
Wisdom And Knowledge Will Be The Stability Of Your Times

Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times,
and the strength of salvation; the fear of the Lord is His
( Isaiah 33:6).

The Lord wants us to enter into His rest. We enter into His
rest by obeying the Word and Spirit of God…. In doing so,
we keep climbing from glory to glory in Him. ( Hebrews 2,
2 Corinthians 3). He is our Refuge and our Strong Tower.

The Words of the Lord find ALL their fulfillment. He spoke
of another shaking in the Book of Hebrews, so we must be
always be focusing on Him, His words.

Now this, yet once more, indicates the removal of those
things that are being shaken, as of things that are made,
that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot
be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God
acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For God is a
consuming fire,
( Hebrews 12:27-29).

If He is truly our all, when the world or our world starts to
shake, we have a hope and anchor found in Him alone. The
Word of God will shake what can be shaken so all that
remain is eternal for our benefit….. In receiving His
eternal blessings, we have to witness the falling away of
things that are temporary. Some things maybe warring in
significance with our soul screaming that they are of
eternal value , yet are not….. The Lord is faithful to bring
His Truth with His comfort to us. As we live out our days,
we witness all Truth so we may be assured of the fullness
of our hope which is set before us in Him.

But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning

you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we

speak in this manner.

For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love
which you have shown towards His name, in that you have
ministered to the saints, and do minister.

And we desire that each of you show the same diligence
to the full assurance of home until the end, that you do not
become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and
patience inherit the promises.

For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He
could swear by no one, greater, He swore by Himself,
saying, Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I
will multiply you.

And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the

For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for
confirmation is for them an end of all dispute.

Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the
heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel,
confirmed by an oath,that by two immutable things, in
which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong
consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the
hope set before us.

This hope we have as an anchor for us, even Jesus, having
become High Priest for ever according to the order of
( Hebrews 6:9-20).

So also Christ, did not glorify Himself to become High
Priest, but it was He who said to Him , You are My Son,
today I have begotten You.

As He also says in another place: You are a priest for ever
according to the order of Melchizedek; who in the days of
His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and
supplications, with vehement cries to Him who was able
to save Him from death, and was heard because of His
godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience
by the things which He suffered.

And having been perfected, He became the author of
eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as
High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek,
Hebrews 6:5-10).

Everyone who walks by the Spirit of God will go through
the testing and trials so we may grow to endure until the
fullness or fulfillment of the Promise we have in Christ is

If life is all peaches and cream in the walk of God, then
there would be no need or mention of building of character
in the image of Christ through the whole Word of God.

The golden calf which Aaron built from the pressure of the
Israelites was born out of fear and confusion – works of
the flesh…..Moses was not allowed to enter in to the
promised land for not following the Word of instruction
before the people.

We are to take heed and stop. Stop, listen and rest in His
Word, His faithfulness…. His Name. Let us grow mightily
in the knowledge and grace of the Lord. These gifts from
God will keep us surefooted and steady in the days ahead.

All of the written Word is for our admonition to follow in
obedience the word through our walk with the Lord.

As the Lord is in our midst, let us be brae and encouraged
in His love. As a parent takes away things that the child is
playing with because of harm…. The child usually
screams about the loss….. However, sometimes a parent
takes away a tricycle to replace with a bicycle…. Yet, the
child cries out because the old is comfortable and safe…..
and does not understand the value of growing up, even
though it may take many skinned knees…..There is
great value in maturing whether in our humanity or spirit
man in Christ Jesus.

Lord, we give You full open doors to our lives to bring us
into the fullness of our Heavenly Father’s heart’s desire,
the image of You, Our Lord, You….May You be found in us.
May the Word be found alive and big in us, Christ in us,
our hope of glory.

The Spirit of God through the Word, commands us to be
holy as He is holy numerous times. He also commands us
to be found with out spot or wrinkle from the world.

The Lord wants us completely and totally…… so when
His shaking comes, let us remember that this shaking is
always rooted from the love of God that never fails.

It is written in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24: Now may the God
of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your
whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He who calls you faithful, who also will do it.

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will
suffer persecution,
( 2 Timothy 3:12).

If our Lord went through trials and persecution, should we
not be going through the same if we are His? If we are,
then we are on the correct path of the Lord, so we enter
His rest as He does His work through us and in us…. We
rest in trust of His love that has never ended towards us
whether we were far or near.

His great love is like the ocean’s waves always coming in
whether it is high tide or low tide…. His love cannot be
stopped or blocked…. His love billows through to us
through all our mire and muck….. He is there pursuing and
then waiting…. He is waiting now.

When the shaking occurs, let us be anxious in anticipation
as if it were Christmas morning. Let us not be worried or
in fear….. Let His love be perfected in us….. His love, as
we allow Him to enter in, will calm, lead and protect us
through all shakings and even death…. But, oh, our death
leads to a resurrected eternal life in Him…..Only God! May
His perfect will be established within us.

As our God embraces us over and over again in His love
while He moves us from glory to glory…. We can allow His
love to carry us as we let go of fear in the midst of
shaking. Let us look forward to the next phase of glory as
we bask in His midst.

We have a life that never ends in our God by our Great
Forerunner, our Lord Jesus Christ….

Yes, we thank You, O God, for this nation called America…
In Your strength, we stand…. a nation for all peoples…. a
united nation under God, shall we stand. Yet, Lord, You
have more for us beyond this land….. Your Kingdom which
will never end. Your kingdom will last forever and ever
more…. You have called us to be a part of Your Kingdom,
and for this reason, our Lord, is why we love You and thank
You. We do not just thank You for today but all minutes of
all hours of all days of all years, through all seasons, for
Your Great Love for us which never fails. You, our Great
God, are Awesome and are worthy of all our praise and
thanksgiving. Through all eternity, we will never stop
praising You for Your love, and yet, will that even
encompass what You are deserving? We love You and
thank You for You…. Amen.

My children, come and eat from the Food that only
satisfies and fills you. My Food is health and life to all your
flesh. I AM has prepared a Feast for you. Come and gather
around I AM, for your soul shall find peace and rest.

Why do you spend your money for what is not
bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen,
carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul
delight itself in abundance, incline your ear and come to

Hear and your soul shall live; and I AM will make an
everlasting covenant with you.

Remember, My soul delighted in King David, for He saw the
strength of My arm when he witnessed the Philistine,
Goliath’s stature. The armies of Saul saw the size of
Goliath and forgot the strength of their God that had
brought them thus far.

I AM is here in your midst, never forsaking you or leaving
you…. Step into My rest. Trust I AM. The present of
time is I AM’s gift to you. Wisdom reveals the fruit of your
stewarding your allotted days.

I AM reveals what is ahead. Is Wisdom known when a man
tends his land? He spends his time plowing, sowing and
watering. Yet, his stewarding is in struggles and hard
labor. When the drought comes in, he is found in strength
in his fruit gathered unto him. Alas, his harvest will
sustain him and carry him through the drought of the land.
He is found in plenty….. Yes, Wisdom speaks of things
not yet seen regarding her fruit for those who incline to

Alas, My servant Noah, was deemed a madman and so
also was Moses……. Ahh, My servants, nay, My
friends….. My friends endured as seeing I AM who is

Yet, has I Am not given all who ask the eyes to see and
the ears to hear. Ah, Wisdom’s fruit is known not in spring
but through the wintery days.

My Spirit will show you all things to come. Will you plow
your time? Will you sow your time? Will you water your
time? I AM has given you time. How you spend the gift is
yours…… Let your time’s fruit be of grace and mercy
carrying the endurance and steadfastness of I AM
throughout the storms.

Alas, when springs buds forth, you will be found awake in I
AM’s image…. My heart will rejoice and sing for I AM is
found in you. My glory sings and shouts forth: If anyone
thirsts, let him come to Me an drink. He who believes in
Me, as I AM says, out of his heart will flow rivers of living

So come, gather around for the Feast I AM has prepared
for you from before the foundations of the world.

So come, children, come and be filled.

SELAH! Be blessed in Him this Thanksgiving and every day!

For I Determined Not To Know Anything Among You Except…

Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirt of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

But we speak the wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which non of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

For he who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ, ( 2 Corinthians 2-16).

God has bestowed upon us His greatness. He gave us His Son. Within the Son where we abide, are riches and treasures that are vast and unsearchable…..These treasures are revealed as we search Him in understanding. They are there for us to seek and find and partake in fully and complete….

As it is written in Proverbs 25:1: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

We have been made kings and priests unto our God as stated in Revelation chapter 1. The hidden riches and ways of God are made manifest by His Spirit today….. for those that love Him……

The Wisdom of the Ancient One is revealed unto us….. The understanding of this great Love that our God has for us….. is unveiled….. all by His Spirit dwelling within….

We are given everything we need for the day…. The Manna from heaven has been made unto us to keep us His though we live in a corrupted world. His great Love manifested in our Lord Jesus Christ for us is neverending and unsearchable….We will never say- now I got it, I understand…….Our lives in Christ resembles this acclamation….. wow, the knowledge of Your forgiveness made through Your Son is magnificent and yet, Holy Spirit, You lead us deeper into unending surplus of His love for us. Holy Spirit, there is more?

Then we hear Him say, child, you have only entered in the Door….. Come in to the Kingdom of Your Heavenly Father. Learn to partake as His Son has….. Follow the way of the First Begotten and you will see all that He has planned for you in His greatness and majesty.

When Scripture states we have the mind of Christ, what do we think? I know the religious will say that is blasphemy, even though it is written in Scripture. Could this be a way for us to grow in our understanding of the Lord?

Could the mind of Christ revealed unto us give us the grace so we may think in alignment with the Lord? I oftened asked the Holy Spirit how the Lord could encounter such hate on that day and not break down. How He perservered with the beatings and then to carry that heavy cross and still not break into His own will….I see such great strength of only a God- kind could provide.

Yes, He was fully man and fully divine……He bowed so low for us because He saw us as such a great reward. When we start to understand in glimpses the mind of Christ in His pursuing us through the suffering, despising the shame, we grow in more love. Then as we grow in more love for Him, He reveals more of the things that God has prepared for us….

Yes, we are given an increase of grace to continue pursuing Him, our eyes of our understanding see the heart of our Lord loving our Heavenly Father. We are held in awe as we see the love that the Lord was willing to die to keep in union with……We are held in awe and astounded for even now we are included in this great fellowship of Love…. as One in communion with the Godhead…. Yes, we are in awe and yet, we come boldly for we are in need of the Great Love. As a child peak’s around the corner seeing his parents affection as they display their love…. The child gets comfort in seeing his parents love for each other. Yet, he will run bodly and jump in the parent’s lap to enter in the middle of their love…and soak it up!

So much of God is available to us. We must be in awe with His greatness and yet hungry and desiring to know Him more….. The Holy Spirit will give us the desire and implement the openings of opportunity for us to live this love out in our lives…. The more we have put before us the choice of His love and remain in union, the more the divine strength and perserverance will be perfected in us…..

The communion of the Godhead will manifest in us so great that we will stand the tests of the fire and the water because of this union…… This great communion of our Godhead and all the saints….. is more real to us than any darkness that tries to daunt us to break it.

We cannot go after the high calling in Christ Jesus without this fellowship with and in communion in the Holy Spirit…. In maturing the children of God into the sons and daughters of the Most High God,…. He is becoming our all. We cannot obtain anything spiritually without our King and the presence of His Spirit within…. He is our Strength and Refuge.

Our Lord is victorious….. Only as we abide in Him and allow the mind of Christ to instruct our lives, will we also be victorious… We live from His victory……not ours…..All the godly attributes deemed the Holy One’s Son victorious over our captivity…. We are gaining His godly attributes as we live in glory to glory….. We live from His victory and overcome His enemies, which are our enemies by His name, His strength of His Word, the Lord Jesus Christ…..

I heard this saying once and I played this out as the Lord being my Best Friend: The enemy of my enemy is my Best Friend……Jesus Christ, our Lord.

As we ascend to the high calling of our Lord Jesus Christ, we also live and partake in the cross. The way of the Lord cannot be manifested in us unless there is great fellowship with Christ crucified.

Great and unsearchable are the ways of God, as we follow His trail, we go down as we ascend. Each door that the Holy Spirit reveals for us to walk in to understand the mind of Christ, if we take the challenge, we grow in greater measure in Him and He and all that HE IS grows in us…. for this is the way of the cross.

It is okay to be wimpy and needful to enter in…… we are all that way as we enter in with shaking knees. Then we witness His great love engulfing us as He is the One carrying us to the finish line….in His grace, the strength and might and mercy of God.

Beloved, it is quite beautiful to the Lord to be found hiding in His wounds of mercy. He looks and smiles and says, child do not hide from Me for this is why I AM came. Take shelter and rest, My work is done for you in I AM. Now I AM is working My work in you.

So let us put our exploration cap on as we search the unsearchable riches of Christ provided by God. As our Great Revealer leads us into God as He searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God, ( 1 Corinthians 2:10-11).

Children, why do you struggle ? I AM here for you in all your struggles….. When a child runs to you with a tangled and broken toy, do you not sit down then to help their struggle?…. Why do you not run to I AM with yours? Your struggles are not hidden from I AM. Come and release yourself from being what you can not be because I AM only is that for you.

Do you think there was no provision when Noah and his family and all the animals entered the ark? Alas, I AM was there. All through the Flood, I AM was there. My provision is great. Do not doubt if I AM will come through or be there….. For I AM is, was and will forever be where you are…. I AM has never left your side…. Be still and know YOUR GOD.

