
Hey, There Are Gifts Here Under His Tree? Why Are You Leaving Them?

Littlestone was sitting at the little diner that Uri and him meet often to talk.

It had been snowing all night, he had walked there. The roads were unpassable until the men clear some of the snow aside…..

He looked out at the fogged-up windows. He saw each and every snowflake and knew they would complete the mission that they were sent.  Their end would be in the neverending overflowing river.

He thought how the snow shows us how faithful is His neverending grace pouring over us every minute of every day. As a snowflake, it will melt into the river. However, we get filled with His river of the Spirit of Grace and Life, when we turn to see Jesus Christ, repent.  The death shroud is removed and we are made clean as white as snow.

He prayed all to believe in the greatness of the Gift of His Son.

He looked up at the blanket of white and thanked the Creator of His love, neverending love, neverfailing love.

Father God, You thought of everything. Only You could make all things work together for good that are according to Your purpose.

Then in walked Uri. She smiled as lightning light up the diner.  She was rosy cheeked and nose was as red as a strawberry.

She ripped off her scarf, then her hat, then her coat. She left her mittens on for her hands were as ice.

She questioned, where is the coffee, or hot chocolate? Did you just get here?

Littlestone smiled as he tried to speak, but could not get out a word…..

Uri looked around and spoke out, Peter is not here.  How did you get in?

Littlestone smiled and said, I texted Peter and asked if he was okay. Peter is snowed in and cannot get out. So he asked me to open up for him and let the people come in out of the cold. He told me to start the coffee going and pour out hot tea, coffee, and chocolate to anyone who walks in.

Uri said, cool….. Uh, where is the coffee?

Littlestone cleared his throat turning red, speaking, I cannot figure out how it works and I do not know how much coffee to put in……

Littlestone replied, hot water is from the same machine.

Littlestone pointed his head towards the counter, speaking, come on, maybe you can figure it out.

They both headed to behind the counter.

Uri had it brewing as the pungent aroma of brewing coffee

was filling the diner.

She spoke out to the people in the booths, ready in a jiff.

Come on up if you want some hot tea or hot chocolate…

The people formed a line. Graciously they laid down their dollars for they all loved Peter, the owner.

Then Uri said, okay let me know if you want refills.  Cooking you will have to wait on Peter.

She smiled and continued, I do not think he wants to gamble on a fire to warm us up and that is what will happen if I try to cook anything on this huge grill.

They all laughed and said, we can wait…..

Then a sweet man said, hey let’s pray for the town and the people that are stuck in the snow.

So they did and His presence filled the tiny diner.  The warmth of prayer and Holy Spirit and the hot beverages warmed everyone up.

They were all talking and joking as Peter walked in. There was a loud YAY! Ringing out to their cook and chief bottle washer entering in.

He smiled speaking, I knew you all prayed because all of a sudden my driveway melted enough to allow me to get down the street and I followed the plow all the way here. Thank God and thank you for your prayers.

Everyone spoke out, Praise God!

Give me ten to get it all started up in the kitchen.

Uri go ahead and pour out some more coffee, and hot whatever any one wants, okay?

Uri replied, on it, boss!

Littlestone was applying his new trade as a barista making the coffee flow from the maker.

Eventually, all were fed and filled to overflowing with hot beverages.

Uri and Littlestone sat at their favorite booth.  They were sipping their coffee as their empty hot chocolate mugs were pushed to the side.

They both contemplating the wonderful white world that was before them.

Uri spoke, it was a God thing, that John decided to stay through the night at the barn. He is taking care of the horses. I called and checked, they are all fed, watered and blanketed.

Thank God John decided to stay over the weekend, who knows when the roads will be cleared to get out to the barn, agreed Littlestone.

They both turned their attention outside again….

Then Littlestone broke the silence, so you had a good Christmas, right?

Uri smiled and said, oh yeah! How about you?

He said, yup.

She felt the necklace he had given her under her jacket.

She smiled, thank you again for the necklace. I really love it.

He smiled, I thought you would…….

Father God, show me great and mighty things that I do not know, please, they said jointly.

Then they broke out with a chuckle and huge grins.

Uri asked, so what is He showing you?  I know you got something. Come on, cough it up!  I want to know! Just like that old magazine, inquiring minds have got to know!

They both laughed and then took a sip.

Littlestone looked outside again to gather his thoughts and ask what he was okay to relay.

He paged through his journal.

