
Celebrate Our Independence To Be Dependent!! Uh?

We thank You, Heavenly Father, for our independence in this nation of America to be able to live our life free in depending on You as our One True Living God.  We take a bold stand to obey Your commands and live according to Your ways. We proclaim Your Sovereignty in all things that pertain to our lives and this nation.

We hold the standard high,  boasting of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. We walk  in humility, as we are poor in spirit. How we hunger for Your righteousness and justice. How we labor to seek after You with our whole heart, having great thanksgiving that You hear our cries. O Holy One, there is no one like You. We are so thankful that You have called us to be Your own. May You see in our hearts and lives that You are our Treasure.

We come to You, Father God, today, and ask that You forgive our turning away and compromise. We repent that we have been slack in standing in the gap and standing watch.  We have grown complacent in our blessings, they have been our distraction instead of us seeking Your Face in more diligence, the blessings have drawn us from You.

Please renew our hearts in the Fire of Your Presence.  May You increase in us the boldness and strength to complete the race that You have put before this generation to hold Your standard high.  As the enemy comes in like a flood, Father, we ask that we are strengthened with abandoned love to lift the cross of Jesus Christ and His shed blood over all influx of evil. In Your abundant grace and mercy,  may we, Your people, continue to be Your light on a hill.

May Your glory live through our lives as our lives glorify Your name. O, Father, thank You for all of Your love always pouring forth in Your mercy. Your mercy triumphs in judgment.  Only You, Father, can change hearts to You and Your Son. I thank You, that You do not delight in the perishing of the wicked, so again we ask for Your Spirit of grace to hover over the people of this nation and do what You do best- draw men with Your love and grace to Your Son, Jesus Christ.

You are our only Solution to the vast plagues that our vexing this nation. We declare, as Your people, our delightful dependence on You, our great God.  Please increase  our hearts in Your strength and power. So we may live by Your Spirit in  a life purely sold out to You and You alone. All the glory, honor and blessings  are Yours forever and ever. Amen.

We love You Father. We love You, Jesus Christ and  We love Your Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your abundant mercy and grace to awaken Your people in this land today. May we learn the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom that we may know how far we have fallen from the position You have called us in Your Son.

Thank You for hearing our prayers. There is no one like You. You will be exalted in this nation, for You are God and there is no other.

In Jesus Name, we ask. Amen!