
Hey, What Happened To The Horses ?!!!!!!

Why didn’t one of the living creatures speak to John when the fifth seal was broken?  Why was there only four horses and four riders in the broken seals? Were they representing the spiritual realm? What do we witness in verse 9-11 of chapter 6…..

When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony that they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying,  how long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? Then a white robe was given to each of them: and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and brethren, who would be killed as they were was completed.

First of all, these souls are the living proof of eternal life that is ours in the faith of Jesus Christ….. They sacrificed their lives for their life in Christ….. They are still alive in Christ. They are clothed in His righteousness and the purity of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  They chose to loose their lives to have Jesus Christ live in them….. This is the perfect works of the saints…..They laid down their lives because they held the testimony of Jesus Christ.

You are with the Lord.  Your breath goes away for a minute. The Lord and you are sitting, but on the air!  There is nothing under you.  Then He looks at you and says, I am supporting you. I am holding you up.  You need no prop anymore.

You think, okay, well, that’s what You think, Lord!  I am running my hand under me, testing what is there! Then, oh man, He heard my remark. I keep forgetting He knows my thoughts…… He smiles and answers, yes, that is what I think! You  know Me well enough to take off your training wheels, child. There will be some shaking in your surroundings to prove Your trust in Me.  Just remember, I gently shake what can be shaken so that what remains in you is eternal.  I am with you. Trust in My love and guidance.

You  want to ask the Lord a question…. a little nervous on bouncing it out…. Can we fly? He smiles and answers, child, very soon, very soon. The clouds pass you by and leaves you damp. You taste the moisture on your lips and it is sweet to taste.

You realize that your attention to Jesus got a little distracted, as you turn back to Him. You see Him looking out. You realize now you can see the sea  with Him. Lord, may I ask what You are thinking?  He says to you, many I wanted to gather as a hen gathers her chicks, but they are not willing….. Now, some of their homes are left desolate until they say, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.  I wait and watch for those who I can show Myself strong towards. I search for those that are seeking Me with a pure heart. I long to  complete  My people’s lives in the fullness of God…….

You keep staring at Him. You notice that you hold your breath every time He opens His mouth….  You know He is safe. However, His total  authority and the power in His words takes your breath away every time His Word is spoken.

Then He asks you a question…..Child, what do you see? You looked  through the sea  into many cities. You saw many people running here and running there. They seemed very agitated. There was no peace. You hear honking horns. You see flashing lights, because there is no light.    There is no peace.

Then the cities were covered again by the sea. You saw a huge wave that stirred up the sea or maybe the wave was stirred because of a wind. Maybe an earthquake, shook the sea…. though you heard nothing or felt no wind. You saw the sea being stirred up.  The waves bounced off of each other gaining momentum.  They kept rising.  Each wave crashed into another as they kept growing height  and length.

What is this, Lord?  The unrest of the people’s hearts  stir up their own trouble. There is no peace for the wicked, child.   Their troubled hearts increases their living to hate, steal, and kill…. killing even their own.  Do you see their house as desolate? What measure will make them turn for love and not hate?

You have no answer for Him, though you don’t think He was expecting an answer. The sadness of the Lord bothers you heart. After all He has done for us, you think, why does He allow the wicked to prosper?   He answers,……  I do not wish that anyone perish, child. Behold, My mercy for all to turn from their wicked ways.  You ponder His reply…… then you boldly say without weighing this answer……..

Lord,  may I offer you my body as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to You, which is the only thing I can offer….. and I know You created me, but with out You, I can’t do it.  I know I will chicken out at the heat of the moment. So….. I am getting courage to offer me to You as a living sacrifice to bring  You a pleasing aroma.  I know You like the smell of fat as written in the Old Testament….. My life in the flesh is full of fat. Nothing good is found in me other than You, Lord.

You felt like that was a bumbling commitment to Him as you kept your head down….. a little embarrassed to look at Him…..  Then you thought, who am I to offer anything of me that would be worthy of a sacrifice to Him, the I AM….. You sigh and keep looking down… What you didn’t see was a smile and a tear roll down His cheek.    Lord, I do not even know how to make myself a living sacrifice, if that is what You want for me….. Will You teach me? You still have your head down, a little afraid to see His face.

Yes, child. Remember, I make all things new. You are on the mount, child. You have been baptized in My death so you may know the power of My Resurrection.  I am with you always. Hear My instructions.  You reflect My living testimony on this earth, child. You just continue to shine bright from My Spirit within you by the way of the cross, child. You are Mine and My delight. You have done well in this fellowship with Your King. Rest in My love for I am always with you, My beloved.

Selah!  Pray for the saints in dire straights for they are our family.

Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete,( perfect), in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.  ( Hebrews 13:20-21)

And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight- if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which, I, Paul, became a minister. I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church,  (Colossians 1:21-24).

Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city for 42 months, (3 1/2 years), (Revelation 11:1-2).

Who is the city of God? Remember in our flesh dwells no good thing. Only where the Lord is, there is life of the Spirit in Truth……. We will lay down our mortality and be changed to immortality….. We have been crucified with Christ and in the Spirit are the Temple of God.

So what part of us is the outer court, if we are the temple of God?


Jesus Answered And Said To Him,….

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? Jesus answered, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit, (The Gospel of John 3:3-8).

When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, come and see. So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth, (Revelation 6:7-8).

Jesus is expounding His point to Nicodemus in chapter 3: 14-15, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

Death rode through as conqueror over mankind, however our Great God, the I AM, supplied those who believe a way through death and to overcome it…… by faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, Our King and Savior. However, if we believe, we must be born again from above, by the Spirit of God….. Jesus said…. so it is the truth of the only way and to enter the kingdom of heaven.

You were taking a walk. You hear the Holy Spirit ask you a question.  Do you believe that I am a consuming God? Yes, you say. What does that mean, child?  You think, well, fire burns up everything, it takes no prisoners.   Then you move your thoughts towards God as  Fire….. He puts another couple of questions before you….. What does this scripture mean to you  written in Colossians 3:11, that Christ is all and in all?  What is the reason the Bush in the wilderness that I engulfed with fire did not burn up when Moses was before Me?   What happens child, when the Flames of God rests in you? Will you burn up?

Just as you were going to try to answer any of those incredible questions, the rain plummets the earth. You turn and run to shelter. You find an old piece of paper in your pocket. You find a pencil on the ground…. You write down the questions from the Holy Spirit. You know the questions from the Holy Spirit are leading you somewhere, obviously not of this world.

