
Whose Eyes Do We Live Before? God’s Or Men’s? Why?

I left many questions for us to ponder in the last blog as we are studying the letter to the Laodiceans, (and us), from Jesus Christ, (chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation).

The most important question is written above…. if we get the vision of our Lord’s ever watchful eye over us, we will live according to His word and ways.  If we never get the vision of His ever knowing eyes, men’s attitudes and opinions of us will lead and guide our decisions. Sometimes that will take us right off a cliff. The proverbial: what will people think?  My answer is who cares!

The One that I die daily and live unto is My Keeper and My Maker. It is He who I hear and live unto even through the fires, the battles, the victories and the joys.  For He is ever with Me. He is the One that speaks comfort through a storm. He is the One who is My Strength through my weaknesses….. He is My All and who I wake to hear and sleep to dream about. He is the Answers to all this world’s problems, even mine. He is My Guide and Leader in all.  He is my Healer and Teacher. He is the Ever Patient One with all questions I ask Him over and over again….. He is my God, the God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who holds the stars in His hand and my heart. This is the One who I set my heart to hear and see and follow, for He has captured my heart with His everlasting Love…. His death, His burial, His Resurrection and Life Eternal……. He is the One who rules the nations and is the Judge of His creation……..Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty.The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory……   ( Psalm 24;8-10).

He is yours and mine, beloved. We cannot sell out  this King of glory for such cheap merchandise as the world’s spirit is selling to our eyes and ears….. Let us turn off the world’s ways from our view. Capture the view of heaven with our Heavenly King and the true riches of His wealth within our hearts. Let us be forever sold out for Him. May His ever watching eyes see us burn with passion for Him and His kingdom.

O Holy Spirit, please refresh us in the fire of love for Him, who there is none like in the earth or below or in all the heavens above. Let us have eyes to see the One who holds the world in His hand yet, we are precious in His sight. Let us not forsake the Love, the Truest Love that we may ever know for things that are cold and without life. Let us have eyes to see the shackles tying us to the earth by favoring things of the world more than Christ. Give us vision, or we may perish!

Give us vision of us being in the flight of eagle wings in the following of the King of glory. Let us forsake the dreams of  our selfish state fall to the ground as ashes. Give us vision to forsake all to win Christ. As we rise in His Love to the conquest of our ever searching hearts, as they find the true value and rest in Him, the Giver of Life. Then, beloved, be ready to soar with Him as we loose the shackles that bind us to the earth. Holy Spirit, please show us our hearts before the Lord. Give us the courage to turn and run into His everlasting arms for fulfillment of all our need for all our days.

As He is written about in Proverbs 30;4, Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, if you know? 

We do not want to mess with a God like ours………If He sees us as naked when we have gone after the world’s riches….. Well, we can conclude that is the same mistake that Adam and Eve made…. They were deceived to get knowledge to be like God….. hence they saw their nakedness….. Do you think the baptism of fire from the Holy Spirit is what is needed? His job is to refine us into gold…. True Heavenly Gold…….into the Son of God’s image…. We couldn’t get any more white clothing than that? Huh?…..

There is a price for this costly clothing of white that our Lord desires to see on His chosen. What do you think that is needed for us to be clothed in white? The answers to this question is in the following chapters of the Book of Revelation….. however, if we are truly followers of Jesus….. we should know the answer and be living towards that way now.

Let us join in the prayer of Paul from Phillippians 3;8, Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

When Christ is our all, He is Great in our lives. We live great because of Him and from Him. When we take the big road, we trade the Lord and His greatness. We place ourselves on our throne on the earth and forget we already sit with Him in the heavenlies…..We are being deceived into getting the riches that are seen and are temporal versus the riches that are not seen and are eternal. Selah…..

Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your Spirit today!  So when You ask us: Who do you say that I AM? We will be prepared with the personal knowledge of the Holy One and His Son to  answer You and all the peoples with zeal. Showing You and You alone our love even unto death, of self and if need be, mortality. Amen.

To You, O King of glory, be all our praise, thanksgiving and honor. To You be all glory from Your creation. Amen and Amen.

Oh everlasting doors of our hearts, hear the King of glory knocking….. Choose to open and eat the Food that He provides for it is ever filling and ever lasting throughout all time and eternity….We will never  thirst or hunger again. In our hearts is the place He longs to dwell and take His throne of glory within…Delight to be in His greatness as we die to the world, for the world has died to us… He takes His rule of glory hidden within us, we then we will be granted to sit with Him on His throne that rules all.  When we die to ourselves for Christ, we gain all, because we gain Christ.