
What Happened When The Fourth Angel Sounded?

We are now progressing to the fourth angel sounding. In Revelation 8:12, Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

I still have more questions for the Holy Spirit from the above scripture.

What do you think, is this for now, beginning of time, or for the future? What were they struck with? Why  only one third? What are the symbolic meaning of the sun, moon and stars…. or is it literal?

What was the purpose of the Holy Spirit showing us this sound?

We know that with God there is no darkness, even the dark is light to Him. For He sees all things, knows all things; there is no darkness hidden from His sight….. hmmmm….

Was this a domino effect of God’s creation acting in rebellion to  worship Him as the Great All in All? As only God deserves all honor, all glory and all praise. This holy place of  God in His sovereignty is  all His.

He is God for all of time and eternity and to be worshiped with our all  as  His creation. All creation is doing exactly what God created them to be…. Think about the birds, animals, plants, the seas are doing exactly what they are made to by God. They live out His Word and that is worship and honor to God….. except the unredeemed and sometimes the redeemed man.   We have a choice every minute to honor God by putting Him first or not.

Ponder that before this sound happened, there was a  complete brilliant Light. All creation was not in any kind of darkness…. Since there was no darkness before this sound…….Could we see His Light? Now we hear and see Him and His glory as He invades our darkness. Now in His Light, we see Light.

This one little verse has in it alot to ponder and meditate.  Why?  So that we can know the One True Living God, our Heavenly Father and His Great Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and King of His Creation, by the presence of the powerful Holy Spirit.

Our Great God is worthy of our time to apprehend Him by knowing Him. Let us make time to study His word.  He is a the best Meal we will ever have!! Amen and Amen!