
See What I Mean?

They came back into the room from their break and sat down. They looked at Little Person for their question……Little Person looked at them and said, okay, what is up? They all looked at the spokesman they had obviously elected to speak up. He stuttered alittle and then blurted out…..How can we live by the later moral character than the first ungodly character?  We want to stay in side the kingdom of God….. I mean how do we not do the first list of bad characteristics?

Little Person smiled as he spoke, Okay, that question explains all the shiny faces turned now to pale…..Okay…..We cannot change ourselves. The old nature that died with Jesus is the truth, but, we work that out by the power of Holy Spirit….. Just as you are all drug and alcohol free….. You each worked out your sobriety……You might have quit all in one day but you also went through the withdrawals of saying no to your flesh to remain as you wanted to be which is sober.

Now with fear and trembling you work out your salvation. Resolute in you obeying Holy Spirit is becoming the new creature in Christ Jesus by the power of Holy Spirit….. He will guide you and tell you…. Do not fear, trust Me….. You will hear do not get angry, walk away…..Speak the truth, I AM here….. You are courageous….. You might hear do not look at them, look at Me, I AM has so much planned for you…… You must walk with Me and keep your eyes on I AM…..  

Let’s read those scriptures again….. Okay? Turn again to Galatians, chapter 5, start at verse 13….

For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the sinful nature (worldliness, selfishness), but through love serve and seek the best for one another. 

For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].” 

 But if you bite and devour one another [in bickering and strife], watch out that you [along with your entire fellowship] are not consumed by one another.

 But I say, walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of thesinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts]. 

 For the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the Spirit, and the [desire of the] Spirit opposes the sinful nature; for these [two, the sinful nature and the Spirit] are in direct opposition to each other [continually in conflict], so that you [as believers] do not [always] do whatever [good things] you want to do. 

But if you are guided and led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the Law. 

Now the practices of the sinful nature are clearly evident: they are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control), idolatry, sorcery, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions [that promote heresies], envy, drunkenness, riotous behavior, and other things like these.

 I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 

 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature together with its passions and appetites.

 If we [claim to] live by the [Holy] Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit [with personal integrity, godly character, and moral courage—our conduct empowered by the Holy Spirit]. We must not become conceited, challenging or provoking one another, envying one another.

We each have a job to complete in His will. If I am a liver,….. I can not look at you and be envious because you are the stomach. Well, I can look and be envious but then I have not seen Jesus Christ…. He is the head of the body of which I am so grateful to be a part of….. I, the kidney, get to help the body in so many ways…… as so does the stomach….We each have our own part in His body. The point is to be grateful to be His body and keep our eyes on our Head, the Lord Himself.

The fellowship of the Spirit of Jesus Christ is what we are all about……. His presence and His instructions to be His kidney…is what I have been called into…..I am plenty busy doing my own place in Him…. Just as you are busy being the part He has called you into…..

If we keep our eyes on the prize of His high calling…… We do not get caught up in school age comparison…… We love and encourage each other… Christ Jesus. We use the talents He has given us to feed and nourish the rest of His body and His word to gather the body into fullness which He has called forth.

This is what I mean, if we call them gifts, like we are more important than our brother or sister, then we are not operating in love…… We are all the body of Christ. Some are the hands, some are the feet, some are the heart, some are the neck, some are the mouth, some are the eyes. Some are the ears……. We are all one body…and Jesus Christ is our Leader…. the head of us all.

The goal here is not what way Holy Spirit is operating, but that He is… The second is that we are helping each other fulfill the purpose to the full stature in Christ Jesus.

Helping each other to fulfill their call in Christ Jesus….. Even the high calling….. Everyone helping each other…. No rivalries or defaming people in Christ… We are then defaming Christ….

We keep our eyes on the prize….. Our King and His smile….

Open up to 2 Corinthians 4:17…….Let’s read this…..

Highlight this…..

Remain little in your eyes and see His greatness always….Amen? 

Big is just big in ourselves, but great is His greatness which He only will receive glory….  His grace is sufficient for us and His glory is His. The best part is we are a part of His glory and rest in Him, who is glorious.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us, ( 2 Corinthains 4:17).

We must continue hearing….. I AM loves you more!. This is our key of going after His heart….Not His job. We seek Him, letting Him know we mean business. We solely live to appreciate all He died to give us.

They all smiled remembering hearing His voice speaking I AM loves you more!

Did you ever spill any kind of oil?  As it pours forth, everything in it’s path is gathered into the spill….. Let Him spill Himself through you. You may not even be aware He is spilling Himself all over the souls near you….. In fact, that may be the better way…We keep our eyes on our King….

Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Spirit to dwell with in us. We pray and ask that we remain little in our eyes so You remain huge to us and in us.  You have given all of us a high calling to know our lives by Your resurrection and from Your resurrection, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and King.