You have learned that as your grow in the knowledge of the purpose and plan of your Heavenly Father, that you also know His will. You also learned that as you know His will, you now live your life in accordance with Him as He has revealed.

You have  been living in this great unexplained peace in the heart of your being. That peace never leaves even when turmoil is surrounding you. You realize this is the peace of God resting on you or in you. You are so grateful for Him in your life. You are living with Him 24/7.

When evil comes to attack, He lets you know He is there with you…. The attacks aren’t fun. However, fellowship and knowledge with the One that created the universe that He has got your back is astounding. The truth that He is revealing you to increase in His love overcomes the adversity’s sting.

You wonder if this  love of God is how  Jesus was so consistently  settled in the purpose of the Father. He seemed to coast through the stings and attacks, until the night in the garden. Even after His battle in the garden that night, He still showed complete strength in His Spirit to lay low…… He won!  Is that why You told me, Lord, to live in Your love…. to overcome the world?

There is vibrant life that you never knew before that is not visible but very much alive and is leading you closer in your relationship with  God. You cannot see this new life, but it really is a gentle Force that cannot be stopped,….. not that you want this new life to stop…… This life of God in Christ Jesus, keeps increasing in you and from you…. though the world seems to be the same.

Each day, you are understanding the scripture that you are walking to glory to glory and to glory. There is no end to His love and strength as you learn to abide in His love! First, the seed, then the sprout, then the stalk, then the corn, then the kernels, then the seed sowing, and life repeats again and again from the seed—– The Word of God. Praise You God! Your Life in the Word of God never ends.

This is weird, but sometimes you actually seem to live in another sphere, a place that is Secret. This place is hidden from the natural eye, but you seem to dwell there. Sometimes, you even think this place where He is and now you dwell …. is heaven. Is that where I am with You? You think, we get to taste the place where our hearts already live yet we do not see? Please do not let anything drive me from this adventure in knowing You, God….Give me the tenacity, Lord, to coast through the stings from evil as You did, Lord. Give me more grace!

Things pertaining to the world, just have lost their interest to you. They aren’t that important as you once thought. Spending time with the Lord and learning is what you now desire because of this Life in the Spirit that flows in and guides you.  You want more of it or is it you want more of the Lord? Or is the Holy Spirit directing you to want more of Him so that He gets more of you? You wonder why He always leaves you filled but wanting to know Him more….. There are so many pages to turn yet in the knowledge of God and His love….

Is His Love the consuming Fire of God?  You know He is jealous over you. Especially since that one time, you thought you would go back to something that was not bad, but not the best. You remembered how He slammed the door by His wind loudly, then He followed it by a thunder clap!  You remember how you shook a little from the reprimand from your Heavenly Father.

Is this what He means that Christ will be all and in all? His consuming presence is all I want….. He is becoming my all and I want to be all in Him,…… Is that what He means in the scripture? I want to know and experience everything about this Great God. I do not want let one page left unturned.

His love is consuming you, but you are still here but are different…. You live by a different Source…. What draws you to Him everyday is His unending love and  His presence which teaches you more of Him. This Great Love, your God, the I AM is forever drawing you in His love which is His life. This is His Kingdom that never ends…..

So now we can say to Death and Hades……Where is your sting? Though destruction may come against our flesh, but, our life in Him, in His Spirit will never die!  We will be in the Uncreated One’s heart, abiding in His Son.  Where Christ will be all  and in all for those that are born again from the Spirit of God.  Christ is Victor over Death and Hades and we abide in Him.

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith, (1 John 5:4). And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life, (1 John 5:20).

To You, My King, be all the glory and praise and honor and blessing forever and ever!Amen and Amen! Alleluia to Our God, the Divine Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

You ask the Lord, please continue to show me – You. I want to keep learning of You. You fill me, Lord. There is none like YOU! Then, you realize….. because I love You!




Jesus Said To Them, Fill The Waterpots with Water….

And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast. And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from ( but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom, (the Gospel of John 3:7-10).

That was the first sign that Jesus had accomplished. Now, what is this symbolism representing? May it possibly be  His complete purpose from the Father towards us? What do the waterpots represent?

Wow, you are riding with the Lord in His boat. It has been so long. You are so excited…. His gaze is steady on you. You are waiting for some Word from Him. The adversity that was there before, is still there, but you are overcoming the effects. You think you are doing pretty well….. You wait…. His eyes are so penetrating. You ask Him, without thinking first….. Is there something in me that You don’t like?

You cannot believe that came out of your mouth. He smiles at you. You forgot that nothing is hidden from Him. He knew what you thought…. Gulp!  He said My Spirit will complete the task of cleaning out My home in you, child. Obey His words to you at all cost.  Do not reason or weigh His instructions, just hear and do.  Do not be stiffnecked.  As you do hear and obey, the dross of the world will fall away and you will be shining the reflection of Me, Your Lord. He is the Father’s promise of My gift to you.

He is the Illuminator of you and of Me. Let Him have His way in you for your love of Me. He will teach all things that are to come. He will reveal things unknown that pertain to Me and the Kingdom of God. You are Mine, and I want you to grow into Our Father’s business.  He is Your Instructor of all the ancient ways and paths that will increase your heart to love and obey God completely .  You will bring much joy and glory to God, child. Your life in Me is full of courage and bravery……. You are full of the zeal of Your Father’s house.  You question, I am? He says, yes, child, in Me, all  this is possible and My plan.

You keep looking for Me in all you do. In these actions I am well pleased, however, as you grow in Me, the battles for your destruction will also increase, so in all your getting, get My understanding. Follow My lead so that My Gift will be bestowed upon and in you….Trust My way, it is the only way to bring glory to God.  I have called you to be  hundred fold ground….. only by My Spirit will this be done…. My will for you. Remember, I make all things new…. nothing of the old will remain…. Christ will be all in all.

Now, you are back in your room, with the open book of the Word of God.  You write down what has happened. This meeting was another heavy one. Wow!  Father, give me the courage that Jesus Christ says I have….in Him. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit establishing me into Your kingdom and out of mine.

When He opened the third seal, I heard the living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying,  ” A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not hurt the oil and the wine,” (the Book of Revelation 6:5-6).

Why would the black horse carry a weighing scale? What do you think God is trying to show us here? What is, or shall I ask, who is the oil and the wine?

Those who have  His  Holy Spirit are not  touched. Remember the resurrection power that rose Jesus Christ from the dead is the life that lives inside of us, if we have the Holy Spirit. He always represents the oil  and turns our lives into wine from the water in the waterpots…..We have the True Bread of God, Jesus Christ and His Spirit is within us.

