
Is The Cloud Bringing Rain Or Snow On Us Today?

Is it raining or snowing as we climb the hill to see His light in the dark of night?

Can a used dish be sold by someone who does not own the dish? If you have not eaten from that dish how can you sell it? If you have not drunk from the Lord’s hand His favor and strength for suffering, how can you teach it? And how can one know His drink or meat if they have not themselves drank from His cup or ate His meat from His hand?

If you have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death with Him, how can you tell of His greatness and gentleness? If you are now sitting at His table set before our enemies, even….enjoying His cup and meat and all the reproach that it brings…… How can you show the way to all of His faithfulness and endurance in which His embrace brings?

Drink from your own cup discipled to you from Holy Spirit. Only He knows what your purpose is for His glory….. Let Him speak to you what He has intended for you from the foundation of the world.

I can hear you all ask- huh? Ask Him to reveal His Son in you and you won’t say huh? You will shake your head up and down and mutter- hmmm. Thank You Lord for Your showing us Your way for each part of Your body.

Are we trying to make God into a Hallmark movie?

Into our idol of feel good and fluffy duffy feelings?

No real substance but a beginning of a romance…. They never show the trials of following and marrying a Leader that was rejected by all mankind and still is rejected…… And so shall we be, if we are not yet.

Yup, it will be as written so strengthen the weak knees and limp hands. He is a mighty God to bring us through it all for His glory and we get to partake of His greatness.

I know the End from His Beginning and I join in His rank for the long haul…. Not by my might shall I be found in Him, but by the strength of the King of all kings, shall I be there…He never let one of my hairs perish. His faithfulness will be glowing for all to see what He had done for me.

Not by my own merit….But by His name and blood, I will be found hidden in My King in God.

Glory to Him alone.

All said shall be of His grace and Spirit of mercy. Glory be HIS forever and ever!

Did not Jesus say to us in Matthew 8 :23-27,

Now when He got into a boat,

His disciples followed Him,

and suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea,

so that the boat was covered with the waves.

But He was asleep.

Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, Lord save us! We are perishing!

But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?

Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea,

and there was a great calm.

Seek the Lord while He may be found,

call upon Him while He is near.

Let the wicked forsake His way,

and the unrighteous man his thought, but;

let him return to the Lord,

and He will have mercy on him;

and to our God,

for He will abundantly pardon.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher then the earth,

so are My ways higher than your ways,

and My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,

and do not return there,

but water the earth and make it bring forth the bud,

that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

and it shall not return to Me void,

but it shall accomplish what I please,

and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it, ( Isaiah 55:6-12).

The manifestation of His Son in us is as written in John 14:23-25:

Jesus answered and said to him, if anyone loves Me, He will keep My word;

and My Father will love him,

and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.

These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name,

He will teach you all things,

and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

We need His Word in our hearts and then obedience shows how we treasure and love Him.

In our western culture, we go out to restaurants.

We usually go to a restaurant where we enjoy the food. We do not go to a restaurant where we think the food stinks, right?

So if we like fast food, we frequent those type restaurants.

If we like sit down, the same applies. We will frequent the ones we enjoy.

So, what if our body is missing certain needful foods that are to enrich our bodies so we function at the best that God has determined? If we only eat out once a week at a restaurant, what happens then?

Would you frequent a restaurant that uses someone else’s dishes but not their own?

Would you frequent a restaurant that serves the full essential meal that is required so the body functions as we should? What if it was hard to swallow?


Okay, aren’t churches or gatherings like a restaurant? We go there to hear the Word of God. We get to eat a meal there for our spirit man……..

But the service that we attend should not be the only meal we eat all week, right?

Some folks only eat one meal a week for their spirit on Sunday mornings.

Only if you are partaking of a fasted lifestyle and sort of miss meals, is the above normal in natural food, not spiritual.

In fact, fasting aids in putting a plug in the flesh to enhance the avenue of our spirit man to hear from God……. We do not fast to make God move, but widen our ear to hear and receive His Word in our hearts. It closes one avenue and opens up His.

But I bet you, we eat more meals than once a week for our bodies, right? What about our spirit man’s food? Just let him starve? You did not for your natural, why for the spiritual?

This should not be….that we only partake of our King on Sunday am. We rarely sit down at His table to feast with Him in His presence and allow the Word of God become us in the flesh Monday through Saturday. We forsake allowing the Spirit of God to increase in us and the flesh starve itself.

Many have a spirit man which are starving….but the flesh is way too strong and stifles the Spirit of God within them. They do not hear- Come to Me…… Feast with Me….. I want you with Me where I AM….

What if restaurants only made desserts, or just salads or just served eggs? Well, you say, you would go there when you are craving that particular food….. But you would not make it a steady diet, right?

How can we expect a 20 – 45 minute serving to our spirit man enough to satisfy and keep us on the straight and narrow in His will?

How do we know the Word of God to abide in Him?

If we do not know the Word, we cannot abide in Him and it is written – 1 John 2:24-25:

Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning.

If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you will also abide in the Son and in the Father.

And this is the promise that He has promised us-eternal life.

The written Word of God, the Bible, is the full counsel of God. All of His Word came down to us from heaven as the rain and snow and will be fulfilled in time—– if you believe, in you and me and others through out time.

But it is hard to believe when we only eat once a week on a meal.

We do not even know if the restaurant is still open if we do not go there to partake regularly!

Do we study His Word as we would a love letter from our spouse or our loved one?

Why not?

Okay, hard to read?


Is it like eating only vegies, when you are craving sweet and soft food?….. Is it hard to digest?

Do we need to cleanse our pallet, as if we would start a new drawing or painting.

We get rid of the old pallet in the death of Christ, we died and now……

We now allow the written word of God to start His own color scheme and drawings upon on our heart so He may show the Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus written on our hearts?

This is written in 2 Corinthians- check it out. He wants to do a TA-DAH!

Let Him make the Word in us.

If His ways are above ours, why do we neglect to ask the Holy Spirit to make the conversation from heaven into our heart here on earth easier to comprehend?

Remember, ask and you shall….. what—- never get? Or is it written- receive?

We need His Spirit to understand His Spirit which is the heart of God shown by the Word of God.

But as all children show their hearts to their father and mother…… We ask for what we want and not necessarily what we profess or need.

We keep wanting the Holy Spirit to come down, when He has in Pentecost….. Yes, He does manifest in different ways and measures at different times. However, He is here….. He should be residing in us mightily.

However, He has come to bring us up to the heavenlies and view the earth from God’s point of view…..So we may see as He does and speak as He does…..

So out of our mouths comes the word of God as the rain and the snow that water the earth thus He fulfills His word.

Out of the abundance of our hearts our mouth speak as written….So our hearts, our minds and thoughts must be filled with His Word.

Not the media….

Not the news….. But His….alone will never fade.

We need to feast on Him, the Word of God, more than we even eat our daily bread….. We should be eating the Word of God in greater measure…and be in prayer in Him more than in television or media.

Remember- in His trial- He spoke- Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God!

Let me ask a question, does anybody see this day may be as a trial run for preparation as we get strong in Spirit to come out in all power of Him? Lay down the toys and be clothed in His armor?

There should be no comparison, in where we should be investing our time. The balance should be in favor of His Word and in prayer with God. Our scales in our hearts and ears should be tipping in God’s favor. Not toward the world.

May it not be as one day approaches, we think and regret, why did I not take good counsel?

Why did I not turn off the world as if my life depended on it? ( P.S. Your life does depend on it).

Why did I not sit before Him with my ears opened to hear His Word spoken to me in depths of my heart?

Why did I not waste my time in Him?

Why did I not give Him the preeminence then when I could?

Why did I not work my faith muscle when I could ?

Yes, it is hard.

Learning a new language is hard. But worth it, especially when you hear Him speak words which settles things that rise up before our face.

Yes, to know He will send one angel to bring down the rising tide……We wait!

Yes, to know His word has gone out and will not return void…… and to know You never sleep or slumber, Lord. We trust……. as we give Him our all.

We thank You that all things work together for those who love You and are called according to your purpose.

Lord, thank You that You are working in me to fulfill Your good purpose on the earth…..

May my ears be tuned only to Your frequency…of majesty.

So as I close my thoughts of His greatness and our need for Him which is great, I encourage you to first make sure your restaurant is serving the full counsel of God….

You will only know the full counsel of God if you read and study His Word…… I think that is a no brainer!

Know the Word so you may know what you are feasting on Sunday is from the truth and grace of God……

We need Holy Spirit so He must be talked about by those who have eaten from His cup and drank the wine of His death and resurrection.

We must know the image of Christ is God’s purpose to be found in us when it is His Day!

Now allow Holy Spirit to do His work> Do not quench the Spirit. Sometimes we think the devil is doing the uprooting when it is Holy Spirit bringing His grace and strength in us to be as Christ’s building, His foundation….. So we may stand strong on His Day leaning on our King……

Knowing He knows us and we are His! He knows the house we are in- HIS!!!

All the struggle and discipline in following His footsteps will be so worth it and not one tear of regret will be found on our cheeks……..

All will know as our adversaries will see how He loves us.

Please do not be religious in sitting with Him, go to your secret place or while your driving or cooking….

You do not have to kneel while engaging with our King….I mean if you want sure- but do not limit your communion to that pose…… He speaks in the shower, cutting the grass….. as well as, dreams and visions…..sitting or sleeping on the couch.

He is earnest to show you all things.

Do not limit the Holy One displaying His love for you.

He wants our ears to hear while we live our day….. He wants us to hear His guidance through our life…..

We are One in Him and He likes to pop into our thoughts as we pop into His!

He is a real God and is God over us all day and all night….

Be open to hear and then write what He says……

Ponder it in your hearts….Know His life in you as your testimony.

He is knocking……

Open the Door to His heart and yours and eat like you never have eaten before.

So when all else may be gone, His relationship with you still goes on…..Beloved, you have been established on the Rock.

Eat from His meat for you and drink from His cup for you……. What is it to you what others are doing in Him……. Remember the body has many functions…..Keep in obedience to where He leads you.

Be encouraged to hear and see Him, then act accordingly.

See Him smile as you make His day by supping with Him before the day fades away.


When the cloud is dark that came out of no where. Luminously following you as you may be walking. You are led to climb the hill of His light. You see through His shining the cloud bringing the billowing white snow flakes dropping out of heaven… This is way out of season now to be His season. We will know and be ready for His Words to be fulfilled. Smiling we know, it’s time, His time.


Psalm 81:13-16, Oh that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! I would soon subdue their enemies. and turn My hand against their adversaries. The haters of the Lord would pretend submission to Him, but their fate would endure forever; He would have fed them with the finest of wheat ; and with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.

Jude 24: Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen!

How Are We Found In The Weighing?

Every man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, ( Proverbs 21:2).

How do you think He weighs the hearts of men?

What do you think is His plumb line?

Is it the fame of men?

Is it the amount of money you have stowed away in the banks and markets?

Is it the initials after your name that distinguish you from others in the eyes of our God?

How does our God weigh the hearts of men?

May it be that many speak well of you?

Some may think the better they are known, the better God thinks of them….

HMMM……. A big hmmm too, right?

Here is the first thought that is revealed to us by Jesus in Luke 20-26:

Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled.

Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.

Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude,

and revile you, and cast out your name as evil,

for the Son of Man’s sake.

Rejoice in that day and leap for joy!

For indeed your reward is great in heaven, for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.

But woe to you who are rich, for you have received consolation.

