
Am I Asleep? I Am Awake, Aren’t I?

The Holy Spirit reveals truth to understand our God: How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am with You!,                        ( Psalm 139:17-18).

Every scripture  written is to awaken us of the great God, so we know Him….. This is to have eternal life, the knowledge of the Lord. Every Word written  reveals or points to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ then points us to the Father who loves us….. As Jesus Christ told Philip in John 14:9, Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen the Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, show us the Father?

Now we have the Holy Spirit within us, our hope of glory, directing us to the Word, Jesus Christ and all that has been written…..

When we sleep, we are not conscious of our surrounding area.  When awaken in the morning, we are alert to the light of the day that has approached us. We can live without God in our lives, He will let us….. as we close the Door on  Him,  He keeps knocking on ours to reveal our need for Him,… the Great I AM. He wants us to awaken to Him as we awaken to the dawn of each morning, God willing…… Is that why the Lord is also known by the name, the Bright  Morningstar? Hmmmm….

Do we see that we are kept sleeping or unaware when we choose to live in the dark? When we do not choose Jesus Christ, we have chosen darkness.  But what happens when grace, the Light of God, awakens us to Him?  Do we see the Light that is hidden by our eyes?  Ahhh, but to our spirit man that light has awakened us as the sun awakens the dawn.

Then it is written, As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness, ( Psalms 17:15).

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is, ( 1 John 3:2).

Is time a place to learn to die to Adam’s race and awaken to the life we live in Christ forever? The psalmist says when I awake, I am with You.

The Spirit of grace awakens us to a need of a Savior… as we are dead or asleep in our trespasses against  God. Then His gentle blow of His breath, we awakened as if we were born for the first time…. God awakens us to life, first to the life out of our mothers womb, then again when we awaken to our Savior…. We awaken in our spirit to hear His voice and know the touch of Love, the Son of God as He births us as His children….

All of a sudden we see His hand in all of creation…. We wonder at His wonderment.  We are lifted up high in His love as  we  float  in the blue clear sky of  His grace. Every breath we take we now know His hand is involved in as He blesses us, guides us as His children—— maturing us  in to sons and daughters of God……in Christ Jesus.

Before we had no knowledge of a God so loving and so close to us…. as close as our breath. We were closed off or asleep to Him….. because without the knowledge of the deep love of our Savior, we are dead or asleep to Him as well as our deep state of darkness. We have really yet to learn the depravity of our state without Jesus Christ…..

Sometimes we feel like we are going through hell, but I believe hell…. life without God, is beyond our imagination or understanding of the intensity of the darkness that exists. It is written  the angel of the Lord poured out his bowl of wrath on the beast and his kingdom. The kingdom of the beast became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain of the darkness! ( Read Revelation 16:10).

Before Christ, we put all we had in what others thought of us and to keep up with the              ” jones”, ( who are they anyway!).   We thought and believed and received the newest fashions were the all and the end, except when they would come out with the next year look or the next new teckie gadget. We believed that was our end, our goal…. but it leaves us empty and searching for the next thing to distract us…. from the real Truth.

Our sleep state keeps us locked in the today and not the tomorrow. Nor do we ever look up to see Him looking at us….. There was a closed door because of our unbelief, that we had no sense to look for Him or even need Him today….

Through our crisis’ in life  may  awaken us to a need of something deeper and higher in life. A life richer than the consumption of things to get in this earth…. because we realize that no matter how much we have and not have, the emptiness of our consumption left us still missing something…. Yet we are in the dark or asleep, unable to correct or fix  our hunger to be something important to someone…… to be noticed…..What is the point of me being here? Right……?

Isn’t that what we all want to be noticed and told we are important enough to love?….. Well, you are noticed and very important to the Creator….. He made us all with all unique crafted personalities to be fitted together in a great mosaic temple of God….. A spiritual house….

You are never out His sight or plan….. He never turns His love off…..He always is calling us home, calling us higher and deeper to Him…. So that we might know the width and length of His love in Christ……

The gentle awakening to the open door to heaven, Jesus Christ. The Door that opens to our faith. The Door opens to a realm which we never could grasp because of our sleepful state. But now as we walk through the Door cleansed of our sin because of grace….. as we walk through carrying no extra weight…. being free of our guilt of never measuring up to the standard of God…. He then calls us His own and starts raising us all together in a spiritual house of God.

He slowly takes the sleep from our spiritual eyes so that we see to fall in love with this great God…. He blesses us with His awakening slowly as the sun rises in the east. First, we see the darkness lighten a little, then greater and greater is the light that He bears through us by His Spirit.

Jesus spoke in Matthew 13:43, Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear!

Sometimes we miss the plan of the Lord or His working in us because we are still sleeping or in the dark on His motive or purpose for some of the trouble that comes our way. The Holy Spirit consistently blows out the darkness in our thinking and ways which are dead at the cross with Christ Jesus…. so  we awaken to a greater degree of Christ in us, our only hope of glory. He awakens us to His endless love. The Eternal Living Water that flows Life through us and out to others….

The more we die to our self centered ways in Christ, the more we awaken in His realm or kingdom….. We are now alive in our spirit, where His Spirit dwells in us. This is where His Life Eternal is!

The Spirit of God loves to sanctify our house or dwelling so it is fit for the King of Kings. He is gentle as we are young and as we grow in the Spirit, He is ruthless.

O Father, when we awake and arise, may You only see Your Son, our King’s image with in…. May You see His beauty through us. Thank You for the glorification of Your Son through Your children. We love You and thank You for being the greatest God that loves us through everything.  May we never let go of You as You never let go of us.

We bless You forever and ever for Your Love has never failed us! May we allow Your love to fill us so that our love never fails YOU. Father, I ask to keep us close in more grace so we abide in Your Son. Father, restore what has been lost in the testimony of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Father, it is written for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea, ( Habakkuk 2:14).  Fully awaken us to You and the power of Your Word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

My heart is steadfast,of God, my heart is steadfast;

I will sing and give praise.

Awake, my glory!

Awake, lute and harp!

I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise you, O Lord,among the peoples;

I will sing to You among the nations. For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, and Your truth unto the clouds. 

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth,

( Psalm 57:7-11.)

