
Love Has Been Perfected Among Us……

Wow! Meditate on the scripture…… Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world,               ( 1 John 4:17).

What does that mean?  Huh?  Love is perfected among us because as He is so are we in this world…….Hmmmm……

So where and how is Christ Jesus, our Lord, today?  So how He is  should be as we are….. How and why?  He is with us and will never leave us according to Matthew 28 and according to the Book of Ephesians He is seated in heavenly places and so are we……

The song goes what does this have to do with love? Everything like the old stories of rags to riches is the story line or His story of how God brought us back from eating at the pig’s trough to now seated with Him…… His love if we believe all He has said is brought to fullness…..within us and for us.

Did you ever try to help someone and they got offended because you offered to help?  Their pride was blocking your love given unto them what ever way it was offered.

Having His love received into us is a big thing to God.  Yes, He is well aware of where we came from….. and He is well aware of His grace and mercy  perfecting His plan to correct us into the position we were born for…… In Him by the power of His Spirit…..

Pentecost is a big deal to God as well as to King Jesus Christ….. He was frustrated and said this in Luke 12: 49-51, I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I AM till it is accomplished…… Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.

I never thought I would hear the word wish out of our Lord…… But He was wishing time would speed up- for two reasons….. Maybe He was getting a little exasperated with His crew…… Maybe …… He had such a Gift for us in His Spirit being deposited inside that He couldn’t wait for the freedom of blinders coming off and the cotton  coming out of the ears of the ones He loved so we would understand and love Him greater.

He wanted fellowship…..Like minded offspring to know and love Him….. He wanted many with Him as He is the Priest of the Endless Life. He desired multiplication.

Back to the above verse….. His love perfected among us.

The clue is in the book of Ephesians…… There are such great illustrations to show us the pattern of Christ to put our faith in the Rock above all rocks….. Our Lord.

Jesus Christ was the perfect man perfected….. Yup! He only did what the Father told Him to do as written in John 5.

Holy Spirit worked through Jesus Christ…… and now who is He working His mighty power through? Pick up a mirror, beloved.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  just as He chose Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure  of His will, to the praise and glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth- in Him,

( Ephesians 1: 3-10).

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all,                         

( Ephesians 1:17-23)

But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, mae us alive together with Christ ( by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

( Ephesians 2:4-6).

That Christ might dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God…….

Now to Him who is able to exceedlingly abundantly above all we ask or thinks, according to the power that works in us,…………….

to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, AMEN!, ( Ephesians 3:17-21).

Let the above Word be found  alive and active in the generation on the earth this day. Let it be not so that we limited God by our unbelief.

Let it be known by Him, we pleased our King and did great exploits in His name…. The name Jesus Christ which  all names bow in heaven and on the earth and below the earth and in all the seas.

Is the Lord saying- I call you to come to Me on the waters…… Lord, is that You?  He says, Yes. Come to Me – walk on the wild side and walk on out to Me.

Well, I was wild before for the wrong side…… I’ll be wild for you Lord.  It is the only way to live by faith….. There by faith the past pattern are broken by the newness of His breath. The past pattern of walking by faith is new today. What we walked by faith last year must be updated as we keep in the timing of His presence and purpose.   Remember the temp has changed…. Let us hear the new beat and keep the timing as a beautiful sound of us being one in Him.

First His crew saw Him walking on the water and calming the waves….Then He said, hey come on out and join Me.  I AM is your Guide….. to support You in the overcoming the natural by My Super Spirit…… In His Holy Spirit, we become holy and without blame.  Right there, overcomers arise and shine.

That is wild and only our God could want that and work it out to accomplish that within each heart that turns to see His voice and say – Okay….. You can do the impossible with me……Let’s run and not miss the mark of the high calling.

Paul, the mystery solver, shows us how the great power of God raised the Lord from the dead and was seated in the heavenly places……. Then it is written that the same power that raised Christ from the dead raised us with Him and also seated us in those same heavenly places.

The same power as written in Ephesians 1:19 is also written in Ephesians 3:20. This same God and His Spirit of power is  working not only through Christ but through us who believe. The Holy Spirit rests on the inside of us……. Christ—- We are little Christians….. running around as His body on this earth…. The fullness of Him is known as we, His body, are as He is in this world. This is now—- not later, but now.

Please- all the religious just put a hold on your mouth…… for a minute…….. He asks us to be perfect before Him….. or blameless before Him…… Perfected in Him is the power of the endless life made whole or complete in Him by Him through us…… His power is being worked in you and in me to complete us -in the power of the endless life……. as written in Hebrews – check it out.

This is His love fully received and lived by His saints.

His temple made by His Spirit will not have cracks and will not be shabby….. So if that bothers your mind- get over it!  Or not, your choice…. But this is His plan. We are being made into the temple of God Himself…. Check out 2 Corinthians….His place is glorious and beautiful and so are His people.

