The Lord’s coming was to displace what was and is for Him…. The Lord’s adjustment’s and corrections since He had been received in heaven has been the same: ….. replacing what is with Himself….. Replacing temporal with His eternal view by His shaking….. We are eternal people with an eternal mindset as our Lord for we have been given the mind of Christ as written…. Soooo how are we living from a heavenly view? Eternity is placing the steps of our life with a heavenly view.
We are already living in the eternal realm with our God today. We may see the temporal but again, this is only temporal. Our lives are established in eternity in our Lord Christ Jesus. What food we partake from will show where our view is from.
Our purpose under heaven is from heaven. We live in the reality of knowing the significance of the coming of the Lord. He came to earth in the flesh to manifest His eternal life. He replaced the failure of man gaining overcoming status from the Old Covenant.
In my paraphrase, of course, the Lord came to say, hey, when men worship from their outside, it does not do a thing to our God. He wants more, He wants our hearts to adore Him. He wants our thoughts to be around Him…..He wants our actions to be directed from Him alone…… Guys, this covenant of the law is only showing how far men are from pleasing the Godhead of the universe…… Though He loves, He cannot stand worship from a stone….. Your hearts are as stone without being born again from heaven. I came to give men a new heart to start fresh from a heavenly, eternal viewpoint of the Godhead….
The Lord’s incarnation was to bring our God, I AM, before us and we before our God in Christ. He redeemed us to a heavenly people with eternal mindsets of our God and the reality of the purpose our life.
Jesus Christ is now our King. He is the authority we live under and by His instructions. We are governed by His Spirit which is within us….. He established the Christ within us, so our hearts became alive…… The stones of our hearts were removed by the cross….. We rose with Him into the newness of His Life….. We learn to live by His Word and His Life in the Spirit of God….. We learn His way, the death of our flesh leads to life. We govern our steps to keep in the path of the Resurrected Life of Christ.
As He returns, there is a significance which will manifest. What do we think that will be ? Our God always presented Himself throughout the age to remind men that God is the origin…. We have our Beginning in God and our End. Will our God find our heavenly mindset directing our paths? Did we stay and ascend in greater measure the Resurrected Life of Christ through the low degrees of the cross? Will He find our hearts still performing our worship from the outside? Our hearts aren’t cold are they?
We live and move and have our being in God…. We live by heavenly ground. This is where our hearts are alive in the Spirit. We hear and move from His direction. We do things that are peculiar to the world, but normal to our origin. We are a mystery and full of signs and wonders to the world. We are enigma, but not from where we are from, we are normal. Our behavior is expected this way in heaven.
We praise and pray to our God always. We sing out His praise when we see His hand moving, turning evil’s intent into good. We see and hear from our Lord. This is normal required behavior living from heavenly ground. We ask questions of our Lord and He answers. He shows us the way to go and where not to go…..
All differences are settled by the cross of Christ. All our boast in our Lord and His cross. We are nothing without Him, we all are on our knees before Him on that cross. Our differences at the cross disappear…. They are not important. Our pride and offenses get put there and disappear by our awed humility at His greatness and that we are not.
We still must maintain our heavenly position in Christ today. He walks among us today as we are seated with Him in a heavenly position. The Word of God is written our on hearts, we are alive! The Word of God awakens us to supernatural life in our Lord Jesus Christ. We live in miracles. We live in His signs. We live in His hand. We live in His protection……. because we live in His Presence in heaven even though we are on earth. We hear Him and He hears us….. We are in heaven! Amen and Amen.
Evil’s attempt to bring us down to live from a temporal position or earthly view is constant. Satan realizes the power that is established in the body of Christ when their view is from heaven to the universe….. Read the Book of Acts, the power of the Spirit of God was manifested to all through the people of The Way…. The way of Christ. No powers on earth or in the heavenlies could stop the intent of God through His people….The body of Christ became all the brethren in this world. Their connection was to the whole body of Christ.
The view from heaven does not regard nations but His….. Our purpose is to bring the Light of the Truth of God, Jesus Christ to all and gather into His nation.
