
Hey, The National Day Of Prayer Is Past…Will We Be Found In Prayer When There Is No Show?

The national day of prayer is a necessity, however, we should be found in prayer every day, whether the nation announces it or not….. We should be in our secret place with the Lord more than in any other activity for the Lord or others.

Our conversation should be more with the Lord during our days than with men….. So when things happen, we are not surprised or dismayed but we are aware of the signs of the times. We are not surprised by the happenings of men and kingdoms of this world….. We hear from heaven and are told what to pray…. This should be our way daily with our Lord. Then we will have a very sure word from the Lord in our response to any crisis.

Christ followers in this country should prepare for the coming of correction or chastisement or judgment. Pick what ever word you want that makes you feel more comfortable. It is written that judgment comes to the house of God first in 1 Peter 5.

I know no one likes that word- JUDGMENT, but…. we need to wake up and be aware of how we have strayed from the standard God holds- Jesus Christ, His Son, the Word of God….. as God’s rights are being rejected out of this country…… The wall of protection is lifted, it has been deteriorating for a while now…The cracks in the walls have allowed the weakening of our foundations that built the nation in God. The spirit of the anti-christ has been slowly putting deception in the ears of those who are not wakened and wanting the truth as written in Thessalonians.

Are we prepared in steadfastness in our faith or will we get offended at God when stuff happens in this country or any where in the west?………. God has not kept His ways a secret…. nor has His people been silent trumpeting the warnings of judgment are coming…..

Could the great falling away be coming to those that get offended in this generation?

And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me, ( Matthew 11:6). The trials are to test men hearts. We call some events trials in the sports arena…. Why? Because they are scheduled to test the skills and endurance of the members…… Same with God! Some may choose to get offended at God and turn from Him……. Why do some turn away?

God’s love is way higher and deeper than our understanding, so we have to hold on and trust Him through all that comes to us- hardship and blessing….. As matured sons and daughters of God, we should handle it because He has given us all divine power to prove the Son’s image in us as walk through the fire and water….. if it is in our heart to remain faithful to Him, no matter what.  Some may turn away in bitterness. Hey, how is this a loving God and He is not what they thought God was…. God was made in their image as they were lacking knowledge of God, sooo.…..

God’s shaking is for the eternal to remain and all else be gone…. The season of pruning is coming upon His people and the nations. As it is written in Daniel 11:35, and some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith- the salvation of your souls,( 1 Peter 6-9 ).

Peter mentioned all our faith will be tested by fire—– The fire leaves alone what is pure….but burns up the false doctrine that have lodged as beliefs and are strongholds which is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ or the leading of His Spirit…. but is from the earth, man made.

We can use this opportunity from the Spirit of Truth to seek the truth—- Jesus Christ, the Word of God- He will reveal Himself to us if we are seeking Him in honesty…..Yes, it will be hard. In fact, some times even shattering, but that is okay…. Our Lord holds us in His hands and will not let any that are His be taken from Him. Let us trust Him to shine His spotlight on any false strongholds that we believe and let them fall down to pieces. After all He is a Jealous God, but He is Good!

What will the Watchers from heaven view in our buildings where we are to worship the Lord and the Lord alone? Will they see the super bowl parties and or movies playing at church? Social events for the people? Or will they see numerous buildings holding fiery intercession for Christ’s name sake to be honored and for the people to come out to Him from “Babylon”.

The Spirit of God took Ezekiel into the temple and allowed Ezekiel to see the unspeakable worshiping of false gods from the leaders and people in charge were doing in secret…… I wonder why the Spirit of God just showed Ezekiel what the leaders were doing?    Hmmmmm….. 

Have people changed so much in this generation versus the one that lived on the earth when Ezekiel walked on this earth? If your answer is yes, then I have to question  the outstanding numbers reflecting the unborn deaths or remind you of the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, is there any resemblance in the current day? The holes in our armor or our faith reveals what comes from compromise or mixture with men  listening to men rather than listening to heaven, the Spirit of God.

What if it happens there are no buildings left to worship the Lord anymore… for it is forbidden….? Will we be strong in the Lord, to pray and remain diligent in His name, even if we are alone and threatened? Will we know He is with us and is our All Sufficiency?

What will happen to us if we do not stand now when it is not difficult….. Where will be the stamina when everything around speaks of death… Death to those who call on the name of Jesus Christ…. Will we have the ‘true grit” that will go literally to the cross or prison if we are called to that?

If we do not grasp the grace of the Lord today when it is green out, how will we have the stamina in His knowledge and grace to hold strong in allegiance to our King when the green has turned to death. If we do not work the discipline that is needed to die to the world today and make time for Him, how will we be sustained? Who will sustain us, if we have not been faithful  now to our King? Our God is merciful, but He is also a Consuming Fire- not to be messed with or are we to think greasy grace was His idea.

Do we think it might be time for a little boot camp discipline for ourselves now? Are we prepared to remain faithful to Christ, no matter what? I know I am weak, I am asking often in faith that His strength be made perfect through me….. I cannot do anything without Him….. But I prepare myself for this day and ask as the day may approach that I may remain faithful to Him….. I am praying for what may happen- preparing for endurance and steadfastness to Him and Him alone today. I am leaning on My Beloved today so that what may occur tomorrow, I know how to lean on Him through each moment.

