
Did You Notice?

Did you notice in scripture in the Old Testament where it is stated the generation that came out of Egypt by God’s great deliverance did not enter in to the promised land and neither did their leader, Moses?

Maybe we can surmise in our Heavenly Father’s eyes he who leads will get the same reward as the people they are leading……. eventually.  Moses was a great leader but to show us our flesh is a dangerous enmity against God….. God will always win….. God has given us His full counsel in His Son and we are to abide and live a very rich spiritual heritage in Him  today…..

We are to be led by the Spirit of God who will take us deeper than we thought we could. The Holy Spirit will take us higher than we could imagine was possible.  The Holy Spirit will widen our sights in understanding our Holy One who we adore. The Holy Spirit will cause us to continue the length of our journey to finish the race and obtain the high calling in Christ Jesus…..

Are you ready…..? Do not limit others and so we will not be limited in our completion of the goal and prize of God in our lives. He has planned our days and nights and fashioned them for each one as the body of Christ and yet, has a great plan for each member of His body….

But let us make sure our Leader is Christ Jesus, our head in whom we are complete.  He places no limits of control on us….. He and His witnesses as clouds are cheering us on to make the race. We are overcomers in Christ……

God had a better place for us than what even Joshua provided in the Old Testament in the promised land…. Our Lord is the Land and we are His territory….. He grows in us as we cast out every stronghold that is in disobedience to Christ Jesus, the Word of God.

All leaders and teachers will be held to the standard of Christ and the fullness they allowed their people to climb into as their inheritance in Christ Jesus—– by the power of His Spirit—–GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!!!! saith the Lord,( Zechariah).

Let us make sure we are holding up the flag – GO FOR HIM-ALL THE WAY- HIS WAY….. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE BECAUSE WE OUR HIS!

Let us not be blocking others from our lack of unbelief and wanting to control people.  Jesus Christ is the Door and we are to go in and receive the whole counsel of God in Him…… ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

We as the body of Christ, the church, are the leaders according to the eye of our Heavenly Father—– the world follows………………Light puts away darkness….. So how are we doing?   As we lift up the Cross and our Christ Jesus upon it……. He will draw all to Him……

Last year, I put out in this blog for all to put away the sports for last season so we may use our time wisely in prayer with our God regarding the current state……. I am offering the same sacrifice this year…… If My people who are called by My name……return to the Lord and His ways so He may heal the land……. Or not. This is up to us.  The Lord spoke to Moses saying He saw the great oppression of His people in Egypt and came down to deliver them……. Then several verses later He continues to speak to Moses, and I AM sending you…to deliver My people…….

We are all leaders- in the church families and as well as our own homes, businesses, local government, neighborhoods, state and federal governments….. We are leading with the Light we are or not…….. But if we lead as blind men and women, so  the people following us fall in the ditch, so will we…..

Paul admonishes us greatly in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 regarding the generation that followed Moses out of Egypt by God’s deliverance but did not obtain the promised land. Only two did, Joshua and Caleb, because they had a different Spirit……..We have been given the Holy Spirit and we walking by te Spirit insures us in Him so we may not fall in a ditch and keep on the race and those who follow His footsteps….. Brethern, whether or not we want to get up to get down on the knees God gave us, we are here for such a time as this.