Woe to you who are full for you shall hunger.

Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.

Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Here are some more thoughts from the King of all kings for us to be mindful of His Words….. The only words which will remain, by the way…… I pray they are found in our hearts billowing out much fruit and blessing towards the Son of God and His Father……Our Father……..

And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God, (Luke 16:15).

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin;

He condemned sin in the flesh,

that the righteous requirement of the law

might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh

but according to the Spirit.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh,

but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.

So then those in the flesh cannot please God.

But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit,

if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.

Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness, ( Romans 8:1-10).

We know that it is impossible to please God without faith……. As written in Hebrews 11:6:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him…..

So without faith it is impossible to please God and also stated above in Romans 8:8, those who walk in the flesh cannot please God……

We may come to a conclusion for those who walk in the flesh and not in His Spirit of God will not have the faith that pleases God…… That is a very big conclusion!!……. Take heed ! Understand what He says and then we may truly understand what He means as we walk in Him……

Therefore, brethren, we are debtors- not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.

For if you live according to the flesh you will die,

but if by the Spirit you will put to death the deeds of the body you will live.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear,

but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father.

The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God,

and if children, then heirs- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together, ( Romans 8:12-17).

I know there is a lot scripture to comprehend but in this SCRIPTURE are found the rich promises that we are to adhere to and live by God!!!!….. For in obeying in faith and by His Spirit we shall inherit a great reward. As it is written all those who seek Him and believe He is and have lived by what is written above ; His Words will be rooted and grounded in our hearts and we will be rewarded.

Take heed!!!!! The red light is blinking!!!!! Why?

Slow down!

Turn off the world!

Tune into Him and listen!

Ask for discernment and understanding to walk according to His Spirit!

Most of all,

Bow to His cross.

Take His bloody sacrifice as your redemption to draw near.

Repent of rebellion to His ways and His heart!

Turn to Him and ask for all His help to restore you to what He has intended from the foundation of the world…. Do not turn back and do not run….. His hand is on you….You will not out run Him….. Turn to Him…. Ask for Him to teach you all you need to know of Him…. Be established in His Life, eternal life. Hold on to Him as if there is nothing left in the world.

Walk there with Him in His cross…… He will show you all things! Yes, it is hard, but it is the Truth…. It is your freedom of what is next…. Fear is replaced with faith in His everlasting love for you…. Come and see how real He is in you and in me.

Then as you go on the narrow road, the time will be when His Spirit will come and abide in you. All the light bulbs will be turned on inside of you. By His Word and His Spirit, He has given you all things that make for a godly life so you shall not fail. Remember, He is there holding you on your way…… Yes, His love is never ending and will never fail you….. Come and see, what all will be.

See the Words that have been written long ago to be placed in you heart for all eternity:

For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

What then we shall we say to these things?

If God is for us, who can be against us?

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?

It is God who justifies.

Who is he who condemns?

It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us, ( Romans 8:28-34).

Who can turn away such a salvation offered to us by a God who loved us so much to be with us, He died a horrible death and laid His life down so we may partake of Him in His death and resurrection.

He is the Light of the World, a world which is descending daily into deeper darkness….. Grab the Light while you can. Turn to His cry and His call to you today….. Do not turn away…… He still holds you in the palm of His hand…… Remember, the mystery has been revealed.

He is building His temple. He has had you in mind from the foundation of the world to be a part of His body. Fulfill His purpose of His call within you. Come and see the King of glory that became the Lamb of God for you.

And there is more…… You coming?…… Faith replaces the fear and off we go…..

Come and see, My eyes have never left you from before creation as I AM has created you in My mind. I AM picked the day you would come into the world…….. Now I AM is calling you to become Mine in and through I AM, the Son of God, again….. The bloody sacrifice is here for you…… Wash clean in My life giving blood. I AM is the first of many brethren resurrected from the dead. Join Me as My brethren.

Come and see how all of this is supposed to be…. Do not hesitate. Do not stop….. Just because you may not see, all things will be made clear to you, if you will first believe in Me…… My Words will then unfold before you as a stony path that by faith you will walk in My way. This is the way of righteousness which I AM has called and declared for you. You are part of My temple being built by My Spirit.

I AM in you. Hear as I AM speaks, let Me be found in you today…….. My Word and My Spirit are to abide in you richly in all Wisdom as I AM has been made unto you. Do not think, you will walk alone anymore for I AM is with you forevermore.

As you abide in I AM as My Words are found in you, My Spirit will speak of Me and you will know what to do…… Do not hesitate to make the world voiceless as you go with endurance seeking I AM…..You will not miss a thing of importance…. Remember, who I AM- I know the Ending before the Beginning……My Spirit will make known to you all things before they happen. You will be satisfied. Make the choice of who is going to win this fight of life……Be dead to the world and alive unto Me or dead to Me and alive to the world. Be wise for I AM has been made unto you all Wisdom, Righteousness and Sanctification from the Ancient of Days. I AM all you need. I AM the Answer of the days.

Do not hesitate and do not look back…. Forward only is the place where I AM found…..We already met back at the cross where My blood has washed all your sins and I AM has thrown them as far as the east is from the west….. In I AM is where you live….There will always be days of the cross as well as days of the resurrection of My power within you….. Both are needed for My image to be brought forth.

The mystery of My life brings not repentance of your sins again…. Oh child, do you not see the sins are gone with Me. Now We walk together as you see the sacrifice of your bodies, holy and acceptable to I AM. Every time you lay down your wish or will for Mine…… I AM sees the cross in you as My image in you increases.

Oh yes, some will bring your past up like an old shoe caught on a fishing line….. Do not partake for they only want to cast you down from your high place in Me…..So just cut the line. Let them be and keep coming to Me…..The blind will lead the blind. But you have been given the grace to know all I AM has for you now know. You are found and resting in I AM. They do not see the new creation of I AM in you…… It does not matter, I AM does. This is the work of My Spirit- inside out….Most build from the frame to the inside….. Oh no, not found in the new creation of Christ….. The secret of I AM within is as you are hidden in Me in God…… Not for all to see, but most important, I AM sees all that you are allowing for Me to be through you.

Peace and stillness of your soul because you have found your rest and place in I AM…… The secret smile of two who share so many secrets….. Oh yes, the shared expression of a wink of My eye as you see and know all that you mean to Me.

The tides will rise and the tides will fall, but through them all, you will lean on Me. You will know Your King is holding you through it all. Be still and keep standing in your dependence on I AM….. I AM sees all.

Know My eyes are on every place. Keeping watch on the good and evil.

Beloved, we know now what the final scales are of the King……. Take heed and know we shall be found in Him on His day if we abide in His Word all the way……. This means keeping His Words before us and in us always….. Heeding to them as our only way.


Thank You, Holy One, that Your way is not obscure to leave us wondering….. You mean what You say and say what You mean. Thank You for Your Spirit of grace that we may learn Your ways over all our days…. The greatest gift You have given through Your Son Jesus Christ is that we may know You now. We may sit before You. You hear our prayers and answer us. Thank You for the strength of Your presence……Our joy in You. We praise You and lift You high! You have given us all things to know and delight in You…. You are there in hard times and the best times for You are out of time! We thank You for bringing us into Your purpose in Your Son. Thank You for revealing Your secrets and entrusting us to pray as You. Thank You for hearing our prayers and always speaking to us as we find ourselves in a hard spot….. We stand still and know You are turning things for our good.

Thank You and WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Your Kids!

Selah !!!!

The Cost of Oil Or You Revealed Your Son In Me

The cost of oil…….Hmmm. Now be honest! What did you think of? The current cost of crude oil or the pure Oil which is symbolic of our Holy Spirit… The Spirit of Jesus which resides in us as scripture states…..if we believe….. Men seem to control the crude oil but God gives River of Life for whoever cries for Him and thirsts. Then as He keeps His promise of out of our bellies will flow rivers of living waters as written John 7:37. Yes, we agree….. Reveal Your Son in me…..His call to come and know Him is what we hear today……

Give me grace go to all Your way. Amen!

There is a cost for having both…… But, His Oil really out weighs the cost of a barrel of crude oil…..Without Holy Spirit, (the Oil), is the cost of Eternal Life…. For as written, when we have Jesus Christ, His Spirit, we have life and the knowledge of the Holy One. When He sees us, He knows whose house we are from.

Crude oil, I find the name alone says it is from the earth. Sadly, seems to be more valued and sought after then the Spirit of Jesus Christ……..But, now we speak of much better things for our focus is on heavenly things. Right?

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created, ( Revelation 4:11).

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, and in all things He may have preeminence.

For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross, ( Colossians 1:15-20).

So we are the church, the body of Christ, right?

I hope you said yes. You are also probably thinking, this is pretty elementary…..

Let me lay a foundation found in Christ:

He is the firstborn of all creation…

He has created all things…

Jesus Christ is the firstborn raised from the dead….

In Him all things are created and exist….

In Him all things are created through Him and for Him…..

He is the head of the church, the body of Christ……..

We are found in Him, having not our own righteousness as stated in Philippians.

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

For in Him dwells the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principalities and power. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the circumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven all your trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And has taken it our of the way having nailed it to the cross.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. So let no one judge you in food or drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ, ( Colossians 2:9- 17).

We have established a foundation of Christ Jesus as in Him all things were created…. That means you and I when were born into the world by Him….. But there is more exciting news if we dig a little deeper into His Word from Colossians.

When He died on the cross, He died with all the sins of men with Him, whether they believe or not,….because we all are dead in our trespasses or sins as stated, but the One who never knew sin….. Our bodies are alive but our spirit man to hear God, was dead. The heavens were closed to us.

So, when He died, because all who sin have died, but He did not sin, He died for us…… But when He rose from the dead, we all rose with Him….. into this new creation, The new creation is where Christ is the firstborn of those who are raised from the dead as stated in the Colossians scripture above,…. Again, the new creation is for Him, by Him and through Him and before Him so He gets the preeminence.

So there is more offered to us and even mandated, if I may be so bold, to us than just being saved.

Yes, as Jesus stated to Nicodemus, aka “Nick at night”, in chapter 3:5-8, Jesus answered, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said that you must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone born of the Spirit.

We believe in Jesus Christ and are saved from the death due from our sins…….. We believe that He has blown into us His breath of Life as to be born again by His Spirit. , He breathed on them, and said, receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained, ( John 20:21-22). We then become the children of God as written in John 1, check it out!

There is more……

Jesus answered and said to him, ‘ If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him, ( John 14:23).

I might be overloading you with scripture, but this is some part of the foundation that we stand. The Rock of Ages is where we awake upon and rest in.

If Christ Jesus is in all things that have been created…..

HE IS IN YOU AND ME as we abide in Him as His new creation.

Believe the Word of God and you shall be at rest and peace through any trial or tribulation.

He is our Prince of Peace.

He is the Finest Food or Manna we shall ever eat.

He is the Truth that we may stand through it all, and be found standing.

So rejoice in our God and Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God, in whom we live and have our being. The Firstborn of the dead, in whom we live and breath and have our being…..

Praise Him!!!

And you, who were once dead and alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless and above reproach in His sight- if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast,

and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, have become a minister.

Of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given me for you, to fulfill the word of God… the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to His saints, to them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ, (Colossians 1:21-23,25-28).

Beloved, this is a promise that we must by faith live and walk into the vast opportunity we have to dine on the rich Word of God. The Creator of the universe is abiding in us to help, lead and guide us through every single minute of our day and night. This promise and His presence shall not be taken lightly by those who love Him. We love Him because He first loved us….. Do give Him the preeminence that His honor and glory and riches and power deserve from those He calls His beloved..

