
Allegory Time Which Points Us To The Son………The Eternal One and His Body-US!

The Book of Esther is a very rich book that can give us strength through the Spirit……given any challenge we are experiencing  throughout time.

First let us look at this Psalm 90:13-17: Return, O Lord! How long? And have compassion on Your servants, Oh satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil.

Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.

I know this Psalm is not one of the popular Psalms that we rejoice over,..….however, this shows that through trials and tribulations we triumph with in His glory for our children and their children—– if we stay the course of His highway unto all righteousness……. We must stay the course and be the authority on this earth as our Leader, the Son of God, has bestowed on us…..

Now back to the book of Esther……..The first chapter starts as King Ahasuerus, who wanted to celebrate his third year reign over 127 provinces. He threw  a big feast and before seven principalities…..During the festivities, on the seventh day, the King requested his Queen Vashti  to come  before the crowd wearing her crown……

Now I have heard many different interpretations regarding what this meant, but I believe the Holy Spirit put emphasis on wanting to show her beauty or her shining presence wearing her crown or the authority that was given her by the King Ahasuerus, for a reason for us to get understanding.

This day, the Holy Spirit is awakening us  to the glory within of the Risen One that has been bestowed upon us and within us….. The King’s bride is wearing His crown….. Yes, it is hers but it was given to the bride of Christ by the King.

When Queen Vashti, ( Vashti means beautiful),  refused to show off her royalty before the King’s  seven principalities, she was removed from her place. The King found another that was willing to go through the boot camp of beauty treatments to shine the love of the King  all around his domain.

Do you know our God loves us to be audacious with our faith in Him?  We grab Him with all gusto for everything and do not shy back….. If He, the Lord of the Universe, says come to Me….Who am I to argue with Him?   So I come…… and come and come and come…. I remind Him, Lord, You said I could come to you for anything and everything so here I am with the Great I AM….and……..

You said You will teach the sinner in Your Way.  You said You are Wisdom unto me,….. so Lord, thank You, Lord,  fill me up  with Your Wisdom…. Don’t hold back…. You said You would fill my cup to overflowing…. So overflow me with You and You alone. Now You must show me how to use this heavenly Wisdom for Your glory.

We do not want to be like Vashti…. I want to be pleasing in Your sight knowing what You said I am and have by You is the truth…. Give me courage and strength to continue in the fullness of You for all my days for You are my everything.. Thank You for Your great overflowing mercy and grace to call me Your beloved and bride and army and friend…… Fill me with You so I am all You have spoken I am found in You.

This we say to our Beloved King……knowing He hears and this is His delight.

You said – Lord- You said.

We do not want  to be like Queen Vashti who did a no show off the beauty of her King’s crown….. The authority that was given to her which made her beautiful…..

The beauty that was bestowed on her by her Beloved King…… His beauty became her beauty as His authority became her authority in His name.  We are moving from them to us now… our Beloved King Jesus Christ.

Who do you think you are?, says the Pharisees and Saduccees….I am the bride of Christ….. Can’t you see His beauty in me?  Oh no, it is not my own but my Beloved’s that is shining out.

Can’t you see His name is written all over me for all to see that He has great love for you and for me…..Come to King and know His greatness and come to the Lamb and know His love.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together in Christ ( by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might the show the exceeding riches of  His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus,( Ephesians 2:4-7).

And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places,  according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence in faith in Him.

Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father  of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted  and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.  (Ephesians 3:9-21).

May we see how a treasure you are to our King- the King of all….. You are His special prize. He has beautified us with His blood, His Spirit—— HIS LOVE. We are His body on this earth which He is exalted as we  parade in front all principalities and powers of the age to show how great the Great I AM is…… Look at us,—– see His mercy…….. Look at us shine His greatness and wisdom and understanding—— See His love.  See His strength in our lives- see His faithfulness.

Now remember, every principality and power will argue against who we represent…So what, he is a liar….. We keep arising in His glory of love and shine….. We will give hope to the hopeless. We will give sight to the blind. We will give weak knees strength in His name…..This all accomplished in the authority He has given us…… We will parade the crown of our King amongst the principalities and powers rescuing those that they hold captive.

