
Have You Heard This Before?

If we do not step up to do what God is telling us, He will get someone else to do it……. I have heard this and may be even said it or even wrote about it BUT,…….  there is Jonah…. So this bit of a stronghold is thrown out with last week’s garbage too!

You are so important to our God and King…. Do not let anyone or anything tell you differently…. As you are aware of how valuable you are to God, then you are just as important to evil….. Be innocent as a dove and wise as a serpent…..and know the perfect will of God.

The Book of Jonah starts on a stormy night. We see a ship bopping up and down like a little cork on the seas. There in the ship was God’s man, a prophet, called Jonah…. Jonah was nestled asleep in his bunker in the bottom of the ship as this poor ship rocked to and fro in the midst of the rising seas.

The sailors were slightly freaked out because of this system that rose up……The men decided to cast lots to find out who brought this storm on their heads…… They found  the cause by the lot  which pointed toward the guy snoring down in the bottom of the ship……

They urgently awakened the man……. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he acknowledged that he was the cause.

HE KNEW!!!  He  knew he was on wrong  side of God in not heeding His instructions.   He looked at the crew and told them to throw him off the ship and their trouble would end……

Guess what?…… They did.  It was the high dive for the sleeping Jonah.

Guess what? The storm stopped immediately.

Jonah was correct….. The Lord stirred up the storm to get Jonah’s attention…..

Therefore He says, Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead and Christ will give you light.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,

speaking psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,

giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord, ( Ephesians 5:14-21).

Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness shall cover the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.

The gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising, ( Isaiah 60:1-3).


We as believers know the Lord does rule over the sons of men on this earth.  God had chosen  from before the beginning of time to send Jonah to a place to bring the Light of God. Jonah was sent to a nation whose ways were going farther away from God.

Jonah was chosen to bring the news of the Lord’s intentions….. They had forty days to repent or destruction was coming on the land…..

Jonah was to deliver this message…… He was  chosen and special in the Lord’s eyes to do this hard task……from the beginning of the foundation of the world.

Problem arose: Jonah did not want to bring the message to these people because they had caused trouble to his nation Israel.

So he took a ride on a ship thinking he could hide from God….. Really? Hide from God?

He sees all and knows all…….The God whose Spirit is represented to us by a thousands of eyes on a wheel. This is a metaphor saying our God is all knowing and all seeing…. There is nothing hidden from His sight, even darkness is light to Him……as Psalm 139 states.

As written in Titus 1:15, To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess to know God, but in works deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.

And then in Psalm 18:24-25,With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; With a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless; With the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd.

For You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks.

So back to our story of God’s great love towards men.

Then a huge fish, whale, whatever, swallowed up Jonah.  While Jonah was existing as fish bait in this weird and scary place, Jonah remembered the mercy of God…..One of the reasons Jonah did not obey the instructions of the Lord was due to  his knowledge of  the Lord’s abundance of mercy….. Jonah knew of His great mercy and love for all people….He knew if the people repented He would stop the destruction planned.

Son Jonah took God’s mercy and repented.

So the fish spit Jonah out….  Jonah headed towards the nation and proclaimed God’s intention.

The whole nation repented and fasted from the king to the animals!!

God restored the nation to Him…. because of the obedience of one man to speak out the purpose of God…. So all men would come to know and fear the Lord God of hosts.

This one man was special to God as well as the peoples in this particular nation.

My message is there is a particular purpose you are called to by the Uncreated One.

Listen to Him and obey.

He gives us all the grace we need for living a life of godliness.  He gives us His Spirit to go where He calls us and pray what He wants to be.

But know as written in 2 Tim 3:12, Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution……

The battle  is to remain in the spiritual place He has provided us while we are completing His purpose. He has given us Christ Jesus to live and breath and have our being in and through….

