
And Lo, I Am With You Always, Even To The End Of The Age. Amen.

And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen, ( Matthew 28:19-20).

Thank You, Jesus !!!

He will pass through Judah, He will overflow and pass over, He will reach up to the neck; and the stretching out of His wings will fill the breadth of  your land, O Immanuel, ( Isaiah 8:8).

The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, and the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace, ( Psalm 29:10-11).

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His eyes are open to their cry. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance  of them from the earth.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guards all his bones; not one of them is broken. Evil shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned. The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned, ( Ps 34:15-25).

Is the Lord a liar?  Of course not…. should be your answer. And you are probably a little indignant that I would say such a thing…….  Then, may I ask , why do we speak about Him that He is not with us or does not hear our speech? Did He not say,- He is with us until the end of time?

Has any Word of His changed since He arose to His place of glory besides Almighty?  Has there been any altered Word  of the Bible since then?   Has Holy Spirit changed the written word to any one’s knowledge? If He has, please show and tell me?

As the Lord ascended to His place, He left us instructions……and His written Word to know Him….. If anything has changed regarding the Lord and God Almighty and Holy Spirit, it has been by man and their deception revealed by not knowing Him.

If anything- t0day- there is a greater revelation of Jesus Christ in the knowledge in His people….. by Holy Spirit. So if the days have revealed greater knowledge of the goodness of God through Jesus Christ, then we should not be deceived….… The declarations of men speaking untruths of the will and intent of God would be like lightning in the sky at night…… to us….. Knowing the truth as we know the difference between night and day.

God reveals Himself through Jesus Christ and now through  Holy Spirit points to Him…… God reveals Himself to me different then He will be to you…. just as it was written in the Gospels  Jesus healed and did good in many different ways- healing, raising the dead, speaking the Truth, casting out demons….. etc..

He meets us to give what we need in a God as good as He is….. We never go away empty unless pride stands its ugly head and unbelief wags it pointed finger.

Man has changed the doctrine of the Bible. The fault- yes= lies with them but also to those who sit and listen…. If we know the Word of God, if we know Him, we know when there is a slight deviation of the Truth…..

It takes just a little to set a ship of course. and because men do not know the Word and get revelation of Jesus Christ, they are perishing.   WE NEED TO KNOW OUR GOD FOR OURSELVES…..

We cannot leave it up to the leaders, at the building  where we go to services,  for knowing Him. We must go to Him ourselves and He know us by our presence before Him…… There is a lot more He wants to show us but we must show up in His presence and turn off the world and its distractions.

As a kid, we had a staircase, that I often sat on and hid behind the banisters.  I listened to the conversations that were going on  amongst my family…… I wanted to know ! I was the youngest and was put to bed, so they thought!  They talked as if I was not in the room, but I was!!!

Well, I was sneaky in my eavesdropping….. but God, our King, is quite open and puts His Word out- He is with us through out all of time. His Word decrees- Christ in us is our hope of glory….. as in Colossians.

Is our King with us?  Yes, He is. It is written, His eyelids shut to test the righteous.   Not to catch us or punish us…. but, to see if we speak highly of Him.  If our words show how much we love and appreciate Him being our God.  Do our souls magnify ourselves or Him?

Should we not be as Mary in Luke 2:46-55?  And Mary said; My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.  For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud and the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever.

Now she saw in her faith her Savior that was within her with her already and acting as Savior…..No doubt, she had to walk among the women who were gossiping on her condition……. Did they not know their God was with them- Was He listening to their naysaying or were they saying – this must be God because…….. we know her ?

She spoke all generations shall call me blessed while her generation was probably not….. Do we see her faith magnifying our King? Yes!!  His Spirit is within us as His Seed was within Mary.

In every situation, He is with us. In every thought and response, our God is with us.  In every waking moment, He is with us.  In our sleeping, He visits us with dreams of His heart and revealing ours…… Our God is with us and within us.