I see the Christ in you and you see the Christ in me as we speak in psalms and hymns and richly bless the Holy One who has given us all things richly in life…. Come and make sure you know the One so then you shall know eternal life……When He speaks, all else fades away for He has become our vision and as our breath.

Beloved, think of all the ways of God’s goodness is known, meditating on Christ in you- our hope of glory. As we abide in Him, the Word of God, He abides in us…… As we meditate on Him, He grows with us. He is glorified by us when we stand on His healing, His provision, His safety, His justice, etc…… Just think, He is not way up there without us….. We are up there in Him just as much as He is on the earth in us. The more we take our place in the heavenlies in Him as written in Ephesians 1 and 2,…..the more we will learn of the value of interceding and praying as He is……The more the heavenly mindset will be manifested in our earth as it is in heaven. The glory to God in the highest is our glory as Christ is in us….. The cost of His oil is big, but He revealed His Son in me. Man, let us speak those words of truth and see how He is glorified. Then we say – we cannot but surround ourselves with Him and for Him by Him through our days for they are His anyway.

He tells us His secrets to we may see them unfold and know and trust Him more….. Do you mean business with Him? Then the Words He speaks, you shall live by and revel not that are true and manifest but He trusts you and you are truly hearing the Voice of the One who has been raised from the dead and calls you His own. YAHOO!!!!!

Don’t pass the time up- that He has given to us to be in Him completely as possible by His grace and power and never ending love.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company angels, to the general assembly of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then shook the earth, but now He has promised, saying “ Yet once more I shake not only the earth, also heaven.” ( Hebrews 12:22-26).

He has chosen you and me to be part of His temple building in the Spirit. Now we testify of the open heaven to those who we urge to place their hope and trust in our King of glory. Praise Him!

What if this was a dream: An alligator got away from two men who were taking it away….. They had not duct taped his mouth shut…. but were holding it by their own strength…. Each one had one hand on the snout and the other around his gut. You were watching and knew this beast was going to get away from them….. As they got near their car and were planning to put this beast in the back seat and transport it….. Well, shall we say the best made plans of mice and men often go astray. Let’s just say the plans were running wild through the area as the tail swiped them both off their feet as they were trying to flip this breathing armor over…..They were hoping that he would sleep on his back, then duct tape his mouth……. This beast said not happening as you watched the men disappear as you heard the groans from the tail swipe as they fell to the hard asphalt.. Then screaming started as people saw this huge gator running loose…… Well, he came right next to you and stayed….. Yup! You did not breath or move an inch, but you heard, “stay still”…….

He then licked your cheek as you had everything in your being want to get up to run……Talk about YUCK three hundred times over!!!!! You obeyed and then this beast just walked away from you calmly. You sat there stunned……..but breathing!

I pray that Satan finds nothing in us that is tasty to his palette. Stay close to Him who holds everything in His hands….. Sit with Him when you drive. Sit with Him when you are doing laundry or cleaning. Breathe a breath inhaling Him in and exhaling out everything not of Him….. Talk to Him when you awake and before you doze off, when you brush your teeth….. When you are at your job, talk and keep talking…. Hear and keep hearing. He died to be with us in His new creation…..Beloved, we are His new creation!!

Hear Him cry, I make all things new!!.

He is there and you are never alone….. Maybe you might feel alone because you have not tuned your ears to hear. He is always speaking and answering your inquiries….. Let Him show you His plans for you for they are for Him too!….He loves you and is closer to you than your breath if you are His follower.



Receive His Word.

Write it down.

Watch and keep watching.

See the glory of God within you coming through as you are now a mosiac with others being built by the Holy One for Holy habitation. We are found complete in Him.

Only God.

Only His Love.

Only Jesus Christ.

Only His Spirit……. could be this magnificent! He is the One True Living God and He has called us to His side as His bride…. Join Him now while you can…..Someday the tide will stop and the sun will fade. His grace will cease so come now and get used to sitting at His feet.

May we always call others to Your banquet for there is always room and their seat is empty. We need them. May we bring our family to Your table that are struggling in chaos and call them refreshed in Your presence. Peace – Father, make their way Yours and no harm come to them. Reveal Your self to them today….Reveal Your Son in them to them today! Give us the mind of Christ…. So we may see things as You perceive them and fulfill the plans You have made. They need You as we do and cry out…. Thank You for hearing us and filling Your Body of Christ on the earth as it is in heaven….

All our days we shall praise and exalt You!

Thank You for hearing our prayers for others and making a great way for them……

In the midst of chaos may they hear and receive Your love and care through Your body…..

Reveal to them the hidden plans for them that You have stored for such a time as this.

Thank You, Lord.

We love You and trust You!

We will keep our watch!


The River That Never Fails

Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed.

He said to me, Son of man, have you seen this? Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.

When I returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other.

Then he said to me: This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea, and its waters are healed.

And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers goes, will live. There will be a great multitude of fish, because these waters will go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes, ( Ezekiel 47:5-9).

The followers of Jesus Christ, those who call on His name, partake of a kingdom that cannot be shaken or destroyed….. The gates of hell will not prevail or stand against God’s kingdom….. Foolish are they that try.

Everything else though, beloved, is up for grabs, I mean everything. All we see, will not be, so all that was not seen, will be. God’s plan will go through to His completed purpose. We may see the natural events and wring our hands, but God does not. He chuckles…….Not at terror on the people but at those who try to out play our God.

That is why He is God and we are not…… Faith in action trusts in Him. We know what we do see, will not be, for what is not seen is reality and by His command. As written what can be shaken will be, so we may know we stand on His sold Rock foundation or own of imagination that will fail……His mercy is new every morning…….As there is still morning, get His mercy and make sure we are all standing on His Rock of Ages.

Beloved, look at ourselves…… What we were and are, will not be, for we shall be like Him as we see Him,…… Who was and is not seen but will be…… Get it?

So, I was walking at the beach. The wind was so strong. I saw a para sail, I think that is what you call them…… This man flying over the crests of waves being carried by the wind on a surf board…… I was so intrigued and envious to be out there with him…… It looked so exciting and invigorating to say the least….

I saw the waves which were high. The wind was stirring the waters but he rode over the crest of them or ran along side of the wave….. Instead of waiting for a big wave, he was riding them all as they came to him……Just being carried by the wind which was causing the rising waters…… He flew over them as a horse jumps over a fence, carrying His rider…… He actually flew about five feet above the crest….. I was amazed and could not keep my eyes from watching….. My body was even preparing the fly over the upcoming crest as he did…..I found myself holding my breath and legs bending for the jump.

My dog did a turn to return to home. As I walked contemplating on Holy Spirit teaching me how to fly over the rising waves and when to ride along side….. Thinking I was walking back to normal….. He abruptly stopped me and said…… You arise from the normal for in I AM, normal cannot be found. Arise to live by what I AM sees and be…. See as to what is to come into being and all else shall fail for the promise of Mine was planned by Me but permitted, oh yes, for all to see My glory, the God of glory. Speak and see the things unseen into being and the predators at night will be caught by the light. The wicked shall see there is never any peace without Me.

So, I listened and have been seeing for the last couple of weeks not to see what I see but believe what He says is here and is to be….. All is gone from this world’s reality and the gift of heaven on earth is where I shall remain and be. According to my King this is how I shall live and have my being in Him for all to see. Glory be to the One who was and is and is to come….. There is only One reality….. The waves may rise and fall but only to Him they shall bow. The wind will blow and the wind will sail but through it all He only prevails to His name for all the glory and all the fame are His. See all His opposition shall fail. Watch now as His wind shall soon to be the whirlwind without fail.

If we know how to navigate on the rough seas, we will be prepared for any larger wave that may come in with the tide. No more normal….. Thank God…. He has heard our prayers. His mercy is grand. We always remember the foundation of where we stand and with this in our hearts, we shall not fail but also prevail. For as the Head goes so does the body.

Para-sailing is when we are starting out walking by faith in the Spirit of God.,……. Now, we must learn to para-surf. Ride the big waves and learn how to navigate through contrary. Maybe the winds are there for us to rise to His rise of the glory of God.

So if this was a dream, what would it mean? You were on a white dock. You see the rising waters of the choppy river. The River was as high as the dock. Behind where you stood were white houses and across the River, the same with many glass windows seeing your reflection in them. and reflecting the bright blue sky. The sun was shining down making the River not so overwhelming…….

You jump in and think, I have been in this before…. I am not afraid…… The River was going towards the inlet where it meets the ocean. Now that water was very rough but you knew how to navigate it and get through it……This is what you were thinking as you jumped into the running River. Then as you start swimming, a Friend of yours jumps in right next to you with a dark blue hoodie. You link arms and off you both go to the rough inlet out to the ocean……..You both had done this before.

There was no need for an Elijah if there was no Ahab and Jezebel. There is no need for a contrast showing on Mount Carmel if there was not a high level of disintegration on the earth instead of living from the Bread of Heaven, our God, and His Word.

Jesus Christ became Man in a very oppressive time. The folks were astounded of His lifting words of life that broke their hearts free of hopelessness. He brought His Life or Bread of Heaven to their eyes and heart. They believed because He was their lost hope revived.

Prepare for a parasurf lesson…. Enjoy the contrary winds to build the stamina and endurance in our boldness of His Spirit. Contrary winds are made for our faith to be resuscitated and increased. We will reap a great reward by His receiving our hearts full of faith. Fly high by His Spirit over the waves….

He will show us and help us every step of His way…… Count on it. Don’t look down, keep looking up for that is where our help comes from….. Trust Him….. Lean on Him and not our own understanding. He knows the End from the Beginning. After all, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Ahab wanted a piece of land. The owner said it was his inheritance and refused to sell it. Jezebel then plotted a stage act to incriminate this land owner so the crowd would then accuse and murder an innocent man……. The land that King Ahab and Queen Jezebel coveted is now theirs even if it was to murder by mouth and hand to get it. ….. …….Does this happen again ? Yup, the Owner’s Son….. Has it happened to others by the same greedy spirit that seduces people with their lies? Yes! Is there justice? Absolutely…. Read 1 and 2 of the Books of Kings…… and Revelation chapter 2.

Jezebel killed the majority of the prophets. Could it be they brought the face of God to their actions? Of course, darkness hates the light…..

Does this spirit act in the same manner this day? YES! In neighborhoods, companies and businesses, governments. Yes, even in churches and ministries. Hey, where there is a David there is a Saul. God always proves His Davids and moves to change His Sauls to Pauls. Some do and some don’t get on His program schedule.

Jesus Christ has been made to us Wisdom, Righteousness and Sanctification. Apprehend all He has given us through His death and resurrection…… His resurrection life is within us…… He is leading and guiding us all the time….. Have the ears to hear…. Ask..

Now, we keep our heart abiding in His Word but we must get on with being His vessels of use in this day….. As written in 2 Timothy 2:20: there are vessels of wood and clay and gold and silver….. Let us check with Him how He sees us…. and live what He says we are…. Leave all behind for the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus. For it is written in Galatians 2:20; I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and died for me.

Ask and keep on asking for the victory of Calvary to be made in your life this day….. Carry your faith in this way…. Ask…. to see as He sees…… Ask to know as He knows what will be……..He never leads us around the corner and then life goes KABOOM!