I AM comes on the storms to calm you in My Love. I AM is ever present, calming and presenting I AM as your ARK….. Trust I AM, come in to My arms. Be comforted, alas, My Blood has cleansed all. Allow My Greatness to form My new creation…..Arise in My Love. Breath in My Life, Everlasting Life. Walk out in My Way. My path is before you. I AM leads the way, but do not worry, little one,  behind you is I AM. Your steps are secured and fastened with My Good News. You are secure in forward movement for I AM here at every stumble and edifice.

Come and sit with I AM, rest and see the heights and depths of Love. As you walk with I AM your vision will encompass great mysteries and enigmas of ancient days….. Come and allow I AM’s love to bloom as you are I AM’s fragrance. You allow My Love to embrace you and I AM’s anointment has become yours…..

All My children are as different beautiful flowers blooming in the garden of God. Some are blossoming, some are just budding. I AM sees all as My beautiful bride. They are one in I AM’s plan. My glory is displayed by each. I AM provides His Ark for His own….for I AM.

I in them, and You in Me that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

Do not look from your eyes. My Spirit within reveals What Has Been Spoken, not what is for what is will be gone and what remains is I AM….See through the new created vision within, and you will see what is to be……You live there where I AM.

Surely, you are covered in the Love of the Holy One as the snow covers the earth…… Live in the joy of My embrace…..which will never let you go.

Come boldy and be all Mine…… As I AM all yours.






















Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart….

And lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones, ( Proverbs 3:7-8)

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; for her proceeds are better than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compared with her. Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her, ( Proverbs 3:13-18).

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God, ( Revelation 2:7).

If we have any doubt as to whether obtaining the Wisdom of God in Christ Jesus is vital, ponder on this: The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding He established the heavens; by His knowledge the depths were broken up and clouds drop down the dew, ( Proverbs 3:19-20).

The earth and the heavens were founded upon the wisdom and understanding found and released from the Uncreated One. These attributes or character traits of the Holy One are within us today by the Holy Spirit…….

As stated in John 5 :19,by the Lord, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son does in like manner…..

We will walk in peace and safety as the Word speaks to us, though trouble is around us……We must ask the Lord His will when we are coming and going and doing. In His Presence we receive what we are  seeking for in His instruction or direction. Remember His scepter is pointing to His bride…. Waiting to display His love through His power to His beloved……

We must pursue Him and in pursuing Him, we receive the Words of Wisdom and Understanding and direction from His Spirit consistently.  We are partaking from the Tree of Life as we walk in His way of depending on Him and Him alone…We lean not on our wisdom or understanding…..When we do lean on ourselves, our understanding and wisdom usually leads us into trouble…. not out of trouble. God’s Wisdom leads us into peace and safety in the midst of trouble and adversity.

We trust that He makes a way  through His Wisdom, the Word by His Spirit…… Then we trust the Lord in obeying His instructions…… Sounds easy?……Well, patience plays out strongly in our obedience as  we walk out His Wisdom by faith in His Spirit.

We believe He is there listening to our petitions, questions and dilemmas. As we approach His presence in the Word, our faith is listening to His way for us in the reading and studying the Word and by communion or prayer. Therefore, we live in His Wisdom as we do only as the Lord directs us by His Spirit.

Christ Jesus spoke in the Gospels along time ago, His Words still penetrate our hearts as as well and sort of swirl our mind around….. as we first try to understand. Then we mature as His words illuminate or burrow a way to greater understanding of God’s way….. His Words are alive as is Jesus Christ, the Word of God!!!!! Our Lord is our Wisdom and Our Understanding….. in Sanctification…. as the Word says in Corinthians.

The scripture sis written in 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Many different ways does the Word say the same thing to us – keep our focus on the Lord- He is our Wisdom….. Let not His Words depart from our eyes and heart…… Why? The Spirit tells us….

My son, let them not depart from your eyes- keep sound wisdom and discretion; so they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck. Then you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not stumble.

We must remember we live in a land where we have peace in the Lord, but there are snares and traps from evil all around us….. We must stay alert…. Staying alert in a patrol, we are properly equipped.

The Lord has equipped or provided us with all that pertains in keeping the watch of the Lord in holiness and godliness and purity in a corrupt world. The Equipment is His Holy Spirit dwelling within….

So if we are walking out our lives by faith which sometimes resembles a battlefield in a spiritual sense…. and we are not properly using what our Commander and Chief has provided…. foolish are we!

We have died with Christ….. We have died with Christ….. We have died in Christ…. So we have died, right? The fullness of God’s intent: we are in Christ as a new creation. There is no new creation if the old is alive!

Therefore, there is death to our reasoning, our control, our plans and ambitions….our nationalities, our traditions, our all is gone……We have to realize that the yucky part of our lives- our sins and iniquities are not the only part that is gone….. All of our inheritance that we have received from Adam is dead in the eyes of our Heavenly Father…. We are dead in Christ and made alive in and through His resurrection alone. From ground zero, we start out alive in Christ Jesus as babes growing into sons and daughters of the Most High God.

A scripture in Hebrews is outstanding for us to feast our eyes on the body of Christ: This is the Wisdom and the Understanding of the Holy One: For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, ( Hebrews 2:11). ( We are all one in Him and because of Him!!!).

The Wisdom of God in His Redemption and the Righteousness and the Sanctification of our lives are only found in the Lord Jesus Christ….. We are not found alive any other place but in Him in eyes of our Heavenly Father….. The Heavenly goal or purpose of the children of God is Christ will be all and in all……In Adam, we are dead. In Christ Jesus, we are alive. They are the only two options we have in the eyes of the Godhead…… We must be diligent to live in the Wisdom and Understanding of the Holy One!

Do we reckin our selves dead? Or may be we reckon ourselves partially dead….. sort of, living the life of the living dead? In God’s view, there is only Christ Jesus…..The Almighty has approved and sealed the work of the cross by putting the Lord at His right hand of all power and might. We are dead in our sin if we do not partake of the Lord with a determined heart.

There was no half way with our Lord at the cross, nor can there be any half way with us….. Now we walk in the light as we have obtained His Light by obedience to the Spirit’s leading….A child will always grow in to adulthood…..but the child may remain in the adult in the natural as well in the spiritual and inner man…..This prayer is written on our hearts as we mutter our lips to heaven:

We pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation ( understanding) in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints… ( Ephesians 1:17-18).

We can not be neutral towards our death in Christ…..We have to be ruthless in bringing down all strongholds that allow the carnal or old man living outside the wisdom and understanding of God….. If we aren’t, we will decline……

The rewards of the Lord are so blessed, how can we stay away by holding on to the old ways that lead to death.

When we keep sound wisdom: when you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.

Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught, ( Proverbs 3:24-26).

The only way we have the Lord as our confidence is when we say yes! I will trust you, Lord, in this or on this way and wait for the Lord to work it out…… We grow in trust as our experience of faith has played out. We lean and learn of His faithfulness in all areas that pertain to our lives.

Hear this, all peoples; give ear, all inhabitants of the world, both low and high, rich and poor together. My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart shall give understanding. I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will disclose my dark saying on the harp, ( Psalm 49:1-4).

The psalmist speaks further on as seeing through the eyes of Wisdom on those who go after the mammon of the day and neglect the offered Redemption of God…..

If we seek Wisdom as ours. We will weigh our decisions from the Tree of Life… We will continue to walk with our path illuminated by His Spirit. We will live in His Wisdom and see all things pertaining from the root of Wisdom…..Our lives will be in peace, our surroundings may not, but our hearts will live in peace….. The peace that only comes from God, the peace that passes all understanding.

If Wisdom and Understanding were not imperative for us to obtain and live by, there would be little mention of these characteristics of the Spirit of God…..but many Proverbs and the sayings of Jesus prove their importance.

They are given mightily throughout the Word showing us to lean on the Word of God with all our heart, all our ways and thoughts. Our old man’s way will consider the Wisdom of God foolish as written in 1 Corinthians 1:18-30: For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Jesus Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.

But God has called the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence……

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

We grow in Jesus Christ and the wisdom and understanding of God become us….We have died to the old man.We are renewing our mind and then our actions to the ways of God, the ways of Wisdom……We are dead to the dead traditions and are alive to God as we manifest His word…Our traditions  cannot manifest Him…..They are all for outside, the showy stuff…..They make us feel good but do nothing for our inner man…. or glorifying our God.

The Holy Spirit inhabits us in the inside first. In truth, the wisdom and understanding and the patience and longsuffering of God are rarely seen or understood by men…. They see these godly qualities as weakness but oh, the strength of God is shown and proved by His Wisdom!  His characteristics  are indwelling in us and is ours! We are His and He is ours.

Traditions of men make the Word of God no effect….. So, tradition may keep God in a box, but they also keep the people that believe them in their own box….. No cost, no gain…..No reward in Him……We live what we believe…. If the Lord is the Living Word in us and unto us…. We are His burning bush….His Word comes through to bring out His reign. The Lord is the Word of His power.

The Words which should stop our breath and get our knees knocking is written in the love letters of the Lord by the Holy Spirit to His body in the first couple of chapters of the Book of Revelation.

The wisdom and understanding of God has been made truly unto us through Jesus Christ, our attention would be making certain we are the partakers of the Philadelphia church….. We would be in fervent prayer for the Holy Spirit to work His work in us no matter the cost…..We live in seeking unity in the Spirit with one another……

We will resemble the temple of the Living God as written in Proverbs 24:3, Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

Again, I emphasize the attributes of our Lord are not seen with the visible eye….. but they are seen by the Uncreated One….. He is watching His building……The Almighty told Moses to make His temple as the blueprint was established in heaven. Jesus Christ is our Blueprint of the temple of the Living God for us to absorb…. so to speak…. Isn’t that why we crave His presence, we absorb Him into us….

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them. I will liken them to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came,and the winds blew and beat on the house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on the house, and it fell. And great was its fall, ( Matthew 7:26-27).

Ponder Proverbs 9. This proverb is written from Wisdom’s mouth to all who have ears to hear. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding, (Proverbs 9:10).

It is also written in Proverbs 29:18: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.

Let us follow godly counsel of the Word: Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and the former rain to the earth, ( Hosea 6:3).

The Word of God is established. The Word of God, Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, is sitting on the right hand of the Almighty…… Let us have vision of the greatness of our God and heed His warnings and keep turning to our Lord….. then receiving all Wisdom and Understanding of the Holy One…..

We live peace in the Spirit of God who is wisdom and understanding, counsel and might and of knowledge and fear of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is within. We do not have to travel far to allow the greatness of God to help us….. for He is closer than our breath and He hears us…. with an everlasting, never ending love.

We trust the Lord. His Wisdom contends against men’s lofty ideas. His Wisdom has proven over and over again by the children Wisdom bears….. Wisdom’s fruit is known by it’s taste of sweetness in victory and peace in the Lord.

Let us lean on the Lord and trust Him with all our might!


My peace I AM gives you, not as the world gives. My Words are kept by those who love Me. I AM makes Myself known to those who have eyes which are sweetened with the love of their Savior.

I AM, the Word of God, is still speaking to every soul. Whispering My love call to each heart. Come and turn to Me, for I AM in your midst….. Come….Climb into My wounds of mercy. Find your peace and rest in My work. You have Refuge in My Cross. Lose your self and gain all in life…. Come, stay and live here for awhile and let I AM’s love wash away all. I Am makes all things new….. Come,  learn of My love….. the way to your peace and rest.

Do not turn away from the very Cure for all your ailments, your anger, your fears, your pride….. Let the Everlasting Blood of I AM wash these away….Come rest at My feet and learn of I AM. The things you chase after to be perfect will not satisfy. Alas, your anger’s root, you are unsatisfied. Your hurt, your disappointments have risen for they have been not founded in Me….. I AM your Satisfaction and your All.

The wounds in My hands and feet  are nothing in comparison to the joy of you with Me. You are My satisfaction of My Work at the Altar, the Cross.  Come….. I AM has waited for this very minute for you to come to Me…. Look and see, My arms reaching out in loving embrace which is not of this world…. I AM’s embrace is Eternal….. Come to Me.

Satisfy My heart, rest in My mercy and love which never fails….. I AM yours.

Are you Mine?









To Know The Love Of Christ Which Passes Knowledge… HUH?

Is this not a contradiction ? To know more than knowledge? Is not having knowledge knowing? What does the Holy Spirit intend for us in this scripture?

The Holy Spirit always takes us higher or deeper through Him to Truth….. Not to the carnal mind is any revelation of the Lord made manifest. We ponder this scripture to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge…..The word know in the Greek means to perceive and understand beyond science or head knowledge……We may know someone as knowing their name but do not know them personally……. This word know is representing personally and intimately knowing the love of the Christ.

The Holy Spirit opens up the scriptures to us as we are born anew from above. However, there is always an increase of understanding available in the revelation of our Lord. The revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ will never end. The Holy Spirit will always bring us the same Food of Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, that we have only head knowledge and will awaken new experience of Him. Salvation of the Lord is greater in understanding and knowledge then just getting saved from the burning of lake of fire.

The Lord is always presenting Himself to us asking- WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? He wants to abide in us in greater measure and then we abide in Him in greater measure.

This love of Christ is experienced by  the continuation of our seeking more of Him and the heart of our Heavenly Father…..We walk with Him, but we realize there is a big chasm between us…. The problem is never Him, we need to gain more of Him…. How?……  We learn His love and live from His great love and then step into more of Him….. This knowing  of His love comes to us in our daily experiences- His love happened to me!….. This is how……. each one of us has our experiences.

