
Do We Really Get The Heavenly Meaning of His Tabernacle And How Much He Is For Us?

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail,  (Revelation 11:19).

After these things I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened, ( Revelation 15:5).

And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

And it shall be that which ever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain.

If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

This shall be the punishment of  Egypt and all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of the Tabernacles, ( Zechariah 14: 16-19).

The unveiling of Jesus Christ has been determined by the Godhead before the foundation of the world.  The world’s Savior is Jesus Christ……The world can only see Jesus Christ in His people…. His body…..glorifying the King of all…… How do we glorify? By being His vessel full of supernatural power….. This is what the world is seeking and needing….. His love manifested through a people with no guile but in their humanity, God’s power is manifested and made perfect as written in 2 Corinthians.  Daniel was a normal man but leaned into God for everything as well as honored Him because He took the time to know Him and His Word.

Now we know the Great Exodus of the Israelites  from the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan which was the Promised Land according to Yahweh…… We know the saying the Israelites were out of Egypt but many, I mean, many hearts were still in Egypt.  God could not get their focus changed from where they came from to bring them into where He wanted them to be…. They refused to see the great plans He had for them. In essence, they did not realize His great love and call He had  for them. They did not trust the Lord God even after all the signs in Egypt and manifesting Himself on the Mount of God. We must compare us today with the knowledge of the Lord’s sacrifice and the Gift of Hoy Spirit to us.  We must not fall into the unbelief as the Israelites did today.

Our Lord is not Santa Claus that we sit on his lap for two minutes give him our list of wants and needs. He shows up on a morning and then we forget all about Santa until the next season of his return…… Nope, that does not fly with our Holy God of love and desires union with us……

As written in Psalm 78:41-42,  Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power; the day when He redeemed them from the enemy.

And they tested God in their heart by asking for the food of their fancy. Yes, they spoke against God; they said Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Behold, He struck the rock, so that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed. Can He give bread also? Can He provide meat for His people?

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,  for reproof, for correction, for instruction, ( training, discipline), in righteousness,( 2 Timothy 3:16).

Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under a cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.

Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. Abd d not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.

Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty three thousand fell; nor let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages has come, ( 1Corinthains 10:1-11).

For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, ( Hebrews 3:14).

Unbelief is the cancer of our faith in Christ. We must watch out for it in ourselves and destroy it  as we would if a bear was loose in our house.  The devil, I believe, lives in fear, as he should.

It is no secret to the end that is laid out for the devil by our Lord. We cannot be partakers of fear or we are aligning ourselves up with evil.  Faith in the God who does all good for those who call on His name and believe in Him, should be our anchor at all times, beloved.

Fear should have no place in us, if there is fear, ask ourselves?  Why?  I can bet you all the sand in the world, that it stems from a missing gap of trust in the Almighty and His unfailing love for  us.

If we recognize the fear, run to Him, in  the Word and prayer, and see the place where He will reign in our hearts over that empty spot….. He will love to fill Himself in us to overflowing.  Remember, as written, the body of Christ is the fullness of Him on this earth to His glory….. He shows off through us….. Yes, He does……through our weakness, His power is made perfect…. Check this out….. It is scripture…..( 2 Corinthians).

We must live in His greatness of His preparing a table for us, Himself, in the present of our enemies…….  We must know this and live by this at all times.

How can we do this?  Well, God in His greatness of mercy, prepared a place for each of us in His Son….. In Christ, all the promises of God are yes and amen….. Not in ourselves, but in Christ. ( 2 Corinthians).

Look up and study all the places in the New Testament that In Christ or In the Lord Jesus is written….. There is no option….. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let Him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

Did the above scripture say glory in our selves or did it say have false humility in our weakness and then still glory in ourselves?  Oh, most pitiful selves.  No, just checking…… As scripture says, there is no good thing found in our flesh. Check it out. – God killed us through the death of Jesus Christ and we then arose anew in Him….. A new creation in Christ Jesus….. the old is gone, or should be.

