
We Put Our Protective Eye Gear Away- BUT….Let’s Get Eyes To See…

Let us not ignore the  sign or the meaning of the solar eclipse on 8/21/17…. What is the God, Creator of the universe, saying to us today? Let us not forget to keep asking for eyes to see the script play out which has been established before the world was created. We then will have the knowledge and understanding and wisdom to be a light.

Well, those who call on the name of Jesus Christ – we need to dig deep………. As written in Proverbs 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a  matter.

But you say, well, I am not a king……..Well, throw that excuse in the trash because it is written: Revelation 1:4-6, John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you, and peace from Him who is and who was and is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him whom loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen.

There is a time for everything under the sun, but the time to make excuses  not to draw near to our God is drawing to a close. It is the day to  receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and King.  We, as believers, are also to increase in Him as we live by His strength to strength……..

Do you know when He is coming? No ? Do I know when ? Do not know, but, His return is closer to day then yesterday…… but one thing I do know…… There are many more in the lake of fire for all eternity that are in utter pain for their regret. I do not think there will be one regret for their choice who stand  in the presence of our God and King for all eternity. We do not know the time of the end of breath on this earth,….. but the One who does is drawing near again to gather our attention. He wants us to know He wants us so we may prepare our hearts to draw near to Him NOW…. While there is time…..While His Spirit of grace is present, let us seize the day…..Let us increase in His grace and knowledge everyday.

The time of His visitation to those who do not call on His name is NOW> Do not be deceived, if we call on His name but live as we do not know Him for His residence is not with in- then….. repent and ask for His Spirit to set our hearts on fire for Him this day…… Then we may know Him and hear Him and be led by Him….. We cannot do anything without Him or obey His commands. …… if we say we  are His, we are obeying His commands and are known by Him.

The Lord of Grace and Mercy that never ends through time is here in our midst……. Is there any thing more pressing than getting before Him and get our heart right now? If we are His, is it not imperative for this season, to turn all off and give Him, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, preeminence in our lives and show our devotion and honor to Him who is worthy of all?

We ask for the grace to fast and pray for us, our families, our nation. We can choose to bow before Him for the next forty days or we can ignore the knocking on the door of our hearts by this Humble King.  Our choice, but not His.

Let me explain the reason for His season:

At sunset on 8/21/17 was the start of the new month in the Hebrew calendar of Elul…..Since our King is Hebrew, I think it wise to follow His timing of the seasons, since He has orchestrated them for His glory and for man to seek Him diligently while He may be found.  Elul in a nutshell is a month called for repentance and to draw near to the Uncreated One in preparation for the high holy days in the Hebrew calendar of the coming Yom Kippur….. which is the start of the Hebrew new year. Yom Kippur is at the end of our month of September.

This eclipse marked the spot over America…..There is no doubt in my mind and heart that it is the TIME for us to sober up and repent ?  Could this be the time for us to take an account of our hearts in this nation? The sun was hidden for a time—– then at sunset a new moon shouts out to us— Elul!!!!……. Repentance…….Repentance for the hardening of our hearts and allowing the things God hates to be allowed in our city, states- country …..Can we spend the time in prayer to repent. Allow His Spirit to show us how we are in His sight….. then ask for this country ……..  Ask for the empowerment to end killing of the innocent?

We pray and offer all the help we can to the people in Texas that suffered through Harvey….Harvey’s name represents a soldier or warrior……  Now there are many people that say I do not want to worship a God who allowed Harvey to hurt America……Do we not watch people kill and shoot each other daily on the television shows?….. They give ideas to our youth and the desperate?  But we still sit and worship our television shows…….We won’t miss them, nor if we do, we tape them…..Is that not hypocritical?

God orchestrated all the people to find and then establish and to war for the gain of our republic. All these men and women depended on His hand to make a way for this nation…… But we have alienated the One who has our breath and the future planned out for each one of us as well as all the nations of the earth…..

But He is still knocking on the door of the heart of this country….. So whether or not we want to worship Him,…..He will not stop His plan. Nor will our stubbornness and rebellion stop us from meeting Him and His looking for an account of our days.

Thank God, for His relentless pursuit of His children.  He desires not one perish but all come to Him….. to return and to have eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. So we as believers now may intercede for the heart of this country to return to Him.

So….. will we actually be foolish enough to lift our fist to the Creator of this wonderful vast universe and curse Him?  Are we that deceived into thinking that is wise? Do we really believe that this thinking will work out for us?