This knowing can only come by relationship….. Our blind walk in faith, He puts us in positions where only His love will carry us through. It may be a walk alone, but He is here with us walking…..through the cool of the day…. through the darkest of  our nights, through the highest mountains and deepest darkest parts of our unknown. We know the love of Christ which passes beyond the head knowledge. The head knowledge that speaks God is love….. We now understand and have lived this Truth. This truth becomes a part of us.

We have lived because of His love keeping us. We lived His love in our experiences of growing in faith….. His love empowers us to take another deep breath of air as we press on. He keeps us in and by His great and tender love.

That we would know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Experience the love of Christ which passes knowledge…..His love passes knowledge….Our experiences with the Lord in His Love passes all our head knowledge or reason. The love of Christ is alive in us…..His love strengthens us day by day so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Many people get very religious when we say filled with all the fullness of God….. but this is the purpose of God……Religious mindsets sets their face in pride as they solidly take a stand against the Word in unbelief.  Let us be pliable in the hands of the Holy Spirit as He brings the purpose of the body of Christ to fulfillment.

How? He shows up in our adversities  and speaks His Word to us….. and all is changed……Sometimes these adversities seem to be perfected by the Holy Spirit in showing us the chasm He is to full in us…. Another facet or character of Him then gets cemented in our inner man of Him. There is greater measure in our Testimony to who we say Jesus Christ our Savior, the Great I AM is.

Our perspective is His and we live from the place of victory….. His wings of love in our despair lift us into the heights so now we are above our enemies. His Words change everything….. Kingdoms rise up and fall down upon His Word, the I AM.

The Lord stays in the place of continuous intercession for us….. Experience the love of Christ which passes knowledge…… and now are we living this love: Ephesians 6:18: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for ALL the saints. 

There is no separation between the Head and the body……. We are one with our Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. So as He is so are we in the world according to scripture in 1 John.

To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.   The head knowledge is now replaced to the experience or the perception of living in the love of Christ. The love of Christ which leads us to throw away all  for knowing all of Christ…. though I do not think that we will ever encompass all of Christ…. but His love motivates us to keep seeking, learning, pressing in for Him….. More of Him…..Then we grow again more in the testimony that we shall say He is our all and in all of us.

Paul then touches again on this knowing and knowledge in the book of Philippians chapter 3: Yet I indeed I also count all things loss for the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

As His body, we live  in all that He has come to give us. He came to take the sins of the world and also to give us life, abundant life eternal….. We live from the Holy Spirit’s prompting to come and explore the land; the Lord Jesus Christ- the land of far distances and witness the beauty of our King as written in Isaiah.

When His love is birthed in us because we grow in greater understanding….. Our hearts want to share all things with this Great King…… The new creation is becoming one with their Savior by abiding. We become willing to partake of the heartbreak and suffering He Himself witnessed and still witnesses.  His love brings forth the fruit He is seeking from His beloved.  A unity of Spirit.

Can this be our vision? If the body of Christ had this has their goal or vision, we all would be  one spirit in unity. There would be no division between the people of God. The walls that man has set would be demolished by the love of Christ within us coming forth. We would walk through them….. for as the Lord sees, there are no walls. He sees His body as one.  Many members but one body of Christ.

As the body of Christ, we would know and perceive the works of darkness by the separation within the body because of  prejudices and most of all, pride….. We would live from the ascended  position which He has provided and please our Lord. We would negate the power of darkness in separation and live  as we are one body in Christ Jesus,…. the Truth. There is no separation in the Lord.

Love unifies. Love covers a multitude of sins…..  Hate separates and divides…. Prejudice  divides and kills.  These carnal actions grieve the Holy Spirit….

Experiencing the love of Christ…Is it possible to be totally consumed in His love? Wow, may this be the goal and vision for all of us.

When we live in His love……. then, we give the love we live in.  The fragrance of Christ is so strong. The love of Christ. The blood of Christ…. The name of Christ. The people of Christ. People of One vision…. One purpose…. One Body with many members.

Unstoppable people as were the ones of Christ that are written in ACTS. They had a goal or a vision of heaven’s purpose….. Our Father’s eye was captured in their hearts and actions….They were of single vision.

Remember: where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law, ( word), as written in Proverbs 29:18.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

In this the love of God manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him, ( 1 John 4:7-9).

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.

By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.

We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and He in God.

And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him.

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in   the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

We love Him because He first loved us. If someone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother who he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother, ( 1 John 4:10-21).

Paul told us to seek to know the love of Christ that passes knowledge.-Why? So we may be filled with the fullness of God as written in Ephesians 3:19. Why? We then know or experienced intimately God’s love within to give from within out….. If we understand how His love is neverending…. never to far to reach….. never too high…… never too low….. never out of our grasp….. His love is right here, then we will testify of His love that never fails. His love is within when we believe in the One He sent, then others will hear our confidence in the Lord to reach out and touch His outstretched arms.

We experience the love of Christ when we suffer for His name sake…. Huh? Yes, we experience His great love when we suffer for His name sake…. We learn to love the unlovable, the ungrateful….. Yes, we were unlovable before we knew His great love and found it in the mercy at the cross of His Son….. His blood covered us in His mercy…. And yes, we pray for those who aren’t seeing the vision yet to be there and know His love….. We stand in for them and send the mercy seat their way, the Spirit of grace.

We stand in the gap for those who are beaten and bruised and imprisoned for His name’s sake…. They may be on their last  hope…. We stand in the mercy for them and ask the Holy Spirit to remind them of the love of Christ that in their suffering might be forgetting….. We stand there and bring the love of Christ to their remembrance. He sees them. He is there with them.

He is the way to escape this temptation.  We ask the Spirit of God to heal and restore their vision….. He will bring them through to His great purpose.  We intercede on their behalf, because we are part of them and they are apart of us….. We are one body in Christ…. so if they are suffering, so are we…….Does our heart hurt when we think of them? We lift them up so they may know the love of Christ in the midst of great adversities. We pray for their strength so they may not let go of Him.

Why? Because we are of one body in Christ…. The ones that have been called and not yet manifested to the cross and to those who are suffering…… We are all one…. No separation in time or place because His love dwells in us and perfects us in one body of Christ.

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power,                     ( Colossians 2:9-10).

There is no separation from the love of God…..When we have the vision of our Heavenly Father…. We look through the cross of Christ and see all manifested in the blood of Jesus, even those far from Him…. We bring them there in prayer. We pray for the Spirit to carry His bountiful grace to their hearts. We whisper in His ear- Oh Father, awaken them….. Awaken them….We abide in His love. We abide in the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. We speak as the Lord as we call those things that aren’t as though they are…… His people of vision. His vision…….

Someone prayed and stood with cross in the Spirit over us  so we came to Him in the midst of our darkness. We intercede because our Lord is and because people did for us…. Now we live the love of Christ for others. We want all to experience His gentle and strong redeeming love. Through hate from our persecutors, we sow love and redemption in prayer.

He hears and answers…. He knows we know the vision….As we know the love and peace of Christ which passes all understanding, we live by and in the Spirit as grown sons and daughters of God…..

Let us keep the vision:…. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,  and the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that we may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power  and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him, who fills all in all,          ( Ephesians 17-23.)

Beloved, His love has transcended us to a high place in Him…. There is no other place of greatness than the position that His love has granted us……. We are a people with a vision. Our view is from heavenly places…..The vision is given because we are in Him. We live from there, an ascended people…. A people set forth from the throne to govern. We bind and loose according to the standard of the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. We loose heaven and bind hell.

Do you want to disengage the enemy totally?  Love…. Love in Truth. Truth in love disengages the enemy…..He then is stripped of all his armour…. He cannot fight love…..Nor can he disengage the power of the body of Christ’s prayers.

Let us know the love of Christ, which passes all knowledge.

Let us be the holder of the vision of God….. Let His flame keep us burning in  the love of Christ which leads the path the Lord wants us on and others.

One Spirit, One body, One Lord, One God……. One purpose……. One love….

He gave us His all and we die to our all to gain His all. To know the love of Christ which is higher than any head knowledge….. We ascend in our relationship with the Lord….. Head knowledge is left as we live Christ……  His burning flame of love is alive within. Let it burn with fragrance of Christ that ascends for Him for ever.

Again, not on our merit, but on the Lord’s work on the cross and where He is seated, we are… We are also found with Him at the cross in death and alive in Him in His resurrection…. We are also found seated with Him where He is….. because we came to know Him personally….. We know our position in Him, which cannnot be taken away from us……When Truth becomes us, we know where we are from and where we are and where we are going in the Lord.

No, not because of what we have done, but because of Him and His work….. We are in Him….. Now that is the Truth. The Holy Spirit works His work revealing the Truth within His temple, us.  We  experience Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings…… There is no throne authority before there is a living cross in our hearts, beloved. The place where we live in Him is the Lamb of God and the Lion of God….. both will be written on our hearts and our lives in Christ.

Praise the God, the Father.

Praise the Son.

Praise the Holy Spirit.

The Godhead, three in One.

Oh, let us praise Him. Let us praise Him.


Children, listen to My Spirit which gently leads you into the fullness I have provided. Celebrate the Jubilee……of Pentecost….. The completed work of your Redeemer  has called you…… Now is the time the Promise of the Father comes to dwell within as I AM places His Seal….. Rejoice and celebrate My love.

My creation was made out of My love for a people…..The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit love you with a everlasting love…. I AM has called you to be My people and I AM is your God…..Live and dwell in the city of God…. Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem….. You will never find darkness in your spirit for I AM is your light.

Come, live from My righteousness, quit laboring to find your own…. I AM your only righteousness….. Be released from saving yourself, I AM your only Savior. I AM your Answer…… I AM knows you. I AM knows your thoughts. You do not need to prove yourself by your works…..Are you trying to prove to you- you are good?  There is no one good but God….Drop your pride in the fire. Take My yoke of humility upon you now…..

I  Am seeks the land of your soul….. I  AM seeks to dwell there….. Not just enter one day and go on the next…. When I AM comes so does all of My Kingdom.  My Spirit is relentless to prepare you where I AM.  As I AM gains My rights as Redeemer in your soul, you gain more authority in My throne…..

Alas, I AM has shown you the way……the cross. Oh children, learn to embrace the cross as you would a lost  ring of your inheritance…. Alas, this is the way to your inheritance from your Heavenly Father. Embrace the ways I AM has walked as a treasure map leading you to riches that are beyond your imagination.

Your way to find I AM will be gained in greatness. Do not ponder on the riches that  are mistaken in mammon…… On the Day, they will fail you. Ah, My Treasures are eternal and everlasting…….

The land I AM seeks of your soul will be cultivated in bringing a harvest of My Words. Do not be consumed with the cares and riches of this world…… I seek a full harvest. My Spirit will allow all to be burned but the Words I AM has spoken in your hearts, in your minds….. My Spirit burns with a holy fire. Do not fear, you will not be burned but be My burning bush in the wilderness.  I Am will light you so they will see Me. The I AM, their hearts desire.

I AM desires My Words spoken to you to be flowing through your hearts, through your minds, through your words and hands…… for there I AM.

In your obeying My desire, you will be aware of those who I AM sets before Me. You will speak the Words My Spirit says and leads you.

As you ask, seek and keep pursuing to gain more of I AM….. I AM is first asking you, and is always seeking you and always knocking on your heart to gain more of you…. I  AM first loved you so you then could learn to love I AM….. I AM, the Uncreated One,…. has created within you a heart to pursue I AM. I AM has already sought you and called you with My Everlasting Love from the foundation of the world.

Gather the jewels of My Kingdom in your pockets of your soul for they will never fail you in the days of trials that will come upon this earth.  Patience, longsuffering, humility, peace in your hearts, love, steadfast in faithfulness…… Ah, these hold on to for your inheritance is found in these and will open the way to more….These treasures will remain steadfast for you. These will not fail you as they are found in I AM.

All else will pass away but My Word will never pass away.

I AM call’s and  still calls My children as a hen gathers her brood……Are you here to see I AM or are you to dwell with I AM today and tomorrow and forevermore?








No Matter What……. His Love Never Fails….

Many of God’s chosen go through the wilderness….. It is the way of God, even His Son was put in hardship to prove Him….. So why do we expect any other way of life if we have chosen to pick up our cross and be with our Lord. Our cross is to make sure the old man or our carnal thinking, ways are dead….. God has created the deserts for the sole purpose of drawing out the new creation in Christ by the Holy Spirit in us.

The list of God’s chosen which lived some part of their lives in the desert is many….. This is where we know God alone. We learn He supplies our all. He is our Answer to all things that pertain to life and godliness and death…..This place of the desert is where we see God alone can be our all. We fall before Him in the realization that others have been put in preeminence where He alone deserves. He is worthy to be our all.

The wilderness is a wilderness but it is the greatest spot. It is You and me alone. Many people had adversities who have never wavered were asked how was it….. Well, it was hard but then they smile as they remembered the closeness of the Lord during their time apart. They say, but God be the glory, how I made it through.

The friendship and relationship with our God that blooms in the desert is one that cannot be replaced or analyzed…. It is God. He never stops short on proving His greatness  in the midst of our weakness.  

No matter how high or far or down we go, we can not be separated from God. His love engulfs us. His love carries us. His love hears our faintest cry for help. His love reaches down….. He never stops for a moment to reason …. He just keeps lifting the humble. He places us in place of princes……… His love never fails. 

Jesus walked the earth and gave great acclamation to John the Baptist, Luke 7. John the Baptist spent his days in the deserts until the day the Lord manifested him to Israel,               ( Luke 2).