After a couple of minutes, he spoke, well, I was reading in Corinthians about all things will be tested by fire. I mean all our works will be tested by fire as written in 1 Corinthians 3:11-16….

 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 

 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.

It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 

If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 

If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.

 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

I asked Him about my own work? Is my work before Your eyes up to Your standard of You?  I mean, Lord, how can it be?  I am human and You are not!

I am still fallible and very much learning of You and Your ways, Lord.  Please allow me grace to know so I may change my ways.

Uri said, okay and……She looked at him exasperated, what did He say?

He said, His work is finished and I keep in His work and abide in Him.  Child, He said, abide in Me and My Word does the work mightily in you….. Christ in you is the work of conformity.  You speaking to Me and leaning on Me is  My desire as also you following what I  AM speaks… I AM does the rest.   The formula is to be in Me and I AM in you….Fire of My love burns all the dross away and what is left will be seen by all on My Day. The perfect work of My Spirit in My beloved people.

The work you do, Child, is not struggling to be something that you do not know how to be, but to see Me and know Me, from knowing Me, in all you do has it’s start in I AM. Then you shall walk from faith to faith and glory to glory ascending by I AM on high.

Do not be anxious, for all religion lays heavy burdens on you….But I AM is here to give My friends rest.

My fire, Christ in you, burns the flames of love to Our Father….. For those who think their works are great for all to see, My flames of fire will burn the outside to in…..What fruit is from Me shall remain.

Littlestone closed his journal.   He looked at her and said, I think, if our works are all on outside and there is no relationship with Him in our secret place, well, I think those works will be burned.

Our works for Him come from Him in our secret place….  No one else may ever notice or see, but He sees all…. I think the question to ask, who are doing this for? Where did it originate? His foundation or ours?

The foundation is Christ alone……..All else will be burned…..As it is also written in Colossians, Christ will be all and in all.

As it is written in 1 John 3:1-7:

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.  who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. 

But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 

 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.

Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.

Uri smiled; this is an awesome secret…. I always thought that passage in scripture were for those who have like big ministries, ministers or pastors, builders of His kingdom on this earth.  I never thought it had to do with my personal walk with Jesus Christ, as King of My heart.

Thanks for sharing that,….. I really mean it. I rather know now than be caught off guard at His Day.

Littlestone spoke, there are many out there, whether believers or not, who struggle to become something they are not.   When we turn and see Him, our consecration starts….. We continue in Him, by Him and for Him alone…. The transformation of and by His hand is from His finished work on the cross. Seeing Him is imperative…….

The work of His Spirit alone in us does the burning….. I rather burn now and not later, he finished chuckling.

Uri said, Okay, I have finished taking my notes…. What else did He show you?

Littlestone opened his mouth to continue on as he turned back some pages in his journal….

Well, Littlestone started, under the tree all the presents are torn apart quickly that were once wrapped with care….. The gifts are all opened, but are they? There are many that are still there?

The greatest Gift we have is in the Son of God…… believing in His Salvation for us, then receiving Him in our heart…. But then we must not be an Esau who bargained away his inheritance, his godly inheritance, for stew….or lesser things of this earth….

Our divine nature that has been given to us by our faith in Christ and the presence of His Spirit, is an awesome life that we have knowledge, power and gifts that many do not know and leave under the  tree, if you will, the cross and then the Tree of Life….

We live on this side of the resurrection, with His new life in us…. His life which is abundant and vibrant….. We are seated in Christ in the heavenlies…. We see things and know things that only be by the Spirit of God has given us to see and know……Then we pray and stand to see His goodness fill the earth. Or we stand and protect against the evil that has schemed to harm and destroy others unaware…. We must be diligent in our prayer life for others through His Spirit.

This is the real life in Christ alone…The divine life that we may live in and by here and now.  We must cross the Jordan or be in dwelt by His Spirit to operate by His Spirit….. This is part of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.

He opened his mouth to say, many are leaving their personalized gifts with their names on it under the tree of Jesus Christ, the Tree of Life—-


This should not be…..Belief is the key to open your heart to His Spirit to enter in and release the flood of His Spirit within….. each of His children.

And, he started to say……Do not be deceived, what we seek after in the flesh, we will receive. What we seek after in Him, we will continue to grow strong in great faith and believe all that can be is never impossible…. Just enter in and see Him and then you will know… All is possible to those who believe in God…. Just look up to Him and see…..HIM ALONE.

Uri was writing as fast as she could, and he waited to continue, but he had more to say…..

He started to show her………….

Tune in next time,  God is willing!