
Therefore, Holy Brethren, Partakers Of The Heavenly Calling, Consider……..

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession of Jesus Christ, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house. For this One has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, in as much as He who built the house has more honor than the house.

For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward, but Christ as a Son over His own house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit, says: Today, if you will hear My voice, do not harden your hearts in the day of rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested Me, tried Me. and saw My works forty years. Therefore I was angry with that generation, and said, They always go astray in their heart, and they have not known My ways, so I swore in My wrath, They shall not enter My rest…….. Beware brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God, but exhort on another daily, while it is called TODAY, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His Voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.

For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt? led by Moses?

Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?

And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey?

So we see that they could enter in because of unbelief.( Hebrews 3:1-19).

First of all, just a thought, do we want to try the Lord in the amount of years we are living on this earth?  Do we really want to try and test a God that is a consuming fire?  Really?   Let us get our ears cleaned with the Gospel and admit our hearts broken so He will give us His….. Amen.

Recently I heard someone compliment their house and I heard their reply…… I did not build it, I just live in it.     This scripture popped up.  All things are built by God….. He who built all things are God…… We get to live in His creation and be His new creation which is in Christ Jesus….. We are privileged to live in Him. Abide in Him…..We are the partakers of the unsearchable riches of Christ.  I believe every time scripture pops up into our hearts, it is revelation of the Lord. A time to draw near and hear what His Spirit is showing us in eternity from this moment.

Again, the Lord is not way up there and not involved in our daily life, nor is He silent. Nor is He blind. Nor is He dead…….. Our idols are blind, deaf,  mute……. but the Living God is not.    He lives and moves amongst us.  Do we dare to look at Resurrection Sunday or Easter as another day to increase our kingdom and not bring the Holy One to their eyes as their new Reality of Life? Then make sure they are fed with His Spirit?

Do we still look at the numbers?  Have we not changed our ways to His?  Each number is His own child returning home.  Each number is His child coming to be restored into the house of God, His house……

Why is it written in the Gospels, when Jesus Christ went to numerous synagogues, it was written  their synagogue and not His?   Why as He entered the Temple is it written He threw out the money changers?  What had His house become? What had the synagogues that had gathered to read the Word of God – Himself- not written in the Gospels- as His synagogue?

So if God builds the house and the increase is from God?  How can man boast?  If we are the temple of God now, how is His house today?  He cleansed the temple then and at the cross for us….. We are His house……

We must be watchful and with Holy fear not tread on the work of the Holy Spirit.  Our Maker is calling His people. They are called and recreated or reborn into His Son’s image. Yes, there is reconstruction going on as in ALL of us.

What the Holy One has cleansed we must not call unclean….. Is the unforgiveable sin to call the work of Holy Spirit as unclean?   The Lord said His work is finished and His blood cleanses us and makes us white as snow as written in Isaiah.    What is man that he should speak on other children of God as unclean……?  Who can boast against the work of the Almighty God and His Son?  Who dare?

To whom the Son of God manifests Himself is a wonder and beautiful and sacred.   We must not bring the works of heaven and call them mundane.  Then call what we see instead of what shall be or as God speaks…… Gideon became what God spoke over him- Gideon was a mighty warrior….. Would any of us go out to a war with torches and fire and broken jugs today with a mere  army of three hundred…… We are what God says we are….not what man says. God makes the warriors and makes His saints by the blood of His Son and His Spirit’s fire…. Faith is the fuel that turns weak men into the sons of God….Take God out of any man and we are weak. It is in our weakness His power is made perfect…… Let us eat and munch on that Truth!,  (Sounds a lot like by His Spirit says the Lord!- 300 men with fire like torches and broken jugs and us as the jugs!).

More is accomplished or His kingdom come if we speak what the Word says about His children, His new creation. His Kingdom is within them now….. Let us make sure we are watering His Seed with the Word and the Truth of His Spirit…… The newness of their lives in Christ we celebrate and nurture…… They are not numbers to our King….. They are His treasure….. The apple of His eye.

Gideon was a warrior because He knew His God was fighting His battle……..The battles are the Lord’s….. We are just His army that He uses.  We are His house on the earth that He uses as His. We are the weapons that He uses in His hand against His foes…… Can any weapon boast of itself or is it the skill of the User of that weapon that is praised.

God is building His body through the precious blood of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit….. We are the building of God today. We are all being made into His spiritual temple of His Spirit as written in Ephesians. Check it out.

The functions of my feet compared to the functions of my hands are completely different but are very vital to my body to complete the will of God through the body He has given me.  Each member of Christ is vital and important….. He who has called- He has cleansed- He has justified and He has sanctified to Himself….. Who shall condemn whom God has called and justified….. If God is for us- who dare speak out against His work, us?

Is the western church still stuck in the Corinthian church mold?  All boasting on their stuff? Really?  Is that where we are after all the knowledge of possible, more like pending,  judgment coming our way.  Corinthian church received the Holy Spirit and went WACO in pride because of gifts….. Forgetting their Maker and Giver of all things and who the gifts are to point all to-CHRIST JESUS not man……  Are we still there trying to prove our importance and  not yet died to the next higher cliff of Galatians???