This is the plan and the work of God. God does not want His work in us destroyed. Our lives  glorify Him and reflects His life, His Son. Remember, our only hope of glory is Christ in us, my paraphrase of Colossians 1:27.

The winepress does not feel so good to the grapes, nor does any kind of persecution or adversity for the Word’s sake, feel good to us. However, it is producing the  fragrance that is very pleasing to our God. We have to go the way of the cross, as our Leader. There is no way around it, if you think there is, you are deceived. We cannot know the heights of His love without experiencing the depths of His love…… and His suffering.

So this black horse’s rider is holding the scales. He is measuring the bread of this world by  the currency of this world.  What did our Leader and King do when faced with a famine, even though it was of His own will?

We can refer to Jesus in the wilderness  as the devil tried to tempt Him. No matter how hungry the Lord was, He lived by the Spirit of God’s power and by the Words of God….  The Gospel of  Matthew 4;3-4, Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, if you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. But He answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

This is our example to live through and overcome  against famines and hardships  or any adversity….. Our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, ( Philippians 4;19)…… Is that enough for us?   

Let us not be like the Israelites who craved Egypt’s goodies rather than live by God’s word and supply in the wilderness. They witnessed so many mighty acts of God’s hand for them, yet, it wasn’t enough for their hardened hearts to delight just in Him…..

We will spend our days here on this earth either filling up with the goodies of this world or filling  up in the goodness of the Lord by His Word and His Spirit.  We will be measured or weighed on our hearing and obeying His word that His Spirit gives us now to live by….Our renewed and changed lives will reflect who’s image we are pursuing.

We make choices every minute: are they towards God as being obedient children living in love towards Him or we are living for ourselves by the words of this world, that, beloved, will lead to famine and death as we grow away from Him.

Jesus Christ still has His arms out wide. Can you hear His calling?  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light, (Matthew 11;28-20).

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord, ( 2 Corinthians 3;17-18).

This is the Lord’s will for us,  His Spirit reigns in our lives by the Word of God.   So when the black horse with his rider comes knocking on our door, we can  say to him……. It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Go away, rider, for we are a house filled with the Lord’s wine and oil.  Jesus Christ is King in our lives and reigns here alone.



The Sower Sows The Word….. These Likewise Are The Ones…..

Listen, behold, a sower went out sow…. Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away, (Mark 4;3,5-6).

In the parable of the Sower and the Seed, Jesus explains to the disciples the parable,…. we are going to look at verse 16 &17 of chapter 4 of the Gospel of Mark: These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble.

Then we look at the verse 8 of the same chapter, But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

Jesus explains what this good ground is in verse 20, But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

In the 6th chapter of Revelation in verses 3-4,  we, along with John, hear the living creature saying, come and see, as the Lamb open up the second seal. Behold we see a fiery red horse released.  We learn that the rider has been granted authority to take peace from the earth, so that there would be killings of one another. He was given a great sword.

According to Strong’s Concordance from the Greek, this meaning of the sword is judicial punishment.  Wow, we in our current day, certainly do not like that phrase.  If God is love, how could this be?

Well, let me ask another question, how could our God send His only Son for a sacrifice of sin for all mankind……. knowing that not all would believe and turn towards Him? Has there been any justice taken since  the Son of God was crucified, who had committed no sin?  No.   This was in His plan for redeeming mankind back to His arms and presence…… Will there be a reckoning of our God for those who do not receive His Salvation in Jesus Christ….. Absolutely!

Tribulations, persecution and trials for followers of Jesus prove our faith and godly characteristics.  They prove the integrity of our love for the Lord. These are allowed by His hand so that we may understand His suffering and get into a better and deeper relationship with Him.  This is all based on our reaction to the adversity that is before us.

There will be adversities to all, believers and not…… This is His mercy. They can either draw us to Him or we reject Him for lack of understanding….. or lack of the deep root of the knowledge of His love, which is His word. This is called the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.

If our Lord was blasphemed, lied about and hated, ( He still is today!)…. He spoke to us in John 15;19-20, If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word I said to you, A servant is not greater than His master. If they persecuted you, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep your also.

Wow, it has been a while, since you were with Him in His boat. You start wondering what did you do wrong….I am talking to You, Lord…. and You are silent. I know You see the stuff that is happening against me. Why are You silent? What am I to do? Did I do something wrong?  Please show me Your will in this matter, I am getting down in heart…

The silence of the Lord continues on for days…. You study the Word of God for answers. You study and see there have been great men and women of God that have the years of silence from the Lord and they came through….. Oh, you  ask is this Your way?  You promised Abraham a child…… The only thing that happened as time passed, is that Abraham got older….until the time that You decided for Your plan that the promise was completed.

Joseph’s promises from the dreams You gave him, brought him into a prison, but he grew stronger in His relationship with You, just like Abraham….. They knew You and most important, You knew them and never left them… Only my eyesight is in the dark regarding Your presence….. nothing stops Your eyesight or power….. In fact, I realize that Your power is made perfect in my weakness of not seeing, but believing You are faithful.

So you pray, Father, I ask that through this trial, which is small….. please help me, to keep it small and You large…. Though I do not have the same time that we had together before, I know You are here with Me strengthening me and loving me.  I thank You though I feel far away from You, I am not… and all things are in Your hands.  I know You turn all things into good for those that love You….. If this makes me lean on You more and call on You more, let it be….As I am learning what Paul, Your saint, meant in 2 Corinthians 12;10, Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.   ( Lord, I add because of You.)

Lord, may You protect me in You so this distress will not dampen my love for You. May this distress  press me into You deeper and wider so that I may grow in the knowledge of Your love for me.  I believe that You have the best plan for me with the greatest Inheritance in view, You.

Give me courage to keep my gaze steady on You, though, I see You now with my faith’s eye…. The eye that you have given me to see all that You want me to see.  May my life glorify You now in the hard times as well as the fun times. Let me learn to be steady and remain on course towards You, whatever is happening in the outside court of my life. The outside court is my flesh life and will perish one day, but behold, inside of me I know is the Treasure of all the ages…..the Christ, Your Spirit, Your Resurrected Life growing in me.

Hey, my trial seems so far away now, Lord…. Thank You for always being here and hearing me.  I miss our time in the boat, Lord, but I know You are here still. I will love this time just as much because I am with You. You are my everything. Thank You for giving me understanding for the days that are here and to come. Thanks for Your peace that passes all understanding… because I have this great peace during this time which does not make sense…. but I’ll take it with all thanksgiving to You! Then, you hear, child, I am closer than your breath.

