
A Word To The Weary

A enouraging Word for those on their knees praying for the inheritance of the King.

Remember, we see things that shall not be, but from His eyes, we see what will be and sing a ALLELUIA.

I hear Him say over you today:

Do you not know yet how much you mean to Me?

All My work has been completed so you may be one with Me and My family….. The Trinity searched high and low before time to know when you would walk this earth. You are as many in an army, but united as One from Me and through Me and in Me.

I AM the One holding your head in the heat of day making notes your prayers are heard from High today.

I AM the One who sends the Word of comfort to My knee bearers for the Cause of My inheritance.

Stand strong in your posture, look up and see the victory your prayers have done in Me!

Do not get too tired, if you do, rest in Me and then restored with My resurrection power, you rise in rank to hear My Word to send out again.

Ask of Me….. You ask, What ? My Lord?

Watch and see that all I AM has accomplished through your words to Me from your place of victory, because you are in Me. My fruit through you will last forever. Did I AM not say to you, your joy will be full?

Be strong and courageous for I AM has gone before you and I AM always at your six.

The alarm has been sounded. My own has rallied around Me and found their position in I AM.

My glory will be seen as you all see Me now…… Behold and keep watch.

Your vision will not tarry…… Watch and see all that you, My beloved, mean to Me.

Your labor in faith is not in vain….. I AM has heard and all that is hidden is seen by Me.

All that is to be seen that was spoken long ago is fastly approaching…… Keep eyes on Me.

My counsel shall stand throughout all generations as to His story, all that is Mine, will be held fast.

Through all the plots of men shall blow apart by the Wind of My Breath, spoken by My Word of My beloved.

Thank you My bride.

I AM is very pleased you stand with Me in this hour.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Be blessed and rest in I AM. Your prayers are heard, they do not fall void, for they are Mine!!!!

Hear I AM roar!

I feel asleep very early last night. I asked for a Word for I was tired…… The summer has been very hot if you know what I mean….. So as I asked I also asked for all my family for we need to hear His heart towards us….. Standing strong in prayer as in battle, we need to step out of it to hear His love which never fails to us. So please be blessed and take His orders to rest and then restore to your place…..We are in it for the long haul…..

Be blessed and strengthened and encouraged and most of all, do not give up or quit praying His Song!

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!

We praise You high and love You Lord……

Thank You for your graciousness to allow us to know how You love us and cherish us, Your beloved.

May we not rest in asking until we know the fullness of the riches of Your call to us in Your inheritance.

Amen in the name of Jesus.

Amen bellows the saints of the Most High!
