not receive things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ, ( 1 Corinthians 2:7-16).

Moses, Abraham, David, Joseph and Paul had such a rich history with God…… Yet, if any would look at their lives from the natural eye, they would not agree.   I guess that is why the crowd told Moses to go up and talk with God…… They wanted to stay far away from the God that thunders and lightnings.

Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise shall come from God, ( 1 Corinthians 4:5).

Did you get that?  Each one’s praise shall come from God!!!

The school of Christ is not for wimps.  The study is demanding. The rewards are outstanding. The life in Christ is worth all.   Training in sonship for the God of the universe should be all consuming and everincreasing as is our God. Do you think Joseph was glad he hung in there in God when the famine came? He was able to keep his family alive through the drought.

King David was honoring God through the den and the woods…. through living in the enemies camp, through the loss of all, through the gain of all, through his reign, through his fall. David honored God through it all…… A man after God’s own heart.

Jesus Christ paved the way with His precious blood…..There is more to His sacrifice towards us than getting a free  card-stamped pass hell and go into heaven….. Are we up for the challenge? No….. Will He make us ready and able each second? Absolutely!  His grace is beyond all we can think or imagine.  His love never fails……He is proving us so our love in Him will also not fail.

As He is – so are we in the world.  As He is- so are we in the world.

As He is – so are we in this world. As He is, so are we in this world………

Now it came to pass, in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem, Judah, went to dwell in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons, ( Ruth 1:1).

Remember, to rise up in life….. There also must be death…… Life leads to the cross as the cross leads to life……There is no life without the cross and no cross with out the life of God eternally……

We must obtain His life, His Christ- His way…… Meet Him at the cross……and we meet Him there often. For in this death is our life and life abundant…. Every time we meet Him there, we increase in Him as He is right there. And  He is enthroned in the Majesty  we are absorbing and making Him known from our unknown. As the cross is laid on us  is His power of an unending life…. Be still before Him and allow your ears to hear Him  speak.

Guess what?  There is no line or ticket required- just believe…. Just go right on up.  He has His eye on each of us at all time in His eternity…..He is waiting and there is no line! We do not have to wait at the cross to meet our Savior King…. He is waiting for you and me then and now and always….. He holds us captive as we speak together of things from the Beginning.  Then this fellowship has a peak into the End…… which never Ends as all things are brand new. Just sit before Him and enjoy the view…. We must see things from His view for this is key for following His steps laid before us for now and always.

Behold, the eyes of the Lord is on those who fear Him. On those who hope in His mercy to deliver their souls from death and to keep them alive in famine, ( Psalms 33:18-19).

So if Christ in us is our hope of glory…. as written in Revelation 11:1-4, Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.

But leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty two months.

I will give power to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth…..

Who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of aliens.

Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment.

They were stoned, they were sawn  in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword.  They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented- of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.

And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us…….Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,

( Hebrews 11:33-40, 12:1-2).

I suggest we continue to read the rest of chapter 12 of Hebrews…… Let us measure our walk in His…. for Holy Spirit is always. Our God loves to measure! Holy Spirit, shine Your Light of Truth on our beliefs and shake the false so the truth may remain growing to a larger measure within us.

As men speak of God before we take it as the Gospel of Truth, let us make sure it is in the Gospel of Truth.   Famine may come and it may not be the hunger we may think it is…… Some think they are full and see the Lord and go away empty. Some think they are hungry and empty and see the Lord and go away full.  Some do not even know there is the Lord awaiting their presence in His court, then they live in perpetual famine.  Others may suffer nutrious food and water but feast on the Words of the Holy One and never suffer hunger or thirst and are full.

So it all depends on the view of the heart of each soul to know- do I reign in life in Christ today or do I reign in life in the world?…… Which life wins the crown?  Which life wins the eternal crown?  Which is the way to reign in life ?    The way of life that pleases the sight of I AM….. that we choose to follow this day! Though it may be hard and full of cliffs and heights…. We beckon to go because we can hear His calling echoing in the tombs of our empty soul. He once was there but has called out here and we follow His steps leading us into His known and our new known that was unknown.

Here our feet crunch in the snow as we follow into the vast and wide distances of His land, the kingdom to come is here with in us now….. Are you up to follow? Come and see, what He has planned for you and for me.   Leave all behind and come and find the greatest treasure known to mankind.  His heart beat you will hear as you draw near….. The aroma of frankincense and myrrh is fresh and tingling to our senses as they start to fall away dead to all…. The flight of my spirit is now alive and all these new elements in me are bound to survive.  knowing without seeing. Seeing the inside out. Knowing what is coming about. Sickness falls away and healing takes it place. Our emptiness gets full in Him.  What could not be before is found supernaturally in you and me because of the love of our Great King. Holy Spirit, we know and any other that is soon to  go.  We hear heaven’s morse code and display the meaning so all can know. This is heaven on this earth….. The King is here in you and me and is reigning His life in ours for all to see.  This is the life He has intended for us to be.

The life we live, we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us.



Do you cry out to Me as though I AM not here? Do you not know I AM within?  Where is My Kingdom that dwells? Is the path you desire the one that I AM has called you on?  Do you not see as I AM has called you to see? Do you not stand on what I AM says you are to Me? Who has told you are naked? Do you not see you are in the presence of the King? I AM here listening and yet you speak as though I AM not……. Do not forgot My love is endless and greater than any from this earth.

I AM is as no other.  I AM different than the voices you let in. Why do you listen to others that are not aligned to Me?  You are as I AM on this earth…. So let all fall away but the Seed I AM has placed within….. You have flourished and grown but from the inside – only this is known….. The fruit of Me is found and seen from My  people who are true to Me. Do not be deceived. True sons and daughters are seen as shining the Light for all to see….. This is of Me. Grace and love abounds…… as snow from the sky falls to cover the barren earth bringing nourishing life to all. As is I AM, My Word gives life to all.  The Truth is found in the abiding of My life. My Word abounds in those who are given the grace to receive what they hear and see. They live from My kingdom as this is their priority. Ever increasing is I AM found in the ones who carry My Word to all around.

Know Me, then the stranger voice will not find its place and disrupt My peace.  The building of My temple starts on the foundations…… Know your God and allow Me to know you.  This fellowship is way for growth in I AM…… Be still and know I AM, God.  I AM covers the waters of the sea so all may see then know I AM the Lord of all ……Hold this Truth in your heart, do not allow it fall away and part.

The ways of men that speak of I AM are not always as what you see and hear… Listen to Me, and you will learn how to perceive. Do they resemble the pages written of Me?  Do they hold truth as I AM? Or do they forsake My way for their gain?     Are these the days that were spoken about of warning to My ones?   Know Me and then the Truth you shall see? Then, My child, you will remain free. Remember the last shall be first and those that are first, shall be last…… Do you not see the way of My kingdom is humility.  Righteousness and peace are the marks of My heart.  Again, do not let this Truth part.

