
Guess What Is As Far As The East Is To The West, Go Ahead And Guess…

In the Love of God, is our forgiveness of sins. In the death of Jesus Christ, our old man is also crucified and is dead with Him.  Written in Romans 6:4-7, therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

Jesus took the “bullet” for us knowing that ALL our sins from the past,  the present and future are forgiven…. There is no time with God, only man. God lives in eternity and our minds and thoughts should also reign there too…. about ourselves and others…. Our Heavenly Father, restored all of us to know our Healer, Redeemer and Deliver and to also know the love that God has poured upon and in us through our hearts…. WE ARE FORGIVEN.

I think about the forgiveness of God because He has overwhelmed me so much with His love …. My old life is gone. I am now  taught on the new life that He died to give me.  I concentrate on the way He wants me to walk and think and live in love….. He is working in me that resurrection life of His Spirit, making all things new in me…. I am  taken up with His Love for you and me… I often say  to people that have a hard time accepting the forgiveness of God- You didn’t shock Jesus on the sin that you think is unforgiveable.  He knew already the sin you committed against Him before He went to the cross…. and guess what, He decided to die and take it all anyway… WHY? BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU!!!!!! So receive His forgiveness and grace because He Loves You…. Love covers a multitude of sins… As I know…. Jesus said to those who have been forgiven much, love much.

I do not turn back often to the past unless is to help someone see the love and grace of God has shed abroad in my life….People that have a hard time letting other people’s “sins” go, don’t let their own sins go either…. But the truth is  sin is all gone under the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, we only have to believe it…. Written in Psalm 103: 10-12, He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

So live with the joy of the newness of His life flowing through us…. I am excited  He answers my prayers… I ask Him and He answers… How cool is that, to have the God of the universe communing with us as His sons and daughters in Christ….  Do not let people label you from their own sight. Only live  by what God says about you…. He made you, died for you, forgave you, and calls you His own….. Live and believe the love that He has for you… Throw the other labels in the trash…. God did!!!!  

Our Heavenly Father created us, Jesus Christ has redeemed us back to our Father, and the Holy Spirit is perfecting us in Jesus Christ’s image….  Let us live by every Word of God, not what others say about us. He is our Boss. Only His words will not fail or fade away.

One thing I know and live by is the label He calls me— I am His, the job I am called to do is all underneath these three greatest words…. You are mine.  I took in many stray animals, once they walked into our threshold, they became mine… They even acted like it… They followed me where ever I went.  They  willingly gave up the life on the “street/world” to a life of being loved.

Animals seem alot easier to be restored to life than people… They draw near to love and cower from hate.   I never knew love like what our Savior poured forth over and in me… never…. I was just like one of my animals…. I received His touch and wagged my tail. Then turned to follow  Him all the way. In His grace, I will be until the day I go to be with Him through the veil. 

The work of the Holy Spirit is very powerful in each one of us. We should not see others with our eyes, but with the Lord’s eyes.  We are healed, blessed and forgiven in His eyes living vibrant lives in Him.  We also should not discredit others in the Body of Christ.  Walking in love sees that we are different parts  of the body obeying the Head, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Remember, He is always measuring  the amount of Christ in us— our only hope of glory.

Religion likes to label people so they will not believe God has a special exciting call on their lives as an active part of the body of Christ…. I have a question to ask you…. If Jesus Christ is the Head of  His body, us…. What should the body look like in the Spirit?….  Is it not written in Colossians 2:9, For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power? 

When I saw His eyes, they never held a measure that was less than His love… He called forth over me what I was in His sight, not what I saw or others. See what our Lord calls over you now, ask Him…. Did you get your new name yet?

Labels are nothing more than slander against the work of the Holy Spirit.  My little toe sure does hurt when I stub it at night on the bed post..I bend down and grab it and thank Jesus for the healing of it… quick! So should we all on the whole body of Christ.  I rarely think of my little toe, until it hurts or if I didn’t have it, I think it would be very hard to walk… I sure need that little toe… Each person is vital in and to the Body of Christ and Jesus. 

There was a joke I heard  a while ago, one dog was meeting another dog. One asked the other what their name was… one dog answered- bad dog, what is yours? The other said- shut up.   

Let’s make sure we answer  and live to what our Champion says about us and not people. Remember He chose you, He saw your worth to Him. You are His prize and reward.  You are the joy set before Him as He carried the cross to His death…. We are His!  HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!

P.S. Your love doesn’t fail either, share the forgiveness with others…. The baggage of unforgiveness keeps a low flight in His kingdom, forgive and fly high in His realm of love….Learn to apprehend Him, your love does not fail either…. It might hiccup for a minute, but it won’t fail!