
Did You Ever Want Something So Much, You Could Taste It?

Many times through my life, I wanted something so bad I could taste it… It did not matter if it was the color of a flower or a shirt or ice cream….!!! Sometimes it felt I could taste it before I could get my hands on it, even if it wasn’t edible!!!! As His Spirit works within us, we should be growing an insatiable hunger for the Lord and what He wants, as Jesus Christ walked in knowing the will of His Father……

The taste of the goodness and knowledge of the Lord in our  and through our lives is not unlike the taste of honey in our mouths…. We can not get enough of Him though He fills us, we want more, right? Amen!

Are we awakening to the life of God as our only Food that satisfies? We have destroyed with a vengeance all that is destroying and distracting us. We want beyond what we see here. We want to see what He sees. We want our view to be the view from heaven. We want to live from where we are from….We want to be with Him, in Him, and from Him in all we say and do. Amen and Amen! For we cannot get enough of His majesty, His wonder, His wisdom….. His love.

Is being in the smack dab middle of the Lord’s will our only meat that satifies? Being in the middle of the Lord’s will is not an easy meat to chew and swallow, but how can we resist so great a love towards us? The obedience to the Word of God is bitter to the flesh, but the cost is worth it. We are now His…… We are -in sink- with the Spirit. What an adventure we have been blessed to live in Him. This is our purpose now, right? Being in the will of God is all that counts once we put our life  in Jesus Christ’s authority and crown Him as our Lord, right?

But He said to them, I have food to eat of which you do not know. Therefore the disciples said to one another, Has anyone brought Him anything to eat? Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work, ( John 4:32-34).

Then Jesus answered and said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner, ( John 5:19).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, ( John 1:1).

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away, ( Mark 13:31).

The Word of God is Eternal….. The more we study or eat the Word of God, the more Christ will be all in all….. in us….The Word of God and His Spirit takes over and is active within us.  We are a fire of the Lord which will not be easily quenched…..

When we read Hebrews, we are instructed in chapter 9:1-4, Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All, which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant.

But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them, then He adds, Their sins and their lawless deeds I remember no more, ( Hebrews 10:15-17).

Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Then I said, Behold, I have come- in the volume of the Book is it written of Me- To do Your will, O God, ( Hebrews 10:5-7).

Numerous times in the New Testament, when the Israelites brought the Tabernacle with them into battle, the enemy’s camp would freak out and panic because our God had a reputation. Sometimes the camp of the enemy was destroyed by an angel because of the prayer and praise of His people during their attack or their need, without visible sight of the Tabernacle. God was with His people then and now!The enemy is quite aware of  how present the Lord is with us. His greatest goal is portray that God is not here, so we may panic….. So who are we going to believe?

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God, ( Hebrews 10:31). Let all know and be aware God is an Awesome God.

The tabernacle of God, Jesus Christ, His Spirit dwells within us…. This is not seen by the visible world, but God sees His Spirit within those that love Him…. Where we are, He is….and that is heaven! Here Am I and the children whom the Lord has given Me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion, ( Isaiah 8:18).

If the temple or tabernacle was a sign of the One True Living God during the Old Testament in the midst of His people, the Israelites?  Then I have to ask, are we not the signs and wonders of the Lord now?….

Of course, we are the visible signs and wonders of the One True God living in our midst…..The church is His visible tabernacle on this earth today….. Christ Jesus lives in us, His body. We are one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as prayed by our Lord in John 17…..

Before you start to argue , do you think any prayer of our Lord’s was not answered? Of course not.  We are one with God, understanding we are in communion with the God head…. Where He is, we are in the Spirit and where we are, He is in the Spirit….. No separation because of our Lord’s precious blood and His Spirit within us…. So do we live according to that truth?

Let us set our mind to know we are with Him and He is with us…. His name is written on our forehead and our heart…. We are His and He is our God- He goes before us and has our backs covered……So when we enter a place, He enters also… When we leave a place, His presence goes with us- unless someone has Him too! Let us remember the presence of the Great I Am is here within us- separately and collectively as His body.

I have become as a wonder to many, but you are my strong refuge, let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day, (Psalm 71:7).

The Word of God came and tabernacled among us….. or became flesh as written in John 1:14. Now He is within us, as we are His visible testimony to all…. We are His signs and wonder….. of His great love for us and the world, through us. We are His temple or tabernacle now…. God has prepared for Him a body…. We are now His body and He is the Head!

The will of God is not some mysterious ethereal way which no one can figure out……His Word is our Standard. His Spirit gives us the courage and strength to overcome so we obey His Word even through any cost. His Word is the Living Word….. He is living with us!