Hear My voice and let these Words of I AM resound from their lips…… Then I AM renown.   Wolves wait for their prey as weak, but behind them I AM stands. My roar is heard across the enemy lines-they are strong for in them I AM. Take your fangs of what I call Mine. If you do not perceive your night will never be Light in My Day.

I AM found in My own…. This was My plan from I AM then and now and will forever be….. Do not disrupt My call in them from Me….. I AM will forever be. See My friends come from far and wide and lay down their lives to be My bride.  Do not despise the day of small Beginnings, for My Seed is planted.  I AM spoke the End from the Beginning for those who are called and hear  the  love I AM has born them from My side. These are My bride. Hear this:  you have been called to be My bride….. Do not delay! Come through the gate of My bloody Cross>  Stand in the flow that  will cover you all the way through….. Look and see what you are to Me,…. you are all new…. Walk with Me and I AM shows how much a treasure you are to Me…. You,  then stand in the love that I AM has called you from. Walk with Me and I AM shows you what is to come.

The walk is narrow but filled with Treasure for your delight. The knowledge of I AM fills your life into eternity for you are My bride. I AM will come through you and all will find the Truth…..Then knowledge of I AM, their First and all in all, shall come flying into their hearts through their night. I AM then brings them to their Light. Then all will know: I AM with you through it all. I AM with you always  even through the night bringing their Day to the  dawn.  I AM does not forsake My own…. I AM with you forever and ever….. This I AM wants all to know.

All shall hear My voice when they have met Me at My cross. This is My gift to all who come to the cross and turn from their ways because they believe this day. This is where  I AM has given them new life in Me. Do not call what is covered in My blood unclean before Me.

Hear My voice whisper to you…… This is how I AM brings you through. Hear Me speaking My love song to you.

Wait- in the waiting you always will see what I AM plans  for thee…. My love never fades as the flower but stays on in My power… Do not fear but be free in My love. This is what I Am called you to be-forever loving the love I AM has for you in Me.  Here is the place where you slay the bear, the lion and giants. Here is where you stand and the lions do not feed on you but those who dug the pit entrapping you….. Here stand with I AM as I show you what I AM has planned. Be still all the earth, I AM has risen from the seat to see My bride coming to Me. Watch and join the throngs sing to Me. The nations that tarry will fall in a hurry. Come now and sing to the King. I AM enjoys their voice rising as the sound of many waters for all to know their King is among them now and forever….. Stand still and come to Me for the time is short for all to come to Me and  believe.


Selah!! Selah!!!






I AM The Beginning And The End……..

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work. I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last,                ( Revelation 22:12-13)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it, ( John 1:1-5).

Then God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds, of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them, ( Genesis 1:26-27).

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day,                            ( Genesis 1:31).

May I submit to you that we live in the sixth day of creation…We are waiting to enter the seventh day- His Day!….Also entering into the third day age of ages…..Remember- to the Almighty One a day is as a thousand years…. The Beginning and the End all have to do with the Son of God and His reign in and through His people.  

My last blog I mentioned the oracle of God through Balaam in Exodus. When God looked upon Israel- though they were millions….. Israel was one man – a nation represents one man to our God……. Just as we are from one nation….. We  together  represent one nation giving we are from a particular nation. Through God’s eyes it is as one man……. many people but one nation.

When Aichen in Joshua took the booty that was to be devoted to God…… God allowed the nation of Israel to lose a battle because He saw Israel had sinned…….. Though one man sinned, He held accountable the nation until they reckoned with the sin. So……..

There are many Christians in the world, but there is one body of Christ.  Spread throughout the world there are many believers in Christ Jesus as He sees us all as one body, bride, etc….. Got it?


So let us move on to the creation that abides in Christ Jesus today…… Many members but one nation or one city or one body or one army or one bride….. King Jesus is the head…..of all His people in their metaphors in their place and their purpose and function.  

Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the dead.  We are spiritually in Him. We were born from Him as we also died with and in Him….. Since He was from above and as we were born again or reborn from Him through His travail, we also, are born from above….. We are Mount Zioners….. so to speak.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren, ( Romans 8:29).

In the Beginning, Genesis shows us, Jacob travailed with the Lord. In Jacob’s wrestle, he had a hurt hip from the experience. However, the Almighty changed His name to Israel. God’s nation was born- but not from above….

The decree came from above……. But flesh was born unto flesh, however, they got circumcised on the eighth day. This representing the existing covenant  with God. This was the decreed voice of God towards Israel.  Then the prophets were His vessel as well as the priests to  voice  witnessing  His will unto Israel.

This new creation that has originated through Christ Jesus was from above to boot! Jesus Christ was born through a virgin but the Holy One overshadowed her as she then held the God-man……. This God- man born of God was fore known before the foundation of the world to be the Firstborn from the dead.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God  is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, ( Romans 6:23).

So Jesus Christ came down to our wilderness. He was perfect and was proven perfected through suffering as a man ….. He conquered His flesh which Adam could not do…..

Adam gave up his dominion in a garden by rebellion to God’s Word…..Jesus Christ in a garden laid down His rights  and obeyed the will of the Father….. He surrendered all for the prize He saw as us…..

I know it is hard to believe in our eyes that we were worth His great sacrifice,….. but that is what Love is and God is Love. He sees what we couldn’t and brought us up to a place to see what is always possible to all who believe. 

Everything Jesus Christ did on this earth  and since His ascending to His rightful honor on the right hand of the Almighty, we are included—– He has brought us along and given us all His dominion in Him and through Him and for Him. This is  how we stand… His decree….. Hey, we stand in Him because He says this is so….. We are of His righteousness….. We are His….

Can we climb a little higher and get a broader vision of His plan for us here? Can we be like the spies sent out to view the new heights of the land that He has bestowed unto us in His Son as we are in Him?…… He is calling us up to Him again to readjust our mind unto  His fullness of times.

As written in Psalm 119:32, I will run the course of Your commandments, for you shall enlarge my heart.

He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me, ( Psalm 18:19).

As He is so are we in this world……. As He is so are we in this world…….. As He is so are we in this world……..(1John).

I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I AM, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world, ( John 17:23-24).

God knew us before the foundation of the world and also He loved Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world……Hmmmmm    

It is written in Ephesians 1:4-6,  Just as He has chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having  predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

Can you see the parallel of  the glory and the love of God?  I believe the love of God is synonymous with His power. You cannot know God without either one- His Son, Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords….. in this world. 

He reigns supreme over all.  There is none like our King and our God. None…..His Light and Brightness and Strength is unmatched.  Try to stop the whirlwind of His purpose through His people….If any think he can….. try stop the next wave that rolls into the shore……Let me know how it works out for you.

There is a purpose from the Beginning to the End that is named Jesus Christ…….And through Him, the nation on the earth is now acting in His name. His people are changing the things that are seen to things which are not seen to be……

Our King of all kings is sitting on the right hand of Almighty….. He has abdicated the prince of the air who sat there as written in Zechariah chapter  3:1…..Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at His right hand to oppose Him.