You start to see that you have the same closeness with the Lord, even more, when you have an adversity, trial…. a hardship of sorts that looks impossible to solve…. His presence somehow changes the outlook and your perspective  on your “Goliath”.  You are understanding the way of the Lord with those He loves.  You wonder is this the answer to my prayer when I asked that I could bring Him joy?  Hmmmm, you think I have to meditate on that…. I have to keep studying His word to find the answer.  But you are still waiting for your boat time with the Lord….. so you wait  and anticipate.

As followers of Jesus Christ, when adversity comes, and it will, we have a strong hope as an anchor in the faithfulness of God to His promise to us.  We have always choices, I pray we hold our course and remain faithful to the Lord…. Remember to pray for those that are imprisoned or have lost all  for their faith in Jesus Christ all over the world, for they are family….When we hear the Word of God, immediately we become a target. However, this is not news for God and He has a plan allowing the evil to turn for good….. The followers of Christ in Acts were persecuted to the point they fled to all parts of the world…. hence, the Gospel spread!!!! We have a great God!

The sword is not a respecter of people. The sword will visit all. The stealer of peace and hope or it can be viewed of the weapon of peace and hope. If you do not have Jesus Christ as your Savior and King, here is your chance….. This is your great opportunity to know the mercy of God…. His arms are open today…. run into them.

Let the weapon of harm against you be turned by His hand into good.  Come and be reconciled to Your Creator who knows when and how you were formed in your mother’s womb….. He is waiting for you today…. receive and believe in the unbelievable unending love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ…..

He is the Beginning and the End. He is the All in between. Our God’s hand is in all our minutes as well as our eternity…. He turns all things into good, even when they are released for destruction…… In His mercy, He is there waiting for each one of us. Come, beloved, and taste and see good is our God.  Come and search out the Unsearchable Uncreated One….. He is waiting for you.


We are entering into the breaking of the third seal….. Oh no! A black horse? With a rider carrying scales…. what does rider have to do with the oil and wine? Why was he carrying scales? Catch up with us as we are studying the Book of Revelation along with my book, Jesus Christ,  The King Of King And Lord Of Lord, The Judge Of His Creation.






Something Was Hidden And Is Now Revealed….

A mystery hidden.. the first broken seal is due to the revelation of Jesus Christ….. What does that mean? Want to know a secret?  Was the first seal a hidden weapon of God Almighty that is now revealed to all mankind?

Yes, and His name is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior, our King of all kings, Creator of the universe. His Spirit is now revealed and released  to the world as the first seal is broken.

As foretold by the prophet Zechariah chapter 4;6-7, So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel,( this was a king and governor-symbolic of Jesus Christ): Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”  Verse 10, continues to reveal the plan of God, For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerbubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan  to and fro throughout the whole earth.

There is no need for arrows with the white horse rider for with God’s grace all is conquered, death, hell and the grave by our Mighty Warrior and the Spirit of God.  The hand of the Lord is revealed…. The power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Spirit. God’s love and mercy is known by the world now.

Rejoice, all who dwell on the earth, for our King has come and delivered us! For the fulfillment of time has come, to reveal the Son of God and the Salvation of mankind by His strength that never fails….. His love.

You are sitting in His boat. Something is different, though the Lord’s position is the same. You are pensive this time. Something is up.  You sit and study the Lord….. and wait……..

You see the Lord’s eyes shut and His head bow. You see a tear flow from His eyes down His cheek.

Then you notice the boat is heading upward but the water seems to be flat and level…..You sense a gravity pull on your back. You know that you are positively moving upward. Then you come back to the Lord’s tear. You wonder what is going on…. What was He praying? Why?

You notice, He is not looking at you…. Does He remember I am here? Sure, He does, He is God.

So you wait…..You start to talk from your heart to Him, Lord, I love you. I may not be the loving you the way I should, but I do need You for everything. Please teach me to love You as I should and follow You like You want ….. You know I am not very smart and I need to be taught everything by You…. You know how I failed in all things in my life before You…. You are my only Hope.

Please do not allow me to fall away and be the cause of one tear shed by You…. For You have shed everything to win me…. Let me not hurt you, Lord, please hear me. Please allow me to bring you great joy. Though my love may be little, you can enlarge my heart as you did to a horse named Secretariat…. Please enlarge my heart to run the race of living Your commands and bring not a tear but a smile of joy to Your heart. This I want more than life because I love You, Lord. You are My everything. Lord, teach me Your wisdom. Please give me understanding so that I may see and know You…. to love You better.

This time with You is all I live for and desire….. I go to sleep thinking of the words You have spoken  to me. I wake up in the morning, waiting for You so I do not miss you…. I wonder what you have planned to show Me of Your great and mighty plans and thoughts. Your words to me are my nourishment even more than food for my body. The peace and joy that is mine as You spend Your presence on me keeps me wanting more of You…. Lord, this is a brand new life that You have led me into, I want to learn more of You and Your kingdom…. Please help me….Help me die to myself on the cross…

Give me the strength to be brave when opposition comes against me. Give me Your Holy Spirit so that I may loose myself in You so I may live only for You. Teach me, Holy Spirit, the full meaning of worship according to the Holy One.  You desire for me to have truth in my inward parts and a broken and contrite heart…..Let it be done in me, Lord. I want to know You, Lord and all of Your salvation. Let me live to die to this world so that I may live from Your Resurrection Life in You, forever.  I cannot live without seeing Your gaze of love showering me. You have captured me with Your love, I pray that I be forever Yours… By Your grace be it unto me.

You keep going upward with Jesus Christ in His boat, though the waters look the same…. You are never going to be the way you were……He hears your prayer.

You wonder why the boat is going up…. You wonder if it had to with the prayer you just prayed? No, it can’t be that….. You think that your prayer was not that important…. It was just about you. It was not a big prayer for the nations as you have witnessed from other saints.

You wonder…. You hear Him answer you: child, your prayer is  important and it is answered. Be blessed in My Love….. You answer the Lord, thank You. You wonder still as you are suddenly back in your garage sorting through things as though nothing even happened with the Lord, but you did have a happenstance with the Lord.

The Seven Spirits of God has been sent out in all the earth…..

To enfold the ones that believe that He has captured in His love…

To testify to the ones that still remain captured in the folds of deception and death.

