
Go With The Crowd Or Go Against The Flow…

When I was a kid, there was pressure to be in the crowd and do what everyone else was doing…. If they dressed in certain clothes, everyone had to dress that way or they were ostracized. There was certain styles for hair, shoes…. Pick a anything, there was a unwritten rule…. you weren’t cool if you did not go with the flow….

Well, for me, I followed the flow thing, and it almost killed me when I was young. This is the way now for many youths as well as adults. It takes courage to set your walk and ways to a different drum roll. It is easy to go with the flow of the river down stream…. It takes strength to go upstream all the time.

I was the kid that asked what do you mean- when a wiser one said if the crowd goes over a cliff, will you go too? I would look at them dumbfounded. Thank God for His grace and mercy.  The Lord pulled me out from following the crowd off a cliff and put me on His Rock of Refuge.  He gave me the strength and then taught me the walk of faith in Him.

As we look at chapter 20 in the Book of Revelation, the promises of God that are before us are coming to pass…. All the warnings of the rewards of the wicked as well as the rewards of the followers of the Lamb.

Our time is short and our God’s grace is huge.

In this chapter we read that there were thrones set; Satan was bound for a while. Why did the Holy Spirit put that there? Is this regarding the authority we have in Christ name now? Have we been given the discernment to know the Truth from a lie because  Christ is within us? Do we have the strength to consistently go against the flow of the crowd?

Jesus spoke in Luke 12:49-51, I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it was already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished! Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 

What do you think He meant? I will let you read the rest of His meaning in verses 52-53.  Why did Abraham leave his homeland? Why did Joseph get sent away from his homeland? Why did Joseph, Mary’s husband, get sent away from his homeland? Why did John the Baptist live in the desert, away from the crowds? Why was Paul also secluded away from the crowds? Was he wrong because Paul didn’t hang out with the other apostles?

Do you see a pattern here with God and His chosen vessels…. Are we not also called His chosen vessels set apart for the work of the Lord…?  How do learn His purpose for us?  Life here is very busy. We have our set routines…. We are timed for the day…. however, God works in eternity….

I pray that we set our lives to His eternity, that we step out of our time, our agenda, our reputations. I pray that we step out into the heartbeat of heaven, that we still our selves to hear His voice. May we remain still until His Testimony in heaven is birthed in us.

Paul lived in the deserts for about fifteen years to learn the Testimony that God was giving him… We think if we give the Lord 30 minutes, that is enough time to build in us His Word.

As Elijah learned that God speaks to us in the still small voice…. The crowds are so loud that we miss His call and voice. We think  what the crowds are saying are His voice…. not so….. The crowds crucified our Lord and a couple days before, they were hailing Him, Blessed of the Lord.

Why did the Lord quote Isaiah 6  and then give the parable of the Sower of the seed in Matthew 13?  Heavenly   Father, in Your mercy and grace, give us ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to understand what You are saying this day, in Jesus name. Amen.








Oh! The Valley Of Vision Or Is It Valley Of Decision?

In our house we ask ourselves the worth of a major decision. How bad do we really want it and what are we willing to give up to get it.

The burden or oracle of Valley of Vision is in the Book of Isaiah, however, I had to investigate the meaning in Hebrew Strong’s Dictionary…. The meaning of Valley of Vision was a lofty gorge or narrow fortification.

I guess we can conclude that this way to the kingdom of God is a narrow road or a Valley of Vision that few walk.

As we start to look at chapter 19, we see the marriage supper is ready and the wife of Christ- not the bride, but the wife has made her self ready…..She is found in fine linen, bright and clean in verse 7 &8. How is that? A wife already and the marriage supper of the Lamb is ready? Hmmmm…..

My own thoughts here but if I had to go through the persecution and the sanctification method of the Holy Spirit without knowing that Jesus Christ is my Husband and King already…. I do not think I could continue to date or maybe wouldn’t want to.

Nonetheless, He being as a Husband has never left my side. He has always been there through every fire and water that He led me in and out.  I would say that I have grown like Him over the years, at least, I hope so. Even though I see soooooo much in me that needs to be changed  into His image.   But is the cost worth the decision to go with this God-Man…..??  Yes, a million times, yes.  Sometimes I throw in the towel, but only to pick it up again because I can’t say no to His eyes of Love…..

So we are already the wife of the Lamb, but what is this written in verse 14, And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. ????

