
Do NOT Block My Freedom Of Speech!!!!!!

It seems to me that people want to stop my freedom of speech that are very close where I live….. They seem to try to send lasers my way and mess with my cameras while I am typing His Word …..My PC is not alone in this…..

How many does it take to stop a woman from writing a blog….. ? When my King is here……. What shall I say,— READ ON…..

Seems that a lot want liberty but want to take away mine at the same time….Justice rings out across this land…… Things will get harder until you start to love your neighbor….

Harassment will not cut the love I have found in My Savior and King Jesus Christ…… Seems to me, all you who like to physically hurt others need some healing too….. The only place it is found that is lasting is from Him alone…..His arms are wide as I am praying you are found in Him when all this ends. Leave your hurt at His feet and be healed in His name…. Be whole again.

No one is coercing you to believe as I do…. If you do not like what I write, then why do you read about the King of kings?…… Maybe, deep inside, you also feel the hunger and might wonder if He will fill your need……YES!!! He will. Just ask and let Him show you. His love will come through for you.

Yes, everything will change if you let Him in…… But I have a right to believe and live in a free society without getting hurt from the people around me where I live…… Lies are a negative and you can not prove a negative…… They just bounce back on the back where they were founded.

Maybe the knowledge for all who read my blog know that hate crimes happen even in a very nice place. Your mail is pilfered and water has to have locks on it. Your privacy is a non- factor even in if you are in the restroom.

This is what is happening in the fine areas of Bonita Springs….. Intimidation and perversion at it’s height… denying people’s right of peaceful enjoyment of their homes and properties.

So all those that think that what is going on in the inner cities won’t come to you…. Think again and get your head out of the sand……Start praying to our God to heal our land.

Moses lived in the desert for forty years and then brought out His people who then lived in the desert for forty years….. God picks His signs so all may be prepared for what the will of the Father is…..and all that is coming forth.

Moses learned to depend on Him and Him alone and led His people to do the same because Moses had walked there too. However, the older generation chose not to….. They died in the wilderness…..

Enoch was not the only one who was and then gone…. Moses also became His arrow in His quiver so His people may learn to lean on the One True Living God.

YOU ARE GROUNDED…..I think we can admit we have all heard that when we had broken a rule in our household….. If we opened our mouths to complain the sentence grew longer as we stood there in ……unbelief! Rebellion has a fine attached to it……

My husband has a saying…… It is like bouncing a ball against a wall, it always come back.

May I ask if our prayers are speaking His will? Are they like the ball bouncing back from heaven….. Return to sender written on them….He answers our prayers….. Let it be according to His will….. How do we know His will and not bring our desires in the mix?

This comes from knowing and trusting Him that no matter what – we know we are in His hand. Leave our well being in His plan, for after all, we are His from the start to the end……We are found in Him……. Make sure where we are standing….. Not in the sand and in the wrong foundation….. Stay on the Rock where we see the plans that are coming in….May we then turn the tide and have the victory, but by prayer and intercession.

Praying in tongues is my greatest gift of all because I pray through God by His Spirit so there is none of me being spoken out but all of Him.

Frankly, things are so strongly wrong, I do not have an unction to say but only pray what He says through me to send to the areas He wants His Word upon.

Ask Him for the gift if you do not have it….. Holy Spirit never quits and loves to speak through us for He has been this way before….He sends our prayers as arrows to hearts of the enemies of our King as written in Psalm 45.

Waves come and go and double the time but through it all, our God is God and all will know. Take heed unless we fall.

The fighter jets must be fueled by His Spirit and there must be no deceit or stealing from others before you take flight. Crash and burn will be the result and shame to all will be attached to the name- for God knows all things……
Deceit and stealing from others in His body shall not be tolerated as judgment comes first to the house of God….. The fame that you are seeking for your name of glory will be known as a house of twigs burnt in His fire for a warning to all…….

Do not play games with His Words and His servants for those who contend with them, He will contend with you……

Get the Word from Him and quit trying to steal others who have paid His price as written in Jeremiah 23….Sit before Him at His feet and He will reveal all so long as you are trusted to give Him the glory and fame…..

Elijah knew from Him all things regarding those who feigned to be close to him….. Do not be deceived…..If you try to get honor from men….. Where will you end up before the fire of His eyes as all will see your deeds for all eternity…… What honor will you have achieved?

Make sure our foundation of prayer is of His will…… No desires of ours shall enter in….. Prayer for this country is what I am speaking about…. Of course, ask Him and make Him known for our own petitions…..

But for the country and our leaders,….. Let Him speak for He knows what is in their hearts and will send His help by the requests that we speak in His gift of tongues…..

His tongues are the answer to this time….. So get over your prejudice and get in to His Spirit. Speak in His gift of tongues and may be then you too will rhyme! Sing His song of victory bring it down from the heavenlies….. Please note our country is not the only one in dire straights……

Open our eyes and hearts to the need for us to get what is torn to heal again.

Give in to learn to fast and prayer and turn over your vessel, you, to Him to use this day. So we may change the waves that are headed our way…..

Get into His game plan…… Stand through this test of time….. Revelation will flow through you too, as you see Him as King…. Do not look to steal or cheat and be tossed out of His game for these are a crime and you will do the time.

Give honor where honor is due….. This also will come back to you…..

This is all I have to say….. Please allow His Spirit into our lives and hearts so we may leave all behind and do things His way……Shame shall fall on those who keep their agendas as top on their wall….. Crumble it will be before all, as they see your wall…..fall.

Allow people the truth to be before them so they may turn from their sin and get healed. Your name or His…..Who will have the glory????? Do not mess with His glory and His name…… Shame will be your gain…

Quit being the actor and hyprocrite….. The musketeers taking money from the rich to put not in the pockets of the poor, unless that is what you call yourself ……. Get clean and restored to health again….. Your gain will be your loss all over again……

First know He is cleansing the money changers outside His house…. Remember the lessons that are for our exhortation of His corrections in the wilderness. Those who stood in His way….. He dealt with pretty severely….. Let Him in now to correct and not be set in fire for all eternity……

Be brave and show the way for the leaders of ministry today……Be clean and pure and no one owes you anything……. Remember what He said as He was not to happy about those who fly here and there to get their one follower….. How was His reaction to their follower?……

This is His warning to clean His path for those to come with a new start…… Amazing grace still stand to day……And His mercy will fall not if you who have been setting up those for a fall…. Declaring them not to repent but better things are coming ahead…..

How do you know that for sure?….. Did we pass the test and you alone know?

His grace will get us through all our days….. If we let Him……..But we must turn to Him today and then the next and the day after that…. Take nothing for granted and keep His steps before us.

The land may be healed and we can see a new day where all deceit and malice is gone away from our midst for His Spirit will come into every heart and deliverance will be our new start.

Come and see the exceedingly great power that works through you and me as believers. This is our key…… Turn to Him and allow His working through you and me. Repent of not only showing His name for His fame and glory….. Point to His bloody cross and allow the peoples to see the look in His eye. They will bow to the love they have never seen before…..

Let His love pour forth upon a torn and broken world so healing may come into all the hearts again.

In His Spirit, we shall fly and not be grounded by some deceit in our eye…… Let the ball be caught and then allowed to fall as showers of His grace to fill our land again….. Please allow Him work His exceedingly great power within us who believe……Let us see all He has intended for this time to be as He has foretold us……of His new thing.

Then guess who only gets the glory???? The God of the Universe. Only He can reset our course…… With this hope, we purify ourselves.
