
But Then I Shall Know Just As I Am Known….

What does this 1 Corinthians 13:12 scripture have to do the first chapter of 1 Corinthians 1;5-8?  Here are the verses: that you were enriched in every thing by Him, in speech and knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of  our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of the our Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul doesn’t want us lacking any reward that we can reap from the Holy Spirit.  The word gift is also interchangeable with the word reward… The same meaning is for the gifts of the Holy Spirit referenced in 1 Corinthians 12.  That word reward makes us meditate a little bit….

In school, we get a reward of our works….our work gets graded.  The teacher’s prerogative is to give us a passing or failing grade. They usually measure  the depth of our understanding of the subject. So does the Teacher that was sent to us, the Holy Spirit.

What do you think the understanding of our Subject is that the Holy Spirit is measuring? How is the fruit of our testing? That is the trying out  of our knowledge and all speech of our Subject?   Selah…..

In our culture, we think gifts come to us in a different way. In America, we get gifts at Christmas, usually even if we have been bad! We get gifts for our birthday, when God has really numbered our days. We making it through another year is not really of our hard work! The Almighty God is the only giver of our breath and days on this earth.

The reward of the measure or grade of our faith in walking  the ways of  the King’s kingdom is the Holy Spirit’s job.

My question is what do you think the Holy Spirit uses as a “answer sheet” to our testing? Do you think our diligence or lack there of is important to the Holy Spirit as it would be to a good teacher in our school system? If so, what will catch a pleasing eye of the Holy Spirit towards a student?