God is loving and simple in His wisdom. Man makes God complicated, but He is loving and gentle to all that call on Him with a pure heart. His standards are high and tough, but His Spirit within is tough in power to raise us to the Standard of Christ.

The baby first learns who their caregivers are- their mom and dad….. Then they learn their boundaries as they grow……The Lord is the same with us….. First, we learn about His great love as our Heavenly Father and grow from there… His Word….by His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit reveals the God of the heavens and earth slowly as we grow. As His Word takes root deeper and deeper in us, the higher our growth towards heaven. Then heaven becomes our reality.

Our view grows as our maturity in trusting and obeying His Word as well as the instructions of obedience and love from the Holy Spirit that comes to us daily. Our flesh doesn’t want to obey the Word of God, it is uncomfortable, but our inner man, our spirit is hungry for His Presence. So the struggle within is overcome daily by our discipline of the fleshly appetites. Just say no!

Our growth depends daily of and in His Presence….Though He is ever with us, our thirst for Him in this dry world, is ever growing and so needful…. The need for Him in His Presence resembles a glass of ice water given to us on a hot day of temperatures way over 100 degrees. Only our God can quench our thirst and hunger. One Word from Him can change everything for ever!

One answer of a prayer can change our life, others lives, the lives of our loved ones, strangers, prisoners, and nations….. if we pray and sit before the King…. His scepter is always held out before us, always welcoming us, always hearing us….As we abide in Him, we can ask what we will, and it shall be granted.

His Presence is always before us to behold and become, if we want Him. We have Him… What a Great Loving King to whom we belong….. Only our God could be so great and so loving….So full of might and power, and yet, so tender and gentle….. Only our God, only our God. The One True Living God is forever deserving of all our praise and obedience all our days.

Lord, behold, you have made me so I may do Your will…. So we come to hear and sit before You, Lord. What is Your heart today? Open our hearts and open our ears to hear Your great voice, my God, my King.

Fill us with Your Word of Life, fill us with You, My King, for nothing else will do, but You, O God!

Thank you for coming children. Thank you for turning the gaze of your heart towards Me. I Am Your mighty God and King, but I Am lowly in waiting for My children to come to Me. Behold, I Am always knocking on Your door….. Many times, no one opens to Me.

I realize My ways are higher and My thoughts are higher and wider, however, they are not beyond your reach. The way I came into time and ascended is the way to understand My kingdom….though I Am still here with you. You know the way ! All things and time will pass away, children, hear Me. But I Am and will always be. I Am where you are tomorrow. I Am your past. I Am your future… Why waist your days on what will not be. These things are here to point you to Me not to be placed in front of I Am. You may not see, but I Am your day….

I have great plans for you to walk through each day…… I have many ways to speak to you, ask for your ears to hear Me….. Pray to know I Am has been talking to you and guiding  you in your life….. Some days, when the clouds are about, you hear. Other days when all is sunny, you turn away.

But I Am here still speaking My Guidance, My Comfort, My love over you. Thank You for coming to hear Me today….. My everloving kindness will not be removed from you. Be still. Know that I Am God. Talk to Me often as I speak to you often. The Great I Am loves you. Tune your ear to hear Me.

You come to be near I AM, as I came to be near My children. Learn and know My love…..Rest in Me as My love surrounds you. As your desire for Me grows, all other desires will dissolve like a puddle in the noonday sun…… Know I Am shakes things that are not, so what remains is, even now. I Am has removed all the iniquity and all the sin, may you realize and live accordingly. I will always increase, all else will decrease because I Am. Come to Me often, I Am waiting… those who wait on I Am will renew their strength like the eagles…. Come, come to Me.

Come to Me with your families at eventide. Come to Me, we will sup together. You will be filled and so the little ones will know Me from the least to the greatest. Come to Me, allow the children to come for My kingdom is made up of many hearts of simple faith and wonder…..Let them drink from the Water of Life so they may not thirst for any other in this world.

I Am promises if you give Me your time, your life will blossom as a desert rose where no rain falls. The storms will come and you will be carried by the Great Everlasting Arms. Do you not know, your names are etched on the palms of My hands?…. Come and find rest for your weary and parched souls in the embrace of My Presence…. My Words are forever……You are from a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Rest on the foundation that you stand. The coming days, when all around is shaking, know where  and who you are standing  with, children. Not unlike the child’s game, paper, rock and scissors….. Do you stand on the Rock or the sand? What is stronger than I Am, the Word and Giver of Life Eternal?  Am I your choice? However, you are mine. Let it be done to you according to your faith. Remember always, I love you, the Great I Am.

Thank you children for hearing Me.


Shhhhhhh!!! The King is here…… Listen and selah!