Our Lord is reigning….. and how is He reigning?  Through His Word that is spoken through His body…..  He speaks and His body speaks….. His will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.

 Genesis starts with His creation of man who God called to walk in dominion over His creation. Psalm 8 confirms His purpose. for man, but   in  Psalm 2 speaks through the plan for His Son,  the King shall have all the nations… His inheritance…. 

God gave Israel a land that He chose for Israel’s inheritance. As written in Psalm 136:21, And gave their land as a heritage, for His mercy endures forever.

They were given dominion over that land….. We know we lost the place of reigning with God in the fall of Adam, right? Right…… 

We, also, know Jesus Christ regained all that Adam sold out on God…… He regained the authority of His creation -again as a man….. Hey, this includes His authority over us. As well, we are to actively use His authority bringing and living by His kingdom here and to come.

Now, let us switch over to the New Testament….. The promised land for Israel  was in the natural. There is a real land God has mapped out for Israel. Jesus Christ kept showing us by His Words that the Kingdom of God is inside of us…….. Leading us to know and learn that His reign was to be orginated in our hearts and then spread.  

Now the New Testament, Jesus Christ is our “Land”.   Our life is now spiritual in Christ Jesus…… The land is the Kingdom of God found and established in our King Jesus, which is also found in us.  

However, when the reign of Christ Jesus is acted in by faith by us, the spiritual in most cases becomes naturally supernatural….. The Kingdom of God never ceases and always increases, expands by His people, His body, His bride….. Hello, that is you and me.

I heard this saying……The only way to reign in life through Christ Jesus is knowing or realizing the need for it…… Okay, Lord, the need is there- You said You would show me great and mighty things, according to Jeremiah 33:3……

Ask, and it will be given you; seek and you find;  knock and it shall be opened to you,  ( Matthew 7:7).

It appears the more of submitting to the Almighty and walking by faith not by sight…..allows the view to expand and the Spirit allows the sight of the blind to be illuminated in greater measure.  The more we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us…..the more He expands in us…… He is the One thing in our heart, then the Holy One has expanded freedom  in us to rule through us….As written Christ will be all and in all……. in Colossians.   

Again, I have to ask, where are we as Christ is all and in all?……When the will of God for His Son becomes fully manifested, where are we then?

As He is so are we in this world….. as written in 1 John….

As written in Revelation 22:1-6; And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.

They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

There shall be no more night: They need no more lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.

Then he said to me, These words are faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.

Okay, it never ever clicked to me the last sentence in verse 5…… And they shall reign forever and ever..

This Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Bible is the end of the story of the creation of man….. But is also the Beginning of a new age for the new creation in Christ Jesus….. In Him, in His Kingdom which is forever…. We shall reign…through Him because we are in Him…. We are one as our Lord prayed…. We are with Him where He is.  Heaven rules over the sons of men.

We are to reign forever……..Think about that concept…… We are not just scrapping into the Door as it swings shut to His Kingdom and saying, whew, I just made it in……. No man,  our God is great. His plan for our restoration is complete. This lies in the knowledge of the Holy One and resting in His complete and full love towards us….. Oh, yes, there will be discipline in His eternal life so we may live eternally full in Him…… Please just contemplate on the above.   Also do not hate the word discipline……. Do yo want to be known as His disciple?  Then discipline is the action…… We are changed from glory to glory…… So why do we shrink back at those words of chastisement and discipline? We trust Him, right?

As we learn each day, a greater knowledge of His magnificence and greatness…… We trust His never stopping always abounding love for us…… We must pause and bow in adoration.

Check out how many times the Lord spoke in John, chapters 6-8, where I am going you cannot come….. He also spoke in John 8, about why some do not hear God’s voice…… He spoke clear and concise….. You are not a part of God.  Check it out. There is a line drawn called the belief in the blood of Jesus Christ. We must make sure we are on the right side of the bloody line…..

He is the Beginning and He is the End which never ends…….We must have Christ in us….. – This folks, is our hope of glory….. Do not be deceived…… Flesh is of the flesh and His Spirit begets His Spirit in man.

As we study the Bible, we find many promises that are fulfilled in Christ Jesus……However, there are many scriptures which are for us, His people, followers of His way, being fulfilled in us. Yes, for us too…… but, in us is eternal glory……forever!

We abide in Him.  So if He is forever…… and what was, will always be- so are we…. as we abide…… We are also being fulfilled in His  complete restoration plan.  Shouldn’t we continue exploring His growth in us so we may we grow in His image?

Bringing the conclusion – and purpose for us…….as He is —– so are we in this world…. and in the next age.

Check these out….. Psalm 2:8-9….. This scripture is also written in Revelation 2:27 as a promise to the overcomer from the Thyatira church. This promise still holds true even today. Well, to every generation.

What was then is now and will forever be in Him……. and those who are found in Him.

What is the hidden key to understand  His active hatred towards Jezebel in this setting?  What is the key for obtaining the promise  He is for in this setting ?  Take note the promises are the same as written in Psalm 2 as well in Revelation 19:15……

Our Life now is the continuous revelation of Christ Jesus as well as Christ Jesus in us expanding.

If His kingdom is never ending and never ceasing but always increasing…… so is His kingdom abounding greatly in us and through us too…… Right??

Let us have the mind of Christ so we may walk as one in unity in His purpose…. Why? Because He is worth our all and we love Him above all else.   

It is the glory of  God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter, (Proverbs 25:1).

Let us not think reigning in life is as the kings of old have done or are today…… But let us look at Him in His reigning and take a thought to allow Holy Spirit to show us HIS WAY that He reigns today.  Do we intercede much? Hmmmmmm.


My Children,

Yes, you are My hands and feet. But alas, there is so much more for you to be in Me…. Draw near to Me and so stand in My victory….Be as one as the Father and Holy Spirit and I AM is One. You must see from My eyes which comes from My side… You shall see as I AM…. Where I AM is today, and was, and will always be. There you will be….. so now,  will you not come now and sit with Me? My friends, you are, more to Me than My hands and feet.

I AM has called you. You are My body….. There are many members, but all are one in I AM….. The functions are many as all are completing My heart’s desire…… Be with Me where I AM.  Why is there disunity in your eyes?  For this is not I AM’s view. Love one another as I AM has commanded and has loved you. 

You have been called…… Will you chose?  The call is beyond coming to Me. The Life I AM is all increasing….. Do you not see?  My beloved lay all the honor at My feet…On their knees is their freedom found in victory…. There they are found in Me.

Their  bestowed crown  is now found on the ground at My throne……Their shining is as the noon day sun for they know their place in the Son.

Do not fret at the refining, My friends. This is not to bring the best out of you but to bring I AM through and through.

Where there is self seeking, alas, there is not I AM.  Where there is disunity, there is not I AM….. Be with Me, where I AM… The flight is soaring and higher than any man can take ……. In My Spirit, the wings take flight.

