
Oh Heavenly Father, What Is Your Desire?

We can easily get caught up in emotions and our own opinion of what may correct things that are going against what “we think should be, etc…” The top line here is not what we think but what is the heart of our Father speaking to us?   Sometimes could we be running with the ball thinking we are making headway and we are going in the wrong direction?

But again the Lord’s desire is for us to be with Him where He is and to do as His Spirit instructs as written in Luke 2: 49, And He said to them, Why did you seek Me? Do you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?

My Father has been working until now, and I have been working, as written in John 5:17.  Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself; but what He sees the Father do; for what ever He does, the Son also does in like manner, John 5:19.

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I AM , that they may behold My  glory which you have given Me for You loved Me before the foundation of the world, John 17:24.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

I AM the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in Me, and I in him bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples, ( John 15:4,5,7-8).

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them, Hebrews 7:25.

Our Lord lives to make intercession for us. Think about it, He lives to make intercession for us.  His life is bound up with His people, His bride……. When Jesus Christ walked  on this earth, He went to be with His Father in prayer. The relationship with His Father was His biggest desire, then He served His people as King and Priest. He got the plans first from His Father then He proceeded as the Son of God doing His Father’s business.   He laid out before us all the ways our God desires His people to live with Him…… which we are to follow.

His priority was knowing the ball is in the Father’s hands. He did not take matters in His own hands. The Lord lived in complete obedience and dependence and as One in completing the Godhead plans and purposes.

Should we not also live as our Lord’s example to us.  There are pressures that come from all places to make us leave our place of abiding….. but we need to stand strong and seek the face and heart of our God with all diligence. The Lord has the ball……He has the foreknowledge of all things and times and seasons for each one of us and each nation.

It is wise that we stay until we know He Is God and He will be exalted before all nations, so we may be still and keep on the plan that Lord has revealed for us to pray through…….We must be strong in faith in all that the Lord has revealed to His servants.

We must get a second witness from all things that come from the Lord in His Spirit. The Lord does not get offended or ticked off that we ask Him to give us His confirmation on His words to us in prayer and communion, dreams and visions.  The Lord spoke, by the mouth of two witnesses let everything be established.

So we can easily put before the Lord on any occasion to verify His instructions through His word or any person…… Sometimes He will also use a progression of days to confirm in greater detail His purpose.

Our God desires we have truth in our inner part. The Lord desired to come to do the will of God. The Lord also desired to have the sacrificial meal with us and also desired for the fire of His Spirit to be started ASAP.

Our desires are also written in this Word of God——- some desire to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of their lives. They desire to set their gaze  on the beauty of the Lord.  Others desire to build the house of God. Others desire to go to the nations to give ears a chance to hear the Gospel. Others desire to play their instruments and sing unto the Lord all the days of their lives.

The desire of our heart lead us into the paths that we take. The blessing of the Lord comes upon us as we abide in the Lord. All of a sudden, our desires are His. We then follow the Lord’s lead and then His desire is accomplished through us as the body of Christ.

The King and Lord Jesus Christ is the head and we are the body and His desires are for us and through us just as when He walked this earth before the cross and ascension with our Heavenly Father…….. It is finished was the Lord’s words and we are working that out every day we walk this earth by His Spirit within us.

How great is our God that His desire is for us and He has given His Spirit within us so that now our desire is for Him.  Only God. Only our God….. All the glory and praise and honor be unto our God and King.

Our Heavenly Father gave us the Holy Spirit so we may behold the glory of the Lord……that was the Lord’s desire in His prayer regarding His bride in John 17………. Are we stretching our eyes of faith to live and witness His glory? I am not intending to stretch for the power but in seeking His glory first: His name and fame…… He will manifest His fire  through His Spirit in great glory, which is the power of God.  If we seek His heart first and His desires, when He reveals Himself to all eyes…… Do not be concerned all will know He has confirmed the Word.  The Lord does not leave behind  the fire in His eyes as He is among us . When the I AM is , all the I AM is!!!!!!……. All that He is will be known and revealed to  hungry hearts.


Father, we behold Your greatness and Your neverending love for us. We are searching and seeking Your desires which are unsearchable.  Father, open our eyes so we may see how Your love has already transported us into Your delight, Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We already partake of such a great land of Your Son that is unfathomable….. We will never finish consuming all the love You have bestowed on us as we daily abide in Him and live by and for Him.  Please give us the strength of Your grace to quiet our hearts so we may hear and dwell with You in the stillness of eternity. May we grow in courage and boldness as we know how You are Sovereign today, yesterday and always over this world.  May we walk in the continuance of Your peace in the fellowshipping of Your Presence as Your Spirit does His work in revealing the image of Your Son, our Lord, within us, which is Your desire.

Father, Your will be done on and in this earth as it is in heaven……in Jesus’ name , we pray.



I AM desires you to be with Me where I AM.  Come and partake of I AM.   What would one do if  one sat at a chair in a room and everyone said the one wasn’t there?  What would that one do?  The people are crying out for this one to come that is in the chair. They are screaming and begging the one that is in the chair to be in their room, their city, their nation, when alas, the one is………here.

What would that one do? They are speaking that they want that one to hear them and help because that one is not in the room, but alas, the one is…..

Meanwhile, the one in the chair has given the one’s instructions to the ones crying out, but they have not followed the instructions which would open their eyes to the one who is in their room.

I AM is so close to you, even closer than your breath….. Do not allow the tongue of your heart to trip over I AM. My Love is never absent or withdrawn, but what about the unbelief when I AM’s witnesses.
