
Snow Patrol

I am not very apt in programming my radio in my car, so as I drive, I reach over and spin the dial…..and what ever it lands on -I then try to tune in to  worship music somehow and somewhere…. Today, I spun away, and I looked on the screen and saw Snow Patrol….. I thought, wow….. that is a sign….. I know this is a rock group, but to me, in prayer, as I was driving, I saw a sign and Holy Spirit showed me the scripture of the sign.

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken, ( Isaiah 1:18-20).

The rest of the chapter is very apt for these days that we are witnessing, however, that is not what Holy Spirit showed me…… He is on patrol?  Yes, on patrol for the snow…… We have been washed with the blood of the Lamb….. The most powerful life flow in creation is the blood of our Savior King Jesus that was poured forth upon you and me…… He finished His job- He made us clean and a new creation….. Many ways of Holy Spirit governing job is to tune and turn us into the image of the Son of God……  We were corrupted, but by the blood of the Lamb…..He has washed us white as snow.

I have been bugging Him to let me know why 7 years David was in Hebron reigning and then 33 years over Israel, making a total of 40 years.  It is important because He mentions it often in the Old Testament,  So Hebron means fellowship. He was in fellowship with the Lord in training to reign……. One with the Lord- His ways made known to David….. His thoughts and His righteousness….. for the 33 years of reigning over His people……. As the number for the anti-Christ is 666….. Spirit, soul and body totally corrupt so is 33—- totally divine—- as 333…… Seven meaning complete or perfected…… David’s time of fellowship to reign over His people was completed as were the years of reigning…..The trial of reigning was completed in 40 years…..

Could it be a sign and a symbol that King David was to show us the Great King Jesus work was finished?  In fulfillment of time- our Savior came to bring us into fellowship with our God which was closed off…..Just a thought first is fellowship with the Spirit of God to know God again is open…. Thanks to our King Savior Jesus Christ.  It is finished…..But the doors are open for us….. Come on lets go in…..Can’t you hear Him calling? Get up here!!

God’s ways….. The spirit of the man is God’s turf and He desires it for His habitation….. As written Colossians 1:26—- Christ in us- our hope of glory.   We are one in fellowship with the Lord- Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us into the goodness and grace of God. Everyday the measure in us should increase as we increase in Him- in learning how He is and how He thinks and how He views things….. We know His word and then as we climb into His realm,- we learn the how and some answers to why and  know and discern righteousness and His hate for darkness.  We grow in His strength and His might…. We receive all He gives us to learn and we allow Him to mature us into His own- His own image….. He is purpose is completed – He’s got kids!!

So how snow white is the bride of Christ?  Pretty dazzling white full of the Son of Life and Truth, the Word of God….. So if there is any place where the Snow of grace has been  covered He blows the majestic breath of God .  He loves to shine the light in darkness….. He loves to manifest all things.   Truth does bring the Light of God into all areas of deception…….

If truth reigned, and Holy Spirit given full place in the hearts of men today…… Yes, things would be different…..We see Holy Spirit so in authority in Acts…… He was given His rightful place… He was treasured and honored…… Prayer was a needful thing as well as studying of the scriptures…..There were no agendas but the Lord’s….. Holy Spirit was pleased with the snow on His patrol.  People that dealt deceitfully fell fast in death……. People learned up close and personal that our God is a consuming fire….

Beloved, if there was the most wonderful and gigantic rose plant for all to see.  This rose has a petal as wide as your feet  to give you an idea how large and wonderful it is.  What would you do ?  Do you walk up to it to admire it?  Is it not for you and pass by?  Would you come to gaze on the magnificence of this giant flower ?   Beloved, Holy Spirit is the fragrance of our King. He is more powerful than a rose to help us know our King…… He teaches us to pray and to commune with our King…… and our Father….. The Door has been opened….. He has cleansed us….. Do we partake of the fragrance of God?   Are we living towards the righteousness of God or are we living in this world and are a part of it also?   The Holy Spirit does not agree to mixture….

Picture the day of snow blanketing the earth and the beauty of white glistening in the silence of the stillness of the sight.  What makes the tires of a car turn the beautiful white snow into yucky gray mush?   Man and Spirit collide….. Holy Spirit steps back and man makes heaven into earth instead of bringing heaven to earth and allowing Holy Spirit to maintain His work. Man thinks he must maintain the work of heaven.

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord, ( Zechariah 4:6).  

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment; of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged, ( John 16:7-11).

We should allow Holy Spirit to maintain and change or tweek His work as He sees fit…… This is His job…… not man’s. We are the vessel.  I do not know of any man who would go to Jesus and tell Him how to be Jesus and do the work He did….. Peter tried to change His direction……. It did not turn out to well for our friend Peter…… Why does man think He can stifle the Holy Spirit in any way and it work out for him…?  In the Psalms it was given to us to remind us not to limit the Holy One……. I believe there is great cost now for limiting Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of our King……

In reality, let’s go up to a lion and pull a couple of his whiskers or raise a fist to him. Or better yet, tell him to not have the territory that he has carved out ……..for his pride…… Let’s see how that works for anyone. Can anyone stop a tidal wave?   Can anyone stop a hurricane or a tornado?   Can anyone stop the purpose of God?  Dare anyone get in the way of His Spirit moving in the hearts of people and tell people that they have not been cleansed and touched by the very hand of God…… Dare we interfere with the Spirit of Grace?