Moses spent his forty years in the wilderness before presenting himself from the Lord bringing the law to Israel…….. King David spent many wilderness days running from the hate of Saul…….Then King David was brought out by God to rule and reign His people. Even the Son of God spent 40 days in the wilderness to be proven…….

I wonder if the three years for the disciples with the Lord was more being in a wilderness…. They were hunted for the companionship of the Lord. They spent most of their days in bewilderment because of the ways of Jesus of Nazareth were so out of their paradigm.  Can we gather a conclusion which shows they were perplexed from the companionship of the Lord? Their unrenewed mind sent them in a tizzy when the Lord moved by the Spirit of God.    

Then we know Paul, formerly Saul, whose name was changed…… spent many years in the desert with the Spirit of God. Then Paul was put before the people by God to be a witness of the testimony of the Son of God, Christ Jesus, the King and the Lamb of God. Paul brought to us so much from the thoughts of our God. He put before us the banquet that the Godhead planned when the Lord took His seat at the right hand of the Almighty and sent the Promise or the Seal of the Spirit of God to reside within us.

As we live in the wilderness, we learn to know the Lord, closer than our own breath…. We know the Lord…..We are transformed into His thought, His ways and His heart.

We die to ourselves in the wilderness and live in this new world of His kingdom which was hidden from our sight.  In the wilderness, the Kingdom of God becomes more a reality than this world’s kingdom……It is a terrible time and a wonderful time.

Remember our Lord is terribly wonderful and wonderfully terrible.

Of all our hardships as going to school- law or medical…… This may be an assumption, if I am wrong, forgive me…..For I have spoken to doctors:…… their training was a bear to go through….. They always remember the hardest professor or doctor they trained under that only expected excellence. They have said the professor or doctor brought out the best in them….. It was a bear to go through but well worth the outcome now. 

So we must not expect any different dealing with the Spirit of the Living God. The wilderness is the Holy Spirit’s school. We forget all our past and start to live in eternity. He will instruct. He guides. He burns away the chaff. We learn to live on the Wheat. Preparing to give the Wheat. We learn to live on the word of God as our only support of life.  All remains is a concentrated focus and strong connection to the Uncreated One. We then know we are found in Him and Him alone…. No righteousness left in our selves…In truth, our righteousness is as filthy rags….. In the wilderness, we learn Truth.

The seal of the Living God by His Spirit is branded within our hearts, our will and our minds…..We die to the world and the world has died to us in this experience of the wilderness….. His work is mighty in pulling down every stronghold that rises up against the knowledge of God…….in us…..

So if we are going through the wilderness or as some has spoken of the dark night of the soul…. Rejoice….. God has chosen you to be His witness of His love, His light and His grace found in the Lord Jesus Christ and you!

The place is great where we learn to be still and know I AM God.  What an opportunity our Lord gives us when we are brought to a place before Him to watch. What a fantastic Door is our Lord when we can enter in His kingdom and behold His majesty and beauty. How wonderful when we forget ourselves because He Is HERE. When Jesus Christ becomes our all……

When in time, something catches our attention…… We learn then to immediately turn to Him and be still, wait for His Word to guide us. No matter what false pressure comes our way to make us move without His Word….. Stand, and above all stand in the promises of our Lord…..The stand is not to wait for His promises but to stand in them no matter what blows our way, we stand in Him. May this Patience of Jesus Christ be rooted and established in us. We learn all this with our Beloved in the desert.

The Lord’s kingdom is here, it is within us. We may not see with our natural eyes, but we walk by faith.  As we stand in His presence in His faithfulness. In His place that He has put us in…. We do not move.  We do not bend or panic….. We stand. We know the Lord hears us and answers us….. We keep praying to loose heaven in our midst and bind the forces of evil…..

So we stand and allow the Lord to perfect our patience….. For perfect love has not torment or fear….. His love never fails….. We must be proven in this knowledge so it becomes an experience.  The experiences of our God grows our Testimony of Him. His faithfulness…….  His greatness………….. His purpose…….. His thoughts……… His heart…….. within us…… to be poured forth as a fragrance.

Remember the taunts our Savior received when He was dying on the cross. His greatness was closed off to much of humanity….. Sadness to say, is it today also? His temptation in the desert or wilderness and the in the garden…. was closed off to much of the world except a few chosen….. Thus they reported on His greatness through His suffering to us today in the Word.

Most of the transformations that happen in the wilderness of our lives in God are hidden from humanity. They are honeymoon time with the Spirit of the Lord. He makes us into one with Him……No matter how long it takes in our time. He is determined to be faithful to Himself within us…. So when we come out of our wilderness, we are the perfected beauty of our Lord’s love…. His image on His bride. 

If you notice, in the Word…. The wilderness or desert experiences of His chosen were a couple of sentences. The Word does not describe what they did in their wilderness times, except with Paul.  Paul is the Testimony we have our Lord’s intention during this time of grace……in Galatians 1:9-17:

As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you then what you have received, let him be accursed. 

For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Jesus Christ.

But I make know to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.

For I neither received it from, man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it.

And I advanced in Judaism beyond my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly  zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.

As we walk through the wilderness with our God. He strips us of the ungodly mindsets we have as well as the traditions of men towards God. Traditions towards God make the power of His word to no effect as written. The Lord spoke in Matthew 15:8, These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

We must bow and submit to His authority even when we think what we do is right….. But right in following traditions may not be worshiping our God by Spirit and Truth.

He wants our heart not our empty words….. He knows our hearts before we open our mouths….. But His love never fails us, let Him do His work in us so our love never fails Him….. 

He wants us to live from  the newness of the creation which He has wrought in us…. Beloved, this is the plan of our Godhead from the foundation of the world. We must know we cannot love God without Him in us…..We do not have love for Him or others as He desires without Him in us and we in Him…..When we come to realize how wretched our state is without our Savior….. then, behold, the glory of the Lord will come and rest upon us and within….. The humble the Lord delights to raise up. We are reborn with the incorruptible Seed — the Seed that produces love that never fails…..if we hold true to the high calling of God.

We thank God that Paul lived from a place of boldness in the Lord.  He lived from the place of the revelation or illumination that he received from the Spirit of God. The Word mentions that Paul did not confer with men on this illumination…. He allowed God to cement in his spirit and soul the will of God for this age…The Holy Spirit was determined the purpose of God would not be lost in Paul by the prejudice of men.

The prejudice of men stoned the first martyr, Stephen. All Stephen did was speak the Truth…..hmmmm, who else was killed for speaking the Truth?   Yes, the Son of the Living God, who came to bring life and free people from the dead traditions. The traditions that spoke to do the same thing over and over again did nothing for the state of our heart…. dead. As written the just shall live by faith. We are rewarded by our Heavenly Father as we believe in the One He sent….. not traditions of men. Now is the time announced by our Lord Jesus Christ in John 4:23…..The Father is seeking those who will worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Our time in the wilderness, we learn how to worship our God. We learn how to lean on our God. We see how He is revealing His Son in us so we may obey and grow into mature sons and daughters of God who worship in Spirit and by the Word- the Truth.

So do not negate yourself or others if they disappear a time with our Lord. Let them have their honeymoon….. as others become one with their and our Lord.  Do not disturb sign is upon their door for a reason.

Our God’s Spirit is making His face known and written upon their heart…. Leave them alone. Let us start praying for our own experience with the Lord…….Come and awaken to Him and His righteousness in His perfected love….. All God be the glory if we would all learn in all fullness His love never fails…… Let us bow and allow His Spirit to drive us into the wilderness where we can be alone with our Beloved God. Has He not called and chosen us?

Let us take and devour the banquet in the Lord that our God has provided with gusto! Let us be so consumed with our place before the Lord that we quit being busy with others’ business….. God knows what He is doing with His children, let’s us let Him have His way.  Let us look and be consumed with our own place in the Lord today.

Let this Word of our Lord not be about us because we are busy bodies with everything but our own soul with Him…...All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and contrary people, Romans 10:21.

Let us rather be found answering His sweet call: 

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her.

And it shall be, in that day, says the Lord, that you will call Me  My Husband, and no longer call Me My Master, for I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered by their name no more.

I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord.

Then I will sow her for Myself in the earth, and I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy; then I will say to those who were not My people, you are My people! And they shall say, You are my God! ( Hosea 2:14,16,17,19-23.)

Children, My children, I AM is before each one of you.  I Am is aware of you close or you from afar. Alas, this is your choice of where you are near Me or from afar. I AM has made the Way to  Me…. Do not act according to Cain. I AM to you as to any other child. As you draw near to Me, I AM will draw close to you.

The Door needs to be opened for anyone to enter in, but each one has to go to the door and turn the key to open….. You have been told of the Way, the Truth and Life…. through My Beloved Son….. Yet, you do not come. Why are you with an evil eye towards those who come?

Ah, children, you are mistaken for all is yours in Jesus Christ…. Just come and know I AM. I AM has called you to be with Me.

Pride moves the key away from the Door of your freedom from death and sin and I AM. I AM’s love is forever towards you. I AM has called you with an everlasting love.

The key of Life is lost to many because of the eyes that lie, thoughts of reason and motives of pride.  Remember the Truth, there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

The banquet is set before you. I Am calls all to come. No one stops anyone. Each one’s own heart is  found with the fault of not entering in.

You would call one foolish if he was found dying of thirst, yet, there was a well of never ending water near with a pail.  Alas, he never drank from the well.  He refused the very sustenance that would give him life…… Where do you stand, children?

Salvation is from the Lord……. My arms are ever opened to save you from your past, your present, your future….. Find yourself in I AM.  I AM releases you from your sinful heart- your heart is written with My Words. I AM releases you from yourselves- In I AM is your new creation…… I AM releases you from your cares- I AM is enemy to your enemies. I AM releases you from poverty of spirit- in I AM- your spirit is made anew.  I AM is your Hiding Place.  I AM releases you from the world’s corruption…. In I AM is found your purity and holiness….. For I AM holy and I AM calls you to be also.  I AM hears you when you cry…… I AM is there with you yesterday, today and forever. My eye is ever upon you……… Know My Love.

The key to heaven is before you…… Come and call to I AM. Do not be found in your way which leads to death. Come and be found in MY WAY.

Do not be mistaken as I AM’s offer of Salvation is to keep you from the lake of fire. I AM greater in My purpose. I AM call’s you to all new. Do not be mistaken that a tiny bit from the Scriptures will help you pass by the fires. You must partake of all of I AM.

A father has prepared a feast for his children. The children come. They see all the requirement of their own engagement in this  prepared feast. They turn to leave, yet they take a slice of bread but leave the best part of the banquet to others.

They do not want to spend the time they have with their father. They turn to their own ways of business and lose their life.

Their father says these are not my children,  I do not know them. The ones who have come and have eaten are my delight. These ones have pleased me by leaving no good thing unopened or left on my table and reside with me.  They have sat and listened. They have desired to be with me where I am. They left their all for me. These are my children.

Be wise, children. Meditate on the way of life and the ways that lead to death. Choose life, children. I AM waiting for you…..There is more to partake in I AM….. Keep seeking and keep knocking for you will be satisfied. Come, there are many things that are prepared for those who love I AM….Do you love I AM? Alas, My love for you will never cease.

I AM’s love for you is everlasting…… Come…. to Me…..








What ? …….. No More Sea?

I have  often asked the Lord, why no more sea in the next age?   Many people are drawn to the ocean to rest for a vacation. Many people have the sound of the ocean on devices so they can continue to hear the sound and remind them of a peaceful time. I wonder what the ocean has that draws us to it….. Ohhhhh!

His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters, ( Revelation 1:15).  Could the magnetic drawing of the ocean make us aware of our God, the Creator?……Maybe we look in wonderment.  Maybe we remember Him.  Maybe we go there to get answers as to why we are here this day on this earth. To ask Him, why this and that is happening in our lives….or to get some peace…….Maybe it is to hear the God, whose voice is the sound of many waters……

His voice is the sound of many waters….. Maybe that is why many people love to hear the sound of the ocean…..Maybe we are drawn to the majesty of God found by the greatness of His creation, the seas. The continuous momentum of the power of His word is shown through the neverending waves coming in and going out. Our eye cannot sea from the shore the end or the beginning of the seas. We only see the the waters ebb up to the designated place and retreat back into the body of many waters.

It is written the angels voice are as magnifying as the sound of many waters as well as the Lord God’s. As we ponder on the body of waters called the seas…. we meditate on how it is written that the knowledge and glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea…….

In the Book of Isaiah 11:9, They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea, ( Habakkuk 2:14).

We have the knowledge of seas representing nations of the earth in the Word. So the sea in the next age will be gone….. No more other nations or kingdoms except the Lord’s. The sea of glass……A nation of complete transparency and no leaven in the people who know and worship the Holy One!

Before the throne was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back, (Revelation 4:6).

And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God, ( Revelation 15:2).

The sea is the sound of many waters….. We walk on the shore and see the never ending word of His power in our God…. The ocean is so magnanimous, it goes on and on and never stops until our God says it is time.   We are instantly reminded of His magnificence. How great and with out end is our Great God.

We picture His greatness in His sea of glass….. His people as written in Revelation….. God is in His people and His people are in their God. We love to see the sea. The beauty of gazing towards the reflection of the sun on it’s waters. The waters  gleam the reflection of the light of the sun and clouds…. We can never get enough of the sound of the ocean, nor can we get enough of the view. The sound of the many waters gathered together in the ocean brings us peace.

Think about how many paintings and pictures there are regarding the ocean and the sky….. There are many.  The greatness and beauty makes us keeping us in wonder…. The earth reflects the beauty of it’s Creator….. How unsearchable is His ways and how magnificent in His majesty is our God.