When the Lord walks among us today…. What will His searching, piercing eyes see? When He walks among us, do we see ourselves walking with Him? Are we hiding? Are we trying to jump up into His sight to see if He is smiling or not? Are we asking what is on His heart so we may speak it out? Do we want to know what is going on with Him? What is His thoughts today? We can ask…… He knows our hearts remember….. so ask.
Do we see His concern for His saints in prison? Do we see Him with the same concern as we know He stood at the approach of men stoning Stephen? Every one of His saints is His body and HIS.
However, our life in the flesh is temporary. When we live from a heavenly viewpoint, we learn to know our lives given or laid down here brings a great eternal reward with our Lord.
What is the significance of the Lord’s return? The temporal will diminish in His presence. In Christ Jesus, is our life and home…… He is eternal and we are His. All will be Christ’s and then He turns the creation over to God Almighty. We live by His authority and we act from His authority to bind what is not of heaven and loose what is of heaven upon the earth’s realm.
Now when He came into to the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?
But Jesus answered and said to them, I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, I will likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things.
The baptism of John-where was it from? From heaven or from men? and they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we say, From heaven, He will say to us, Why then did you not believe him? But if we say, From men; we fear the multitude, for all counted John as a prophet.
So they answered Jesus and said, We do not know. And He said to them, Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things, ( Matthew 21:23-27.)
Jesus lived and operated solely from heaven’s authority, Our Heavenly Father. As we move and live now, we also live on and by heaven’s authority, the Lord Jesus Christ has given us His authority….. He is in the heavenlies, and so is the origin our life operations…. We may be on the earth in the flesh but we move and have our being in our Lord Jesus Christ….. We are heavenly beings, living from heaven. We are heavenly minded, and also filled with the authority that is above all authority, our Lord’s, the High King of Heaven.
Scripture states He is returning for salvation? Hey! I thought we were saved? Hmmm.
So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him, He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation, ( Hebrew 9: 28).
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake, ( Psalm 23:3).
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.
And everyone that has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure, ( 1 John 3:2-3).
The significance of the return of Christ is the full restoration of God’s plan….. The complete regeneration of the soul of man to God’s image of His Son—– for those who believe and live by His Word….. We can rejoice on that Day as written in Psalm 17:15, As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.
When He comes in that Day to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.
Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of His calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith in power that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ, ( 2 Thessalonians 1:10-12).
God always steps into time when His purpose for Himself and His people have been earth bound…… or have their origin from the earth, living by our carnal mind. He sends His messengers to awaken them to their beginning. Our origin is from God and we live and move in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God…. We are governed by His Spirit living within…. He directs our steps in the will of God.
Let us resemble in boldness and discernment the cup bearer of the King- Nehemiah….. When the enemies of Israel asked for a meeting at the Valley of ONO… He said- O NO! He was not going to go down there as he stated he was doing a great work and would not be bothered to go down…… He stayed heavenly focused and kept to the task that he was sent to accomplish….
They wanted to drag him down to their level and discourage and distract him from the vision that God had given Nehemiah. Wisdom speaks now for us to stay heavenly minded, keeping our mind ‘s view from heaven looking down. We give the Food of Heaven to earth…. We do not eat the food of earth to get revelation from above.
We know the significance of Christ’s coming to our own hearts….. We want to enjoy the fullness of His presence….. However, in His return, all things will be made new. There will be a new heaven and earth. There will be no sea…. His Significant Return will demand the new creation….. There will be nothing left of this current world- or heaven……. So are we ready for His significant return?
All things will be made new….. In His fullness, everything will be out of Christ. Nothing will be left remaining that is not abiding in the Lord. Think about the complete significance of His Return! We tend to think about His Return as deliverance mechanism out of our current troubles….. There will be a complete revolution of all things in Christ in His Day… Are we ready? Are we willing to realize the life we live in Christ should be more complete maybe then it is? May be we keep this thing here and this other thing there….. but it is not from heaven or found in Christ…. So what do we do? We purify our hearts before Him…. We offer our hearts for His Spirit’s cleaning or purifying…. We get ready for Him….. He is here now, but then He is coming for a complete purpose…..the consummation of this age… King and Judge….