Do we say Hi?  Do we say and sigh, I love you Lord and I am so grateful, You are here and within me.  You did the inconceivable so I could be with You and know You this day and all days.  You are the God of the impossible.  You are My God.  Praise be Yours forever and ever.

Our belief and unbelief is known by Him……. by our actions and words. Our soul always magnifies something.  I pray that our soul magnifies Him and Him alone.

Mary saw with the eye of faith – speaking what was not seen as seen- Her Savior was very seen in her eyes before He was even born!….. She knew Him. She was given the God kind of faith which helped her through the heart breaker and sword piercing which was in her days with her Son, our Savior and hers.

The Gospel of John reveals the heart of our Lord more than the other gospels.  He wept is written in chapter 11…. His last earthly prayer before His cross is written in this gospel.  Holy Spirit reveals the heart of man in John’s gospel and the need of redemption  as well as the heart of God searching  to bring back His children to Himself.

The Holy Spirit depicted often in John’s Gospel the use of women and the Mary’s to reveal the state of His people’s coldness of heart versus His desire of how He wanted  His people to be. There is much symbolism to show us how He viewed His people at that time. As well as  His plan that He was revealing from up His sleeve and manifesting through His Son!

Study and see the women symbolized His nation that was far from their God and the Mary’s who walked in faith toward Him. The preparing the people to be married to their God through Jesus Christ is known here….. and yes- this means you and me…… Heads up!

Holy Spirit reveals the Son of whom was sent by the Father is the only Way and is the Truth and Light in the account from John.  This same God who sent His Son and who gave us the Gift of His Spirit….. is within us….. so we may know the Truth and the Light that illuminates our Way which is His will for us.

The Lord Himself stopped to answer a blind man’s call…… The Lord turned and asked what may I do for you?   The blind man spoke, give me sight. The Lord did as the return of the man’s sight was gradual but the Lord did not leave him until his sight was fully restored.

We must ask from our King for our sight so we may see Him….. Ask Him for Son glasses.

The knowledge of the King is with us and within us…… is a gradual revealing of His will for us this day.   We are not left here without Him….. He is with us.

He has not stopped reviving the dead who call out His name. He has not stopped healing the sick that call out for Him and stand in His name.  He has not stopped answering those who are seeking Him with a heart of need.  He answers….. If He is not answering……. Keep on knocking….. Keep on seeking…..The problem is not with Him……It is in our hearing and knowing Him…. so let us draw closer and listen.

I have been His for over thirty years; He has never not answered me….. I ask a lot of questions and seek Him for a lot of stuff in His Word and to other matters…… He has never not answered me…. He has said no to me and yes, but it has never been a dial tone or a busy signal….

He knows how I need Him so much.   He has become my Everything…. I will go where He sends me and not go where He says no……  I must obey for He is my Everything.

I dare not go to man for what God only can do.  My soul will magnify the Lord.  Yours too? Fantastic!

Why? Because He is watching and listening so He may show Himself strong on the behalf of those who are seeking and calling on Him as written in Chronicles….. Look it up!

Prayer or talking with God is not easy on the flesh…… God’s timing is His and He abides in eternity…. So we learn patience and honor for the One who has named all the stars and also holds the body of Christ in His right hand.

Sometimes  it is to wait and be silent and allow the Uncreated  One to speak and it may not be reply to us but it is of His heart He reveals… then we may pray His heart over the peoples.

Yes, we come O Lord, speak to us, for we are waiting and listening.

Beloved, He is calling us to come up here to where He is….. This is not a little thing for His people….. Obey His call and see what He will reveal of Himself to those who hear His whisper in the night and through their day….. If the hand of the Lord says stay so I AM will show you things you do not know….

Do we stay or do we go?

Do we wash our eyes in the pool of Siloam and obey?  Or do we get our sight and go on our way ?

Our Lord is mighty and strong, but when the Spirit says- this is the way I AM wants you to go… It blows our heart out of its hardness for the King has called us to gather unto Him today…. Do we go or do we stay?

