
True Grit Isn’t Just In The Movies!

I know we all have seen a dog with a bone. If you are wise, you will not try to remove that bone from the dog. If you do, you will be first warned by a growl. Then if you still try to take it, you will probably get rushed by a  growling, snapping of his pearly white fangs….. don’t mess with a dog and his bone!

That  tenacity in animals is how God made them….  He also gave us the same tenacity and strength to keep His will by His Spirit.  Jesus Christ in my opinion, is the One who should be given the description of having “true grit.”   I wrote about this in my book. The Lord was quite aware of the brutality and betrayal of what was awaiting Him. But it is written in Luke, that He turned His face towards Jerusalem. In other words, He bit the bullet, and went ahead knowing the death that awaited Him.  He was going through with this offering of Himself as the Lamb of God for His Father and us. Yes, we the mottley crew….. He saw the finished work of His Father’s plan. By His death and resurrection, His Spirit would be changing us, the mottley crew into His saints, the priests and kings of God.   Jesus had to keep the vision of the saints that would be His bride before Him and not what He saw.  That takes true grit!!!!!!

So, Paul also, had the will or “bone” of God. He did not deter from the plan of God that had been set for him. In Acts, Paul was told by Jesus Christ, all that Paul would have to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.   Paul never let go of his “bone.” In fact, he growled a couple of times when the saints begged him not to go to Jerusalem. The Spirit of God warned Paul and others this would cause  imprisonment. Paul was given the empowerment of strength and “true grit” from the Holy Spirit to complete the will of God. This was the plan that God laid out for Paul. Paul went to Jerusalem. Just as the Spirit had told Paul, he was beaten and imprisoned. There are many saints today going through the same imprisonment and torture for the name and fame of Jesus Christ.  I call them Jesus’ special forces….. True Grit. As I said in my earlier blog, no loafers or flip flops will be able to continue on the journey of the Lord. Sometimes the terrain is high and rough trodding.

What do you think the high calling of God is for you?  We are to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice as written in Romans 12….. That is the first step,  we start having our “bone” to keep as the Holy Spirit instructs us.

Let’s protect or growl against anything that takes us from the road of apprehending the One that has apprehended us!   We have the same Spirit of God that Jesus does—- We got  the Holy Spirit in us to guide and strengthen us. I do not mean this at all to be disrespectful of Him, but He gives me the ‘true grit”….. Let’s show it in our tenacity to show our love for our Champion, Jesus Christ and others. Let us bite the bullet and complete  what the Holy Spirit says today. Tomorrow, we will be stronger  to obey more of the plan that He has planned for us.  Hey, believe the unbelievable and live the uncomprehendable love in the will of God. Remember-His love never fails!

I know Jesus sees the travail of His soul in each one of us and smiles.  I wrote in my book, His smile is what keeps me truckin’….. He sees His beauty in each one of His saints as they turn their heart toward their King and Champion. Look for His smile today and everyday… Shine in the everlasting Love that He has for you!!!! Don’t let go of your “bone”, obey His will for you. The journey will  be tough here and there but  bite the bullet  and go for it —–because His Love Never Fails!  You got the “true grit.” Be His special force !