
Did You Know Who The Sons And Daughters of God Are? Look In The Mirror, If You Believe In Jesus Christ As Your Savior And King……Look!!!!

Look In The Mirror, If You Believe In Jesus Christ As Your Savior And King……Look!!!! Then see what God has done through His love poured forth from His Son into your hearts……. You believe and crown Jesus Christ as King, right?

They sat relaxed at the table in the restaurant.  They were chuckling over this happening and that happening of the day.

Most of all, they kept looking into their cup of coffee. Would the deep dark substance help them understand the weight of their wonder seeing their loving God manifest Himself so strongly as He did this day?  

His mercy and grace mingled into all their hearts and lives in that room. Overwhelmed to the point, they were carried out of time, only eternity remains. They met Him where He is and is and is pouring Himself over them.

They still carried His presence, their humble God. They were in time but felt they were still out of time. They could not but join together in thanksgiving for His hand in this day.

They prayed and praised aloud and then silently over this special day. They joined together to call this day and past months, His breakthrough timing.

Little Person prayed: may Your mark remain steadfast into these disciples’ lives.

They could not yet even open the menus; their hunger was filled with the hand of their Lord.

Watching His will being done in the lives of His new found ones was all they needed……

They sensed they were complete in Him right now.

Maybe not later, but right now, the three felt totally complete in Him.

They continued to look into their coffee cups swirling the cups around in their hands….. mesmerized in His goodness.

Again, silently Little Person asked his King, I ask that I spoke no word but Yours to these hearts.  At most, Lord, please allow them to hear Your words alone today. May their fields produce for You a 30-60-100-fold to Your glory. Keep them as the apple of Your eye. Let them know You have surrounded them as like a huge shield.

He was hearing through his prayer, Little Person, hello, Little Person…. Hey, you okay?  LITTLE PERSON came banging through his conversation to his King….

Ah, yes, said Little Person as he looked to Uri.

She was waiving her hand before his eyes…….

Where were you? She asked.

He looked at her and the smiling director.

Oh, I was praying over them, Little Person spoke as he looked down in his cup.

Director spoke up, I think He’s got them tonight. You just put them in His hands and now you need to relax and eat. I saw you only had a soda while they ate.

Little Person answered, Yeah, I was not hungry then.  I was so caught up in Him to eat.  I am still not hungry…. I am here but not here if you get what I mean?

Uri said, you got to eat….. You said you loved their hamburgers here. I ordered for you. We could not get your attention so I ordered what you ordered the other night, okay?

Little Person said, sure, thanks. Did you get me a chocolate milkshake too?

Smiling Uri said, yeah!

She added, you are returning to us……. I see you circling around for a landing…… yup, here you come as you are putting down your landing gear…

Little Person gave her a smirked smile, okay, I am here. Okay?

Uri smiled as she threw her paper napkin at his face. He quickly reacted throwing his forearm to block the paper napkin……as he started to laugh with them.

They all laughed heartily.

Little Person spoke, I want to thank both of you for you thinking ahead on so many things and handling them for the troops.  You both did so many things that kept them focusing on the presence of God and His words to each of them. You both are fantastic…..  Also, I thank you for handling their surprises. They are being delivered to them in the morning, right?

Director and Uri grinned as big as their faces and spoke in unison, yes!!

This should really cement His Word in them, as Little Person joined in the grinning.

They all smiled with an excitement of parents on Christmas Eve knowing what presents, they have wrapped, will be the delight of their children.

Then Little Person stated: I saw Him smiling in the room about three times today.   When I would get really tired, He would show up in my view and then I went on stronger than before. I just now remembered that I saw Him there smiling…..

Uri said, Wow, He always confirms His word…… I guess He confirms Himself!!  Today He confirmed His approval with His presence manifested! Hmmmm…. He is so cool.

Yeah, said Little Person.

Then they both looked at the Director who was listening to them go on together like he was not even there.  He had a huge broad smile on his face overlooking them. 

The director spoke, you both are outstanding young adults, you know that, right?

The two of them looked at each other. They did not see what he saw in them or for them.

They shrugged with their shoulders and shook their head with a little frown on their faces.

They both went back to looking down at their own coffee cups, swirling it around with their hands.

Then thankfully, the food showed up to cover their stance of being uncomfortable.

They all dug into their food as if it had been weeks since they ate after the director spoke a blessing with thanksgiving to God, our great heavenly Father.

All the hamburgers and fries were gone as well as not one drop of the milkshakes were left either.

They all prayed and went to their homes with their beds waiting.

Sleeping peacefully in the presence of the One who was singing over them.

Little Person was standing at the front of the room, refreshed and ready to speak on what Holy Spirit showed him, remembering his recent ride on Aaliyah.  He drifted back to his day with God……..

He was glad to be away for a couple of days to walk in His presence riding on Aaliyah.  He needed to see again what he was shown before.