As we are the sea of glass, His image is revealed through us….. as other gods are worshiped by people which are visible by their worship. Remember  we wear the name of the God or idols we worship….. We reflect what we are seeking after and then worship. Our fruit displays what kind of sap flows through us.

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Your name, we give glory, because of Your mercy, because of Your truth. Why should the Gentiles say, so where is there God?

But our God is in heaven; He does whatever he pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.

They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have but do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; noses they have, but do not smell; they have have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat.

Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them,       ( Psalm 115:1-8).

Our God is in His people and His people are in Him…..

Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. 

And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps,( Revelation 14:2).

And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready,                    ( Revelation 19:6-7).

There we are again playing the harps of God…… Could we be magnifying the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb as written by the words of our mouth?

In Strong’s Concordance the word harp is to twang….. So as it was and is and is to come, we should be ” twanging” the Song of our King, the Lamb of God:

They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb saying:

Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and True are Your ways, O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy, for all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested, ( Revelation 15:3-4).

So when we look out on to the sea,  we can  imagine the people of God as the waters cover the sea singing the Song of Moses and Song of the Lamb because we have been granted the knowledge of the glory of God…..God sounds of many waters to us…… and we sound as many waters to Him.  A people with no leaven…. no pride….. no deceit…. only the image of our God. The Lord Jesus Christ is found in us… the work of the Holy Spirit.

How awesome is our God…. Only in and by the works of our God could this plan be manifested in a people that were far from Him in time. Only God could bring us close in His grace and mercy….. Only God could sacrifice His Only Son for fulfillment of the law so then the Son of God could be the Firstborn of many… Only God, the Holy One and His Begotten Son,  our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is found in His people and His people are found in their God.

I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing to You. I worship toward Your holy temple, and praise your name. For Your loving kindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul, (Psalm 138:1-3).

Let us take a thought of where the temple of the Lord is found now….. within the brethren….We are collectively the sounds of many waters, the holy temple of God. We can take this stand because by faith we know His Spirit dwells within us… written in Corinthians.

There in the sea of glass is found calm and peace as written in the Book of Revelation. We are……that sea of glass…. No leaven….. no rising of pride….. no agitation. Sin or leaven stirs the soul up not unlike the large waves billowing here and there.

We have been made the righteousness of Christ and abide in His righteousness to keep us in peace with our God. We come to honor that position that the cost of leaving it for sin or pride or fear of man or fleeting fancies do not entice us. We are sold out in worshiping the One True God.  We will not bow by His abiding strength within us, we shall keep in Him….. through fire, water and even through death to our flesh, our lives….. For in death, we live in Him and by the Lord Jesus Christ…. The reason to stay in our King is greater than any foe we will meet on this earth or in the heavenlies.  Our King Lord Jesus is the Greatest and we bow only to Him. We have eyes for Him alone and serve Him alone…. We pray in His name…. He is our God and He is found in us and we are found in Him….. A nation of love that never ends for their God.

The God who was and is and is to come…… Never in a hurry, never pressured for anything. He is and all things are found in Him and by Him….. When we find our trust solely in His love and faithfulness to us, we also can be found at peace that is beyond understanding. We can be found in Him….. no agitation, no pressure…. no rushing here and there….. No more seeking to get things to feel better, for we are found in the Great Holy One… Our greatest  Need and the Satisfaction is found in Him…..Him alone.

We are the sea of glass, the nation of the Lord’s. His kingdom where He is found in His people and His people are found in Him….. Total peace….. Total love…… Total sight…. Total awareness and discernment…… We are complete in Him. The Shelter of the Most High, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Tabernacle of God.

Here is where we know our Lord’s answered prayer is completed…..I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have  loved Me.

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I Am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.

And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, and that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them,           ( John 17:23-25).

The sea of glass and the temple of God today  are not made by man’s hands….. but God alone, for alone does God deserve all our devotion and all our glory. The glory which He has given us we bow and shine it back to Him…… The sea reflects back to the sun all its light today and all days before and to come….. We are oozing out the Light of the Lord to the Lord and all today….

Let us learn to live in the days we are given in the fullness of the Word, so we may manifest our God in our thoughts, actions and Words….. All be to God our heart, love. Let us reflect the image of the Son of God to His glory….. of His never ending love….. His love that never fails…. For He is worthy.

Remember His name is written on our foreheads….. Jesus spoke that we would shine as the noonday sun pertaining to the righteousness of God that has been appropriated to us…….. Let us live in the fullness of His thoughts towards us, for they are many…. but He is faithful to perform His words in each one of us…..if we believe and live a life of faith.

The sea of glass….. no leaven. Just the beauty of our God shining through you and me.

It is today for you and Me…. for He is here…..As we believe, we walk in the growing knowledge of His love and greatness by living His Word today. Watch how He carries us into His fullness of life abundant, His resurrected Life….Believe and live in His love…..Arise brethren to His greatness that we partake in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

To rest and trust, to listen and learn, to wait and perfect patience, to keep the Word and become the Word, the image of our Lord, the Christ….to gaze at Him and see Love perfected…..

We are magnifying the Word of God then above the all the name of God……We become what we see, we become what we eat….. we become what we hear….. We live what we eat, we live what we hear, we live what we behold……We live what we believe……

We believe His Word is alive and active in our hearts or not….Remember we have to eat or read the Word of God for the growth that He desires in His bride……We must live by every word that has proceeded from the mouth of our God…. as written.

We have the choice of the sea of glass or the seas that are agitated against the Christ.

We have seen and tasted the goodness of our God in our Lord’s undying love for us, even us….. He has prepared a banquet and our place before Him in the presence of our enemies…… Let us rejoice and be His harp singing out the song of the Lamb…..

The Lamb found within the King found within the Godhead deserves our allegiance and all of us….. oh but we died with Him on the cross….. hmmmm.  So let us live in the fullness of the new life, the new creation that He is perfecting in each one of His body….We are the sea of glass, His beauty is found in us for we are found in Him.

Amen and Amen!

Do you think I Am has dropped you? Nay, you have never left My sight. Oh but your eyes are  not on I AM. Do you wonder why all this is happening? Do not wonder or ponder on your perplexities….. The mountain or the mole hill is your step to overcome, which do you see?  Do you wonder what is I Am’s view?

I Am’s view is peace for I Am has overcome the world…. So have you in I AM. So why do you fear?  You are in My Spirit and My Spirit is in you…. Why do you not hear and trust. I AM will not let you out My hand, nay never. You proceed from your sight or you proceed from My Truth. Your choice will prevail either to live by your sight or by I AM…..You  have what you believe is real, but alas, it may not be Truth…. Know I AM and you then will perceive the Truth and not be foolish.

I AM is always with you, trust Me. Walk fearless and embrace Me, you will then embrace the Living Word….. Then you grow in I AM…. Call on My name…. Yah reigns forever….Remind yourself of I AM. Call out to Me and you will be saved. I AM is Your only Deliver and Redeemer….. I Am has finished My work…. Come partake of I AM, your Lord Jesus Christ.

The path has been finished for you from the foundation of the world. Walk in My Spirit. Enjoy the fruits of My labor…. My gift to you. Do not labor to enter in, just come. Come to Me with an open heart. Fear not, only believe in Me.

Can two walk together unless they are joined? Your heart needs to be placed in My hands. I Am has fashioned your soul. Why seek after any? I AM has your answers.

Ask Me… Talk to Me, but alas, you won’t stay to hear. Tune your ear to hear My instructions. Quit striving, just listen…. My heartbeat never stops. My watchful eye never sleeps. My power never slows down. My love never ceases. I AM.

I AM is so much more than you can think and imagine….. Ah, but My ways are not like man’s. My ways are working a greater purpose in you than you understand today. I AM understanding. I AM Wisdom. Seek My presence and all will be revealed as you need.

Know Me, your doubt and fear will decrease….. Your memories of victories will keep you strong on the path of faith.  Every victory you have ascended to, we have walked together in union.  So I Am says to you, stay with Me and live.

Be still and know I AM God and there is no other…. if there are other gods in your heart. Know, they will not be for I AM. I AM is the One True Living God and all knees will bow and confess  I AM is God….Nothing is hidden from My sight…. Yet I AM loves with never ending Love for I AM…. I AM knows the End from the Beginning for I AM.

Alas, remember the people who worshiped the false god, Dagon. They put My Presence in their temple for Dagon. When they let I AM alone, alas, they found I AM and their god, fallen on its face before My Presence…… They lifted Dagon back in it’s place before My Presence.  They did not gain understanding, the next day they found their god, fallen on it’s face along with his head and both palms were broken off on their pedestal they had placed him on….. All was left of their false god was a torso. I AM…..

Take heed, I AM loves your soul. I AM is your God, all others will be destroyed…. For I AM is jealous over you, My bride, My city.

Behold, the peacock shows his strength in all his beauty. He walks boldly before his beloved demonstrating his strength of colored plumage in his array of beauty.

The peacock delights to show off his greatness before his beloved mate…..

Alas, My city, My bride, see My display of love and goodness….. Those who seek after I AM, are strengthened with My delight and grace. When My beloved sings of My love and greatness, I AM’s heart sings over her with great pleasure.

Witness My voice in wooing. Recognize the call of heaven upon your brow. Alas, in the darkness of night, you shall see My display of strength.  When we walk in shadows, you have My outstretched hand to hold and guide.  Know this, all other  man made strengths will fail, but alas, I AM forever. Rest in the power of My Word which will never fail.

Witness, I AM is still. I AM was and is to come….. For I AM.

Pray for the ears to hear My Words spoken to you, even today!

Learn of I AM. Come to Me. Listen to Me. Live the Words of I AM.

In contemplating on our Lord’s words…… Do you know the peacock female is quite bland in a sandy brown color….. But the male peacock thinks she is lovely and quite a catch!….. All that counts is the neverending deep love of God for His people, His bride. Honoring Him is receiving His Love by worshiping Him alone. His love transforms us in to His beauty. Amen!

All the work of His hands stems from His huge heart of love for His people. Be God the glory forever and ever!

Keep twanging the Song of the Lamb…!



Whose Name Is Written On Our Forehead?

And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.

They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

There shall be no more night there: They need no more lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord gives light. And they shall reign for ever and ever.

Then He said to me, these words are faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.

Behold, I Am come quickly! Blessed is he who keep the words of the prophecy of this book, ( Revelation 22:3-7).

Did you ever read Revelation and think, hmmmm…… I am living that in part now in the Lord Jesus Christ. Beloved, there is more that we can think or imagine that is before us from our God, provided in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Not unlike the scripture in Isaiah 33: 17,  They will behold the King in His beauty; they will see the land that is very far off.

Well, He is our Light…… whether it is dark as the night or light of the noon day sun, we live by the Spirit, the Light and Eyes of God….. We have the Light we need to live by…. We know what to avoid. The Holy Spirit makes us aware of what to do and where to go and what not to do and where not to go….Even in the dark of night, we have the vision from the Lord to see through it. He makes the darkness light to us for in Him there is no darkness as we abide in Him. The darkness is revealed by His light, even though it remains darkness,……… so we may avoid the snares and wiles of Satan.

We have now the mind of Christ as written….Our God’s name is written on our forehead now…. We are governed not by man made government but our standards are higher. We live by the standard of Christ….. The highest authority in the heavens and the on the earth, we live by His name and  assist in establishing His name and His Kingdom….. We have His name on us as our name is written on the palm of His hand.

We have been delivered from the curse of God by our belief in the blood of Jesus Christ. We know and live by the power of His blood which cleansed us and made us pure white as snow….. We have the law and statues of our Lord written on our heart so we can obey His word by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God.

In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of then nations,        ( Revelation 22:2).

Now as written, in the soon and coming return of our Lord, the consummation of the age will be soon accomplished. There will be a new earth and new heaven… So, if all is in Christ and we are complete in Him, what nations will need healing…..???

Shall we think this Tree of Life is in our midst today? As we are the body of Christ,—He dwells within as our Sap,….. so to speak…. As our own body reveals our thoughts and intents of our heart, so then the body of our Lord Jesus Christ does likewise, right?…. Our members of our body  are as leaves from a tree…..We reveal all we are and think and desire by our actions of our body…..We reveal what type sap is flowing through us…

We proclaim loudly our thoughts and intents and desires of our heart by what we do and say…. How we dress…. What we eat….. What we watch….. What we do….

The Lord is the Tree of Life…. All believers abide in the Tree as the Sap  abides in us….. The Spirit of God is our Life or the Sap of our tree, individually and as completely in the body of Christ….. He flows through us, the members, as His healing leaves for the nations today…..

The healing leaves are what the Tree of Life produces….. which we are collectively and individually….. as the body of Christ…. We are fruit from the production of the Tree of Life.

So we know to live by faith, we have been given the mind of Christ….. Our view is from heaven as the Lord’s- We make our judgments and decisions in alliance with the Lord…. We partake of heaven as we are the Lord’s and desire His Food, He alone. We desire more knowledge of Him so we may always be sure  our path is His.

We know the way of the cross is our path as we walk with the Lord, as well as, knowing the path of danger in the way of pride and the lust of the eyes…..The paths of destruction hold no value or place in our hearts…. We have been crucified with Christ….. We have died to the world and the world has died to us.  We have His name written on our forehead….

Our life desire is to please the Lord. The Lord is pleased by faith in Him….. He has put numerous places in the Word to walk before Him and be perfect….. Huh? How can we be before Him perfect?….. He knows how many times we screw up and slip. Then we start over and keep going ….. then it happens all over again. It is by the walk of faith in Him as we know we are only complete in Him.

