
Do You Know?

What do you see when the wind blows?  Do we see the first snowflake billowing through the mountaintops?  Where did the water come from?  Where did the land emerge from?  Who told man how to start the first fire to warm himself?  Who was it that put the fragrance in each flower?  Who told each flower to perfume a different fragrance?  Who told the streams and rivers to go to the direction they were to go?  Who started the first onion?  Or carrot?  Who made the manatee ? Who made the pelican?   Why such a long nose? Why does he dive instead of swimming to catch his fish?

Who is the First?  Who is the Beginning?  Who is the Last?  Who started the colors?  How is it that we do not have a green sky and blue grass?  Who started this world?  Man?  I do not think so- we are intelligent but not that intelligent…..  Frankly, I am very glad that there are cake boxes with instructions on it to make a cake………!!  Who started this great world in which we live?…… Not to mention, look at the night sky…… Do you know every star by name?   Do you know why each of the stars exist?   Do you know why a leopard has his spots?  Why goats horns go up and rams horns bow to the ground?  Do you know?

Why does a rooster crow and a dog bark and a cat purr?  Do you know?  Why do horses neigh? Do you know?

I may not know all the answers to the whys but I am so grateful I know the Maker….. I am grateful He knows me.

Our God, our Creator of this vast universe that keeps growing and multiplying, reveals Himself to us daily….. He reveals Himself through mankind.

As it is written in Genesis, They said to make man in Our image….. Even, the child in the womb is created in the image of God…He is being fearfully and wonderfully made.  He called each child in the womb to be created for this day and time….. He called every child in the womb before the foundation of the world….. They are precious in His sight and should  be in our eyes. Jut thinking out loud.

Do you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made?  Do you know you are spoken about in the Bible?  Do you know He knew you before the foundation of this magnificent world was created- Romans 8?  Do you know how He had planned all your days and not of your hairs are not known by Him?  Do you know how special you are to Him?

Do you know His great love for you?

Check out the first couple of chapters of Genesis…… See how He created this universe and you!!

Check out Psalm 139…… See how fearfully and wonderfully you are made in His image….. See how all your days are planned.  He has supplied every breath that you breathe in and out for every day and night you live….. He is so awesome….. He even knows all the thoughts that are going on in us and every word we have and will spoken.


Who shed the first tear? Whose heart was broken first?  Who gave us the knowledge and a heart to have compassion?   Who gave us an understanding of mercy so we then show mercy?

Who, please, tell me- who?

Who told the bunny to burrow and ants to make hills?  Who told the bird to fly and the horse to run?  Who told the animals to shed their coats every spring.? Who told the animals to migrate? Why did it not rain on the earth until the flood?  Who told the doors of heaven to open up to rain?  Why? Do you know?

Do you know?

Who sent the God-Man on this earth to be a living sacrifice for man’s ignorance of God’s design?

Who gave man dominion over the creation He created?  Why?

Do you know the seven things God hates? Proverbs 6….. Just thought you might want to check it out.

Do you know when you  awaken through the night, it could be the Almighty wanting to chat with you?

Please get up and open His Story, the Bible…. Start reading Genesis 1 and Psalm `139….. then turn into a wonderful story written for you – the Book of John.


I will check back tomorrow and we will continue to study and learn the never ending God who is unsearchable as is in His riches towards us found in His Son, Jesus Christ. You may not want His stuff, but He took yours so you and Him could be together forever in heaven. By the way, heaven starts for His believers the day they say yes, I believe in You, Lord Jesus, You are My God and Savior and King…. He loves you.  Please allow Him to show you how much He loves you.

Have a blessed time in Him searching Him out.