This place is a secret. This place in Christ Jesus, we are hidden,  and we are provided with all the grace we need. We are given the seal and guarantee of His Spirit within us as our glory.  We also receive the comfort of God that is beyond any love we have seen and known yet…..but we are knowing Him more and His blessing over us.

Remember Saul became Paul….. He became small so God grew mightily in Him and through Him….

There is so much more to know and experience in  living in  and by the love of God found in Christ Jesus….

May we dive in and then bask in His greatness.


There are many who want to stir the waves up to awaken us away from His place for us.   A place of joy, peace, contentment and fullness.

In Him, all things are a new creation….. A new nation of His redeemed ones from all over the world are called to partake for His purpose, rest in His place.

Each one has a purpose in His plan…..

It is very important to hear and obey God for ourselves.

Do not be concerned, Holy Spirit does not get offended if we ask for confirmation….

He will gladly answer by bringing a dream, scripture or someone just speaking out what the Lord shows them about us…..

After all, the Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy.

When all  is said and done as we meet the Lord and stand before Him……

Let us run boldly into His smiling arms that we did what He asked and by His Spirit we were strengthened to accomplish His task……

He remembers it all  because He received the glory of His greatness and love from His beloved creation.

He has placed us in heavenly places for we are where He is now!

Just think, He is in our midst here and we are there in heavenly places with Him…

Nothing is impossible with God and those who believe.

May this truth become our reality and be settled in this because we have the mind of Christ.

So do not be shocked when all hell breaks loose against  your focus from His place to the world. Remain heavenly minded and not earthly bound.

This is the spiritual battle that men and women go through if they are called His…..

Keep your eyes on the Lord and let His mind be in you…..

Servants are told what to do but sons and daughters have the mind of Christ.

Get rid of the religion- that I am not that important, He will send someone else……

You are His beloved! You are important to His plan and purposes to be accomplished in the earth. And only you are designed for this special task by the Master Craftsman. You are here for such a time as this…..

Walk where He sends you and be where He has called you in Him and by Him, you will be strengthened in His will.

God wants us to be with Him….. and obey His Words to us.

He will even send a storm or a butterfly to capture us into His purpose….

Another religious block is removed as we say- I have been given the mind of Christ for I am His delight as a son or a daughter.

Another religious block is removed as let’s say you are in a storm of persecution, and religion says you brought that on yourself. We can not totally ignore the scripture  of 2 Timothy as written above.  Holy Spirit is greater in us than the world…… We must leave our focus on sin and pursue His righteousness in us.  The focus of many houses of worship is going against His current purpose of His plan and preparation for what is ahead.

Holy Spirit knows how to clean fish way better than man….. See the new creation in you and me and then all things will be as I AM has called us to be.

Do not accept the shame and guilt that evil wants to throw on you as he tries to mislead you from the beautiful place that Christ has placed you in Him……

Reproach for His name sake is a given…..

Stop the lies of the enemy.  Persecution is a given as a Christ bearer.

You are an important, blessed, and incredibly awesome for Christ is in you.

This is your glory and this is my glory, we get to share His.

Rejoice and live loud and shake off the shroud  of the enemy’s voice which is speaking against His beloved, you.

The battle is knowing in Him that who we are is what He says we are.

The stand,  we take while we are kneeling,…..

We are staying where He has called us to be in His presence.

We delight in Him. We ignore the plague of fear and hate and greed…..

We are not stirred or enticed to join the ones who run straight off the cliff with the crowd of culture……

Beloved, please know the propaganda that is being displayed is not real.

This is how  nations who listened and honored God were turned into communistic regimes and  controlled their countrymen by fear. Do not bow or believe.

Know immediately by  His peace disrupted in our hearts….. As written in Colossians in 3:15 -16, And let the peace of God rule in our hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of your inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality,                    

( Colossians 3:23-25).

