
Are We Searching For The Great Prophet Or Great Profit?

It is written in Philippians 3:7, But what things were gain to me, I have counted loss for Christ. Also Jesus said in Matthew 16:26, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

The Lord’s third love letter is as a sharp two-edged sword to His people, ( Revelation 2:12).  We have to learn to take our medicine from the Great Physician. As a doctor is an expert on our physical well being, so is the Holy Spirit with our spiritual health.  When a doctor gives us medicine, it may be bitter going down, however, it is health to our body.  If we want to remain sickly, we do not take the medicine. That would be quite foolish.

The Lord is so patient and loving to us as a mother is with a sick child.  But the mother will give the medicine even if the child refuses. No matter if the child is quite angry at her, the medicine will get down into the child.  The Word of God, which is symbolized as the double edged sword is our medicine.  We have to take His Word and let the Word work in us to separate our spirit from our flesh. We are learning to the walk in the Spirit of God and not our old ways in this life.

Who is our Prize now? Who is our Bread now? Who is our profit now? What is our heart searching for? What is this manna that is promised in this letter represent?  What is this name and stone as a promise mean?

There are so many questions— get your bible and study the book of Revelation. Get my book to help unravel some of the mysteries of our Great Prophet… Seek HIM as your great gain now!