When certain days that we celebrate come around, a lot of us start to clean our house. Why? Usually because we have guests…. Well, we are entertaining the most important Guest under creation….. Our King, His Spirit is here within….. Let us change the fear of what relatives think and put much more value on Christ’ thoughts about us. Actually, our Lord is very easy to please, where I have found most relatives and others are harder. So why bother, I stick to My Lord as my One Thing I live and die for daily….. I have to see His smile, don’t you?
Our Godhead tells us plainly what He expects from us….. It is left to us in His Instruction Book…..The Bible speaks to us all we need to be prepared for Him. Let us be about preparing our lives for His return for there is an utmost significance in this Return of the King.
Keep our view from heaven….Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy- meditate on these things, ( Galatians 4:8). ( What we see, what we read, what we watch and partake of should be found from heaven and be of heaven’s view)…….
Let us do a quiz this weekend…… Check with the Holy Spirit and the Word if what we are partaking of is found in heaven….. Does it come from heaven? Is it written in the Word? Do we pray unceasingly? Are we in constant communion with the God? He is in constant view and communion with us? When we keep His presence, we can be doing other things, but we know He is present…..We are still together…..Let us keep His presence in our minds eye…. Let us train ourselves for our eternal place, actually we do live in our eternal place today….. if we believe….. He will come along side with His grace and power and manifest Himself in mighty ways for those who keep His presence…. Keep looking for Him… Let us keep the watch…..
See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit.
Do not despise prophecies.
Test all things; hold fast to what is good.
Abstain from every form of evil.
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:15-24).
All things will be in Christ and of Christ….. Including us….. He reigns forever and ever….. Even so Lord, come Lord Jesus, come. Just come, Lord, just come!
My children, be watchful and talk to I AM often. I AM waits. Though you may walk a lonely path, I AM is there…..Though you may be weary, I AM is there. A warm fire in the hearth is so welcomed when one has been out in the cold. It would not be as noticed if you weren’t in the cold….. The world is cold to a soft heart, but alas, I AM is the warm fire where you can be welcomed and nourished. Come to I AM often.
Children, the best Truth is realized when you take the fire of My presence with you as you walk on. The slight turn of your gaze towards I AM, quickens My pulse towards you. The thoughts that find flight through your mind that think about I AM, will be marked for all eternity.
The tears that pour forth from your eyes for My Name sake, are held in the bottle at My feet. I AM knows and marks each one of your sighs in prayer. I AM hears your cries of My Name. I AM there….. Though you may not see I AM, I AM here with you.
I AM answers your cries and your prayers. I AM manifests through you, My children. You are My healing leaves from the Tree of Life for all to take. You are My bright and shining stars that shine through out time of My warm fire waiting for all humanity to come and partake of Me.
You bear My reproach, yet you also bear the honor of My name. Do you know you have all from My hand? Do you live from all My hand? The hands that healed the sick, raised the dead and took man’s hate……My hands hold you and feeds you every moment….with the strength of I AM.
Come, there is more than you can realize and learn from I AM. Live from I AM. Know that you live from I AM. Know you sit with I AM. Know I AM and you will know who you are in Me. Come, learn of Me. Do not eat food that will not feed your spirit. Come, I AM has provided beyond measure Food for you. Delight in I AM as I AM delights in you. There is more to your life than you are living from I AM. Why do you settle for so small a portion?
Be not like the one who has inherited a castle but stays in a small room in the basement. The room is adequate. The shelter is fine, but the Giver has given so much to His chosen. However, he will not venture out to open the door. Do not settle for today’s growth but desire for the growth and strength that is waiting in I AM’s hand for the morrow. I AM steps from glory to glory with His children….. So come….
I AM increases. Let I AM increase in you, venture into the rooms of My love unafraid but boldly as a child does looking for their Father. I AM your Father. Come to Me. Learn of I AM. The faith of a child is yours, for you are My children…. Live this truth.