So here we are, the wife of the Lamb and His army. He proceeds to tell us His plans that are from His Father in doing the business of the Kingdom of God……So what do we do?

He tells us that it is a day of in the Valley of Vision…. A day of trouble and treading down and perplexity by the Lord God of Hosts in this Valley of Vision breaking down walls ( protection) and crying to the mountain (rulers), Isaiah 22:5. Isaiah 22:12, And in that day the Lord God of hosts called for weeping and for mourning, for baldness and for girdling with sackcloth. But instead, joy and gladness, slaying oxen and killing sheep, eating meat and drinking wine: Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!

Now what would you do with this information?

In 2 Chronicles 29,there was a king named Hezekiah that was approved by God. This king did was right in the sight of the Lord.  He gathered all the priests and gave a decree: Hear me, Levites! Now sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and carry out all the rubbish from the holy place…..

In this age of grace, we are the temple and we are the priests of God.  So where would the rubbish be in the holy place?   Selah!  Hey, this sort of reminds me of the time Jesus went to clean out the temple in His day….. The only time the anger of our Lord was very visible…..Selah! He showed His zeal for His Father’s house, shouldn’t we be the same?

The priests obeyed the kings command in verse 15, and they gathered their brethren, sanctified themselves and went according to the commandment of the king, at the words of the Lord, to cleanse the house of the Lord.

This decree was sent out so that they were prepared to celebrate the Passover or also known as the Feast of  Unleavened Bread.   Let’s recap- there is a marriage feast of the Lamb and we are clean and bright in fine linen….. Now we  prepare ourselves in celebrating the  True Unleavened Bread from heaven. We eat only the True Bread of heaven as our needful Food and our Delight.

This is what happened when  His people turned back to God and sanctified themselves… 2 Chronicles 30;12-13, Also the hand of God was on Judah to give them singleness of heart to obey the command of the king and the leaders, at the word of the Lord. Now many people, a very great assembly, gathered at Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month.

Verse 27, Then the priests, the Levites, arose and blessed the people, and their voice was heard; and their prayer came up to His holy dwelling place, to heaven.

Before Hezekiah became king, the country of God’s people was brought very low. The previous King Ahaz had led them to  lose their protection. They were overcome by enemy countries as well as the country’s moral standard had fallen off the charts because of their unfaithfulness, (2 Chronicles 28;19).

Now we are back in room of the table of the King, our Husband and Warrior. Remember He has just told us about the  Valley of Vision and is acting very Lord of Hosts.  So what shall our God’s  (little) king and priests, wife and army do  about the matter of the King?

Our King has called for a time of weeping and mourning….. but the announcement did not tickle the ears of His people. They did not have ears to hear the sound of the Ram’s horn.

What do we do about this matter regarding our Lord of Hosts?   Are we willing to go against the grain of this culture and be His army? His wife being faithful to her King?

Noah- built an ark when there was no rain on the earth. Joshua marched around Jericho seven days in solitude then the walls fell. This unheard strategy of the Lord of Hosts overcame….. Daniel stood in the lions den unharmed being loyal to His God, and death was overcome by the power of his God, ….our God.

Will we answer His call of the trumpet? Seek Him. Hear Him. See His Vision. See His heart and follow His Word!

Let us gather His people and prepare the way for the Lord! Let us clean out the temple of the Lord. Set our hearts to His call.







Do You See And Understand The Handwriting On The Wall ?

Heaven rules always. The kings of Babylon learned that the hard way.  In the Book of Daniel, He tells us of the events of the pride of the kings of Babylon ran into  justice by the hand of God.  King Nebuchadnezzar was turned into a beast/ bird type creature and ate off the land for seven years. He then learned God rules in the kingdom of men.

The King Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Belshazzar, was partying blaspheming God by praising things made in this earth and partying with the Lord’s vessels.  He was given a great shaking as a hand appeared and wrote some Hebrew words on the wall. He was measured by God and was found lacking. He lost his life and kingdom that night by an invasion.

In chapter 18 of Revelation, verse 4-5, we are instructed, And I heard another voice of heaven saying, Come out of her, My people, least you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

Paul also warns us in 2 Corinthians 6;16- 7;1, And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: I will dwell among them. I will be there God and they shall be My people. Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Remember when we were kids, we pushed and pushed our parents to get something we wanted. I believe an expression is to push to the breaking point. Well, our God looks at a cup that becomes full of iniquity and it starts to drip. That is His breaking point, when the time is fulfilled.