He knows and sees all of  our weaknesses….. but our faith  in His mercy and strength is what keeps us going back to Him. We please Him by our faith that He rewards all that seek Him…. In our weaknesses, we need Him….He desires us to be dependent on Him and Him alone….. In our flesh, there is no good thing, only I live because of My God…. If God wasn’t there, I wouldn’t be either. He is our only Good and our life is found in Him.

But our faith leads us to our knowledge of God through our weakness. We go back to Him because we know of His Strength and Power is made perfect in our weakness.  We keep coming to Him because we know of His love which never fails, even for us! Then we are in awe by Him even more…. to live extremely only for His gaze and smile. His fame and name are what we pray and live and seek and make known.

Our weaknesses are not a secret to Him. Our Lord knows everything and nothing is hidden from His sight…. But we have the Word of God to cling to by faith so His Perfect Love is covering us again and again as He proves His image within. We keep growing from strength to strength as His Spirit grows within.

We are constantly renewing our minds to the perfect will of God. His name is written on our forehead……..We grow in understanding of His ways. His ways are becoming ours.

Our bodies pour forth healing for the nations today…..because we produce the fragrance of Christ by our lives that we live unto the Lord….. We live unto Him, by Him and for Him…..All is for Christ as Christ becomes our all and is all.

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death, (Revelation 21:7-8).

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter through the gates of the city,           ( Revelation 22:14).

Are we not in the city of God today?….. The presence of our God is with us today…. He hears and answers our prayers…..We have His Spirit dwelling within; the Holy Illuminator of God is with in us NOW….. We are seated in heavenly places today….We live and breath and have our being in and from God…. He is our Light. We have been born again from heaven, from above. But we live real on this earth, we know our days are in the hands of our God. We know that all this is visible here will be replaced with the eternal in God’s shakings. However, we have our orders from above…..

We know the wiles and tricks of darkness to allure us away with the fleeting fantasies of the twinkling of passing fancies…… We know to keep our hearts firmly in love with our God in thanskgiving and supplications…. We keep our eyes focused on His face bringing our brethren to safety in His arms. We keep our position at His feet at the throne in the cross of Christ in the heavenlies.

Let their be no mistake in our surroundings whose we belong.  Let our lives scream loud and bright of the fragrance of Christ. Let it be known with out any question, oh they are the Lord’s….. They live fanatical lives, they are weird! But when the shakings start, they will know where to come……Right?

I rather be thought of as weird by others and known as His own by our Lord.  Don’ t you? And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming,          ( 1 John 2:28).

Our God has manifested Himself through His body who’s origin is heaven….. We bring down the Heavenly Food, our Lord, to the nations…. We live a supernatural life naturally. We live from His holy instructions to us. If you know that His is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness, is born of Him, ( 1 John 2:29).

We are His city, His people who get their orders and Bread from heaven yet live on this earth, but we dwell in and from heaven. Remember, we are the living temple of the Lord today……We are His witnesses revealing the Lord today.

Can you believe and partake of all that our Lord has died to give us today?…… He is here and we are with Him… There are no secrets or hidden mysteries, for all have been revealed through the Holy Spirit in the Lord.  But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, ( 1 John 2:20).

We have been through the gates and have entered in to the realm of the Spirit of God. We may live on this earth, but we partake from heaven….. today! We are the signs and wonders, the children of God, on the face of this earth….Our commissions are from heaven for the healing of the nations because we have the answer, Jesus Christ, the Savior and King of the world.

If we have received such a great inheritance in our Lord by our faith in Him, what greatness of our God could there be that is beyond this world that we now know? Wow!

Let us keep striving and holding the patience of Jesus.  Not using our sight, but using our faith, the city of God has opened the gates to us, by our Lord Jesus Christ….. Let us enter in to live in the kingdom of God.  It is within us, beloved. The Kingdom of God is here….. Our God came to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, so that He could bring us up to Him. We are begotten from the will of God….. from the foundation of the beginning of the world…… He chose us to be with Him for all of eternity….. Are we living there now in His reality which He provided  ? Can this truth be found in the “living” of our living?

Let us live and breath heaven’s sound, the WORD of GOD.  Let us bring healing leaves of the knowledge of Christ to all. Let us not blend with the world. Is it known by others whose name is on our forehead? Is it known by others we are believers of Christ or is it known by others we are like them? Remember as written to be friends with the world is to be in enmity with  our God.

We cannot reflect the world and be it’s friend and be the Lord’s….. On His day, we do not want to be found as His enemy….. We want to hear- Hey, My beloved, come to Me, I know of whose house you are.

Do you ever wonder why some flowers never open their leaves completely? I do. I wonder what prevented them from blooming and allowing the blessing of their fragrance to be known.  Not enough water, ( the Word)? Maybe it was not enough sun, ( Prayer in the Son). Maybe it was not enough fertilizer( Fellowship or communion with the Holy One)…….Hmmmm.

Well, we are all buds from the Tree of Life, our Lord’s love. Let us absorb all His Sap, all that He has provided in His Spirit,  so from Him so we can bloom with petals wide open allowing the beautiful fragrance of Jesus Christ to flow.

Let us pour forth the knowledge of the Lord by our lives in our stand and in courage.

Let there be no doubt of whose name we proclaim on our forehead….. The Holy One, our God.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel,            ( Hebrews 12:22-24).

If we are abiding in our Christ, what more can we be possibly waiting for?
We are on track if we are waiting for the same things as He…… We can receive more of Him here, whenever we press in to Him. If we have truly died to the world and live within the Word…. There is no end to Him…….   So what are we waiting for? We have Him now. We have heaven now. We have healing now. We have God now.

Remember, we believe then we see. We walk by faith, not by sight. We realize the realm of God by faith in His Word. Are we believers or not?…. We will never receive unless we set our heart to stand in the belief of His Word. He rewards those who seek after Him…. in faith…. So come on…… Let’s go…… Let us learn to be all to Him as He is to us.

So let us press on to fullness that is available to us in Christ today….. He is calling us to be….He is calling us to hear…… He is calling us to rise up…… Are you coming? Let’s go. Oops, we are already there in the heavenly Jerusalem…… Can we believe so we will see? No we believe so we proceed to live from His Resurrected Life in faith of His written word. Then we see the manifestation of Him through us and around us and the most fun, in us…. as His Word is written within…..

Why do you walk with head down, My children, I AM is not there.  Look up, I AM wants to see your face. The beautiful face that I AM has created. Do not look for help from any other for I AM.

All that you need is found in Me. Can you not see, yet? Your eyes search to and fro as I AM. I AM is searching for those that are searching for I AM. Are your eyes searching for Me? I AM shows Himself strong on behalf of those that seek for Me.

Look up, for your redemption draws nigh….. I AM here and closer than your next breath. But, alas, as you do not see, you do not believe…..My children, ask for the grace to believe. Come to Me, I Am has known you before you were born. You were in My mind’s eye before I AM said you be. Do you not know how I AM longs for you to embrace My Word,  I AM.  Come to Me, be washed and made clean. I AM has forgotten your sins as far as the east is to west….. Just come, children. Do not be afraid for My love has made a way for you. My Door is open, nay, I AM will not turn away one that comes with sorrow and faith.

Be washed in My life. Alas, you are new in I AM. Come to follow Me, My path is narrow, but I AM has large footsteps, so yours fits inside mine. Just follow Me and live to know the everlasting love that I AM has for you.

Do not turn your head as this is not for you……. I AM is speaking to you today, for I knew your thoughts before you did, child…. I AM has the answers for all your questions, your misunderstandings, your lack….. I AM fills you to completeness. You will lack no good thing with I AM…. Do you not lack many things now? So come…. Do not fear to come. Do not cower now when I AM’s hand is opened wide for today is the day of Salvation for you….. Do you know what tomorrow may bring?

At the end, will you be one who earns a fool’s wage or will you be one who earns the reward of the wise. Come all and listen, and yet some who have ears refuse the feast I AM has  set before you.

What will you say of a bride who saw her noble groom coming on a strong steed with His caravan behind. He went through great lengths to win her love as He laid down all to woe her. His Steward is waiting to lavish her with gifts that are beyond her thoughts or imagination. She is fearful because she cannot see who is before her. She turns away. She leaves the opportunity of living in great heights by His love in all the days that are to come…..

Because she could not say, yes, I will come and be Yours. She could not say I am sorry for not drawing close to you before….. please forgive me, for I come now.

She walks away, with her head down because she could not say yes to her first love.

Alas, wisdom will be justified by her fruits or her children. Your life was not meant to walk here on this earth without I AM. I AM wants you with Me, where I AM. Please come….I AM  is what you need.

Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I AM gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Alas, I AM yearns to hear from My bride: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For he has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold all generations shall call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown great strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their throne, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our father, to Abraham and to His seed forever.

Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord….My bride exalts My name and she is My delight.  Is your delight found in I AM?

Come to Me, are not My open arms extended still?





The Significance of Christ Coming……..

The Lord’s coming was to displace what was and is for Him…. The Lord’s adjustment’s and corrections since He had been received in heaven has been the same: ….. replacing what is with Himself….. Replacing temporal with His eternal view by His shaking….. We are eternal people with an eternal mindset as our Lord  for we have been given the mind of Christ as written…. Soooo how are we living from a  heavenly view? Eternity is placing the steps of our life with a heavenly view.

We are already living in the eternal realm with our God today. We may see the temporal but again, this is only temporal. Our lives are established in eternity in our Lord Christ  Jesus.  What food we partake from will show where our view is from.

Our purpose under heaven is from heaven. We live in the reality of knowing  the significance of the coming of the Lord. He came to earth in the flesh to manifest His eternal life. He replaced the failure of man gaining overcoming status from the Old Covenant.

In my paraphrase, of course, the Lord came to say, hey, when men worship from their outside, it does not do a thing to our God. He wants more, He wants our hearts to adore Him. He wants our thoughts to be around Him…..He wants our actions to be directed from Him alone…… Guys, this covenant of the law is only showing how far men are from pleasing the Godhead of the universe…… Though He loves, He cannot stand worship from a stone….. Your hearts are as stone without being born again from heaven. I came to give men a new heart to start fresh from a heavenly, eternal viewpoint of the Godhead….

The Lord’s incarnation was to bring our God, I AM, before us and we before our God in Christ. He redeemed us to a heavenly people with eternal mindsets of our God and the reality of the purpose our life.

Jesus Christ is now our King. He is the authority we live under and by His instructions. We are governed by His Spirit which is within us….. He established the Christ within us, so our hearts became alive…… The stones of our hearts were removed by the cross….. We rose with Him into the newness of His Life….. We learn to live by His Word and His Life in the Spirit of God….. We learn His way,  the death of our flesh leads to life. We govern our steps to keep in the path of the Resurrected Life of Christ.

As He returns, there is a significance which will manifest. What do we think that will be ? Our God always presented Himself throughout the age to remind men that God is the origin…. We have our Beginning in God and our End. Will our God find our heavenly mindset directing our paths?  Did we stay and ascend in greater measure the Resurrected Life of Christ through the low degrees of the cross? Will He find our hearts still performing our worship from the outside? Our hearts aren’t cold are they?

We live and move and have our being in God…. We live by heavenly ground. This is where our hearts are alive in the Spirit. We hear and move from His direction. We do things that are peculiar to the world, but normal to our origin. We are a mystery and full of signs and wonders to the world. We are enigma, but not from where we are from, we are normal. Our behavior is expected this way in heaven.

We praise and pray to our God always. We sing out His praise when we see His hand moving, turning evil’s intent into good.  We see and hear from our Lord. This is normal required behavior living from heavenly ground. We ask questions of our Lord and He answers. He shows us the way to go and where not to go…..

All differences are settled by the cross of Christ. All our boast in our Lord and His cross. We are nothing without Him, we all are on our knees before Him on that cross. Our differences at the cross disappear…. They are not important. Our pride and offenses get put there and disappear by our awed humility at His greatness and that we are not.

We still must maintain our heavenly position in Christ today. He walks among us today as we are seated with Him in a heavenly position.  The Word of God is written our on hearts, we are alive! The Word of God awakens us to supernatural life in our Lord Jesus Christ. We live in miracles. We live in His signs. We live in His hand. We live in His protection……. because we live in His Presence in heaven even though we are on earth. We hear Him and He hears us….. We are in heaven! Amen and Amen.

Evil’s attempt to bring us down to live from a temporal position or earthly view is constant.  Satan realizes the power that is established in the body of Christ when their view is from heaven to the universe….. Read the Book of Acts, the power of the Spirit of God was manifested to all through the people of The Way…. The way of Christ. No powers on earth or in the heavenlies could stop the intent of God through His people….The body of Christ became all the brethren in this world. Their connection was to the whole body of Christ.

The view from heaven does not regard nations but His….. Our purpose is to bring the Light of the Truth of God, Jesus Christ to all and gather into His nation.

When the Lord walks among us today…. What will His searching, piercing eyes see? When He walks among us, do we see ourselves walking with Him? Are we hiding? Are we trying to jump up into His sight to see if He is smiling or not? Are we asking what is on His heart so we may speak it out? Do we want to know what is going on with Him? What is His thoughts today? We can ask…… He knows our hearts remember….. so ask.

Do we see His concern for His saints in prison? Do we see Him with the same concern as we know He stood at the approach of men stoning  Stephen?  Every one of His saints is His body and HIS.

However, our life in the flesh is temporary. When we live from a heavenly viewpoint, we learn to know our lives given or laid down here brings a great eternal reward with our Lord.

