
Let Each Heart Prepare: There Are Two Sides To Every Coin……

The Lord meets us. Every heart that is beating will not be excluded. He meets us every second and every hour….. to turn to Him over and over again. He beckons us to leave all behind and follow Him.

He meets us either in our fear of who He is and what we are because we have refused Him or He meets us in our love and faith in Him.  Yes, we have fear of Him…..The fear of God resembles more of honor and respect of who He is and how mighty He is….. It is not fear because we are ashamed but because we have experienced such a great love that transcends all humanity. We would not dare to trample on the precious blood of the Lamb of God.

We often wonder why  Jesus said He comes as a thief in the night.  People who do not want the Lord in their life, will look at Him as a thief, yet He is their Owner.   He will invade all lives whether they want Him or not….. He is coming….. He is sending all His signs and wonders confirming the Word to be in front of all eyes so they may turn to Him with all their hearts….today, while we have today.

Watchman, watchman what do you see?  The horses have been delivered and the riders have been despatched…… The black horses carry the riders which are intent in their ride.   Two are going here and there. Their riders are carrying heavy boots to trample the idols standing in the hearts of people against the Lord.

The Lord meets us where we are to lift us up out of our miry clay, even when we think we are simply okay……. but we wonder why we cannot sleep at night or so fearful……. Let Him in this day and allow the fire of Truth penetrate our hearts and clean our lives and our garage!!!! Let us prepare for His new vehicle…… His new creation in us… His patient Holy Spirit.

The Lord was some what tough in His words through the prophet Amos: chapter 4….. I will not be writing the chapter but give some ideas of the way He meets us:  I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities and lack of bread in all your places; yet you have not returned to Me, says the Lord.

I also withheld rain from you, when there were still three months to the harvest. I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city. One part was rained upon, and where it did not rain the part withered.  So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water, but they were not satisfied; yet you have not returned to Me, says the Lord.

Read the book! I highly suggest it….. He comes to us in one way or another for us to turn and surrender our wicked ways and repent.     And return to HIM…..The Gift of Salvation is  not to make salvation as to our making.  As we make our God into our image….we also make salvation in to our image or our liking……Rebellion is as rebellion does…. against the Word of God and obedience to it.  God will not be mocked as written in Galatians, what we sow in the Spirit we will reap in the Spirit and what we sow in the flesh will reap death…… We are foolish to demean the suffering of our Lord and not cling to the cross as our hope and peace…… We know our make up….. We are a sorry lot but for Christ in us, is our only hope of glory with God.

He stands and waits at our door, yet this King is the Door to our heaven and peace….. Why do we struggle to let Him in?    Let us not be as fools who return to their folly or as a dog returns to his vomit.

If we refuse His Spirit’s work of sanctification as believers……What will be our place? Does anyone know?  Does anyone push such a grace into self centered means and not meet the Angel of the Lord ?  The Angel of the Lord met Balak on his donkey . The donkey swerved away from the Angel of the Lord because he saw but man does not see the Lord……. Our eyes our blinded by our love for things of this world which are ultimately for us….. Self which there is all sorts of evil found……   The place self reigns has usurped the rightful place of the Spirit of the Lord to hold His court and be our Umpire of our hearts. When we die spiritually with Christ at the cross and count all of our lives before as rubbish to gain Christ, we live for we have gained Him, the Giver of Life abundantly….. We take on- what He wants, His new creation in Christ.

The wine and the oil will be preserved for that is of the Lord……. The wine is of His making and of His work……He preserves His saints.  Be strong and persevere. Our fruit will be found in Him as written in the book of the prophet Hosea chapter 14. He is the Author and the Finisher of all things.  He gets the glory for all things….. His work within us and through out us.

Seek the Lord and live, lest He break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour it, with no one to quench it in Bethel, You who turn justice into wormwood, and lay righteousness to rest in the earth!, ( Amos 5:6-7).

Seek good and not evil, that you may live; so the Lord God of hosts will be with you, as you have spoken. Hate evil, love good; establish justice at the gate. It may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph,( Amos 5:14-15).

Our Lord Jesus Christ took the punishment upon Himself for every person sins. There is not one person that has been born into this world that He did not cover and take the blame.  If we refuse such a great salvation as offered this day, how can we stand before this great God who formed the universe and holds it in the palms of hands……. Who can stand before such a holy God but by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.  COME TO HIM THIS DAY, AS IT IS STILL DAY!