As it is written in Psalm 75: We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near. When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly. The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved; I set up its pillars firmly. I said to the boastful, do not deal boastfully, and to the wicked, do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck.  For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is Judge. He puts one down, and exalts another. For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; and it is fully mixed, and He pours it out; surely its dregs shall all the earth drain and drink down. But I will declare forever, I will sing the praises to the God of Jacob. All the horns of the wicked I will also cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

There are two cups in the hand of our God. One is of wrath and one is of mercy…. the blood and life that was shed of our Lord :

Palms 116;12-19, What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord, now in the presence of all His people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. 

Why do you think it is written that the Lord holds precious to His heart the death of His saints?

Paul stated in Galatians 6;14-16, But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. For in Christ neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them and upon the Israel of God.

As we are bathed in the blood of our Lord Jesus, may we walk in the fullness of the newness of life that He has died to give us.  May our ways show to His heart how much we treasure His cup that He has offered us in Himself.

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

God has warned us to get out of Babylon, so we do not share in her sins and live in her plagues…..Well, we live in the world but we are not to be part of it….

Holy Spirit, please increase in us the way to love the Lord with our whole heart, mind and life today. As we hear Your voice today, may we have ears to hear and to turn to righteousness. Thank You that we can do all things by Christ who strengthens us. Thank You for Your grace and mercy, Father. We delight that You have called us Your sons and daughters. Lord, teach us how to walk in fullness of Your kingdom today.  In Jesus Name, we ask this and thank You. We Love You.

Our Heavenly Father gave us His Food for His kingdom at a great cost. He made sure we are fully satisfied by His Provision.  Babylon offers no comfort for our restless hearts. There is only One Place that satisfies our broken hearts.   Living there is our fullness of joy and our hearts contentment. Living in the heart of our Father in Christ Jesus, our Lord. The Best Secret Place in the universe and eternity…. and it is ours, beloved!

Celebrate Our Independence To Be Dependent!! Uh?

We thank You, Heavenly Father, for our independence in this nation of America to be able to live our life free in depending on You as our One True Living God.  We take a bold stand to obey Your commands and live according to Your ways. We proclaim Your Sovereignty in all things that pertain to our lives and this nation.

We hold the standard high,  boasting of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. We walk  in humility, as we are poor in spirit. How we hunger for Your righteousness and justice. How we labor to seek after You with our whole heart, having great thanksgiving that You hear our cries. O Holy One, there is no one like You. We are so thankful that You have called us to be Your own. May You see in our hearts and lives that You are our Treasure.

We come to You, Father God, today, and ask that You forgive our turning away and compromise. We repent that we have been slack in standing in the gap and standing watch.  We have grown complacent in our blessings, they have been our distraction instead of us seeking Your Face in more diligence, the blessings have drawn us from You.

Please renew our hearts in the Fire of Your Presence.  May You increase in us the boldness and strength to complete the race that You have put before this generation to hold Your standard high.  As the enemy comes in like a flood, Father, we ask that we are strengthened with abandoned love to lift the cross of Jesus Christ and His shed blood over all influx of evil. In Your abundant grace and mercy,  may we, Your people, continue to be Your light on a hill.

May Your glory live through our lives as our lives glorify Your name. O, Father, thank You for all of Your love always pouring forth in Your mercy. Your mercy triumphs in judgment.  Only You, Father, can change hearts to You and Your Son. I thank You, that You do not delight in the perishing of the wicked, so again we ask for Your Spirit of grace to hover over the people of this nation and do what You do best- draw men with Your love and grace to Your Son, Jesus Christ.

You are our only Solution to the vast plagues that our vexing this nation. We declare, as Your people, our delightful dependence on You, our great God.  Please increase  our hearts in Your strength and power. So we may live by Your Spirit in  a life purely sold out to You and You alone. All the glory, honor and blessings  are Yours forever and ever. Amen.

We love You Father. We love You, Jesus Christ and  We love Your Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your abundant mercy and grace to awaken Your people in this land today. May we learn the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom that we may know how far we have fallen from the position You have called us in Your Son.

Thank You for hearing our prayers. There is no one like You. You will be exalted in this nation, for You are God and there is no other.

In Jesus Name, we ask. Amen!


Lord, Guide Me With Your Eye…

So logs on fire burning lobsters…..Now send this word to all in charge from headquarters…… what???

