
Do Not Remember The Former Things…..

Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do  a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise., ( Isaiah 43:18-21).

I am going to climb the hill of the Lord so I may behold Him. Will you join me? Leave all behind, we won’t need it. All we need will be supplied, just come. If we climb a tree to behold Him, I heard He might want to sup with us this day…. Let us go for it? Let us go as close as we can, we have to see…Him.  We have to behold this King.  May He then see us?  What if He sees us?

Oh, oh, He has turned our way. He sees us!    Talk about taking your breath away and my stomach too! His eyes of fire are welcoming us? His gaze burns a hole right through me, but His flames were of love.  These eyes have known me? He knew we were coming up?….. Who is this King?   The fire in His eyes is warm and loving. Not what I had expected. They were not hard and mean …. They are full of love as He motions  to  us to enter in to His presence……We look at each other and swallow hard……We take the hardest first step towards this King , this God Man. The steps bringing us closer to a King whose presence seemed to increase every second.   I peek up to see if it is still okay to approach……. I think to myself…… What am I doing? Who do you think you are to go to this King?     He heard me and said……. You are Mine…..! I have been waiting for this day that you would approach I AM.  Come and sup with I AM.  I use my elbow to tap my friend’s side…..He asked us !!!!!  This climb was worth it all, wasn’t it?

What if the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see how deep is His love for mankind. What if we realize what we measure by our little tiny amount of love is really like a 1/4 teaspoon and His love is as wide and deep , never stopping as the ocean….. Yes, His love is overwhelming and when we get a revelation of a dab of it, well, His love overtakes any of our physical being and we are undone.  His love is so grand that we cannot comprehend what He has planned for us this day…… as well as every day we live and breath and have our being as well in the next age……. We try to comprehend but to us it is trying to see all the stars in the sky at once…… This understanding is beyond us……. but …………… as we walk with the Lord, we learn His ways and His being is Something Other than us…..We take the morsels of His Bread daily, and we become  a vessel prepared and preserved by His Word …We start to realize that He has opened up His vast knowledge of Himself to us…… Yes, us…… We start to live a life in His Something Other…..

We start to realize when we put God into our understanding He blows the walls down……I would only want a God  to worship that is beyond all that I can comprehend or imagine otherwise it is just man again…..We must step up in His Something Other by His Spirit making His Wisdom, understanding and knowledge become a reality or known unto us…… Let us see living in Christ is like stepping into a Door in a huge castle…… We walk in and since we haven’t been there before, we must take a minute to allow our vision to grasp the new surrounding as we behold what is beyond us……. Then our hearts remind us to be still for this is God……. Our God. He takes our breath away…… by Him. Is this not the God we want to serve?  A God whose love makes our heart beat faster and our stomach quiver as He reveals Himself to us?

Eventually, living in His Something Other, a supernatural life, will be as natural as  knowing He gives us breath to breath every second…. We shall live knowing His Spirit as we know the sun shall arise as dawn awakens the sleeping earth….. shouting- Arise, Arise- see the One who rules the sun and moon and stars and sets all the wheels in motion until His plan is complete within the heart of each man.

He has given us the opportunity to walk in His Light. Even the dark will become light to us as it is with our God. We have now the kingdom of God within us, His Spirit.   We worship Him in Spirit and  Truth……….. As we apprehend all that He beholds so then we may behold the same. Then we are given the gift to hold His heart in our hands as He holds our heart in His.

Have you heard the waves of the ocean?…… They come in unstoppable, like His mercy….. The noise of the many waters are loud…… Yet, this is the voice of our God, the Lord, the Son of Man…… Our Savior…… Can you imagine how the glory of the knowledge of the Lord is as the waters covering the sea?

What if we saw our prayers coming from the incense bowl in heaven as beautiful water vapors that reflect His presence as the white smoke moves out of our vision.  His Light making them reflect as beautiful as a snowflake or an ice crystal before  lamppost in a snow storm. All our prayers arise before Him in that magnitude of beauty —–beyond our comprehension, right?  Yeah, it is the way it is suppose to be with a God like our God….. There is none like Him…..There is no one like our God.

If we saw how important our prayers are before Him, I truly believe we would make praying and being with Him as important as breathing in and out.  We might then walk with our God’s will on the tasks to accomplish endued with all power never known to this generation…..  Our God’s mercy and love turns our prayers into His dynamics to fulfill His purpose in the earth……. He awaits for our prayers to enter the incense bowl in His throne.   He truly makes all things new.

As His people, the voice of many waters, speaking the Word of God over and over again before Him. We are pleasing Him by our faith in His love and goodness and justice. We glorify Him as we honor His Word, the Son of God.  He then changes the ways of the tides.

We then notice the voices of heaven, great in magnitude, AND all in unity,  singing the Song of the Lamb.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise and honor to the Lamb of God…….Is this the song of angels????? Certainly sounds it !  But wait……  No,……  it is the Song of the Redeemed of the Lord…….This is our heart—– our song….. The Song of the Lamb of God.

This Thanksgiving,……. let us turn off the world and join our brethren singing the Song of Heaven…….. The Song of the Lamb of God.  What if we do……What might He then do?

May all blessing and honor and thanksgiving be unto our God, Our Savior and King, the Lamb of God who is worthy of all our Thanksgiving and Praise.

Our God is truly Love. Behold, the Lamb of God.   Behold, the Lamb of God beholding His people, awaiting for our approach for He has called us – YOU ARE MINE!

Remember, what has been done in former times, maybe this day the Ancient of Days, is making a new thing come ……… Make our path straight and level for the entry of the King of glory!   Tear down the ancient gates of tradition and formalism. Knock down the walls and strongholds of familiar and unbelief that denies the power of the Almighty God in our midst……… Remember, the people in days gone by missed the message of the prophets.  They missed the Messiah in their midst……. Let us not miss the King of glory walking among His people this day….. Yes, He may be hidden …………He is hidden where He bids to dwell at this day….. His people….. He is not way up there, nor is He way down there….. Remember, people, He is closer to us than our breath……..Behold, the King of glory!   Enter in!


May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving—–May it be  a day full of heaven and celebrating His goodness on this earth with strangers and friends- making them family……Listen for the sounds of heaven surrounding His throne, where we are also!
