
It Is Not What If ….. It Is Whatever……..

we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,( Matthew 16:19).

These things says He who is holy, He who is true. He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens,                     ( Revelation 3:7).

I Am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death, ( Revelation 1:18).

The Lord has  all authority  in  all things on the earth and in the heavens as symbolized by the keys. This world and universe and the spiritual realm….As we grow in the revelation or the grace and knowledge of our Lord, we also grow in our authority in the Lord.

He said to them, Who do you say I AM? Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you Simon Bar-Jo’nah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, ( Matthew 16:15-19).

Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: There was a certain judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, Get justice for me from my adversary.

And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenger her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

Then the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?    

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?, ( Luke 18:1-8).

Can we look at the times and realize our lives need to be filtered. It is not business as usual. What ever we sow or not sow  in prayer will change the course of the nation coming in November of 2016. Our prayers could even change some events  sooner.

Speaking for myself, if I need something especially urgent as in an emergency, my faith is like steel to our great God. I will not give up or give in. I expect His Almightiness to answer!….. I know I am not alone in being pushy or persistent when we want or need something very important…..

We are the ones that have a hold of our God’s ear….. His children…… When we are with our own children, we hear their cries….. and turn to help…… Now when they keep crying and pulling on our clothes to capture our attention for help, we will answer them……Same with our Heavenly Father with His children……

I wonder what Jesus meant when He said – though He bears long with us?   Numerous ideas come up but I am not sure the true meaning….Is He bearing because of our  prayers are laced with selfishness, covetousness or greed? Are they not regarding His purpose ?

Can we know the importance of the times we are in? Do we wonder  the outcome of this nation could be held in our prayers or lack of…..  This nation could turn back to God by His hand because we have His ear! But is from a place on our knees and of sacrifice……not a filmed event, but in the quiet secret place, where there is only God and us……or our families.

God does relent on His judgments at times….. Can we believe that this might be the time and make a committment to keep His ear until things are changed by His hand.

We don’t have to knock on heaven’s door, we are already there! We are already seated with our King in the heavenlies…… Are we learning to reign with our King as He left us instruction, binding what is not of heaven and loosing what is of heaven?

I pray the Lord will say to this generation of His people: Good job, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven…… Don’t you? Yeah!!!!

What if we lived knowing every prayer is answered without any doubt? Would we be more diligent to turn off the T.V. at night to be present before His Presence in communion and prayer….. Do we wonder if our prayers are heard because our relationship is a little more like an acquaintance instead of a marriage or strong bond between Father and son or daughter?

Our Heavenly Father is so great that when we are far from Him, He hears and answers. When we are close He hears and answers His children…… He who created the ear, does He not hear? He who created the eyes, does He not see? He who created us, does He not hold us in His hands?

He hears and answers. He speaks to us with His gentle voice and we must remember and live on what He says—- for He is the LIVING WORD…. Not a dead word, but living and active to pierce us to the core so we may choose life and light.

He speaks to us individually as if we are the only child He has……  He also speaks to us as His body so we may overcome any obstacles and snares from the enemy and complete His purpose.

As the body of Christ, we stand firm in prayer, bind what needs binding and loose what needs loosing- like the strength of God, courage, boldness, perseverance, faith- the Spirit of the Lord within us!……. May God hear us to  change hearts, all things are possible….

Sometimes things are allowed to happen, so we may get out of our rut of existing. We live and get on with our days and our fire of the Lord slowly diminishes.  The soul takes over to runs us and our spirit man is yelling: Help, help! I am suffocating with out My Lord’s words and voice. I am getting too small…. Help me……I am drowning in vanity…. I am starving for the Food from heaven.

So if we entered eternity now as we are with the Lord…. so where is the T.V.? Where is the iphone and other gagdets, if we are living in eternity now?  Where is the malls, sports arenas? Where are the time wasters in eternity….?  How are we living in the Truth? Are we partaking of heavenly orders and scenes from the godly counsel? Are we living in eternity now or are we still fixed and attached to earthly things?

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit, ( Romans 8:5).

Yes, all habits can be broken  in three weeks. Godly habits can be firmly established as our needful foundation of life.

First week, we turn off earth and turn on heaven’s sound……It may be like trudging through snowdrifts, but the way is pure and will make us strong in the Spirit. We may feel the pings of old loves, but the pings get softer as the week goes on….