Do we make the excuses that have been written for our exhortation through out the Gospels? Do we turn and go and ignore the warning from His Spirit?

Do we exercise the fear of the Lord today?  Or is it that we call it legalism to obey His whisper…. I certainly do not want to run from Him. Then to hear His thunder rumbling because I cannot hear Him speaking and then be a part of them that said I heard it thunder.

Our King is not a respecter of people but a respecter of faith…….Our God is so good. Think about such a great God that we have and how He desires to be with us every minute and in every day and night we live and breath through…… How can we refuse such an offer?

But, beloved, we do….. when our focus gets too horizontal and we do not step out of the horizon.  We must look up and bow before the heavens and behold His beauty.

He shakes and bakes our world, so we may know what we are standing on- the sand or the Rock of ages.   Do not fear the shaking, for He is with us.

His Spirit is as a huge white horse with a brilliant white glowing glistening mane and He is shaking His mane as He rises up.  His shaking causes the winds to blow and move the chaff from the wheat….. Keep your eyes on the wheat and store His Words deep in to our heart….. This is where He is.

Turn to the Whisper  which may cause this and that to go astray…… They are not needful in this hour and day.  Be quiet in our souls and listen for the way we should go.  Do not be heighten in agitation or excuses, let them go and loose them.  Bind His Spirit’s sound to you now. Know the knocking on the door of your heart, stir yourself up from your sleep and open the lids of your eyes….. for He has come to speak with you awhile. Write the vision down for it will not tarry…. Learn to obey His voice today.

Know Him above all the winds that blow the chaff away.  Know Him this day who has called you up here.  Sit with Him and then you will know His ways.   Sit with Him and you will know the Light who lights your path.  Sit with Him and know His Word and the Truth then you shall speak….. He is listening today how you magnify Him.

Our words should be His and these alone bring His Word to pass.

Heavenly Father,

We come and bow to Your greatness and love.  You are worthy of all our praise and honor and thanksgiving….. We have gone astray and You remain faithful.  You gave us Your Son to be our Lord and Savior. What a sacrifice You have given us in Him.  We are forever grateful for Your love and faithfulness.   Where we did not know where to turn- You showed up and said turn here to Him….. and gave us Your Spirit to dwell within us  so we may never be far again.

Thank You for empowering us to know You as the great God You are.  Thank You for Your Wisdom and knowledge being put into us so we may see You as the One and only True Living God in this universe……. Yet, You have called us Yours and to come close….. Lord, we ask for more grace to come running to You and to stay and behold Your Love in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and yet, He is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords…… Oh, Lord, yes, we come.  How can we refuse as we see Your smile towards us and Your hand gesturing us to sit. Oh, yes we come.  We come to learn of You and be known by You.

Amen and Amen.


My Children,

Can you capture yesterday? Can you hold your fist tightly on the morrow? Do you own this day?   The gift of today, I lay at your feet, to do with it what you need and desire. What a gift to I AM, when you turn and lay your day and your desires back into My hands.

Where the desires of Your King are written on your hearts and minds. As is My head so does My body. My body follows the intents of My heart, do not be deceived.

The flesh profits nothing. My Words are Spirit and Truth.  They take aflight when they try to enter a heart of stone.  They will fly unto a place where I AM has been called and this heart becomes My home.

Is the strength of your walk for all that you have accomplished or is it found in the joy I AM is here with you and answers your prayers…… Is the strength in all that you do or does it rest in the power of the Most High who does the miracles this day?

Do you align with those who deny My power ?  My son, Paul, thought of My purpose only.  He saw the flesh alight over My people in Corinth.  He saw how they bit and chewed each other up and then smiled being filled with My Spirit and being endowed with My talents.  Nay, this should not be.   Again, I desire love and unity among the brethren and not gossip and deceit laid against the brethren.   Nay, this should not be found in My people.  If I AM the head, then you must be found set apart and holy in Me as My body.

If you are using others to feign your importance to Me……..You are not found in Me. Woe, for the humble will be exalted for all to see as well as the pride will be humbled and all shall see.

