
Did You Ever Know When You May Be Skating On Thin Ice? CRACK! Then It May Be Too Late!!

The Bible reveals all of God’s thoughts, desires and the intents of His heart toward us, His creation.  He is not far away that He did not reveal the way He wants us to live…. He is not too far up there somewhere….. and not too deep down there for us to hear and understand when He speaks to each one of us….. You may not believe in Jesus Christ…


I have to ask why?

I have to ask why because I always ask why?  Ask God and my husband…

All other religions have a person or some idol god they worship or put up as the end all…. They always have the sayings that coincide with  that religion….. Our One True Eternal God is  different…

Why? Now you ask….

And I say- I am so glad you asked, because I will tell you.

In my life, I heard of Jesus Christ….. I was taught that He was God, etc…. But it wasn’t until I called out to the One True Living God, that I knew to believe in Him…. He showed up and I experienced first hand, His saving hand and love and forgiveness….. Then I went to seek and learn from Him. As written in John 14, He manifested Himself to me…. I called out – if He was God, please help me…… He took me up into His arms and bestowed His grace on me…….. I experienced Him- then I really believed…. HE IS GOD.

Every religion teaches their sayings but the god, or person, does not give an experience….. They can’t…. They are not alive.. Jesus Christ is alive and reigning through this generation that are His “called out ones” and will till the end of time and then forevermore.

If we do not believe there are airplanes to fly us everywhere around the globe,…. we will never search them out and take a flight to get somewhere….. This is the same of Jesus Christ. If we do not know He is among us and ready to manifest Himself as scriptures writes- to those who love Him… He will not—- because we are not asking Him ….

As written in Romans 10:5-13: For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law, the man who does these things shall live by them.

But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, do not say in your heart, who will ascend into heaven? ( that is,  to bring down Christ from above) or who will descend into  the abyss? ( that is, to bring up Christ up from the dead).

But what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith in which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus  and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with the heart on believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, whoever believes on Him shall not be put to shame.

John 14:21 speaks to us: He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him….

Now, before Saul was changed into Paul, it is written in Acts, how he went around persecuting the followers of Jesus Christ…However, Jesus Christ showed up mightily to Paul. Jesus Christ called Saul/Paul to be one of His called out ones.

God is the End from His Beginning…… He has called us to be what we are to be from the End, not when we finally have the scales removed from our eyes to see His revealing Presence to us. He speaks of things as they are, when they are not – yet- so they shall be as He sees them.

So, I say again, if you are awake through the night….. Seek Him…… Go to Him this day…. Do not wait, I pray, you seek Him this day.  He will calm your fears and concerns for He knows what is going on with you and will help you keep His peace…. Trust Him, He will bring you through all of life here by depositing His power by His Spirit with in us to overcome the world and it’s ways .    We will walk in His ways and be a victor as our King is victorious

We experience our God first, then somehow by knowing Him, we must believe…. His Spirit of grace pours His love into our hearts and we turn and see the Voice who speaks to our hearts.    Remember, He is not far…He is closer to us than our breath….. He sees all and knows all and knows our ending and neverending stories from the Beginning.  Do not fear, He is drawing you close to Him this day…. His hold on us is stronger than any deception of evil  which masks the Truth from our heart…. He is daily before us revealing the Truth….We must not lean on our feelings for our feelings are fleeting, but His presence and His ways are forever.

We can trust Him.  We may never understand all things or get our whys? answered. But He always answers our faith. ALWAYS.

Did you know?…. God is our Healer.  God is our righteousness.  God is our Best Friend. God is our Warrior. God is our Protector.  God is our Banner.  God is our Provider.   God is our Everything and Beyond….. Did you know how close He is?   CLOSER THAN YOUR BREATH! It is very obvious our King is very involved with our days and nights…. Our hurts, our anger, our fears to show He is greater than all of our weaknesses for it is written in our weaknesses His power is made perfect.   Do not turn away from such a love that can never be measured or stopped that is for you today and always. He is also an Enemy to our carnal mind….. Do not take my word for it- look it up.

In the Beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the Beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing that was made was made.  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it, ( John 1:1-5).

John the Baptist saw the dove descend upon Jesus as He was baptized….. He then told the world he was involved in- to make straight the way of the Lord,( John 1)..……… I cry out to you, please make straight the way of the Lord to your heart…… Let Him in as written in Revelation chapter 4:20-22:, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

When we were children, we did not understand how adamant our parents were if we were playing in a light socket……. They came running to us, probably shouting, NO! NO! NO! Then they quickly scooped us up in their arms to protect us from the danger….. We can recollect hearing our parents screaming at us to watch the cars fast approaching on us as we were playing in the street…… We were so busy being children, we did not heed the reasons for their heightened concern….We did not understand about how we could get burned or destroyed by a vehicle….. We were not aware….. Our heavenly Father is very aware of how evil attempts to get us in deception and believe lies….For example:

