
AT-TEN-TION ! Our Commander In Chief Has Entered Our Presence!

What will He see as He enters our places of worship, our homes, our hearts? A battalion ready for preparing His way? A host of disciplined children/ army in the Spirit standing on the Truth of the Word and knowing our warfare is spiritual and not carnal?…..Will we notice that He comes to embrace us? Will we know His embrace and His love for us?

Will He find us studying our navel’s? Attempting to try to fix ourselves still? Have we accepted our death on the cross and the reborn nature of God to be our strength in every weakness, which are a lot? As the Lord said, the flesh profits nothing. Are we the mighty men, ( women), of God, weak in ourselves but strong in Him? Strong in prayer, strong in faith and belief of convictions because we know He is within us?

What if  fighter pilots in our armed forces kept trying to  correct themselves in flight? Disaster magnified, right?  They rely on the skilled training of their superior officers and the radar that sees what they don’t….What if they were flying they thought, hmmm….. Can I do this manuever, what if I do it wrong? Maybe I didn’t get my patience to work yet….. Maybe I ,I, I, I, I….It is not about I, or me or my……. It is about Him, the RADAR, He will guide and lead us…. He works His work through us in flight/ faith.

No, it would be a disaster to let that mindset of doubt and self focus behind our fighter jets….. Our mind set has to be on our Lord, a fixed gaze, so we are looking and calling HIM, HIM, HIM, HIM! Listening for our next step and move….listening for His heart to know what to pray and walk out in faith, not just for us, for the body of Christ, the nations…..Complete our mission from His plan. He will enable us to be all we need to be-in Him- for Him to accomplish His purpose….

The pilot relies on his or her training and the discipline of the school. As we are to also rely on our training, the word of God, and lean heavily on the Holy Spirit within, to complete the mission…… It is not about us and trying to fix ourselves…. What if Gideon’s army of three hundred started to stop to question themselves and lost focus on God’s instructions for the coming battle? The battle is not up to ourselves, our God fights our battles… All we have to do to is go to the front lines, follow His instructions and stand in our belief that the mountain will be moved. The walls will fall down because of the name we call on that is above all others, Jesus Christ.

Our fight is on our knees. Our discipline is to stay in prayer and faith knowing that all we have asked and believed our God for will be accomplished. Do not let go of Him until righteousness has budded forth from His hand….. Do not give up. Do not give in. It will take all perseverance and true grit to remain in prayer and wait in faith. But He will answer, because He rewards our faith.

Do we have the discipline? Do we have the perseverance? Do we have the guts to stand through the trials of our Lord Jesus? The trials that come to us are for us to bear the same reproach as our Lord. We do not in ourselves have anything to make it, but He in us, all things are possible….. It’s HIM>


Do we need a committee before we pray, or do we just pray- talk to our Heavenly Father as we would our own earthly father or friend? Have we experienced the sweet taste of answered prayers in our life with our God as our Heavenly Father? How sweet the taste of victory when we know how our God hears our cries and by declaring the name of the Lord Jesus Christ- which every knee has to bow….. The enemy is silenced and removed….. How sweet the victory….How great the mission joined with our God.

A man came from Defence of the Bible to Mr. Spurgeon and asked him to become vice president of the organization. Mr. Spurgeon’s reply, My dear brother does a lion need defending? Just loose Him, and that it all that is necessary………Amen! Our faith looses our God.

What if one day, your earthly father called you….( Now if your earthly father was not okay, pretend or use a godly superior in place.) He calls you and said, hi son or daughter, I want you to know how I love you so, more than this world….. But I have to let you know they have locked me away here. They have barred my way…… We think how could they do that?

Then we would ask, who did this? So we would confront them, right? Hey, let my father out….. right? He never answers but shows you where he is….. A hospital.. They have locked him in a room in the hospital, so he cannot do anything. They have barred HIS way!

Now, what would we do, if we could? In the flesh, we would probably handle it, but this is more a spiritual matter…. A hospital represents the church…. So who would “they” be that barred our God?

Yes, again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power: the day He redeemed them from the enemy,          ( Psalm 78:41-42).

When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works?

Now He did not do many works there because of their unbelief, ( Matthew 13:54,58).

And when He come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to Him, Yes, Lord. Then He touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith let it be to you,        ( Matthew 9:28-29).