As written in Genesis 17:1-2,When Abram was ninety nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him,  I AM Almighty God; walk  before Me and be blameless.  

And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedlingly.

His  thought of perfect and our understanding need to be aligned here.  Many days and nights have I probed and bothered and asked again to get the -HOW-….. He was showing me His why. Then the light bulb clicked!  OHHHHHHH!

Okay, think about this…… God multiplied Abram into Abraham greatly—– in his seed beyond the sands and the stars are his offspring……. Abram and God covenanted and Abram became Abraham….. joined with God.

Is Jesus Christ’s covenant and sacrifice any less valid?  No….. Multiplication is God’s MO….. Always is the same and always will be the same…. He changes not….. So we are also being multiplied into His image so as He is the head of the body of Christ…..His government will not cease.

It is not about us but about Him in us. Then  what is done through us  as His kingdom keeps expanding on earth as it is in heaven.   As He is in heaven we are here….. As it is in heaven , it should be the same as here.

As was the growth of Abraham’s seed over the earth is great.  Is not greater the Incorruptible Seed of God, Christ Jesus sown into our hearts going to reproduce the same?   Believe Him and we shall be established….. for the Lord is the Great Prophet……. Believe the prophets and you shall be established as written in 2 Chronicles.

Only by our belief in walking it out by our  faith- our Lord meets us in all of His greatness established  in this earth ….It is to show His exceeding greatness. As well as  to show off His greatness and mercy and love and kindness and wonderment. May many be drawn to this great God and Friend to all.

This is not hard….. It is His power and His strength and our ears and heart to obey His instructions. Our prayers and fellowship with Him will gain us to understand what the width and length and depth and height of His love towards us in Christ. Then we pour it out….. as a forever bride does to His children.

We cannot pour out what we have not been filled with…..

We can never pour out what we have not come to know first hand by our King……His love. His coming through all the time. His answering our faith by signs wonders and sometimes little whispers or tiny fragrances of His touch of saying- yup, your on the path or the slamming of doors when we went through the wrong door….

He is always faithful to complete the work He has started within each of His beloved…… No one is left behind with this God……Only if they want to be. He is a Gentleman…..He back’s off but only to show up when He hears His name called out for help……

Our King is knocking on the doors of the hearts that have kept closed to Him….. He will never give up or give in until the last breath of His pursuit is breathed.

See Him now. The Door of Heaven opened wide to those who say I AM is mine.  He is waiting and praying for your inclination His way. Oh, please make His day and turn to Him today.

Oh bride, make sure your place is by His side. Do not be distracted by running here and there. The seat is reserved in Him today. Great is the way to speak what He says.

Eternity is where we live in Him this day. Time speeds up but we have no delay because we  have eternity and endless life as our Guide. He holds all the keys. The mysteries of His secrets are unlocked by our understanding of the Great I AM. Time is not concerned for it is in His hands. We are then also in the Great I AM….. Rest assured all will be disclosed that is hidden and obscure.

We rest in Him and know His faithfulness in His plan….. Things that are will not be as the things are not seen will always be and are set for now and eternity.

Things come and go but what remains is His plan for His government. I AM is always increasing. Multiplication is My way…….. I do the math because I AM has called it for the glory of My great way. I AM will always be, so if you are in Me….. What does it matter if those things I AM speaks rise and some fall?

I AM in you and you in Me…… That shall always be….. My image multiplying for all to see. I AM is here and active in My bride. As I dwell in the heavens with her too…… Oh do you understand this mystery too?  I AM divides the day from the night…. Ahhh, come to the morning bright….. The Son is brilliantly shining for all to see the glory in the heavens is also in you as in Me.

As in the first day I AM called Light be……. The first day is again for you to be in Light from Me.   The darkness folds his tent and vacates his rent.  He leaves bitterly but leave he must for the Light is too bright.

My power is endless.  I AM works greatly for My purpose in My people. Then all will see what I AM has for them. There is a God who is for them. I AM has made a way for all to be in My endless life with  Me.  All to see the Great I AM is here as well as in their eternity. I AM was with all before they knew breath.

I AM asks prayers be sent for those who delay but must come to I AM now as I AM calls this Today. Their deception may turn them away.

There is room in I AM for all…… Do you not see My arms are open wide from the east is to the west….. My bowed head is in obedience to the call from above….. Father wants you now to come home….This your call to return to the place you from the beginning called home….. So turn today…… Through My bloody sacrifice is the way to complete your destiny…. For in I AM is your place and I AM has set your in My side.

Come now and come all……..Enjoy the journey that I AM has designed for you from the beginning.  I AM saw you today hesitating to come do things My way. If you count the cost, weigh your scales, if they balance….. What is the balance that you seek?   One quick wind may shake the change that you won’t take in today.

