
Can We Ponder And Pray What He Says ……..?

What if one day you were told to go to Ninevah and you like Jonah said- No way Lord, I know of Your great mercy… They may repent and turn to You and be forgiven……But you do, hoping there is no big fish close by.

We all know that as Jonah walked the land and told them all  if they do not repent and believe in One True Living God…. They would be overthrown within 40 days.  They repented and fasted and believed God and were saved. Hmmmmm.

What if  like Jeremiah, the Lord  told you to speak to your own countrymen who know or at least heard  of God and His Son……. But they refused to adhere and repent even though the time to turn back to God was extended beyond the forty days given to Ninevah……. What if the time frame was shortened to within forty days? How can I bring You back into a nation’s heart?

What, Lord, do you want me to speak that has not been spoken…….? I do not wish any to perish, but they will not hear Me.  I AM knocking at the door of time here and the door is not opening.

What if  as it is happening in our nation the earthquakes,  locusts in large swarms, mass killings of  the innocent and their blood  crying out from the earth was sent to us as a wake up call to repent and turn back to God ?  God is sending His signs of warning to repent this day if we are aware and are getting the nudge of Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit tells us what is to come…… Are there ears to hear to warn as a watchman is to do?

You wonder why Ninevah repented and the countrymen  you speak to do not turn or show any kind of fear of the Lord?

What if you were given a second chair in a case on those who sell the Holy Spirit for their gain? As you hear our Lord knock the tables and clear out the merchandise and hear Him say again- for the third time- you have made My house of a house merchandise.  My house shall be a house of prayer.   But you have made it a den of thieves.    As it is written do not quench the Holy Spirit. The anger of the Lord makes the sound of the tornado as a light breeze brushing through the trees of the land.  You remember to breath after He shows you His stand on what He sees.

Is it not written judgment begins in the house of God in 1 Peter?……You ponder…..and breath in a huge breath…… Sometimes you forget to let out your breath because you are witnessing the fear of the Lord. Another gulp and eyes wide open.

Then you are on the hill which the men, Aaron and Hur, are holding up Moses arms during the battle of Israel against the Amalek, who is an enemy of God.   When the arms of Moses were lifted up Joshua was gaining territory and overcoming the enemy of God.   Hmmmmm.

Moses had the authority of God in his hand- the rod……. Our Lord is seated at the right hand of the Almighty and has been given all authority…… and has bestowed upon His believers His name to speak which is above all names in the heavens and on the earth and in the earth……

When we pray in His name, it is our faith  lifting His rod of authority so to speak over the  enemy. Do we not believe as written-For the Word of God is living and  powerfuland sharper than a two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints an marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart, (Hebrews 4:12). ?

Amalek and his people were slain by the edge of the sword by Joshua and the warriors of Israel as Moses arms or hands were lifted up….. Who has a double edge sword coming out of His mouth as written in Revelation ?  Our King of all kings and our Lord of all lords. The Word of God spoken today by who?  Us!!!!    Lift His Majesty and Strength out of our mouths,……that is His Word.  He knows what is, let us speak what He wants to be….. Faith calls that which is to be not, so what is not -is!..…. We are not sightseers…… We are watchman of the faithful…… Walk by faith and not sight.

The great and mighty King Jesus knows all and knows what is coming.    King Jesus lifted high will draw all men to Him……. Not Christianity but HIM. It is not about our rights as it is to establish His right as King over every single heart that breathes.

He is our Answer and He is our Truth and His is our only Way.

So what if people do not like the Bible…… We do and all need to hear His Word. The Word of God still convicts today…. The Word of God still instructs us today.  The wise always seek Him.  The Word of God is ALIVE!!

So what if people do not want us to pray in Jesus Christ’s name, we do. He is all we and the protestors  need……

So what if His Truth convicts sinners- is this not His Way?  Yes, we still point and speak of Him, the Word of God.

Jesus Christ is Love for He wishes not one to perish, but  for all  to be with Him in eternity…… But without Him, we will perish,….. if we do not believe in God’s Saving Grace found in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of our sins and turn to Him- THERE WILL BE DESTRUCTION!

Love is not  hallmark feel good movie- Love goes into the depths of hell and takes you and my punishment  for sin and death for us all….. Then Love rose up from the grave and took us with Him…… That is Love……But we must turn from our wicked ways and believe  so that we may be born again from God.

He is the Way and we must live His way….. If we are at a job and do not do our job according to our boss, we will be fired……What are the consequences of turning away from the commands of the God of the Universe…… He is the Uncreated One and we are His created ones.  Knowing our Lord is not about just obeying His Word…. We obey because we know Him and want to be and live as He calls us….. He is with us every step….. He wants to be in us so He is with us 24/7. Heaven on earth!