Leave all else, to hear My voice.  Put I AM first, then all will be gained and you will have healing in your wings.

Do you not yet see, the place beside Me is the feast….. Not of man’s glory shall I AM share…. You want that – I AM will not be there.

Alas, oh then, you will not be with Me where I AM……. Do you want the call and to be chosen and faithful….?  Then this day chose who you will serve.

The great I AM or the self in you…… If you had no legs and feet, and no recognition from man, would you want then to sit with Me? Would you want to be found in the great I AM?  All left I AM that night, they ran as they just said not I  will abandon you….. but all took flight.

Will you stay in I AM when all leave as they did Me?  Will you survive the fire if all is gone but you have all of Me?

Do you not see yet? All you need is found in Me.  Your fruit is found in Me.

Spend time with Me and I will show you what is to be….. Not your way was the word you spoke to Me…. Was it not My way you pledge to follow?….. Remain in Me.  This then will be your glory….. Come, My children, see this is the way for you to abide in Me.  The divisions shall cease for then those who keep the unity of I AM, is known for where I AM.

Do you not see? All the treasures of man’s desire are found in Me.  Why do you defraud your brother and lie against I AM?  You cannot call Me Lord and despise your fellow brother in your heart……This place was known to men named Mizpeh.  There is a witness between all men…… I AM the Witness. Do you not know that all is plain in front of Me?  Nothing is hidden or covered that I AM knows not.  I AM the Witness what is done between men…….Do you not know I AM will call account on what has been done to Me? Oh yea, vengeance is only Mine.

Blessed is the man who knows the secret place in I AM for he has left all he hid to hide in I AM…….Is there a better place to be?  

I AM calls you to be holy as I AM….. I AM has called  you as I AM so are you in this world…….. I AM has called you to be known as My disciples.  Chose today, who you serve….. Do not be deceived and think you are pleasing Me.    Walk by faith and leave all to follow Me……Know for certain the house you are from is found in Me.

Do the Words I AM speaks this day…. By faith and keep your eyes on Me,….This is the way to please I AM today….. Do you know the Words I AM speaks today?    Do you hear I AM speaking  today? Do you know My voice?   

Do not forsake the mercy poured forth on you today….. Turn to I AM and know the Voice that has cried for you until this day.

Turn to Me and forsake your way….. Don’t forsake the time that My mercy pours out on you…… I AM your Witness.  You must leave what you are and join I AM in becoming what I AM says you are…… I AM meets you at My cross.

Remember, those who are full of mercy, I AM shows Myself merciful; those who are blameless, I AM reveals Myself as blameless; With the pure, pure is revealed by I AM; the devious ones will receive the shrewedness in I AM.    I AM protects and exalts the humble and brings down the haughty and prideful…..

Meet Me at My cross….. There you will find all you need today.

I AM has loved you. Come and see and learn so you may believe and be set free in Me.




SELAH!!   SELAH!!!!!!!!!










What If You Saw?

What are raccoons known for?  A bandit? A masked face? An opportunist?  Rarely, do you see them during the day. They are night feeders ……..They feed on garbage also….They eat fish and clean their food before they eat……  They are raiders and destroyers of bird feeders!!!   So…….

My point is what if….. God shows you a scenario before your eyes or in a dream or the way circumstances play out.

Okay, then what would it mean if you saw a raccoon run in front of  your house in daylight heading from south to east?

God allows us to know the plans of the enemy so in His power and Word, we may bound them…. Oh, how He loves us.   The planning and conniving of people and their schemes are not hidden from Him…… We are His and in His Spirit and His Spirit in us- we are shown all things as scripture says.   Regarding all matters that pertain to our life in godliness….and His purpose.  Remember how Psalm 2 gives instructions to the kings of the earth.  Let us kiss the Son and He holds all in His hands and chuckles.

Elijah was given knowledge numerous times as well as Peter and Paul……..  The same is our inheritance….. Wisdom also comes with the knowledge in Holy Spirit too!

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have life more abundantly, ( John 10:10).

So if this little rascal is running in front of your house. This could possibly mean the little guy  or someone who is an opportunist is to come to you …… If it came through the back yard…..Then this  would mean it has already come through to raid whatever… wanted…. Unless…..

My sheep hear My voice and I know them, and follow Me, ( John 10:27).

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what His master is doing; but I have called you friends for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you, ( John 15:15).

Yes, do we know or catch how many times Holy Spirit tells us what is to come?  He tells us all things that are to come…… Even  the good, the bad and the ugly…… He has equipped us for everything that pertains to our godliness and walk.

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, ( 1 John 2:20).

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit,    ( 1 John 4:12-13).

You have heard Me say to you, I AM going away and I AM coming back to you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass you may believe, ( John 14:28-29). 

The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you, ( John 14:17).

We see His signs and wonders  which He speaks to us through His creation.  …… He spoke of the signs and wonders….in the heavens and the earth. Beloved, they are for us to know what is coming and to prepare for change….. Do you remember the red moon a couple of years ago….. The red moon is written in the Word….. What is the sign to mean?

We are to search out the matters that He unveils to us……Why?

God has designed a huge puzzle. He gives us a picture of it…… What  do we use to put the puzzle pieces together? – We look at the picture on top of the box.   The Word of God is the picture on top of the box. When we find a piece or a sign…..We go to the manual- the word of God- and see where the piece fits in. Then we get the Witness of the Godhead.

The lives we live in Him- point to the Word…….. If we are born again- we find our lives written out in the New Testament- as He is so are we in this world….. If we are not born again…… our lives are also written in the Bible…..   We are in His story line…. We are His witnesses and signs as well as He shows us signs in His creation and in the earth and the seas and above in the skies and the heavens…….. God is always speaking…….  We should be always listening and watching…waiting..

Have you ever seen a hawk fly over the ocean shore?   Nope….. not until God shows up…. Hey, He somehow put a coin inside a fish’s mouth….Then arranged the net or hook to be right where this fish went so he could get caught…… He had the donkey talking to Balaam. The donkey actually protected Balaam from getting slain because Balaam would not listen to the Angel of God.  God likes donkeys! Check it out Numbers 22:21-35.

But remember, Balaam then spoke in the oracle in Numbers 24: 3-4, Then he took up his oracle and said: The utterance of the man whose eyes are opened, the utterance of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, who falls down with eyes wide open……...

God opened  up Balaam’s spiritual understanding…..He saw the plan of God for His people.  This God said they could not be reckoned with.

What if we took the scriptures as what we really live by-  Knowing the Word was written on our hearts. Then in faith receive His speaking to us….. Then be diligent in having His heart to not allow the Word to be blown off ….  When the scriptures come alive in our lives from our hearts, we say- cool then we are pliable accept the signs of God….