We live in His eternity, where we belong. Our spirit man is stronger for the sacrifice. We are content and satisfied more than we have been before.  Our sleep is sweeter and we hear His voice clearer. The doubt of Who is speaking is diminishing. There is the joy bubbling up within.

Week two of living from eternity. We look forward to going through the snowdrifts of purification. We enjoy what adventure the Holy Spirit has planned for our beautiful time together….. We enjoy the closeness of relationship and the secrets that are revealed.

Week three of living from eternity, we repent to Him of how we got so involved in timewasters. We are sorry for the sidetrack into a ditch we followed…. We ask our Heavenly Father to please help us to keep in His walk. We ask for discernment  in Your strength to overcome any hiccups that come to pull us away from our place with You in eternity.

Week four of living from eternity…..Distractions, problems and even blessings come to steer us away from our place with Him in eternity…… We notice right away, the tension, the lack of peace and stop……We breath and know immediately —– ahhhh….. I am  leaving my place with You in eternity…. They can wait, but I will not keep You waiting….. First I follow my heart to You- You have become my all and You are My everything…..All else is put in it’s proper place, even sleep.

Father, show us Your heart. May we see Your heart today and hold it as precious as You hold ours…. May we grow in the fear of the Lord by Your grace and mercy.

May Your plans be our goal, our focus, our life….. May we realize the awesome opportunity You have bestowed on us, Your sons and daughters to pray in You and from Your heart, so things to be bound are and what You want loosed are in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. May we see the reality of the place You have called us and placed us….. May we not be the sons and daughters desiring something beside our Father’s business.

All things are possible, the changing of any tide. The hearts of the Lord’s people in this country turning off the earth to hear from heaven.  May we return to the place where we reborn in His Spirit in God… May we come back to live where we came from, eternity…. the kingdom of heaven.  His children live and breath His word. They are heaven focused and will not let the fire of God diminish from their spirits…..

But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Like wise the Spirit, also in our weaknesses. For we do no know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, (Romans 8:25-26).

The revival that is often spoken about, sung about and prayed about….. starts within us first… God already revived us by His Spirit. His fire is burning bright if we are close to Him, if we are far, the fire gets dimmer …. When we turn off the earthly distractions and mean business, the Fire of His Spirit is kindled to burn again…..  When we turn off the earthly distractions it must not be only for a couple of nights or days or months but for life….. A lifestyle of being set apart as His disciples….. Do what we must  to get back to          obedience and knowledge of His voice….. Then we know for certain the revival has started within and the flames will spread…..

What no football season this fall?  Tell me what is more important at this time? Game time or His time in prayer? Who is the word of God speaking to  when Jesus Christ is referring to the days of Noah? Why does He refer to Himself as a thief? Is it life  as usual, as though there have been no signs?

What is the life lived by His people?…..Can we afford to keep  a deaf ear to the destruction that is coming? What needs to fall off as scales so we have eyes to see ?  What do we kill that our eyes seem to be focusing on instead of Him?   Do the signs demand a change to a life full of Him? The fullness of God which is our great need today.  Will  things  change here  on earth if we are not engaged in the business of heaven?

It is our choice to pray now or pay later…. Each heart chooses…..We will reap what we sow…..A life sown into the flesh or a life sown into the Spirit…… Earth or Heaven….

He is waiting for our reply and then our next move.

My choice, I rather be pushy with My Heavenly Father and  in Him move mountains….. It is exciting and adventurous…. Besides  working in My Father’s business is heaven!….. He made me for such a time as this…… YOU TOO!

It is because of the cross of Christ that His church will prevail….. What cross will we walk through to prevail in the Lord and be His body here?  As the Head is the body….

Do we lift our rod, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,then see the waters part or not? Is it not the day the Lord spoke of in John 16:23-24,26-27: And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

In that day you will ask in My name, and do I not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God.

Let’s get the job done on our knees- we already know what needs to be bound and what needs to be loosed…….First, let us loose our hold on earthly things and timewasters and bind our eyes and ears to the heart of our Heavenly Father….Let the Fire revive…..

What is in heaven should be in our lives…… What is not in heaven should not be apart of our lives…… Live unto the Lord with holy and pure lives in Him and for Him….Then through us and our prayers, our God will show up and show off ! The result: the mountains are removed and will no longer advance!

What times we live in; what great opportunity is before us from the kingdom of God…….

Are we ready? We are the temple of God……So, what else is in the temple?