We look at Revelation chapter 17 in the book of Revelation. We witness the great harlot in the wilderness that all the kings of the earth have committed fornication.

So what does that mean?In verse 4, the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.

As we backtrack a minute to chapter 1 of Revelation, I remind you by scriptures 5 &6: and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

One woman is clothed with stuff of this world which is going to pass away. The stuff of this world is the pride of life, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes. The bride of the Lamb is clothed with His shining glory forever because she does the will of God. The view of her is withheld until later in the Book of Revelation. In fact, both women cannot be  seen by the eye of the flesh only by the Spirit of God.

There are set before us the ones that have chosen the mountain of the flesh or the world instead of Mount Zion. According to God, they have committed fornication with the world against Him.  There are kings and priests in both camps. God still is separating the different waters ( nations) as in the second day of creation.

What would we think of someone who knew our brake fluid was leaking out of our car and never said —WATCH OUT! Get out of the car or stop the way you are going… You will die in a crash…. We would not think so highly of that person for not warning us.

Well, God is not angry, however, He is holy.  He delights in those who seek Him with their whole heart, their life, everything. Don’t be concern, His grace and Spirit carry us through the tough times of obedience.

The logs that are burning are false doctrine that the Spirit of God wants burned now. Hey, better burn false thinking and correct our living now then get burned later!!!!!

The only way to worship our God now is by Spirit and Truth as Jesus said to Nicodemus, a leader, in the Book of John, chapter 3.  Jesus also stated that unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.   Check it out!

The lobster being burned is the affluent style of living of those in the church. A storm is coming. Look at the signs of the times, a storm is coming, people.  Jesus Christ, our Victorious Champion, was counted with the transgressors. He was betrayed by His own. He was beaten and bruised for our sakes…..  The followers of Jesus are to take this route.  Or do we not go this way because of what people may think? Judgment starts at the house of God. It is coming, people.  He is here in our midst…. He who creates the ear, can He not hear? He who creates the eye, can He not see?

Our life in Christ is not an amusement park ride. Some people want to feel their way through the Spirit on their emotions. He is not there in our flesh. He is not here for amusement. He is here for us to learn to  adore  and worship above all else our Lord King Jesus Christ as we learn to die to ourselves on the cross, as He.

Have we, church? Have we counted everything loss to gain Him, our King? Paul said that all will suffer persecution that pursue godliness…. if we are not suffering any kind of persecution, then what are we pursuing.

Affluence and wealth, and good opinions will fade away. Only what we do for Him in love will remain….Let us sharpen our sword of the Spirit. Let us set our heart to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. The Word of God is our greatest need as well as our greatest and only  Solution.

Let us cast as dung anything that keeps us comfortable, thinking highly of ourselves and feeds our emotions. There is nothing righteous in ourselves, only in Christ do we have His righteousness.  Only in Him, is our salvation, our rest and our true place in God…. Forsake all else to stay there, my sisters and brothers in Christ……

for a storm is coming.



Is This For Now, Later Or Was It Before And Will Happen Again?

The God we serve is the Great I Am. He is always present and ever knowing the end from the beginning. He knows our beginning and our end, for it is written. Even every tear we shed is captured in His bottle and He has numbered our hairs on our head.

His mercy triumphs in judgment. But let us not take advantage of the All Knowing and All Seeing God. Remember with Him there is no darkness, for darkness is light to Him.  So what we may think is hidden from His eyes is not.

It is written in 1 Peter 4;17-19, For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel? Now “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will be the ungodly and the sinner appear?” Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.

The seven angels with the seven plagues, which are the wrath of God are released in chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation. Now here is my question…Have some of the cups of wrath in part been released during some of the past and current generations…..  or is this for a future event?  Then I have to ask about Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, or Judas as the son (sons) of perdition? I then also have to ask about the different plagues that have engulfed many past generations and current.

Our view from heaven in the spiritual realm  shows the results  of the angels pouring out the cups of wrath.  In heaven they are called plagues or His wrath, but as you read this chapter the results are definitely symbolic.

It is still not the end of the story of mankind……some of these bowls of wrath even allow evil to put forth a plan…? Why is that? God is sovereign.  Remember He wrote the script!

Our Lord consistently gives grace to the humble and resists the proud.  Remember His great love during His corrections and judgments.    He is God and will be exalted among the nations as written in Psalm 48 and we should….

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

Therefore, beloved, looking forward to the things be diligent to be found by Him in peace, with out spot and blameless; and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation- as also our beloved brother Paul, according the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as written in 2 Peter 7-15.