We have been crucified with Christ, and the life we now live we live by faith in the Son of God, who loves us more than we can ever love Him and died for us…as written in Galatians 2:20, my paraphrase added.

Sanctify us into the love of God and the purity of His Spirit to keep our hearts soft and handled by You for God’s glory.

Let us bow to Your vision of the body of Christ, the fullness of God on this earth. The fullness of the stature of the Son of God to be manifest so all shall see Your greatness of Your Son, our King Jesus Christ.

Amen as we ask this in Jesus’ name….. Give us eyes to see, keep our blinders on to keep out any distractions…….Give us ears to hear Your great voice, take any cotton we may have in them…… Keep Your hand on our heart, which we have given to You……. We do not want it back…

Help us to learn and know You so we may continue to grow in the mind of Christ.

In Jesus’ name, we ask this all.

Amen and Amen were heard throughout the room.

Let’s look at one more before we end the night…Philippians chapter 2, verse 1-15….

Let me know when you are there.

Therefore if there is any encouragement and comfort in Christ [as there certainly is in abundance], if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship [that we share] in the Spirit, if [there is] any [great depth of] affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love [toward one another], knit together in spirit, intent on one purpose [and living a life that reflects your faith and spreads the gospel—the good news regarding salvation through faith in Christ]. 

 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit [through factional motives, or strife], but with [an attitude of] humility [being neither arrogant nor self-righteous], regard others as more important than yourselves. 

 Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 

Have this same attitude in yourselves which was in Christ Jesus [look to Him as your example in selfless humility], who, although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes—the entire nature of deity], did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped or asserted [as if He did not already possess it, or was afraid of losing it]; but emptied Himself [without renouncing or diminishing His deity, but only temporarily giving up the outward expression of divine equality and His rightful dignity] by assuming the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men [He became completely human but was without sin, being fully God and fully man]. 

After He was found in [terms of His] outward appearance as a man [for a divinely-appointed time], He humbled Himself [still further] by becoming obedient [to the Father] to the point of death, even death on a cross. 

 For this reason also [because He obeyed and so completely humbled Himself], God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow [in submission], of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess and openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord (sovereign God), to the glory of God the Father.

 So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ]. 

For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.

 Do everything without murmuring or questioning [the providence of God], so that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish in the midst of a [morally] crooked and [spiritually] perverted generation, among whom you are seen as bright lights [beacons shining out clearly] in the world [of darkness].

Let’s praise God that He is doing the good work with in us as we obey and ask for grace to live by faith in the Son of God….He is the image as He Himself, through His Spirit is working through us, the body of Christ….. He blesses us by His power to live according to fulfill His purpose for His good pleasure. The mountain of God that knows no limit to His government will increase throughout the lands and will not be destroyed….as it is written. The scriptures will be filfulled in our lives and the lives of the countries surrounding the earth.

Blessings on those who have been called warriors to carry out His Word throughout to the ends of the earth.

Glory to God in the Highest….. He rules through the affairs of the sons of men.

Alleluia to our Father! AMEN was heard…..

Alleluia to our King, His Son! AMEN was heard…..

Alleluia to Holy Spirit…. Keep working us into His image!!!

Thank You our great God!!!!

After they settled down since they repeated this praise over and over again.

Little Person spoke, okay any questions?

They all said, YES!

Let us study these and pray first and see how far we get with our fellowship time with God, spoke one of the crew.

We want to pray about all these scriptures first then see what He says to us, okay? said another.

Little Person thought, Thank God!  But he said, great…. We will talk about what Holy Spirit has said regarding these scriptures and your questions, next session.

They all said thank you as they grabbed a drink and some cake the Director had brought in for them.

As Little Person walked out, he saw His King sitting there smiling at him. He was taken back for he did not expect Him.  He was appreciating the fact he rose his head up so to notice His presence.

Little Person spoke, Sir?

Little Person, My son, thank you for all you are sharing of our time together.  I AM loves you more!

Little Person looked up and saw his favorite thing, His King’s smile.

Go home for I AM has more to show you this evening.  I AM is with you.

Yes, Sir and thank You for Your Presence with us.  You are great and holy.

And I love you, Sir…..

He heard back as He left Little Person’s sight, I AM loves you more!

He headed for the door and turned off the lights. His King was finished pouring the measure of Himself within His new crew for this night……Now they will be drawing near to Him to get understanding of the scriptures they were shown…..

It was their turn to walk on the Emmaus Road.

The hungry hearts were going to be filled again and again with Himself….

Praise Him forever thought Little Person.

He saw the Director heading his way. He stopped to see what is up.

Director spoke, Little Person all is okay, go on home….. Something has come up and God will help me handle it…. Grab some cake if you want….. Thanks for being here with our crew.

They hugged and went their own ways. 

In the morning as he awoke in the chair on the back porch…. He heard the coo of doves.

He said, thank You Holy Spirit for being here with me.

He opened his book to see all that was spoken to him through the night.


More to Come- He Is Willing