What if when we  see, then we  know. We just accept by faith- this is His speaking to us on a matter.  We then smile and say – Thank You,  Heavenly Father…. I got it….. I do not know why…. but, I understand what You are showing me because as it is written>:

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him….. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming, ( 1John 2:27-28)

This is not written but this seems to be a very true saying of men. Familiarity breeds contempt. How we must watch ourselves  to want to receive the honor from man more than wait and receive honor from God.   Men flip flop- God’s rewards and blessing and gifts are true and wonderful…… They are forever from Him and no man can compete with His love and pats on the back…!!

Seeking His thumbs up towards us is a cleaner way to walk with God.  Knowing His presence and His calm through  stuff is His hand on our lives……I do not mean we do not have His grace. I am referring to knowing and hearing Him in and out, day and night….. If He speaks this and we then do this, we receive an okay from Him….. If we ignore and do not do this….. We then feel out of sorts…… like something is not right……The intimate knowledge of His caring way of placing our feet in His footsteps that He has made for us rather than stepping out of His steps and missing His instructions.  The blessing is knowing inside His peace as our umpire.

When we put any man’s word above God’s we are heading for a bridge of unbelief….Again, it is wiser to receive the thumbs up from God than man….. Jesus would have never gone to the cross…..if he listened to man…… We have to know the will of God for our lives. We must know our God. We may easily be deceived by the words of men that are not of Spirit of Truth…… All the Word points to Jesus Christ, the Word of God…… Paul had hard words given to him in prophecy….. He was to be bound…..He knew the way of His Savior and it was told to Him…. He followed the pattern of the Lord…… As did most of the apostles…..They received their honor from God not man.

Not much tickling of ears in the above paragraph is there.  He did say pickup your cross—–didn’t He?

Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. As He is so are we in the world…….

In today’s Christendom, would we receive that word that Paul received?   Paul did because He spoke the Spirit already told him this was to be so…….

Let men be a second witness to any word from God.  Holy Spirit protects us from falling prey by telling us all things that are to come.  He shows us where we are and what the will of the Lord is for each member of His body…That means you and me!!…….. Once we hear from Him, let men then give a second witness or third……. The Word shall also provide witness to the Spirit of God.

As written in John 5:44, How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek honor that comes from the only God?  

Now Jesus Christ is seated above all on the right side of Almighty.  We must know Him.   Blessed are those that are unchurched that did not know the Bible but met the Savior in their need.  They got to know the Savior first hand and then He lead them to trust the Bible. Then those saw all the words that were spoken to them by the Savior in the Bible……. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit…… Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness sake.

Blessed are they that know Him!!   When there is a problem do we go to the phone or go to Him?   When there is celebration do we call someone or call Him on His name and say THANK YOU!

When He is all we need….. We then find Him in all we see or do…… He is the reason. He is the cause. And He is the result.

As He is so are we in the world………. As He is so are we in the world…… As He is so are we in the world.

This is the same chapter where He said in verse 19, Then Jesus answered and said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son does in like manner.

Do we have our ears opened to hear Him? Do we have our faith eyes ready with His twenty twenty  vision to see what He is showing us? As Jesus did what Heavenly Father said to do and we are to do in like manner.

Yes, He speaks to us.  He is always speaking to us…… Always….. He is showing what is coming as written in the above scripture……. The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy as written in Revelation 19:10.  But do we perceive His words and signs or does it not line up with men’s words so we negate the Truth Speaker of His Spirit.

As we read the Book of Acts, we  see very definite works of His Spirit illuminating His kids of what was to come….. We must believe as Holy Spirit taught and revealed to them that Holy Spirit  is  also revealing Jesus Christ  to us.

Once we realize how He is for us as in our Healer because we have been healed….. Our Provider because we are never without Him or earthly provisions.  Our Protector always guarding us.  Our Friend because He is always there to hear and answer.  Our Joy because He shows us He delights in us.  And hopefully our list goes on with our knowledge of the Holy One.

We cannot share  what we do not know………As we see the unveiling of Jesus Christ for ourselves…… and then through us to others the great news of our God.

As Holy Spirit shows us what is to come….. He always confirms His word by His Word!  If we are in the Word regularly….. Holy Spirit knows what is our scheduled reading. He loves to confirm His word by another Witness….The same Spirit, the same God and the same Witness….  We, His children, are also His witness as the Living Word comes through us.

Remember there are three Witnesses in heaven and on the earth as written in 1 John 5….

Let us start here: For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcomes  the world- our faith.

Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

This is He who came by water and blood- Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.

For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. And it is the  Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.

For there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; these three agree as one.

If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son.

He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself.

Holy Spirit tells us of things to come.  He  is the all knowing of everything God……. Should we not bow and say yes?- Yes, Sir, I take the information….. I may not understand it all and why- but I take it.  I thank You for Your love in showing me what is to come and Your mighty protection.

Thank You for showing me all things Holy Spirit….. Give me instruction on what I shall do based on the information You gave.

Yes, Holy Spirit, please give me Your words of wisdom and knowledge…..

Now, if we pray and study the Word of God,….. He will confirm His signs with His Word.    As we abide in Him…… He and all He is abides in us……. Remember we are complete or perfect in Him…… Don’t freak out…. I did not say we are perfect….. We are perfected in abiding in Him….. We are complete as we abide in Him….As we lean on Him completely and not on our own understanding…


For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Remember the carnal mind is enmity against God; because it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be,        ( Romans 8:6-7).….. Carnal reasoning is not the mind of Christ.   We must be aligned in His Word which is His mind revealed unto us….  We are given the illumination or understanding by His Spirit……

He turns the light bulb on inside of us so we may understand and obey.

Remember- His perfect or complete word is being full in God ….. Sort of like adding water to a glass of water. You can not separate the water you just added – it all becomes one….. We are completely consumed by His burning bush…..

When I hear – we cannot be perfect in as we make mistakes….. But when God says the love of God is perfected in us….. Do we really limit Him by thinking He means we won’t make a mistake? Really?  God is not like our limited minds….. He is a great wonderful God…… His idea of man perfected is mankind found in His perfected Son….. He really knows we can’t be- hence- the Son of Man, King Jesus Christ, was the Answer before the foundation of the earth.

So let us not limit God in allowing His family to be His family. Remember He paid a huge price of His Firstborn to have many born through His blood and Spirit…… All abiding in His Son and perfected by His love. We show we our love by listening and obeying.  As Scripture says we show our selves approved by how?

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, ( 2 Timothy 2:15).

Come on!!!!! He is God…. He knows the end from the beginning. As we abide in Him in all we are is His….Then His love has and is perfected- ing us in Him and by Him. Remember as written Christ will be all and in all in Colossians 3:11…….. Where are we then?  When Christ is all and in all, where shall we be found? I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives within me…..( Galatians 2:20).   Can we walk this out in the mind of Christ?  May we submit to His greatness? Then we are included in His BIG greatness.

We are certainly not orphaned when we have His Spirit, Christ with in us….. This is eternal life in Him, as where we abide is full of His glory….

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled concerning the Word of life- the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us- that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ,                                               ( 1 John1:1-3).

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba! Father.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together, ( Romans 8:15-17).