The bottom line as the different items of the tribulation come to shake the nations, we should hold strong to the word of God admonishing us to pursue holiness, peace and godliness…. As we live a life of hotly pursuing Jesus Christ, looking for Him, talking to Him… crying for Him…then these words of His won’t be for us, I pray: Revelation 16:15, Behold, I am coming as thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.

Selah… Pray…. Selah!!!! Our Lord’s arms are still stretched out pouring forth His grace and love and mercy to any who turn and know their need of Him. Do you see His eye’s tearing with love for you now? I do…. Turn and be healed, you are His beloved…Receive His Love today. Selah!

No Sharks Allowed Here!

In  chapter 15: 2 of the Book of Revelation, we witness  the finished product of those who has victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.

I want you to note something, a harp in Strong’s concordance means to twang.  I looked up the word twang in Webster’s dictionary and it states to be released or to resound with a sharp, vibrating sound. Now imagine a sea of glass ( His nation) mingled with fire ( the Holy Spirit) resounding a sound of the song of the Lamb and Moses.

Now to God’s ears these words are as a song, but His nation is resounding a sound of glory to God and His Lamb for all the world to hear as we speak the next verses of exaltation to Him who reigns…..

These are also standing, they are establishing the kingdom of God by overcoming the mark of the beast and the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death….

I saw a shark today very close to shore as I was walking… I was praying on the sea of glass as I saw the beauty of the glistening water reflecting the rays of the sun… It was breathtaking, I would never think that under that beauty lurked an eating machine that has no regard for anything or anyone. He is doing what God created him to do… devour.

I  started to contemplate the book of James chapter 3.  He mentions how man can train horses and control ships….. he does not mention how man can control a shark or our tongue.  The best way to handle a shark is to kill it, I may be wrong.  However, I look at sharks as the same as a poisonous snake…. just kill it. What can be done with our tongue?  Selah!

A sea of glass is transparent, nothing hidden in its midst.  No tricking, no deceit. No leviathan or sharks here, thank God!  The people who are standing on this glass have no deceit, nothing is hidden in their lives. They do not live to trick, manipulate or lie to God or others…. They have overcome the nature of the beast.

This clear sea or nation now reflects that SON, because He is in her midst.They have been purified by the fire of God….now.

They chose the narrow road…We don’t know what is in our hearts that is against the nature of God…. but He does and He is faithful to show us and give us a chance to change…. from glory to glory… His grace and Holy Spirit.

The ones standing on the sea of glass praising and sounding the sound of heaven have said yes to His cleansing fire now…..

See what is around the corner for those who have not said yes to Him…. Selah!

As Peter warned us in 1 Peter 1:10, Therefore, brethern, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.

What things is Peter saying we should be doing?  …..Check out his instructions…… Until next time…. Be strong in the Lord and all His might!



Behold!!! The Beauty Of The King!!!

As it is written in Isaiah 52:1-3, Awake, awake! Put on strength, O Zion; Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city! For the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come to you. Shake  yourself from the dust, arise; Sit down, Jerusalem! Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion! For thus says the Lord: You have sold yourselves for nothing, and shall be redeemed without money.

Peter warns us in 2 Peter 2:19-20, While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning.

We always go after what we desire….however, when we become His, our desires should start changing. He has given us grace and power to obey the two commandments Jesus left us.  There is a reason for the word written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 

There are still two mountains to choose from as in the day of Moses….. One mountain represented the commands of God that led to blessings if obeyed and the other mountain had the commands of God that if were broken led to the curses of God….

Now, we can choose to live by the Spirit of God or the spirit of the world. Each one leaves a mark on our souls. Do not  be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits, as Paul warned in 1 Corinthians 15:33. There is such a glorious world in the Spirit that is available to us. The tinsel of today is no comparison to see our Lord’s gaze upon us as we behold Him in His beauty of holiness.

Which mountain are we partaking in? What is our heart’s biggest desire? How do we use our gift of time?   The answers to these questions are important….. the Lord Jesus already knows the truth in each of our hearts. Selah……

Sometimes we have to just say no to the distractions and say yes to the Lord. For it is written to behold our King, we then become the same image of Him from glory to glory…..if not we do not change, we are left with the marks of the world…..

The Book of Revelation 14;6-7, Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth- to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people- saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.