Beloved, our lives reflect the love we have for God and one another that we live by in Jesus Christ….. The testimony of Jesus Christ is revealed by us and through us for His name, His fame, and His gain alone. Our testimony of the Salvation of God is by His Spirit through us, not  by might, nor by power but by His Spirit. Praise be to the King on the throne forever and ever. Amen and Amen.

What is revealed by the second seal?  What came shortly after the release of the Holy Spirit on the earth? Is the second seal another secret weapon of the Almighty?  What is the weapon of the Lord’s when the current day church is stagnant or lukewarm? What changes the course of a lukewarm pot or vessel?  You turn the heat up!!!!!!!!

Let us pray as Paul did in Thessalonians 3;5, Now may the Lord direct our hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.





In The World You Will Have Tribulation; In Me You May Have Peace!

You are in the Lord’s boat now. He gazes at you. You wonder why the knowledge of His love  is not penetrating through you like last time.  He asks you, why? He asks you, where have you been?

I have been waiting and watching you, child.   He is asking even though He has been watching you. He already knows where you have been….not with Him…. not living in His love.

You swallow hard because  you forgot to concentrate on His love. You tell Him, the wars, the crime against one another, even amongst Your people, the abortions, Lord, there is soo much trouble out there. I have been praying to You to do something about all the evil out there now….  Don’t You see it? Almost out of your mouth comes, aren’t You going to step in and stop this evil? But you stopped yourself.

 He is sure and calm.   Then you realize what you just said and to who…. Another hard swallow and gulp, the dampness of your forehead comes back….and the waiting keeps on going as He just gazes at you.

You then look to Him to see sadness briefly touch His face as He breaks the gaze for a second. Then You hear His voice asking you a question.  His voice has a different note than the last time…. He asks you, what is My will for mankind?  Whew! At least, this question I know, you think to yourself…. He says, then say it!   You forgot that He knows your thoughts. Stumbling and bumbling comes out of your mouth the words, to love our God with all our hearts, minds and all we have, which is from You, Lord.

Yes, child, that is correct.  Child, is that being done as they steal, kill and destroy one another, even among those who call on My  name?  You answer, no Lord. He speaks further, is it not written, child, in the books from the prophets, Isaiah 26;9-11, about those after My heart that, with their soul they have desired Me in the night, yes, by their spirit within them, they seek Me early; for when My judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let grace be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he will deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord, of Me.   They ask of Me, when My hand is lifted up, they will not see. But they will see and be ashamed for the zeal of the people; Yes, the fire of My enemies shall devour them, (Psalm 29;9-11).

You continue to ponder on the Lord’s reply, trying to comprehend His words thoroughly. He kept His gaze steady on you.  Child, My judgments are in the earth and  mankind will fall into them. Each will be rewarded for their works and beliefs.  My work is finished. I am the answer to all the evil in the world before, today and forever. Rest assured, I AM God and I will be exalted among the nations.  It is written that the earth will be full of the knowledge of Me as the waters cover the sea, (Isaiah 11;90).  I have not remained hidden, for all have heard of Me. Remember, the Seven Spirits of God has been sent out into all the earth, child, to show the Salvation of God to mankind.

You started to regret bringing up the unrest of your heart to Him now. The answers from Him were more than you bargained for. There is a lot to think about in every word that comes from His mouth!

You get the courage and blurt out….. what can I do?  His gaze steady on you, says- love Me. Those words almost knocked you off the boat that you forgot you were even in.  He continues, in  love and faithfulness of your heart towards Me, I will strengthen you to follow My words and commands in your actions. Your love, child, draws Me close to you. Love Me. I have been banished from the world that I created. What do you think, child, will draw Me to come back? Do you think it will be the judgment of the nations or the love of the ones that call out to Me with a pure heart? Your love is what I desire, child….for your love covers a multitude of sins. Your gaze towards Me, blesses My heart. This is My command to you, to live in My love for you. Then as you do, you will allow Me to live in yours. As you grow in My love, you then will be able to love as I.

Now you are sitting on your front steps  of your house…. Wow! You think you better write this happening with the Lord on paper. This was a heavy meeting. Father, please help me understand what You are showing me by Your Spirit, so I may love You and Your Son as I should in Jesus’ name, I ask.  Then you realize that your whole body is reacting to the presence of this Great King.  It is almost seems that you are waking up from a deep sleep.

As we read and study the 5th chapter of the Book of Revelation, we witness those  before the throne of God bowing down and worshiping, Almighty God and the Lamb of God, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who has the Seven Spirits of God, who has been sent out into all the earth.  All are bowing and declaring a new song as one before the throne in verse 9-10,

You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. 

The number of the redeemed that love God and love His Son are ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands and thousands saying in a loud voice, in verse 12:

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!

Then every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such are in the sea, and all that are in them we hear saying in verse 13:

Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!

Beloved, we are all a  part of God’s plan. When we are worshiping and giving honor and glory to Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and King of glory who sits on the throne or not.

As we  worship Him  alone, we are also with the whole family at the same time in the Spirit.  Yet, He knows each one of us by name that love Him who strive to live a life of righteousness towards Him. We are a part of a zillion billion people in the  family of God, but He chose you to know Him now.  He wants to be with each one of His chosen, all ten thousands times ten thousands….. Allow His heart to have His way with His beloved. Only a God like ours could work this out that we are all precious to Him, yet, when we are with Him, we  seem to be His only kid!

Hear His heart of love speak to you, beloved. Let us learn how to love our God with all our hearts, minds and everything we got. He is worthy. Selah!

I leave you a question to meditate on, what does it mean to worship God? Is it just singing a song to Him? It is written in the gospels that the devil worshiped Jesus…. What did the demon do before Jesus? Did he sing a song?What did he do?

As things in the earth are shaken before us, the knowledge and understanding of God’s love for us will keep us steady through a rocky and unstable world…. In Him, the Lord, we have peace…. in the world will be tribulation….  Jesus told us in John 15;9-11, As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

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We are entering into  Revealing of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, from the Book of Revelation. Join us as we journey with the King on His boat, as His Spirit illuminates the symbols and meaning of the knowledge of God Almighty and His Son…. and His creation.

My book, Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation goes into further detail for each chapter of the study of the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ….so jump in and get a copy and join us. We are not complete without you! 




What Is That To You About Them, I Call You To Follow Me….

Picture Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord in His glory, standing in His boat. He points to you, (each one of us), and says, come follow Me. When we get into this boat, we are alone with the King….. and we cannot turn back. Or maybe the true version, is that we wouldn’t dare mention to Him that we can’t go or we want to turn around….. There is something in His eyes that says that is not a place you want to go with Him…… So we go…..alone with Him to new horizons.