What is the significance of the Lord’s return? The temporal will diminish in His presence. In Christ Jesus, is our life and home…… He is eternal and we are His. All will be Christ’s and then He turns the creation over to God Almighty. We live by His authority and we act from His authority to bind what is not of heaven and loose what is of heaven upon the earth’s realm.

Now when He came into to the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?

But Jesus answered  and said to them, I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, I will likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things.

The baptism of John-where was it from? From heaven or from men? and they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we say, From heaven, He will say to us, Why then did you not believe him? But if we say, From men; we fear the multitude, for all counted John as a prophet.

So they answered Jesus and said, We do not know. And He said to them, Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things,             ( Matthew 21:23-27.)

Jesus lived and operated solely from heaven’s authority, Our Heavenly Father. As we move and live now, we also live on and by heaven’s authority, the Lord Jesus Christ has given us His authority….. He is in the heavenlies, and so is the origin our life operations…. We may be on the earth in the flesh but we move and have our being in our Lord Jesus Christ….. We are heavenly beings, living from heaven.  We are heavenly minded, and also filled with the authority that is above all authority, our Lord’s, the High King of Heaven.

Scripture states He is returning for salvation? Hey! I thought we were saved? Hmmm.

So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him, He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation, ( Hebrew 9: 28).

He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake, ( Psalm 23:3).

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.

And everyone that has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure, ( 1 John 3:2-3).

The significance of the return of Christ is the full restoration of God’s plan….. The complete regeneration of the soul of man to God’s image of His Son—– for those who believe and live by His Word….. We can rejoice on that Day as written in Psalm 17:15, As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.

When He comes in that Day to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.

Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of His calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith in power that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ, ( 2 Thessalonians 1:10-12).

God always steps into time when His purpose for Himself and His people have been earth bound…… or have their origin from the earth, living by our carnal mind.  He sends His messengers to awaken them to their beginning. Our origin is from God and we live and move in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God…. We are governed by His Spirit living within…. He directs our steps in the will of God.

Let us resemble in boldness and discernment the cup bearer of the King- Nehemiah….. When the enemies of Israel asked for a meeting at the Valley of ONO… He said- O NO! He was not going to go down there as he stated he was doing a great work and would not be bothered to go down…… He stayed heavenly focused and kept to the task that he was sent to accomplish….

They wanted to drag him down to their level and discourage and distract him from the vision that God had given Nehemiah.  Wisdom speaks now for us to stay heavenly minded, keeping our mind ‘s view from heaven looking down. We give the Food of Heaven to earth…. We do not eat the food of earth to get revelation from above.

We know the significance of Christ’s coming to our own hearts….. We want to enjoy the fullness of His presence….. However, in His return, all things will be made new. There will be a new heaven and earth. There will be no sea…. His Significant Return will demand the new creation….. There will be nothing left of this current world- or heaven……. So are we ready for His significant return?

All things will be made new….. In His fullness, everything will be out of Christ. Nothing will be left remaining that is not abiding in the Lord.   Think about the complete significance of His Return!  We tend to think about His Return as deliverance mechanism out of our current troubles….. There will be a complete revolution of all things in Christ in His Day… Are we ready? Are we willing to realize the life we live in Christ should be more complete maybe then it is? May be we keep this thing here and this other thing there….. but it is not from heaven or found in Christ…. So what do we do?   We purify our hearts before Him…. We offer our hearts for His Spirit’s cleaning or purifying…. We get ready for Him….. He is here now, but then He is coming for a complete purpose…..the consummation of this age… King and Judge….

When certain days that we celebrate come around, a lot of us start to clean our house. Why? Usually because we have guests…. Well, we are entertaining the most important Guest under creation….. Our King, His Spirit is here within….. Let us change the fear of what relatives think and put much more value on Christ’ thoughts about us.  Actually, our Lord is very easy to please, where I have found most relatives and others are harder. So why bother, I stick to My Lord as my One Thing I live and die for daily….. I have to see His smile, don’t you?

Our Godhead tells us plainly what He expects from us….. It is left to us in His Instruction Book…..The Bible speaks to us all we need to be prepared for Him.  Let us be about preparing our lives for His return for there is an utmost significance in this Return of the King.

Keep our view from heaven….Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy- meditate on these things, ( Galatians 4:8).  ( What we see, what we read, what we watch and partake of should be found from heaven and be of heaven’s view)…….

Let us do a quiz this weekend…… Check with the Holy Spirit and the Word if what we are partaking of is found in heaven….. Does it come from heaven? Is it written in the Word? Do we pray unceasingly? Are we in constant communion with the God? He is in constant view and communion with us?  When we keep His presence, we can be doing other things, but we know He is present…..We are still together…..Let us keep His presence in our minds eye…. Let us train ourselves for our eternal place, actually we do live in our eternal place today….. if we believe….. He will come along side with His grace and power and manifest Himself in mighty ways for those who keep His presence…. Keep looking for Him… Let us keep the watch…..

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Do not quench the Spirit.

Do not despise prophecies.

Test all things; hold fast to what is good. 

Abstain from every form of evil.

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:15-24).

All things will be in Christ and of Christ….. Including us….. He reigns forever and ever….. Even so Lord, come Lord Jesus, come. Just come, Lord, just come!

My children, be watchful and talk to I AM often. I AM waits. Though you may walk a lonely path, I AM is there…..Though you may be weary, I AM is there.  A warm fire in the hearth is so welcomed when one has been out in the cold.  It would not be as noticed if you weren’t in the cold….. The world is cold to a soft heart, but alas, I AM is the warm fire where you can be welcomed and nourished.  Come to I AM often.

Children, the best Truth is realized when you take the fire of My presence with you as you walk on. The slight turn of your gaze towards I AM, quickens My pulse towards you.  The thoughts that find flight through your mind that think about I AM, will be marked for all eternity.

The tears that pour forth from your eyes for My Name sake, are held in the bottle at My feet. I AM knows and marks each one of your sighs in prayer. I AM hears your cries of My Name. I AM there….. Though you may not see I AM, I AM here with you.

I AM answers your cries and your prayers.  I AM manifests through you, My children. You are My healing leaves from the Tree of Life for all to take. You are My bright and shining stars that shine through out time of My warm fire waiting for all humanity to come and partake of Me.

You bear My reproach, yet you also bear the honor of My name.  Do you know you have all from My hand? Do you live from all My hand? The hands that healed the sick, raised the dead and took man’s hate……My hands hold you and feeds you every moment….with the strength of I AM.

Come, there is more than you can realize and learn from I AM.  Live from I AM. Know that you live from I AM. Know you sit with I AM. Know I AM and you will know who you are in Me.  Come, learn of Me. Do not eat food that will not feed your spirit. Come, I AM has provided beyond measure Food for you. Delight in I AM as I AM delights in you. There is more to your life than you are living from I AM.  Why do you settle for so small a portion?

Be not like the one who has inherited a castle but stays in a small room in the basement. The room is adequate. The shelter is fine, but the Giver has given so much to His chosen. However, he will not venture out to open the door.  Do not settle for today’s growth  but desire for the growth and strength that is waiting in I AM’s hand for the morrow.  I AM steps from glory to glory with His children….. So come….

I AM increases. Let I AM increase in you, venture into the rooms of My love unafraid but boldly as a child does looking for their Father.   I AM your Father. Come to Me. Learn of I AM. The faith of a child is yours, for you are My children…. Live this truth.





Thou Has Kept The Word Of My Patience……

Because you have kept My command to persevere. I will also keep you from the hour of trial which will come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold I AM coming quickly. Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown, ( Revelation 3:10-11).

I know your works, your labor, your patience and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary, ( Revelation 2:2-3).

I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for  your works, the last are more than the first, ( Revelation 2:19).

In the Lord’s love letters to the churches in the Book of Revelation, we notice the importance the Lord puts on upon the patience of the saints. The word itself is not mentioned at all in the Old Testament. However, the word patience is written  34 times in the New Testament according to Strong’s Concordance.

The Lord commends the saints on their perseverance or endurance that comes from keeping their eyes on the Lord. We wait  for His return and the completion of the full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  All will see the One whom they have pierced…. We wait and pray for what our heart yearns: Him.

I, John, your brother, and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island of Patmos, for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ, ( Revelation 1:9).

Beloved, we are living now in the Kingdom of God and the patience of Jesus Christ.  Please remember as written in 10:12-13 of Hebrews, But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 

We know we are hated by the world because the Lord is also hated by the world. He warned us in John 15:18-19, If the world hates you, you know that it hates Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet, because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 

Patience is proven in persecution and trials. If all was easy and comfortable, we would never grow in our soul towards the character of Christ.    You have kept My the command of My patience….. This is a written command from the Lord….. It is not an option. We have to keep our  patience in our wait and rest…..

Our command is to have His patience as we rest in Him. Jesus Christ is our righteousness…. We rest in Him, in His work in the cross regarding our sin.  We wait on Him on His return, yet resting in the work His Spirit is doing within us. His work is magnified in our growing patience. We stand on the work of the cross against the attacks of Satan….. We just remind Satan that the work is the Lord’s not ours….. We have nothing in ourselves that is good but our Lord and His blood over us….. We have been placed in our Lord and abide by His righteousness. Satan cannot touch us with his evil as we are found resting in the work and love of our God found through Jesus Christ. This is how we rest in Him…. by faith in what the Word has spoken of our Lord’s work, which is finished!  His side is finished, we are being made complete in His plan,  by His Spirit and our trust in resting….in patience.

In Revelation 13:10, He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. We abide in the shelter of the Most High, His Risen Lord.  God will have us perfect the longsuffering of our Lord within. So when all is said and done. God is justice and mercy. The judgments of God as written through out the Word as warning to all that breath on this earth. Justice is served by God and the glory is God’s…. Period…. There will be no doubt that those that raise their fist against our God, will know God is and knows them…….

So we are the body of Christ, we are also waiting for His and our enemies to be made the footstool of the Lord….. We inherit His enemies as well as the greatness of having the Eternal God as our Heavenly Father, who we cry out – Abba! Abba!

The pain of longsuffering will birth great glory to come. Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God interceding for our behalf….. He knows what we are going through for He has gone through the same suffering………. Let us be strong and courageous as darkness increases for the glory of the King will be known by all right around the corner….. Just wait, do not give up or do not give in, for He is coming quickly.

The way of the Lord does not bring easy and comfy roads and paths. We travel a stone and rock filled road…. We climb the cliffs and are held by His love…. We are called His and we are automatically in a battle: the Lord’s…. So we rest in His Word….. His Word will never fail to be fulfilled so:

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: partly while you were made a spectacle by both reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; for you had compassion on me in my chains, and of joyfully accepted plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and enduring possession in heaven. 

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; but it anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him,             ( Hebrews 10:31-38).

We know Paul and John were put through horrible persecutions. Paul and many others were martyred…… They were the Lord’s witness. We, beloved, are the companions of Jesus Christ and our brethren. We are living in the patience of Jesus Christ and….. living in the tribulation and kingdom of Jesus Christ.

When we are finished with our schooling as in a university, we graduate. Then what happens? Well, we go and live what we learned, right? In our time of peace, we learn and grow in the knowledge of God….. Now, we are to live Him….In Jesus Christ, there is no stagnation, there is always increase of His Spirit within as we continue on the climb. Beloved, we are ascending on the highway of holiness. It is written in 2 Corinthians 3:18, But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 

Time of great opposition to the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father is at hand….. Our lives may start to resemble many that are suffering for their faith in other nations….. So it is good for us to bring their great protection and eternal place to these precious saint’s mind in their tribulation by reminding the Lord.We ask our Father to manifest Himself to our brethren that are currently in prison or in horrible conditions, literally running for their life…..  As it is written, if one hurts in the body or is suffering, we all hurt….. or are we to busy to pray?

If we live with them in prayer now, asking the Lord to bring their patience and courage to the fullness of Him. Reminding the Lord, that in their weakness, His power is made perfect….. So, please Lord, go for Your glory through their lives. Sustain them so they may not let go of You. Give them the endurance to run their race. Give them the faith to replace all fear so their patience and love may be perfected in You.

If we pray for them now as if we were praying for ourselves…. We will be prepared for the days ahead and prove the patience of Jesus Christ in us, when the cup comes our way. As our Lord told His disciples, they will surely drink of His cup…… Are we willing and prepared to keep our allegiance to the Lord, when all is coming against the Lord and His Christ as written?  Are we? Let us be prepared for the battle to keep our souls in Him.

Our King has been waiting many years, though a year is as a day to the Lord, for His enemies to bow down…. He is still waiting and manifesting to us, the God kind of patience that is growing within us. We will grow in faith and patience of God. If the Lord commanded us, He always presents us all we need by His Spirit to obey His word.

Our family is the body of Christ….. So it is time to widen our view past our congregations at church.  There are many suffering today for the Lord’s sake. The Lord is watching  our concern and prayers or lack of for those we do not know but are our beloved brethren in other countries.

Can we join with them and others as written in Acts 5:41, So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name.

Can we stand and lose our rights for the rights of God and His glory be known by all?  For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 1 Peter 3:17-18.

So we continue in the strength and patience of Jesus Christ, preparing our focus like flint upon the Lord…..Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that you when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.

If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory rest upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.

Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

For the time has come for the judgment to come to the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Now If the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear? 

Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him doing good, as to a faithful Creator, ( 1 Peter 4:12-19).

May I present this scenario before you this day…… The approaching days, may be our chance to approach the high calling of the Lord……We may be found in His righteousness and none of our own…..No pride left in our soul…Let us be found totally refined in our soul to His image.

The knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ has totally abolished the knowledge that any good can be found in us alone; whether in our service, our works, our heart….. We stand completely sold out to the Word that only God is good which our Savior spoke in Luke’s Gospel……If there is any good in us It is Christ within.

So as we agree there is no good in us, but God…. We are not even worthy of His love and forgiveness….. but when we see the only True Reality found in Christ Jesus, we then run into Him and grab His love and mercy as we bow in tears at the foot of the cross.  As I keep reminding us, our only hope of glory is Christ in us…… There is no glory in our flesh. God will not share His glory with any flesh as written.

So the patience of Christ grows in us as we live in and by the Truth of God, His Word is manifested within us…. The Spirit causes the Word of God to raise us into the new creation of Him, the image of our Lord Jesus Christ….. Not our image for we died….. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I live now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me,               ( Galatians 2:20).

All of our Lord’s commands are great. Blessed are we who receive His grace to obey….. The Lord’s patience reveals His majesty….. We are our God’s royal priests and kings…… Let us strive to enter and remain in the rest of His righteousness. Then we allow His Spirit to work the Lord’s patience within us as we wait for the fulfillment of His promise in the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May we Lord, grow in the understanding of Your ways. Father,  we want Your patience to possess our souls…. May we rest in Your greatness and neverending love until Your glory is revealed to all through Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Our only boast and glory is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, where we have died and live in Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ…..forever and ever. Thank You Heavenly Father, for your great neverending love. You are worthy of all our praise all our livelong days and nights.

May Your Words be found in us: Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus written in Revelation 14:12.

Lord we want to be found by You allowing patience to have its perfect work, that we may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing….. because we are found in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and none of our own. We thank You and praise You for the work of Your cross which is being wrought out in our souls.

Learn of Me, children.  I AM took the darkness of men’s spirits if they believe. I Am cast the darkness as far as east is to west…. Why do you doubt My work? Are the trees not producing of their own kind to this day? Does not the sun keep circling the universe night unto day and on, never stopping….? If all the universe is kept by the power of My Word, why are you doubting  I Am can not keep you?

Knowledge of I Am pours forth great grace to walk in the high places where there is only I AM. Did I AM say leave all else to follow Me? Do not question or try to reason with I AM. I AM never changes, children. The closer to I AM you come, the increase of My glory grows in you to another new found glory in I AM.  I Am is ever growing never ending. Why do you hold back from leaving all else? What are you holding that is greater than I AM?

When you find you have nothing but I AM, then children, you will have open arms for all I AM. But if you have something, then My heart saddens, for you will hold on to something. Alas, that something cannot save and raise you…… I AM came to save you from the corruption of the world and to awaken you to a risen life in I AM….. I AM is more than you can ever imagine as well as My purpose for you is greater than your something.

Will you let go to get I AM  to receive all that you are in I AM? I Am asks you.  I AM never lets you go, but do you let go of I AM for your something?

I AM has grace as a beautiful flower, as you inhale, the fragrance becomes you. Alas, then there is another beautiful flower with a more beautiful fragrance, and as you delight in this fragrance, it becomes your soul…..Then there is another beautiful flower waiting for your inhaling, and thus is your life in grace and glory in I AM.

Come to I AM and become the fragrance of the Lord. As you inhale, then your hold on the something will diminish, as I AM.

Learn of Me.


What Is Your Heart’s Greatest Desire?

What comes first into our minds when we contemplate that question?  Hmmm…..

Get out of debt? Get well? Get married? Get older? Get younger?  Our children to be okay?….. Many things pop into our mind when we are given a chance to receive the greatest desire of our hearts…..

In God’s view, most of these have been established in the sacrifice of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, now we live to appropriate His Gift….. We are out of debt to Him, the debt which really counts through out all time, for all eternity, our darkness within us…..We have been born again in Christ..Our spirits are alive in God.

We have been healed….. Our souls are being restored to the image of Jesus Christ…… All the promises of our God to us are yes and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we are single and want to get married…. There is great news, God already has our days mapped out, so rest in His greatness…. Our days are established by Him. God as our Creator has all planned for the perfect good.  He has planned all things and all things work according to His will, even the wicked for the day of doom…..

When we rest our temporal needs in His hands….realizing in His reality, all is accomplished, we just need to rest in patience. Ahhh- patience- The strength and majesty of God is found in His longsuffering and patience in His own Word being fulfilled…. And there we must be found working our patience as our Lord…. Remember we are being made in His image. This is His plan…. so we rest in His patience.

Now I ask again, what is the greatest desire of your heart? However, our greatest need is not our temporal needs which are met in Christ, but our eternal needs which are met in Christ Jesus….. When we see the reality of our purpose, we celebrate our eternal life found in Christ which is found in us and we are found in Him, by our faith.

It is written in Hebrews 1:1-God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

What if we ate the Written Word like Food, the only True Nourishment of our souls…..If we could see with our natural eyes how the Living Word partakes in us by faith. If we could see the way we become the Word of God as the food we eat for our bodies breaks down to nourish our flesh. Would we believe and eat more of the Word?

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is My body.

Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you.

For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins, ( Matthew 26:26-28).

As we partake of Jesus Christ’ sacrifice, we partake of the Living Word of God, who gave us life eternal….. The Lord is the Written Living Word.

As we contemplate the Written Word as the Lord Jesus Christ, then, to also add- the phrase the Word of His power……So when we read and take for ourselves the Word inside us by faith, the Word of His power is alive in us and quickening our lives in Him!Do we then become the Living Word and the Word of His power sustains us?

YES! In growing measure….

Is this not the New Covenant where it is written numerous times the Spirit of God will write the law and statutes of God upon our hearts….?

YES! In growing measure…..

Psalm 40:6 states the written Words of David and of the Lord, can we also say these Words because of our faith in the New Covenant established by God and then testified by the Trinity?

Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require. Then I said, behold I come in the scroll of the book. It is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is written within my heart.

So we can establish the Written Word is etched in our hearts when we were born again in the Spirit…..As we partake of the Word of God, our souls are being made new in to the new creation, the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, then the very Essence of God’s brightness, the Light of the world is dwelling within and comes out— Who can stop our God from showing His glory? No one…..

Christ within is our only hope of glory…. Jesus Christ is the Written Word with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. As Satan tries and tries to destroy the glory of God, the Lord, His Spirit, only gets brighter and His strength is perfected in His saints.

As the Lord was moving among Isreal in the wilderness, the other nations were aware of God…. They were afraid of Him because of His might that moved through these people and for these people….. But they were aware of this great God. He was manifesting Himself through His people by various signs and wonders.

This also was the plan of God as He manifested His Spirit among His people in Acts as well as prophesied in the Prophets Book of Joel of the days we are living now.  God wants His people to be the brightness of His glory and the expression of His image.

We are the body of Christ. Is there an option not to be the brightness of the Lord’s glory and the expression of God moving in and out of the nations of the earth? NO! Because…….

Oh Lord, I have to come to do Your will what is written of me in the scroll of the Word.

Let us open our heart to the reality of the plan of God manifesting Himself through His people today….. It is not about us any longer…. Our life living is about Him…

What is our heart’s greatest desire? If we live as His, the Lord’s alone, then our our hearts desire will be to be the expression of our God, the image of His Son.

We already know the great sacrifice of our Lord for us. We realize He laid His life down to raise us up in His Eternal Life….. So we gladly die to our lesser lives here and receive His Greater Resurrected Life…..God’s abundant life….. Never ending, never stopping, always filling us with Himself….. Life and Love never ending within us…. His expression of Himself.

We can only appropriate His Resurrected Life by faith in the Word of His power. When we realize the fullness of God is His purpose for us in His Son…. We stand in awe… What a glorious God with His neverending Love…..We have all we need and desire  in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s body is a reflection of Himself…..We live daily to die to our carnal flesh. As  we do, a greater measure of His Spirit is established within us as well as all that comes with His Indwelling Spirit….. The Word of His power lives within….. Quickening us and others around us.

We do not want or need because our Heavenly Father knows what we need and want before we ask…..We walk in thankfulness as He has given us all things that pertain life and godliness….. We have our Desire and fulfillment of all life met in God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are complete in Him….. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power, ( Colossians 2:9-10).      Do we live from that Truth?

We live and move and have our being here on this earth, we are the expression of His glory and His image……Wow! What greatness He has called us. The plan and purposes of the Godhead including us to show all the world- How Great and Beautiful He IS!

The Lord’s heart desire was to please His Father and complete His Father’s will on this earth. He was the God incarnate…… Now He lives within us. Our focus and heart’s desire is to display the love of God for us, even us! Also to display, His neverending love and mercy and grace….. To allow the world to witness the Lord’s name is above every other name….. There is no other name in heaven or on or in the earth which every knee will bow too…..

We realize as we grow in adversity we live upon and from His grace. We learn  the Truth of His grace is great in might and in strength of God’ s power…. We also experience growing reality  that His name is full of all power and authority…… Our sufficiency is of God and not in the work of our hands or any part of us….. We live by the power of His Word, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the grace, the strength and might of God. We also experience His grace to perfect patience.

Is this not the expression of  the greatness of our God?   As Peter told us numerous times through out the his letters to grow in  the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the coming days, we will grow in the Might or Grace and Spirit of our God….Our true hope of all overcomers is to live in growing revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  As trouble comes, we lean into His Everlasting Presence and live from our Lord Jesus Christ. He manifests Himself to us in whatever we need and desire….. We will pray and know the name of Jesus Christ as any opposition against the Lord’s will will fail.

Again, as we realize first the Lord’s strength in His name and the Word of His power in His Might or Grace, this will hold our ground in adversity, trouble or opposition which comes before us…. We will  strongly  prevail in faith in the God we serve. This is our heart’s desire to please God by our faith.

Opposition to the Lord will not advance as we walk in the continued knowledge of the Lord. The revelation of our Lord is where Satan’s kingdom cannot penetrate. Satan hits the proverbial wall of our God. He cannot penetrate what we have received in the illuminated life of Jesus Christ presented to us by His Spirit, revelation of Christ Jesus.

We know as Paul, His grace is more than sufficient to keep the Resurrected Life of God strong within and show His glory through us…. We grow as Paul did in the knowledge that every knee bows to the Lord Jesus Christ….. in the heavens and on this earth.

As it is written in Haggai 2:7, and I will shake all nations and they shall come to Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.

Let it be found by the Lord that His house is a house of prayer and faith, filled with His glory- Himself. Let it be found by the Lord, our unity of one Spirit in the Lord. Let it be found by the Lord, our heart’s desire as His body is to come and behold- we do Your will O Lord. Behold, Your Words are written within our hearts….. Be praised, O Mighty King, be praised and glorified by Your people this day….

If there are tears from the Lord, let them be in rejoicing over His people. Let not any tears, Lord, be in sadness as Your people do not know when You have approached in the night.

Lord, we ask for more of Your Grace so we may know and understand You in greater measure…We are hungry for the fulfillment of Your purpose with in our lives and on this earth. You, Lord, are our heart’s greatest Desire and Obsession…We look for a greater revelation of our Lord and King.

Show Your Might and Power perfected through our weakness….May our faith grow. Lord, help our unbelief to walk as Your children. We are Your signs and wonders to many….. May we walk in the courage and boldness which is called by Your Spirit at this hour. May we run our race in the fullness of Your grace within. In You, Lord, we will fly over our opposition and continue in Your will, by the power of Your Great Name.

My children, be aware of the signs of this age…..Have I not given you a heart of understanding? Have I not laid My hands on your eyes so you may see? Have I not put My fingers in your ears so you may hear Me?   Have I not given You My Spirit to walk in Wisdom? Know for certain what is, and what was and will be to come….and yet, I AM.

Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Keep your eyes steady on Your Beloved as I AM’s gaze is steady on My own.

I Am the eye of the storm…. In Me, you will have perfect peace for what can be shaken will be shaken to alert all to focus on the eternal, I AM. Do not fear, live your faith in I AM.

In Israel’s oppression, I AM was there. My people were held in peace in the midst of plagues, darkness, death…. I AM led My people as then as is today….Remember Me, who was and is and is to come and will ever be….. Where are you, My children?

Did I not keep Noah during the Flood? Why do you fear? I AM is the same today as I AM was, and I AM will be always as I AM.  The days that are approaching will strengthen and prove your faith and trust in the Everlasting God…. Believe, then see. I AM did not say see and believe…..Nay, not for My own…..I AM says to you, believe, then you will see.

In the Son of the Most High, is where you are found….. The shelter of the Most High. Do you not see this yet?  Rest in peace of the knowledge you have in Me. Rest in the work that I AM has started will be completed…This is My will and purpose, and are you not in My Will? Rest and peace will  perfect the patience of My saints.

The battle is Mine. Be still and know I AM God and I AM will be exalted by the nations for I AM their Desire.  Keep your eyes steady on I AM for My arm is not shortened that I cannot perform…..How can you still doubt I AM?

Your trust and strength will grow as you live in the Truth of My Love, for it never fails….. All else will pass away, but behold not I AM….. Where do you abide? In I AM, your delight and your desire is fulfilled in Me. Rest and you see Me.

All will see the One they have pierced, but, alas, you have come with tears and sorrow. My children, when I AM saw your humble hearts bowing at My feet in sorrow, how can I AM not lift you in My embrace, for you are the longing of My heart, My chosen desire…. Hear Me children, learn My love never fails.

Be at peace as you rest in My shelter. My embrace for My children.  My heart’s desire is met in My children gathering around I AM.

You are My greatest desire, children….. Is I AM yours?