Yes, we are to renew our minds. How? The Word….. not TV, not facebook, etc…. I hope you get the meaning.    There may be a day, just saying, that there will be no availability as in other countries to have the freedom to study the Word of God…. I hope not, but if we take this Gift for granted, we may lose it…. What you don’t use, you lose.

Yes, we should be constantly learning more and living more in Him daily…. as Paul said I die daily….. So He, the Lord, reigns in greater measure today, because we hear His voice….. saying- Come up here on this problem too!  Keep coming up and staying in Me for I AM your King. I will reign over your enemies. Now, you learn of Me as this is how your new life in Me should be… Turn to Me for all I AM all you need. Though you may not see all just lean into Me and believe….. For We are three in One and complete so rest in your God. This was Our plan before all time  for you to abide in Me.

We must dwell in Him, where He is.   In Revelation chapter 4, there was an invitation to John to – come up here- by the Spirit of the Lord – to witness the Testimony of God, the unveiling of Jesus Christ…

What if?????? What if, this question, to come up here, was not an option but a strong suggestion linked to a command by our God as His purpose for each of us- is fulfilled and only fulfilled -in this Secret Place- provided by the Godhead before the foundation of the world?  Guess what? The Secret Place is not a secret anymore- only to evil…… Do you know what the Secret Place for you and for me is?   Guess His name>>>>>

Do you ever get stopped or pulled over by the law enforcement? Then you were given a stern warning to slow down your speed…… And it was not a suggestion…. I believe, I have the Lord’s heart intent for His beloved at this time…. We must choose and command ourselves to partake completely in Christ Jesus and not stand on ourselves. Beloved, we are not righteous in ourselves even if we believe in the Son of God as our Savior, we must abide in Him as then we are righteous, but it is of Him….. Okay, your in the house and step out of the house, you have no safety or protection of the elements outside…. But inside the house, well, you got protection, safety, provision and rest…. The same is true of abiding in our King Jesus.

The Israelites, came out of Egypt, but they still remained there in their thinking.  They did not turn to- be in the presence of their Yahweh.   They kept looking back and at the current circumstances instead of saying…. Hey, remember what He did back then to our enemies….. This God, who we are learning about, is beyond AWESOME.  He has it all planned.  Let us praise Him and see what He has up His sleeve today!…  Let us turn to Him and know He will be all we need Him to be and supply all our needs- now we say, through His Son, our King Jesus Christ.

What more should He have done for us to lean in His greatness? Hello?  He has done and will be all we need forever.

I wondered of this next scripture and He answered- the God of wonders always supplies our wondering with Himself….. This is what I mean:

And so it was, when Moses held up His hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed.

But Moses hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other  the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

Then the Lord said to Moses, write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-Lord- Is- My- Banner; for he said, Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation, ( Exodus 17:11-16).

When I researched the meaning of Amalek, I found through round about ways, that Amalek represents the fear and doubt.   Well, the third chapter of Genesis, in the beginning, the serpent- a big tail or “tale”, showed up to instill doubt of God’s word and then manipulated that into fear of lacking something- for Eve, it was knowledge…….She took the bait- hook then line and she sunk.

So when we praise our God by lifting our hands and  speak our words to His faithfulness, we win. We repeat His goodness to us in the past and know and state to Him, He has all things planned for our good and it is as He has said it will be….. and stand fast, even in the face of daunting giants or little naysayers…… Their words and actions fall to the ground as we raise our hands and tell our God how great He is……His Words to us stamp out fear and doubt always….. We must lean on Him and turn to Him and remain in Him….. Do not take the doubting questions- answer them with the promise of the Lord to us….. See then what He does.