Do we remember how the disciples were fighting over who was the greatest?  Does that not speak of the kingdom of babel?  The kingdom of business runs that way and that way should not be found in the body of Christ nor in its leaders…….

We can choose to stay on the cliff of Corinthians, but we will learn over and over again- as written- he who glories, let him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:31). We must pass this and move on to the higher heights in the Lord.

People boasting on their gifts and works…..Choosing to be like a balloon full of weird gas  instead of  like the wind that blows the Seed of God into the fields of hearts of men… Ignoring this mystery is trying our Lord.  What shall  help us stay in Him and in love to all the body of Christ?…..For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body- whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free- and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.- But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He pleased…… And if they were all one member, where would the body be?, ( 1 Corinthians 12, 13,18, 19).

If we move out of Corinthian mentality of  – all about me and what I am and do….  but decide to join the death of Christ  and be His disciple so He may rise in us.  We stand in the life of Christ as He is within us today – Living as the Sons of God knowing our work is only eternal and lasting if the work and prayer is His- through us by His Spirit….. We cannot boast or claim…… This job of His reigning is His always and  always has been and will  always be His……

May He enter as a Visitor to the body of Christ, His church, today- and not want to throw out the money changers or the ones who tolerate Jezebel. May He be known through His body and not ignored because of our hope to be someone. Is not being His treasure  the greatest call and position to be held in this life?

We must learn – He must increase and get large in and through me and I am dead- My member now is among the living in Christ, His bride. This also includes the bride ambassadors in other nations for the King.

Hey- Don’t you see there is a greater place to be then here today?  Hey, let us climb us up this mount to the sign marked His Way, this day.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself  for me, ( Galatians 2:20).

We realize His plan that He is Vine and we are His branches….. His Spirit is the One who does the work and the power is His….. Not of works were we saved and are working today but by His Spirit – we live today. We do what He says and when the fruit comes in…. He gets the glory…… This is His work which we are called to partake and commanded bring them in. The neatest part of God is that He likes to disguise His kings and priests as common and not of noble means…… Jesus Christ was a common Man though He was God. Most did not take notice until He opened His mouth and Heaven spoke.

So we move on from here where the air is clear but as we turn we behold a great big Tree where the leaves are for healing of the nations. Boy, there is more than I ever knew to be in Him this day….. Let us climb some more- we enjoy this freedom from the curse. Let us keep climbing. Let us see  what more for us He has in store…….The Spirit has paved the Way and is leading us into more and more of His way.

We are someone important because- we are His…..That is beyond any of our hope and dreams to be known as His on His day. So our function in the body is vital, but we are all one and HE ALONE is the head over the church…. His body.  The promised land for us this day is walking in Him and Him in us.  Then  we walk this life out in the flesh as written. Ephesians 3:20, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen……. 

Can we see as we move from Galatians, glorying in the knowledge of the Lord as written in Jeremiah 9;23-24. The glory is not from us….. Or should I say, the gory details of what we have or don’t have or done or not done in ourselves. We glory in this, we have knowledge of the Ancient of Days, as we celebrate eternal life as written in John 17.  We enter the realm of the heavenlies where we sit with the King and reign His way through His days….

Then as we move we see His Awesomeness as there is none like Him. Our Guide gives us so much training> Abundance in understanding and wisdom which are from  the treasuries of our King, so we learn and have the mind of Christ…..We never knew of the Feast that He had prepared for us that special Day.  We glory in Him forever from this grand day, called His.

The Door is open. Let us not wait any longer. Look He is beckoning us into His chamber….. Do we dare tarry or climb the stone steps that glistened with the myrrh and frankincense.   But wait, look at you and look at me. We are covered now with these.  Look at the One who is seated within Brightest of All. There is only One who is in charge over us all and we are blessed to have Him as His Christ is  within us.

We celebrate our King that He has bestowed His Spirit within- Christ in us is our hope in glory… This One whose power all the earth belongs to…. who is beyond all our imagination and hope- the Spirit of God has rested within us! God has made a dwelling place, a mansion within each of us for His Spirit.  Do you not see?  These are the dwellings that He has made for you and for Me…… For those who love Him….. He turns His gaze, this Ancient of Days, and says – these are the ones in which I AM chooses to dwell….. Yes, you may be a pauper and may be a mom or a kid, but I AM has turned your heart in to His dwelling place. Yes, where the Holy Spirit dwells is a mansion. I AM has longed for My rest within My children…..In all these generations I AM has sought….. a tabernacle  in each one of My children does I AM seek.  You need to go not here and there….. I AM and you can fellowship in the Spirit and truth right where you are…..and in this I AM delights.

