
Who Doesn’t Like To Learn About A Secret?

The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ is just that… the hidden mysteries of Jesus Christ are shown or revealed now to those who love God. This is a promise to the redeemed of the Lamb in  1 Corinthians 2:9, But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.  

Just a note, it is written in 1 John 3:2, Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.   

Our Heavenly Father loves it when we seek Him out…. so all the mysteries of our God will not be seen or understood by us until He says!!!!! Even still, let’s keep asking, seeking and knocking on His door and learn everything we can. Thus we may walk worthy of our high calling in His Son, Christ Jesus!!!!

So let’s make sure we have spirituals ears and eyes to see the wonderful counsels of God prepared for us before the foundation of the world….. His Name is Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Our King, Our Leader……..

The slain Lamb of God is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, behold!!!! Behold. Our God was slain and known with the transgressors….. but He wasn’t and isn’t nor ever will He be but a Pure Sacrifice of Love.  The way of Love is take the low road, which is narrow, but it is God’s way…..

Behold, that is how we are to reign as kings and priests now on this earth in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit… The way is carrying our cross.  How is bowing the lowest the way to serve now as kings and priest to our God ?  The way of the lowest is the highest life! As the cross was an offense in Jerusalem and for the Greeks, let us never let the work of the cross be an offense to us in this day!

Our Worthy King opens up the first seal (secret) on this very special scroll that was held by the Almighty God…….  Then this special scroll was released to the only One who is worthy in all the history of the world!!!  Our Champion, Jesus Christ!!!!!

Who is released by this seal? What does that mean that this One is sent out to conquer? Is the Holy Spirit the One on the white horse?   The Rider did not have any arrows, yet the Rider had a bow, do you know why???

Enjoy reading the Greatest Mystery ever written!!!!!!

If you want  some of the answers to some of the riddles in this great book, The Revelation of Jesus Christ,  get my book : Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And The Lord of Lords, The Judge Of His Creation.