
Why Is Every Day Like Christmas?

Little Person and Uri road their horses through new adventures never leaving the area. They dove into what Holy Spirit was teaching them. They were following His lead through the Scriptures.

They spent hours with their feet in the cool river and taking copious notes and discussing the heights of where the Holy and Powerful Word was taking them.

They never looked back nor did they open up their treasury to anyone. This was a holy sacred summer for them. They treasured this bubble of grace in which their King had them. They were bound by His strong hand and they never objected.

One day as they were winding up their study together. Uri looked at Little Person and asked something from him that had been nudging her for quite a while.

She blurted out, can I ask you to do something?

Sure, Little Person replied.

Okay, well, would you come to the drug rehab and talk to the recovering ones?  All you know of our King can be established in those even if it is one of them, that one matters to Him. I know you can make a difference to them.

Really?, he questioned.

How can they relate to me? I never did drugs, pondered Little Person

No, you did not, however, you needed our King just as much as any of us.

They need to hear about our King. It will help some of them over the hump from full recovery into a full abundant life. Look it, we all have broken hearts and bodies until the King comes in to take residence.

Okay, I will ask Him. If He says go, I’ll go,

Okay, thanks. I really think the Spirit of Life that you speak will land on them.  You are different. I was one of them. You are not at all. They need to know and hear when you  speak as you get carried up in and from Holy Spirit…..

As Uri continued, well, some have only seen hell. Heaven brought to them will be an open door to know our King. Then they will know there is more to walk up and through. They need to see and know how great is our King.  I just think what you have can get planted into some of their hearts.

Do you see what I mean, asked Uri.

Yeah, I do. Let me see what He wants me to do first. If it is a thumb’s up. I will come.

Well, Little Person was told to give Jesus and His kingdom to the recovery ones even before they got back to the barn.

Holy Spirit told Little Person not to plan anything, but He would give the words to speak.

As they reached the barn, and dismounting, Little Person spoke up, go ahead and set up a date for me to come. Are there any copies of the word there?  

Uri smiled, yes. My Dad and I picked up a couple of cartons. We have over 150 waiting to be distributed as well as I have received permission from the director to hand them out

Boy, said Little Person, talk about a set up!

Uri just gleamed with excitement.

They got through with grooming their horses and went their separate ways.

Uri started to ask Holy Spirit to start paving the way for the King of their hearts to open.

She brought up scripture upon scripture to remind Him to shower His grace on recovering ones’ hearts in preparation of His presence. Her King will be presented and then arriving for them to know and some may even see Him for their first time.

Uri was so excited she could not sleep. These recovering ones were her current mission to bring to her King.  She couldn’t wait until they also found their home in Him as she did.  

Meanwhile, Little Person remained quiet before his King. He wanted to see these ones as He does. Little Person wanted to know His heart and speak it.  Also asked for His glory to rest on him so he would relate to them and the hearers to Little Person.  Only by Your hand and grace will their hearts be one with You Lord. Thank You!

Well, the day finally arrived. Little Person took the day off work so he could be quiet before Him alone.

Little Person was remembering the first time Holy Spirit brought him to meet the Lamb of God. The King of all was carrying His cross.  He remembered how He smiled at Little Person. He spoke to Little Person that He was so delighted to see Little Person even though He was covered in His own blood and in tremondous pain.

Tears fell again of the love he had felt from this mighty King.  The King that spoke so many promises to Little Person.   The King who shows him things that are to come.

He remembered and loved God even more from all that He shown and given Little Person.

Little Person prayed that his own words would portray all the love of the King has for them.

He drove to the rehab center and walked in.  Uri shining as bright as a star in the darkest night was waiting for Little Person. He took a deep breath and said it is up to You, my King.

He walked in front of the people. He smiled at them all.  He saw old and young all eager for him to start.

Little Person cleared his throat and spoke,

Hi to all,

It is such a privilege to talk to each and everyone of you. Uri loves you all with her whole heart.  Do you know who else loves you and even through your darkest hour, has never left you?  This Person is the Reason why you are all here.

Now wait, I can hear some of you think, no, the judge sent me here or my parents or your spouse.  Whoever sent you here, there was One who was behind the whole event. He wanted you to live and live a greater abundant life more than you could ever imagine or dream.

I know you are asking who, right?  Or you are saying right only in fairytales does this happen.

There is a King of heaven who rules all the affairs of mankind. Folks, that is all of you and me.

You have been wanted by a God who you haven’t seen but He has never taken His eyes off of you.

He wants to be your Heavenly Father……

I am not going into the sin and shame of your past because it is forgotten by Him.

Little Person heard- no way man. This guy is crazy. I have a rap sheet as long as a mile!

Little Person smiled and chuckled.

Does anyone know how far the east is from the west?