Beloved, if it does, we are not listening and spending time at His feet. He gives us signs and wonders to keep our ears on His whisper… Listen….. Quiet… He is closer than your breath.

Since we have so great a salvation, let us not neglect it by not pursuing to see His face and hearing His voice and receiving His direction and counsel. That is why He is closer to our breath, He breathes on and in us. He consistently helps us through and bring glory and joy to Him!

Get your harness on! Get attached to the sail as if it was your best friend….. P.S. Holy Spirit is your Best Friend…. He appreciates so much when we say- what’s up? He is so very glad to show and prepare us for what is coming…. He knows all and this is His job description to reveal the hidden to His beloved. He always reminds us of the Word of God spoken to us by the Holy One.

There are no surprises when we fellowship with Holy Spirit……. Only if our gaze is somewhere else. He will never let us down….. He will always tell us the truth of what will be and never sugar coats it…… But He give us the tools to walk through everything so we are victorious…… The world may say otherwise, so what…. The world’s voice is of death…… It might mean that you are walking so in the way of God that your walk threatens those who speak against or lift up their waves to throw you off.

Stay focused on the Wind of God….. He will tell you when to jump the crest or ride along it until He says then jump it!!! I will presume that God invented chess……. He knows the play book better than man….. Many things rise up so arrogantly so then they may roll unto the sand as a little tiny umph that children play in and build sandcastles. And many take little or no notice of them. Trust and thank God that He fights our battles.

God’s MO always exposes the darkness and what is being hidden, exalt the humble, and bring down the proud. He will use every vessel to accomplish His purpose. Why ? He is God and He can do all He wants to stop what hinders His purpose and intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places as written in Ephesians 3:10.

Finally, He is set on His family sitting at His table that He has prepared before all His enemies.

Stand fast on the firm foundation of God in Christ Jesus. Keep the harness on, the armor of God, for the days of what will be shaken, will not be us! Let us be found by His gaze as a tree planted by living waters that will never fail….. For remember, His love never fails…. Never….Trust Him.

Listen…… SHHHHHH! Hear the river talking through your heart today…..

Quiet my soul, for He is speaking to my heart…. I know because my heart melts at His majestic and lovely Voice.,…. It is our Beloved……. Look and see what He is pointing at for us to be! Yes, you can smile at His brilliant smile!!!!! Shhh. Can you believe?…. Yes, I do…… Only He can do all He says He will do……. Just believe and let a thankful heart rise up to bless His holy name.

Listen, He is speaking to you right now! Let His Words come your way and plant in the heart that He has planned long ago for you to hear today…..

Listen!!!! Listen and receive His love!

For those who have not received His sacrifice on your behalf.. Come and see, listen to me:

Turn to the bloody cross where His love was poured out for you…..Receive His sacrifice for your wayward way against God…. Turn to Him, and be with Him today…. Repent of your foolish way against the God of the Universe…… He will receive you today into His kingdom of His way….. Come but leave the waywardness behind and start clean in your new abode…. Do not be concerned….. His hand will not leave your back as He will guide you into His land of Christ where there are no limits to the depths and heights and widths and lengths to His love for you…..COME AND SEE! Bow your knee to the King of glory today. He suffered for you now allow Him to be your King…… He is after all King of all….. But He revels in the hearts that say yes! You are my King of glory today! Come and take Your place of authority over me today… Give me grace to hear and obey.

Just believe and you will be established as written in 2 Chronicles.

Listen as the thunders roll out CHECK MATE!

Now let us pray and lift our voices to the One who can do abundantly more than we can ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.( Paraphrase of Ephesians3:20-21).

Now we are to lean on Him but note also according to the power that works in us……. HMMM.

Sounds like another blog !

Keep flying high in the gaze of His blazing eyes!


Here Is A What If For You To Selah!

What if you saw the Lion of Judah on a leash being led out of the building by men. He turned His head toward you to see and pray.. Almost a look for help……. As you went to go to the Lion. The door was barred and you noticed no one was in the pool surrounded by glass walls…… You had to move all the furniture that was blocking your access to the way through the pool and to get to the Lion.

If this was a dream what would it mean? Could you ever allow the look of the Lion to vanish from your thoughts or sight without praying? Oh Father of all, please have mercy.

Lord, we will not despise Your prophecies or quench Your precious Spirit as written in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5…..

There was a conversation that was passed along between Charles Spurgeon and a bible salesman, and Spurgeon spoke- oh dear man, just let the Lion go.

How can a man get a leash on the Lion of Judah?

And why would anyone want to leash and bind our mighty King?

Hmm, wondering and wondering…… Let Him go and He will never stop. But what can stop the mighty Lion of Judah?

Our unbelief and man’s agenda or system of religion. Where men call Him Lord but do not exalt Him.

As Psalm 78 is written in verses 40-42: How often they provoked Him in the wilderness and grieved Him in the desert! Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power: the day when He redeemed them from the enemy.

Yes, the pleasing way to the Father of Lights is to walk by faith.

Worship Him above all else.

Walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

Walk by faith and not by sight.

We the redeemed of God, say and should be living in the above ways of God.

As He speaks into our ear this minute……

Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires for come after Me, let Him deny himself,, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

For the Son of Man will come in glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.

Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom, ( Matthew 16:24-28).

So then Jesus tells us to lay down our life and take His.

Remember, when He died we died with Him and when He rose, we have risen into His new life with Him.

So then, why might the King of glory be leashed?

We want what we want and will not look to what He wants. Our flesh quenches the Spirit of God and our reason and our prejudice. Selah!!

His way of moving this day is different than ever before for most Christian Americans.

Do we want the King of glory or do we want the way we have always done things?

What if all was gone but Him? We sat before His face and ……..

Hearing His Word and speaking those same words returning into His ears.

Knowing they shall be fulfilled by a heart of faith filled of Him.

Can we hear His click of fingers and turn with our eyes closed and walk by faith?

Can we stop all for Him? Can we hear Him? Can we leave all for Him?

Bible studies with Him are enlightening and retained in one’s heart.

Do not be deceived, we live before the Lion of Judah today and not before men.

Can the Lion of Judah build a feast in the midst of a desert? Absolutely!

Can the Lion of Judah be free to move and have His way in a prison cell? Absolutely!!

Picture a father coming home from a long day and his table has been prepared by his doing, his hand….

and every one was too busy to come sit before him……. They did not even know He was there all the time waiting for them………

Yes, it is hard on the flesh to meet with our God in faith, but oh, you cannot stop the rewards and yes, the persecution comes as well……. The evil one does not like you in communion with the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit……Jump high over the distractions and keep His gaze.

Can we see the New Year today as unleashing the Holy One in our lives and learn to understand with Wisdom the ways of our King? A one on one with the God of the universe…. He is at His table sitting to share all His Person with us……

Jump in the pool which represents being filled with the fire of His Spirit within you….. Let Him in and then let the fire go. Yes, He leads and we follow….. Do not quench Him or leash Him. He is glorious and wonderful…. He wants to make us as Him too! You want to be glorious and wonderful as we partake of the greatness of our King? You will not see that in you but Him shining through!

Come on and jump in and then learn to become small and He soooooo BIG!!!!

Please let us pray and learn not to leash our King and live in the pool of His Holy Spirit where the water is clear and fresh and gives life, eternal life to all who will believe and go on a path that is just made for you.

He is waiting for His kids at His table……. to teach, to share, to rise and enlist His chosen.



Remember as written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Now the Lord is the Spirit; where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Only by the Spirit of God may we hear the Spirit of God……..Come on in and walk in His newness of life and go where we have never gone but He has….. Trust the King and walk with Him this day.

It is a new day everyday and a new adventure and a bit overwhelming, but He says that is why He is with us to show us how to walk as He did.. and does….. Trust Him and come on to the table.

Then we shall realize when the leash is on Him, it is actually on us for we have tied His hands from being God to us and through us by our unbelief.

Remember, the empty go away full from our Shepherd and the full go away empty……….He has set a provision for our journey………..Guess where you will find it……….and apprehend it.

As we step from faith to faith and glory to glory, His Spirit will keep us fully standing in His name for it is all about His fame……. in His name, on His firm foundation, the Word of God. Do not fear, in faith of Him is where we lay our victory in….We only do what we see Him do and say and then wait, for He is faithful and true. Be still and know He is God and will be exalted among the nations. Just keep in time with His rhythm and rhyme, for He is so very sublime. Investing your life in His hands is the best risk that you will ever take……. He will have us lean all the way, even when it feels we will fall, but oh, look at us now. We have climbed unto another plateau. We are with Him all His way as He shows us His kingdom that He has bestowed. The romance of the King and His own will never be quite known by any then those who chose to follow Him in His step. They left all behind to pick up the cross that we carry now, but the delight in His Spirit takes the sorrow away and look at us now for joy has her full way…..

Don’t stand there and watch like through a looking glass. Join us and meet Him at the cross…… He is there and not there for all eternity….. Join us at the table of the King, for there is always room for you…..In truth of Him, He has set a place for you.



We Worship A Living God!!

We Worship A Living God!

No matter what we are going through. No matter whatever the evil one throws at us, we worship a Living God! The One True Living God and there is no other!

This is exciting to contemplate. We do not worship a God that is far away or is dead. He is alive and is closer than our next breath. Put down your woes ! Praise and shout to our God, the Most High, for being so close to us. His Son Jesus Christ took the cross for us, so we could partake of an open heaven with Him. He paid the cost. What a great God. He is beyond what we could ever think or imagine.

He is not bewildered.

He is not quiet.

His hands are not tied or bound.

His arm is not shortened.

He may be hiding, but He is always found.

He never hides so He is not able to hear to help.

He is not a statue and a god made of man’s hands.

He has no Beginning and no End.

He has never stopped to woo His beloved to Him.

His blood speaks today.

His power is keeping all the galaxies in their appointed place and you.

He knows all our thoughts.

He is everywhere and in us who believe.

He knows all our doings.

He knows all our hopes and longings.

He knows everything, even your everything!

Most of all, His love for everyone is an everlasting love! Why stay far away, when you can enjoy the best love of your life? He made you for His pleasure and glory…….. Really!

He is the most wonderful and ever powerful and sustaining God that longs for His children to draw near to Him and talk and share their day. He then may share His thoughts too. He wants to help and show off for you and through you.

We worship a True Living God. He is alive and watches everything. He draws near to those who draw near to Him. He will never stop being there for us. He will never turn His back until…….. time is up.

Then woe to those who never stepped up to His plate, the cross, and bowed before the Son who took the cost.

How we may come to Him as a small servant, full of heart of His heart to see them accomplished with Him on and through the earth of man. Waiting for His tap to share in His work. How cool is this God! He wants us to work with Him…. even us!

Or we may approach Him, as a very grateful daughter, whose Father thought of everything for her. He has given her all His love by showing her – She jumps up and down telling Him-You know my heart- look at what You did for me again. Oh Heavenly Father, thank You. Her glee and joy witnesses His pleasure seeing her smile from one ear to the other, His heart is satisfied…….. She knows that it was My hand that did this pleasure for her. She has given me so much glory.

I cannot witness as a son because I have no gender questions and I do not know from a male standpoint the Father meeting a male’s heart desires. But if you are a male, go to Your Heavenly Father and give Him your gratitude. Hopefully you get my drift.