We must come up to be in Him- His reign over us and through us….. Those who remain in Egypt symbolically and not live and abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, will not receive the rain of God, which is His blessing….. Not that He withholds anything, but our unbelief turns His blessing away. We do not believe He has prepared a place for us to dwell….. How could the Lord Jesus Christ want to abide in us and have us abide in Him? But by His Spirit says the Lord. As written in  Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Well, abiding in Jesus Christ is the only Way that God has set up for our righteousness, sanctification and redemption to be fulfilled…… We must climb or abide in Him, the Word of God and stay there. Holy Spirit pours the rain of His blessings of intimacy upon us.  So as He is, we are abiding in I AM and He continually manifests Himself anew to us…. fulfilling all His greatness and faithfulness to us.

There will be a great Feast of Tabernacles as the revealing of Jesus Christ. He reveals Himself to us always, if we have searching eyes looking and beholding our Lord.  As He is this day, we also celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, as it is written in Colossians 1:24-29: I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to the saints.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end, I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily.

Holy Spirit has His job to do within us as well as give us all  the power we need to live a godly life unto the Lord for His glory……He is the acting power of God….. He is the Third Person of the Godhead….. Holy Spirit is the Person of the Godhead who Jesus said He could not wait for His Father to send. Jesus Christ knowing He would be able to come to those that called on Jesus Christ as their Savior to help them overcome the world as the Lord did.

Let us pursue the Fire of God and the Breath of God upon us and in us….. He is the One who opens the Word of God, Jesus Christ to us…. I guess He is the Unveiler of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  It behooves us to seek after the Gift that the Father was sending as Jesus Christ was received into heaven to sit at the right hand of Almighty.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed hem to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak, not in words that man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing the spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ, ( 1 Corinthians 2:9-16).

As we abide in Christ, we will know the testing of our faith and still remain lifting our hands in praise…… We will discern an attack versus a testing…… We will be given the tools to stand on the hill of the Lord and wait and watch for His greatness to manifest so all may see the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ to the believers and unbelievers….. So let us stand our ground on the hill of the Lord knowing He is faithful. We lift our hands in praise and thanksgiving for all You are and will be for You alone deserve all our glory and praise.

We discard the naysayers and giants and use the tools of understanding and faith and power given to us by His Spirit that dwells within us….. Thank You, Father and thank You, Great Son, our Lord for Your Gift, of Your Spirit…. What a great God You are, three in One.

Praise and honor and glory be Yours forever and ever!  We honor Your request and we are up here in You, Holy One…. We come and obey….. Speak to us, we are listening. We honor and love You. We are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. How great You are for the plan of us having a place set in Your Son in Your forever presence.  Thank You and we love You.

Amen and Amen.



Search the Scriptures and do you find Me?  Watching television is not where I AM will be.  You are  searching and listening to the wrong door to know what You mean to Me.

If you delight in I AM, you will pursue Me to be where I AM.  The divided heart is known to Me. As those who are searching Me out to know Me and who I AM has called them to be. They know their end is in Me. They delight in Me and I AM sees them as My precious jewels placed upon My crown. You should be found in Me if you are searching for your DNA and identity.  Your divine nature is found in Me and Me alone.

Please see My children as they are created in Me as I AM has called them to be…. Stop putting the stumbling block before them to see if they trip up….. Do you not know you are doing the same to I AM?…… The trap you are making for My child, you will fall into greatly….. These abide in Me and as you do to them, you are doing to Me. The trap you are setting for them as been laid now before your own feet, for what you sow you shall also reap….. Do you not see?

Is this the love of God manifesting in your hearts or your carnal flesh for all to see, including Me?  Beware of the seeds you sow concerning Me, they are your harvest that I AM knows and will reward generously…… Each will be rewarded according to their actions that be.

I AM the beatitudes in you….. Do you not see the weigh that you weigh towards others are the seeds that you sow infront of Me? Tares and wheat, which are they ?  Do you see Me in your brethren or do you see with the eyes of your own carnality?   As I AM has said the flower grows more in stature as you throw your dirt on it….. My flower grows in Me as  I AM is watering down your dirt on it. The plan that has been for harm I AM has turned to good. The dirt has gone down and nourishes greatly at the  roots to remain steady in Me. Persecution is not good for those who hate but for those who receive the heat and bare under it in Me. The favor of I AM proves the heat of persecution turns to greatness  for My own. They shine brighter of My love. True gold is proven in the flame.  I AM the flame of Yahweh.