The Old Testament and the New Testament and now as  Holy Spirit’s point to One…… Jesus Christ…… The whole Word is the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the Word of God….. Holy Spirit will be quenched when His commands are being set aside. He is the One and the only One mankind can enter into His eternal Life…….He is the  exalted One, whether we exalt Him or not…… He is the exalted One and we are foolish not lifting our faith to the Great One…..

Morality and ethics are evident to  the purity in our hearts where He dwells. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, (1 Corinthians 1:30),. Holy Spirit will show us His Way.  He loves to be where we are because as we believe and live by His Word – We are where He is……as written in John.  AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THE WORLD, ( 1 JOHN). Look it up.

What if someone came knocking on your door today and said within forty days the days that we have known ends.   What will we do ?   So please turn to the Lord and repent and leave the wicked ways.   If we do not know the wicked ways,……. Google the ten commandments for a start—– Then google a download of the bible or get an app……of the bible.

Know the Lord today….. He is waiting and His arms are open wide for us to come into. Please embrace His salvation….. We do not know what tomorrow holds. Do we dare to turn away from a God that holds the universe in His hands?   Are we so prideful, we cannot say I am sorry to One who has poured forth His blood and life for us?

Jonah spoke  Truth as written  in his book- chapter 2, after being spewed from the great fish……Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy.

Is our position in our life on solid foundation?  Where is the source of foundation?  Can it hold up in crisis?  Are the sources of our foundation and beliefs found in truth or they found in the culture and the media?   The culture changes and wars come and go…….Will the foundation we stand bring us through every trial, tribulation, storm and sickness and death?

Only One can and has proven His strength and His faithfulness and integrity that will hold us through  all the world throws our way. He will never let go of us….. Can we say that of any other foundation that we stand on?

Just because every one jumps off a cliff to destruction, does not say we need to follow the crowd…… The road to destruction is wide and many walk on it and narrow is the way to salvation, difficult is the way which leads to life……The wide road leads to destruction. ( Matthew 5)- Check it out.

As Truth is known, the devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy….. He is only allowed in as we live and believe his lies…….  God is the Author of mankind and it is wise to listen and seek His counsel on all things that pertain to living this life that HE has given us……

What if within forty days we knew that destruction was on our doorsteps….. What we do today?   Our lives here are as a blink of an eye. Eternity away from our God is eternity in the lake of fire……  Which door do we want to choose today?  Do we know what tomorrow holds for us….. Can we stand certain of eternity?  Maybe you have heard there is no eternity or life after death…… Do you really want to base your eternity on what you heard without investigating this Jesus Christ?

Most of all, there has been only One who has shed His blood for all mankind for forgiveness of all sins. He seats as the only Righteous One that God has given all authority- which every knee will bow and every tongue confess……. That is a solid promise. Can I quote Forrest Gump here—– Stupid is as stupid does…… Who refuses to bow to such a great high King that we have.  We come with heavy heart and open lifted hands to King of glory and bow.

Turn off the media and tune into the Lord and His Word….. Or not, but as it is written- in Matthew 24-15; Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, ( whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.     Will we know when this occurs or possibly it has.

This meaning  is to take cover…… Who is our covering?   As it is also written in Matthew 24:37-38,  But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days  before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark.

God gives us signs and warnings, so we are not ignorant and not deceived.  We can hurry on and not take notice to live as a fool.   Even animals go into shelter when storms and thunder are on the horizon, but man in his arrogance thinks it will not affect him…… Though trials come to believers and non believers in Jesus Christ- those who are with the Lord are with Him forever……. Who are unbelievers of Jesus Christ going to be with?

I pray for Ninevah hearts, quick to repent and turn to the Lord today because Holy Spirit is speaking to each one of us 24-7!

Believers, this day, hear Holy Spirit speaking this day……He shows before us the great Lord, so we may stand.  Then, pray and lift the name of the Lord Jesus Christ high and exalt Him…… His reign is forever and ever. Remember His government is upon His shoulders and shall never fail.

Holy Spirit questions if we understand what makes Him grieve?   Turn our ears to hear and understand while it is day…….Money may make the world go round but is dross infront of our God….He is ready to give us the true riches but we are often distracted with the fading dainties of the  world.  Let us step up into the heavenly places and see the view from His eyes today…. We will soon then change our ways to His.  Remember the flesh profits nothing in His kingdom but His Words are life in Spirit.

If we have worldly riches and see our brothers and sisters in need in other countries and do not help,…….woe to us. Was that not why God has blessed us to be  a blessing to others?  Are we not His vessel to pour forth Him ?  As He is so are we in this world, right? Have ministries now become like businesses in America?  How is the narrow road working that out?   Does Holy Spirit see a lot of us carrying our crosses following our Lord?  Or is it big, bigger, biggest yet to come?