If you are a His armed force in this earth for His cause….. Come to Him, bow before the King and give Him your allegiance. If you have not spoken to His face on your offer of service and sacrifice, talk to Him. Sometimes we are drafted and sometimes we enlist……If, there has been no declaration, make one. Allow the Father of all nations to place His hand on your shoulder as He accepts your offering. He then, puts His Spirit of strength, a will to obey and endurance within our stature so we may stay the course bringing His name and fame to all, even if we are on the front lines……

We have been given His hand to stay strong through all adversity. As we thank Him, for He delivers us from them all. As well, He gives trouble to those who trouble us…… then they all may turn to such a King and worship and believe. What an honor it is to bow before the King and we can even kiss Him and some His cheek. He is a faithful leader and trusted in the best of warfare in His Spirit that we partake in. Not of this world but full of victory, His victory, that we celebrate in.

Come to Him, thanking Him for being the Best Friend a person can have. He is never tired. He has never a bad day so He cannot listen and advise your next step in any situation. He is listening and laughing and sighing through maybe your tears and frustration. He is faithfully always there. Most of all is the companionship of walking in His Spirit through every day and night….. He is always here and we are never alone. He is waiting in the morning. He is waiting for us at high noon and at evening and through the dark night….. He is waiting to converse with us. Don’t miss Him. Know His Word so when He speaks we know His Voice.

Thank Him for how great a God He is.

Now may we step to His footfall….. Awaken when He is walking to join Him in seeing where His eyes have turned to see….. There is now a need for a prayer here with Him…. Will you join Him in His pursuit of His filled purpose on this earth for this day? There have been many days in His time for this earth. Think of all the generations and all the cries for Him to meet…… In which He did by His perfect will for every soul……. His everlasting love will never fail any single soul on this earth.

They may lose the very best chance to know the One True Living God, but not because of our God but because of their own choice to ignore His whispers, His taps, His shouts, His cry as His tears rain over every lost soul.

This is our Heavenly Father….. Our One True Living God that we worship and adore and thank.


He is our Everything. He has become our all and in all of our life….. His heart may rest because He has received His heart longing because He has become our heart longing. He is Lord over our life, even all the sons of men.

Nothing satisfies as He satisfies…… Hearing His Voice…… Hearing His guidance. Hearing His laugh and chuckles. Hearing His sighing. Hearing His I AM loves you more.

I need say no more….. Listen to Him and receive your hearts satisfaction in His love……His Spirit is waiting to show you-

Come out- How -you ask….. Holy Spirit will show you…. Obey!

Come up here- What? How? Huh?- Quiet your soul…… Holy Spirit will show you! Believe and obey!

Come, I AM will show you things to come- What do You mean? How? – Quiet your souls….. My Spirit resides in you and will reveal all……. Listen and be faithful in the little so I AM may give you the much.

Wait…. Did you come to meet Me at the cross?

Did you allow My blood to wash you clean and make you new?

Did you give Me your heart?

Have you received My heart?

Did you leave behind what you know to leave behind today?

Repent means repent and leave all to embrace Me in My New…… Have you?

Take a step in heaven, your strength will be given as you walk to Me and leave the rest behind.

Call to I AM and I AM will answer…..

Come out……from among them….. Embrace Me! I AM will never let you go.

Walk with me and get used to your new shoes….. All else will fall into place in Me….

Just believe and lean on Me.


Praise the Father!

Praise the Son!

Praise the Holy Spirit!

Our One True Living God!

I told you He is alive! Now do you believe?

Believe and receive all that He has died to give.

He died to bring your sins to death.

He lives to bring us in His resurrected life…..

We are clean and partake of His new Life.

He implants within us His living Holy Spirit and calls us His own,

So now we walk by His Spirit in His Word to fulfill His purpose in and through us.

AMEN and AMEN!!!


So have you all seen the The Chosen Christmas Celebration at the the theaters? Huh? If not, GO! Box office hit- come on! How cool is God!!!!

The show was excellent as well as the acting of the special couple that perfect night. I know I am weird but in one of the dissertations of the actors I heard- God was silent in over four hundred years. So to imagine not to hear our Lord…… The silence from heaven for over four hundred years. I have to listen to Him all the time…… Oh God, thank You for Your Son. Thank You for disturbing the sound of silence!!!

Thank you also all The Chosen for bringing into our life the True Reality of God.

WOW! So grateful for our King! Can you imagine?

So another smart see is the a Christmas light spectacular playing with the Sound Of Silence song written by Paul Simon in 1964. This great work of the lighting is phenomenal as well as the sync to the song……Thank you so much to the family and their dedication to WOW America!

The Lyrics are outstanding as well as the the lighted house celebrating our King’s birth……..

We are not in the four hundred year silence between the prophets and our Lord’s birth. Thanking God does not seem enough when we understand……. The silence is over…….. at least for those who believe in the Christ Jesus, who came as a babe long ago.

Can you imagine not hearing His voice by His Spirit within us anymore? Can you? Jesus Christ is not in the manger any more…… but that night He broke the sound of silence.

The death and the shedding of His blood opened up the gates that were closed for, oh, so long……for us to know our God again……His bloody death was the only way for us to walk in heaven again in Him. Do you not see the greatest victory was obtained by Him for you and me?

Imagine all that can be with His Spirit living inside you? Nope, not even close…… The Uncreated God desires to have all that He can in us……We are His purpose in Christ Jesus on the earth…….so all can know He is God and there is no other.

Knowing Jesus Christ and all He came to give us. He broke the sound of silence…… By chance, you are reading this, and the kingdom of heaven is not within you…..Let Him in and allow His place to break your sound of silence.

Here are the lyrics…… Paul Simon

Hello darkness, my old friend

I’ve come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

still remains

Within the sounds of silence

In restless dreams, I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

‘Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence

Fools, said I, You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my Words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

Then the sign said, “the words of the prophets are

written on the subway walls,

In tenement halls”

And whispered in the sound of silence


I never knew this song for I was 6 years old when played by my older brothers on their stereos and 45’s!! But I recognized the tune and words but never knew the meaning.

But I do now.

Many folks may want to keep the sound of silence with their Creator.

He is not silent and is always working.

Many may think God is dead, but they are wrong.

If He was dead, ahhh…we would be too! Every breath we breathe is from Him!

He is the Uncreated One, the Holy One, the Ancient of Days. He is Beginning and End. He is Alpha and Omega. The Almighty One. The Everlasting God…….

Sending His Son to you again….for every tongue shall confess and every knee bow that is in heaven, and the earth and below the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Now all is summed up in the Beloved Son of God….We must hear Him….. We must abide in Him.

As well as, always speaking, as His grace abounds to those who are seeking Him. He is always found. He was not the One who was lost.

Four hundred years went by and the heavens were silent with mankind. Four hundred years.

Can you imagine?

And then, the heavens and the earth rejoiced by the astounding sound of angels on high singing of the Savior to bridge the silence for us to hear Him again.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men as written in Luke 2:14.

The little precious child of God broke the silence for all to hear God again.

That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life- the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us- that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you may also have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. ( 1 John 1:1-3).

The liberty in Christ to have mankind’s relationship restored.

The Gift of Christ to hear His guidance daily.

We apprehend His light to walk in Him though the world is dark……We learn the unseen is reality above the seen.

Yet, still to top it all!!!!!

We are in fellowship with Him!!! We are involved in those conversations and moments in the King of all with His Father.

Keeping in the counsel of God as Abraham.

Hearing the plans of the enemies of God to pray against so they do not prevail. The place secured for us is way above our heads and paygrade, yet, we are there with our King! How glorious and marvelous is is He because He loved us first.

Yes, all of the goodness of God was given to us in this little Baby in the manger.

Who knew the Gift of God was born then?

The people who were humble to know their need..

Who knew the King of kings had arrived?

Oh yes, the evil one did and played in the rulers of the day. Nevertheless, his plan did not avail. Truly heaven rules in the sons of men.

Who hears this day the good tidings of the angel’s chorus and hears His Words and receives His abounding love?

Those who are humble and seek. In their heart they hope there is more so they call out to the One who hears and wait. Then our fellowship starts with the One who was and is and is to come. They will not follow another voice. Their King is here and will never leave them or forsake them. Their King is here.

Our King is here…..

You may say I do not see Him. Do you see the wind? But the effects of the wind are very evident.

Do not be deceived, the natural man cannot perceive the things of God. Check it out in the New Testament…….Read it. I double dog dare you. Get to know the Savior that is always calling you.

Let Me show you the path that we shall walk as one, though My prints are left in the Way.

My saints, My precious broken ones, My vessels, who pour out the golden delight of My perfect light. The Truth of God does always shine bright.

Speaking out- all who are weary from trying to make their own light….Do you not see the road of darkness? The road blocks that you complain of are from Me. …. Come and see what I AM has created in the path for you.,…..from Me.

My way is bright and full of My light….Oh yes, the path is narrow but, oh,the delight of My sight will get you through all the night.

Turn to Me who, yes, is bloody for there is Life abundant in My path of Life. Abounding in you if you believe and see that I AM your only way of peace and tranquility. Through the cross of death is life of resurrection. You must come by faith and then you will see the path of victory, Join My team and joy you shall be. From death to life you shall live……Come with Me….. Just believe.

Yet, others may say, I do not see the highlighted paths you abound to, oh, just keep your step to My rhythm of breath. Let them say, but do not turn their way. Keep your sight to My eye as I AM guides and leads unto the hills with feet of a deer. Grace to grace and liberty to liberty.

Oh, so shall you leap. Just keep your step in Me. All you do shall abound in grace abundantly as you believe. Just come with Me as I AM leads you into greater depths of the mystery.

The Door in Me is open for all to see. You must come to Me and believe and you shall be set free for this is the way for all humanity. Mankind was created for much more that what you see in the here and now. Do you not see the great plans I AM has for thee? You must come and believe in Me.

You shall hear My saints say about Me as you turn to see the sound of the Great I AM speaking to thee…… See they fade in the distance as they display the kingdom of grace where I AM abounds bountifully. For My Grace reveals the majesty of My being before you each day to each minute.

There is much more to Me then the building where you may come for an hour of your time to worship Me….. You are missing more than you can imagine or believe. There is much more of Me than listening to others than coming straight to Me. My Door has been opened. You do not need to break on through, Your faith is the key to walk in boldly. I AM loves His kids. I AM has said if you believe you will see the glory of God. Now do you believe?

Come before Him now and open wide your gates for Him to enter in…. Your heart is where His heart seeks to dwell…… Hard to believe but is true, the King of glory desires to rest in you!

Have you not heard?

Have you not seen?

My King of glory wants to abide in thee. His Word takes life and produces eternally. His glory shall then be seen for all to come and believe. His delight, the delight of the King, is to abide within you and me. Hard to believe, but. oh yes, it is true…… He does not dwell in things made of men…… His longing is to be within you again.

I speak manifesting His truth……This truth is evident by the fruit of peace, when His love abounds within you and me….. The effects will be moving as the wind, and glory to our Father. Thanksgiving will be forever given for His Special Gift of our King.

Do you not hear the change to the North wind? It shall blow as the the King of Glory is trumpeted into the hearts of men all across the nations for all shall stand to bow before Him now. His train is filling the temple of all….. Oh see, this is His extreme delight. Though there will always be Sonshine in our hearts through the night.

Having His preeminence in man, claiming our hearts, will and mind to be His again. His love in us is beyond human nature, which never avails. See then, the world will see His fame, His glory and His victory.

Now you see? Oh, praise God that you have come to believe.

