We have now completed the study on the letters from Jesus Christ to His people, His body, His church, His bride…… I put you before a thought….and a question…..
Can the letters to His people be interpreted as a possible progressive spiritual road map of an ascension journey to His Mount Zion?….When we leave behind the baggage of the world’s ways and thinking so we can achieve to climb higher and higher in the Spirit.
In all the letters, the Lord has given us choices, you can overcome here and receive His rewards or not. He is watching for overcomers, just as a good commanding officer sees the right material in a private to make a great officer. He will watch him,test and try him so the best strength of that officer is surfaced in his character.
I have climbed hills and mountains. As I climb higher and higher, I am very glad I am only carrying what I need to get to the destination on the top plateau. The air is sooo different than at sea level. I believe it is the same as in the Spirit of attaining our ascension to Mount Zion.
We need the endurance and the Lord’s true grit( His Spirit) to keep going. Even when all seems to be against our climb….. and attaining our goal….. But the Lord is watching to see if we will ask for His grace and strength, endurance to take one more step up in faith. See the Lord’s walk on Calvary was an ascension climb, even though it looks like His walk was downward…. No, it was the steepest climb up to the Father…..bowing down and laying down His life was in the Spirit the greatest climb in ascending in the Spirit…
We in ourselves are not capable of such love without Him, His Spirit, yet…. hence, the trials and adversities proving us…. However, in our weakness the Lord’s strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12;9)….. So come on, let us root out our American pride and bow down and go high. We can’t do it, He can through us, so let us let Him, let Him be King!
Now that the battles of our will is gone, we can get on with the Lord’s purpose for His bride, His army, His body, us! Now many are called, and few are chosen…..as He has said…. but why? The reference I mentioned of the commanding officer keeping his eye on a private that has the making of a great officer. Some choose to allow these trials to mold us into our Father’s purpose, His Son’s image and some run from it.
Look at 2 Corinthians and all the letters from Paul, the Lord had chosen Paul and was proving Christ in him through all the trials and tribulations he conquered. Paul never let go of the Lord. He was like the ever ready energizer bunny, that kept going and going until he got to the top plateau of Mount Zion. He layed down his life for the name of the Lord. He won by the sufficient grace and power of our Lord….. so can we……selah!
Why is Lord suggesting a place for us to overcome ? What is His purpose? Could it be, that He really desires us to be with Him where He is for all eternity…… YES!!!! He Wants YOU!
There is place that is in the heart of our Heavenly Father for you and me, beloved….. Don’t forsake the great inheritance we have…. Our life is an adventure on this earth, we are granted the permission of the High King Jesus Christ to be His representatives. We have been given His Spirit, so that the power may be of Him and not mistakenly ours….
As overcomers, we are now the living proof of our God’s never ending love that He shed through His Son on the cross for all sins that banished us from His presence. We are the testimony of His Love and strength that never fails. All of Him, none of me, and that is the way that is got to be. Amen.
Come on, let’s get on our sturdy hiking boots that will able to carry us through the the stony path, through the cliffs, unto the new heights. They will also keep our feet dry crossing the fresh bubbling streams running down from the throne. Do not fear for as the enemies and beasts are larger up here so is our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, for He is also with us, closer than our breath.
Pick up our shield and buckler for we are securely fitted for the battle. Use the Word of God and the Sword of the Spirit for our battles against the evil one always conquering evil with good. Remember, in the heat of adversities, the joy of the Lord is our strength for in His presence is the fullness of joy. The battle plans and the strategies of the Holy One are our prayer. Our lives showing our righteous living for the Lord is our conquering strength, for the evil one will also find nothing that he has hold of in us….. for the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
We have the ears to hear what His Holy Spirit is saying to us….. We have the eyes of vision of the Lord, as we are living in His words of knowledge, wisdom, faith and discernment. We are the branches that provide the healing leaves for the nations that are held captive. We are the freedom fighters cutting the ties that bind others by the power of our King Jesus’ name. We speak His language as a hidden code that can never be deciphered by the enemy, but we speak wonders into the atmosphere. We have intimate fellowship with the One who knows all things that are to come and we are privy to the end from the beginning…… So we know who wins, but let us grow to be strong in the Lord, so many may join to follow the Lord also.
Hello,…… we are overcomers, beloved, by our faith….. which has been given to us in abundance as our sustenance in this climb up to Mount Zion, …. We can do it, Jesus Christ did it and made the way for us to achieve and overcome this world……. HOORAH!
Let’s do it for His name sake!!!! Showing all : WE LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST! THERE IS NO GOD LIKE YOU!!!!!!