We forget that smallest was the greatest writer in the New Testament……. He was in prison, suffering like Jesus Christ….. Hey, that is not the American Gospel though?   Really, says who?  What Bible are we reading from or are we just picking the scriptures that are a feel good message……Jesus Christ did not set a buffet before us, but His precious blood………… Keep those tithes coming in, right?  But Holy Spirit, what does He say regarding the greedy ones gathering in the name of the Holy One?    Is it not easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, ( Matthew 19).

There is great joy and peace in obeying the Words and directions of God.   I pray our countrymen catch Him for He is not far from us. Repent of the wickedness and He promises us He will heal our land.  Our God holds all our days in His hands, we do not know when this day will be our last.

Where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there…….. HE IS HERE!  Let Him roar!  Apostles in Acts were completely His…..Everything was about this Great Resurrected King who is siting on the right side of the Almighty……… Let our faith prove His greatness and strength against His enemies. Only He has the authority to rules the nations…… We are His body and His voice.  Look from His view and His strength. Let us hold His arms up by our faith and Holy Spirit will show us what to say and do as the King desires…… for the nations are His inheritance as written!  The advance of the Kingdom take it by force- His Word and faith are the means to achieve His purpose.




As Elijah was taken up into heaven, Elisha was able to increase My miracles…….His mantle is now My Spirit upon and within you as written,   All authority in heaven resides in you.   These are the sons of God who do as I speak and lead.  I AM that I AM. What was is now and forever. I AM’s land is far and wide…. You are wise to seek after all I AM. Leave the world behind as it has left you behind, Death has lost it’s sting…..

The wheel spins and the smoke rises but when all is clear, you see the wheel has no eyes and the smoke was a lie. There is no fire where there is sleep or greed. Arise this day and show I AM you are a kindle wood to be fired in Life. The bigger you are is not My way. The smallest of hearts are the empty and most pleasing to fill…… They are anxious to be filled with I AM and leave all behind.  Their way is the holiest of highways, though the tiger and bear try to come to devour….. They turn aside  when they hear the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roaring. As they see over their should the extension of His paw upon those who are His.

The foolish think tomorrow will be as the same as yesterday. They do not know when their day will be taken away.  Petting a snake and does not make it okay. For in this treachery is found. How many are mistaken that the deception  is alright by Me.   Do you remember I prayed for My followers who would come to Me by the Word of My disciples….. I AM did not pray for the world that night……. Follow through on My lead……. Stand in the gap for the ones who yet to learn their strength is found in Me….…Discern to know they believe in Me.

The grace of My Dove falls heavy on those who are crying in the night to know if I AM that I AM…..Know this is the day I AM has set for them to believe…… Make their path straight to me. Know the times and know My hand….. If you rest in I AM, you will understand. Check and see the importance of My heart is the same as yours…. Do not bow to the world and then  bow to I AM, for you are greatly deceived in thinking that all is okay with you and Me.    There is one way to believe in Me.   I do not bow My ways for all to come to believe….. I AM that I AM and My Way is the ONLY WAY.

I AM sees them leave their wickedness behind as My Light shows on them faithfully…… I AM knows them  as they believe.  If they do not leave their wickedness behind, wonder if they are in My light at all, though they say they believe.  Why is My power upon My own not believed ? You mistake those who dwell in the darkness and say they are in the light and are not in My truth…. Why do My people  not perceive the Truth…. Whoever has born of God, cannot sin, for His seed remains in Him; and he cannot sin because he has been born of God.   Whoever abides in Me cannot sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Me nor does He know I AM.

I AM lifts the little one who believes what I AM says about My bride this day and is determined to live her life in My light all her days. She is aware of My plans for My bride on this land. She looks at her King for all to do and say.  She does not falter in the darkness of religion…. She keeps her eyes on the Words spoken by her Beloved .  He is all she needs to breath and love  and live to be free.  She is Mine for all of time and beyond….. Learn to see My bride this day and do not call her darkness because you do not see the Light before you this day.

My Spirit gathers you to see how I AM this day….. Not of what folklore has spoken nor how the religious has made Me far away….Come and see Me as I AM then you grow stronger. You will understand  the statutes of My righteousness that shall not be broken or changed by man today.  Do not go by the Goliaths shout and threats. See the Stone that was rejected and has grown into the Mount of God. You are with Me ….. Use the Witness of the Stone and watch the Goliath head turn to dirt and clay. His threats fall to the ground falling aa the idol they tried to create.

Faith in Your King will be made manifest for all to see. The exalted One is high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled the temple…… Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is filled with His glory!

My bride lifts up her holy hands and knows this weapon lays low the enemy.



The Lord reigns; Let the people tremble! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth be moved! The Lord is great in Zion, and He us high above all the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awesome name- He is holy. The King’s strength also loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool- He is holy. Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called on His name; They called upon the Lord and He answered them. He spoke to them in a cloudy pillar; They kept His testimonies and the ordinance He gave them.  You answered them, O Lord our God; You were to them God-Who-Forgives, though You took vengeance on their deeds.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His holy hill; For the Lord our God is holy.

 Psalm 99