Keep your ears tuned to His Spirit, His Voice.  He will keep us and guard us from all lies….. Mostly, let us live to bring what is not seen or heard to be. So what is being spoken  to a stop by speaking and communing with the One who changes the hearts of men.  Let us bring the unfruitful works of darkness to light so they shall not prosper……

This is our place that we are called to in Him….. You are His voice here. You are His hand here. You are His Voice crying out in the wilderness. Make straight the paths of the Lord.   Keep strong in Him by allowing His strength to be ours.  Keep diligent in the faith as we have His faith of God placed by Christ in us. Let us speak with the courage and boldness of Holy Spirit’s fire within pouring forth to the nation.

God’s ways never change…… Listen and spend your time in Him and His word…..

Turn off the world…..

There is nothing that you need to know by turning on the world……

As He has spoken, He will tell us all things we need to know in 1 John.

There are no shut doors to the ones who call on the Beloved.

He makes a way for His beloved to hear and know and place their feet where He has made their path to be.

He protects us from all deceit and cunning schemes of darkness and greed.

We always grow stronger in God by walking new paths of the Lord’s way…

For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.

But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil, ( Hebrews 5:13-14).

Why did Holy Spirit, say in Hebrews 6:1, Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.

It is written in Colossians the fullness of God is found in Christ…… So this is the truth, right?

Now to be found in Christ having no righteousness of our own, would be living in the fullness of God in Christ. Right?…


This is our home and place in God, beloved…..

Our perfection is not in ourselves. That is a given, right? Thank God for Jesus Christ and the cross and Holy Spirit and His resurrection.

Living in Christ with all our brothers and sisters coming to the knowledge of our inheritance in Christ is our prayer…… We grow in the knowledge of how Christ abides in us as our hope of glory……There the land is beyond what we can imagine or think, but is for us.

We must abide in Him and take all that He has died to give us.

We can be holy because He is holy….. We live and by Him and His strength.    We shall come into maturity, (perfection), by abiding in Christ as we are all being built into a holy temple by His Spirit……He abiding in us as we are abidiing in Him……. Is this the fullness God does desire for His Beloved Son and His bride?

Let us shoot this religious block also in the foot ! His beloved  is walking in and by the grace of the Spirit in God. We are resting on our Beloved’s righteousness and none of our own, for we know  in reality, we have none.  We live by and in His righteousness and have become the righteousness of God by Christ Jesus because we dwell and abide in Him.

So we are a new creation in Christ Jesus and by Christ Jesus.  The works we have not done or done are as filthy rags, but rest in the completed work of the cross that Christ Jesus accomplished.

So  we abide and rest in His love. We then can search to find all He died on that treacherous cross to give us in His word.  This life of God that raised Christ from the dead is ours beloved!

This unconquerable  life and unsearchable riches and wisdom of  God found in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in which we have also risen into and by Him is ours. We partake with this Ancient of Days this day…..

Lord, we are so grateful and our hearts are so overflowing with the incredible knowledge we are comprehending about You and all You have planned for each of us.

Let’s not let the chaos of the world stop our search in knowing our great God and living in His neverending love for us…..

Let’s keep looking onto heaven and for all His good in the land of the living….. I see His goodness in you and you and you and you!

Remain as the blessed and the beloved in Him and let His strength in us be all for His glory.

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,

which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all, ( Ephesians 3:17-23).

Does the creation ask the Creator if the creation may destroy those made in My image?  If you stand by and destroy My creation  and not stand for My truth; who will stand for you?

All  acts against others which were done and are currently done in deceit or as thought to be hidden in the dark are being exposed.  Evil and wicked men think what they are doing is hidden.  As they forsake their mercy for not turning away from their idols of perversion, greed and  hunger for displaced power……

O man, do you not know  the God of justice has hands on this earth to bring the Truth for all to see in My Light.

O man, do you not know His arms of justice  are not shortened?

O man, do you not know the One who makes the rain also made the lightning and thunderings.

Do you not know, o man,  He who made the dove has also made the eagle to soar the highest of heights?