All that is done against My own I AM turns to good for they are known by Me and love Me.  May I AM ask you? Do you love Me? Then why do you throw dirt and slander and steal from Me. As My son, Jeremiah, saw in his day, the same goes on this day:….. The prophets steal My Words everyone from his neighbor…… If you come up to Me and let go of your name and fame and fortune and be like the little one before Me today…. Oh, look at what you could receive as I AM reveals Himself to you today.  But alas your seeking for the lateral and she is seeking the vertical….. She has died with Me and behold she sits in all eternity, for My beloved is who  will remain and be in Me.

Do you also think as the son who was envious of his wayward brother returning to My home? Do you not know that all that is Mine is yours?….. Why did you not pursue your inheritance in I AM?  Do you hold a hardness in your eye and heart towards those who do run after what I AM says is theirs? Behold the servant and behold My friend.

Remember, those who are forgiven much, love much.  They are concerned for I AM and My rights on this earth…… Are you?

Is this not the same spirit who deceived with lying words against I AM urging the crowd to cry crucify Him that day? Will there be a cost for your actions unless you come clean to Me and repent of your ways against Me?  Do you gather as My shepherds or do you select for your own gain and benefit…… Do you not know some are as angels standing before you? Do not be deceived, all I AM sends are for you to tend. I AM the sifter of the harvest. You have not shed your blood for these and if you did, you would cry out, Father, forgive them they do not know what they do. You would say to Me, thank You for such a blessing You have given Me in them.  You would see them washed in My precious blood and forgiven as you are to Me.

Ahh, some of the leaders are in My day saying that this one or that is not Mine, but they do that out of the same spirit as even Pontius knew-they were envious of My Son.   What is the rule of your heart this day- envy and ambition? Did not My son say, if the envy and ambition of man is there in his heart is every evil thing?  My Spirit and the world’s do not coincide in the same habitat….. Enter in to the Son of the Living God and be made clean and abide in Me. Wash yourself in Me and see men as I AM. It is not what you do but where you are with Me.

If you bestow the mind of I AM, these actions will not be produced from your heart. What may I AM ask are you protecting?  What you go against Me to keep, you will lose on account of Me.  What you let go for Me, you will gain on account of Me.

Know My Words and you will prohibit seeds that are foreign to Me to grow in your heart. You slander My little ones to keep your name noble before men. Is this not what the Pharisees did unto Me?  May I AM ask you, is there a price for their action this day? Do you think they sit where I AM this day?

Do you sit with I AM this day?

Then you would not slander and steal from I AM today.  They have come to Me in their emptiness knowing I AM fills. Do you, who are full, come to Me humbly? Do you speak against Me saying I AM does not give because you weigh Me by your own heart?

Know I AM knows you. There is no lukewarm ground with I AM.  You are apart of I AM’s house or you share in the house of wickedness which has no part of I AM.  Your end is not here as of yet, so make the turnaround in to My arms by your repentance and sorrow for using My own for your gain. Gain Christ for all. All else that is done out of Me is burned for its iniquity.

I AM still binds the cords into whips to cast out the money changers of My house this day….. Wait and see the shaking coming your way if you doubt My power in righteousness to act upon My Word this day.

I AM will not deny Myself…. I AM is the Truth and all else will be destroyed by the fire in I AM for all that is will be in Christ…. Christ will be all and in all… Take heed to My Word. Come to Me and do My walk in My way….. Learn of Me for I AM lowly and humble….. Those pursuing the world  have the hardest walk in I AM, for they cannot be found in I AM and their own fullness. So choose this day…..