He needed to be quiet before his King. He was on new ground, it was high. He wanted to make sure his footing was smack dab in the middle of His Commander.

He needed to see His wide spaces with no limit on His length and width and height and width of Himself.  All was open to Little Person as he rode and felt the wind blow by.  He rested and was rejuvenated by His strength again….

He heard; you have come to Mount Zion.

Look and see what is now and to come to those who love Me with a pure heart. 

See all before you as you will walk through Me within all your days. There are no boundaries in I AM. My will for you is a yes and amen to explore and know Me without hindrance from man.

He saw before his eyes, a land full of beauty. A land of rolling hills surrounded by mountains with flowers and ripe beautiful fruit making the branches bow low near to the grass.

He saw gardens of vegetables. He noticed they were at least three times larger than our normal.

He knew this was normal to God and probably was in the beginning and will be at the end.

Our end is His beginning.

The air’s fragrance was sweet and he felt exhilarated.  He just kept looking at the brightness of where he was…..He wondered how this place would help him to know God, then…….

He didn’t know what to do but only could praise God.

You are great and worthy of all my praise.

He seemed to be there forever but he was there only an hour in time….

He was so filled again with His life and full of energy again.

Ready to bring the crew to Him again.

May they see You as You are as King and Savior.  

May they see Your smile and hear Your chuckle when Your enemies’ plan is drowned out by us singing out as Your trumpet of praise.

He road back to the barn. Remembering we are at Mount Zion now…… We have come……

We are being prepared for His place.

A place that is beyond description of beauty and abundance.  

He thought what a sacrifice it was for his King when He left His place to come to the earth.  Then Little Person thought, how great He is if this is Mount Zion. He left all, to become a Servant to God for us and for the Most High. He saw a place where there was no curse. Only God dwelt there. It was so abundantly like Him.

Finally, Little Person thought when we behold Him without any veil, in His full glory. His glory and what we are really  in Him manifested will be more than we can even think or imagine, even standing there.  Wow!  God, I love you so much.

You have prepared such a place of greatness for Your redeemed.

There is no stopping Your greatness and might.

Nor is there any imagination that can conjure up all You have planned for us who love You…. Yet, You have given us even the grace to love You. 

You are an awesome God. Thank You for showing me a smidge of what You have prepared for us…..This is even beyond what we have now. I see a tiny part of all You are and there are no words to describe You showing Your greatness.

Little Person heard; I AM is also a Father who loves to reveal His surprises to His children too.  Thank you for blessing My kids with a loving surprise revealing more love I AM is pouring into and over them. You are blessed, child. Thank you, Little Person.

Someone laughed and Little Person was brought back to the present.

How are you all doing? asked Little Person as he drank some water.

They all yelled out, great!!!!

Any of you want to share, go ahead.  Wait, let’s first pray……

Father God, thank You for bringing us close together again. Again, I ask for the greatest measure of You to be deposited in us here. We need You. Fill us with Your wisdom and understanding of all You want to reveal to us of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, which is Your Love made flesh to dwell with us for a season. Now, You have blessed us beyond any imagination as He is within us. May we see Your Treasure within us, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

AMEN AND AMEN ALLELUIA, they all shouted!

One stood up; I need to speak here. Little Person, I think I speak for all of us, thank you.  You have helped us to start to understand God. Well, I mean more than we ever could on our own.

You have helped open our door to Him.  We can’t even look back and see ourselves and see any resemblance of the old person who needed drugs to survive the day. 

In the rehab session we had yesterday, we all realized we have no problem keeping off drugs like before. We are now working or making sure we are on His road and focused on this new life we have in Jesus Christ.  We really appreciate your time and bringing us to His throne.

You have etched God into our hearts and He will never leave us. We are not alone. Praise Him and may you receive His grace beyond to only His measure too.

Little Person wiped the moisture coming from his eyes as he spoke, you are all welcome. You are all worth so much to Him. 

I am glad I was given His opportunity for you to see Him. For He is the One getting you on His road….. and keeping you there. Remember, no one can snatch you out of His mighty hands.

Now, the best way you can repay me is to continue in His love….

Just remember as you are preparing to move on, His arms are surrounding each of you as well as your names are etched into His hands….. You are His. No matter what may come your way to say different. You are on His road and you are forever His.

They all shouted, ALLELUIA!!!! As theirr heads were down writing what Little Person just spoke.

Okay, who wants to start sharing their adventures in God? asked Little Person.

They all stood up and screamed: Thank you for the breakfast Sunday morning.

It was silent for a second, then a loud thank you was heard from the females in receiving their gift of a dozen yellow roses. They are beautiful.

Then it was silent again, then the males loudly said: thank you all for the gun! They all started laughing.  The males continued: the water gun! 

