
Hmmmm….. What IS THIS?

We know how to discern the face of the sky, right? Do we know when it is time to pull up or to plant? Do we know when to clothe in winter apparel or summer shorts?

Yes, I hope so!!

Holy Spirit I think is my Best Friend……. Then I think, no, Jesus Christ is……. Then I think, but My Heavenly Father is always watching over me……. So I say My God, how great you are to me……I need My God three in One.

My breath in Yah and out Weh is Him…. My life is found in Him. He is the Spirit and He is life to me.

So when I rest in Him and know He is always there and never fades away or sleeps….. He is steadfast in His love towards me. I can rest and sigh in peace because He is my God and there is no other.

He holds fast His surprises and enlarging my heart and vision to understand and see His plan from the start to end……. How He will accomplish His plan is a surprise…… and I watch and wait and wonder.
Every time I think this is how He will get this into our reality…… He does things different.

So what if you saw a huge snake head in a tree that was positioned on a tree lawn. A tree lawn is the area between the sidewalk and the street in a residential community.

This head of snake was bigger than my Saint Bernard- mix’s head. Larger than any snake I have ever seen before…… I thought it was a Anaconda snake….. When I saw this snake, I did not even know this type snake but I knew it now…. I thought I must tell everyone to be aware that it has come. Only God could give me the name of something I could never even want to know. I hate snakes and when I see a poisonous one, destroying it’s head is my job.

This snake did not know I was there as it was very dark out as I stood on the sidewalk in front of houses in a residential community……So it came down and I saw it had legs as it walked off…… This snake/ dragon was bigger than a any alligator I have seen in my days living in Florida.

It had dark spots on as does the Anaconda Snake.

So I knew in the heavens the serpent is Satan but as he was demoted to the earth,….. he got a name change to a dragon and dragons have legs. At least the pictures show this to be true.

I will let you to investigate the tree and the time that we will be approaching so we may discern.

A leopard never changes it’s spots………..

Someone is allowed out.

Others are ruling and reigning where this one was cast from.

Happy praying!

Father God, Your Spirit always shows us what is to come. May we bow before in silence as we discern by Your understanding and wisdom to know all the enigmas that You put before us.

We love You and thank You You are always with us and we may get all we need in Your Son, Jesus Christ. You again have prepared the Ark of God in Him for us. He has been made to us Your Wisdom and Righteousness and Wisdom……. Thank You…..

May we appropriate all You have given us in Jesus Christ, our Lord, by Holy Spirit. Thank You as we sit before Your feet, You are filling us with all Your goodness as Your Presence is what we are content in. We live in fountain of life and we are never thirsty for we have You.

Thank You that You do not take Your Spirit away from us. When we have so much to learn and receive in You, there is no enticement of the world to lure us. We thank You that Your presence is everything we need and yearn to worship You. In silence, we whisper. In loud song, we shout out….. But all in all we worship You beyond what this world has to offer for we did pick up our cross and we learned that we were crucified with Christ; it is no longer we who live but Christ live in us; and the life we now live in the flesh, we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us, ( Galatians 2:20), my paraphrase from I to us).


Happy praying and listening!