The way we persevere  through our faith and experience of our Lord is by living with Him. The reason we will fly another mission is because the last one He brought us through. Not by our might, skill or power but by the Spirit of the Lord. But one important key to victory is our experience of hearing the Lord’s instructions as we are in flight so we obey above all. It is always, Yes Sir!

We first learn His discipline within ourselves then He takes us into the fighting arena of the heavenlies, always with Him… We have been tested on our skills of our faith to call on His name and stand, knowing the enemy has to back off and submit to the name that is above all names…..the Lord Jesus Christ.  The fight is not ours…..

It is not our great dialogue of words, it is One Name that is above all powers in all nations….. The Lord Jesus Christ, our King of glory.

We could not get off the ground in any plane without the engine, right? Well, the engine is the Holy Spirit within us. We have to be in His Holy Spirit School…… We have to be trained in His discipline, the Lord’s discipline…..His ways are triumphant. So we follow His ways, right? Right!

We are the Lord’s army. Any army waits for the  direct orders before any move. The enemy of darkness has his rank and file also….Who’s army is more diligent?

The Lord’s ways would put our American Admirals and Generals in a head spin….. March around the city for seven days and the walls will fall down….. Go up against a giant with 5 stones and a sling…… Take down a tremendous army with only three hundred men and some torches and broken lanterns. A warrior and his armor bearer took down 20 men in ½ an acre of land in the enemy’s camp. Also, go this way around the mulberry bushes! They all triumphed in battles because they obeyed and in faith went forward.

Faith is stronger than any man made artillery. If you question that, ask any military officer that has returned from war and stood on Psalm 91.  We have the strongest weapon in our quip, if we get up and move out of comfort into the adventure of God.

He has a plan, we are either helping it manifest or helping His enemy. Someone very wise said, for evil to triumph, all that has to be done is good men do to nothing. Our something is by all prayer and supplications let our request be known unto God!

All of these victories written in the word were because they knew God was with them. They either followed the orders, or took a leap of faith, that with God, they can achieve the victory for God’s camp, even if they were out numbered.

This is such a time that we can live the word of God out before us….Let’s let GOD out of the box that we have put Him…… by our unbelief…. Let us repent and get our work out in our faith muscles…. It will hurt for a while, but will produce the fruit our Heavenly Father is seeking!  He loves to reward those of faith for it is written: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, (Hebrews 11:6).

All is possible with God, even with us as His army! He is the Force and the Power, we are His broken lanterns illuminating His Light. So the sooner we leave trying to fix ourselves and get into rank and file. He will make His motley crew into His faithful witnesses…. It is not about us being perfect but mature in the knowledge of God….

The knowledge of God is the beginning of all wisdom and fear of the Lord. The help is not from our past, it is gone by His blood. The help is not in our stockpiling for the future, our days are numbered and belong to Him. He is our future and our Exceedingly Great Reward. Do we believe He has us in His hands? Do we truly?

He who descended is also One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and some teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, ( Ephesians 4: 10-13).

We will be perfected by Christ, not to be perfect in our selves, but to be filled up with Him as our fullness, His perfection reigns in and through us!

Should we start to see the reality of our situation by keeping God in a box or the place that we feel comfortable in keeping Him. Do we dare to allow Him to intrude past Sunday mornings and bible study on Wednesday’s into our lives? Dare we, humbly ask Him to forgive us for not allowing Him to reign over us ?   Not allowing Him to work His work in us?  Do we mean business with the Lord of hosts?

Are we are willing to sacrifice and forego T.V., fun times, sports, games, shopping, sleep, to be available when He needs us on our knees? Do we mean business on changing the course for the Lord’s people or not?

Do we leave what is vain and go join His rank? Do we wonder if Satan is laughing at his succesful plot to keep the Lord’s people distracted, especially the youth, with all the technology available? Evil’s plot of being so busy, that there is nothing left for God in our hearts, minds, let alone our lives….. is  B- being ,U- under, S- Satan’s, Y- Yoke…..Hmmmmm.

The mighty men and women who will follow the lead of the Holy Spirit by faith as His army will achieve great exploits for His glory. Hey, sometimes we do not need to leave our home, but we have to leave the earthly distractions and be available…. What is important?

Allowing our Heavenly Father and His Spirit reign in our lives to spread victories for future generations by removing the mountains today ? He entered into time to capture us, and gave us life beyond time…….Is He due our time?

Our justification to do this or that to waste time will slow our progress. Being honest here regarding this country, do we have time to waste or is it time to tighten our belt straps and roll up our sleeves like our nation’s predecessors? Do we see the signs of the times?