Yes, we signed the agreement, we will use the weapon of our warfare now speaking the Good News to all about Jesus Christ. We will be in His hands a water gun aimed at all to speak of our King, the Word of God at all times.  That now is our weapon of choice as well as His choice too!

The room was filled with laughter.

Then they all sat down. Silence was for a second and then the whole room blurted in a loud bellowing laughter again.

Little Person spoke, your welcome.  We thought to give you bright colored water guns.

This way they are not mistaken for something else as they sit in your drawer next to your moral inventory.

This will help remind you of your word. You are now a man of your word standing on your signature on the agreement to end your part in any violent acts from your own hands.

The male disciples agreed, Little Person heard some of the females agree also.

Little Person remembered what he had been shown on the hill….. This conversation would not be necessary there…… but we have come and also are coming to Mount Zion.

Little Person asked, any sharing needed?

One disciple stated: we shared all about our adventures with God at our rehab session yesterday and today…… We, sort of, are ready to learn some more, if that is okay?

Yeah, another chimed in, our rehab sessions have been transformed now into God sessions. We are sharing our thoughts and strengths in Him to prepare us when we leave here.   God is taking over this place…..

Little Person smiled looking at them all.

They all said, yeah!  He is so big!  We even play the tapes so the counselor can hear who God is and is doing in us. 

This rehab should be called God’s Transformation Center. All can come! Even those who don’t have an addiction problem….. Just those that know they are walking dead without Him!

They all laughed.

Director shouted: name sounds great to me….. Let’s do it. God is radical and deals with us radically. Let’s show how radically different life in Him is.

Everyone shouted, yeah, we are His radicals!

Again, everyone laughed.

The room was filled with can only be the joy of being radically saved from a life of death and defeat and radically loved by a great and awesome God.

They all had seen their Father’s face in the love of Jesus Christ poured forth in them, their hearts.

If you could see their eyes, there was a brightness and life pouring out of them.

These lost rebels had now a cause, a righteous cause to be different than the status quo they had been fed before.  Now they are listening to His tune over them.

God has broken the walls down for them. He broke through the wall of lies surrounding and holding them back from what He has called them for.

Little Person said, this is absolutely fantastic news.  I am so thankful. God is reigning and has His place here….. You could just put the name, His Place, on the front too.

Then in smaller print say: Come all radicals, rebellious and the walking dead. All are welcome.

They all laughed more. They all were getting carried away in His joy. His presence was increasing with every sound of laughter.

They came up with more and more captions for the title of the rehab for about fifteen minutes. 

Little Person asked them, do you all know you are sons and daughters of God.  Do you know you are written again and again in our Ancient Book?

They all started to shake their heads up and down, but when Little Person brought up, they were written again and again in their Ancient Book, they shook their head side to side saying no.

Little Person said, well, let’s find John, chapter 1. J O H N, chapter 1, verse 11-13.

Little Person repeated: John 1:11-13:

 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Little Person spoke, God has chosen you way before He created the foundations of the earth. He was even awaiting the day when you would receive His breakfast and guns and roses.

They all started to laugh again.

Everything was tickling their laughter.

Little Person said, I did not intend that to be funny, but anyway, He was waiting as any good father is anxious to lavish their child with his love and gifts. Wanting to see their smile and hear their laughter.

Some one yelled out, I wonder if all of heaven laughed when we opened up the bright colored water guns?

Yes was heard from somewhere. Then they all broke out in laughter again.

God laughs too. Did you know that? chimed in Little Person.

Yes, He does laugh at us, I think, when we get too serious about things and not trusting Him.

I think He gets a chuckle over us as He picks us up and says go ahead and take another step, little one.

I will carry you as your wobbly legs are learning to walk with Me alone.

It is not up to you to solve the problem but for you to lean on Me. I AM will take care of your cares. Trust Me. Let us walk this out together.

Just as a little one learning to walk is sitting in his high chair figuring out how he can take the kitchen floor without a fall. Pretty silly, right?   

I have watched my cousin as he is trying to maneuver his hands to find his mouth with his cheerios, let alone plan anything. There is no scheming here. He is incapable…..

They all broke out in laughter again as they saw the visual of Little Person’s imagery.

He also laughs at the plans and schemes of His enemies. I see His legs are straight up waiting for Him to put His feet upon the enemies’ necks as a footstool.

All laughed again.

Okay, I do not know if that is truth or not, I just saw Him holding His legs up waiting for His enemies necks to put below so He can rest His feet on their submission. He does laugh with derision at His enemies.

They all laughed again. It was very hard for Little Person to concentrate on what God had spoken to Him to talk as he broke out in laughter too.

Everything seemed to tickle their laughter this evening.

After the last bout of laughter quieted down…..

Little Person said, let’s take ten.


Take ten minutes with God. See what He shows you! Look in the mirror and see what He sees.

More to come- God is willing!