Since we do not know the time when the day of the Lord’s judgment is coming. How should we live? I know I want to keep swimming in the ocean of His love. His love is so wide, so long, so deep, and so high…. I can never get enough of Jesus Christ and this Magnificent God we have been redeemed for.   Right…. we have been redeemed for God. Our lives are not our own anymore….. Selah!

Come in and swim in the ocean of His great love! Let’s make sure the marks we have in the spiritual realm are of His Spirit, His mind, His heart and therefore His work…. then He alone gets the glory due Him as we sing our new song to our King Jesus Christ.

Come and join us as we continue to study the Book of Revelation as well as get my book on this study. Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lords Of All Lords, And The Judge Of His Creation is the book’s title.

Until next time, let’s keep watch on our hearts and where they are leading us… Selah!


What’s The Deal About Fellowship?

1 Corinthians 1:7-9, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Paul ends his greetings by reminding us that God brought us His grace in salvation through Jesus Christ and will complete it in us…..He is strong and faithful towards us…Isn’t He awesome?… We can rest in the arms of grace in Jesus Christ.

What we fellowship with is very important in the call that God has toward us.   I know to keep the peace that God has given me through Jesus Christ, my mind has to stay on Him. I know to keep the fellowship of His sufferings, I have to keep my mind on Jesus Christ. So I will walk humbly with my Savior and learn His mercy and patience. I know to keep the knowledge of His presence with Me, I have to keep my spiritual eyes and heart to be  attentive to His gentle Spirit leading the way I am  to go and obey.

The book of Acts is full of the leading of the Holy Spirit in ways of God that were not done before. Remember it is written in Isaiah 43:18-21, Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast in the field shall honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise.

Our God is huge and He has no boundaries in doing the impossible for those who believe that He can and will …

Father, we honor and love You. We thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit indwelling in us…. Father, I thank You that we now have an open heaven in fellowshipping or communing with You always. You are not far from each of us, You are nearer than our mouth!  Please give us the grace to put down the distractions of today, and teach us to sit and listen to Your heart. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

Let it be not said about us what Paul said in his exhortation at the finishing of his letter to the Corinthians 15:34, Awake to righteousness, and do not sin, for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. 

We all have been given an awesome opportunity to know God and His Son by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. I do not think anything on the facebook or websites or the net or T.V. can compete with our God…. At least I hope that is not what is found in the days of our lives.

As we continue our study in Revelation chapter 14, what marks are the ones we should be showing? If we all could see in the spiritual realm, what would we see? Would we see the marks of the Holy Spirit on us or the marks of the beast?   What should we beware of once we walk through the door of salvation? When we enter into a store, we never just stop there do we?  We always get what we need in the store…. same way with our salvation in Christ Jesus…..   What are you talking about lady?

Check in next time and learn what I mean Meanwhile, pick up a copy of my book on studying the book of Revelation. It is called Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation. 

Until next time, God bless and may His Spirit bring to you all peace and joy in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen!!



But Then I Shall Know Just As I Am Known….

What does this 1 Corinthians 13:12 scripture have to do the first chapter of 1 Corinthians 1;5-8?  Here are the verses: that you were enriched in every thing by Him, in speech and knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of  our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of the our Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul doesn’t want us lacking any reward that we can reap from the Holy Spirit.  The word gift is also interchangeable with the word reward… The same meaning is for the gifts of the Holy Spirit referenced in 1 Corinthians 12.  That word reward makes us meditate a little bit….

In school, we get a reward of our works….our work gets graded.  The teacher’s prerogative is to give us a passing or failing grade. They usually measure  the depth of our understanding of the subject. So does the Teacher that was sent to us, the Holy Spirit.

What do you think the understanding of our Subject is that the Holy Spirit is measuring? How is the fruit of our testing? That is the trying out  of our knowledge and all speech of our Subject?   Selah…..

In our culture, we think gifts come to us in a different way. In America, we get gifts at Christmas, usually even if we have been bad! We get gifts for our birthday, when God has really numbered our days. We making it through another year is not really of our hard work! The Almighty God is the only giver of our breath and days on this earth.

The reward of the measure or grade of our faith in walking  the ways of  the King’s kingdom is the Holy Spirit’s job.

My question is what do you think the Holy Spirit uses as a “answer sheet” to our testing? Do you think our diligence or lack there of is important to the Holy Spirit as it would be to a good teacher in our school system? If so, what will catch a pleasing eye of the Holy Spirit towards a student?
