
The Sower Sows The Word….. These Likewise Are The Ones…..

Listen, behold, a sower went out sow…. Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away, (Mark 4;3,5-6).

In the parable of the Sower and the Seed, Jesus explains to the disciples the parable,…. we are going to look at verse 16 &17 of chapter 4 of the Gospel of Mark: These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble.

Then we look at the verse 8 of the same chapter, But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

Jesus explains what this good ground is in verse 20, But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

In the 6th chapter of Revelation in verses 3-4,  we, along with John, hear the living creature saying, come and see, as the Lamb open up the second seal. Behold we see a fiery red horse released.  We learn that the rider has been granted authority to take peace from the earth, so that there would be killings of one another. He was given a great sword.

According to Strong’s Concordance from the Greek, this meaning of the sword is judicial punishment.  Wow, we in our current day, certainly do not like that phrase.  If God is love, how could this be?

Well, let me ask another question, how could our God send His only Son for a sacrifice of sin for all mankind……. knowing that not all would believe and turn towards Him? Has there been any justice taken since  the Son of God was crucified, who had committed no sin?  No.   This was in His plan for redeeming mankind back to His arms and presence…… Will there be a reckoning of our God for those who do not receive His Salvation in Jesus Christ….. Absolutely!

Tribulations, persecution and trials for followers of Jesus prove our faith and godly characteristics.  They prove the integrity of our love for the Lord. These are allowed by His hand so that we may understand His suffering and get into a better and deeper relationship with Him.  This is all based on our reaction to the adversity that is before us.

There will be adversities to all, believers and not…… This is His mercy. They can either draw us to Him or we reject Him for lack of understanding….. or lack of the deep root of the knowledge of His love, which is His word. This is called the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.

If our Lord was blasphemed, lied about and hated, ( He still is today!)…. He spoke to us in John 15;19-20, If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word I said to you, A servant is not greater than His master. If they persecuted you, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep your also.

Wow, it has been a while, since you were with Him in His boat. You start wondering what did you do wrong….I am talking to You, Lord…. and You are silent. I know You see the stuff that is happening against me. Why are You silent? What am I to do? Did I do something wrong?  Please show me Your will in this matter, I am getting down in heart…

The silence of the Lord continues on for days…. You study the Word of God for answers. You study and see there have been great men and women of God that have the years of silence from the Lord and they came through….. Oh, you  ask is this Your way?  You promised Abraham a child…… The only thing that happened as time passed, is that Abraham got older….until the time that You decided for Your plan that the promise was completed.

Joseph’s promises from the dreams You gave him, brought him into a prison, but he grew stronger in His relationship with You, just like Abraham….. They knew You and most important, You knew them and never left them… Only my eyesight is in the dark regarding Your presence….. nothing stops Your eyesight or power….. In fact, I realize that Your power is made perfect in my weakness of not seeing, but believing You are faithful.

So you pray, Father, I ask that through this trial, which is small….. please help me, to keep it small and You large…. Though I do not have the same time that we had together before, I know You are here with Me strengthening me and loving me.  I thank You though I feel far away from You, I am not… and all things are in Your hands.  I know You turn all things into good for those that love You….. If this makes me lean on You more and call on You more, let it be….As I am learning what Paul, Your saint, meant in 2 Corinthians 12;10, Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.   ( Lord, I add because of You.)

Lord, may You protect me in You so this distress will not dampen my love for You. May this distress  press me into You deeper and wider so that I may grow in the knowledge of Your love for me.  I believe that You have the best plan for me with the greatest Inheritance in view, You.

Give me courage to keep my gaze steady on You, though, I see You now with my faith’s eye…. The eye that you have given me to see all that You want me to see.  May my life glorify You now in the hard times as well as the fun times. Let me learn to be steady and remain on course towards You, whatever is happening in the outside court of my life. The outside court is my flesh life and will perish one day, but behold, inside of me I know is the Treasure of all the ages…..the Christ, Your Spirit, Your Resurrected Life growing in me.

Hey, my trial seems so far away now, Lord…. Thank You for always being here and hearing me.  I miss our time in the boat, Lord, but I know You are here still. I will love this time just as much because I am with You. You are my everything. Thank You for giving me understanding for the days that are here and to come. Thanks for Your peace that passes all understanding… because I have this great peace during this time which does not make sense…. but I’ll take it with all thanksgiving to You! Then, you hear, child, I am closer than your breath.

You start to see that you have the same closeness with the Lord, even more, when you have an adversity, trial…. a hardship of sorts that looks impossible to solve…. His presence somehow changes the outlook and your perspective  on your “Goliath”.  You are understanding the way of the Lord with those He loves.  You wonder is this the answer to my prayer when I asked that I could bring Him joy?  Hmmmm, you think I have to meditate on that…. I have to keep studying His word to find the answer.  But you are still waiting for your boat time with the Lord….. so you wait  and anticipate.

As followers of Jesus Christ, when adversity comes, and it will, we have a strong hope as an anchor in the faithfulness of God to His promise to us.  We have always choices, I pray we hold our course and remain faithful to the Lord…. Remember to pray for those that are imprisoned or have lost all  for their faith in Jesus Christ all over the world, for they are family….When we hear the Word of God, immediately we become a target. However, this is not news for God and He has a plan allowing the evil to turn for good….. The followers of Christ in Acts were persecuted to the point they fled to all parts of the world…. hence, the Gospel spread!!!! We have a great God!

The sword is not a respecter of people. The sword will visit all. The stealer of peace and hope or it can be viewed of the weapon of peace and hope. If you do not have Jesus Christ as your Savior and King, here is your chance….. This is your great opportunity to know the mercy of God…. His arms are open today…. run into them.

Let the weapon of harm against you be turned by His hand into good.  Come and be reconciled to Your Creator who knows when and how you were formed in your mother’s womb….. He is waiting for you today…. receive and believe in the unbelievable unending love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ…..

He is the Beginning and the End. He is the All in between. Our God’s hand is in all our minutes as well as our eternity…. He turns all things into good, even when they are released for destruction…… In His mercy, He is there waiting for each one of us. Come, beloved, and taste and see good is our God.  Come and search out the Unsearchable Uncreated One….. He is waiting for you.


We are entering into the breaking of the third seal….. Oh no! A black horse? With a rider carrying scales…. what does rider have to do with the oil and wine? Why was he carrying scales? Catch up with us as we are studying the Book of Revelation along with my book, Jesus Christ,  The King Of King And Lord Of Lord, The Judge Of His Creation.