
We have been apprehended by the Great I AM

Blessed New Year to you all! This coming year, my heart intention with all my “true grit,” is to go after searching the Great I Am. I am meditating on how God has searched me out and holds on to me with a hold that can only be His! FOREVER!
So when Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12, Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

I want to understand and live this out  in my journey here.  This may be the climb of knowing  the height and depth and width and length of His love towards you and me. I believe He wants us to believe the unbelievable beyond the journey we are on now- if we are comfortable, He is our Stirrer -up-er! If we are stressed and hard pressed in every area, He is our Solid Mountain to trust in and rest.   This upward call that He calls us out of the world to be His; this upward call of God in Christ Jesus as stated in Philippians 3:14 was planned before the foundation of the world for you and me.

I pray that you all join me in this quest of the highest calling we have- seeking out our magnificent God in Christ Jesus where we abide. I think we start out in hearing our King ask each one of us-so who do you say that I AM?

We can only lay hold of God as much as we know Him. As Paul states that His riches are unsearchable towards man…. well, I love a challenge…. I want to lay hold of this Great God as He has laid hold of me. Will you come with me on this quest ?