Look what sacrifice this country was built on. Ponder the great faith that simple men and women stood for to start the nation of America knowing God will take care of them. He made a way for them even through hardship because to stay where they were, they refused!…… Do we stand in that great faith now? God has not changed! God was not put in a box by their unbelief, we all thank God for those mighty people that ventured out to find a way to worship God in a new land.

When Jesus walked the earth, it was quite noted, that most of the faith that He encountered and was astounded were outside the Israelites…… Jesus Christ also stated, when He returns will He find faith on this earth?

Was this comment  made by Jesus  for us to ponder regarding us today? Would His own people, believers of King of kings, Christ Jesus, loose their faith,hope, and belief as the Israelites did when He walked the earth?

As Peter said, be it not so, Lord!

Or we can go on as business as usual as the Lord spoke in Noah’s day….. Or we can awaken to the signs of the times and make a way for the generations to follow to live in peace in worshiping our God and His only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ…..

Jesus Christ died and so did we with Him on the cross over two thousand years ago…Do we live in the newness of His life so the truth of God is confirmed in us. We die daily but we also grow in the newness of His life daily.  Our death to our ways is progressive as His growth in us. What does that look like in real life?

Die to controlling our lives and live unto His. Die in our comfortable life, turn to Him for our only Comfort. Die to being king of our compartmental lives, allow Him to govern our mornings, afternoons, nights, evenings, nights and even our weekends!!!! Die to doing what we want, when we want, and live unto the Great Rewarder in trust.

Die to our self image to others, allow Him to fill us with His image. Die to our fear of men and live to the Great Audience of One! Die to our foolish plans of the future and trying to control, allow Him to be our Inheritance and Future. If we have been given everything we need today, He will so do the same tomorrow, by our trust and faith in Him. Die to trusting our own intelligence and reasoning mind, allow God to be our mind in Christ….

Are we living as the Word of God instructs, God being number ONE….. If Paul or Daniel came to our home today….. what would their response be- pleased or shocked by our life style? Well, One greater is in our midst, do we see Him? Let’s really make time to make the Word of God our Food and Sustenance instead concern of food for the body alone.

Die to the fear of loosing our health, allow the Healer to live in us to restore our health and our souls.

Die to the fear of death, as Christ Jesus stole death and has the keys, so we can live free in Him, escaping the second death……So there is no fear in the first, if we trust Him.



THEN IF YES> call on Him, we pray and we stand for You to bring Your plan, Heavenly Father, to fruition in the lives of Your people.

Every time, we want to complain or gab about the state of affairs, let us turn to prayer…. Let our words count and not be idle… Let us go to the One who is the Controller and Ruler of all men and their doings. The hearts of the kings are in His hand and He determines what course they will take as written in Proverbs.

In prayer, we ask and thank our Father, that evil has to submit to the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. His evil works are bound by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father as darkness raises his ugly head, You already have a plan. May we have ears to hear and a heart to understand to  follow You in faith. We stand our ground knowing that the name of Jesus Christ every knee has to bow and submit.The plans and works of evil are bound and will not prosper…. So we thank You and need You. Help us keep the focus on heavenly things, knowing that You have heard our prayer and evil is bound and backing away.

We love You, Heavenly Father. We are sorry that we put You in a locked room with our unbelief… Father, please help our unbelief….. Teach us to increase our faith so we are prepared and fully equipped with the prayer knowledge that is needed for the times we live….. In Jesus Christ’s name, we ask and pray… Give us the strength to keep close, so close we hear You and know Your great embrace…. Give us eyes to see You are here with us…. You have entered! Give us the ears to capture Your words. Give us Your strength so we are strong to carry Your instructions out and complete our mission. In Jesus Christ’s name, we ask and thank You. We love You.

The  Holy Spirit speaks, let us hear what He has to say: Let Him OUT! Equip our faith in our mighty God! Hear Him roar!


P.S. When Jesus entered the temple and overthrew the money changers. He did not say, It is written My house shall be a house of preaching  or a house of teaching. He called His house a house of prayer for all nations….. it was allowed to be made into a den of thieves…. Our Father is looking for worship in Spirit and Truth- communion with Him, which is a life of prayer to Him, where He is – is the Kingdom of God……( Mark 11:17). We are His temple now as stated in 2 Corinthians.

This is an urgent warning to His people today……… Loose our God in our hearts and lives….Let Him loose, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, will take care of business through us!