For behold, He who forms mountains, and creates the wind, who declares to man what his thought is, and makes the morning darkness, who treads on the high places of the earth- the Lord God of hosts is His name, ( Amos 14:3).

Our God is great and there is none like Him…. NONE.  His riders or watchers are weighing His Bread  through out the land and in each heart…… We abide in Him or we abide in the vain imaginations of our hearts, our idols.  Be not deceived we are serving some one……The Word of God is our Bread…..It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God! 

Again the hungry come to the Lord and are filled and the full come to the Lord and go away hungry……. Not knowing why. Our heart is the cup that He will gladly fill with the knowledge of how He loves us….. But our heart must be empty to be filled…… Who do we say our Lord is? Who can stop His purposes and love towards His bride?  No one, no, not one…… Look at all those who tried and failed…. He is King and rules all.  Let us bow to Him in awe and love and honor.

We on the south east coast received the awe of the Lord…God is a Restorer, but He is an awesome God. Glory be to His name forever and ever and ever…..The knowledge of the Lord is going forth as the waters cover the seas. Let us behold the Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Let us not refuse such a great salvation! Can you see His eyes of love pouring forth from the cross this day? I pray the Lord open your eyes to see and behold the Love of God who poured forth His blood upon you and me. Let us bow to His mercy that we may behold the King on His cross before time is not and  we behold the King of glory!

The things of this world and this world are not forever….. We must change our paradigm…… The Lord told us there would be tribulations and trials.  This works our faith and knowing His love will see us through…… All things will pass away but His Word will last forever…… Let us not hold on to the things that will pass but hold on to the One who was and is and is  to come! Amen! Let our hearts be….. so be in His Word, our Lord, forever. Amen.

We must be awakened that this earth is not our final destination.  Beholding Him who sits on the throne is our place, beloved.  Do not fear but let us set our eyes on the One who is and will be forever!

Let us hear the alarm sounding!!!!!WAKE UP!!!!!



My desire to dwell with My children is greater than all that I AM.  Those six waterpots were empty when I AM came to the wedding, but , alas, I AM filled them with water, My Word. I AM changed them into waterpots filled with the greatest wine of the feast.  Alas, allow My Spirit’s work with in you, My children, you are those waterpots of stone,  living waters flowing out of you showing the works of your Great  I AM….. Be still and know your I AM. The wine will be preserved.   Know My love this day, then as the knowledge of  I AM carries you over the hindrances and obstacles that are set to entrap you away from I AM, they shall not prevail…….   I AM has spoken to you before, only if you are in the boat can you help someone who is drowning.

Remember what is born of the flesh is of the flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.   Come and sit with I AM so you may know the End is as the Beginning for I AM.  Abide in Me, as your life and all, then I AM abides in greater measure in you.  Do not fear what happens around for have I AM not spoken?  There will be great tribulation….. Do not fear, for I AM in you always.    Do not fear…….I AM here.

Pray for the harden hearts to melt like wax as they see their Savior this day.  I AM is calling many to come out and come in.  My Day is everyone’s day to turn to I AM.  The angels rejoice over your heart change to I AM this day!  Do you know how much I AM loves you?  You are worth all to I AM. You are precious in I AM’s sight because you love My Son.

If your cup is empty, come to I AM and get a refill……. There is a cost but not by Me……The creation I AM has made is like the fish that refused Jonah that day….. Ahhh but, I AM has turned the refusal of the fish into a great and mighty revival that was once a darkened place.   Did not My Servant put salt into bad water and change the health of the land?  Did not My Son pour forth His blood to clean the hearts of man? Did not My Spirit pour forth as a Mighty Wind of Fire to burn the chaff away in man?    Oh yes,behold, the work of God in His love for His own…….

Yet, today, even today, there is great room in I AM for you. So come and behold My Son’s face of love calling for you even in the midst of scorn, ridicule and hate.  Hear the Spirit calling you this day…… Come to Me all who are heavy burdened.   I AM here waiting to break the shackles and rise you up in I AM.  Take heed, all that will remain is My Word, so be found in I AM.   If you are hungry come and be filled with the Food that will satisfy……. My Gift is ever abundant and forever.     Come and drink in the waters of Living Water, you will never thirst again. Come for I AM all you need.  Come and rest in Me.  You do not know what tomorrow will be.   My love never fails and has not failed you…… Come.