The King is here…. Bloody and ruthless but tender to loving us so far from Him to bring us near….. Then to seat us with Him where He is beyond this world and yet we are there…. Never separated from the King shall we be ever again. Now you come and believe for this is His reality for all eternity and He has desired to share it with you and me. Christ in us is the only hope of glory.

This is His doing and marvelous is He and His Spirit’s work in our eyes. Hidden in God is our place in Christ as one day it shall be for all the world to see the unveiling of the King of glory with His bride by His side shining in the city of His delight. So come on to Him now and allow His Light to shine within and without as you witness our King.

See the north winds blows. As the night shall be dark but do not fear, for we all walk by faith in our Christ to bring us in….. He is a Savior of great renown.

Hear, He is after more! We to crown our King of glory upon all hearts desire and want….. He is our One desire. So supreme is He that He rewards those who are after His heart and His kingdom….. Watch out as He comes in glory with in you… He brings His entourage with Him. As He abounds His grace abounds within thee. This is His reality.

All make room for the King of glory…… He is no longer a babe in the manger – no room for the little Babe who was King of all. Warning to all who won’t allow the King to enter to His victory now.

The sound of silence will linger yet, if you ignore the earnestness of my plea. True reality will see all creation bow before His name who is above every name on this earth, in the heavens and below the earth. As the night gets darker, allow Him to shine from within you bright. Do not turn your ear from this cry and plea….. Time is the essence that we all turn to His reality,

As the night bellows upon all the world, all will see His return. We who have learned that He is the ONE that lights the sky. His angels came to announce His entrance once before on that dark midnight hill, they will be singing again the alleluia chorus- glory to God in the highest and His Son, the Christ has been revealed. Do not fear.

So come and believe His return is near. Glory to God in the highest. He has sent His Prince of peace to be in our hearts for all eternity, and we shall abide in His. Amen and Amen.

There is more than will ever meet any one’s eye the plan of God for His Son and bride……. Come to the Greatest I AM that was and is and will be again…..

He is calling you with His arms wide open….

Yes, His way is bloody but it is surely an everlasting foundation for His plan has been consummated by blood and death and His resurrection from the Great I AM…..

Come in and believe….

He came for you today…….

Break the sound of silence between Him and you.

There is rejoicing over you as you bow to Him and allow Him to come in to your heart….. Can you hear the sound of heaven?

Heaven sounds in gladness for you…… Come and hear!

He loves you and has with an everlasting, never stopping, over reaching love.

Repent of your wayward path of sin leading to death….. Repent of intentionally running when you heard His call…… He has already forgiven you but you need to make the call!

Faith is the key to the Door, our King and Savior……..

Repentance opens the Door into all that He has died to give you…….Now live in Him and be born again!

You start a reborn life in God, with your spirit alive which was dead. You then mature by His Spirit sanctifying your house so to speak…….for His dwelling place…… Changing your love to Him in all things as maturing sons and daughters of God shall be………

The adventures to start as you by faith repent to God….. Come on and join the Team! We have been waiting for you!

Merry Christmas!!!

Celebrate God’s disturbing the sound of silence.

God’s grace is sufficient. The strength of God will carry us through!

God bless you all and have a great Christmas in Him and a greater New Year in Him to the glory of the Father because of our great King and His amazing grace.



For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe, ( 1 Thess 2: 13).

That you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His kingdom and glory, ( 1 Thess 2:12).

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


Dancing Above The Dry Clouds

I was thinking of the courage and hunger that was instilled in Abraham to go to a land where he never had been. Follow God who he had not known.

Abraham was a Chaldean and was raised with false gods…… I guess he might have suspected they were false because there was no answer to any dilemmas he or his family or people were always subjected.

But he heard the Voice that penetrates to the heart of man and changes his life forever……. A disclaimer: if he listens.

So he heard the Voice of God which quiets all other voices. Then to be told to leave all behind. He was to go where he had never been. This step in faith must have been exhilarating even as he was subjected to his people calling him crazy. He turned a deaf ear to the noise and went anyway.

In any tension or chaos, the Voice of God permeates beyond our senses to deep, calling the deep in us to Him…… Disclaimer: if we turn and obey.

As it is written many are called but few are chosen…….The Voice of God goes out and all of creation speaks of His glory. Many are called to hear……..Does the scripture mean but few are chosen to draw near? Just thinking out loud.

But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep, to him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out.

And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice, ( John 10:2-4).

We have been given grace upon grace to venture out and in His realm where we have never been……. As these past days have turned into a year,,……. we have been given an opportunity to leave the ways and means of modern methods of Christianity……to really learn of Him.

Again disclaimer: if we choose to hear and follow His lead.

Have we allowed the past days of shaking to shake us out of our traditions and religion? Have we bravely turned off our comfortable rituals to sit before Him and wait?

Disclaimer: or just return to our normal. Then to miss His turn to climb into a new dimension to be revealed in Him? Go to His known but we rather stay at our known?

Are we willing to venture out as Abraham, Noah and David and not to forget Paul ?

Have we learned to gain Christ yet? Have we allowed Him first place or are we still praying to get Him to change what we want on our list?

I have to ask—- God does not change so then who should be changing ?

It is easy to do the works and programs of the church. Listen to the worship we are used to in the western world. But in our comfort, are we really being stretched in our faith to go where we have never been before in Him?

Zoom calls and conferences are back in session as normal…….Not that they are bad, but may the time be small in comparison to our fellowship and communion with God. The holy Trinity want our eyes and ears to be fixed on Them,

My question is were not the conferences and calls maybe the path that got us here to begin with? Getting on with the crowd and not alone with the One who knows the end from the beginning?

I hear so many people quoting this one or that one, but not many quoting the Words of God …….

All those following people, do you know Jesus better than those you follow?

There are many prayer calls, which is good……. but we must not forget the most important. Fellowship with our God in communion . Each one in our prayer closet. One on one with our King.

The cross of Jesus zoomed our freedom to an open heaven and into fellowship….. He has set up His table. Feasting with our God should be priority,,,,,, I also believe when He is first, everything falls into place because our spirit is hearing and being led by Him in His very precise and clear way.

There is no show. No one watching but the One who is waiting for His child to come sit at His feet and give Him our ear,

If all is gone and all we have is Him….. We have everything we need to venture where He has called us to walk in Him today and tomorrow.

Life in Christ is difficult but very simple. When the props of feel good and doing something important are gone and we are left with Him alone……


Can we handle that? Or will we try to get to a place of comfort? By His way, He is to be our only comfort…….. One who has lightnings and thunderings surrounding His throne is to be our Comfort and Refuge.

Why? Because He has loved us with an everlasting love—– always.

God bless the one who is comforted by the Awesome One.

When all we have is Him…….

What then do we do? Rejoice!!! His will is being done! We must be brought into Him and then He leads us in Him by Him and for Him.

He is our needful thing. He is to be our Main Thing and One Thing.

All else is smoke and mirrors. Sorry for my bluntness but it is. If it was not then all would remain after the shakings of the Lord. His shakings are to make sure we are in His kingdom and not dependent on false foundations.

Read Hebrews 13:25-29, See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, how much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then the shook the earth; but now has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of the things which are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.

We are wise to take in His chastisement. Stop to hear and listen to Him.

Be still and quiet for I AM will be exalted.

Waiting on our Lord, we are strengthened……. We rest and hear……..Resurrected life is imparted……

Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; They will see the land that is far off, ( Isaiah 33:17.)

I am learning to dance upon the dry clouds. I am kneeling to hear His voice and leading of His Spirit. No crowds.

Allowing Him to shake what can be shaken……..

Lord, please reveal to me all that is not You. Show me the holes in my belief system, so I may throw the rags away and increase my leaning in You.

It has taken quiet a long time, almost a year, to not feel guilty for not being on prayer calls and attending conferences……. I attended one. Can not do it anymore……

There has to be more of Him. All these are good but they are not the answer. If they were we would not be praying for a revival.

We are in a crisis, beloved. We should be put into ICU. We are in need of a hook up to an IV filled with His Word. Then patience and peace which is met and married in His presence would be oozing from us.

Are our prayers to strive to save something which by His hand we want done?——-Or is it after we have sat at His table and dined and are overflowing with the Word of Life. We bring to His attention in thanksgiving all that He has been doing in strengthening His beloved today.

I wonder if all of us, His beloved, spent time in communion with Him as our One thing….. What would happen? When He is the One we are really wanting, then He knows His beloved is faithful to Him, no matter what may be or not be. Our love is His. His heart is satisfied…..He has a people after His own heart.

Psalm 24:3-6 states: Who may ascend to into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of His salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek His face. Selah!

Maybe like Abraham, He could be calling us to venture out in a new place because He is calling us higher and wider and deeper than we have ever gone; where the unknowns are known and the knowns are unknown. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Where He is the center and all else falls void in His presence. The center of our hearts are filled of Him and made the inside to be outside……. The up standing to down kneeling and the down kneeling to up lifting hands to the Highest of all….. The Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come…………. Holy, Holy and Holy to Him who is as no other!

Sort of like Moses going up into the cloud for days………..We do not know what we will come back with but it is whom will be indwelling in us as our face is revealing the Light of the world shining and beckoning all to come.

My question to my family, are you willing to let go of all we know to venture with Him in His next step. He says He leads us out……..

Or do we stay where we are because it is known and comfortable? Now in reality to venture out in Christ means we venture into Him…….. Then He leads us to the next…….unknown reality of the Living God, Beloved, He will make Himself known to those who want His house to be theirs.

Paul ventured many places in Christ as he was in prison…….. Allow God to make you into a visionary……

It is hard to drop the conferences when you have a kingdom to support. It is hard to drop the prayer calls when you are after the bigness of the calls and who is being heard…..

It is hard to allow all to die but gain Christ.

I am hungry after one thing. Him and Him alone…… Dancing on the dry clouds is a new place. Somewhat a dangerous place because the Truth is revealed in a place where all there is …… is Jesus. He is sooo large because only He is in charge…..

After all, His kingdom will not be shaken and will always remain…….. We act in wisdom, where our footing is secure on the Rock because we do the Word and not only hearers……. We know He is watching and waiting…… His look and gaze at us is supreme to man’s………. intentions and agendas.

Such a King, who gave us His all, is now asking to let go and grab Him to apprehend His all that He died to give us.

A man lived in this grass hut all his life. He tended and looked after it…….. but a King that reigned over the land came to the man. The King bid him to leave it and come to His kingdom to dine and sup with Him in His inheritance……. The man could not leave his hut and let the King go by.

The what if’s kicked in and closed his door on the impossible.

Everyone is thinking they are doing God’s will, right? Can we stop from our routine and from doing the same thing, to see if He is the reason for our pursuit. We must admit to ourselves, our work is not important if it is not His bidding, but ours.

Check for a heart pulse- God’s or ours.

I truly believe if we stop and ask to dance upon the dry clouds with Him. we will be so immersed in Christ and His love, the things that are to be shaken will fall as we remain in the eternal and are given the sight to see that the possibilities in Him are endless………..if we can let go and gain Christ as written.

I keep dancing after my blog was blacklisted as now I am whitelisted…… Whatever that means!

The truth remains and all else shall fall in the void of wasted.

Let’s dance with My King and all that is spoken is as a secret but heaven invades earth as the King says peace be still. Beloved, this is not a dream.

I am not saying prayer and intercession is to stop at all. However, I see Him sitting as the requests come in to the bowl but many do not have a sit down and be with Him effect…….. This should not be.

As communion with out God must be stronger and more intense than our requests from our heart……. Do we not always kiss the King?

