
Here Is A What If Question…..

If we were alive in the days Jesus Christ in the flesh walked Jerusalem and……..If we heard Him talk to us straight from  Almighty God’s heart….. If we heard the words He spoke as they penetrated our hearts like little swords….. If we saw Him heal the sick, cast out devils and hang out with sinners………If we saw Him walk on the water and calm the storms…… If we saw Him give us coins from marine life…….. If we saw Him see us climb the tree to see Him……. If He saw our thoughts as we wonder if He is the real deal…… but still smiled at us with a smile that would melt stones……. What if as our eyes met He knew all we had done and not done towards God and others and…….. What if He held out His hand and said come to Me……. What if He met us in the tax office…… What if He met us in our banking…… What if He met us in our giving  our help and aid to strangers or people in other countries, which we will never meet or met us as we ignore any one needs…… What if He met us in the neighborhoods…….. What if He met us at the bars?  What if He met us at the liquor stores? What if He meets us in the buildings we worship on Sundays?  What if He walked by us and we did not even notice?  What if we saw Him then over two thousand years ago this week…..?

Would we bow before the Messiah coming on a donkey?  Would we also be in the same week crying out for Him to be crucified and to let the rebellious one go free?

The same opportunity  is before all mankind as it was over two thousands year ago …….. Do we lift the Messiah, King of Love this day or do we stand with  the crowd because of fear of man and what people might say?  Where do we stand today?

Will He come to say to us- Calling our name-  Why do you persecute Me?  His eyes of fiery love…….burning right into our hearts….. It is easy to join a pack of dogs surrounding an innocent lamb. It takes courage to go in amongst the dogs and save the innocent. It is easier as a coward to stand in the crowd and say crucify Him……. But can we then take the hammer and pound the nails into His hands and feet?  Can we then make sure His crown of thorns is thrust deep into His brow? Can we then stand and watch Him die knowing we are the ones that put Him there?

Ahh, but these are the words that are spoken to Him and others this day…….What we speak we believe and live out…….

For when we stand with our mouths and confess our belief in hate towards Him and mankind —– We are doing the deeds to Him and others, even the innocent. Our words and actions today are as if we are there over two thousand years ago…… We are not innocent at all………. none of mankind is……But………..

This is a BIG but, His blood was shed to cleanse us all…… ALL……..His Spirit has been poured upon us now so we may boldly to go in amongst the dogs and rescue the innocent.   Which stand do we take?  The stand of the popular and turn our back on the One who never stops loving and partake with the crowd? Do not be deceived there is a reward for which ever we choose. The path of hate is as a disease has over taken a person and slowly saps all life away. This is bitterwood that becomes the hater’s drink……

Or do we stand with the One who we know loves us with such an everlasting love, we cannot deny or turn from…….He has apprehended us……..He has for me, what about you? I will drink His cup of salvation…..and give Him praise…… His water is free and is clean and plenty for all to come and drink…..

Where do we stand today….. At the foot of His cross weeping, alas, turned into an awakening of  the dawn to the empty tomb……. All those screams of hatred could not keep Him down……. He has arose from the dead and the plot of evil was turned to good for all mankind….. In spite of our weakness, His glory reigns over this earth and all mankind….. His Love does not stop at the crowd or the one or two in His midst.  His love abounds to all  for all eternity.

We know where He stands. Our God is mighty and great and awesome……. And we allow Holy Spirit to bring to us the truth of reigning with Him through our all until it becomes His all….. Remember, as He is in the world so are we……As we honor and thank God for the Christ and His suffering and victorious resurrection, let us take the strength and endurance available to us to be bold in all our steps.

Can you hear Him ask, why are you persecuting Me?   Or can you hear Him say, you are chosen as My vessel for such a time as this…….and know those who hate Me will also hate you……But be of good cheer and dance a jig for you are where you belong for you belong to Me.

The hiding followers not understanding of all He had spoken was given a great reward for their stand…… They saw the Resurrected King and Messiah coming to eat some food with them…… as He walked through the door. How cool is that…… Now we live with His supernatural being our natural.

Only five hundred were given the reward of seeing the Resurrected King before He totally upgraded from earth to His heavenly position sitting at the right hand of the Almighty….. The pure in heart shall see God as written in Matthew chapter 5.  They confessed and they lived what they believed…… The crowd cried out hate and they saw nothing of the King for He was hidden from them. Now some from the crowd could have heard from others and changed their heart. They  believed because they spoke and confessed on the One who is here again though we thought He was gone.   They then lived to see what they believed.

We will see what we believe as He presents Himself to those who seek……. The suffering Messiah has risen then and is now the Dayspring in our hearts.  His promises He keeps and fulfills. All His words will last forever……. But most important to us is the King who has resided in the hearts of His own….. His voice is Life itself to those who have ears to hear….. His presence is Bread of Life  to those who hearts have made Him first.  His Kingdom has come and His will is done in those who stand for Him alone…… Do you see there is great reward for those who believe?  Ahhh, there is also a great reward for those who do not believe too……. I choose the King and His Door I will live in. The other door leads to destruction and hell, that is not what I to be a part of…… I hear His call and know His gentle hand upon my shoulder always guiding and leading me. He is so much not like any other.