I AM knows when time end….. Do you gamble on your own life today?  Put your struggle aside and make the stride to My cross. Be cleansed with My blood that was shed for you. Be washed clean with Fountain of My Endless Life….. Washing My bride. She is all clean inside. White as snow. I AM is in great delight for this is why I AM did not count the cost…How could I AM turn from you and encounter such great loss.

Now those who call on Me but will not heed to hear My reply. Why do you rush here and there….. When I AM holds the keys and answers of wisdom that you are seeking….. Wait and rest and all will be shown in the eternity of your moment.

I AM in no hurry and I AM delights in your presence…… Come sit with I AM and let be what does not matter. You and I AM  together as one in the mind and the heart……. Fellowship is what I AM is all about….. You must be in My rest to hear and strength to obey otherwise all will go astray….. Your help is I AM in you. Rest is the way that is shown through. I AM is the Word and the Voice that keeps you safe and accomplishing much fruit.  Do not be about you with out Me.

I AM will allow the pieces to crumble and then you will see that I AM is all you need to complete the task that is before you from Me.

Abram was changed from Abram to Abraham as he knew  I AM was needed to be what I AM said he was to be.  I AM is what will increase and multiply Christ in you.  Rest. Listen. Be quiet and still… Trust in I AM in all you seek.

All the work from you is through Me and from Me and for Me.  Listen to Me. Blessed is the highway as you walk on the water by the power of I AM in you working mightily.

Climb the hills of My mount for all is clear.  Into My land is the way of My delight. Do not hesitate and do not delay. The deep passages lead you into greater light. This is  My glory.  This is My story…… which you follow and all will see this is the road to victory.

The way of increase and multiplication is the way of the corn….. Bow to rise and then fly like eagles on the heights….. Air is thin but all you need is carried within.

My way is the passage of faith- You may not see with your eyes but you have dreamed the way. You will recognize the stones of the cliff as  your faith makes the path to see.  My power of My hand will guide you every step….. We are together and you can count on I AM through the thick and through the thin….. I AM has never been unfaithful to you. I AM will continue until My work is complete in you.

Remember you are here for I AM. They may say you have turned the world upside down but it has been upside down. The words that I AM tells you to speak tries to set their things straight. Some will come turn their lives upright by My righteousness.  Some will turn and want to live upside down and allow deception to keep them bowed  down….. But alas a few will come out and I AM will draw in… As Noah’s ark speaks out today…….

Do you know your last day? The Sower and His Seed still is working among them all.  Which is the way any of you will allow the Seed to fall today?

Thank you for allowing My love to be perfected in My bride.  The beauty of holiness is radiating at My side……My beloved, how I AM has suffered until the fire is poured forth to create My body shining as the noon day sun. My righteousness is found in you, My child. Be full of delight and joy as you radiate My life, oh My bride. This is My plan…… My family all around Me -Behold, My children you are all My glory!

What was and what will be and from what was forever then….. I AM the great I AM.

All things come from I AM and all things will be for  I AM.  Please come and learn  to be in the way and do things My way.  Woe to those who say they are the shepherds of the flock when all they do is keep My bride locked.

Do not call what I AM has cleansed as unholy and unclean… Learn of I AM and I AM makes all things new….. You are a new creation in I AM…. Do not step on the work of MY Spirit this day….. It will not work well for you – get out of I AM’s way.

My body is My masterpiece… Hold it dear and hold it sacred and do fear I AM in regards to this hear……..Do not resist the Spirit of Grace.  Ask the many who stepped in I AM’s way how it worked well for them in their day.  There are many around that can tell you about knowing I AM and not doing things His way.

Will you focus only on sin and not acknowledge the Incorruptible Seed growing within.  The Light of their eyes and their hope in I AM will continue if you water  what I AM speaks over them.  I AM sees what I AM has created from the beginning…… If you are My worker than I AM knows you by My fruit…… If the fruit is not coming forth……Then check the deliverer…. For My Words are fulfilled…… Do not steal their joy of being Mine……. Do not step in the Way of I AM at this time…..Come to I AM and we will set it right……

Love shall be perfected among My own…. Call out for this in all that I AM calls Mine. Do not frustrate My Spirit today…… This why I AM came to set a fire and be not the one who stumps it out…..I AM calls My own out to come in and go out again.  This is the way……

Learn of Me and all will be set free…..My Spirit delights in liberty.    Where My Spirit cannot dwell well, He is not. But do not be deceived, He has found rest in many that I AM has called home today. They may have left the crowd….. The chains of bondage were so broken by My power and tasted freedom and delight. They are mine and they will walk in the fullness in My way. As I AM, you are to be. Do not be deceived on any lesser way for Me. I AM has made the Provision- Vision- for all to see.  See the way I AM is showing you…… Ah, yea, there may be division….. I AM calls to come out to come in and go out again.  My love has been perfected in these that  has I AM in their sight and they fly high in My might.
