
Our Lord Jesus Christ is watching us. What does He see?

Today my heart is sad. It the mark of forty years of legalized abortion in this country.

Forty days our Lord spent in the desert to be tested and tried. Forty years Israel spent going through the desert, which the adult generation did not make it into the promised land of Canaan. Only Joshua and Caleb and the children of the “Exodus generation” actually entered into the promised land.

Forty years is a time of testing and being set apart for God. Do you think the ones that call on the name of Jesus Christ in America passed the test?

King Nebuchadnezzar was given a warning dream from God. He was in pride of the greatness of his kingdom in Babylon. The dream was interpreted by Daniel that the king should know that Heaven rules. He was advised to repent, break off his sins by being righteous and his iniquities to by showing mercy to the poor.

King Nebuchadnezzar ignored the warnings in his pride. In twelve months, the decree that he ignored was put into place. The kingdom was taken away from him and he was made into a beast like creature eating off the land for seven years. He went looney tunes! Daniel 4.

I did not mention this item above referring to any kings, but my insight is for the church in America. We are responsible to bring the Lord’s light to dispell the darkness…. How are we doing?

God restored the king after he learned that those who walk in pride, the Holy One is able to bring down. Heaven rules and so do the rules and laws of God!

I know alot of people do not see the writing on the wall for this country to repent and stop abortion… but the people that call on the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord should.

I know that our God is gracious and His mercies are new to us every morning… I also know if we pray, turn from our wicked ways—- which is not obeying the commands of Jesus Christ… Love God with our whole heart, mind and will and neighbor. We should examine our fruit….Is God first place in our hearts and lives? If He is, I know He hears us. We can then seek our Father for the doors that will be opened and the wise strategies to turn around this law and other laws that goes against what God says.

I pray that we awaken from our distractions. I know when each child of God asks what he or she can do in this battle, the Holy Spirit will show us. Each person has an obedience act to put forth. We can pass this test of faithfulness for God. The children of this country will start to be safe again, because God and His people of America are making a way of light, breaking the power of darkness. Let’s each take our part and sieze the day.

God has empowered us to overcome this today. Today if you hear the Holy Spirit….

I pray that twelve months from now, this country is NOT decreed for  judgment because we didn’t as Jesus Christ followers take our watch in the army of God here in this country.

I know He will show us the way, if we ask, seek and knock and really turn from our distractions that make us unavailable to be His body in action here for the kingdom of God.

Hebrews 3:14-15, for we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. I hope you finish yourself the rest of chapter 3, verse 16-18 of Hebrews.

2 Comments on “Our Lord Jesus Christ is watching us. What does He see?”

  1. Hi Marianne,

    My name is Evelyn.
    Im the girl you saw at Panera Bread in Shawnee. I had the picture of Jesus’ feet on my background of my computer…

    Thanks for your card. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. I am very interested in your book also. at some point Im sure I will get one 🙂 love to read.

    I can relate a little to your love for horses and God asking you to set it aside. I loved to run, ran a lot and in 2008 He asked me to lay it down and give all that time to Him, learning at His feet and practicing life alongside Him. I will say it wasnt easy laying it down 🙂

    Your timing was sort of funny. I have been writing for a while now and have decided to try to compile a book. not sure what will come of it but felt I need to share what He is teaching me 🙂

    anyhow, I have been through a bit of a rocky time with the Lord, its a very long story, thirteen years worth of story, so I wont bore you 🙂 but one thing that really stood out to me that you said was “we are in a the middle of a grand love story” or something like that 🙂 I needed to remember that 🙂 its for love. I can get so caught in formulas and loose sight of His heart. and forget how big His story really is 🙂

    thanks for sharing what God is telling you and not keeping it all locked up inside.

    so much blessing to you!

    • Hi Evelyn,

      Thank you so much for looking at my website. I love to have people let me know what they think! Especially ones that have the feet of Jesus on the cross on their background of pc! That is such an awesome picture, it really caught my eye. I had to check it out again and I then found a sister in Christ!

      Way to go- girl!!!! The Holy Spirit tugged at your heart to lay down running. You obeyed and turned to Him with that time…. way to go-girl! I encourage you to write down all the journey you are experiencing with God in your study time of the word and prayer. In our obedience comes alot of blessings! The biggest one is that the Creator of the Universe would rather you spend time with Him. How awesome is that! Many are called -few choose! You chose!!!!!!

      When I started to receive the love of God in my heart, I melted. Jesus never ever let go of me, especially in my moments of weakness, doubt and anger. God’s love for us is way too big!
      Thank you again, Evelyn, for taking the time to share your victory of obedience to our Lord!
      You have encouraged me and I am sure many others! Let’s keep on truckin’ with the Lord for HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS! Lots of love and His blessings be on my new found brave sister, Evelyn, in Christ!