America has a seedtime and a harvest time. This time has begun and is and will be until the first frost in our country.  It is not time for the seeds to be planted but for the harvest…… When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He spoke  in many parables. Many of them regarded the Master’s vineyard. He spoke in many of sending servants to get His harvest as well as coming back to receive His harvest, His inheritance.  Us…….

In just learning about this, I often in prayer,  see the Lord walking the earth…..In research in my journals, it is about this time every year….. Well, some of the meaning in the month of Elul is the King is walking the field.  The good news is He is drawing near to us where we are.   He is coming to where we live- our home, our jobs………our lives.

This is the same King, who has fire in His eyes and the voice of many waters….. So, do we say so what?…..and well, it is football season……. The kids are back in school- busy, busy and more busy…….  Well, if the kids are back in school and we are busy, then how do we have time to watch so much football? Let us not forget baseball too?

Well, all the sales are on the stores for the holiday season coming up……. We have to shop for the holidays.  The Lord says to His children:

John 15:1-11, I Am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I  Am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them in the fire, and they are burned.

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father, is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

As written in the first chapter of Revelation and last chapter of Matthew, He is among us always…….His Spirit is Christ in us our hope of glory written in Colossians….. So the good news is He is with us always, and in us!  So as any good Shepherd or Master of the vineyard, He is coming to check on His crop or herd…..  Checking to see how we are filled with His Sap, the Holy Spirit……  But., His judging the crop is not for crushing but for pruning and tender clipping here and there for more fruit of Him…….This is not for condemnation but disciplined children obey their father for their good.

He is the Shepherd of mercy, grace and truth as we turn to Him and wait…… We, then again, are covered  in His greatness, His love and we bow down in worship…We turn again to wait for His Word to come forth. Is there anything more pressing than Him?  We must  quiet our lives to hear Him. Remember, He must increase and we must decrease… We do not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God.

I remember when I was a kid, my earthly dad, took a trip every June for work.  He called everynight…….. I waited and waited for that phone to ring.  I knew his love for me.  His love was with me as  I saw his chair and stuff around the house….. but I wanted to hear his voice……I would plow down anyone that would try to pick up the phone to use it before he called…… (land lines only then!).  Then the phone would ring, and I grabbed it….. Yes, it was Dad…… I don’t remember what all he said but I heard- I love you Squirt, then I would pass the phone to my Mom……. That is all I needed…… until tomorrow……Again, I would wait at that time for his call.  I had to hear his voice.  I would count the days until his return…..That Friday, he would fly home……. Yes, as a little girl, it was my everything. We were all okay, while he was gone, but our family was not complete……..

How is it for us with our Lord? Can we sing the Song of the Bride?  I am His beloved and He is my beloved.  I have to hear what He is saying today to me?  You returning today?  What is going on with You, my King?  Hey Lord, I know the earth is filled with the knowledge of Your glory as the waters cover the sea…( Hab 2:14).  You returning to day? So, Lord is it today?

Luke 18:1-8, Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying, There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him saying, get justice for me from my adversary. And he would not for a while; but afterward he said to himself. Though I do not fear God nor regard man, because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

Then the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge said. Shall not God avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

Remember as kids, we would badger and continually pound our parents for something we wanted hoping they may fold and say yes? Well….. need I say more? Sometimes they did relent and give us our desires….. Do not give up in prayer and faith in the One who all the promises are yes and amen…… ( Hey, I am preaching to me too, beloved!!).  He hears us and answers us…… most of the time- it is the timing to be fulfilled….. but it will be fulfilled and WHAM! We get our longing and prayer answered…….The Desire of the Nations is answering and revealing Himself in greater measure to His beloved…… WHAM!

There is a great divide between the Old and New Testament……. Jesus spoke often of those who He did not know whose house they were from…….. He is among us by His dwelling or habitating in us by His Spirit……That is our glory and it is His….. What love He has for us.  The Old Testament was works that were all outside. Then a WHAM came!    After the Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire, well, all the works come from the inward life of His children….. They are of Him, by Him and through Him……. We are His house……. so as we have His Spirit within…… The standard we live by is His cross as He imputes us with His image….. The mark of our God….. His Spirit within us. His statues and laws written within our hearts……Here is His fruit……

A rabbi spoke that as the King is walking among us…… Seeing our lives in the mundane, reminding us, that we are to ascend to the vistas to sanctify life in the mundane….. so we do not get so accustomed to the mundane that we find ourselves profaned by it.