Our fellowship with our God is the greatest life…. Yes, this is eternal life that is offered to mankind on this earth.  Holy Spirit tells us stuff and it is great stuff!….. Stuff that takes eternity to understand all the implications of His powerful Words….. Our God sharing His life with us is the greatest way of living on this earth…… as it is in heaven….. so it is here with us, right?

As we start to hear and obey His signs and wonders and dreams….. He trusts us with greater stuff……

We are seated with Him in heavenly places as written in Ephesians….. and as written in Colossians  3:1-4; If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

So it seems the more we are contemplating on His kingdom and abiding in Him…… His eternal life springs forth via Holy Spirit showing us all things and things to come to us….and others in the times we are in.

Discerning of Spirits is from and through Him….. as is His words of knowledge and words of wisdom…… They all originate from God….. There is no origination from ourselves…… Just as only God can do miracles as well as any healing…… It is Christ in all and  all and in us……. and we get to be in His expansion plan!!!!

Fellowship and love from Him to us and us back to Him flows His eternal life in our life here and now….. We are living eternally in this short life here on this earth….. Bringing His heaven to earth…….A witness for the WITNESS of Heaven…….

Let us pray for our eyes to see His thoughts toward us in full measure and let us pray for ears to hear His whisper of secrets known long ago. He is here within us to fellowship His life unto us in the fullness that He is….. Let us get rid of the enmity of reason that stops the flow of belief in what Holy Spirit is showing each of us.

As we walk in His Spirit, we discern what is Spirit and truth and what is flesh and the soul of man……. in all matters for the Spirit of God tells us all things and things to come….. We have no reason to fear with our God- for He is here and with us.  He loves us with a great love that we still cannot fully understand nor reach the end of.

But the mountain and valleys are here for us to keep growing in His love.


One more thing…….A what if:….. What if you saw a big gorilla walking in some one’s house that you knew.  This gorilla was carrying a bag with holes in it…. This gorilla had holes in his pants…… He was walking the basement.

Ask Holy Spirit!  Get into the adventure of His indwelling Spirit of the Great God in us.  Christ is our only hope of glory!!!!, ( Colossians).

You will never be shocked at what comes your way…… He lets you know….. You will always be amazed by Him but never surprised by what comes your way for He has told you before hand.  Always amazed by His depth of love for each of us.  Trust Him this day and know His ways…..Walking beyond our comfort is realizing  a little of the depth and the height and width and length of His love for us in Christ……

His drink is never ending….. Swim to reach the depths….. Fly to the highest heights that start a new from where you think you have flown but have not seen. The place you start will never end but we may start and start over again.  He is never ending or never stopping….. His smile never ceases when He smiles on His own….. The peace He pours on His delight is worth the weight of our full fight….in the faith.

He never turns away His gaze but beholds us with all eyes seeing us with the end as now as He speaks to us.


Come to Me and believe all that is written is just and true….. The words speak of Me.  Come and learn of Me….. I AM longs for you to be free ……. You to be where I AM for as I AM so are you in this world…… I AM longs you to be in Me……I AM with you.  Do you not see all I AM has done for you to believe?

Why seek folly and turn from My gaze. The folly will be another life of haze.  The color is bright and vivid and alive for those whose eyes have caught My gaze…. The wave of My Spirit comes billowing through and when I AM is done can you tell what is Me from you?

Why make your way alone through the crowd. Come in with I AM and sup some and be found……Hear My whisper for I AM not in the crowd.

I AM sits and waits by the wayside to catch the ones who do not keep the pace of the craze of the day.  I AM sits and waits for you…. Come sit with I AM for a while.  Be attentive in that you can not keep the pace of the day…..My hand has had you stay for I AM does not want you to lose your way. You have not lost anything as you come away in I AM….. For behold all the gain is given and the fullness you live in is found where I AM.  Do not fret that as you lost the world you have gained all I AM.

My language is learned and lived through the fire and the clouds. Be still and learn this is way I AM chose. I AM sends the birds to sing the day a new for you. The night comes and out bright the stars a shine for the story is Mine.  Look at the waves and the porpoises pointing the purpose for you this day.

Do not look bewildered at all. The enigma is unfolding as a flower sending out its fragrance as it reveals its petals.  Behold I AM holds your tomorrows and wants you to know all I AM has planned. Wait here as the plan of  I AM stands….. Man’s plans are many but only the counsel of the Lord shall be for the ones I AM has chosen to be close to Me.

I AM speaking to all who incline their ear and eye to see the wonders I AM orchestrated here.  I AM the Beginning and I AM the End….. So come with Me as I AM shows you all things to be.  Do not fear for what you see for I AM will be here through it all.  There is nothing too great and too awesome that can compete with I AM holding you and so do not caution. Throw your heart into My hand and I AM will carry it forever even to the farthest of the never end for I AM.

Look and see all there is prepared from Me.  As you see a skunk come close….. Know the little thing looks tame but beware  the smell of the skunk shall send you far away……. As you see a eagle fly into the heights, do not be deterred at the plane…. The eagle will fly you on His wings but the wings of the plane are hot because man is playing there a lot.

The true gem is light from inside….. The baubles of  men will lead you astray.  Fly in My gifts and no one  may see but unto Me all is seen….. Scrubbing the floor and paving the way might not be a job sought for but unto Me it is My dream.  Things men hold dear on the stage are not as seen as popular in My day.  Preparing the way for I AM to enter into their realm and the scrubbing of the floor for My heart to enter their door.

Oh yes, this is My delight…..This is why I AM was up all through the night.  Many I AM saw to be in My day…. I surely wanted them to see Me and come My way.   Through the doors closed your cry gets them opened……I AM beckons to your plea for them to get the victory…… You ask and ask for the mercy for their plight and behold, then they will take flight. Into My arms does grace send them My way to the rest. I AM is seated on waiting for them to come by Me this day.

All members  of  My body are My delight  here this night.  All can not be My hands and My feet…… Many must be My knees bringing to end evil decrees deplaced  by My many voices speaking what I AM says over them.  Heaven on earth is what I AM says. Alas, this  is what must be. So hear and see all My members of My body are Mine.  I AM has called each of you as Mine and Divine…. Be still and love the brethren as you love yourself…… For in this mind. I AM’s fullness and unity is sublime.

I AM has spoken in praise of the great faith in My children, yet only one did I AM say- has chosen the needful thing and it will not be taken from her. Hear I AM.  Let those who chose to sit at My feet be, as many of  My saints are found there. Let them be.

Take these words as I AM and will forever be.









Love Has Been Perfected Among Us……

Wow! Meditate on the scripture…… Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world,               ( 1 John 4:17).

What does that mean?  Huh?  Love is perfected among us because as He is so are we in this world…….Hmmmm……

So where and how is Christ Jesus, our Lord, today?  So how He is  should be as we are….. How and why?  He is with us and will never leave us according to Matthew 28 and according to the Book of Ephesians He is seated in heavenly places and so are we……

The song goes what does this have to do with love? Everything like the old stories of rags to riches is the story line or His story of how God brought us back from eating at the pig’s trough to now seated with Him…… His love if we believe all He has said is brought to fullness…..within us and for us.