Hear His plea to you and to me…… Leave the crowd and be known by the Majority, the Uncreated One, Me.  Do you not see? My blood has covered and has washed you clean. just believe.  I AM your Life and I AM your way. All you have to do is come to Me, you shall be clean and made new. My Life in you shall be full and you are branded with My Spirit in you…..Sealed for all eternity. Come to Me, and see how all I AM has spoken  is for you, just believe I AM truth.  I AM has spoken and promised nothing will be the same for you now have spoken out My name.  The heavens have recorded and shout for joy, you have come to the cross, the neverending stand of the King for His lost……You have joined the family of priests and kings for all to reign in victory.  Look up to me, though you are standing at My feet….. See I AM’s tears on My face running down in joy of you. See I AM did not despise the shame of dying for I AM has won you.

Woe to those who do not believe. Who think they are all they need.  May the hardened hearts be made soft as the Spirit cause them to turn and hear the Voice.  Why do so many forsake the cross? This place of sacrifice is where their life are drawn for I AM has paid the cost. Do not trample upon  the blood for the lost. It is most precious, for the blood speaks today……. The cost has been paid. Do not tarry for the way has been paved by My feet and hands for all that one day. Alas, for that day was spoken by way in the past, for the sins to be cast from as far as east is to west.  The covenant was laid out bleeding for all. Shew the vultures away, the deception that you do not need a Savior today.

Eternal life is you shall know I AM. This is the call I AM has for His bride…….. The city on My hill that shines to the heights to the widths to the depths to all  the lengths of the love of her God  showering over her is seen to be as the in of the coming tide.

Do not be deceived those who are called and come to My feet covered in My spilt blood for all to see, they now sit beside Me for always through eternity.  Their place by My side is the position I AM has wanted through out all  time.  It is not easy nor it is free of  cost but all will see the not one drop of blood was lost without being applied to My cause.  Your soul and others has been worth it all.

Those who have chosen are free and they have been given the reward to have eyes to see and ears to hear for they have received all I AM has given them to eat.  They have been prepared for this day. Trails of  trials of myrrh and heights of sight of the frankincense make the deep path into the  place of My side. The cross is embedded in their heart and My Spirit is at rest bringing the victory to test…… My image is found in them and that is the best of My rest.

Hear My Spirit say- for you may not have been there at the mount that day but My words speak and are alive to all who hear today!  If you hear the Spirit speaking today, do not harden your heart as in the day of the rebellion……..Blessed are the  poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, ( land). Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

You are the salt of the earth; but if they salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?  It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.   

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden, ( Matthew 5:3-14).

I AM has called, justified and sanctified as My own are covered in the blood of God and Holy Spirit speaks through them is the testimony that I AM seeks.  I AM delights in hearing My Words bellowing out they beckon all great and small to partake of the Feast that is laid out at My feet.  Come all and this day, please do not delay. This is the way I AM is calling you today…… Do not allow the stumbling of your plans and deceptions turn you away to other lands….. Come to Me where the honey is good and the milk is free….. Turn from the ways that will leave you tired and full of regret…….because you forgot the day of your great awakening.

Join the ranks that declare I AM their Life. Look how they stand so strong in My righteousness. They are My redeemed and I AM says it is so. As I AM has always been so they shall be in the palms of My hands for  I AM rejoices greatly over these. I AM does not despise the shame for I AM has My bride by My side throughout all eternity.  Which choice will you make this day- to come to Me and do things My way ?…….

Lord, You have told us that in our faith and love in You, we will never be put to shame for those who wait and hope in You……. Our God has always come through for us and will always for He is a mighty Warrior and nothing has stopped Him. He has never ceased  from turning our impossible to be His, of course, possible….. No question as to His showing up and showing off for His Name. Who is this that we call Beloved? Alas, this is the Hero of heaven  who has prayed for the Godhead and His own to be one. Who dares to stand against the prayers of the Holy One? He is worthy to have His prayer. As He has written His name on  His bride as His seal of His Spirit rests inside.

There is never any way but to shower You with our adoration this day, that we love You and hope in You and trust You with our all. This all is all we live towards….. Christ in us the hope of glory as we live by faith for You have died for us because You love us.  So we gladly die to live in and for you.  All our death to disappointments are a drop in the bucket to the love and adventure we have found in You…… You have blessed us in Your Spirit with understanding beyond our capacity and mercy beyond Your judgment.  We have nestled into Your truth as our foundation to stand through the fire and the floods….. You have branded us in Your great love and we are forever Yours.  We are for You, for You are worthy of it all. All the glory and praise and joy  this day is to You, our King….. May our praise and obedience to You raise all through the earth unto the heavens the love we have towards  You. Glory be Your name.

Holy, holy, holy,  Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!, ( Revelation 4:8b).

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by You will they exist and were created,  ( Revelation 4:11).

You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals ; for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth, ( Revelation 5:9-10).

We praise You and love You with all we got. Thank You for loving us as only You can do. All belongs to You and You won our hearts!  You have all of our praise for You are worthy!  Thank You,  our King for all You are and will always be. In You, we have found our life and have found our worth.  The finish You have started is beyond compare because we are complete- we are found in You. This knowledge is beyond compare! Praise be to the Father! Praise be to the Son!  Praise be to Holy Spirit!  Praise be to the God Three in One! Look At our God and worship Him for there is none other for He is beyond compare!

Thank You God for You!



We honor our King this Sunday for He is the Resurrection and the Life we live today…….. Yes, we celebrate Him everyday…… His resurrection power is coursing through our veins for this we live and breath and have our being in Him not just Sunday, but praise to Him, EVERYDAY!

Praise and honor and glory and power be unto the Lamb forever and ever- Amen and Amen……