This spirit is not found in My body. This is to your shame that you have lack of knowledge of I AM this day but you are on high and rest in the religion of the day. You must be found in I AM as then you do things I AM’s way not from the flesh do you arise but, only when I AM is by your side. Then your life is hidden in Me and saved from the enemy.

If there is no persecution in your day, then I AM questions how much Word is found abiding in you? I AM searching for I AM  today.  For the Word’s sake, persecution comes….. Prove Me this day!  My Word does not bend or change for any at all for any time.   I AM does not change.  If you are not experiencing persecution, how much AM I in you this day? My son, Paul, spoke how I AM revealed His Son in Him and do you see how much trouble came to him because of Me?

How hard a time does the rich have to abound in Me? Their riches are not the key for entry. Do you not see the shackles that hold you down are the riches that you hold instead of Me.  Where I AM, there is freedom indeed.   Greed is not from Me. Transparency is what I AM desires….. for I AM sees all.  Pray in My Light you will be found as My sons and daughters of light.

What you give to the forgotten will be seen by all….. Do you not know the poor hold the faith of God?  Why do you hold on to the world whose  chains that will pull you down.

If you sit down with Me, you will see how special you are to Me. You will not have to put down and lie against your brother and sister….. You will welcome them in to your heart and not deceive them as they walk away to another.

If you sat down with Me all your striving to be some one would flee….. You would be enraptured by My love for you and see….. all Mine is yours and will be for all of days. You will rest in  joy to be known this day as Mine as your fullest delight.

If you sit down with Me, you would be come all that I AM has called you to be.  You would then see the worth and presents others before you are to Me.

If you sit down with Me, the value of what you do for Me will suddenly flee but what you hear then do is what will last for all eternity because it is of Me. You will find your joy to be full in Me.

If you sit down with Me and learn the value of being with Me is greater than all you do. Then the envy and jealousy toward others will die and be replaced with who I AM has called you to be. Then you fit in My body perfectly.   The same that tried Me are the same that  will try you this day…… Be glad and rejoice when all speak against you as they did your King….. They were afraid of I AM taking their reign……. My children, who is here with you today?

As I AM has spoken to you, know there will be those who will try to make you stumble and fall but be not those who do that call, be the ones that lift the fallen and love them through it all.

The King of heaven visits My dove, with  delight and knowledge that people would give all their substance for, but alas, I choose My dove who has eyes only for Me and they will not be deceived. Money holds no power nor does the fame……. They know the True power of I AM as well as being known in Me is all they need…… They have laid down their all for lost as they chose their high calling in I AM to be their gain….. They have gained all I AM this day…

They are hidden in I AM from all the deception for they are My bright and shining shields found surrounding Me today and always. These are My friends and My people who have a heart after Me….. There is no delay in their speech for it is from Me.  They have set their hearts to please their King….. If any oppose  them on their stand, they bring I AM with them…They still stand.

Children, let go of your fight. There is no good thing in your flesh…… if there was, I AM would be there….. Let go of your struggle to prove that your deeds are worthy of My kingdom to all.  Lay down your life in the cross of My Son, I AM, and then rise into My bride.  She alone reigns with Me for she is out of My side.

Do you not know I AM did what My Father told Me and as I AM did then, I command you to hear and then do as I AM commands…… Rest in Me and then you shall know Me and do what I AM says for you to do….. As My head is so is My body….. As I AM in the world, so are you.

Know My saying- for if we died with Him, we should also live with Him. If we endure, we shall reign with Him, if we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.

I AM that I AM. Do not be deceived I AM not as I AM was….. I AM ALL  I AM ever was and is and is to come.  But I AM comes to you to come and be with I AM today…… I AM has many things to show you but you are not ready….. Sit with I AM and be all I AM has called you to be for then you shall see  as I AM sees……

Thank you for coming to Me and listening. The seat is waiting and I AM delights in you, please come and let your delight be in Me.