Prayer is now the buzz word BUT actually the One we pray to is our focus.

Communion in Him and freedom to see all that can be takes on reality…… His presence in us is our key…… Prayer is another word to talk, commune, laugh, instruct, share and request. A RELATIONSHIP.

I know if I read a devotional daily to my husband—— Someone else’s thoughts and intent instead of my own….. My husband would get bored and ask- what about you? What do you think and see and know and feel about me?

I recall when Jesus and the crew were walking and saying this person and that one were saying who Jesus was. The Savior was not satisfied. Those statements of others were not good enough, He turned to them and asked each one…… I can imagine the piercing eyes of Truth stabbing their heart as He asked, WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?

This God wants to be known, He wants us to tell Him how great He is and how we know Him…… Our heart to His must be in His ears. He must see how He melts our heart with His love…….

After all, He has loved us with an everlasting love………

There was a time that I was on five prayer calls a day…… I was exhausted. Too many words and not His. I sensed I was starving and missing My King……. He keeps speaking if we are engaged in His Spirit or not…….. I do not want to miss His Words, His sighs and His laughs and His groans…….Not a thing do I want to miss of my King.

His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. …..Well, He is not going to change, I draw near again by His grace.

Relationship………is the price He paid for us this day. We must sit at His feet and hear all He is saying for it is life and life abundant and the answer to our needs. He has become all to us, if we chose to apprehend Him . We must receive all of Him.

His chastisement is mercy for us to stop. See where He is. He always leads us out and in as to where His will is for us, If we are on our own, draw near as we are given the grace,

Do you not see how the King is calling you into a new place? The plateau has served it’s purpose, but up is where His foot prints are left as breadcrumbs to His glory. The vision of our eyes have been blocked, He alone has the view to unlock. Come let us follow the bread crumbs that lead us into the fullness of His next plateau of Presence.

The prayers of His people, He has heard, though they are many, but His eyes are pondering over there and all of us are looking here. He requests our vision turn to His. Though He is closer than our breath, His Voice has been muted to the rest, His request of silence and peace to those who are hammering in prayer. Be still and know I AM the King and hold those who stand against Me in derision.

Come and walk with Me and hear My Voice again. Block those who knock and never lead to the quiet still waters…… Come to eat at the table that is prepared for you in the presence of our enemies. Come and enjoy I AM as I AM longs to enjoy your fellowship.

The battle is Mine. I AM has it all in My hand. Faith in I AM reveals the peace in your heart…… Stay still and watch the Salvation of your Lord. Come and walk where many do not venture…… to leave their known to My known…… Take pleasure in Your King as I AM delight in the pleasure of your gaze unto I AM. The faith is My children’s way, for they never walk by sight. They hear Me speak and await in awe.

Come up higher! The air is stronger. Fill your lungs with the Breath of I AM.

Come and receive My impact for the next day. Pray to Me…… Come talk to Me. I know the End from the Beginning for I AM then and now and forever more….. Come sit before Me. Your cup shall be filled and you will never go away empty of I AM. See the old will pass away as all the new creation rises into the Morningstar.

Be still and sit before I AM while you can…….Breathe Me un to My Day,


Are you coming? Are you willing?

Say YES! Do not let Him pass by…….Disclaimer: He does not visit but desires complete habitation in our abode!!!



Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there is no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out from heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, God Himself will be with them and be their God, ( Revelation 21:1-3).

And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

‘I will dwell with them and walk among them. I will be their God and they shall be My people.’

Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.

I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’, ( 2 Corinthians 15-18).

The first temple was made by men with specified articles according to God’s plan through Moses. All the sacrifices were animals until the Lamb from God came because of God’s great mercy. He was slain from the foundation of the world….for God and man…..and His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The first temple was made with hands of men, following the blueprints from God in heaven to King David and passed down to His son, Solomon…….. There was none like it anywhere to match the unmatched God who gave instructions on how it shoud be built.

The second temple was made by the Son of God. We are being made into the spiritual temple of God- as we abide in Him. We are now set apart in Him for ever and ever, if we believe in Jesus Christ and that all God’s Word shall be fulfilled. How you ask?

By the power of His Word.

God from the Beginning wanted to dwell with man and have preeminence in all man’s life.

In the Beginning God wanted to be acknowledged as a great God, the One True Living God…… In almost every book of the Prophets….. You will read this phrase, if it is relating to judgment or if it is relating to renewal and the plans for the New Testament….

The words are—- Then you shall know that I AM the Lord God Almighty.

I double dog dare you to read through the Books of the Prophets…… Count the times that it is written- then they shall know I AM the Lord God Almighty. Do you think He wanted to make a point?

I walk the beach often and today the storm off the northern coast caused large waves by the gusty winds billowing through.

I walked and heard the sound of many waters in my ears and listened…..

The nations are the sound of the many waters speaking of the Lord God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. Know the Son while there is still day for night is approaching.

This temple of God has infiltrated almost all nations speaking the Testimony of the Son……..This mountain of God made by God’ s will, will never cease growing and His government will always increase…….

This Testimony, the sound of many waters is speaking in every tribe, nation and tongue to all who have been given ears to hear. God keeps increasing in us and increasing through us -for He is God and is unstoppable. He will reach the fullness of His Son on the earth. The more the hardness increases, the more He increases. He always turns all things to good. All things…. Amen and amen. Even the hardness of hearts in men.

He who has the voice of the sound of many waters is His beloved speaking through out of His greatness and love and mercy in every nation and tongue…. and tribe……

From the Beginning, there is always a mention of His great mountain that symbolizes Him, the God Almighty and His Son and His people who worship and believe.

Do not be deceived, He is and was and will always be….. His plan was made visible to us in the First Covenant with His people.

A spiritual temple made of His own who live by His name in every nation standing alone to make Him known throughout the world.

This plan of God has not changed, only increased as the peoples and nations have increased….. He is known and His voice of many waters is being carried by His Spirit in His people who know their God and His Son, Jesus Christ….. These ones call on Abba, Abba as their belief echoes through the years of their love for Him and their need of Him……. The ages of generations carry His Testimony through time…… Right on into the next age.

So who’s temple are you?

We have temples or churches to go to worship as a group….. but there is more to the Second Covenant….. The sacrifice was made once and for all….. for us….. But, we also are made a living sacrifice as Roman 12 states. We live His Testimony as a voice of one crying in the wilderness to alert all to the Voice they should and can hear if they turn to Him.

The blood shed for you and me belongs to the King of all kings….. Do you not see?….. The remissions of sin is only by the shedding of blood. And let us double take on whose blood was shed for us? The sinless spotless Lamb of God and Lion of God.

His voice is and was and always will be, for He is the Word of God inside His believers….. That is His temple- you and me…. if we have His Spirit, Holy Spirit living within……

Whose temple are you?

Daniel spoke in chapter 9:20, Now while I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sins and the sins of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God.

Interesting how Daniel spoke of the holy mountain of my God……..God’s plan was and is and always will be.

In Matthew 25:1, I noticed something that perked my ears up: Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom…….

There were five wise who kept the oil in their lamps and five foolish who took no oil in their lamps…..

Verse 6, speaks: And at midnight a cry was heard: Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him. Then all the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out…… But the wise answered, saying no, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding, and the door was shut.

Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, Lord, Lord open to us!

But he answered and said, Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.


That is the sentence that stunned me….. All of them knew Him, didn’t they? But without His Spirit or oil, He did not recognize them…….. Whose temple are you? The put off the needful thing- Him and listening to His Spirit.

Now the other thing to meditate on is this……

Daniel 12:10-12: Many shall be purified made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Blessed is he who waits and comes to the one thousand and three hundred and thirty five days.

So if the Lord is the Sacrifice of all sacrifices, and His believers make their lives a living sacrifice unto God……. And if the temple was in Jerusalem ……. but now, His temple is within us, as we are being built into a spiritual temple for One True Living God.. as written in Ephesians chapter 2:19-22:

Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in who, you are also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

What does this mean…….?

As written 1 Corinthians 6:15-20: Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not.

Or do you no know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For ‘ the two’, He says, ‘ shall become one flesh’. But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of Holy Spirit that is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which is God’s.

Now as I mentioned in previous blogs, if we are friends with the world we are also in enmity with God as written in James….. If we are one with the world and just give words to God but no heart…… We are also partaking of the harlot….

How do we know? Does Jesus Christ know you? Is there fellowship with Him? Is there abiding in His Word? Is there a seeking heart for Him and His Voice…… Are you known as a troubler of the lost? Disturbing them in their lost state. Bringing the Truth of Jesus Christ to their minds? Awakening what was dead to life by bringing His presence of Light to darkness?

Most all, we shall always know that when we call Him, He always answers….. Maybe the answer is not what we want but He answers. He is faithful and strong to lean into and rely on……. Sometimes, I think He chuckles at us, and all the times we call on His name for help……Circumstances He allows, so we may see our great need for our One True Living God, the Lord God Almighty……. Be the ones that He knows now.

For it is written, then they shall know I AM the Lord God Almighty….. And we answer, Lord God, You who dwell in the heavens have also desired to live in us and be with us…….. You are our delight and comfort. We are Your temple….. A place to lay Your head and be desired above all. Even above all Your gifts, without Your voice speaking to us……Nothing competes in this life with hearing Your gentle Voice in the stillness of the chaos of the storms.

The most important thing in our life, is to know our God and His Son…….And for Him to know His house is ours. We are His beloved and He is ours.

Do not be deceived- He is a God of His Word and does not lie as man…… You cannot prove a lie, but you can prove the liars. God does not lie as man….. He is faithful and there will be not a Word that is not fulfilled spoken by Him. All else shall perish but His Word will stand. That is written in the Bible- go find it if you do not know this.

Certainly we are not living in the time of Judges, right? Where every man did what was right in his own eyes? Certainly, we have learned the fear of the Lord……. If we have not, I can guarantee, we will.

As I was walking by the big immense ocean today kicking up its heels as it was consuming the beach, I thought this is just an ocean and people feared for the beach was empty……..Is not our God a consuming fire? He should be given honor and glory as we rise in the morning and thanking Him for His great faithfulness before we shut our eyes at night, right? What about in between as I ask Him to make sure and show Himself strong on my behalf……. Don’t you see me looking towards You to show up and show off.?…. Let Your enemies see Your greatness. Let them see Your Love remove the scales from their eyes and heart, My Lord.

This is how we see the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14: For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

This precious Holy Spirit of glory resting in our earthen vessels, gathering together in every nation, tribe and tongue to His glory. Each one of us gathering in our knowledge of experience of the height and depth, the width and length of His great love. Know Him!

Guess what if you do not, He loves you so much, He will create circumstance where we have to look up?

Some follow others to an extent that is sort of whacky……… Why follow mere men? The ones you follow or persecute….. Do you know them better then Jesus Christ?……. Change your focus while it is dusk and you can…..Let Him, the King of glory, be your focus.

Father, You are a great, great Father and God. We love You and thank You for all our breath and sorrows and smiles. We thank You that we are alive to breath Yah in and Weh out….. You are our breath and life…..Thank You for Your protection over us and those who serve to protect others in the land. Thank You for Your justice in the heart of men and government. I thank You that they will always step up and do what is right in Your eyes, by faith we ask their eyes be open to You this day.

Keep us close by circumstance and trials and blessings, for in all, we need You. For in You is our life, strength and sustenance.