The countries that Israel were to dispossess were also witnesses to the display of this country that carried their God in a golden tabernacle.  Our God displays Himself through His people as He will be known as the only true God.

Beloved, let us not be like Queen Vashti in the Book of Esther…… Let us sing loudly- this little light of mine, I will let it shine. We sing and praise as we look for divine appointments of His choosing.

Amen and Amen!

God willing, we will get back to the second death soon….. Shine our Beloved’s light everywhere we go.  Let all know that we are His beloved and He is ours!!  Behold, the beauty of the King. Behold, the beauty of His bride. Behold the love of God for His own and His own that are to be as He has called them His before the foundation of the world too!


My Beloved,

Rise and shine for My glory has risen upon you.  Upon My mountain I AM has called you. Now  go and make disciples among all nations.  My kingdom shall know no end. Rejoice!  Your light has come.  I AM with you and within you for all time and forever.

Be bold and courageous for I AM has placed My print in every place your shoe shall step. My hand has touched the one appointed to turn to Me today….. All is in My plan and you are blessed as My vessel….. You speak as I AM is speaking through you.  You are healing as I AM through your hands to the hurting.  Watch and see, you may never leave your room as you pray for My business.

People of old came to the temple for the healing waters and offerings to be made well…… Beloved, I AM everyone’s Healer. I AM within you as the resurrected Firstborn from the dead and to all that seek Me shall always find Me. The waters of the river of life shall continue just as fire ignites from one to another and shall intensify in the greatness of My purpose.

My eternal life is flowing through you and out to the world…… before all My enemies.  Gather the ripened harvest for the time is set.  It is the set time of I AM, the Lord….. Gather My saints unto me who delight in the sacrifice for their King.  Gather My hungry ones so they may know I AM their full and their Bread which will never run out.  Gather My little ones for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   Gather My weeping friends for they will learn they are My delight and pleasure.   Gather the down cast and out cast for they shall know their place at My table.

Gather the lonely and hopeless and let them know how I AM with them forever as their Hope shall never be run dry nor shall they be disappointed or ashamed.   Let the hopeless know, I AM has not given up hope for them. Let them come to Me, for I AM are their Healer.

I AM the Prize for all who seek I AM…. I AM their Answer and I AM delight’s to be their all for I AM will be all and in all…… I AM does what the Father does and so I AM’s body does what the Father has spoken and established from the beginning of the foundation of the world through My name for I AM.

Do not be concerned, I AM  gives the Words of healing and comfort and truth to the ones before you….. They will penetrate the hearts of the chosen before your very eyes and then you shall know I AM with you as I AM has spoken….

Be attentive to My highlighted ones that need to hear from I AM this day…… Language is no barrier if the language is from I AM to one another.  Watch and see what I AM does in you this day.  Sit at My feet and receive all I AM has for you….. Then as you have asked the overflow will ignite the dead to life again.

Be still and allow I AM to bring you to the heights and the depths of knowing I AM in all I AM has for you… Trust Me. I AM has made the way where you thought the way was an enclosed barrier….. As you have reminded Me of My words, all things are possible to those who believe in I AM today……. Look at all I AM has brought you through and there, My child, is still more….. Follow My fragrance and all will know the King has brought you to their town.

My delight is in My children this day, so bring more to Me and make My day.

Know My love surrounds you as the air you breathe. Know the angels sing in delight of the trust and belief you show yourself in Me.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Me.

Spin around and sing for all My delight is found in My children. Speak to Me for I AM waiting to hear the special and unique sound of your voice to I AM.

The feast is soon to be. Bring all you can to Me. This call is from above, the time is short and see all as for Me.

Hear Me this day. Pray for those that are coming My way that they may hear My Word.

Hear Me, My beloved.  The feast is being prepared this day so bring as many as will come My way. Hear Me. Thank you for answering My call. I AM brings you close so you may know Me.  There is great room for all that are chosen…. Yay, pray they choose Me.

Thank you for answering My call.