
Did You Know?

I did not know this but have learned a lot of the last months or so……I will explain, read on, please.

I love to learn and understand how and why God set up His world as He did. Why creation is set for certain purposes.

He is beyond but allows us to understand some.

Do you believe in our heavenly Father’s hand nothing is lost?…..According to His foreknowledge, all is for His glory and His purpose.

We have trees on our property that were not healthy so I called a tree arborist , a tree doctor, to check their heart beat…… Well, prognosis was not good. This type tree had lived his known life span and was dying……It can take up to thirty years for some trees to die….. Not ours…

They were pretty hollow inside….. Their rich pulp was dried. Their branches were still producing leaves but the branches had some weakness in them….. They all have to come down before they fall and really due some heavy damage to our surroundings.

Our storm season is approaching all things need to be strong and prepared for the storms.

We had them cut down. The stump showed dried wood in the center out to the edges of the stump….. There was not mulch healthy pulp left. Our trees were hollow. They can be easily toppled by strong winds.

Also, these tree roots grew out shallow not very below the surface so if there is any kind of floodwater, they cannot make it. They will drown from the salt water.

Other trees roots grow out but down deep to keep the water fresh and to persevere strong against any approaching storm, even flooding. Through it all, if the roots are deep and founded on good solid foundation , they will thrive even get stronger.

Now, the time between prognosis and the cutting, I talked to their and my Creator and asked for some help because many little ones lived in the trees and came to partake of the many seeds and nuts they produced.

I mean, I reminded Him daily all things are possible in You.

He knows best and I truly trust Him….. I was blessed to see the many new homes and places the little ones found next day….. I was relieved…. He does provide for all of us even, if we have feathers or fur.

The trees were so big and tall, I did not see the tiny little trees that were trying to survive under their shade. These big guys were blocking the sunlight which the saplings needed.

So by the Word of His power, His life is sustained through every living thing… Especially, His beloved.

There is a time for life and there is a time for death…… Hmmmm-where have I heard that- The Byrds? Just kidding.

Wisdom has been made unto us by Christ Jesus. In all our understanding- get wisdom. Get Jesus and don’t let Him go….By the way, He has you even if you are running away, He has you!

So lesson learned, we must let go of the old and embrace His new thing. Somethings look alive but are dead…… Perhaps, they just take thirty years to show the fruit of their decay.

We died on the inside when the fall happened, but God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us His life within us as we are born again from heaven…… We live because He does.

We live because we chose to believe in the only Son of God who died so we may be free.

We must be found in Him and Him alone….. Filthy rags of our self righteousness will not pass the muster because His blood washed all. No one was exempt because of their works…….even in ministry or church stuff…..or government or military or just us simple folks.

Pride is a nasty trait that must be destroyed in us. Or He will – humble the proud and rise up the humble.

We either go away from Him full because we were starving or we walk away empty because we came to Him full of our selves. We never saw our need.

Don’t let Him pass by without calling on Him.

Our choice- Stay alive in ourselves or die with Him because our need for Him is so great in which we will lose all to get Him. Then we will never let Him go…..and we will never die.

Our choice……However, our lives one day will die here on this planet….. Where will you go? Will He know you? Will you know Him? Will you gamble on what day this will happen?

Be wise and listen for His whisper and turn to His love. Repent and be restored to our God, while there is day.

The Old Covenant was abolished that Friday that the sun hid its face and the earth quaked……. as the Son of God breathed His last breath on that dead tree……….. for all of us.

Remember the water was still bitter, so they threw in a a dead tree branch and the waters were drinkable in the journey of the wilderness.

God changed the waters from our heart from bitter to life eternal…..We are thirsty for something and I AM is the Water that we thirst,

God knew we were hungry for more than bread from this earth…… He gave us the living Bread to sustain us for eternal life and not just our flesh, His Son.

He gave us everything….. He gave us Him. God Himself died for us so we may live…… God gave us His Son, who is God…. God gave us Himself and He is glorified in our belief and love to and for Him.

Then the third day, the earth quaked again as the Son of Man was quickened by the power of God….. His resurrection power flowed through Him and brought Him into resurrected state of being….. Firstborn to bring many in His way.

Out with the Old and in with His New Testament….. He will give us freely of living waters to those who are of thirst.

The fullness of His person bestowed in us, His precious Spirit, full of Life and Light within all of us who believe and rivers now flow from us of that precious living water.

There is nothing righteous in us but Him alone, but we get to dwell in His righteousness and as we grow in Him and He grows larger in us, we learn to live out that righteousness.

The other day as I was praying or talking to Him. He instructed me to live from His fullness…… His gentle instruction spoke- you live and move and have your breathing in and from Me….. All things are of Me and all things will be of Me and in Me…. Live from My fullness…..then nothing is lost…. The fruit is Mine as written that I AM bears within and out.

Faith is the key to living from Me. Nothing of you but all of Me is how you are seen so all may come to Me. Remember, all of creation is awaiting for the sons of the glory of their God to be…. to set things as they should be.

Let go of what is dead and keep in My breath and the Wind of I AM will guide you into all things prepared for this time. This is the way after the fall into My hands all shall be quickened to My stance. Then as you all shall see what has been called before time began to restore the age to Me again.

Where you are – I AM.

Where you live- I AM.

Where you walk- I AM.

When you breathe- I AM.

When you hurt- I AM.

When you see- I AM.

When you eat- I AM.

When you die- I AM.

When you are hidden- I AM.

When you take your first breath- I AM.

When you talk- I AM.

I AM glorified in you as I AM.

In you hope of glory – I AM.

When you are hurt- I AM.

In the storm- I AM.

In the flood- I AM.

In the fire- I AM.

In your search- I AM found

We are glorified in Him and He is glorified in us.

Himself in us is His glory and our hope of glory. I AM that I AM……

Be found in I AM.

This is our purpose and what He desires…..

We have eyes only for Him and listen to Him alone.

O Lord, be our vision, O High King of Heaven.