Thank You for Your Word that we abide in us as we are being perfected in Jesus Christ, our hidden place….. Each circumstance that comes our way is strategically set for us to know and live by You completely…. Each day is a gift My Father, and we thank You for it is another day of breathing the knowledge of you within us as we grow greatly into the Tree of Life that produces such good fruit of and by My King.

Thank You and we love You. Hear our heart song of love toward You in our secret place in our King and the melody touch the hearts that You have called.




Do you see the sun in full shining? No, you see the effects of the sun. Do you see sin? No, you may be seeing the effects of sin in this world or even in your own life…… Do you see life? Not in itself, but you see the effects of life…. In the life of a newborn or a flower or a smile from a stranger….. You may see Me in their eyes. Yet, you may see another that effects you to send a prayer My way.

I have given men the power to choose life or death….. If You choose Me, You will live life in Me abundantly….. If you choose life without Me, death will reign…… It is not My will that any should perish but you do have that choice. You may choose to live life as you see right….. My question to you is….. what if your neighbor does his or her life in Me? Is that wrong or right? Do you have the right to try to stop their choice? Do you not know they are apart of Me? What you do to My brethren- you are doing to Me.

Act in wisdom. For your choice of death and not life in Me, will come knocking at your door. Then who will be your advocate?

See the bloody path of My death for you to have life in Me. See I AM not in the tomb. Death could not stop God from rising for My own…… I AM alive and want to be alive in You. Raise you from the dead is My plan! My scars are for your healing….. There are My followers who bring My healing to others. Seek and ask, I AM shall lead you to My children…… If any are of need of healing- ask…… I AM always exalt the humble and debase the proud.

Come to Me, while the sun is setting, for many abominations are rising to fall in this day…..

Know the season and as My little stone has spoken keep your white boots on as you keep to the path of the snow…. Learn of My great love. Nothing too high or too deep can interfere with My love towards you….. Nothing from east to the west and all the lengths of the universe of galaxies will separate Me nor take My beloved from My hand.

Trust Me.

Fear not and believe in Me……

I AM forever and will never let you go….. As We may go from a door through to another…. I AM there. See My smile and take hold of My outstretched hand….. Know the grip is forever…… My Word abides forever within My own……Growing and increasing. As My Word is in you, you become My voice………Whatever is in your heart flows from your mouth…… Hear My Voice through the many waters. Hear My children speak My heart.

Whose temple are you? Do you listen? Do you speak? Meet Me in the silence of the night or the brightness of the day. I AM here and ready to become all in your being.

As was before to My enemies, will be again and again tomorrow. Know Me and know the Truth that sets you free….. I AM the Son of God. See, who I AM has freed is free indeed. Rest your selves in I AM and be refreshed for the journey is long and though I AM tarries…. In a breath, I AM.

Selah!! Selah!!

Every Man is Right, Right?

Seems to me that everyone acts according how they want to. Is it to be accepted in the crowd, click, neighborhood, school system, or state government or federal government……?

This twisted thinking starts with our own heart and how we value our values. Do they also act as they want at church?

Just wondering……

Lives matter……. if you ever want to know where the heart of a country, a church or a city ….. Ask this question….

What is the first priority to you?

What is the main thing to you? What is the main thing to your family? What is the main thing to your city, state and government ? Even your church? The church you attend…….. The body of Christ has the Head as their Leader…… Is that the purpose of the body you attend? His commands are put as first rank, right?

  1. How do lives matter to you at where you hang at church or bar or click?
  2. How do our actions affect others? Is there hate or acceptance?
  3. Why?
  4. How is your own backyard? Meaning people who tend to be experts on others and invade their lives, usually have a real mess of their own, that they are avoiding by being codependent on others. Example: King Saul was rejected by God as King of Israel because he was disobedient in taking down the enemy and sacrificing when he was to wait for the prophet…… This disobedience got him fired as king from God…… Instead of looking at his heart and seeing why he feared man more than God….. He didn’t…… He persecuted the one that God chose as written. God chose one after His own heart…..that was to replace Saul as King…. Saul feared and then hated with envy the life of David…… But why? Anyone you envy? Envy is from the evil one and we better not partake of that weed.
    1. Whose heart are we after to please? Man or God’s.
    2. What things in this life matter to us? Who has first place?
    3. Do you know what the first commandment is? Just wondering. If you own a bible and do not know…… Why do you not know? If you do not own a bible, then google the question. Do you know the grace of God to get right with God through His Son will not be forever? Do you realize the consequence of not coming to His face and seeking His grace? Just wondering….. God does not act like a government of men….. He means what He says and always says what He means…..If we do not partake to seek His kingdom first, we are then the harlot church…….
    1. Do you know what the harlot church is? Read Revelation 18. If you do not have a bible- go to google.
    2. What was the least important items to this harlot church which God took vengeance on? Read it……. Yes, bodies and souls of men were the last of importance to this group. Things were first and people last.
    3. Where do you stand?
    4. Where does your family stand?
    5. What about your church?
    6. Do you know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?
    7. Do you know why?

Do you know what the last Book of Revelation stands for? Yes, right! The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ……. King, Prophet, Bridegroom and Judge…..being fully revealed in all His glory!

I double dog dare you to read the last book in the Bible. Again, google it. No excuses. Unless you want to lose a dare.

Scripture says, Everyone is right in their own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, Proverb 21:2

Every act and thought will be brought to the judgment seat of the Ancient of Days….. Do we but only have His blood to stand on, right? Forever thankful and humbled by our King. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ took the bullet for us so we may be written in the Lamb’s book of life……. Are you written in it? Why not? Do you really want to wager with God? If you say to me, well, I don’t believe in God….. then , I say to you…… eternity is a long time to be completely and morally wrong.

How silly for a little ant to lift up it’s little leg towards man and say who are you to move me out of your house? And we say, watch this…. Stomp and his body, little fist and all, is thrown in the trash to be burned at the next pick up of trash.

In continuing, this thought from Proverbs 21:2…… Please continue to read the rest of the words of Charles Spurgeon….. I do not know from what book of his works I found it….. But, I sent it to my family and put it everywhere in the apartment place I was living at the time.

Is your heart ready for the weighing?

Have you no fear of the final trial?
Is Jesus enthroned in your heart by faith?

If so, you need not fear any weighing.

If not, what will you do when the King sets up His final scales?

Then, as I prayed, a prayer formed :

I wrote:

Oh!!! My Father,

May they be stunned by Your grace:

May they be amazed by Your Love;

May they be humbled by Your Mercy;

May they be moved to Your Healing Presence;

May they be shocked at the sacrifice of Your Son;

May they be awakened to Your Everlasting Arms;

May they have eyes to see and ears to hear Your call :

Come and drink the only cup of Salvation;

May they have the wisdom to understand Your way of Everlasting Life ;

May they receive the Truth of Life, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they be set free in Your Truth, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they live with Your Word ruling and reigning in their hearts today and forever;

May they rest in Your everlasting arms of Love;

For now and forever, Your glory and dominion and Power reigns in the Highest;

May they love to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Uncreated One;

May we all live in the eternal joy of knowing our God and that He has called us to Him. Amen and Amen.

Hear Him and Turn to Him this day!

Do you know how long your life will be?

Do you really want to wager with God?

We have two choices…..

Shine as the sun in the noonday by His Spirit of power within us.

Or we may be utterly burned with the fire……as written for strong is the Lord God who judges her, ( paraphrase of Revelation 18:8).

Yes, our King is a great Shepherd….. He holds us gently and tenderly as new born lambs as He is keeping….. But He is terrible and awesome to His enemies. As written in the Book of James, if we are a friend of the world, we are in enmity with God…… Hmmmm.

There is His Day coming to all! There will be judgment on the harlot church as well as those who do not want Jesus Christ to be King over their lives….. They may say yes, but have not turned their hearts away from the world and it’s evil ways….

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me,(Galatians 2:20).

He has prepared for us a dwelling place and a new garment to be clothed in. ( He is our dwelling place and His Spirit covers us. Sin is death and His ways are life and life abundant. No matter what comes our way, His protection and guarding us is there. Faith in Him is our way …..

This life on this earth is short but life in Christ Jesus is forever and ever…..

For those who think it is okay to destroy life or abuse, oppress and slander others………You are partaking of the wrong church….. Eternity is a long time to not change your behavior and repent to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Get right with the King and restore those you have hurt whether by tongue or hand…….

Get right while you have a breath to speak….

Our King spoke of floods and earthquakes and rumors of wars and wars……

Get your white rubber boots on to keep your eye on His Voice.

Do not tarry. Read the signs of the times.

We must know the end is the Beginning and the Beginning will never End.

Does He know what house you are from?

Do you know the two commandments He left us with?

Live them! He has given us all power to live a godly life so we walk in the snow and keep from the floods. The last stone in the wall of the city of the King is amethyst.

I wrote in great detail each stone found in my book….. However, the stone amethyst symbolically is to be sober. Awake from deception and start living in the Truth, Jesus Christ…… There all things that are being done in the dark which will be exposed by His light….. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed in the Light of Jesus Christ. All of Him will be revealed and all things done hidden will be known and made known. HE IS THE LIGHT OF ALL MEN!!! Even though some choose the darkness, there is no darkness in His sight…. He brings His light to all things. He also shows His own the hidden secrets by His light.

As we live and abide in Him, all things are revealed as He shows us great and mighty things.

I am ever grateful He gave me the grace to turn to Him and repent. I am ever grateful for His blood and His Spirit who has come to dwell within me. He never promised me an easy life but He has given me all things in Him so His life is fulfilled as I walk by faith and not by sight. He promised me He would never leave or forsake me.

Beyond all that I have attained in Christ, I have found He is always faithful to complete what He has started in me and others……

He is worth my all….. First seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.

Do you still want to wager with God and keep your idols?

As written, only a fool says there is no God.

I know and He knows you are not a fool. Turn to Him now and get right with Him and others…..

WAKE UP!!!! Live in Jesus Christ.

Know Him and know peace.

No Him and no peace.

Do not spend all day looking for fault in My own…… Do you not see the fault in your own heart? Why does it bother you that I speak to this one or that one? Why are your own ears not tuned to Me? Why are you not being your brother’s keeper? Why do you seek to destroy and not build.

Build your own heart in Me. Listen and see all that I speak to you if you will turn and listen….. Time is short…. Do not waste away in dullness of the enemies plan……. How many heard My warning on that September 11th. They were told to go another way or to stay home that day……. I AM that I AM. I AM faithful to those who are abiding in I AM.

I AM faithful in the first of breath and to the last as I AM there with you in eternity. Do not fear but believe all things are through Me. My hand is not shortened to save…… and keep you in Me.

As Winter turns to Spring and Spring turns to Summer as Summer turns to Fall….. Are you surprised by the seasons turn and as your time points to I AM for all eternity? Children gather around and see I AM then and I AM and I AM forever. Lean on Me and then you shall always be amazed but never surprised as events are revealing Me. I AM shall never be ignored or left out of the minds of men for long.

For I AM all and in all…….

As a nation, we have been granted such abundances. We have so many servicemen that have sacrificed their all for our constitution, our freedom of liberty and rights and happiness…… My family’s prayers and hearts go to our brave military who we are forever grateful…. These warriors and their families are our heroes. Thank you for all your service and your shed blood and sacrifice…. This nation is forever grateful and shame to those who are in authority to put our military in reckless harm’s way.

May God’s love and comfort surround those families who are witnessing the loss of their great heroes lives which were taken ruthlessly this day.

Amen and Amen!