Do you not know, o man, the One who has created the ear, can hear you?

Do you not know, O man, the One who created the eye, sees your all your doing?

Turn from your wicked ways and turn back to Me.

Your eyes are not to covet other’s wives, possessions. or gifts…….

This shall not be found in those that think they dwell in Me.

Turn your eyes in on your own habitation…  Be sure you are found in Me….and I AM to be found in you.

Covet My Spirit for then you shall speak also of  I AM….. Do not look on with eyes that are green.

Look to Me and then your heart shall see the great purpose you have in Me.

What do you see?    Do you see as I AM sees?

Do not forsake your mercy as I AM is calling you to repent and turn from your ways that are an abomination to My eyes.

Turn and forsake all unrighteousness and turn to I AM- be found in I AM.

Return to I AM, while grace is pouring forth as a fountain that never stops.

But, alas, My grace shall halt as My plan unfolds to all.

Time is now, to get the eyes that see and ears that hear Me.

Do not be deceived as there are many who have companionship in the pit…..

My plans for you are higher and greater.   Many are called to speak out for I AM, but My faithful are chosen.

Their declaration of Me has been heard through the time.

My precious ones who point to My place who inhabits beyond the sun?  Come to Me and know Me and be set free.

Do you not see the world is getting ready to roll away?

You can lift a fist to I AM……. Will this work be fruitful for you and I AM?

Turning away is not the way of the wise. Show I AM your  peace?

Know I AM as your peace. I AM has reconciled you to our Father. In Me, there is peace and hope of your days and nights to come…. Ask many of My beloved, why they have forsaken all to come and be with I AM.  Ask them….. They have found their home and joy in Me.  My grace has been great in their need. It is mighty in them and mightily working through them.

I AM shines brightly through the love of My own in Me.

See their light will never be put out. Their  voice will never be stopped for all of heaven hears their prayers and their praises and delight in I AM….

Hear the chorus of My beloved consuming the whole universe as they sing their new song of I AM, the One who came to earth so I AM may bring them to heaven again.

Be wise and seek Me while you have time.

Join the ones who have been marked by My love.

The seal over their lives is My everlasting blood.

My arm has pulled many out of the fires that burn, into My Spirit of unceasing flames of love.    Will you not join them and turn from your wicked ways….?

I AM sees you ?   Let I AM reveal to you My loving eyes. Turn back to Me for I AM where you were created.

Meet Me now before time runs and folds up her lines into My hands…… Do you know what tomorrow holds for you?….. I AM is there.

My beloved little ones,

Know how much I AM is strong in your midst. Lean on Me for all that I AM has called you to be. Do not fret and do not hesitate to bring Me into everything. Alas, I AM there already but I AM waits for your open door.  Trust in Me will grow greater as I AM reveals My known to your unknown.

Be still and rest in Me.  All things are in My hands and I AM knows what is the END from the BEGINNING for I AM….

The flight in Me brings all things clear and bright.  Though the clouds lay low above them you will flow.

Do not stop and do not question as to where you are for you have never been in this new territory, but I AM is there.

Do you know how one days enfolds into another?

Do you know when the mark of years is completed?

By My Spirit, you are changed from My glory to another glory.

Do you know the times of where I AM calls all into a higher calling than what was seen before….

Let all go and cling to Me and you will see all that shall be from Me.


Trust Me and know how I AM is in delight because of the cost you pay to hear My Voice and keep I AM in your sight.

I AM knows the eyes of your heart look to understand what is unseen but you will find all you need in Me.

Do not stop or hesitate, just call My name and enter in to what I AM has called  your inheritance.

Do not stand back in awe, but remember what I AM has spoken to you as this has been declared before  a line of time was –

I AM is before and here and there I AM is…..

Walk with Me and remember….

I AM is your past…… I AM is your now. Thank you for allowing I AM to reveal all who are in I AM shall be-

for as I AM you shall be.