Do we sit in our pride and think that won’t happen to us here in America? Do we not see the cup of iniquity filling that is against the Lord and His commands? Do we not see the hands of the Lord allowing things in this country to change so that we may receive the chastisement that is due to this generation?

May we realize of the coming opportunity to know what Paul meant that he wanted to know the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means, we may attain to the resurrection from the dead according to Philippians 3:10. When our lives are filled with adversity and hardship, we grow in Him or in bitterness…..Either take the lemons and turn sour or make lemonade with His grace. Our choice……

As it is written and spoken from our Forerunner in Matthew 10:39, He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

We need to grow in Him now when we have been given the time to hear and turn to Him today.

We will not make it in a marathon if we do not stretch our capacities daily to make it for the long haul….. This concept is the same for us spiritually…. We need to stretch our faith, allowing God to grow in greater measure in us so that we may remain faithful to the end of the marathon.

Now we will have available to us to suffer for His name sake.…. As it is written For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself, ( 2 Timothy 2:11-13).

Do we not see? We are given a chance to stand for our faith in Christ Jesus and the Truth….. We lose our comfortable standing with the latest current trend of today’s society…. If we remain in good standing with the neighbors and the work place….. however, we lose our stand with Christ…..Hello, let us weigh this out—- Men’s opinion wins over God’s smile and neverending love and  living in His Presence forever?….. No contest for me!  Preparing our hearts in standing today for Christ, will grow our roots deep for greater storms ahead.

He remains faithful to Himself. Do not rely on what was said way back when we said we believe in Him. Today, if He speaks, make sure we have an ear to listen—- Today….. not yesterday, not tomorrow… We might not have tomorrow…. Are we living to show the blossom that leads to the fruit that remains faithful to righteousness at all costs to us…..?

Are we willing to take a chance of ignoring this great God and His rights on this earth?…. Have we no fear of the Lord today? Has Satan filled our thoughts with such lies that we do not see the Truth anymore….. nor stand for it? Has the trend of men and the rebellious spirit makes us bow to them or will we be faithful to the Lord? Who is more important to us? Status with men or with the King of Heaven?

Nonetheless, those that want God and want all they can get of Him, will have the opportunity to stand in the testimony of the Lord…..If we die, we die because we live….. We have prison over us, we will be free in His Spirit. We do not fear who can kill our mortal lives here, however, we do fear and love the One who holds our eternal life in His hands…. We will trust Him in conforming us to His death, so that we may know the power of His resurrection from the dead…..Remember, when we awake we shall be found in His likeness!

Remember the second death holds no power over us…. Praise be to Him who holds our breath in His hands.

Now many will read this and say, this is way out…. We will not experience any correction or judgment from God… What about His mercy…… His corrections and judgments are His mercy……so that we may be instructed in righteousness and turn to live…..TODAY!  We may have today on our mind, but He has eternity on His.

Remember in the Flood, there were only eight that we saved from the waters overflowing……..Only 8!!! Eight remained on the earth, however, this age is regarding not just this life but all of time and eternity….. This is what is given to all men to make a choice… for we will be judged according to the works of our hearts….. and our choices.

There were many prophets that spoke warning to the people of God to wake up and turn their hearts away from idol worshiping and back to God. They spoke to people morning and night to repent and clean their garments in warning…….

Well, the Lord is warning this country to awaken to righteousness and turn away from covetousness and adultery with God. Do not mistake His longsuffering for acknowledgment of the lack of righteousness in this country. God is very precise in His decisions, He knows when the cup of iniquity for every country will be filled and has already planned the judgment or blessings if they turn and repent…..

It has already been established, He knows the end from the beginning…. Remember, He wrote the Book! However, if a country truly repents and changes the ways and laws back to righteousness, He has shown to relent on the judgment…… So do we sit idly by or do we ask for His mercy to change the hearts of the kings back to Him….. the hearts of leaders in the church and government….. But the National Day of Prayer has passed! So should we wait until the next year to ask, seek and knock?

He who has ears to hear, let him hear! But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, and saying: We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not lament. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, he has a demon. The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, look, a glutton and winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!

But wisdom is justified by her children!, ( Matthew 11;15-19).

Do we need a show to go to our prayer closet and petition for our Lord’s mercy? Are all our actions for the showing before man or God?  Do we know we live before the Audience of One 24/7?  Do we really understand that our Jehovah does not sleep or slumber but is aware of every heart and every action and every cry and every curse we do before Him?

We thank You, Heavenly Father that Your mercy is neverending. Please give us more understanding of how great You are so we may bow before You giving the love that You deserve and all honor….. May You be exalted as we seek You to know You and to ask for more of Your love to love You as we should and others…. In Jesus Christ’s name, we ask. Thank You for Your mercy that You want speak to every heart, may we have ears to hear You today.

Selah!   Part II – On What Is Coming Around The Corner….