Did you ever try to help someone and they got offended because you offered to help?  Their pride was blocking your love given unto them what ever way it was offered.

Having His love received into us is a big thing to God.  Yes, He is well aware of where we came from….. and He is well aware of His grace and mercy  perfecting His plan to correct us into the position we were born for…… In Him by the power of His Spirit…..

Pentecost is a big deal to God as well as to King Jesus Christ….. He was frustrated and said this in Luke 12: 49-51, I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I AM till it is accomplished…… Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.

I never thought I would hear the word wish out of our Lord…… But He was wishing time would speed up- for two reasons….. Maybe He was getting a little exasperated with His crew…… Maybe …… He had such a Gift for us in His Spirit being deposited inside that He couldn’t wait for the freedom of blinders coming off and the cotton  coming out of the ears of the ones He loved so we would understand and love Him greater.

He wanted fellowship…..Like minded offspring to know and love Him….. He wanted many with Him as He is the Priest of the Endless Life. He desired multiplication.

Back to the above verse….. His love perfected among us.

The clue is in the book of Ephesians…… There are such great illustrations to show us the pattern of Christ to put our faith in the Rock above all rocks….. Our Lord.

Jesus Christ was the perfect man perfected….. Yup! He only did what the Father told Him to do as written in John 5.

Holy Spirit worked through Jesus Christ…… and now who is He working His mighty power through? Pick up a mirror, beloved.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  just as He chose Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure  of His will, to the praise and glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth- in Him,

( Ephesians 1: 3-10).

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all,                         

( Ephesians 1:17-23)

But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, mae us alive together with Christ ( by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

( Ephesians 2:4-6).

That Christ might dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God…….

Now to Him who is able to exceedlingly abundantly above all we ask or thinks, according to the power that works in us,…………….

to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, AMEN!, ( Ephesians 3:17-21).

Let the above Word be found  alive and active in the generation on the earth this day. Let it be not so that we limited God by our unbelief.

Let it be known by Him, we pleased our King and did great exploits in His name…. The name Jesus Christ which  all names bow in heaven and on the earth and below the earth and in all the seas.

Is the Lord saying- I call you to come to Me on the waters…… Lord, is that You?  He says, Yes. Come to Me – walk on the wild side and walk on out to Me.

Well, I was wild before for the wrong side…… I’ll be wild for you Lord.  It is the only way to live by faith….. There by faith the past pattern are broken by the newness of His breath. The past pattern of walking by faith is new today. What we walked by faith last year must be updated as we keep in the timing of His presence and purpose.   Remember the temp has changed…. Let us hear the new beat and keep the timing as a beautiful sound of us being one in Him.

First His crew saw Him walking on the water and calming the waves….Then He said, hey come on out and join Me.  I AM is your Guide….. to support You in the overcoming the natural by My Super Spirit…… In His Holy Spirit, we become holy and without blame.  Right there, overcomers arise and shine.

That is wild and only our God could want that and work it out to accomplish that within each heart that turns to see His voice and say – Okay….. You can do the impossible with me……Let’s run and not miss the mark of the high calling.

Paul, the mystery solver, shows us how the great power of God raised the Lord from the dead and was seated in the heavenly places……. Then it is written that the same power that raised Christ from the dead raised us with Him and also seated us in those same heavenly places.

The same power as written in Ephesians 1:19 is also written in Ephesians 3:20. This same God and His Spirit of power is  working not only through Christ but through us who believe. The Holy Spirit rests on the inside of us……. Christ—- We are little Christians….. running around as His body on this earth…. The fullness of Him is known as we, His body, are as He is in this world. This is now—- not later, but now.

Please- all the religious just put a hold on your mouth…… for a minute…….. He asks us to be perfect before Him….. or blameless before Him…… Perfected in Him is the power of the endless life made whole or complete in Him by Him through us…… His power is being worked in you and in me to complete us -in the power of the endless life……. as written in Hebrews – check it out.

This is His love fully received and lived by His saints.

His temple made by His Spirit will not have cracks and will not be shabby….. So if that bothers your mind- get over it!  Or not, your choice…. But this is His plan. We are being made into the temple of God Himself…. Check out 2 Corinthians….His place is glorious and beautiful and so are His people.

As written in Genesis 17:1-2,When Abram was ninety nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him,  I AM Almighty God; walk  before Me and be blameless.  

And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedlingly.

His  thought of perfect and our understanding need to be aligned here.  Many days and nights have I probed and bothered and asked again to get the -HOW-….. He was showing me His why. Then the light bulb clicked!  OHHHHHHH!

Okay, think about this…… God multiplied Abram into Abraham greatly—– in his seed beyond the sands and the stars are his offspring……. Abram and God covenanted and Abram became Abraham….. joined with God.

Is Jesus Christ’s covenant and sacrifice any less valid?  No….. Multiplication is God’s MO….. Always is the same and always will be the same…. He changes not….. So we are also being multiplied into His image so as He is the head of the body of Christ…..His government will not cease.

It is not about us but about Him in us. Then  what is done through us  as His kingdom keeps expanding on earth as it is in heaven.   As He is in heaven we are here….. As it is in heaven , it should be the same as here.

As was the growth of Abraham’s seed over the earth is great.  Is not greater the Incorruptible Seed of God, Christ Jesus sown into our hearts going to reproduce the same?   Believe Him and we shall be established….. for the Lord is the Great Prophet……. Believe the prophets and you shall be established as written in 2 Chronicles.

Only by our belief in walking it out by our  faith- our Lord meets us in all of His greatness established  in this earth ….It is to show His exceeding greatness. As well as  to show off His greatness and mercy and love and kindness and wonderment. May many be drawn to this great God and Friend to all.

This is not hard….. It is His power and His strength and our ears and heart to obey His instructions. Our prayers and fellowship with Him will gain us to understand what the width and length and depth and height of His love towards us in Christ. Then we pour it out….. as a forever bride does to His children.

We cannot pour out what we have not been filled with…..

We can never pour out what we have not come to know first hand by our King……His love. His coming through all the time. His answering our faith by signs wonders and sometimes little whispers or tiny fragrances of His touch of saying- yup, your on the path or the slamming of doors when we went through the wrong door….

He is always faithful to complete the work He has started within each of His beloved…… No one is left behind with this God……Only if they want to be. He is a Gentleman…..He back’s off but only to show up when He hears His name called out for help……

Our King is knocking on the doors of the hearts that have kept closed to Him….. He will never give up or give in until the last breath of His pursuit is breathed.

See Him now. The Door of Heaven opened wide to those who say I AM is mine.  He is waiting and praying for your inclination His way. Oh, please make His day and turn to Him today.

Oh bride, make sure your place is by His side. Do not be distracted by running here and there. The seat is reserved in Him today. Great is the way to speak what He says.