Do all roads lead to heaven?   If that is the truth,  then any road I take will take me to California, right?  Nope………

I am a good person, I will go to heaven….. Okay…. As I wrote about the commandments before…… Did we ever lie, gossip, bear false witness?  Did we ever steal?  Did we ever covet?   No not one is righteous….. Okay, then we need a Savior who took our penalty of death- He did- Jesus Christ…… If we believe and confess He is Lord and obey the two commands He left us….Love God with all we got, have and are.. ( my paraphrase) and love our neighbor as we love ourselves…..We are found righteous in God’s eye because Jesus Christ is righteous and we live and abide in Him, the Word of God….. We know the Word because we love Him…. We are not fair weather believers…. We are zealous for the Uncreated One who loved us before we knew what love was, but now we know what His love is as we experience Him.. Praise Him forever.

Can we live and defy our God and still be okay when we die? May I ask you if you know about the escape from the second death represents?   Or how about, He does not know what I did?…. How can He forgive Me……?

He knows the End from the Beginning and He is the End and He is the Beginning….. There is no God but Him and He knows all things and still took the crown of thorns and nails in His hands and feet for you…… No sin is greater  than His grace and more powerful than His blood. But speaking for myself, it is written, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God after trampling the precious blood of Jesus Christ as nothing…… Wisdom is a good thing. Be wise.

Come to Him……. Act of the will is needed by us…..Not feelings.   Our will gets us up in the morning and go to the refrig…… Our will gets us on our humble knees and calls out for His presence and help in our time of need.

May God bless you abundantly and richly in the knowledge of our Father God and Savior King Jesus Christ. May you grow in His grace.

Do not be deceived…. Eternity is a very long time for a prideful decision that is made now against knowing our God and King  and receiving Him.

He wants you and loves you more than you can think or imagine.   Call unto our King and watch and wait…. I double dog dare you!  You will not be put to shame.

Ask as we open the precious love letter – the Bible- for His Spirit to open our ears to hear and eyes to see what He is speaking to us this day, please?

Meet the Face of Grace today….. He is waiting. He loves you.




The rivers flow from Me and through Me to be through you never stopping or ending …. Come to the waters and get your fill…..Pour forth unto Me your heart for this is My will. Do not stagger and do not hesitate, come to the waters and thirst no more…. My Spirit is delighted to bear My words unto you still….. For do you not know, My Words are written into your hearts when you turn to Me and say I believe? Precious is that tender moment as I AM hears for I AM there… The day when you say, Oh, Lord, I believe.  My heart is fulfilled for the suffering is not in vain for you came to Me. Do you see My smile and know My embrace?

Come and see, how wonderful My life poured forth for you will be… Taste and see how I AM is so good to eat.  Truth is hard but yields a peaceful righteousness for your soul…… Come and see, do not wait to believe to eat and see…..I AM is not stingy as the world portrays. I AM is a thief they say….. but they do not tell you that I AM has stolen  death away.  But life is poured forth for you today…. Jump into My way and shout for joy, you have placed yourself into My keeping today and evermore.   Death has lost its sting on you today…. Shout for joy, you will now learn of Love that has no bounds or ever stops…. You see the ocean and wonder….. Now you will know your I AM and understand My thunder.  You will stand strong in My Word by My might…. Know Me this day and you will always delight in keeping the fight of faith. My will is easy and My burden is light…. …. Your faith in I AM is My pleasure…..without any measure.

Talk to Me all the time, for I AM is listening to your rhyme.  Come to Me all of your minutes, I AM will bring you through and point you to the place of victory, you will know no defeat…. Hear My Words gently lead you through the fields, and the cold and the darkness for your way will always be in My light.   Do not hesitate to answer My call. Faith in My Name is the only way to take away the sting of death……. The wars will come and the earthquakes and the famines, but I AM is there all the way in time. You will triumph victoriously in all I AM…Those who stick close to Me, knew only victory…….Through the eyes of the world and chains of things that bind, they do not see the freedom of the souls that cling to Me.

The way to the top of a view maybe through the desert but you will find My flower flourishing ….. Do not wonder, but know amazingly,  I AM seeing My beloved her bloom…. She shines as My beloved as the noonday sun amongst My land…… Watch and see how she always comes to Me.  My scepter is towards her for all to see. Her faith in I AM has captured My heart .   Come to Me and then you will see all that is to be….. Do not be like the willow in the wind that bows to  this way or that….. Be as My oak  planted in My righteousness that stands through all and still has its leaves for the healing of the nations.

Come and see the lighthouse which I AM’s hand is holding sure and steady as the wind pushes the waves beyond its foundations….. It will remain because I AM is there in its midst to see she sets her light bright for the way to come to Me. My beloved crying out to all – the place designed for their souls are in  My keeping in My cross and beyond. Make straight the highway for the King of glory. And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.

Come to Me…… Hear My call. Hear My Voice crying in the wilderness. Open your hearts to the King of glory.