The name above all names is written on thee if you are of Me.  None of the world shall I AM find in thee ..… Come know Me for this is eternal life…… Cannot you see you cannot covet the world and the name and have Me alongside thee?   Lose your deception this day…… The richest in this world are not of the world. They are One in Me but the world has cast them aside for they do not see them as from Me.

Were the prophets of old found in the palace of the king?…. Not if they were Mine… If they were, it was not of their choosing but of Mine to be My spokesman to the world to know and turn to Me.

Do you know not how great My love is for you this day?  If you did, you would not slander My children. You would gather them in as your own, but alas they run away from the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Remember they have the eyes of a dove towards I AM and in the wisdom of their God, the Great I AM, tells them to move on out of harm’s way.

Do you not see if they are not welcome, so I AM not.  Where two of you are I AM, for you ask Me then you speak against Me as though I AM not there….. You speak as to know that I AM is not acting this day….. But ahh, is not the cause for I AM’s distance that you have sent Me far by your words of unbelief.   I AM does not act where faith is not found….. Learn of Me and then speak to I AM knowingly.

Do not plan to build your barns and not know this may be the day, I AM calls your soul to Me. Accountability  may fall this day….. How many of My poor did you turn away for they did not feed your teeth.  Watch and see how I AM accounts His shepherd’s actions this day.  May they know their heart towards Me today. If far away by the their claim of name and fortune, then let Wisdom cry out on the high hills of what is called Christianity…..Do not use My name for what is called your gain….. for you will lose all you seek to gain by the deception of using your King falsely. Do not perjure My name for your position of acclaim.  Hear Me as I AM speaks to you today.

If you do not knock the idols down of men that stand before I AM, their idols will knock down yours. What you bow before you gain and lose Me. When you bow before Me, you gain Me and maybe lose men, but not all….. My remnant will remain with thee….. Do not fear but stand and honor Me.

Come and do things the way I AM speaks today….. I AM is walking your hallways today…… If you do not fear the shaking of I AM because I AM holds you close then rest in I AM.  If fear strikes you, then you have much to abide in I AM and die to the world.  Take heed and accomplish this today… For I AM here for you, the Spirit is speaking to you today….. Get the fire to burn within so all which is not of I AM is dead of the world as you arise in I AM today… Today, hear for the Spirit is speaking to you today.

As you abide in I AM, you will be full of I AM. You  love your brother and sister to lift them above into My arms. Do not try to pull them down below what you perceive to be as you are  as the world does. Do you not know yet or understand- who you say has a speck, you  have just revealed the plank in  your own heart. As I AM in the world so should you be…. not as the world is so should you be but a little better. Nay, this should not be… Abide in My Spirit and the old thinking will be gone- you shall see.  The Feast of Tabernacles, this is what I Am seeks.

Unity in Me is what I AM seeks.  Division I AM sets but it is because of Me. Not the nation, tribe and tongue….. Honor Me and let I AM be the One you seek….. The television does not speak of Me. Why do you allow that to speak louder than Me? Do you not see into your hearts those words speak as well as all the sights you see are death to you?…….. Not all knowledge is good to behold, but come, study Me and be with Me…. I AM will bring liberty and freedom and wisdom for I AM the Ancient of Days. Come to Me and get the Wisdom of the day that you need.

Please do not cast this as judgment but chastisement is for the sons of God, and I AM prays you do hear Me.

My Word to you this day may be of healing and not the hammer that must come your way if you do not heed My Word for My body today.  You cry for rain. The reign will come as you bow and allow My Spirit to ignite His fire in thee…..  First the cleansing of My blood and then purifying of your ways into Mine. Then My body shines forth as there is love abounding much as My Word is planted and grounded in thee. Let the Feast of Tabernacles begin and the reign of  My kingdom shall increase. Do you seek the rain for your kingdom increase, nay it will not happen until you bow unto Me and release your hold on your desires and bow to what I AM says to be.

Thank you listening to Me.