Holy Spirit is ruthless in His pursuit to bring the best wine to the Master of the feast.  Our fruit when squeezed and pressed should ooze out oil of Holy Spirit.  May we allow Him to measure how we live as the snow white bride of His love.  He has washed white as snow…… Do we see His work as finished or can we really think that His blood is not strong enough to cleanse us?……. Nothing is stronger than the blood of the Lamb of God…. Nothing can stop His love towards us as He showered over us the day that the sun hid its face in shame.

So allow Holy Spirit to see the shining glistening truth of the Word living strong and mighty in you……. and in me.   Look on Him, beloved….. not you…..   If you want to sit in the dirty rags of humanity, go for it.  But when I learned that the Lord had given me a whole new armor and dress to put on…… I relished His gift.  I delighted in Him and His love….. I gladly threw my rags away and let Him cloth me in His love and majesty…..  He said to obey and believe  and I said – Yes, Sir.   Show me how to do this…. for I am simple but I have never seen so much love in any ones eyes as Yours…. I trust  You.

I will gladly run in joy and peace and patience. I will gladly climb the heights of hills in knowing how to live in love, His kindness. I will work and walk in the shoes of goodness and faithfulness.  I will relish in Your presence and have peace as my Instructor……  Please allow Holy Spirit to show you how white you are in Him….. How He has done it…… So we may keep climbing the hills of ascent to accomplish His will on this earth today..

Religion always keeps the focus on us instead of Him…… Sort of like a gerbil in a gerbil cage— around and around you go and guess what- you get nowhere….. in Him or His purpose for you in His plan…. Religion tells you are disqualified  from His plan,   I have to ask you – who told you -you were naked?   Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!. Arise beloved, you are His prize and treasure…. Now live that way.   When ever we do not know how- it is written;  Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you…..(Matthew 7:7).

Holy Spirit is on His snow patrol!   Ask Him how the King’s bride is doing?   You seem to shine bright to me, beloved, because He said you do and are His. So let us live as He says we are to Him…. If we value our King, we will value and honor His Word and allow His Word to work out Truth in us….. Christ in us is our hope of glory….. His love, beloved, needs to get into to us and then He will flow through as the spoken Word of God over His bride….. Arise and shine……!!!!!


My Beloved Children,

The earth is covered with the righteousness of My blood poured forth over all mankind…. I AM has called clean what I AM has cleansed…… Who are you to call My beloved not mine as a new creation?  That speech is not  unlike throwing mud on a beautiful field of fallen snow glistening from the sun.  Is that not what the evil one does?  My beloved, the evil one came to Eve with darkness in his heart intent to bring it into hers.  He told her she did not have what was part of her in I AM….. The evil one made her think and feel she was lacking in I AM.   She did not know  who she was in My plan and purpose. Nor did she believe all that was given to her was hers…..She agreed with the evil one and her unbelief made her fall from heaven to earth with Adam.  Then she did lack what she thought she was missing.

Block the words of lack and deceit. If you have received My love of My sacrifice to have you in My presence, stump on the snake that comes to you and says you are not in I AM white as snow.   For I AM and you are in Me.  My word has spoken in My servant, I AM of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness.   So may I AM sit and fellowship with one who is knowing of deceit towards I AM….. May I break the Words that last forever?    Remember, as I AM walked the earth, who had contentions with Me?  Was it not the Pharisees and Sadducees?  Those who were as white washed tombs…… They painted themselves as white as snow but inside were dark as night…… I AM came and washed you inside out and now I AM says My blood is  finished the cleansing of the earth.

When you gaze on a garden, do you see the dirt or do you see the blossom?   Look and understand, how your eye see?  Do you see  My beauty in My body?    Is it  that you do not see the beauty in you of I AM?  Where is the belief of My Word?   The heart will see what you  believe?  Do you  hear the birds sing of their new day?   The rejoicing heart will thrive on the creations thriving of I AM.

As you lead a horse the cart will follow as your heart leads the eyes to see the beauty of your King.   Those whose eyes have been opened because of their love of I AM see all as a gift from My hand….. The rain and the sun. They see the snow as wide vastness of My love….. The lightning flashes and the thunders boom  and My beloved  hears My voice and never fears for I AM here.  The waves rise up and My beloved sees My hand leading her into the mounts for safety.  My beloved sees the lions gathering and hears the songs of deliverance singing over her.  My beloved sees the doors closed and knows the will of I AM is in the place of confinement is a place of enlargement and she looks up to see and then hear My voice.  My beloved sees the open door and knows there will be many to interfere but alas she knows she has been given feet as a deer to leap to My purpose there for her..

Alas, you have eyes in your heart…. Set them right in the view of I AM…. Learn today as I AM has spoken, to see as I AM sees and be quick to turn here as I AM leads.  Go there as I AM has walked before you  to set the path clear. Not visible is the path laid but clear for your feet to move swiftly spread My Seed upon the earth.

Hear this day and see the beauty of Your King. Alas, that beauty will take root in all you say and do……. You are the healing leaves of the Tree of Life. I AM sees the beauty of My beloved.  Behold My righteousness has filled the earth. See My beauty has it has been poured forth and speak this for then you shall see.

Take heed to what you hear so then you believe and you see!  Do not be stubborn as a mule but be gentle as a dove.  Alas,  swift as eagles  and  strong as an ox for in these My Spirit pours forth the Word of God through the weakest of men…… for there I AM.