Then we are fitted for the job He has spoken to be…. But who can boast of any thing we do for if it is eternal and forever as this fruit is His.  His sap made the fruit develop through the vine into the branch and it is Divine…. Who can claim as a branch they are the head…..Oh No- we learn as we sit and behold the King. As He has declared that it shall be…… This does not originate  from you or from me.

There is only One of Him and many of us, but He is the head and we are the body.  He has to have our preeminence for He is over all. We bow our knee for He is worthy of it all…… As He sees we are now complete in Him… We are made by His hand circumcised by His Spirit and long and seek those things that are above. Alas……

We find our way through the Philippian door. This door is not traveled often, only the searching have nerve to go through….. The scent is beckoning but there is more I need to see. The aroma draws me in where sometimes it is dark but He illuminates all for me.

We understand the beauty He has is from the myrrh and frankincense. Now we are clothed in that same garment  which He has bathed us in before His throne…. We may not get it all but we submit to His hand that kindly guides us through out His land……. We bow and submit all for His name sake.   We are here and want to know His greatness that He has bestowed.  His shine is beyond from any earthly stance but we are covered with Him as we take this new stand.  We need to know the mystery of Him.  His power of Life consumes us all….. How can this be but is His life and power flowing through me…… I do not see me but only His face is all I see. He has consumed me with His love…. Praise His name forever. Our High King Christ Jesus is Lord over all….. We  bow before the King.

He is our King who is speaking to us all through His Spirit. He is still trumpeting out. Come one and come all…. Do not delay, the bell tolls for you today.  Come and see what I AM has prepared….. The walk on the narrow is against the tide but come any way and see My arms are opened wide. See My  way that I AM has planned for you today. Leave your sins and your shame and come to ME this day.  Pick up your cross, in this I AM is here to help you carry this cost….. But staying in your lies and sins of turning Me away will leave you a burden that I AM has taken away, but if you do not come, that burden will remain forever yours….. Why do you stay and linger in death eternal for I AM has made a way for you in My life eternal…..  Do not turn away from I AM this day….. You will soon regret the stand you make. Do you know if you have another day?

He has restarted through many that His plan will come to pass through all His clay… But if we keep  raising our head in our acclaim we will be found in the heap of clay that has been discarded. The works burned with His fire on His day but our salvation will not be lost. His body is set only to the acclamations of the King of all today….. We only boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus for this is HIS WAY…… He is our Savior and Warrior Hero to us. We see His cost and His smile to the lost. His hand extended for all to come….. Bless those who have the courage from His Spirit to turn into His cross and walk through the other side into His chambers we then hide….. His life is ours and we live in His peace.We are new as babies, but by His Spirit we grow into His kingdom we are sons that all of creation are waiting for. He is patiently waiting for you this day, please come and meet Him and start your new day.

Rise up and leave the dead to bury the dead. Let us proclaim His greatness instead!

Do we not see that all creation is waiting for the sons to mature as we  come into the knowledge of the Holy One and He reigns through us this day?

Are we not going to acclaim our nothing in boast and send adorations and praise to the One who deserves it all?

Games are for children and they get put away as the sons of God mature this day.

All ingredients that go into the stew do not say I am better or you are worse- they just blend together in the fire for the Food of the Shepherd to bring the strength that is needed for His sheep to eat.

Let us make sure babel is not the words of the day when His sheep come to gather- let them see Jesus- Present Him today. His Spirit speaks today. Make sure it is Him working through you in His day.  His Spirit  who shows all  of the Great King that is to return.  Do not keep them from hearing  Him today.    If we block, He will manifest Himself to them in His way….. Do not be deceived He is hot after His sheep so they do not go down the cliff but climb to Him from His beckoned call.  Man in himself  will not help but Christ is here for those who believe He lives within for all this day. Hasten quickly do not delay, be not  found as the block to His sheep  keeping them from seeing and hearing Him today.  We are dead to the world and the world dead to us…..We sing the tune of the Heavenly Man and His Spirit is beckoning us…. Come to the Mount where the Holy One dwells- do not hold your life precious for then you will lose all. Leave it at the cross and be My bride and do not count the cost to be at My side. You will see no shame. You eyes behold your King in all His beauty and there you go sold on the sight of the Lover that  has never let you go.

Mankind will see the Truth,  the King with His bride, by His side.  We climb the heights to manifest the sight of the truth of our King and His suffering that Day….. We sow His way to the lost and pray they pick up the scent of the King as He calls them home as we call this Today.  Today is the grace given to all, even those who are slow to the call.  But the Day will end and the offer of salvation shall stop then.   Come we are not complete in the body of Christ without you. You are fitted for such a time in the bride.  Please come and see the greatness of our King…. He comes to all manifesting Himself in what they need.

We are here to point to You. None of us are qualified to be You.  May we remember the preciousness You treated us as we  first came and bowed to You. May we wake up to the purity of holiness found in You…We ask for the purity of  heart that be our goal to affirm Your fame.

All honor and power and glory and riches are Yours- to the King of glory…… You are worthy of it all.

May we have the courage and guts to climb the mount of the Lord this day and do things HIS WAY!
