Our God heard our cries and did the impossible in answering us. He is with us. He wants us to enter in to the promises of His presence. As He gives us His answer, we then can reply: Yes, Lord, we tear down all our false altars of time wasters and idol worshipping……
If we mean business with the Almighty, what might He then answer to our next move of obedience of loving Him with all we have and others as we want to be loved.
He is great and worthy of all our praise! Only He can do the impossible with our human heart…. Only Him! We thank Him that He does this work within us so we answer Him. Then we may learn of Him and fellowship with Him….. What a privilege to be in fellowship with the God of the universe. This is God within us, Christ in us.
We have stood up in claiming our rights to have our God rule this country and live by His ways….. Now we must stand and move back all the altars of “Baals” to the Brook Kidron. We must let them be destroyed from our lives and then this country will follow suit by the power of the One True Living God. As He has done for Israel, He will do for us, a nation that has their God as the One True Living God.
Let us celebrate His mercy triumphing over judgment but let us not mistake that we are finished in our pursuit of righteousness in this country….. We have just crossed the Jordan as it was parted for us…. His Door is open and we must now go and inhabit the land and get rid of all that goes against our God and His ways.
He has empowered us as shown by the victory of our answered prayers. His bride is awakening and needs to be strengthened in His Word and by His Spirit so she will not slumber any longer….. She has a journey to accomplish in the faith of her King……..Let us celebrate for our God is good and worthy to be praised. Let us not go back and get comfortable in complacency in the pews and in front of the television. No more to be entertained, let us keep in our revived mode and move the devil back off the land of our hearts so we may be entertained with the vast places available to us in the Spirit of God…. The True Wealth of God. Let us make the Room, His Room- His Throne….. then all will follow in the natural land of this country.
Our God needs us to be His people at this time and we need to prove that we are His people at this time- we pray and He answers and WOW- great exploits are done in His name!…… Oh Lord, we are awake and we praise You because we know you are with us…… You are here within us empowering us to do what You say to do and pray what You say to pray. There can be no more a greater purpose to a life given than this. Beloved, we are here for such a time as this. Let us continue to our revived position and stand to the call of the Holy Spirit speaking to us this day. We have just begun and what a great adventure we have been given to live!
So let us put all our hindrances away that prevents us in the strengthening we receive by studying His Word and praying in His Spirit….. Let the new man in the fullness of the Lord arise this day! See us Lord, we are here waiting on You for every order and direction…… as we celebrate and rest in Your love.
We love You, Lord. There is no other God but You! You are the God of the impossible……..for now all know this was the hand of God because His people prayed and He answered. In the name of the Lord, we can do all things in Christ because He strengthens us….. Let us make sure we get our strength this day….. Do not let go of the stamina we have received in His love and mercy…. Hold on and move on this day! Be prepared for the battles are not over —–YET! Our God is moving on and so do we by the fire of His Spirit in faith and the cloud of His presence blocking the arrows of the fight of day. May be we are part of a Spiritual Revolution…. lives revolving the God of creation making Him manifest to all…… Not just this nation but let us make our prayers cover all the nations so we may awaken all He is calling this day. As this nation is revived, then we may help and assist in greater measure our brothers and sisters in the other nations…… Let us hear their cries….. It is not about us any longer……Let us hear the call today and the great importance of our reviving our King to His first place in preeminence in our lives.
Praise Him!
Will post more as I get rid of a cold…… As He speaks I will send it out…… Soon as I hear! But now rest and let us get filled up for the next battle….. For there is one on the horizon….. Let us be prepared with the armor of God….. Ephesians 6…. Study, pray and rest in His great Love…… He is smiling and so are we!
Selah! Love you my brethren!