It is impossible to go anywhere else but join Him. There is no family, friends, church and business  acquaintances that comes along here, just you. He has you completely to Himself…He looks out on the world that He creates. You start wondering what is He thinking? What is His plan? He sets His face so stern towards His purpose.  Since we are along, it is now our purpose….. We search Him for a clue because the ocean is so vast, we have no idea where and why we are going…..

However,the ride is beautiful, almost surreal, it is so peaceful. You hear the waves lapping against the boat gently as you move out and away from all you have known. The sun is shining down upon you, yet the rays are quite comforting, there is no heat…. All astounding things are surrounding you, including the strong and yet gentleness of His presence with you.

Then all of a sudden, He turns to you with His eyes that go right through you  gaze….You melt and swallow hard, wondering…. what He sees because you do not know what is okay or not…. Is it pleasing or not…..

Finally, the penetrating gaze of the Son of God, causes you to blurt out…. What? Uh, what Sir? You start to feel the sweat bead up on your forehead as the rest of you feels quite clammy……. Eternity has just passed before you because He does not change His gaze off of you……Now you start wondering if you heard Him right, did He really call me to join Him…. Maybe He meant the guy next to me and I was presumptuous….. He still is looking at you….You take a big deep breath and wait.

You wait in front of the Lord, but your mind doesn’t. You notice the boat is going against the wind,  but in the prior direction of the Lord’s gaze…. however, there is no motor or oars….. Why is His gaze still towards me…. Is my hair weird? You start to put your hands over your hair, and check your clothing. All seems to be okay and in order at least for me…. Why did He ask me to come follow Him…Why me?

You start thinking that this was a mistake, but you can’t turn back.

Through the waiting, you start to notice, your body does not feel anything. It is there but not speaking as much.  Instead you hear His words talking to you with out the use of your ears!

The Lord tells you that He knew you before you were even born. He planned your beginning and your end into the new.  He has had His eye watching and waiting all eternity for this time to be alone with you….. All you can think of is why me?  He gets you off guard because He answers your question…His gaze never leaves you as He answers because I have loved you with an everlasting love, child.

You swallow hard and tears spring out of your eyes. You start seeing His gaze is of love…. A love that you have never witnessed before. This love is so penetrating.  His impact is  consuming all of you. You notice that this love is all you notice now. The ocean has disappeared from your view, all you see is the Lord.

His love is changing you right there. You don’t know how to put words to what is going on, but His work is going on, right through you. His presence is overwhelming that you have lost total awareness of time. He has got your total attention. His love has killed all of your cares and worries and you just want to sit with this sweet and yet powerful presence of the Lord…. You want to stay in His love.

The next thing you know…. you are back at your home…. You look around. Tears start to spring out of your eyes. You think to yourself, I wasn’t finished with Him…. I thought He called me out with Him. I don’t want that to end with Him AT ALL!

Then you hear, child, it is not ended but just the beginning! Don’t fret, I am still with you and so is the gaze of My love ever watching your thoughts and moves. Think and meditate on My words for they are Spirit and Life to you. Live in them and I live in you. I am here closer than your breath, child. Do not worry, child, we shall have many words to share. When you are with Me, you have entered into eternity with the Eternal One. Be blessed and walk on in the knowledge of My love for you.

So you think…. He is here too? He didn’t leave me? He didn’t change His mind, did He? Well, no because He told me there would be future conversations with Him.  Wow, with the King of glory, wants to meet with me. He wants to sit with me…. me… Tears again spring out of your eyes because the impact of the One who died and has risen, wants to spend His presence on me.

Welcome back, beloved of the Lord….. Do you want to be back? I didn’t think so, me either.  We will in future blogs go away to His boat.

Alone, each one met Jesus Christ on His cross. Each one of us like Mary and Peter, and the rest, are also to meet Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord…..It is a different picture than the one we always see as Jesus on the earth, with the children or carrying a lamb….. The Risen Lord,  Jesus Christ, well, He is not to mess with. Why in verse 11 of chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation,  did all the ones before the throne of Him, cast down their thrones to say….?

You are worthy,O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.

We see everyone bowing before the throne because of He who is  on the throne. The awesomeness of God is presented in chapter 4. This is the God we pray to, we cry to, we worship and adore. The same One that wants you to come and sit with Him as He takes you to distance places that are wide, deep, long and high.

Now some of the trek is not easy or delightful, but the knowledge of His neverending love will carry and sustain us through to the end…. The end of time, as we enter into what was and is and will forever be, eternity with  the assembly bowing down before the throne of the King. The King that is so beautiful in holiness that it is hard for us to behold such beauty or even comprehend His greatness now….

However, if we continue to meet with Him just as we are in chapter 4 bowing, praising and listening for the One on the throne, there will be little change, when we shed our mortality. In the Spirit, I believe we all worship the Lord as one body, the body of the Christ. So we are already in the Spirit…..there and here…..

There is little difference in chapter 4 in worshipping the Lord and being on His boat with Him……Both places He is in first place in our lives and hearts. We can not get so busy that we forget that greatest priority is being with the Lord in every minute of our day in acknowledging who He is, ( even through our ‘ work’). If we remember that we are all a part of what is continually going on around the throne of God every second of our lives, we will always be attuned to the Spirit’s leading. We will have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Spirit is speaking to us today.

Keep the instruction of the Lord. Live in His love. Let the knowledge of His love for us take root and  to grow great in us, until next time…..

Selah  on our Great King Jesus Christ and His neverending love for you!! Choose to live there, beloved of the Lord!





But You Have Come To Mount Zion!!!!

We have now completed the study on the letters from Jesus Christ to His people, His body, His church, His bride…… I put you before a thought….and a question…..

Can the letters to His people be interpreted as a possible progressive spiritual road map of an  ascension journey to His Mount Zion?….When we leave behind the baggage of the world’s ways and thinking so we can achieve to  climb higher and higher in the Spirit.

In all the letters, the Lord has given us choices, you can overcome here and receive His rewards or not. He is watching for overcomers, just as a good commanding officer sees the right material in a private to make a great officer. He will watch him,test and try him so the best strength of that officer is surfaced in his character.

I have climbed hills and mountains. As I climb higher and higher, I am very glad I am only carrying what I need to get to the destination on the top plateau. The air is sooo different than at sea level. I believe it is the same as in the Spirit of attaining our ascension to Mount Zion.