Eternity is where we live in Him this day. Time speeds up but we have no delay because we  have eternity and endless life as our Guide. He holds all the keys. The mysteries of His secrets are unlocked by our understanding of the Great I AM. Time is not concerned for it is in His hands. We are then also in the Great I AM….. Rest assured all will be disclosed that is hidden and obscure.

We rest in Him and know His faithfulness in His plan….. Things that are will not be as the things are not seen will always be and are set for now and eternity.

Things come and go but what remains is His plan for His government. I AM is always increasing. Multiplication is My way…….. I do the math because I AM has called it for the glory of My great way. I AM will always be, so if you are in Me….. What does it matter if those things I AM speaks rise and some fall?

I AM in you and you in Me…… That shall always be….. My image multiplying for all to see. I AM is here and active in My bride. As I dwell in the heavens with her too…… Oh do you understand this mystery too?  I AM divides the day from the night…. Ahhh, come to the morning bright….. The Son is brilliantly shining for all to see the glory in the heavens is also in you as in Me.

As in the first day I AM called Light be……. The first day is again for you to be in Light from Me.   The darkness folds his tent and vacates his rent.  He leaves bitterly but leave he must for the Light is too bright.

My power is endless.  I AM works greatly for My purpose in My people. Then all will see what I AM has for them. There is a God who is for them. I AM has made a way for all to be in My endless life with  Me.  All to see the Great I AM is here as well as in their eternity. I AM was with all before they knew breath.

I AM asks prayers be sent for those who delay but must come to I AM now as I AM calls this Today. Their deception may turn them away.

There is room in I AM for all…… Do you not see My arms are open wide from the east is to the west….. My bowed head is in obedience to the call from above….. Father wants you now to come home….This your call to return to the place you from the beginning called home….. So turn today…… Through My bloody sacrifice is the way to complete your destiny…. For in I AM is your place and I AM has set your in My side.

Come now and come all……..Enjoy the journey that I AM has designed for you from the beginning.  I AM saw you today hesitating to come do things My way. If you count the cost, weigh your scales, if they balance….. What is the balance that you seek?   One quick wind may shake the change that you won’t take in today.

I AM knows when time end….. Do you gamble on your own life today?  Put your struggle aside and make the stride to My cross. Be cleansed with My blood that was shed for you. Be washed clean with Fountain of My Endless Life….. Washing My bride. She is all clean inside. White as snow. I AM is in great delight for this is why I AM did not count the cost…How could I AM turn from you and encounter such great loss.

Now those who call on Me but will not heed to hear My reply. Why do you rush here and there….. When I AM holds the keys and answers of wisdom that you are seeking….. Wait and rest and all will be shown in the eternity of your moment.

I AM in no hurry and I AM delights in your presence…… Come sit with I AM and let be what does not matter. You and I AM  together as one in the mind and the heart……. Fellowship is what I AM is all about….. You must be in My rest to hear and strength to obey otherwise all will go astray….. Your help is I AM in you. Rest is the way that is shown through. I AM is the Word and the Voice that keeps you safe and accomplishing much fruit.  Do not be about you with out Me.

I AM will allow the pieces to crumble and then you will see that I AM is all you need to complete the task that is before you from Me.

Abram was changed from Abram to Abraham as he knew  I AM was needed to be what I AM said he was to be.  I AM is what will increase and multiply Christ in you.  Rest. Listen. Be quiet and still… Trust in I AM in all you seek.

All the work from you is through Me and from Me and for Me.  Listen to Me. Blessed is the highway as you walk on the water by the power of I AM in you working mightily.

Climb the hills of My mount for all is clear.  Into My land is the way of My delight. Do not hesitate and do not delay. The deep passages lead you into greater light. This is  My glory.  This is My story…… which you follow and all will see this is the road to victory.

The way of increase and multiplication is the way of the corn….. Bow to rise and then fly like eagles on the heights….. Air is thin but all you need is carried within.

My way is the passage of faith- You may not see with your eyes but you have dreamed the way. You will recognize the stones of the cliff as  your faith makes the path to see.  My power of My hand will guide you every step….. We are together and you can count on I AM through the thick and through the thin….. I AM has never been unfaithful to you. I AM will continue until My work is complete in you.

Remember you are here for I AM. They may say you have turned the world upside down but it has been upside down. The words that I AM tells you to speak tries to set their things straight. Some will come turn their lives upright by My righteousness.  Some will turn and want to live upside down and allow deception to keep them bowed  down….. But alas a few will come out and I AM will draw in… As Noah’s ark speaks out today…….

Do you know your last day? The Sower and His Seed still is working among them all.  Which is the way any of you will allow the Seed to fall today?

Thank you for allowing My love to be perfected in My bride.  The beauty of holiness is radiating at My side……My beloved, how I AM has suffered until the fire is poured forth to create My body shining as the noon day sun. My righteousness is found in you, My child. Be full of delight and joy as you radiate My life, oh My bride. This is My plan…… My family all around Me -Behold, My children you are all My glory!

What was and what will be and from what was forever then….. I AM the great I AM.

All things come from I AM and all things will be for  I AM.  Please come and learn  to be in the way and do things My way.  Woe to those who say they are the shepherds of the flock when all they do is keep My bride locked.

Do not call what I AM has cleansed as unholy and unclean… Learn of I AM and I AM makes all things new….. You are a new creation in I AM…. Do not step on the work of MY Spirit this day….. It will not work well for you – get out of I AM’s way.

My body is My masterpiece… Hold it dear and hold it sacred and do fear I AM in regards to this hear……..Do not resist the Spirit of Grace.  Ask the many who stepped in I AM’s way how it worked well for them in their day.  There are many around that can tell you about knowing I AM and not doing things His way.

Will you focus only on sin and not acknowledge the Incorruptible Seed growing within.  The Light of their eyes and their hope in I AM will continue if you water  what I AM speaks over them.  I AM sees what I AM has created from the beginning…… If you are My worker than I AM knows you by My fruit…… If the fruit is not coming forth……Then check the deliverer…. For My Words are fulfilled…… Do not steal their joy of being Mine……. Do not step in the Way of I AM at this time…..Come to I AM and we will set it right……

Love shall be perfected among My own…. Call out for this in all that I AM calls Mine. Do not frustrate My Spirit today…… This why I AM came to set a fire and be not the one who stumps it out…..I AM calls My own out to come in and go out again.  This is the way……

Learn of Me and all will be set free…..My Spirit delights in liberty.    Where My Spirit cannot dwell well, He is not. But do not be deceived, He has found rest in many that I AM has called home today. They may have left the crowd….. The chains of bondage were so broken by My power and tasted freedom and delight. They are mine and they will walk in the fullness in My way. As I AM, you are to be. Do not be deceived on any lesser way for Me. I AM has made the Provision- Vision- for all to see.  See the way I AM is showing you…… Ah, yea, there may be division….. I AM calls to come out to come in and go out again.  My love has been perfected in these that  has I AM in their sight and they fly high in My might.