Answer me, if you do. Raise your hand, spoke Little Person.

No one did.

Hmmmm. I thought so, said Little Person.

Your Heavenly Father does. He has one condition though. If we want our sins and wrongdoing to be gone as far as the east is the west, then we must believe and receive into us His Son that He sent to bring us to home.

I know you are asking who is this Guy that He sent to us? Let me tell you about the greatest love towards you. A God who knew you before He even created the world. He has called you and He has chosen you.

Now is the time to choose will you come home and be found faithful in His Son?

Little Person heard murmurs. What is in His Son thing?

The audience was glued in on Little Person as if he was giving away free money.

Okay, you all know what wrong you have done and I join you in having a twisted mind and actions.

We all have screwed up and sinned. This sin nature which we all have has set us very far from your and my heavenly Father.

He still wanted us close to Him but because of our dark ways, He could not bend His ways.

So He sent His Son who He loves and told us to listen to Him.

He gave us His Son, the Word of God, so we could read what this God Man said to help us come near to His kingdom.

They were listening and their jaws were dropped.

His Son spoke many ideas that the least is the greatest and the one who has done the worse sinning loves much because he has been forgiven much.

Yes, His ways are very upside down from ours….. Actually, His are upside and our ways  before Him our backwards, if you will.

His Son took your sins and mine on His shoulders. He was beaten and bruised for every wrong doing we did against God and mankind.  He was crucified in our place.  This God- Man had done no wrong throughout His whole life. He was spotless.

Our sins are equal to the death penalty in His kingdom.  Jesus Christ took our place in the electric chair.

So do we all agree that we got off scott free here?

The room yelled- YES!  WOW!

So His Son is our King, Savior and Redeemer!

He was sent to us, for us and to bring us to home.

Listen, the best part is He is not in the tomb where they laid Him.

Somebody yelled, did they steal his body?

No, answered Little Person.

On the third day, an angel from heaven came down and moved away the stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb. No body was found  This God-Man was risen from the dead and is alive today. Many of His disciples saw Him with a resurrected body.

He has a resurrected body.  He now sits on the right hand of the Almighty God.

Now, as he held his hand up, to some who had to have the spiritual name of Thomas trying to break in.

Now, let me finish.

His love for you and for me has brought us from the dead too.

See as He took our sins with Him to death……

He also took us to His resurrection……

Now, listen carefully, for all this is for you.

See He knew when you drank and smoked and shoved the needle in your arms.

He saw and His tears shed continually, until He says:

Holy Spirit go and bring them back to Me by My Son.

The death He died, He died for you and me.

The resurrection that brought Him back alive is

for us to be part of too.

Now, Little Person said, do you believe me?

He expected maybe one or two hands raised, but the whole room stood up.

Heads were bowed.

Tears were streaming down their cheeks.

Little Person said, let’s talk to our heavenly Father now.

Speak the words I say after me:

Heavenly Father,

We are coming home to You.

Your heart is where we belong.

We did not know we hurt You

Every time we got high, stole, lied and sold drugs.

We were trying the best we could

To numb the brokenness we had in our hearts.

The ache and pain in our hearts hurt so bad.

We are sorry we lived with our backs toward You and Your love.

We thank You so much for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us back to You.

We are sorry for all the wrong doing we did against you and the people who love us and mankind.

Please forgive us as we also forgive all that have done wrong to us too. We have turned around towards You now.

Now My King the only way to mend our hearts is for You to come to take up Your home in our hearts today.

We ask for grace to hear You as our Leader and to follow You in all You say- Give us strength to obey.

We ask for Your Wisdom to know the ways of understanding Your guidance to obey.

We thank You for each new day as the Son rises in our hearts.

May this day remind us that we live Christmas everyday because of You.

Every day is Christmas because we are celebrating our new life we have in You starting today.

Thank You for Your Son!

Thank You for His shed blood covering  and washing me and making me white as snow.

Thank You for the cross that You died for me to live with You forever.

Thank You now for being my Door into Your Kingdom.

Thank You that today is Your Beginning in me to start a new adventure to see You fully formed in me.

So be it Heavenly Father over every single heart here. 

May they know they are not saved and that is all. They are saved for Your purpose to be completed in them from now on. They are born anew to be with You and to know You forever and ever.


The room sounded like the sound of many waters.  The shout AMEN shook the house!

Now they sat down excited as their faces were young and brightly shining of their hope now found in Christ.

Little Person continued:

This is just the Beginning, for the Great I AM is now in you. He is your Beginning and the Last. He is the Alpha and Omega…..

So there is a lot more good stuff to tell you now….for His Inbetween.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to believe the unbelievable?

He heard a resounding


It was well after 10:00  and the director kept his arms rolling in gesture for Little Person keep Him coming!

So He did!


Next chapter next week, God willing.