We need the endurance and the Lord’s true grit( His Spirit) to keep going. Even when all seems to be against our climb….. and attaining our goal….. But the Lord is watching to see if we will ask for His grace and strength, endurance to take one more step up in faith.  See the Lord’s walk on Calvary was an ascension climb, even though it looks like His walk was downward…. No, it was the steepest climb up to the Father…..bowing down and laying down His life was in the Spirit the greatest climb in ascending in the Spirit…

We in ourselves are not capable of such love without Him, His Spirit, yet…. hence, the trials and adversities proving us…. However, in our weakness the Lord’s strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12;9)….. So come on,  let us root out our American pride and bow down and go high. We can’t do it, He can through us, so let us let Him, let Him be King!

Now that the battles of our will is gone, we can get on with the Lord’s purpose for His bride, His army, His body, us! Now many are called, and few are chosen… He has said…. but why? The reference I mentioned of the commanding officer keeping his eye on a private that has the making of a great officer. Some choose to allow these trials to mold us into our Father’s purpose, His Son’s image and some run from it.

Look at 2 Corinthians and all the letters from Paul, the Lord had chosen Paul and was proving Christ in him through all the trials and tribulations he conquered. Paul never let go of the Lord. He was like the ever ready energizer bunny, that kept going and going until he got to the top plateau of Mount Zion. He layed down his life for the name of the Lord.  He won by the sufficient grace and power of our Lord….. so can we……selah!

Why is Lord suggesting a place for us to overcome ? What is His purpose? Could it be, that He really desires us to be with Him where He is for all eternity…… YES!!!! He Wants YOU!

There is place that is in the heart of our Heavenly Father for you and me, beloved….. Don’t forsake the great inheritance we have…. Our life is an adventure on this earth, we are granted the permission of the High King Jesus Christ to be His representatives. We have been given His Spirit, so that the power may be of Him and not mistakenly ours….

As overcomers, we are now the living proof of our God’s never ending  love that He shed through His Son on the cross for all sins that banished us from His presence. We are the testimony of His Love and strength that never fails.  All of Him, none of me, and that is the way that is got to be. Amen.

Come on, let’s get on our  sturdy hiking boots  that will able to carry us through the the stony path,  through the cliffs, unto the new heights. They will also keep our feet dry crossing the fresh bubbling streams running down from the throne. Do not fear for as the enemies and beasts are larger up here so is our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, for He is also with us, closer than our breath.

Pick up our shield and buckler for we are securely fitted for the battle. Use the Word of God and the Sword of the Spirit for our battles against the evil one always conquering evil with good.  Remember, in the heat of adversities, the joy of the Lord is our strength for in His presence is the fullness of joy. The battle plans and the strategies of the Holy One are our prayer. Our lives showing our righteous living for the Lord is our conquering strength, for the evil one will also find nothing that he has hold of in us….. for the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

We have the ears to hear what His Holy Spirit is saying to us….. We have the eyes of vision of the Lord, as we are living in His words of knowledge, wisdom, faith and discernment. We are the branches that provide the healing leaves for the nations that are held captive. We are the freedom fighters cutting the ties that bind others by the power of our King Jesus’ name. We speak His language as  a hidden code that can never be deciphered by the enemy, but we speak wonders into the atmosphere.  We have intimate fellowship with the One who knows all things that are to come and we are privy to the end from the beginning…… So we know who wins, but let us grow to be strong in the Lord, so many may join to follow the Lord also.

Hello,…… we are overcomers, beloved, by our faith….. which has been given to us in abundance as our sustenance in this climb up to Mount Zion, …. We can do it, Jesus Christ did it and made the way for us to achieve and overcome this world……. HOORAH!

Let’s do it for His name sake!!!! Showing all : WE LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST! THERE IS NO GOD LIKE YOU!!!!!!


Whose Eyes Do We Live Before? God’s Or Men’s? Why?

I left many questions for us to ponder in the last blog as we are studying the letter to the Laodiceans, (and us), from Jesus Christ, (chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation).

The most important question is written above…. if we get the vision of our Lord’s ever watchful eye over us, we will live according to His word and ways.  If we never get the vision of His ever knowing eyes, men’s attitudes and opinions of us will lead and guide our decisions. Sometimes that will take us right off a cliff. The proverbial: what will people think?  My answer is who cares!

The One that I die daily and live unto is My Keeper and My Maker. It is He who I hear and live unto even through the fires, the battles, the victories and the joys.  For He is ever with Me. He is the One that speaks comfort through a storm. He is the One who is My Strength through my weaknesses….. He is My All and who I wake to hear and sleep to dream about. He is the Answers to all this world’s problems, even mine. He is My Guide and Leader in all.  He is my Healer and Teacher. He is the Ever Patient One with all questions I ask Him over and over again….. He is my God, the God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who holds the stars in His hand and my heart. This is the One who I set my heart to hear and see and follow, for He has captured my heart with His everlasting Love…. His death, His burial, His Resurrection and Life Eternal……. He is the One who rules the nations and is the Judge of His creation……..Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty.The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory……   ( Psalm 24;8-10).

He is yours and mine, beloved. We cannot sell out  this King of glory for such cheap merchandise as the world’s spirit is selling to our eyes and ears….. Let us turn off the world’s ways from our view. Capture the view of heaven with our Heavenly King and the true riches of His wealth within our hearts. Let us be forever sold out for Him. May His ever watching eyes see us burn with passion for Him and His kingdom.

O Holy Spirit, please refresh us in the fire of love for Him, who there is none like in the earth or below or in all the heavens above. Let us have eyes to see the One who holds the world in His hand yet, we are precious in His sight. Let us not forsake the Love, the Truest Love that we may ever know for things that are cold and without life. Let us have eyes to see the shackles tying us to the earth by favoring things of the world more than Christ. Give us vision, or we may perish!

Give us vision of us being in the flight of eagle wings in the following of the King of glory. Let us forsake the dreams of  our selfish state fall to the ground as ashes. Give us vision to forsake all to win Christ. As we rise in His Love to the conquest of our ever searching hearts, as they find the true value and rest in Him, the Giver of Life. Then, beloved, be ready to soar with Him as we loose the shackles that bind us to the earth. Holy Spirit, please show us our hearts before the Lord. Give us the courage to turn and run into His everlasting arms for fulfillment of all our need for all our days.

As He is written about in Proverbs 30;4, Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, if you know? 