There are little awakenings that shake us from the mundane to get us to look up and out.  May we heed the signs of the times and turn to look for the gaze of our King and bow in humility and love. May we stop in awe today so we may not experience awe when we are asleep in our ignorance of His patience. May our days of awe be knowledge of His greatness in His love and grace for us rather than His awakening tactics.

If we were on the tracks of the railroad and off in our own little world, but the driver of the train sees us way ahead. The lights start flashing as a wake up call to stop or get off the tracks…….. Then he starts honking the horn louder and louder and louder…. So we move off the tracks of death and get on the right side of the train…….We must repent for ourselves and then for our nation now.

The Owner of the World has not sent an hired inspector. He has sent the Spirit of  His Son, the King of glory,  in our midst, beckoning us to prepare for the great vista of His return or ours to Him…. which ever comes first. We must cleanse our selves from profaned mundane vanities of this earth by the blood of the King of all kings and Lord of all lords ….. Keep heaven bound, beloved……There is the vine of the earth and the vine of heaven…….. Let us make sure we are of the Spirit’s sap flowing through us and not the soul sap that is all world  but  not renewed in the knowledge of Him by His grace.

He may tarry but He is still actively working through His reign as it is written the King was enthroned at the flood……. His wake up calls are our alarm clocks waking us up. He has prepared us to get His cup of grace that never stops flowing for now, but do not be deceived that time of grace will stop, beloved…. We must not tarry in worshiping the King- Obey Him and study Him- His Word……. May He find fruit abundant flowing to His glory…. Amen and Amen.

The trumpet of God, the shofar, bellows out over every day ……May we have ears to hear and eyes to see the King in His beauty for He is among us. Let’s make sure we awaken to the call of Him while it is called day. His land is vast and wide and full of the Lord of all lords and King of all kings….Come let us bow down and worship our beloved Holy One.


My Children.

Do not falter over the little stones on the way……The way will be narrow and steep, but do not look back….. for I AM  has blocked your sight for I AM your past now…. I AM has gone before you and I AM with you.  Be still and know I AM God. I will be exalted among the nations.   Have I AM not spoken, that I AM roots up and I AM plant.  I AM strikes… I AM heals… I AM raises on the third day.  My way is narrow and in the narrow is your growth and increase. In the deepest of darkness, I AM is the Light for My own.  Call on My name  in the fire and the crossing of waters and I AM will show you what is to come. I AM whispers the Words reminding you of what  I AM has spoken to you on the way.  The Words I AM speaks as a bridge for you over the heightened seas. Do not fear, for I AM.  Rejoice! You are Mine and I AM is yours- for all things are possible…… Rejoice…… I AM.  You are ascending to new height in I AM for you have allowed the I AM to walk you through the deep. Enjoy the fresh air in your King, your Beloved, has raised you to this for this day…… Spin around and rejoice, His smile is upon you. I AM hears your cries and prayers for those who are quieted…. They are in My hands and no one will snatch them out for I AM theirs……Be strong and mighty in My love which never fails you…… I AM shows you way to walk and the time of dawn to set your feet steady on My footsteps….Come and rest with  I AM. Be filled with My everlasting abundant water of Life, for My Spirit is with in. Be filled to your fullest in I AM.  In I AM, you are found complete. My kingdom has come…..You have been given eyes to see what is unseen so the unseen may see….. You have been given ears to hear to give hearing to the ears that may be opened to hear.

I AM gently knocks on your day to enter in. Do not hasten away out of fear.  Do not let the enemy of your soul gain more of your life… Turn to Me and be saved. I AM knows all you have done and will do against Me, but I AM bids you to come.  I carried your iniquities and sins to the cross on my back. Open your eyes and see My wounds in My hands. See the scars of My love for you on my forehead…. Do you see the tears that are shining on My face for all the days of your grace -you turned and walked away.  Do not be fooled for My love is enough for you and your pain….

Come let the eternal blood of life abundant cleanse you….. Let the sacrifice of the Lamb of God take away all your sins….. Yet, I AM is for you and there is more in I AM than your sins being washed away. For I AM has called you My son and My daughter….. Come into the life of the beloved of God, eternal life….. Your new life in I AM is forever and grows in the beauty and majesty of your God,  I AM. Come now, bid, I AM, My pleasure….

Come to I AM, I AM has bestowed upon you by My Spirit, faith to believe and faith to walk in to the path I AM has called you from before you were created in your mothers womb. I AM was with you then and now and always. Come to I AM and receive My love.