We do not want to mess with a God like ours………If He sees us as naked when we have gone after the world’s riches….. Well, we can conclude that is the same mistake that Adam and Eve made…. They were deceived to get knowledge to be like God….. hence they saw their nakedness….. Do you think the baptism of fire from the Holy Spirit is what is needed? His job is to refine us into gold…. True Heavenly Gold…….into the Son of God’s image…. We couldn’t get any more white clothing than that? Huh?…..

There is a price for this costly clothing of white that our Lord desires to see on His chosen. What do you think that is needed for us to be clothed in white? The answers to this question is in the following chapters of the Book of Revelation….. however, if we are truly followers of Jesus….. we should know the answer and be living towards that way now.

Let us join in the prayer of Paul from Phillippians 3;8, Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

When Christ is our all, He is Great in our lives. We live great because of Him and from Him. When we take the big road, we trade the Lord and His greatness. We place ourselves on our throne on the earth and forget we already sit with Him in the heavenlies…..We are being deceived into getting the riches that are seen and are temporal versus the riches that are not seen and are eternal. Selah…..

Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your Spirit today!  So when You ask us: Who do you say that I AM? We will be prepared with the personal knowledge of the Holy One and His Son to  answer You and all the peoples with zeal. Showing You and You alone our love even unto death, of self and if need be, mortality. Amen.

To You, O King of glory, be all our praise, thanksgiving and honor. To You be all glory from Your creation. Amen and Amen.

Oh everlasting doors of our hearts, hear the King of glory knocking….. Choose to open and eat the Food that He provides for it is ever filling and ever lasting throughout all time and eternity….We will never  thirst or hunger again. In our hearts is the place He longs to dwell and take His throne of glory within…Delight to be in His greatness as we die to the world, for the world has died to us… He takes His rule of glory hidden within us, we then we will be granted to sit with Him on His throne that rules all.  When we die to ourselves for Christ, we gain all, because we gain Christ.



What Happens When We Choose Big Over Greatness…….

We read the last letter to the churches from Jesus Christ, the letter to the Laodiceans.  Jesus Christ presents Himself as the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God in verse 14 of chapter 3. It really matters the origin or root that we are from…. What do you mean, lady?….

Well, in the Book of Gospel of John, it is written 1;12-13, But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those that believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Someday, only, the Father knows when this world will burn up in fire. As Peter states in 2 Peter 3;10-14, But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in godly conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless…

The new heavens and new earth are where the new creation ones born from above will dwell. As it written in Hebrews 12;22-24 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

As we study this letter  along with all the other exhortations, let us follow the instructions of Hebrews 12;25-29, See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice shook the earth; but now He has promised saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.  Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. For our God is a consuming fire. 

We can all stand in agreement that God is an wonderfully awesome God. Well, through His Son, the Firstborn from the dead, we live and shall live forever if we abide in His love and commands, (John 14).   We would be foolish to think that we can live on this earth once we have tasted of the goodness in His Son in His grace and mercy and sacrifice and despise His promises of our inheritance with no consequence.

Sometimes we  are deceived in the here and now. We loose the vision of the Uncreated One’s  eye that knows and shows us the end from the beginning….. We let go of heaven and touch the earthly ways.  We loose the ability to hear of His voice warning us.  What is His warning to the Laodiceans?

God had great plans for the Abraham’s lineage. Isaac was his son born by the promise of God. God wanted Abraham to know God was behind the birth of Isaac, the promise. Abraham and Sarah were too old to bear children, however, nothing is impossible with God.  God’s will was to give an inheritance through this child, Isaac. Then Isaac produced two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob supplanted Esau. He tricked Esau in trading his inheritance as the firstborn for stew. Now through Jacob, Israel was brought forth….. God’s plan for a nation that was  set apart for Him and His glory….. but Esau lost out to be in the greatest of God’s plan.

We have an inheritance in our Lord. This world is not our destination, it is not our home for those that call on the name of Jesus Christ.   The Apostle John saw our inheritance in his vision of heaven and the visions that the Book of Revelation speaks.  He wrote in 1 John 1;15-17, Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

I believe John is speaking from first hand experience as he saw the heavens and the earth roll up like a scroll from the face of God Almighty in the day of judgment, the Day of the Lord. It is foolish to lack the knowledge of the exhortations of the Lord. We need to have understanding of His ways so that we may humble ourselves and then turn in repentance to align ourselves with His will.

In verse 16-17, So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing- and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked-.

This rebuke is not to the world, this is to His people, His church.  The Father has called us to be His own in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ sees His inheritance getting tarnished by the deceit of the evil one. They fell for the lust of their eyes and flesh and the pride of life…..Did they flunk the test of temptations in their wilderness?  How are we doing in the testing in our wilderness? Just a question, how far away from His presence do you think the Lord spews out those who are lukewarm? Would you think that could be rejecting something from His body that doesn’t agree with Him? Hmmmmm…… Selah!

We have to know and learn the way of the Kingdom of God is upside down,( actually right side up), from the ways of the world. Jesus Christ spoke this in Luke 16;15, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

Choosing to be big here, we jeopardize our greatness in God’ plan. Big is just big in this world. But to be used for the greatness of God’s plan, well, that should speak for itself, …. I hope. The greatness of God’s plan and His reward is everlasting. This world’s wealth and fame is here today, and gone tomorrow, but most important to realize is that we have chosen the lesser. It is a lie  from our enemy saying we can have the best of both worlds…That is not the truth.

We missed the test if we have gone after being big here. We have gone after the fool’s gold. It looks real but alas….. it is only a mirage of the True Reality. Then we have to search out ourselves in  what means did we bow to get that fool’s gold?   What did we compromise to win the big?

Jesus Christ counsels us in verse 18-19, I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore, be zealous and repent.

What is the gold that the Lord is speaking? Where is the eye salve? Big doesn’t work in His eyes, but us choosing the greatness of our God does….. Why does the Lord keep bringing up those white garments? Why are they so important to Him? What is the symbolic meaning of gold? Big today or the greatness of being in His plan and tomorrow’s promise of the Lord….. Choose before you today……

There may be shame and not fame.  There may be slander instead of men’s praises.There may be loss and not gain of the earth’s dross, (riches). There may be  hunger and even death from this earth yet, there is resurrection and hidden manna for us to feast on….. Which is the greater? Which is the higher way? Which is the way of the cross? Which is the way of our Lord’s?

… Too much food here to eat at one study time, we will pick up our great God’s plan up next blog…. God willing.

Selah…… To be a vessel pouring out His greatness or be big in  a moment and loose our greatest potential. There is a cost for both, which  is the wisest choice and the worthiest cost to bear? Whose eyes do we live before? God’s or men and why?